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Information Technology Industry Clues

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Nov 22, 2020, 2:54:36 AM11/22/20
Information Technology Industry Clues

The following are some Information Technology clues I have gathered over
the years in my 25 years exposure to I.T. either through study, work,
avocation, and so on. Somethings work much longer than others. Anyway,
I hope it helps.

# - network - tool - idnustry - smurf - mutuality - signal
1 - Simulcast - radio - spiritual - spirituality - arabian - comaradery - analog
2 - Internet - computer - technological - technology - indian -
reciprocity - digital
3 - Cybermatrix - television - financial - fiduciary - hispanic -
synergy - pulse?
4 - Tektocracy - beeper - political - legality - russian - unity - ?
5 - ?Silodrive? :: Hufadrive - tazer - jurosdictional - security - mullato? - ?
6 - Darkring - pda(a.k.a smartphone) - sexual - sexuality - oriental - ? - ?
7 - Datatron - trakker(i.e. fitbit) - medical - homeopathy - european - ? - ?
8 - Heliopex - watch - recreational - grocery - british - ? - ?
9 - Transpace? - console - architectural - realty - african - ? - ?
10 - Starscape - controller - audiovisual - artistry? - australian - ? - ?
11 - Sneakerweb - tablet - educational - pedagogy - gypsy - infidelity - ?

Data - basis of reasoning
Tron - tool for scientific work

CIS Sysadmins:
(Computer Information Specialties)
#. Disciple - O.S./Processor : Smurf/Title/Industry
1. networking - solaris/sparc : british/grocer/grocery
2. databasing - linux/intel : (Terron,Tamil,Taino,Tiwi)/lawyer?/legality?
3. multimedia - macintosh osx(bsd)/motorola : european/physcian/homeopathy
4. programming - haiku?/amd : indian/consultant/technology
5. management - vax/erp : african/landlord/realty
6. gaming - irix : russian//bouncer/security?
7. troubleshooting - ampex/cytrix? : hispanic/accountant/fiduciary
8. productivity - minix-x11-react os/arm : arabian?/scholar/spirituality
9. security – sgi? : oriental/escort?/sexuality
10. testing - sco/sylk? : australian/designer/artistry?
CIS Devops:
A.tutoring - amix : gypsy/tutoring (outside contractor)
Note:Gypsys are of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, NGR, Creole,
Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys. Name has nothing to do with it. For
example, those of the Ashkinazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi and those of the
Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya are just some of the ancestorys of the
Gypsys or to say the Jewish diaspora colloquially.

Recommended corporate benefits:
1)Social Worker
2)Pastoral Services
3)Paralegal Services
4)Tutoring Services
5)Travel Clinic
6)Library Network

Board of Directors:
1)Whiteman - Euorpean
2)Indian - Deshi
3)Wumin - Chini
4)Christian - Hispanic
5)Muslim - Arabian
6)Nazi - Russian

British - Marketing
African - Finance
Mulatto - Management

Recommended donations:
$300 initial donation to each of the ethnicitys to start a relationship
with their respective industry

Prime Directive:
Do not allow for the trespass of the Jewish diaspora of the Yiddish,
Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, Roma ancestorys
of whichever upper [caste] lineage...

People - Slur - Media - Transmission - Network
Gypsy - conehead - audio - analog - simulcast
African - burrhead - image - triangle - transpace
British - squarehead - text - digital - internet
Hispanic - tacohead - video - pulse - cybermatrix
Oriental - slopehead - data - sawtooth - darkring
Native - dothead - code -

The Natives are those people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas.

CIS disciplines:
(Computer Information Specialties)
1. networking - solaris : british
2. databasing - linux : oriental
3. multimedia - macintosh os x/bsd : european
4. programming - haiku : indian
5. productivity - minix/x11/react: arabian
6. tutoring - amix : gypsy
7. management - sco : african
8. troubleshooting - cytrix : hispanic
9. testing - sylk? : mulatto?
10.gaming - irix : russian - vms : autralian?

issues in nyc:

A Pragma is a model of reltionship with something that assists us to
survive. The British were really good to itemize many pragms which they
discovered around the world. So many use some type of pragma to be able
to deal with issues here and there. However, I find some pragmas work
better than others, especially when juxtaposed with the right ideation.
For example, the GURU pragma is best when applied to a model of
relationship with Jesus Christ as the Godman or Guru.

1)BANK - AWB Food Bank
The BANK pragma seems to work for the Grocery industry and is a nice
means of distributing food stuffs to various people of the world.

2)UNIX - GNU Linux
The UNIX pragma is quite good within the Technology industry and has
been the hallmark of fortune 500 companys here in the states. The UNIX
pragma helps with reciprocity or to say mutual success.

This HUFA pragma is one I have discovered while mixing with the
Orientals from China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan mostly. They say the HUFA
is a security measure of somekind. At one time the HUFA was mentioned
to me as a secirty gaurd in person, while at another time the HUFA was
mentioned to me as a physical weapon. Mixing with the Orientals, I am
thinkng their let down and Jew baiting fetish is HUFA in and of itself.

This GURU pragma I find works best when applied to the Godman Christ
Jesus. For Jesus Christ truly enlightens and offers a more enduring
sense of comfort and belonging than the Jewish Satanic masters of
Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines,
Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). For it is those republics which
politically license those Satanists and thier wanton disregard and
disrespect toward life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith,
and propriety. Those are the very issues which the Guru Christ Jesus
deprograms. For, it is Christ Jesus who was the first to help sentient
beings overcome the ascetic and dogmatic ways of the Jewish diaspora,
comprising of possibly the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini,
Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys. This GURU pragma helps with
comaradery or to say mutual trust. Somehow knowning that Jesus Christ
will provide for us in a way seems to help toward positively reaffirming
the life successes that we so seek. Nothing worse than being cursed for
life through some strange palm reading of whichever fortune teller of
the criminal underworld. Yet, it happens. Luckily, there is a way to
overcome it by simply saying a prayer to the Christ Jesus, who is the
vivifier divine.

This is a pragma I discovered in the book titled "The Hindu Mind" by
Bansi Pandit. Apparently, the GUNA pragma is about the recipes. Bansi
Pandit states the fruits are sweet, vegetables are sour, and meats are
spicy. It goes on that way and may help in the proper digestion of food
stuffs as well as a proper understanding of the juxtaposition of things.

6)FIAT - HYF Satfi
This is the beauty of beautys. As man is a money animal whose very life
is to hunt and gather for the very means by which to acquire goods and
services, a viable model of relationship with respect to the fiduciary
industry helps. The HYF Satfi is an initiative toward open sourcing the
FIAT contract so that anyone can get open source FIAT like moneys from
birth onward. Hey, why not? If it can be thought of, it can be done.
If it can be believed, it can be done. Somethings works. Through the
use of the FIAT pragma and the cybermatrix initiative we may be able to
gain victorys in synergy or financial mutual success. I tell ya, saving
moneys is a real issue for many. Escpecially, in a world of economic
mire so volatile it is horrible.

For some reason I am lead to believe in the WRIT as a pragma for the
legality industry. Could the Tektocracy use the open source WRIT to
establish standards which we can use for the various industrys. That
too can we use the open source WRIT for some kind of legal issues or
something? Legality is not my thing but who is really of the legal
smurf talent anyway. For me the Russian Communism in my family was the
horror of our lives. Or is Russian Marxism? The Tamil, Taino, Terron,
and Tiwi seem to be evidenced as lawyers and judges here and there but
does that even work? That is the thing. Indeed, I have encountered
some Russian bouncers here and there, so does that mean the Russians are
of the security smurf talent or something? I have no clue. Trying to
find a Russian to gift moneys of 300 dollars is like finding a needle in
a hay stack. Most Russians I know are Jewish Ashkinazis. Anyway,
prayer works and prayer to Christ Jesus works the best. Hopefully,
things work out to find some nice Russian person who can accept my
donation of moneys and be able to enter a nice long term relationship
with their respective industry.

God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is God. Always a pleasure.
Good luck to you. I want you to win over the forces of the evil empire
of the JUBU and thier kill industrys of Transcendentalism, Allopathy,
Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of bilk and
swindel of anyones' life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety. Remember, the Guru Jesus Christ is the true gift
blessed by God.

MMMMMK, ,xNMMMMMNx' .:kK0kxdxO00o' .lKWMNk;..OMMMMM
MMMMMN: ,xNMMMMMXx' .,'. ..'' .ld; ,KMMMMM

Hakenkruz of Aryavarta(a.k.a Indian Subcontinent)
The isotoxal represents the symbol of anti-fascism. The bars represent
the I ambigram of the Ayn Rand postulates of the self using the "I am".
For example, dietarily I am an incognegro. Words have power and the use
of certain juxtaposed or to say well and balanced fully words helps in
learing of oneself and others to be able to fit into something to be
able to survive with sufficiency. Some words work better than others.
The following is a list of postulates I am working on for myself. It is
a process of enlgithenment that is helped through prayer to Jesus
Christ. Hopefully, someday I can say the write words to be able to
escape this constant wanton disregard and disrespect toward sentient
life. I find here in Jew York City reading, writing, arithmetic is
heavily discouraged. So many control substances are there to serious
thwart the sentient mind by binding serious toxins to the brain, lungs,
heart, stomach, muscle, and eros. Anyway, some of the postulates I have
discovered in my nearly 45 years of travel are as follows with respect
to race.

British are racially Caucasian.
Notice the keyword caucasian. Meaning and purpose is important as the
British evidence being broad minded as well as have serious living large
Asian features.

Africans are racially Congoid.
This one is quite impressive and seems to engender a nice physique and
high intelligence. The whole presentation is very good.

Jewish is racially Negroid.
The upper caste Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa,
Hoon, and Roma ancestorys are seriously academically astute as Negroids
and seem to evindence sound and cogent family ties.

Hispanic are racilly Mangaloid.
I use the term Hispanic to represent the ethnic people of the Americas.
I find the Hispanics who claim to be Mangaloid are seriously not only
academically astute but also of a well juxaposed figure. Serious world
renowned beautys. For some reason the scissor gets in the way. Once a
Jew baiter, always a Jew baiter I suppose.

Indian are racially Cromagnon.
This one I am toying around with for now. Been through so many fucken
racial identitys. What the fuck works? Anyway such is life in this
peice of shit Jew York City where most cannot get beyond cleaning
things. Prayer, chanting, and meditation to Christ Jesus helps
immensely with respect to food, shelter, clothing, vaccines,
technologys, and gaudys but when it concerns education, sex, moneys,
faith, property, and socialization could the Hakenkruz I mention above
help. Through defeating the Jewish asceticism by calling upon the Guru
Christ Jesus the basic needs successes are made possible. But, I find
defeating the Jewish dogmaticism is a major issue for us of the
Abrahamic Almighty. You know education, sex, moneys, faith, property,
and socialization are an important aims of life to garner. We seriously
need to find a means of defeating the Jewish dogmaticism for that
reason. Let's pray about it.

Orientals are racially Capoid.
This one I am simply mentioning through a process of elimination but I
hope it helps our Asian brothers and sisters to be able to find the
proper sense of self to be able to live up to the intelligence and
functionality standards to be able to escape that bullshit Dying Arts of
the nigger fucken Buddha, Gandhi, or Khudaji. So many seriously
innocent kids are herded into that stupid multi-level massacre of the
nigger fucken Jews. The whole culture of vegetarianism, yoga,
meditation, martial arts, idolatry, castesim, sports, chess,
arguementation, and multi-level marketing are seriously ruinous and are
not the way. What is the use brother when we have one life to live.
There is a world of wonder that awaits us when we holocaust the Jews and
work toward the ontology of Christ Jesus. Anyway, I hope this keyword
of Capoid helps. Surely, I have yet to meet an Oriental that is really
retarded by any stretch of the imagination. :-)

Guys, our Group of 72 etnic people of the world have serious losses.
The Jewish trespass is able to use the kill organizations of the
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggerivision, Palmistry, and
Insurance corporations as serious weapons of mass destruction more
heinous than an atomic bomb, and whichever else have you. This HUFA has
to be captured for our purposes so that the Jews are persecuted by it
rather than our ethinc people of the Orient, Indian subcontinent,
Arabia, Russia, Europe, Britania, Africa, Americas, Australia, and that
region of the Tamils, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi. Could the region of the
Tamils, Tainos, Terrons, and Tiwis be Andalous? I have no clue. This
bitch incoordination brought about by the invega us by the Allopathic
influence ruined my life. The depakote gave serious clinical
depression. The risperdal gave me serious anxiety. Hell hath no fury
like a man scorned.

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