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A Gay Canadian Male's Thoughts in 2019

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Oct 11, 2019, 6:56:03 PM10/11/19
I have written a few times about one or two very attractive young Gay guys that I have met recently. One in particular is probably the most attractive young man I've met in recent times. He's just twenty-years-old, and is in second year university. Beauty AND brains! He also happens to be a Barista at one of my favorite Starbucks, which is how I know him. Usually, when I'm in there, it's early and not busy. In fact, if there's ever anyone else in there when I'm there, it's rare. Being that it's not busy, I get to chat up this piece of eye candy! He makes me say to myself, 'if I was forty-years younger...'

I learned something too, that makes me love this young man even more: His name is Ashley! Yes, the same name as my first boyfriend!

Anyway, yesterday, I was in there at a little after six-A.M., just after the Starbucks opened, and there he was, a perfect physical male specimen! As I was the only one in there at the time, we chatted a little. I already knew that he had always knew he was Gay, and had been engaging in sexual activity with his boyfriend since his twelfth birthday. (I have to admit, as I have never met his boyfriend, I do imagine he is just as beautiful as my favorite Barista!) Today, he asked me when I knew I was Gay. I first felt my sexuality when I was ten-years-old. The only problem, or should I say problems, as there were actually several, was my upbringing. I was born into and raised in a Catholic home. I went to a Catholic school. It was also a time when Homosexuality was forbidden! In fact, in Canada, it was down right illegal! Coming out then would have resulted in me most likely having my head cut off! I am not kidding!

Ashley leaned against the counter and looked straight at me. As I began telling him about my youth, I found myself not only looking at his very beautiful face, but I found myself looking through his glasses and gazing into his very beautiful, soft blue eyes. God, is this young man beautiful! I know this one extremely attractive young lady (Young? Well to me she is! She's in her mid-forties, but doesn't look it!), and I will say this young man is far and away more beautiful than she is! And he listened very intensely as I told him about my youth.

I only attended that Catholic school from grade-one (starting in September, nineteen-sixty) to grade-eight (ending in June of nineteen-sixty-eight). It wasn't until I was in grade-six when I really began struggling with my sexuality. I fought hard to hide my feelings. As I moved from that Catholic school (by the way, I HATED that school! Catholic kids are extremely cruel!) to an even worse high school, my struggle worsened. I went to one of the most brutal schools in the city. Despite being in what was a middle-class area, the kids there were worse than the ones I knew in that Catholic school. In fact, a lot of kids from that same Catholic school went to that high school.

The worst part was hiding my feelings from my parents. more specifically, my mother. Mother was Homophobic to the max! "Queers" were evil, and yes, to the max! I got through high school, though I don't know how. Then came my first year at college. Now, the college I went to was what we call in Canada, a Community College: way more advanced than high school, but not as advanced as university. I was half-way through my first year when I realised the program I was in (a two-year 'Mechanical technician', or 'mechanic's' course) wasn't what I wanted. Half-way through my second semester, I applied to go into the three-year mechanical technology program, which was almost as advanced to being university engineering, but not quite. There was a lot of 'hands-on' learning. That first year was dull, and not because I realized half-way through that I was in the wrong course. However, I suddenly found myself a little more relaxed about my struggles with my sexuality. No, I didn't seek out a same-sex lover that year, though I did feel that, if I had of, I might have found one! And no, there wasn't anyone in my class (which was only twelve other guys) who interested me. Did I ever gaze around to see if there was anyone who interested me? Of course I did! Did I pursue anyone? Call me a chicken! I didn't!

That summer, nineteen-seventy-three, was the summer that began to define me. The tee-shirt/shorts/running shoes/baseball cap look! Too, I was really anticipating going back to school that September. It was a new beginning for me. I did have a slightly lightened load, as I had one class that they exempted me from, as I had it in the previous program. The day after Labour Day, nineteen-seventy-three, I was back at the college, and facing a renewed future. Then came that magic moment in the college bookstore when I bumped into Ashley. My life changed forever! Ashley and I met, and got to know each other over the next few days. Then came the Saturday night right after that Labour Day weekend. Ashley and I got together at his place, and as luck would have it, we found ourselves alone for about five hours. Ashley was in a pair of very short cut-off jean shorts and a tank top, while I had on a very short pair of cut-off jean shorts and a tee shirt. As we sat there, me on the couch and Ashley on the coffee table in front of me, there was some very serious conversation for about twenty minutes that included a lot of exposing some of our most hidden secrets. That was when it all came together. We sat silent for a minute, then I said that there was only one thing to do. I started to lean forward toward Ashley, when he started to lean forward toward me. That was when Ashley reached up and gripped my head to bend my neck so my head was tilted up, effectively stretching my neck. That was when I reached up and gripped Ashley's head the same way, bending and stretching his neck so his head was tilted up. Then, our lips touched! From that moment our lips touched for the first time, I finally knew, and embraced my sexuality! I was Q*U*E*E*R! I was G*A*Y! More importantly, I was ME! Oh yes, that instant our lips touched that evening, Ashley and I fell in love with each other. A few minutes later, we were in his bedroom, totally nude, engaging in our first ever (for both of us) sexual encounter. Yes, we were both virgins! From then on, he and I were lovers 'to the max'! Well, right up until the night in July of nineteen-eighty-seven, when Ashley was working on a story on the west coast, about the bizarre killings of two Gay men. A third man was killed the day Ashley arrived there. Two weeks later, sometime around eleven-o'clock this one night, Ashley was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and became victim number four! I don't want to say how Ashley was killed, but, it was the same as the other three victims, but his killing lead to the capture of the killer.

I did tell young Ashley the details, at least those that I knew.

We weren't able to talk for long, but, comparing my youth to Ashley's, I could not help but think how open he is about his sexuality, and I did envy him. Unfortunately, I also think we, as Gay people, are about to be thrust back in time, to a time where Gay people lived in fear, fear of physical violence, fear of harassment by the police, fear of arrest, and fear of being murdered, just for being who we are. Canada is about to have a national election. The bigots of the right are out in full force. Gays now have a target on their heads. The man that is predicted to become Prime Minister is a dangerous Homophobic bigot named Andrew Scheer. Scheer has a long history of burning hatred for Gay people and has openly advocated that Gay people must be exterminated. Aside from the abortion issue, which he says he won't bring up, but won't stop anyone in his caucus from bringing up the subject. He has also said that he will not raise the issue of same-sex marriage, but again, won't stop anyone in his caucus from bringing up the subject. His caucus! He has some seriously sick people running to represent his party who are dangerous, extremely hate-filled Homophobic bigots. One running in my riding has openly vowed to raise the issue of putting Homosexuality back into the criminal code, making our lifestyle illegal. He is also pushing the idea that, not only will we be arrested without cause, we will either submit to this conversion therapy, or face being exterminated. This in 2019 Canada!

The biggest issue is that the right-wing press, PostMedia, which is run by a wealthy Homophobic bigot, has said, if Scheer declares Homosexuality illegal, he will offer lucrative rewards for anyone who kills a Gay person. He has strong support from two of the most dangerous christian bigots, a parasite named David Cooke, who leads a group of Bigots called CitizenGo, and Charles McVety, who operates a Christina school that teaches young people to be Homophobic bigots, have pledged strong support to Scheer, encouraging him to follow though on his pledge to arrest and exterminate Gay people. Thousands of right-wing, evangelical, fundamentalist, Christian conservatives have gone on line and openly said they can't wait for the opportunity to kill a Gay person. Don't believe me? Go look at two groups that operate under the old UseNet format, "can.politics" and "ont.politics". There is a guy named Greg Carr on "can.politics" who regularly calls for the outright murder of Gay people. He's joined by another Homophobic bigot who goes by the name "Byker" who also not only calls for the law that would allow him to murder anyone who's Gay, but regularly brags about physically assaulting Gay people. What nice Christians they all are! And people wonder what turned this born-and-raised Catholic so much against religion.

Richard Dawkins said it best: Religion is one of the greatest evils on earth today, and the quicker it all dies out, the better off we will all be. If I may add my own interpretation, it's not "one of the greatest evils", it is THE greatest evil!" And I'll add: "They are all the same, no matter which religion you are talking about!"

At my age, I'll be turning sixty-five very shortly, I don't really care what happens to me. I only have maybe twenty-or-so years left, if that. But, here is someone like Ashley, a beautiful young, Gay man who is only twenty-years-old. With the meteoric rise of right-wing christian conservative bigoted extremism, what does the future hold for him? Those "good Christian conservatives" are so burning with hatred for Gay people, I genuinely fear for his future.

I can only hope hat, come October twenty-first, when Canadians go to the polls to vote, cooler heads prevail, and Andrew Scheer and his band of conservative Homophobic bigots are kicked to the curb, like what happened to the old conservative party in nineteen-ninety-three. If you recall, the conservative party was lead by a man who was the most morally corrupt Prime Minister we ever had, one Brian Mulroney, decimated the country while kissing the asses of his wealthy friends. Mulroney knew he would be defeated in the election, so he ran away, and turned the party over to a lady named Kim Campbell, who lead the party into the election, and the party was decimated. They only won two seats. The Homophobic bigots working hard to get Scheer elected are hoping the same thing happens to the Liberals.

I sincerely hope sanity prevails and the opposite happens, and Scheer's conservative bigots are the ones decimated.

Especially for Ashley's (and hundreds of thousands like him) sake.
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