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Oh, How Times Have Changed!

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Jul 21, 2019, 6:53:02 PM7/21/19
Back when I was in college and discovering myself after years of struggling, I not only discovered myself, I embraced myself. Looking back, I do admit to being very apprehensive about standing up and shouting, "I'm Queer, and I'm proud to admit it"! Given the technical circle I had chosen to pursue, I was in Mechanical Engineering, doing that would have been suicide. As it was, outside of the technical side of school was where I could relax. My then-boyfriend Ashley was in media. Being Gay in the media world wasn't then and isn't now a big deal. For Ashley, allowing his hair to grow to where he had a pony tail half-way down his back was no big deal. Going to work in a tee shirt, shorts, and running shoes was no big deal! The Engineering world was and still is extremely Homophobic, although, some powerful companies do not support Homophobia. In fact, unlike the company l ended up working for, where being Gay was grounds for dismissal, one Company that was our biggest (by far) customer had issued a decree, any supplier, whichwe were, who allows Homophobia to exist, will be suspended as a supplier. Effectively, they threatened to shut down any supplier who allowed Homophobic behavior.

As for decorum, there were strict controls over hair length, and attire. You couldn't even wear shorts to work! You would not be allowed on the company property in shorts, even in summer. If I did try to wear shorts, I would have had to change in my car before getting out of my car. I was also required to keep my hair relatively short. There was this one guy, who was, and is, the quinssesential Christian bigot, appointed himself as hair police. He would remind me of when it was time I had to get my hair cut. Well, he did that for my first two years there, until, one day, I told him to mind his own business. He didn't like being told that! Yes, he was a bully, a two-faced hypocrite, AND a cry baby! As much as I loved Ashley, I was jealous that he was free to present himself as he wanted to.

We had six other Gay friends in school. One was a guy named Sandy (or, formally, Sander) who was also in media, but was in photojournalism, as opposed to written journalism that Ashley was in, and he was a year ahead of Ashley. Mark and Nicky were bothin third-year business administration and in accounting. Yes, they had dress codes, but, where they ended up, the codes were fairly liberal, just so long as they looked neat and clean. And there was Terry and his boyfriend David. Terry was in Architecture, while David was in a program called Industrial Management. Time studies, buying equipment, and designing plant layouts. Sandy's boyfriend was a guy named Collin, and he was also in Industrial management, but a year behind David. David was in his third year, while Collin was in his second year, but that semester was out on a co-operative education work term.

After Ashley and I "really got to know each other" on the Saturday night, we would have a second opportunity to know each other" the very next week. In the meantime, being that he was in media arts, Ashley got onto the staff of the school newspaper, which is where he met Sandy, although, neither knew the other was Gay. Ashley started by looking after any ads that were put in the paper, which is how we discovered that the college had a Queer club. Of course, we joined. With David being in his final year, he was head of the club. Ashley had already met Sandy, but I didn't get to meet him until the first time we went to the club, which was in a cozy classroom just outside the media room where they had a radio station AND a TV studio. That first meeting was when we met Terry, David, Mark and Nicky. We didn't meet Collin until the next weekend at the apartment he and Sandy shared, as he was out on his scheduled work term. That year, the eight of us were the only members. After Mark, Nicky, and Terry graduated the next spring, and David would graduate at the end of the summer, there were only four of us left, Ashley and I, plus Sandy and Collin. But, others would eventually join! Two guys would join through a really crazy experience!

Getting back to my college years, throughout the program, everyone was required to take two electives, courses not related to any field. Basically, a liberal arts course. With me, I was on a system where I would be in school for a normal semester, andout on a paid work term for another semester. When I was out on my work term, Ashley was in school. Then, the next semester, we were in school together. When I was out on my first work term, Ashley took a course called 'Human Sexuality'. There wasn't much information available back then about being Gay, and one day, after keeping quiet about his sexuality for most of the class, Ashley dropped the bomb that he was Gay. This opened up a discussing about Homosexuality that lasted for three classes. The discussion was very cordial, and Ashley really got grilled by everyone about his lifestyle. Amazing too, as the class only had twelve students, eight girls and four boys.

When I got back for the next semester, I took the same class. Could we have taken it together? The way our schedules worked out, it would not have been possible. That's not to say Ashley didn't get to sit in on one of my classes. Like when he took it, I had three other guys in the class, along with eight females. The subject of Homosexuality did come up, with one of the women saying she didn't know any guy who was Queer. I hesitated for a minute, then I said that actually, she did. I then came outand admitted to being Gay. Other than the Gay guys I knew in my tight social circle, it was the first time I had come out of the closet and proclaimed in public that I was indeed Gay, or, as I said it that day, Queer. My parents didn't even know, and wouldn't for at least another ten years. Imagine keeping that secret! The only other people who knew, and they found out by accident, were Ashley's parents, and the only reason they found out was because, this one evening, we thought we were alone, but, while his parents had been out, they came home much earlier than expected. Yes, they caught Ashley and I having sexual intercourse in his bedroom. In fact, when they did catch us, Ashley had his penis embedded deep into my ass and was doing me! They were taken aback for sure. But, rather than risking losing their only son, which almost happened twice, once when Ashley was sixteen, and again a year later, they not only accepted Ashley's sexuality, they claimed me as their second son! That day at school, the class was Ok with my sexuality, although, looking back, I'm not sure it was one-hundred percent OK. The girl who made the original statement looked at me and said, "Really?" Like when Ashley took the class, the discussion centered around me.

One point I brought up was how I could not do what they could do. Any of those girls could kiss their boyfriends in public and walk holding hands. Same with the guys, they could kiss their girlfriends and walk holding hands. I told them that I could not kiss my boyfriend in public. Nor could we walk down the hall holding hands. Doing either would have gotten both of us dragged outside of the school and our heads cut off! One of the other guys asked how is it possible that I could enjoy kissing another guy more than kissing a woman. I explained it was just as normal for me to kiss Ashley as it was for him to kiss his girlfriend. The feelings are the same. The discussion got interesting about me kissing Ashley. Then came the first of three dares. This guy who questioned me about kissing Ashley was best friends with one of the other boys. In fact, they were in second year business administration, like Mark and Nicky were. The dare? For them to kiss each other! Who dared them? ALL eight of the women in the class! But, the kiss had to be just like they would kiss their girlfriends, both mouths wide open with tongues touching. And they had to kiss for fifteen-seconds. There was a catch! Each young lady pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and put it on a seat in front of the two guys. That was one-hundred and-sixty-dollars! Eighty-dollars each! Admittedly, both were hesitant, and personally, I stayed out of the dare. So they did it, they kissed each other, as the women demanded, mouths open, full contact,and they actually kissed for longer than fifteen seconds.

Unbeknown to the rest of the class, there was one reaction nobody expected, and at first, the two guys were very nonchalant about it. We finished our class, and while I was still being questioned about my sexuality by the women, the guys all left. I wouldn't have the next class for two days, which happened to be a Friday. That Friday started as usual, Ashley and I meeting in the cafeteria in the morning. It was only about eight-o'clock, and neither of us had our first class until nine-thirty. We always met early to spend time together. That morning proved to be quite interesting. As we sat there, we were joined by the two guys from my sexuality class, the two who were dared to kiss. They wanted to talk! Remember I said there was a reaction nobody expected? Well, least of all, these two guys? As they kissed, they had reactions neither expected. If you are wondering what I'm trying to say, let me phrase it this way, they got ***aroused***! They enjoyed what they did, more than they let on, at least in the class. Way more! The both admitted that they had kept, or at least tried to keep, as calm as possible their "reaction". The one said he had never reacted "that fast" whenever he kissed any girl.

That was when they literally bore their soles to Ashley and I. They both admitted to being caught off guard by their reactions. Then they both hit us with their follow-up. That evening, both got together at the one's house. Luckily, they were alone. Admittedly, they were hesitant, but, they went for it again. They kissed each other. Only, this time, they didn't do anything to hide any "reaction". As happened in the class, almost as soon as their lips touched, they bot got major erections. Neither ever reacted that fast when they kissed girls. Then, they experimented further. They retreated to the bedroom and laying on the bed, they made out. Here is where everything really erupted. Not five minutes into their hot, little encounter, both ejaculated! Luckily, they still had their clothes on! Then, after sitting for an hour, trying to come to terms with what had happened, they went further! Of came their clothes, and they got back on the bed. No, they didn't have intercourse, but, they were close. Both got seriously hard almost as soon as they started their second encounter. This time though, they were able to last more than five minutes! In fact, they made out for twenty minutes, and both swore the more they got into it, the harder their penises got! Again, neither had ever "behaved" like that with any girl they had been with up until that evening.

As we chatted, I couldn't help thinking just how cool that whole conversation was turning out. Then came the big moment, they both wanted Ashley and I to coach them in having anal sex. We did offer. We talked briefly, and Ashley and I offered to meet them the next evening for coffee. That day too, the Friday, during our sexuality class, after the rest of the class asked me more about being Gay and having sex with another guy, my two male classmates who kissed were unusually quiet. Then came the second and third dares, both involving me. Usually on Friday, Ashley would meet me after that class, and we would go to the cafeteria for coffee. My classmates were aware that I did meet 'this guy', but now, with me confessing that I was Gay, they knew he was my boyfriend and lover. The dare, and they were to watch, was that I had to go out and when I met Ashley in the crowded hallway, I had to kiss him. In public! This was because of what I said the previous class about if he and I kissed in public, we would be dragged outside and our heads would be cut off. They said they would protect us!

Believe me, I was nervous! But, as we left the class, half of them left ahead of me while the other half followed me out. Then the stood off to the side to make sure I did what I was supposed to do, and that was to kiss Ashley right in the middle ofthat crowded hallway. As I came out, there was Ashley. I walked up to him, said "hi!", reached my right hand up and cupped his face, then I kissed him! Right there! Right in the crowded hallway! Was Ashley caught off guard? A lot! He was surprized. But his surprize quickly morphed into delight! Ashley embraced me and we kissed passionately, if only for maybe fifteen or twenty seconds. AS MY CLASSMATES WATCHED! I know Ashley quickly clued in as to what was happening, and he 'played along'. And guess what happened with all the people walking by us? Nothing! Not a thing! Well, other than one person, and I can't remember, but, I think it was a woman, told us to get out of the middle of the hallway. Ashley did wonder what I was up to, but, he very quickly clued in.

Then came the third dare, Ashley and I had to walk to the cafeteria HOLDING HANDS, and we were to be followed by my classmates. "Shall we?", as I took Ashley's hand, and we walked down the hall. Again, Ashley clued in very quickly. I think we both,Ashley and I, took deep breaths as we held hands and went to the cafeteria. We had to go down a large, crowded hallway, past the Library, down the busiest stairway, and to the cafeteria, and we had to hold hands all the way. WHILE BEING "OBSERVED"! Guess what? Nobody paid attention, at least, I don't think anybody did. Still, being it was still 1974, it was nerve-racking. That day though, nothing happened at all!

It's not to say either of us didn't experience any bigotry. We did, and in big ways. We would be brutalized by police. We were assaulted numerous times, and got so put off by the police when we made any attempt to report it. We were declined service in restaurants. And the big one, Ashley was out west, investigating the murders of two Gay men in the summer of 1987. Being Gay, he was able to fit into the scene these two men were in. Trouble was, he fit in too good. When Ashley was only three days into his investigation, a third Gay man was murdered. Whether accidentally or on purpose, Ashley put himself into the most dangerous position he could have, and three weeks later, on August 15th, 1987, Ashley was murdered the same way the three previous men hadbeen killed. There was one positive point about Ashley's killing. While he was killed the same way as the three previous victims, he did something to his killer that lead to the capture of the killer. He gave his life so others wouldn't become victims themselves.

Oh, unlike when the two guys were offered a monetary incentive to kiss, there was no such thing offered to me. Also, as we became more comfortable with holding hands in public, we even walked through the technical wing where I spent the rest of my classes holding hands.

What about the two guys who were dared to kiss? Well, we did meet them after we were all finished work on Saturday evening, and we gave them as much information as we could about anal sex. I stressed the lubrication though. That evening, those two guys had sexual intercourse together. Twice! That night was the last time either would even think about sex with a member of the opposite sex! AND!! They joined our Queer Club. AND!! They became good friends with not only Ashley and I, but other members of the Queer Club. I still see both to this day.

What made me remember that time?

This morning, July 21st, as I usually do on Sunday at about seven-o'clock, I went to one of the largest Starbucks in the city. I love this particular Starbucks, as they have rainbow flag stickers on the door going in. It's not unusual, as most of the Starbucks here have rainbow stickers on the doors, or beside the doors. Too, all the staff wore the latest Pride tee shirts that were designed by a Starbucks Barista in Montreal (I think she's from Montreal!). Even though the tee shirts are not availableto the public (legitimately, anyway), I want one! Or three! Anyway, when I pulled into the parking lot, another small car pulled in in front of me. Two absolutely gorgeous twenty-something (if that!) guys got out and walked ahead of me. They were, as I said, gorgeous! They wore white shorts and white running shoes. Wow, did they both have nice legs! Nice ***smooth*** legs at that! Their tee shirts did catch my eye, both wore black tee shirts with large rainbow flags printed on the front. Both also worebaseball caps, one with "PRIDE" in the rainbow colours, while the other's had the "double-Mars" symbol on it. Both though, wore the caps backwards, which is a look I cannot stand, as guys look really dorky wearing their caps backwards. Only thing was, thesetwo didn't look the least bit dorky! In fact, they both looked really hot wearing them backwards. They went in ahead of me and placed their order. Once done, they went to the other end of the counter, then I put my usual venti-sized true north (blonde) blend and ginger-molasses cookie order in. As I was chatting with the very attractive young man in the PRIDE tee shirt serving me, something caught my eye. At the other end of the counter the one young beauty leaned back againstthe other young beauty, who proceeded to wrap his arms around his friend. His friend then tilted his head up, at which time the young man who was behind bent his head so he could kiss his friend on the side of his neck. IN THE STORE! I just smiled! Talk about a feel-good picture! Two gorgeous twenty-something Gay guys embracing and kissing in public! In 2019! I told the young man behind the counter that, when I was their age, I would have been attacked and beaten for doing that, and quite possibly killed.

Seeing them being able to express their love for each other in public like that made me feel good.

It also brought back the memories of my human sexuality class way back in 1974.

Oh, one last point about that class. Remember I said those two guys discovered they were really gay? They stayed together for a long, long time! Too, the first class after their "weekend of discovery" was quite interesting. They gave the women back their money! Then they confessed as to what happened. They admitted the rapid arousal, and the intense orgasms while "only" making out. And they admitted to the most intense sex that ever had. Then they openly proclaimed, and happily so, they were Queer.

Yes, times have changed!
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