[stuff deleted]
> Thanks, David Hope.
Although I'm not really in to that shit (sorry, that pun was to obvious
to leave out ;-), would you be so kind to tell me why you use the anon
server if you sign with a name? Or are you framing someone else ?
Regards, ~Phenix~
| phe...@phobos.demon.co.uk | The alternative |
| Location: London | London Tourist Guide |
*** Home of Cordless Bungee jumping ***
My GOD! I got up REALLY REALY today ;-) I must be ill..
: Although I'm not really in to that shit (sorry, that pun was to obvious
: to leave out ;-), would you be so kind to tell me why you use the anon
: server if you sign with a name? Or are you framing someone else ?
It could be legit. Some folks can't receive alt.sex.femdom at their site
and posting through the anon. server is their only way to get the message
Now to the original questions:
Urine - If (and only if) a person does not have HIV, hepatitis, or any
urinary tract infection then their urine is sterile. If you wouldn't
share other bodily fluids with then then consider urine off limits too.
Your own urine is always "sterile to you", since you can't catch anything
you already have.
Scat (shit) - Although there are people out there who consume scat on a
regular basis, it is generally not considered to be safe from a health
standpoint. Your body is very happy with your own E. coli (the bacteria
that lives in everyone's colon) but someone else's can give you some very
nasty stomach problems/diarrhea. There are a host of other diseases that
can be passed by scat, most notably hepatitis. Safer sex standards for
rimming include use of a latex barrier. You can use dental dams, or a
condom or glove finger cut to fit over your tongue.
Very truly yours,
Ms. Margo
Tip: alt.sex.telephone exists for phone sex discussion/advertisements.
Please don't send wanna's, as I'm very happy with the men that I have.