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Jew York City is the worst place for Reading, Writing, and Aritmetic(Totally F++)

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Nov 21, 2020, 12:52:10 AM11/21/20
Jew York City is the worst place for Reading, Writing, and Aritmetic(Totally F++)

Guys, whatever you do just do not arrive to New York City. It is the
worst. Here the level of institutionalization is more than anything.
The culture of the pill and hyperderic syringe stabbing is the norm. It
is beyond anything. New York City is a literal Jewish death camp. It
is through the institutional system involving Transcendentalism,
Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of
whichever bilk and swindel that Jews make money to justify their
religious war against humanity. As such most are not able to do
reading, writing, and arithmetic even in the lap of luxury as Amrica,
which by any stretch of the imagination is the best place on planet
earth. They call it a form of blood money making.

In blood money making, the human is a veritable manufacturing plant in
itself that when filled with serious control chemicals as psychotropics,
narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids; there
remains serious geometric shapes such as pyramids, spheres, cubes,
hedrons, tubes, globulins and so on when they are killed by any means
necessary. Such alloys are used to further intimidate the populace to
submit to the torment and torture of the caste like pyramid scheme
multi-level massacre indicative of the Transcendentalist economic system
of the Jewish diaspora.

Transcendentalism as an economic system is a world phenomenon that has
mass murdered so many of humanity for the sake of the Jewish fascism
enacted through their Satanic Dharma, Dying Arts, Transcendentalist
Mafia, Pagan Occult, Zero Sum Games, and Religious War. I tell ya, here
in New York City the level of prayer, chanting, and meditaiton is
heavily encouraged; while reading, writing, and arithmetic is denounced
here and elsewhere around the world. It seems funny sometimes but most
cannot get beyond cleaning the floor or residence no matter where they
are. Rare few can seriously read, write, and do arithmetic. Most are
so of the culture of the pill and control substances as psychotropics,
narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids that not much
gets done.

Here in Jew York City the business practice is only to justify the blood
money and as such is a seriously Satanic realm. That is the issue. So
watch the fuck out. The whole of life experience in this jewish death
camp of Jew York City will prove that education is useless. While I
admit that prayer, chanting, and meditation is able to allow for us to
have successes in the areas of food, shelter, clothing, vaccines,
technologys, and gaudys; what the fuck works for successes in education,
sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization? That is the thing.

Nobody really wants to practice the ways of vegetarianism, yoga,
meditation, martial arts, idolatry, casteism, sports, chess,
arguementation, and multi-level marketing to find the successes in
education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization. That would
be seriously a bad investment strategy that has proven documentarilly,
actually, theoretically, logically, financially, and evangelically to
just not work. I must say that the issue is that there are many among
the Gypsys, Africans, Oreintals, Hispanics, British, and those people of
the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas who are able to seriously
work for the Satanic Dharma and succeed in the aims of life of
education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization. The show
"Leave it to Beaver" starring Jerry Mathers documents their life pretty
well, for the most part. But then again, we just cannot do it their way
for it does not forbode well and is not of the ontology of Christ Jesus.

One thing I have found to work with those of the Satanic 666 as in the
Gypsys, Africans, Hispanics, Orientals, British, and those people of the
Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas is to have a viable deterence
before dealing with them. It is for that reason why I encourage the
"Guru Pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers". You have to believe in a higher
power as in the sword of Islam, the body of Christ, the shield of David,
and the Greek fire. Such mystical weapons will aid you in your endeavor
to find the basic needs as food, shelter, clothing, vaccines,
technologys, and gaudys you are looking for. Somethings work.

I tell ya, simply through prayer, chanting, and meditation over many
years I was able to acquire the clues to make it work. It was not easy
in a world of religious war but it is worth it. I went through hell and
high water, but the issue is other people have it worse. Traveling to
my homeland of the Indian subcontinent I noticed a world of serious
abjectness that lead me into a state of disillusionment. Years I
wondered what to do and whom to trust to help myself and my people. All
I knew were some bullshit meaningless mantras and adhoc prayers to the
Abrahamic Almightys. Luckily, the prayers won out. Over so many years
I was able to find the love and enlightenment I was looking for after
being estranged from my family due to the religious war of the Jewish
blight and their Transcendentalist economic system. The more things
change the more they stay the same.

For me, the destruction of the World Trade Center was the luck of my
life. The more those Jews of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ,
Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys died the better my life
became. For some reason I was able to retire by the age of 30. That
too with just a high school diploma. When the Louisiana got drowned I
was able to eat the meats again and escape the vice grip of the soya
neurotoxin culture. After the IRAQ got devastated I was able to enter a
proper meditaiton of the heart. I just cannot say enough about it. The
same for their Gypsy, African, Oriental, British, Hispanic, and those
people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas. Not a single
one of them is good without mass murdering them, otherwise nothing
works. Without seriously trying to work toward the holocaust of the
Jews and thier JUBU lackeys the world over, the errors of history just
get repeated. That is the problem we face as sentient beings striving
for life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety.

With this war against China we can set it up so that the industrys of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
Insurance get seriously destroyed. They are thinking they are fighting
the Chinese but when our Y2K destroys those places of Transcendentalism,
Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance
corporations of the evil empire of the JUBU along with their bases of
Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines,
Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA); we can truly effectively liberate our
people from that bullshit world of a waste of a life scenarios popping
adhoc mix of rocks conartistly promoted as medicine, when in reality
they are the very things which are causing the maladys.

The Chinese speak of a HUFA. Is the HUFA pragma for a weapons system of
somekind? Everytime the HUFA keyword is mentioned to me it is some kind
of security measure either as a security gaurd or weapon of somekind.
Was this Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance used as a HUFA to kill off the evil ones who
are of the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics, British, and those
people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas or us who are
Indian, Christian, Muslim, Wumin, European, and Nazis or anyone else out
there to justify the mass murder by the select familys of the Jewish
blight and their religious war the world over.

I am trying for an open source productivity environment using the
Minix3, X11, and React OS concatenation. As that is happening we can
capture their money. Already our computer systems are in place. Most
of the systems I have seen as a patient in their world of
institutionalization were Microsoft using HP computers. The cfg.sys,
sys.ini, and reg.dat can be altered so that the embezzlement can occur
effectively. I am trying to make this legit through the use of the
Cybermatrix. Any which way we have to make it so that it is not
profitable to do business that way where they mass murder people in the
name of Satanism under the cloak of the presence of Pastoral services of
all things.

I must say, when it concerns dealing with maladys I have found only the
homeopathic means of a weakend pathogen to be implemented in the body to
help as in vaccines, homeopathys, anti-biotics, and gmo(s). Even some
over the counter creams sold in convenience stores help as well as Icy
Hot for back pain relief, Vaseline for stretch marks, Lotions for dry
skin pimple marks and so on. As well, the detoxes of activated charcoal
as in Charcocaps, Magnesium Citrate Oral solution, and Pectasol
Chelation complex help with dealing with contaminations from food stuffs
as in the eating of fish. Like oh my God, when I first started eating
unprocessed fish I started to hallucinate like anything. Fish is an
interesting food that teaches interesting lessons. With prayer to Jesus
Christ fish eating is possible only when activated charcoal, such as
Charcocaps, is taken regularly. If you are a regular fish eater, it
helps in more ways than one. So check it out online and at your local
convenience store.

I must also say some surgerys work as in that of ear, nose, throat(ENT)
for bone spurs and deviated septum which cause serious headaches for
many the world over. I was told by some student, who is a Gypsy of
Hindu ancestory, of allopathic medicine that the ear, nose, throat is
all there is when it concerns the allopathy. It seems most other stuff
is seriously erroneous. Also, dermatological treatments for certain
tumors is helpful as well. It seems when we have to pay out of pocket
beyond insurance the treatment is good. The whole thing is messed up.

Chinaman told me that the Deshi is able to make legit what the criminals
do illegally. Already the wonderful world of the body shopping has
become a form of consulting. At present, I too am working as a
consultant as a sole proprietor but the wonderful world of embezzlement
of the Africans has also to become legit. For, money is the essence of
our life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety.
I find the aboveboardness of the African is more than others. Indeed,
those shitheads have a clue about something.

Most other people are too into the caveatous bullshit. The Africans are
seriously good at the food consumption and communication with loved
ones. They are able to even in serious containments as jails and
prisons to get the meats and still communicate with their loved ones
amidst serious limits. The Africans are also quite spiritual within the
Abrahamic traditions as opposed to others who are seriouly religious of
the diety. Which is good, but here is the deal, I find the African is
better when Greek someting or the other is mentioned. While we are able
to somehow succeed amidst the odds, I find our social network of
Africans, Hispanics, Australians, and Deshis are seriously politically

Because of those Jewish people of the upper caste Yiddish, Zen, Vudu,
Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys our Indian
social network of Hispanics, Africans, Deshis, and Australians are
seriously persecuted by those Gypsys, Africans, Hispanics, British,
Orientals, and those people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi
diasporas. Most are seriously downtroddened, deported, destituted,
dehumanized and so on. That is the issue. We as ethnic people have
lost seriously to the trespassers of the Jewish blight, which were
historically known as the demon race of Rakshasyas.

As the Arabians have joined us of the people who have been fought
against by the world of the JUBU and thier industrys of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
Insurance we are able to have a proper meditation of the heart. During
my brief triste with death employed in the information techonology world
I find our industry is vexed with the following issues: academic,
political, financial, and spiritual.

Academically, due to the influence of the control chemicals as
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and
steroids as in the cool drinks as in ginseng, aloe, acai and so on we
are unable to effectivley read, write, and do arithmetic to be able to
code effectively. That is how heavy those control chemicals are
promoted. Nearly everywhere you go they are their. The work demands
are so much that one is compelled at sometime or the other to eat
outside food. It is like that in a world of kill or be killed and
survival of the fittest. Again, the need for the "GURU pragma viz
Christ Jesus prayers" is evindenced as Jesus Chrsit is the only one to
offer a sin nature to escape the possession by the evil ones who force
sentient beings to be overly saintly and banal to the point of being a
single minded automaton of the Jewish masters of Satanism from Taiwan,
Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet,
and Brooklyn(NY, USA). In a way, the level of degeneration of the brain
done by those people of the JUBU is more than anything. It is for this
reason why we need to setup the HUFA so that they get seriously

It seems, they can collect them and process them to be of control
substances systematically and then burn them to collect serious alloys
of whichever geometry. They can Evangelize to them until the children
of the populace reach High School so that key data is collected to
determine who is of the Gypsy, African, Oriental, Hispanic, British, and
those people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas. Once that
is done the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispancis, British, and those
people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi are collected to be mass
murdered through serious harvesting of alloys and geometric shapes which
can be used for some form of deterence against a new batch of evil ones.

To simply reset the HUFA and kill off the Jewish diaspora is the best
thing, as there is no that of a thing as a hundred percent. This is an
extension of the Holocasut envisioned by the wonderful Alois S. Nazi
made Deshi. This is the only way our people can recover from the over
5,000 to 1 million years of religious war the world has seen. The
Golden Age of utopia will demand nothing less. Once again, I must
reiterate that the more those Jews die the better my life becomes. They
are that of a force of evil the world over who time and time again
evidence being anti-Christ, anti-Muslim, anti-Wumin, anti-European,
anti-Indian, and anti-Holocaust. You can give those niggers of the JUBU
whichever they desire but without a viable deterence nothing works.
That is the one truth that has been the hallmark of my success. Others
claim alot of things but I never saw it. I find most other Indians are
serious victims of a world of caveats. They claim beef no good, pork no
good, Indians no good, and so on. They have in just that much admited
defeat to the JUBU and thier masters of Satanism. What is a world
without proper nutrition and a desire for money, name, and fame? That
is what it is like being anti-Christ and anti-Indian minimum,
respectively. Being anti-European one is literally devoid of education.
Being anti-Wumin one is literally financially frustrated, since when men
and women get together moneys get in the way. Being anti-Muslim one is
beyond hope. Being anti-Holocaust one is literally a glorified slave of
the Jews working toward the ruin of themselves and their own people.

For Evangelicalism, Nazism, Existentialism to prosper amongst us Deshis
I just cannot see it any other way. At present I have observed the
Orientals and Gypsys are compromised in diet but I must say the British,
Hispanics, Africans, and those people of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and
Tiwi diasporas are still able to eat food such as beef, pork, egg, cola,
cake, and sugar. For now thier Jewish fetish and sympathys seem to be
victorious but as you know history indicates otherwise. The
enlightenment of Christ Jesus is that of an interesting reality proven
through documentary, actual, theoretical, logical, financial, and
evangelical evidence of truth. But here is the deal, without joining in
the mass murder of those evil ones who have fought against us from time
immemorial our very lives are wasted. Believe you me, we only have one
life to live.

It is better to take part in our Guru Christ Jesus' way rather than be a
slave of the Jews and thier JUBU lackeys the world over. The Guru
Christ Jesus is the only one to help us get back to where we belong. In
a way, the CompuBBS, GURU pragma, Cybermatrix are an attempt at sharing
something to help resolve those issues of our I.T. industry brought
about through serious trespass by the Jewish blight.

* The CompuBBS helps with academic issues. It is a fun way to learn how
to deal with textual information.

* The GURU pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers is an on going means of
learing how to deal with emotional issues to be able to help oneself and
thier loved ones. Maybe it is a defect but I geniunely want to see
people in my industry outshine all others.

* The Cybermatrix is an ongoing attempt to further our garnering of
moneys. While we may have scalar moneys through the world of precarious
work our people of I.T. and whomever involved needs literal moneys to be
able to offset those times when we cannot be able to you know work.
Shit happens as they say in a world of issues, especially the religious
war of the Jewish blight.

* The Postulates of the self viz Ayn Rand is a sincere attempt to better
understand ourselves and escape the Jewish slave words to be able to
seriously fit into the world of the ontology of Christ Jesus and even
the Holocaust of the Jewish diaspora of Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu,
LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorsys. But I am
wondering if this Somanix as a concatenation of Minix3, X11, and React
OS as a productivity environment is the HUFA we are looking for. The
Somanix can infiltrate systems of the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals,
Hispanics, British, and those poeple of the Tamil, Taino, Terron, and
Tiwi diasporas and whomever of the culture of the pill to be able to
seriously account for things and further the deprogram. Through the
Somanix we maybe able to further the synergy as the 80 percent of the
worlds' GDP maybe in their hands. Somehow the money goes thier way.
Serious data can be captured one way or the other. We really need to
know what happened to our loved ones. Who did what to whom. This
Network maybe a serious weapon of mass destruction on par with the
Atomic bomb, UFO, X-Ray laser, Dune spice mileange, V2 rocket.

If you can, try to put Minix3 into a virtual machine and somehow install
an X11 server. Then, serve through the X11 the React OS operating
system as a graphical user interface to the Minix3 UNIX. Use the GURU
pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers as a means of calling for help and
enlightenment to make it work beyond your own or teams understanding.
Ask and you shall recieve. I have no clue how it works but it does it.
The recommended juxtaposed processor for this is the ARM of the
Raspberry PI. However, again the political issues come into play as the
hedge of Microsoft claiming ownership like Macintosh did with the LISA
operating system meintioned in FreeBSD installs. That is the issue.
Somehow, someway we really need to defeat those Jewish fascists and
thier hell bent world of hyperdermic syringe stabbings and the culture
of the pill for the sake of the blood money.

Anyway, God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is God. Always a
pleasure. Good luck to you. I want you to win, except for those Jews.
Those niggers have it too good with their wanton disregard and
disrespect. Mind you the Jews are not Hebrew or Indian or whichever
else have you. The Jew is of the Upper Caste Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu,
LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys. The Jews are
Gypsy by ethnicity and Negroid by race. They are a curse to humanity.
All they do is ruin everything to justify thier fascist reign of tyranny
the world over. What is the 4 Holocausts of history compared to the
Religiuos War of the Jewish blight of nearly 5,000 to 1 million years.
Hell hath no fury like a man scorned.

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"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
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