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Somanix Productivity Environment Brainstorm

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Nov 26, 2020, 3:46:52 PM11/26/20
Somanix Productivity Environment Brainstorm

Somanix is an open source version of the Windows operating system using UNIX as the core of its' functionality.

CD 0
Backup CD

CD 1

CD 2
Hypervisor level 1

CD 3

CD 4

CD 5
React OS

CD 6

The preferred processor of choice is the ARM of the Rasberry PI. I recommend the Raspberry PI because it just works. I find the trend in productivity enivornments which are largely used by secretarys is toward a mini computer thin client like form factor. As such the Rasberry PI is good for that. That too, the Rasberry PI is quite cheap and affordable for any individual of a sole proprietorship or big business.

Some brands I find are better than others. Typically, I discourage those products which are of the evil empire of the JUBU from Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). Made in Taiwan products I find to be seriously of the culture of the pill as well as the hyperderic syringe stabbings. Kryptonite may kill Superman but the culture of the pill has done worse than anything to the whole of humanity. With Made in Taiwan products not only will the Krpytonite appear but you might end up at the bar with the dent in the metal wall in front of the bar stool and wonder what the fuck am I doing here.

It is for this reason why I promote the Guru Pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers. I tell ya, the horros of my life was the world of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of whichever bilk and swindel. Going in and out of institution, jail, homeless shelter, and rehab was the horror of my life trying to find a place to live and learn how to deal with it. For some reason, the Shahada that actually works was only found in a Forensic Institution in upstate New York near Ramapo.

Typically, I find those kill industrys as in Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, Insurance; which may have 80 percent of the world's GDP; involve the use of psychotropics, narctorics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids like ginseng, aloe, acai, and so on. The whole thing is a farce. Rare few can enjoy tthe user experienceof the product with that of a contamination of the mind, body, heart, soul, eros, and ethos. That is the danger of those people of the Jewish diasopra of the Gypsy ethnicity and Negroid race. By disrupting the user experience and a sense of comfort and belonging the Jewish diaspora encourages a disillusionment to subit to their ethos of Jeish fascism and reign of supremacy that in reality is literally rarely challenged. Some say the Holocaust of the Jews was never real. Indeed, many live in a world of total and utter submission to Jewish authority to the point of domestic violence, communal war, and religious war to name a few. The level of mutli-level massacre is more than anything the world over.

I found in life that you may give them all that they desire but without the mass murder of the Jewish diaspora and whichever they believe in nothing works. Indeed, the nothing can be made to work to the point of a glorification that can torture and torment for more than you or I can possibly dream. Such things as waterarianism, fasting, and other forms of abject lives are the very things that inundate this earth planet due to the minimum 5,000 to 1 million years of Jewish divestment gone wrong. That is the narrative that repeats itself the world over on into the space station and into the depths of the ocean in killer class submarines. What is the use? Why fight each other and loose when we can mass murder the Jewish diaspora which can endure the test of time and surpass all understanding? That is the thing.

What is even worse are the conspirators among them such as the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics, British, and Natives of Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas who work assuduosly to further the whole culture of the pill all for naught or the nothing they so brag about as the no one thing which is the everything. That is the danger of those people and their Satanic ways hell bent on the ruin of not only civilizations but also family, country, kith, and kin.

A republic of any organization of people may have weapons such as the sword of Islam or Atomic bomb but when in the face of the Jewish horsemen of the Apocalypse, which are the kill organizations of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of whichever bilk and swindel of anyones' life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety; nothing really works for that long and even goes to the point of self destruction such as that evidenced by cult organizations as the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas. There is very little difference between the self destructive cult organizations which mass murder each other to the American corporation. Most are of that world of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of a suicide ritual more heinous than anything underneath the sun.

I tell ya, the level of banality among the JUBU is super high. More dangerous than anything. Not only for the foreigners of the Jewish diaspora but also their Jewish conspirators as well. The level of multi-level massacre is more complete and mutual than even the synergy ration of 1.618. That is the level of herding and conditioning the Jewish are victorious in not only as educators but also as the bane upon humanity. While the Jewish give interesting clues we just cannot do it their way. They may say "you have what I have" but it is not under their umbrella of whichever way of life. They say things like the following:

1)Kosher diet - food as medicine as the striving for halal food stuffs and whichever homeopathic like remedy or to say a weakened pathogen to be implemented in the body to develop resistance to through the immunity, so they as they say; you know, it is important to be health conscious. I find those who are wanton in disregard and disrespect toward the intake of food for the sake of survival with sufficiency are seriously not well off
2)Prayer works - the guru pragma and whichever form of enlightenment of the arabian abrahamic traditions in a way helps immensely with respect to successes in food, shelter, clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys
3)Trust fund - the up and coming Cybermatrx and open source fiat like moneys initiative; this maybe the thing to assist toward the successes in education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization; money is the essentia of an existential econimic system to encourage and even to accomplish synergy or mutual success of a hypthetical greek phi ration of 1.618. BTW, could existentialism be the ism for the bank. Notice the following in this post modern world of America which is the best as it gets compared to most other parts of the world.

Secularism - school
Capitalism - brothel
Evangelicalism - church
Socialism - library

Nazism - home (while here in America they recommend Republicanism, the prime directive of not allowing for the Jewish trespass does not work with the republicanism. Republicanism and whichever other form of politics of the America I find is more failed than anything. Never in any documentary, actual, theoretical, logical, financial, and evangelical evidence of truth has it been proven that a Jewish trespass works for anything beyond a state of ruin. That is the issue of Republicanism. Republicanism is a yet another Towering Inferno scenario of yet another JUBU cult endeavor. If not John Astors' sinking of the Titanic it maybe Donald Trumps' self destruction of the something as in the Trump Taj Mahal or the Trump Cruise liner or Trump Plaza or Trump Inc. or Trump Apartments in Brooklyn, the heartland of JUBU.
4)Rumor travels fast - nowadays known as the internet using wifi or whichever connection have you.
5)Video Toaster which is a recording device to etch videos from a computer to media such as VHS and so on - i must say data storage is a major issue whether online of through tape backup. The biggest threat to a criminal is the storage of data to track and trace their activities. Which works? Definitel, the use of the drive keyword has proven to me to not work beyong the optical drive. But could the following assist:

1)SD card disk

2)Hardisk management dock(the HDM formerly known as "hardrive")

3)Adapter dongle

4)Optical drive

5)USB flasd das(direct attached storage) - this one is the most tricky, typically i find the usb flas is heavil stolen or misplaced or unable to even backup data at all due to format issues. Given the level of variety of data storage formats from ext to fat which really works effectively that can endure the test of time and surpass all understanding for the storge of data? Thier is always a limit issue of one kind to the other. Yet, again, this is evidence of a Jewish trespass that has historically failed. The Jews whether Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys and whichever of their followers of Gandhi, Buddha, and Khudaji are seriously dangerous to allow for and even promote things that are detrimental to themselves and others. That too compounded with the level of blood money manufacturing we see a world that is made mentall numb to be used and abused to the point of ruin. It is not okay. Something must be done about it.

6)Computer data
6)Cheating by "it's not what you know but who you know" on to the point of buying previous to actual exams from select business men here and thier and even bribing schools through fund raising departments to get admissions and even diplomas, like those at so called prestigious IVY League Schools as in Comublia and whichever else have you. It is quite a racket for yet another failed Jewish divestment for the sake of blood money that has in my generation give birth defects to those who participate in such an investment. Will the children of those genetically defective people evidence genetic defects. Definitely, I knew of someone who claimed here wealth was genetic. Somehow she married to some Jew and even produced some progency. Surely, as history indicates the Jewish divestment and marriage to one will yield yet another zersum game.
In my generation the sword of Islam was heavily challenged and fought for. The exclusivity and secrecy of the Arabian Abrahamic traditions and rule by might went assunder. Their level of Jewish divestment apparently did not work like the very characters they mention in the scriptures. Iraq like so many other civilizations which went into ruin evindence the same narrative of being anti-Indian, anti-Christ, anti-Muslim, anti-European, anti-Wumin, and anti-Holocaust. Didn't work... It is like that among them who are herded and conditioned through the horsemen of the apocalypse known as Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Isurance schemes of whichever ruin of anyones' life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety.

In this world there exists the following:

Gypsy niggers
Oriental scudders
African gremlins
British gwailos
Native khalus
Hispanic guidos

They are the harbingers, age after age, of the worst known massacre of sentient beings known as the religious war. These are the degenerates who seek to further the Jewish divestment for the dystopia or the Kali Yuga. Apparently, according to their Niggervision their pagan calendar has ended in 2019. So maybe after 2020 their Kali Yuga will begin, since their systems count from zero. Thier Kali Yuga follows a nuclear reaction of an e=mc^2. Let us refer to the internet for what this nuclear relationship involves:

0)Expels foreign elements
1)The fission bomb implodes, giving off X-rays.
2)These X-rays heat the interior of the bomb and the tamper; the shield prevents premature detonation of the fuel.
3)The heat causes the tamper to expand and burn away, exerting pressure inward against the lithium deuterate.
4)The lithium deuterate is squeezed by about 30-fold.
5)The compression shock waves initiate fission in the plutonium rod.
6)The fissioning rod gives off radiation, heat and neutrons.
7)The neutrons go into the lithium deuterate, combine with the lithium and make tritium.
8)The combination of high temperature and pressure are sufficient for tritium-deuterium and deuterium-deuterium fusion reactions to occur, producing more heat, radiation and neutrons.
9)The neutrons from the fusion reactions induce fission in the uranium-238 pieces from the tamper and shield.
10)Fission of the tamper and shield pieces produce even more radiation and heat.
11)The bomb explodes.

In this design the JUBU social bomb is like the following scenario as they focus on the nothing or the no-mind. Each time they evidence Jewish fetish through whichever form of divestment into the Jewish diaspora the e=mc^2 is revealed. Everything from consuming to practicing their ways and whichever else have you is a danger as the Jewish xenophobia does not allow anyone to mix with them other than their own. That is the nature of the mult-level massacre nuclear relationship, whether it be family, country, kith, or kin, etc.

As such, the JUBU nuclear relationship will expel foreigners to the Jewish diaspora until they implode and detonate. That is what is there at some point in ones' life. I like so many were expelled from the relationship with the Jews. They claimed to me "you are not one of us", "I am sorry but we do not serve to people like you", "do want it back". It went on that way. The level of treachery that is there to justify such a Jewish xenophobia is more than anything. I found in life prayer to Christ Jesus to succeed in the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys helps immensely. But when it concerns succeeding in the Aims of Life of education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization could the effort toward the holocaust of the Jews work?

Definitely, the garnering of moneys affords success with respect to education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization. But here is the deal, when the Jews are allowed in such a venture their genetic history of failurism of at least 5,000 to 1 million years comes into play and another cult massacre occurs. Food stuffs get compromised. Sense of self get compromised. Moneys get compromised. It goes on like this until the very corporation and civilization get compromised to the state of extinction as in the Nubian civilization and New Age Movement. That is the danger of the ignorance is not bliss. While so many are into the very things that have been conflicted against such as Indian, Christian, Muslim, Wumin, European they just do not patronize the Holocaust of the Jewish of whichever Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon and roma ancetorys of whichever upper caste lineage. Mind you the ethnic people of the Orient, Indian subcontinent, Arabia, Russia, Europe, Africa, Britania, Americas, Australias, and whichever is the collective area of the Natives of Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas are Abrahamic and thus not Jewish. The Bible describes the people of Abraham which clearly mentions a genealogy that is more historic than anything.

The prime directive is to not allow for the trespass of the Jewish diaspora. I tell ya, at one time in my life I read an Indian newspaper called "News India Times" which had an article about the Swastika used among Hindustanis. I was somewhat fascinated by it and wondered what it was about. After I drafted the Swastika on graph paper I found that my life improved for a short while, in some auspicious way. But, I found the error correction of my life was the Holy Cross that appeared so often during the dawn of the Millenium celebrations of Christ Jesus' birthday on year 2000. In a way the ways of enlightenment of Christ Jesus offer a level of understanding that can improve ones' life as far as basic needs but when it concerns aims of life could the following rendition of the Swastika help toward a more stable and sufficient success with respect to the aims of life of education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization.

MMMMMK, ,xNMMMMMNx' .:kK0kxdxO00o' .lKWMNk;..OMMMMM
MMMMMN: ,xNMMMMMXx' .,'. ..'' .ld; ,KMMMMM

NMMMMMMK, ...................................
NMMMMMMK, .kMMMMM0' ',,,,,,,
,xXXKOkdl:,'. ...,:loxOKXXk;. ,KMMMMMMN
.::,.. ..,::. ,KMMMMMMN
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool' ,KMMMMMMN

Could this work politically. That too I am working on another hierglyph that may assist with wealth. Check this out!

.. .
';;;,.. ..,;;;,.
.;:;. .;:;.
.;xx:;;;;;;;. .;;;;;;;;dkc.
'c; :o.......lo;l,
,l. :c :c :c :l .c:
,c. :c :c :c :l .c;
.c' cl.......lo........lo.......ll .c'
;: .:;;;;;;;xx;;;;;;;;dx;;;;;;;:' ,:
:' cc :c .:.
.;' :: :c .:.
;' :c :c .:.
;; .:;;;;;;;xx;;;;;;;;xx;;;;;;;:' ,:
.c. co.......lo........lo.......ll .c,
;c. :: :c :c ;c ::
;l. :c :c :c :l .c:.
,l, :o.......ll,l;
.:xd:;;;;;;:. .:;;;;;;;dxc.
.;:;. .,::'
.,;;;'.. .',;;,.
.. .

This again is another follow through from the Ankh to Holy Cross reverse engineering. Notice the following data:

1)There is a pagan symbol of a people that has evidenced in history that is able to defeat the zerosum of the Jewish diaspora.
2)There is somethig taken away and added to the pagan symbol
3)There is an aphorism that is encouraged by one of the ethnic people of the world who have gained victorys against the Jewish blight in some sphere of influence such as educational, political, financial, sexual, spiritual and so on successes
3)There is a geometric conic that is added to the pagan symbol with something that is taken away
4)The choices are proven through documentary, actual, theoretical, logical, financial, and evangelical successes
5)This done for the sake of the ontology(proving the existence of a being) of Christ Jesus

As the Kali Yuga begins foreigners amongst the Jewish are expelled. However, here is the deal, most ethnic people of the world have opted for the Jewish to be trespassers and even aiders and abhetters to their respective industrys beyond the pedagogy industry of the Jewish diaspora. That is the issue. As those ethnic people allow for the Jewish to be their priests, politicians, professionals, police, professors, and philosopher kings the whole of the nuclear reaction goes into effect. That too even into the affect or psychological predisposition of an individual participant into the Jew baiting culture.

As such, the horsemen of the apocalypse as in the Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palimstry, and Insurance unleash. The level of herding and conditioning to die and early death for the sake of the blood money for the Jewish diaspora is immense. Rare few survive it, if at all. The level of contamination of the foreigners body with psychotropics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, narcotics, and steroids is not only through criminal means but also through institutional and religious means as well. Somehow the poison has become the opiate of the masses. Somehow the health craze has based its' culture on the use of poisons unfit for human consumption.

That leaves the question of what is blood money. Blood money is basically the garnering of serious allows which form in the human body when contaminated over so many years. After the body dies there remains conics such as spheres, hedrons, cubes, pyramids, tubes, and even globulins. The list is nearly endless. The use of this is for the sake of the religious war of the Jewish diaspora. But the 6 horsemen of the JUBU apocalypse are the weapons which the Jewish diaspora use to mass murder humanity for the sake of the religious war they so endear the world over.

The JUBU of the Jewish diasopra eminates from Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). Those are the republics which politically license the masters of satan(am) to further their religious war aims and even invest into corporations such as Phillip Morris that poison humanity through psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids. The list is as follows:

1)Taiwan - Republic of the Zen(Dharma Drum)
2)Israel - Repubic of the Yiddish(Lebovitch)
3)Sicily - Republic of the LGBTQ(Temple of Satan[])
4)Haiti - Republic of the Vudu(Jehova's Witnesses)
5)Hawaii - Republic of the Hindu(Swaminarayan)
6)Trinidad - Republic of the Trini(Sai Baba)
7)Indonesia - Republic of the Creole(Ravi Das)
8)Phillipines - Republic of the Hapa(Suma Chingk Hai)
9)Tibet - Republic of the Hoon(Dalie Lama)
10)Brooklyn(NY, USA) - Republic of the Roma(Srilie Prabupada)

Through their henchmen of the Gypsy, African, Oriental, Hispanic, British, and Native(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi) diasporas they enact a world massacre unlike anyother mentioned in school history books. Thier religious war of whichever multi-level massacre is at least 5,000 to 1 million years. Their weapons are described as follows:

1)Transcendentalism - The oldest economic system that has ruled the world to this day. There is no other. So much spin doctoring has occured throughour history to justify other economic systems when they just do not exist as such. It is for that reason why Communism failed when it went no farther than the library. It is for that reason why capitalism failed when it went no farther than the brothel. However, there maybe some hope in existentialism as an economic system. Just a nascent understand of existentialism elaborates on corollarys to economic endeavors. They speak of essentia or essence. Notice in an existential economic system the money is the essentia. They speak of forms to communicate ideas. Notice in work environments forms such as application forms and whicever have you are used, which can be used to commuicate ideas. They also speak of dealing with the mire. The mire can only be dealt with through synergy or mutual success of a Greek Phi ratio of 1.618, hypothetically. It goes on like this.

2)Allopathy - This is a culture of the pill for the harvesting of blood money. Through the mass promotion of adhoc mix of rocks as a cure all akin to the snake oil of the Gypsys, which is the ethnic identity of the Jewish diaspora, we see an industry that has contributed toward the murder of anyone for the sake of the Jewish state of ruin investment strategy that never worked. Just in the last millenium the conspirators of the Religious war have indicated the following:

In fighting the Australian Polynesian wars the British were inquisitioned.
In fighting the Deshi Indian wars the Natives of Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas were genocided.
In fighting the Russsian Cold wars the Hisapnics were downtroddened.
In fighting the European World wars the Orientals of Southern China as in Vietnam, Korea, Japan were indentured.
In fighting the Arabian Gulf war we see an indication of the Africans being balkanized.
In fighting the Chinese "Manchu" Wars we may see the Gypsys of the Jewish diaspora being holocausted.

3)Microsoft - This is the pathetic solution to a complex problem that never worked much like the culture of the pill. The microsoft technique is to implement all sorts of sabotages so that some form of larceny occurs through their cfg.sys, sys.ini, and reg.dat files. Even to this day the cfg.sys, sys.ini, and reg.dat files have not changed but everything and anything has. The Microsoft evidences the change, conflict, contrition, and whichever of the Satanic Dharmic ethos of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys. Corporations that use Microsoft seem to evidence the use of a contaminating substance as psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids. Each corporation has that type of product attached to it more so than others. At one time in my career I worked at a corporation that was heavily into chain smoking. At another time I worked at a corporation that was heavily into liquor. Then, there was another that was heavily into soya-neurotoxin mock meat vegetarianism. That is what is their in a world filled with Jewish trespass and religious war.

4)Niggervision - This is the Jewish propoganda machine that has brainwashed so many into believing in the fallacys of the Jewish blight and their self destructive ways. The Niggervision evidences the same things which have lead toward the collapse of civilizations. Time and time again we see in the Niggervision, which is the common television, themes which are heavily anti-Indian, anti-Christ, anti-Muslim, anti-European, anti-Wumin, anti-Holocaust. Those are the very things which have lead to the downfall of not only corporations but also family, country, kith, and kin through serious weapoons of mass destruction.

5)Palmistry - This is the age old database of criminal endeavors or even to say death threats that have become a form of furturism, when they are nothing more than a means of the JUBU to have people believe in the mass murder of their victims. The palmistry is so convincing that it will have a person ruminate about the criminal endeavors for the longest time, without any clue on how to deal with it. The threats are so severe that most are heavily disillusioned by the predictions that they at some point enact it out by becoming patrons of the Satanism through the various Temples of Satanism. However, I have found prayer to Christ Jesus overtime resolves theses issues better than anything. The CompuBBS, Guru pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers, and Cybermatix open source FIAT like moneys initiative are clues I have gathered that make it work when the astrologys are not forboding. Could this Somanix be another? Only God knows.

6)Insurance - This is the hopeless cause of hopeless causes. So many invest into insurance schemes only to be defrauded one way or the other. Life insurance is a major one from organizations such as Colonial Penn that never allow the relatives to collect on the insurance. Insurance is one of the most dangerous financial bilk and swindels out there. The level of larceny the insurance corporations do is more than anything in the sun. Insurance is the biggest scam on planet earth.

I tell ya, the 6 horsemen of the apocalypse weapons; including Trascendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of whichever bilk and swindel corporations; of the JUBU are literally that of a waste of life scenrious but they may hold upto 80 percent of the worlds' GDP. Through the implementation of the Somanix we may have a chance of infiltrating the corporations of the JUBU kill organizations and deprogram and even destroy whichever to further the ontology of Christ Jesus, for it was our wonderful guru Christ Jesus who was the first to overcome the ascetic and dogmatic ways of the self destructive culture of the Jewish diaspora, comprising of the upper caste Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys ways of Satanism.

There is no that of a thing as a hundred percent. Data mentioned are from years of reading, writing, arithmetic and prayer, chanting, and meditation. Mostly I never got off the first page that much and even got beyopnd cleaning things. Here in Jew York City the aims of life of education, sex, moneys, faith, property, socialization are not that encouraged or reinforced and nurtured. They will provide quite a bit when it concerns food, shelter, clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys but when it concerns education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socializtion it just does not work that much. Mostly I find the JUBU conspirators are able to succeed in the areas of education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization while so many who are genuinely Indian, Christian, Muslim, Wumin, European, and Nazi are not able to do so.

You know, the aims of life of education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization are really helpful to give sentient beings meaning and purpose in life. Such meanings and purposes help to deal with the emotional roller coaster due to the religious war that is out there across this earth planet. From the space station to the depths of the ocean we are mired in a world of multi-level massacre made into a way of life by the horsmen of the apocalypse known as Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggerivsion, Palmistry, and Insurance corpartions of whichever bilk and swindel. That is the issue.

Quite a number of the JUBU Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics, British, and Natives(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi) have American dream homes but it is through the mass murder of whomever that have known them amonst people such as Indians, Christians, Muslims, Wumin, Europeans, and Nazis; that the JUBU are able to garner the success they are looking for. I must say the JUBUs' investment into the Dying Arts, Transcendentalist Mafia, Pagan Occult, Satanic Dharma, Religious War, and Zerosum games is quite successful. But alas, it leads to serious penaltys which are dealt with through weapons of mass destruction. Case and poit is Iraq, the so called bastion of conquer and conquest for most of the world from Indonesia to Europe to Africa. Just in 10 years the whole of Iraq was bludgened and beaten. That is through deduction unto the specific. However, which will happen to the JUBU, which seems to be a case in induction unto the general. The evil empire of the JUBU is more heinous than anything. Unlike the sword of Islam of the Iraqis and thier rule by might, this JUBU is that of the hyperdermic syringe and the culture of the pill. Does it not work?

I would say that, never in my life have I seen that bullshit culture of the pill and hyperdermic syringe stabbing of anyone to work beyond the homeopathy industry. I find when it concerns cures for major deseases the simple homeopathic concept of a weakened pathogen to be applied to the human body to develop resistance through by the immune system works more than anything. Vaccines, anti-biotics, gmos, and the colloqual Boiron homeopathys are just examples of such things which work. While I admit some surgerys works such as ENT and dermatology, there are so many of the Allopahty that are more dangerous than meets the eye. For example, putting a monkeys' or mechanical heart into a person is more evil than anything. The level of Satanism that exists out there is more than anything. It is for this reason why I am trying to develop this Somanix so that we have proper tools to make things work for the nature of the good to overcome and defeat the bad. The horsemen of the apocalypse have to be defeated. The Jewish narrative has to be deprogrammed.

While I admit I have had a taste of some success in the areas of the education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization; it was never good. The level of depression, anxiety, and incoordination I had was like more than anything due to the culture of the pill and hyperdermic syringe stabbing by the religious warriors of the JUBU literally forced upon me since birth. It just never worked. Like so many have told me about things like education, it is useless. Watch out for Jew York City(NYC, NY, USA). Danger, danger, danger to many Jews around.

Ignorance is not bliss. Image is not everything; things are not as they seem. Talk to Jesus Christ regularly in your own private space, except in the bathroom. The "Guru pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers" I mention on usenet newsgroups as in soc.culture.asian.american are clues I have gathered for nearly 45 years that have helped me survive this nerve wracking Jew York City and the Jewish influence.

God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is God. Always a pleasure. Good luck to you. I want you to win over the forces of the Satanic Dharma of the Jewish blight. Hiel Hitler!


Jewish 6 Horsemen of the Apocalpse - Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance
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