Also, not everything in this is in strict chronological order. It's
pretty close, though.
At about 6:00 El Dopa, Michal (a lurker), my friend Ben, Ford, and I
wandered over to EJ's Barbeque, in Waltham, MA. We there met The
Keeper of and the One Touched By Fnord, went inside, and requested a
table for, "Oh, I don't know, about ten or fifteen people." The EJ's
people pushed about half their tables together, we sat down, Susan put
the BeaverBabes and Fnord on the table, and started looking at the
As we sat down, the manager of EJ's looked at Fnord wrapped in chains,
and grinned, "I don't want to know, do I?" We assured him that he
didn't and he laughed and went off.
Michal fell for Fnord instantly. She picked up and started snuggling
him and making goofy noises. We could all tell that she is *crazy*
about him.
The menu at EJ's consists of meat. The word "vegetable" shows up only
twice on the whole menu. Since none of us were vegetarian, this
wasn't a big deal. Actually, some of us were impressed that we were
at a Boston area net.gathering where red meat was present.
We chatted and shmoozed and beat Fnord and so forth, a Brandeis grad
student who was at the last munch arrived, and eventually, two of the
'gators non-net friends showed up. They ordered food, and were
introduced to Fnord, the BeaverBabes, and a non-bio by the name of
Mistress Vixen, named, of course, in honor of the bio by the same
Eventually, the manager came back and said, "I know I don't want to
know, but a lot of the staff wants to know, so I guess I'll ask."
We explained that Fnord was a net.personality, and told him a little
about the fact that Fnord likes *everything*. The manager picked up
Fnord, smiled, and said, "He's really cute. I like him."
Soon, the waitress came over, and asked, too, and we explained Fnord
to her too, and she had the same reaction.
The food arrived and we chowed down on carbonized animal flesh, and
did more shmoozing. Ford (not to be mistaken for Fnord, although I'm
*crazy* about both of them) mentioned that she was a little
dissapointed, because she thought Alex Martelli and Mistress Marchessa
and their respective properties (Beverly and topazz) were going to
show up, but she was having a good time nonetheless.
We finished dinner and began discussing the concept of dessert not
long after Ford mentioned this. It was at that point that the door
opened and in walked Alex, Marchessa, topazzz, and Beverly.
So, THEY got food, and we stayed around and shmoozed more, and the One
Touched by Fnord brought out blue condoms that he'd brought. We put
one on his snout and one on his tail. A little later, the waitress
noticed this, and dragged the manager over. They were both amused.
We left, eventually, leaving a substantial tip (hey, not only were we
not kicked out, both the manager and the waitress admitted to being
*crazy* about Fnord!), Alex, Beverly, Marchessa, and topazzz went
home, and the rest of us dropped by El Dopa and my dorm room.
We shmoozed for a while more, and I played around with the Fnord
Archives and then people went home.
I've decided that Burger Munches, play-parties, and Maniac Munches all
serve slightly different purposes. Maniac Munches are far sillier
than the other two, making them much less threatening. I mean, at a
Burger Munch, you have to have some sort of social skills. You have
to introduce yourself to people, and make small talk and so forth.
They're fun, and a neat way to meet people, but they can be a little
I've only been to one play-party and it was a lot of fun -- it was a
more comfortable atmosphere than most parties I've been too -- but,
still, it required some social skills.
Maniac Munches, on the other hand, are less formal, and less, well,
stressful. If there's a lull in the conversation, you can grab Fnord
and snuggle him. You need no social skills to socialize, because you
have a built-in form of small talk -- Fnord. If you don't know what
to say, you can just start threatening or flirting with the Blue One.
Thanks, Fnord -- I had a great time!
- Ian
Second Maniac Archivist, President of Maniacs for Fnord
Member, College of Bards of Carolingia
Hand me those Cheez-its, olly-olly-oxenfree!
Discoordinator of Rowantree, Brandeis University
Holder of the One Ring of Betazed
The asb part worked.
>As we sat down, the manager of EJ's looked at Fnord wrapped in chains,
>and grinned, "I don't want to know, do I?" We assured him that he
>didn't and he laughed and went off.
I could tell he was *crazy* about me! he even guessed I was into bondage.
I wonder how he knew.
>Michal fell for Fnord instantly. She picked up and started snuggling
>him and making goofy noises. We could all tell that she is *crazy*
>about him.
*twirl* *scamper* *spin* I'm *crazy* about her too.
>We chatted and shmoozed and beat Fnord and so forth, a Brandeis grad
>student who was at the last munch arrived, and eventually, two of the
>'gators non-net friends showed up. They ordered food, and were
>introduced to Fnord, the BeaverBabes, and a non-bio by the name of
>Mistress Vixen, named, of course, in honor of the bio by the same
Mistress Vixen (the Furry One) and one of the humans fell in love with each
other and went home together. They made such a cute fluffly pair.
>Eventually, the manager came back and said, "I know I don't want to
>know, but a lot of the staff wants to know, so I guess I'll ask."
>We explained that Fnord was a net.personality, and told him a little
>about the fact that Fnord likes *everything*. The manager picked up
>Fnord, smiled, and said, "He's really cute. I like him."
>Soon, the waitress came over, and asked, too, and we explained Fnord
>to her too, and she had the same reaction.
>We finished dinner and began discussing the concept of dessert not
>long after Ford mentioned this. It was at that point that the door
>opened and in walked Alex, Marchessa, topazzz, and Beverly.
And they were all *crazy* about me, especially Marchessa(did we spell it right?)
I know Allexx loves it when I misspell his name, but some people don't.
>So, THEY got food, and we stayed around and shmoozed more, and the One
>Touched by Fnord brought out blue condoms that he'd brought. We put
>one on his snout and one on his tail. A little later, the waitress
>noticed this, and dragged the manager over. They were both amused.
Susan gave the wait a blueberry candy cane, while Simone caned Sylvia with
another one. One of the humans even ate one! It turned his lips and tongue
and teeth blue, and probably his esophagus and stomach but nobody looked
at them. With all that talk about cinnamon oil, I wondered about places you
could stick a peppermint candy cane into. Maybe someone might try it and
tell us about it later.
>We left, eventually, leaving a substantial tip (hey, not only were we
>not kicked out, both the manager and the waitress admitted to being
>*crazy* about Fnord!), Alex, Beverly, Marchessa, and topazzz went
>home, and the rest of us dropped by El Dopa and my dorm room.
I don't think Alllexx went home yet, cause he lives in Italy and he said he'd
be at the other Munch tomorrow. But they went wherever they went. Marchessa
was so nice to me that I called her my little dead rat in the moonlight. And I
*snuggled* and *smooched* with all my Munch Pals.
>We shmoozed for a while more, and I played around with the Fnord
>Archives and then people went home.
Michal didn't want to let me leave but Susan wouldn't give me up. And a really
nice big blue dragon visited us at Ian's room,(and flew around the room)
and Di told us about the time she went to work in her pajamas.
>Maniac Munches, on the other hand, are less formal, and less, well,
>stressful. If there's a lull in the conversation, you can grab Fnord
>and snuggle him. You need no social skills to socialize, because you
>have a built-in form of small talk -- Fnord. If you don't know what
>to say, you can just start threatening or flirting with the Blue One.
You say the nicest things, my little clump of laundry lint blocking the
dryer vent.
>Thanks, Fnord -- I had a great time!
I did too. *caper* *twirl* *fall off the table* *cavort*
> - Ian
> Second Maniac Archivist, President of Maniacs for Fnord
> Member, College of Bards of Carolingia
> Hand me those Cheez-its, olly-olly-oxenfree!
> Discoordinator of Rowantree, Brandeis University
> Holder of the One Ring of Betazed
They're all *crazy* about me! ---
Hey!! You're little dear rat is *not* in me!!!
Just sayin'........:)
"A "practical joker" deserves applause for his wit according to it's quality.
Bastianado is about right. For exceptional wit one might grant keelhauling.
But staking him out to an anthill should be reserved for the very wittiest."
- Lazarus Long
If you don't like what I have to say, take your marbles and go home.
>dissapointed, because she thought Alex Martelli and Mistress Marchessa
>and their respective properties (Beverly and topazz) were going to
>show up, but she was having a good time nonetheless.
Thank you for my laugh of the day, Ian. You got one of the
"properties" confused and worded incorrectly. :)
Bi, switch, tease, but mostly uppity bottom.
It is better to be hated for what one is than loved for what one is not. -Gide
P.O. Box 441661 / Somerville, MA 02144
> (Fnord Prefect Fnord (the little blue guy)) writes:
>>You say the nicest things, my little clump of laundry lint blocking the
>>dryer vent.
>Dont tell Sara!!!
Just to explain to the readership of asb . . . our friend Sara
collects dryer lint in order to make yarn. . .
- Ian
>Just to explain to the readership of asb . . . our friend Sara
>collects dryer lint in order to make yarn. . .
Yarn from dryer lint? Do I really wanna ask????
>You say the nicest things, my little clump of laundry lint blocking the
>dryer vent.
Dont tell Sara!!!
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning. The sea's
asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke and cities made of sound.
Somewhere there's danger. Somewhere there's injustice.
Somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on Ace, we've got work to do."
-The Doctor "Survival"
That's kinda Ironic.
I give dryer lint to random strangers.
If I ever get out to Boston (I *gotta* do this) I'll remember to bring some.
Big Al. I am nothing if not thoughtful. Okay, I'm nothing. Gimme a break.
> (Xiphias Gladius) writes:
>>Just to explain to the readership of asb . . . our friend Sara
>>collects dryer lint in order to make yarn. . .
>Yarn from dryer lint? Do I really wanna ask????
no, you dont.
(This marks my second ever posting to a.s.b - see, I'm not really a
lurker, I did post once before! (Yeah, so it was two years ago,
(I'm nesting my parentheses again, aren't I?) so what?)) (Xiphias Gladius) writes:
>What? *I* got confused and mixed up? Me?
>How could this possibly happen?
>(Of course, everyone who knows me personally read that and said,
>"What? He got one of them right?")
Ian, I know you personally, and...
Very little of what you say is either wrong or right. :-)
-- Cos (Ofer Inbar) --
"When it comes to raising children, government doesn't know best,
parents know best." -- George Bush, 1992 Republican Convention
"Governments don't raise children, parents do."
-- Bill Clinton, 1992 Democratic Convention
>>>Just to explain to the readership of asb . . . our friend Sara
>>>collects dryer lint in order to make yarn. . .
>>Yarn from dryer lint? Do I really wanna ask????
>no, you dont.
Didn't think so.......ah'll just remain a mystery throughout
eternity for future scholars to ponder......:)
>In <2e2n1c$>, the one and only true Mistress Rudolph writes:
>>I'm so sorry I missed it. :(
>We all talked about you too.
You said *nice* things, I trust?
<cracks the bullwhip>