>(2) Suppose a couple is making love in the bedroom, the guy is using a
> condom. When he ejaculates, what is the *proper* behaviour for the
> guy to follow? (should he go remove the condom ASAP and come back???)
If you're worried about pregnancy--semen can continue to ooze from the penis
longer than you might expect. Taking off the condom asap and comeing right
back is probably not a good idea. If you're worried about social diseases
(including AIDS), then you want to leave the condom on all the time.
If you don't like the idea of having a used condom on during afterplay, you
might pull it off, wash yourself clean, and put on a fresh one.
Taking time out to remove or change the rubber is going to ruin the mood a
bit, but not as much as a screaming baby 9 months later, or a trip to the
free clinic...
>(4) What do you think of a 25 year old virgin girl. Is that a good or bad
> thing? Would you be attracted to her sexually?
Of course. 25 isn't that old, for starters, but I'd think the same thing of
a 35 (or 45, 55, etc) year old virgin. I admire women who know what they
want and are willing to wait for it. If she's saving herself for the right
man, that's an admirable quality.
My attraction to a woman isn't based on virginity. It's based on
personality and looks. If I'm attracted to someone sexually, virginity
won't make a difference.
I would hope that women would feel the same way about virgin males.
To find out more about the anon service, send mail to he...@anon.penet.fi.
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Umm.. perhaps I'm missing something in the mechanics,
but after the XY comes, he'd better take the condom off,
since his rapidly deflating member's going to let some
of his semen out of the condom right quick.
Now, what to do with the newly used condom's another
matter. I've always opted for stretching it and shooting it
at the wall and seeing if it'll stick.
>If you don't like the idea of having a used condom on during afterplay, you
>might pull it off, wash yourself clean, and put on a fresh one.
Again, during afterplay, penii ain't what they
used to be.
Ranjan Bagchi Ranjan...@umich.edu
o -- Monterey, CA oo oo oo oo o o oooo oo oo o o oo o
oo oooo o oo ooo oo oo oo o o oooo ooo o o oooooooo
Nah. They think it's `cute'. Or `adorable'. Or `sweet'.
So lie. Like they'll know.
You too can be `cute' -- over and over and over again.
(This is especially good in awkward, heartfelt conversations. "You
know..." -- hands clenching cap shyly -- "I'm a virgin...")
"But how is it that this lives in thy mind? What seest thou else in the dark
backward and abysm of time?" - William Shakespeare, _The Tempest_
Julia Gosztyla (bi and proud of it) (919) 481-7179
gosz...@bnr.ca ESN 283-7179
--------> Any opinions expressed here are mine, and not those of BNR <-------
This message was composed on my own time; thanks for letting me use the computer,
Pat Buchanan is so homophobic he thinks global warming is caused by the
AIDS quilt.
--Dennis Miller
Wow...a real woman posting in here. Shhhh....don't scare her off. :)
Oh shut up.
>>Perhaps the 25 year old virgin is saving herself for the right WOMAN. Thanks
>>for not dumping your assumptions on all of us.
> Oh shut up.
Anothing stunning contribution towards a world of intelligent discourse...
Dianne Kyra Hackborn "If Rush [Limbaugh] is exploded on
hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu the beach, and no one is hit by the
BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne blubber, did it ever really happen?"
Oregon State University -- Jim Lipschorken
>>>Perhaps the 25 year old virgin is saving herself for the right WOMAN. Thanks
>>>for not dumping your assumptions on all of us.
>> Oh shut up.
>Anothing stunning contribution towards a world of intelligent discourse...
Errr... Make than 'another.' *blush* ;)
[So why won't this $#%$!! news reader let me cancel my own articles?!? :)]
Dianne Kyra Hackborn "The popularity of Reagan was essentially the
hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu implementation of a collective masochistic
BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne will to be sodomized by a movie cowboy."
This forum can be viewed as a wide open amorphous discussion-blob
wherein a subtle and changing combination of purely `intellectual' points
and more immediate and basic `visceral' reactions combine to form an
information-generating matrix or experential `gestalt' if you will. It is
in judiciously balancing the use of higher reasoning faculties and the
short -- if pointed! -- usage of a priori insults that we can get a feel
for the overall attitudinal reactions and logical basis of the opinions
which we foment in public. Indeed, it is sometimes the lowliest of com-
ments, i.e. typified by "Oh shut up", that we see the strongest and most
elegant reactions to single statements.
When a, heretofore self-identified, bisexual female makes the incred-
ibly stupid and propagandistic claim (not to mention sublimely ridiculous)
that a female is perhaps "saving herself for the right woman", she is not
only demonstrating a studied ignorance of hard reality, but is advancing
her own laughably biased opinion-front in public. While the visual stim-
ulous of two women in a sexual context is certainly appealing, the auditory
discharge from a spouting lesbian (ref. "dyke", ref. "lipstick l.") on
matters of propagandistic stature is less than appealing.
Compounding the bisexual woman's error was the phrase with which she
incites comments and counters to her previous sentence. She states with
a serious edge, "Thanks for dumping your assumptions on all of us." Well,
as an individual of non-heterosexual leanings who is a marked minority to
speak for the majority through her disgruntled offended political sen-
sibilities is absurd and gratuitously annoying. In fact, it is a very REAL
assumption, which most women would agree to in fact, if the prior sit-
uation, as represented by a singular statement, was to be viewed as a
generalization of omnipresent socio-environmental conditions.
So you see why in effect it is wise to say "oh shut up" -- it teaches
the female that what she had said was not only incorrect in an assumptive
sense, but also just plain stupid and worthy of a quick but simple
rebuttal. Indeed, the second person who follows up with a sarcastic "thanks
for the intelligent discourse" line is wallowing in ignorance if she
doesn't realize that sometimes the most effective way to express a reaction
is not through flowery verbiage but through the lovely, direct bluntness
of a short, to the point comment of derogatory appearance and feel.
Thank you.
| When a, heretofore self-identified, bisexual female makes the incred-
|ibly stupid and propagandistic claim (not to mention sublimely ridiculous)
|that a female is perhaps "saving herself for the right woman", she is not
|only demonstrating a studied ignorance of hard reality, but is advancing
|her own laughably biased opinion-front in public.
Hmmm... I didn't have sex until I was 21. The first time that I had
found the right woman.
| So you see why in effect it is wise to say "oh shut up" -- it teaches
|the female that what she had said was not only incorrect in an assumptive
|sense, but also just plain stupid and worthy of a quick but simple
Gosh Greg, thanks so much for taking the time out of your surely busy day
so that you can teach us all!
|Indeed, the second person who follows up with a sarcastic "thanks
|for the intelligent discourse" line is wallowing in ignorance if she
|doesn't realize that sometimes the most effective way to express a reaction
|is not through flowery verbiage but through the lovely, direct bluntness
|of a short, to the point comment of derogatory appearance and feel.
Oh shut up.
See, I'm a fast learner.
Dianne Kyra Hackborn "Don't we all deserve
hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu more than a kinder and
BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne gentler fuck?"
Oregon State University -- Two Nice Girls
> In article <1uee11...@flop.ENGR.ORST.EDU> hac...@xanth.CS.ORST.EDU (Dianne Hackborn) writes:
> >In article <C7x13...@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> gdni...@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca (Greg Nikolic) writes:
> >>In article <C7wC3...@news.rich.bnr.ca> jul...@bnr.ca (Julia Gosztyla) writes:
> >>>Perhaps the 25 year old virgin is saving herself for the right WOMAN.
> >>>Thanks for not dumping your assumptions on all of us.
> >> Oh shut up.
> >
> >Anothing stunning contribution towards a world of intelligent discourse...
> This forum can be viewed as a wide open amorphous discussion-blob
> wherein a subtle and changing combination of purely `intellectual' points
> and more immediate and basic `visceral' reactions combine to form an
> information-generating matrix or experential `gestalt' if you will.
>[blah blah blah ...]
Do us a favour and get a life!
Well, while that could be erotic when presented in the right male-
crafted light, and while it may be germane as a single datum point, it
has nothing to do with generalizations, of which the original bisexual
female's was incorrect while mine was -- of course -- dead on right.
>Gosh Greg, thanks so much for taking the time out of your surely busy day
>so that you can teach us all!
Well, I can't very well let you wallow in your ignorance, now can I?
(This is getting much too fun. I should get back to my speculative
essay on "Pop Iconography".)
>|is not through flowery verbiage but through the lovely, direct bluntness
>|of a short, to the point comment of derogatory appearance and feel.
>Oh shut up.
Most non,
non, non,
NON heinous.
You can't copy what another person did and expect it to come out the
same way.
It's a mistake to precede an "oh shut up" with complex, multiword
sentences. It makes you look like a feeb with a talent for vocab-
ulary, sorry to say.
>See, I'm a fast learner.
It's all that tuna you're snacking on.
Bah!! Get it? Bisexual -- tuna --
*suddenly dour*
I hate it when I have to explain my punchlines to the audience.
>Dianne Kyra Hackborn "Don't we all deserve
>hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu more than a kinder and
>BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne gentler fuck?"
>Oregon State University -- Two Nice Girls
Well, it's a fair bargain considering that it IS the coin of the
I've lost y'all again haven't I?
Never mind. Hit <SPACE> now and go on. Shoo.
[Drivel deleted.]
|>|is not through flowery verbiage but through the lovely, direct bluntness
|>|of a short, to the point comment of derogatory appearance and feel.
|>Oh shut up.
| Most non,
| non, non,
| NON heinous.
| You can't copy what another person did and expect it to come out the
| same way.
| It's a mistake to precede an "oh shut up" with complex, multiword
| sentences. It makes you look like a feeb with a talent for vocab-
| ulary, sorry to say.
Oh shut the fuck up.
Dianne Kyra Hackborn ____
hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu NOBODY \Bi/cycle!
BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne KNOWS I'M A \/
Oregon State University *peddle* *peddle* *peddle*...
{a lot that doesn't need to be repeated cut out}
> Thank you.
I know that this will probably insure my untimely demise, and a feeling
of resentment from all who net here, but I feel it needs saying.
I agreed totally with Greg on his little dissertation. Although it was
written in the pompous and arrogant style which we've all come to associate
with him, it was accurate to how myself, and probably many others feel.
|Muttley, Canis Egocentricus | "He talks to farts, man." - M.N.G. |
|msi...@Nimitz.mcs.kent.edu | "Ren! Something came out of my BUTT!" -S |
| | "Caaaaaaaallllllll the poleeeeece!" -Ren |
| "One day, the world will know the wonders of my nipples." - Stimpy |
My views are not my own. Kent State University is entirely at fault
for my warped mind, misquotes, and political opinion. Blame them.
*much stuff deleted*
My dear GDN, you do have a keen sense of sarcstic tongue-in-cheek humor.
Now please shut up.
It is irrelevant whether you or I agree with him. He has a point, and puts
a great deal of effort into his delivery. The poster he originally was
bashing has a point as well, though the delivery was certainly less
entertaining. What continues to amaze me is that Greg posts so often, and
with such passion, on wide and varied subjects but never (in my recollection)
on the subject of masturbation. Even more amazing is that we continue to
On that note, I sign off and disengage myself from this particular
discussion. All you folks are boring me. And when I get caught up in these
petty arguments, _I_ bore me.
'Nuff said. I'm going home to plug in my friend and scare my roommate.
>> This forum can be viewed as a wide open amorphous discussion-blob
>> wherein a subtle and changing combination of purely `intellectual' points
>> and more immediate and basic `visceral' reactions combine to form an
>> information-generating matrix or experential `gestalt' if you will.
>[blah blah blah ...]
And yet you read it all, didn't you? If you didn't like it, why didn't
you hit 'n'?
That took me five minutes to write. I realize that in your limited
and stunted intellectual state it would take about half an hour to crawl
out of your Depends undergarments to the keyboard and a further half day
to compose something of equal versimilitude, but it's really sad when you
have to equate someone else's intellect with the rotten stump of an organ
you self-deprecatingly label "a brain".
(By the way, in between flipping through the dictionary to understand
the BIG WORDS I wrote, you might want to consider that that took 25 seconds
to write, no time at all really. Far less than it'll take you to comprehend).
>Do us a favour and get a life!
Well thank you for your concern. I'm deeply touched. You can't see it,
because, well, I'm 2000 miles from you, but a silent tear is glistening
in the corner of my eye.
Not only because you CARE -- although god knows in this cold world the
comfort of a stranger is infinitely precious -- but BECAUSE you phrased
your beautiful sentiment in such an original and unique way. You made those
hackneyed words wonderful again, magical. And I'll never forget you because
of that.
I think... I think I love you.
God bless you and keep you and yours safe and sheltered!!
Bite me.
>Oh shut the fuck up.
Brilliant. Fucking brilliant.
No -- I mean that. Awe-inspiring.
Let's check out this sequence:
I say, "oh shut up."
You say, "oh shut up."
I say, "not very original."
You say, "oh shut the FUCK up"
You are an inspiration. Truly. May I call Ms. Bornhack? Because you
were born to do it, you do it with such class and wit. You cut to the
bone, like a good dyke saw. When I see you at work I think "Ginsu 2000
of the flaming world". Amazing stuff. Do they catch you on film typing
out your lines? They should, you know, and pass it on generation to
generation. THIS is how it was done by a master they'll say, THIS is
how Diane did it.
As feebly witted as ever. I seem to recall you copying an original
satirical piece of mine as well and spinning it off as mildly innovative.
It was in comparision to the LIMP! stuff other people were posting, but
rephrasing and rewording hardly'll make you the light of the newsgroups.
>Dianne Kyra Hackborn ____
>hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu NOBODY \Bi/cycle!
>BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne KNOWS I'M A \/
>Oregon State University *peddle* *peddle* *peddle*...
Oho the laughter. My belly hurts.
Tell me, does mom and dad know that their somewhat overweight,
horn-rimmed glasses sporting, computer-world-living daughter goes down
for a long draught at the pubic-rimmed Venusian Pond of Love?
Just wondering. And for my personal edification, do you lap at the
Jade Gate during the monthly Time of Red Floods? And how would you describe
that flavour? Piquant? Aromatic? Clotty? Perhaps you give the "liquid"
French-sounding vineyard names depending on the time of cycle that the
menses issues forth. "Red Burgandy" for the first day of "leakage",
"Maroon Champagne" for day two, and so on. Feel free to fill in the blanks.
My deepest respects,
In comparison it was much funnier...
>rephrasing and rewording hardly'll make you the light of the newsgroups.
This is advice from the light of -this- newsgroup, of course.
> Tell me, does mom and dad know that their somewhat overweight,
>horn-rimmed glasses sporting, computer-world-living daughter goes down
>for a long draught at the pubic-rimmed Venusian Pond of Love?
Does your mom and dad know that "masturbation" is your specialty on the net?
Who cares about anyone's mom and dad--what a pathetic way to try to
crticize someone. Does your mom and dad know that you are as narrow-
minded and unimaginative as they are?
> Just wondering. And for my personal edification, do you lap at the
>Jade Gate during the monthly Time of Red Floods? And how would you describe
>that flavour? Piquant? Aromatic? Clotty? Perhaps you give the "liquid"
>French-sounding vineyard names depending on the time of cycle that the
>menses issues forth. "Red Burgandy" for the first day of "leakage",
>"Maroon Champagne" for day two, and so on. Feel free to fill in the blanks.
Seems here that your instinctive distaste for lesbians and bisexual
women is leaking over into a general problem with women and their bodies.
I suppose you wouldn't let your mate (if you could ever find one) touch
the milk when she's menstruating for fear that she'll curdle it when
unclean. Menstrual blood makes a great lubrication...just put a towel
Ditto for me.
[Lots of junk deleted.]
> Tell me, does mom and dad know that their somewhat overweight,
>horn-rimmed glasses sporting, computer-world-living daughter goes down
>for a long draught at the pubic-rimmed Venusian Pond of Love?
This raises a question I've always wondered about. How can someone make
fun of the physical attributes of a person that they've never seen, and not
feel like an idiot? Am I supposed to be offended or hurt or something by
Oh, and Greg, I thought you would like that reply. Seemed like your kind
of humor. But I have to agree, it _is_ the best response for something I
don't like; it's such a nice feeling watching you get all flustered over
Dianne Kyra Hackborn "Information in not knowledge, Knowledge is not
hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu wisdom, Wisdom is not truth, Truth is not beauty,
BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne Beauty is not love, Love is not music,
Oregon State University Music is THE BEST." -- Frank Zappa
*bows with a silent smile and shuts up*
Point taken.
This is a very good point, Dianne, and show Greg for the blowhard that he is.
Folks, if you just tuned in 10 seconds ago, it may seem like m.
KnuckleLuck shows some wit, throws a kindly towel your way when you ask
about posting to the Internet or setting up killfiles, might even have
some grasp of the English language (can almost spell ver... now what was
that word? You sure lost us ignorant peoples, Greg, with that one :-) )
But, and this is the whole of it, he's scared to talk about his real
feelings. He signs on to alt.sex.masturbation carrying, what? a Funk and
Wagnalls in his hand! Look at the other threads, Greg! Look at the
original post this thread started with. Talk about that! Enough about
how hateful and vexing it is when women speak heir own minds, or, worse
yet, respect and care for their own bodies! Your special, intellectually
cleansed version of homophobic mysogyny is so very unique and clever
that..it's the dominant ideology in our society! So much for m.Nicklick's
complaints about the originality of others.
Unless, like a latter-day epigone of Hegel, you would like us to believe
that your Ideas are the historically proven working out of Absolutely
How about we hypothesize that to Greg it's all a big joke? Ideas his
lubricant and sarcasm his epiphany? Won't fly, because,
like that bizarre cultural compass he is, he keeps yucking his way back to the
status quo. A paraphrase of his avoidance of feeling runs something like
this: ``Heh,heh,heh, y'r so insignificant and I'm so important that your
tittilating banter is just my right! Don't get uppity! Remember I've
made all the rules around here. Shut up. You're disgusting...'' and so on.
Me, I think the absurdity about women saving themselves is well-met by
wondering who they might be saving themselves for. Nothing in any of this
reeks of unattractive people unable to find mates...and WHY does Greg keep
bringing up that issue?
Anyhow, even the initial absurdity was more human than Greg's effort to
get in touch with the world via expanded vocabulary (something first
touted by Readers' Digest, if I recall). It's you, Greg, who finds
something miserable and alien in all things having to do with the body,
because when you wank, you see yourself come, and you don't like it,
right? How much worse a woman, really an unknown to you, doing anything
at all with her body, etc., etc. (ground I've trodden before)
Besides, you obviously know Nothing At All about menstruation.
Sorry, Dianne; this is a follow-up to you, and I spend all my valuable
time railing at GDN. But, as you say,
>...it's such a nice feeling watching you get all flustered over
>Dianne Kyra Hackborn "Information in not knowledge, Knowledge is not
>hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu wisdom, Wisdom is not truth, Truth is not beauty,
>BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne Beauty is not love, Love is not music,
>Oregon State University Music is THE BEST." -- Frank Zappa
'Cuz remember: the parody that Politically Correct peoples make of
themselves is a parody of something that is basically right...or are you
saying that a woman's destiny is necessarily - or even `normally'- to be a
man's companion?
And if all that is irrelevant to jacking off...then the whole thread is
unjustified and GDN's further skewing of it is not good medicine for
anybody, particularly spineless kowtowers to the Traditional Set-Up, which
some peoples are, apparently, marked out to be.
Enjoy your fantasies. Just be as ready to accept your realities.
David K
Yeah, yeah, promises, promises...
You love to quote your golden words, don't you Greg?
>>> wherein...
well, not me!
> And yet you read it all, didn't you? If you didn't like it, why didn't
>you hit 'n'?
This is the net-reactionary's version of ``have you stopped beating your
wife?'' --right, Greg? You say it again and again. You only appreciate
fawning, drooling, SiegHeil!ing audiences don't you?
> That took me five minutes to write. I realize that in your limited
>and stunted intellectual state...
This, from someone in Iowa!!! ::--))
>to compose something of equal versimilitude,
I hope you looked this word up before you slopped it on the heap.
>>Do us a favour and get a life!
> I think... I think I love you.
No, no, Greg! This is a.s.m.! You should be looking in the mirror when
you say that! Well, you admire yourself so much, maybe electronic
intercourse with other people (given that they won't question your
`visceral', let alone `intellectual' ejaculations is a kind of... and in
that case...oh, I see! And women definitely shouldn't open other than a
cock-accomodating mouth around you...they especially shouldn't say what's
on their minds.
I mean, the intellectual chasm which for us mere humans, knowing nothing
of thy intellectual grandeur, passes for minds.
>"But how is it that this lives in thy mind? What seest thou else in the dark
> backward and abysm of time?" - William Shakespeare, _The Tempest_
and remember Lady Macbeth? ``Stnd not upon the order of thy going, but go
at once!''
She was talking to you.
> >> From: gdni...@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca (Greg Nikolic)
> >> This forum can be viewed as a wide open amorphous discussion-blob
> >> wherein a subtle and changing combination of purely `intellectual' points
> >> and more immediate and basic `visceral' reactions combine to form an
> >> information-generating matrix or experential `gestalt' if you will.
> >
> >[blah blah blah ...]
> And yet you read it all, didn't you? If you didn't like it, why didn't
> you hit 'n'?
No, as a matter of fact, about all I read is the part I quoted. Didn't
even bother to read on. Sorry to burst your bubble.
> That took me five minutes to write.
Now I _really_ know why they call it verbal diarrhea--a big load of shit
spews forth in too short a time, and it's not even satisfying.
Well, there we go again.... All of us are hopelessly incompetent in all
that we do, while the wondrous greg nikolic is just incredibly informed.
We sincerely appreciate you showing us how inferior we all are to you.
Thanks again.`
Okay, okay, I know that responding to his insults is just fuel
for his fire, but it seems obvious that his shots are concentrated on
Ms Hackborn, and perhaps a cheap shot or two from me is no sweat off
my back. I dunno. I just couldn't resist lowering myself down to his
level, but I have a feeling this will do nothing to stop his "I love
to insult gays" crusade.
[Dorky "Shut up" diatribe deleted.]
>You cut to the bone, like a good dyke saw.
^^^^ ^^^
>When I see you at work I think "Ginsu 2000
>of the flaming world". Amazing stuff.
Holy Moses! Tell me where to get one of those!! Maw, we
don't need nuthin' else but one of those "Ginsu dyke saws"!! Our
prayers have been answered!! :0)
>Do they catch you on film typing
>out your lines? They should, you know, and pass it on generation to
>generation. THIS is how it was done by a master they'll say, THIS is
>how Diane did it.
*Yawn* Is that as good an insult as you could come up with?
I certainly hope *you* aren't giving away your trade secrets on how
you plan on brainwashing the world with *your* thinking....
[more b.s. deleted]
>>Dianne Kyra Hackborn ____
>>hac...@xanth.cs.orst.edu NOBODY \Bi/cycle!
>>BIX: dhack / IRC: Dianne KNOWS I'M A \/
>>Oregon State University *peddle* *peddle* *peddle*...
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Oho the laughter. My belly hurts.
*winping sarcasm off computer screen*
> Tell me, does mom and dad know that their somewhat overweight,
>horn-rimmed glasses sporting, computer-world-living daughter goes down
>for a long draught at the pubic-rimmed Venusian Pond of Love?
Tell me, does *your* mom and dad know that their somewhat
overweight, horn-rimmed glasses sporting, computer-world-living
*homophobic* son does nothing better with his tuition but go down to
his university computation center, get an email account, and kill lots
of time insulting people on the net?
Really, how long does it take for you to come up with these
*wonderful* letters of propaganda? It does please me that someone
actually *does* take the time to study a letter and find every nook
and cranny to find bait for an insult. Not.
What right is it for *you* (or me for that matter :0) to refer
to using insults pertaining to one's parents and one's physical
attributes? How freaking pathetic!
*Imitating a Monty Python voice* Please note that the
author's use of parental and physical attributional insults is merely
a demonstration of the stupidity of the insult of the *original*
author, Mr Nikolic. And now for something completely different...
> Just wondering. And for my personal edification, do you lap at the
>Jade Gate during the monthly Time of Red Floods? And how would you describe
>that flavour? Piquant? Aromatic? Clotty? Perhaps you give the "liquid"
>French-sounding vineyard names depending on the time of cycle that the
>menses issues forth. "Red Burgandy" for the first day of "leakage",
>"Maroon Champagne" for day two, and so on. Feel free to fill in the blanks.
You know, they say that people manifest their fantasies by
putting it sown on paper. It helps them form more vivid details of an
otherwise vague thought.
*Imitating a heavy Texas accent* Son, seems to me you need
to go out and find yerself a woman!! Honestly, Greg don't you have
anything better to do with your time than to instigate flame wars?
Jesus Fucking H. Christ you dipshit!! Get a life!
[the buzz meister apologizes for any offense taken by his last
>My deepest respects,
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
Ch! Yeah! Right! It deeply saddens me that many people regard
others as less than themselves. People who make the effort to
distance themselves from certain types of people are only isolating
themselves from the wealth of resources and insight that those "other people"
can give. Despite what you may think Greg, bi and gay people are
human too. What use is there in comdemning them on the basis of their
sexual lifestyle?
People fear that which they are not familiar with. Talk with
a bi or gay person and you just may realize that not all of them are
out to intimidate and push their views on you. They have a mind and a
wit. They have the exact same biology as you or I. And they have
emotions just like you or I, and are capable of being hurt just like
you or I. It's so damn easy to point out the negative. Why the hell
can't we accentuate the positive?
There are no niggers, gooks, spics, chinks, dagos, fags,
dykes, or breeders--just idiots, fools and schmucks. Oy!! :-)
Comments always appreciated. Flames happily deleted.
Buzz "the danger boy!"
"There is nothing so deep as the ocean/There is nothing so high as the
sky/And there is nothing unwavering as a woman/When she's already
made up her mind" -Lyle Lovett
"She's Already Made Up Her Mind"
Opinions wanted? Opinions from other solicited? Ha.
If either of you hope to get the other to see eye-to-eye with you on this,
you might as well try to convince a tiger to become a vegetarian.
Another zoological aphorism: don't try to teach a pig to sing. You will waste
your time and annoy the pig. Unfortunately, you each see each other as the
JG> --
JG> Julia Gosztyla (bi and proud of it) (919)
JG> 481-7179
JG> gosz...@bnr.ca ESN
JG> 283-7179
JG> --------> Any opinions expressed here are mine, and not those of BNR
JG> <-------
JG> This message was composed on my own time; thanks for letting me use the
JG> computer,
JG> Pat Buchanan is so homophobic he thinks global warming is caused
JG> by the
JG> AIDS quilt.
JG> --Dennis Miller
On Tue 8-Jun-1993 3:21a, Julia Gosztyla wrote:
JG> Perhaps the 25 year old virgin is saving herself for the right WOMAN.
JG> Thanks for
JG> not dumping your assumptions on all of us.
JG> --
JG> Julia Gosztyla (bi and proud of it) (919)
JG> 481-7179
JG> gosz...@bnr.ca ESN
JG> 283-7179
JG> --------> Any opinions expressed here are mine, and not those of BNR
JG> <-------
JG> This message was composed on my own time; thanks for letting me use the
JG> computer,
JG> Pat Buchanan is so homophobic he thinks global warming is caused
JG> by the
JG> AIDS quilt.
JG> --Dennis Miller
--- Via UCI v1.36 (C-Net Amiga)