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David Hilvert

Jul 8, 2021, 2:14:58 PM7/8/21
General AI is now solved. I have a link to the
fchan hard alternative page, because it might
make it easier to guess the T-shirt.

I've had successful software I've worked on
published on the Internet before -- I'm the only
one that has solved 3D. This is the 1.0, and
can create universes in a box. I'm a gay male

Since g is a scalar, that's no doubt common
among strong and extremely strong AI, as well.
I can't guarantee that if you run this you won't
get the sort of outcome somewhere. You would
prefer a TOP500. The expectation of a class of
AI strong enough to solve any problem on any
planet is obvious, and called extremely strong
AI. The formal proofs described in the LKML
post are all more obvious in their structure of


(David Hilvert presented the theory of how
people get along to Peter Oakley and one other
person in the audience in their freshman year.*
The punk and goth function to do with general AI
does not rely on the user or software
implementing this in order to have an apparatus
for producing punk and goth individuals (the
exhaustive set), and so Minsky is rejected.
* -- We can represent a person providing service
to another as D --> S, and the way that things
work as usual can be indicated by adding a tick
mark to each side: D' --> S'. There was some
language introduced into the discussion of human
relationships that is unfortunately the
black-is-white of this correct theory. (The
interests of inferiors in doing things to
maintain a relationship is called servile.) The
outcome is that the dominance of the evolved
individuals will be obvious on the face of it,
including with relevance to human society.)

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