There are two main ways to react, and they are not the same as each other --
they may even be opposites.
1) How do we get back at these people ?
2) How do we solve the problem ?
On TV, I haven't heard anyone ask yet what the attackers were trying to
achieve. But, if you want to solve the problem, you have to ask that
In my opinion, they were trying to provoke America into a massive,
indiscriminate retaliation that would move mainstream Arab/Muslim opinion
behind the extremists. Obviously, the White House has some excellent
advisers, and this has already been thought about in those circles -- but
what you get on TV from journalists is several levels of sophistication
below that (I'll tell you below why I don't think much of journalists). If
the attackers wanted you to retaliate massively and indiscriminately, it
might be an idea to refrain from doing that.
In the heat of the moment, people say a lot of thoughtless things, and one
of the most thoughtless things I have heard anyone say is that the attackers
were "cowardly". If you are calm enough to be a little objective, you'll
have to admit that the attackers, however murderous they were, committed
suicide themselves, and that is obviously not a cowardly thing to do. They
were also not "mad", as I have also heard them described. If a lone person
had crashed one plane, you might have been able to call him/her "mad", but
the pseudo-science that is Psychology/Psychiatry is not able to apply that
label to a group of 50 or more people.
It is very important to realise that they were not cowardly or mad, because,
if you don't, you won't have a clue how to combat them. In fact, their
suicidal bravery is their most powerful weapon -- the weapon that America
will find it hardest to combat, in my opinion. Their suicidal bravery
comes from what appears to be their "madness", i.e. their fanatical
religious belief. These people probably believed that they would go to an
Islamic Heaven as a reward for their actions. America, and the West in
general, are comparatively secular, and don't have the religious zeal that
Christians had at the time of the Crusades. This is another weak-point in
America, compared to the attackers.
I have spent almost 2 years in Muslim countries/areas, so I have a little
insight into how such countries tick. The main reason for the events of 11
September was US support for Israel, and Israel exists because of the
persecution of Jews in Europe. By creating Israel, Europe exported its
racial problem to the Middle East. Zionism seems racist, because
Palestinians were ethnically cleansed by Zionists. Even creating an
independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza would probably not
stop many Palestininans from wanting to push Israel into the sea completely.
As long as Israel exists, and as long as the US supports Israel, there will
be Islamic terrorist groups springing up. It could get worse. All the US
can do in the medium term, in my opinion, is choose between supporting
Israel and having to manage a high level of Islamic terrorism. Remember
that Islam converted people by the sword -- as did Christianity in the
Americas. Holy War (Jihad) is a living concept today, though we had our
last Crusade many centuries ago.
The West enjoys a comfortable lifestyle, on the whole, but the liberal bias
of the MUC (Media-University Complex) shields you from the fact that there
are a lot of have-nots, and these people, and their supporters, are possible
sources of frustrated terrorism in the future. Here are some of the
relatively powerless groups we have amongst us:
1. Muslims;
2. Men/Fathers;
3. Poor Whites;
4. Unborn Children.
The fact that 99% of those who read these lines who a) went to college or b)
watch TV will find that list hard to swallow is due to the brainwashing you
receive from colleges and the media. Because you are brainwashed, you have
difficulty perceiving reality.
Personally, I am tempted to think that any country that has a "Violence
Against Women" Act on its statute books is *mad* -- but, of course, you're
not mad: just brainwashed. Your media shield you from the research
statistics on Domestic Violence (see and ), so you don't know any better.
So get real ! Unfortunately, there are billions of people who believe in
"holy books", and this is enough to get them to go on suicide missions.
Paradoxically, more Americans may have to start believing in "holy books" in
order to fight back effectively. It used to be said that "there are no
atheists in foxholes". This may not be literally true, but it's obvious that
atheists don't have the same incentive to commit suicide as a Moslem
It is a sad commentary on sexual politics that it took a high number of
civilian (i.e. female) casualties in New York for American public opinion
(according to polls) to accept the thought of going to war and sustaining
high (i.e. mainly male) casualties ! I can only hope/expect that the crisis
will make American women go all 'feminine", as they sacrifice their menfolk
in the battlefield, and that Feminism will suffer a (no doubt temporary)
setback for the duration of the war.
Peter Zohrab
New Zealand Equality Party
International Ex-Fetus Association Sex,
Lies & Feminism Family Violence Domestic Violence Research Child Abuse Statistics
kill every last one of them.
> 2) How do we solve the problem ?
they are the problem, killing every last one of them will solve it.
Then what we need to do, is find out what would prevent them from going to
their heaven. If it meant after we kill one, we bathe him in pig grease and
stuff bacon in his ass and mouth, and that makes him persona non gratta in
his heaven, and thus delegated to his hell - there might be a few LESS
crazies wanting to volunteer for suicidal acts of terrorism.
> I have spent almost 2 years in Muslim countries/areas, so I have a little
> insight into how such countries tick. The main reason for the events of
> September was US support for Israel, and Israel exists because of the
> persecution of Jews in Europe. By creating Israel, Europe exported its
> racial problem to the Middle East. Zionism seems racist, because
> Palestinians were ethnically cleansed by Zionists. Even creating an
> independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza would probably not
> stop many Palestininans from wanting to push Israel into the sea
Um, Isreal existed before the Palestinians did. It was the Arabs who pushed
them out in the first place.
> As long as Israel exists, and as long as the US supports Israel, there
> be Islamic terrorist groups springing up. It could get worse. All the US
> can do in the medium term, in my opinion, is choose between supporting
> Israel and having to manage a high level of Islamic terrorism. Remember
> that Islam converted people by the sword -- as did Christianity in the
> Americas. Holy War (Jihad) is a living concept today, though we had our
> last Crusade many centuries ago.
Hmmmm, . . . . ALL the Arab countries combined TRIED to destroy Isreal a
number of times, and LOST! So if Isreal wanted to attack them, they would
loose everything. And so what does not seem to be mentioned, is that the
ONLY thing holding the Isrealis back from attacking them is the USA! So
maybe, we should remove our hold on them and LET them go at it.
> So get real ! Unfortunately, there are billions of people who believe in
> "holy books", and this is enough to get them to go on suicide missions.
> Paradoxically, more Americans may have to start believing in "holy books"
> order to fight back effectively. It used to be said that "there are no
> atheists in foxholes". This may not be literally true, but it's obvious
> atheists don't have the same incentive to commit suicide as a Moslem
> extremist.
Atheist are not greedy too? Don't want more land and resources? BS! Also,
the Bible is older than the Koran. Not to mention that many keep saying that
the Koran does NOT preach violence - so that eliminates this argument.
The only reason they had the balls to provoke the U.S. was because
they believed their "will" was enough to conquer any enemy.
The were beaten, for several reasons (and probably a lot more):
1) They did nothing to destroy the actual productivity of America.
2) They thought the Americans would not have the resolve to fight a war.
We have a VERY similar situation going on right now in the middle east.
However, one BIG difference is, the United States has millions of
times the firepower it had during World War II. The United States is
much smarter in how it executes warfare.
Our enemies are millions of times weaker than the Japanese of World
War II.
People, this is a no-brainer. The U.S. can do whatever it wants in
that region and no one can stop it. What we are pussy footing around
with, is trying to be "nice" and "neighborly" about it.
I'm sorry, but that is not necessary.
We need to occupy Iraq, Iran and Afganistan and establish democracies
there. Secular democracies. None of the armies of these countries can
offer anything except token resistance. And the occupants who oppose
us will die on the battlefield, saving us having to track them down
later. What wild eyed terrorist will be able to resist getting
involved in the fight as the armies of the Beast are marching through
his country? What American hater will not enthusiastically rush
american tanks armed only with a Lee Enfield 1915 rifle? That's how
we root out the terrorists AND solve the problem of countries that
harbor them, all in one swoop.
Those terrorists who are not living in areas of the battle, will also
tip their hands in an attempt to get in on the action. They will have
to do something less spectacular than they originally planned such as
a "suicide 7-11 holdup".
No one is going to say anything, and if they do, so what? Just play
them the video of September 11 2001. It's like showing people movies
of the concentration camps. It's a slam dunk way to convince those who
are sitting on the sidelines. And enough with these sanitized videos
of the devastation. Body parts and mangled corpses by the hundreds
should be shoved under everyones's noses, just like those films of
Nazi Germany.
Any questions? Good. Let's get started on it!
Across the 1950s, 60s and early 70s, jewish led communist and anti-war
radical organizations, and black radical "freedom" organizations, forced
the US government (FBI) to enact covert surveillance operations such as
Co-intelpro. In respose to that government intervention, congressional
liberals required the 'Atty General Levy' restrictions to surveillance
domestic radical organizations. Liberals also achieved the immigration
act of 1965 that vastly increased Mid-east and third-world immigration.
These two factors have allowed the perverse reality of the WTC
terrorists receiving haven and their training in the US - not
Afghanistan - under student visas. We have let in far too many
"students" too quickly for the FBI to investigate for possible terrorist
ties. Bill Clinton made this much worse under his administration with
immigration in general (over 1 million in 1996 alone), but it has been
going on at least since the 1980s.
After the OKC bombing:
Bill Clinton's Atty General Reno targeted surveillance at militias and
white-separatist organizations, while Bin Laden built a huge terrorist
cell in the US without interference - and the Administration knew of it,
which is why the hijackers were identified so quickly after their
attack on the WTC. Clearly, political correctness has even affected
which potential terrorists we look at. Clinton and Reno are to blame
here also.
What's to come:
Iran is developing a ballistic missile capable of hitting the East coast
of the US, and a nuclear warhead. Iraq is also in the same process.
Iran's khomeini-based regime is the theological center of the militant
Islam followed by Bin Ladin. The US in the past used the CIA to over-
throw regimes dangerous to US interests. That too was eliminated at
the demand of liberals.
The US can _expect_ a ballistic missile nuclear attack from Iran, and
soon, according to Israeli intelligence as relayed on Fox Tv by
former prime minister Netanyahu.
I meant, of course, to say that America would have to put up with managing a
high level of Islamic terrorism *if* it continued to support Israel (not
that it would have to choose between these two).
Of course, I may be wrong, and Palestine and Israel may be able to coexist,
but there are Palestinian groups that are on record as wanting to destroy
Israel totally.
Peter Zohrab
New Zealand Equality Party
International Ex-Fetus Association Sex,
Lies & Feminism Family Violence Domestic Violence Research Child Abuse Statistics
"Peter Zohrab" <> wrote in message
The US should drop nuclear weapons on Baghdad, Kabul, Tehran, and Telaviv.
Aside from giving Hillary a platform in which to run against Bush, I believe
that this solution will solve the problem in an appropriate manner.
"Paradox" <> wrote in message
"Z3Coupe" <******> wrote in message
"X" <> wrote in message
> Some good thoughts, mixed with some crack pot theories of your own. Seems
> you have an agenda against women. There is little doubt that men get
screwed on
> domestic violence in many instances, but that has been born from the fact
that -
> in most cases - the man is stronger and can "abuse" the women because he
> usually physically stronger. Hence, the laws and attitude of the law
> tends to arrest a man quicker for domestic violence then they would a
women. It
> comes with the territory. I know a guy who was arrested, name in the
paper, and
> the whole works, and the truth was all he was doing was trying to protect
> himself as his drunk, clinically mentally derranged wife was attacking
him. When
> the cops got there after the neighbors called, she said, "He was beating
me" and
> that was it; he went to jail. She later admitted that he did nothing
> after she sobered up.
> We have other "mad" things on the books here, like "hate crimes." I find
> reason to add "hate crimes" to the books, as whatever crime they were
> while performing their "hate crime" is already covered. If I kill a gay
> because I hate gays, I am already going to prison for killing someone,
> regardless of why. And yet, we have extra penalities for "hate crimes."
> someone for reasons other than self defense is already covered. That law
> indeed "mad" as well.
> However, lets really talk mad. Lets talk about feeling the need to kill
> thousands and thousands of completely innocent people to prove your point.
> talk about having such a boner for your religon that you twist it's very
> into one of hatred and mass murder. What is more mad than mass murdering
> innocent people in the name of your religion when that same religon
> peace and love.
> The Christians also had a mad period like this. It was called The
Crusades. That
> was ever bit as mad. But we learned. I guess these fellas who did this are
> thousand years behind the times. It would help if they caught up to the
> day.
> In article <zrBo7.1118$>, Peter Zohrab says...
"020V2@SIA" <> wrote in message
> How about dropping millions of little pigs with parachutes over Mecca,
> although, I do like your idea of stuffing bacon up their asses when they
> killed. Another idea is to cut their little pricks off such that they
> service the 7000 17 year old whores (hoories) waiting for them in their
> heaven.
Jews are not just a problem for Arabs. They are our problem too.
The Jews Are Our Misfortune
By Dr. William Pierce
If you've been listening to many of my broadcasts you will know that the
issue I talk about most often is that of media control. In nearly every
broadcast I have pointed out that the people who control the mass media
of news and entertainment are able to manipulate the opinions and
attitudes of about 95 per cent of the population. I have pointed out
that the media bosses do this manipulation deliberately and in collusion
with one another, taking advantage of the compelling need most people
have to conform their ideas and their behavior to a perceived norm.
The media bosses use their control over the mass media of entertainment
-- and to a lesser extent over the news media -- to create an artificial
norm that is presented to the public through television, motion
pictures, advertising, and other media, and this artificial norm is the
one perceived as real by most of the public. Through their control of
public opinion the media bosses also control the democratic political
process and governmental policy in a way that is advantageous to them
and disadvantageous to the White public. And these media bosses are
overwhelmingly Jews.
That has been the message I have presented over and over again in many
of these broadcasts. I have talked about different facets of Jewish
media control and have presented different specifics, different details,
in various broadcasts. I've discussed a number of different Hollywood
films or television shows as specific examples of the way in which the
Jews use their media control to brainwash the public, to promote
fashions and styles and behavior that are harmful to our people but that
advance the long-term schemes of the Jews to further dominate and
exploit our society.
I've talked about specific Jews who control various segments of the mass
media, and I've pointed out specific instances of the destructive way in
which they use their control. I've talked about the Jewish media boss
Sumner Redstone and his control of MTV and CBS and the Hollywood film
studio Paramount Pictures. I've talked about the Jewish media boss
Michael Eisner and his control of the Disney Company and ABC. I've
talked about the Jewish media boss Gerald Levin and his control of Time
Warner and CNN. I've talked about the Jewish media boss Edgar Bronfman
and his control of the largest segment of the popular music industry and
Universal Studios in Hollywood. And I've talked about dozens of other
Jewish media bosses and the media they control and the specific ways in
which they use those media. In particular, during the past few months
I've talked about several recent Hollywood films which deliberately
target teenaged White girls and brainwash them with the notion that it
is fashionable for them to have sex with Black males.
And of course, I've talked about the Jewish control of the news media as
well as the entertainment media. In a way similar to their use of the
entertainment media to set popular fashions, the Jewish media bosses
distort and censor the news in order to give the public a distorted
picture of what is happening in the world. I've given several very
specific examples of this Jewish management of the news in recent
I've talked about the total blackout at the national level of the news
of the atrocious rape and massacre of Whites in Wichita, Kansas, by
Blacks last December, and I've talked about the almost total suppression
of the news of the Black racial attacks on Whites in Seattle in the
Mardi Gras riot at the end of February this year. I also talked about
the downplaying of the racial aspects of the Black rioting in Cincinnati
in April of this year, about the failure of the news media outside the
immediate Cincinnati area to mention the deliberate targeting of Whites,
especially White women, by the Black rioters. And I described the gross
distortions in the news coverage of the racial politics in York,
Pennsylvania, that led to the current White mayor of York being charged
in May with the killing of a Black during a Black race riot in York 32
years ago.
I have pointed out repeatedly how all of this suppression of the news
and distortion of the news is aimed at creating and maintaining a false
picture in the public mind of racial conflict in the United States. In
this false picture Whites always are the aggressors, Blacks or other
non-Whites are the innocent victims, and the root of all racial conflict
is White racism.
In a number of my broadcasts I've discussed at length why the Jews do
what they do: why they use their media control in such a deceptive and
destructive way, what their motives are. I've also talked about how they
collaborate. I've pointed out that their propaganda policies are not
formulated independently, but that they have a coherent party line that
they all follow. I've given a number of specific examples of this.
Well, all of these things that I've talked about have not gone unnoticed
by the Jewish media bosses themselves. When people expose their
activities or their scheming they pay attention. In particular, they
have been paying attention to these American Dissident Voices broadcasts
and to the work of my organization, the National Alliance. They read
what's on our Web sites at and and,
and they talk about it among themselves. This shows up pretty clearly in
the uniform way in which their media respond to us. Whether it's the
Associated Press or Time magazine or the Washington Post or a television
news commentator anywhere in the United States, they always use the same
phrasing in talking about us. They always use the word "hate" in
referring to us. They always say that the National Alliance is the "most
dangerous organized hate group" in America, despite the fact that all we
do is disseminate to the public the truth about what they're doing.
That's what they regard as "dangerous" and as "hate."
If you want to see a current indicator of the fact that they do think
about us, go to the Web site promoting Steven Spielberg's new movie,
A.I. There you'll see a parody of a part of the National Alliance's Web
site in the form of a page headed "Who Is the Anti-Robot Militia?" It's
obviously copied, almost word for word, from the page "Who Is the
National Alliance?" on our Web site. It's difficult for me to understand
what they hoped to accomplish with this parody. Perhaps they believe
that it will make people take us less seriously.
Somewhat less quirky but much more directly deceptive are their standard
smokescreen responses. It used to be that whenever I would raise the
issue of Jewish monopoly control of the mass media of news and
entertainment during an interview or on a call-in program, I would hear
the response from a Jew or an apologist for the Jews: "What about Ted
Turner? He's not a Jew," as if that negated everything I had said. Of
course, that response was used before Ted Turner's CNN was taken over by
the very Jewish Time Warner. And now that Ted Turner has been eased out
of all decision-making positions in the cable news network he built and
has been replaced by Jews, one doesn't hear the Ted Turner response any
The standard responses today, the ones I hear as often as I used to hear
the Ted Turner response, are the "it's the shareholders" and the "it's
the big bankers." Whenever I start naming names -- whenever I begin
talking about the control over the media wielded by Michael Eisner or
Sumner Redstone, for example, a Jew will pop up with the response:
"Those guys don't control the media. It's the shareholders who control
the media. Eisner and Redstone are just employees. The shareholders tell
them what to do." A variation on this theme is, "Eisner and Redstone
don't own the media. It's the big banks that own all of the media, and
most of the big bankers are Gentiles."
Well, of course, that's not really true, and they know it's not true.
The big Jewish media bosses are mostly quite autonomous. Sumner
Redstone, for example, owns outright two-thirds of the shares in his
media empire. His personal fortune is more than 12 billion dollars,
according to Forbes magazine this month. I'm quite sure he doesn't check
with any shareholders before he dreams up some new piece of race-mixing
filth for MTV.
As for Gentile bankers telling the Jewish media bosses what kind of
propaganda they must produce for the public, that's total nonsense. I
haven't yet done a study of the investment banking industry to determine
what percentage of Jews and what percentage of Gentiles are involved in
it, but one thing that's certain is that the Gentile bankers would faint
dead away at the thought of telling Jewish media bosses such as Michael
Eisner or the Sulzberger family or the Newhouses or Sumner Redstone to
cut back on the race-mixing propaganda. Gentile bankers as a class are
rich, deracinated capons, whose only interest is money.
Every Jewish propaganda medium -- CBS or MTV or Time magazine or the New
York Times -- is staffed from top to bottom with Jews, and they all know
what they're doing. They work as a tribe, as a swarm of termites gnawing
at the foundations of our existence. There is total agreement among the
media Jews as to the general thrust of their propaganda. They may
disagree on many of the details -- they may even compete against each
other for a bigger slice of the media pie -- but all agree on the
general goals of degrading and subverting Gentile civilization, of
corrupting Gentile institutions, of mongrelizing our race. Again, the
Jews work as a tribe, and that is the source of their strength and their
Gentile bankers, on the other hand, work only for themselves. They would
not dream of combining and using their financial strength to protect our
people from the Jews. They are terrified of the Jews, of the media. The
more money they have, the more selfish and the more cowardly they are.
The huge difference, the decisive difference, between the Jews and our
people is that they work as a tribe, and we work as individuals. They
work together, rich Jews and poor Jews, for their common tribal
interests, against us, and until now we have failed to organize
effectively to defend ourselves against them.
Anyway, my point is that their defense against my exposure of their
activities and their power over our government is orchestrated -- that
is, they've all gotten together and decided what their defense will be
-- and it's a deliberate lie. As I continue to expose the destructive
activities of the Jewish media bosses, you will continue to hear them
and their apologists respond that they really don't have any power, that
it's the Gentile shareholders and the Gentile bankers who control the
media. A lot of dimwits will believe that lie. A lot of couch potatoes,
a lot of soccer moms, a lot of baseball fans, a lot of lemmings, will
believe that it's not the Jew Sumner Redstone who deliberately uses MTV
to corrupt White teenagers; instead it's some cabal of Gentile
shareholders and Gentile bankers who tell him what to do, and Redstone
is only an employee who follows their orders.
I think it's time for us to orchestrate our exposure of the Jewish
media. I think it's about time for the public, lemmings and all, to
begin hearing a uniform charge against them, a uniform statement of our
opposition to them. How about this: The Jews are our misfortune. That's
simple, and it's true, and it's easy to remember. Repeat after me: The
Jews are our misfortune. Let's use that statement. Let's let everyone
hear it. Let's impress it on everyone's consciousness: The Jews are our
Of course, when I say the Jews are our misfortune, I'm not talking only
about the Jewish media bosses. I'm not talking only about the Jews at
the top, such as Sumner Redstone and the Sulzbergers and Michael Eisner
and the others who formulate and direct the propaganda line against
Gentile society; I'm talking about the whole tribe, and I believe that
message comes across in the statement, the Jews are our misfortune. Let
me tell you what the standard lemming response will be to that
statement, the response that they have been taught and will parrot back.
First, from the religious lemmings it will be something like this: "Oh,
no, the Jews aren't our misfortune, we owe everything to the Jews. Don't
you know that Jesus was a Jew and God was his father? That makes God a
Jew. We must do what the Jews tell us. They are God's people." I'm sure
that argument is embarrassing to some of the more sophisticated
apologists for the Jews, but many Christian Fundamentalists use it, and
I've heard it often.
>From the secular lemmings it will be more like: "Don't you know that
Freud and Einstein and Salk were Jews? We wouldn't have a space program
if it weren't for Einstein. We wouldn't have a cure for polio if it
weren't for Salk. The Jews are our fortune, not our misfortune." Well,
of course, our space program has practically nothing to do with Einstein
or his Jewishness. Gentile thinkers envisioned it and pioneered both its
theoretical basis and its practical development. The German
theoretician, Hermann Oberth, and the Russian, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky,
were two of the Gentiles who independently demonstrated mathematically
the feasibility of space travel in the early years of the last century.
The American rocket pioneer Robert Goddard and the German Wernher von
Braun designed actual rockets and built the vehicles which were the
precursors of today's space ships. Jews didn't become involved until it
became glamorous and profitable. And the development of a polio vaccine
hardly would have missed a beat if Jonas Salk had gone into the garment
business instead of medicine. He was one of a team, and he got the
credit for the work of others as well as for his own work.
The reasons we hear these silly and groundless claims in the first place
about how much we owe the Jews -- the reasons are Jewish media control
and Jewish tribalism, Jewish support for their own. Freud was given the
enormous buildup he received for his theorizing about anal personalities
and penis envy and the like because he was a Jew, not because of any
genuine merit in his theorizing. Other Jewish writers recognized him as
one of their own and propelled him to a position of undeserved
authority, and his theories ultimately did an enormous amount of damage
to the development of our understanding of psychology and mental
disease. Einstein was a competent mathematical physicist, but a great
deal of the publicity he received was based on the fact that he was a
Jew rather than on the merits of his work. As in the case of Salk,
Jewish publicists gave Einstein credit for the work of others as well as
for his own work.
What we must do is look at the balance sheet. Is the damage done to our
race by Karl Marx and all of his Jewish followers in the communist
movement -- the selective murder of more than 30 million of the best of
our people in Europe during the past century -- offset by whatever
contributions Einstein and Salk and other Jews have made -- even if they
did everything their Jewish boosters claim for them? Certainly, there
have been many other Jews who were competent and creative engineers and
scientists besides Einstein and Salk. Not every clever Jew became a
lawyer or a scriptwriter or a pawn shop owner or a middleman. Some
became chemists or mathematicians or physicists. But can all of them
together make up for the mass murders Lazar Kaganovich perpetrated
aginst the Ukrainians, for the rapes and murders of German civilians
instigated by Ilya Ehrenburg, for the Eastern European girls still being
forced into sexual slavery on a huge scale today by Israeli slave
I think not. And I have not yet put on the balance sheet what the Jewish
masters of America's mass media have done and are doing to us. What can
possibly compensate White Americans for the deliberate, malevolent
corruption of our young people by just one Jewish gangster like Sumner
Redstone and his MTV? The race-mixing, culture-destroying, hip-hop filth
churned out by Sumner Redstone's MTV seven days a week is the single
most destructive influence in American life today. And of course,
Redstone doesn't produce this filth all by himself. He has thousands of
Jews working for him at every level, not only in MTV but also in CBS and
in Paramount Pictures and in all of his other media properties.
And although MTV, targeting White teenagers as it does, may seem the
most blatantly and maliciously destructive of the Jewish media, it is
hardly much worse than some of the filth being poured into the minds of
the American public by Michael Eisner's Disney empire: especially by its
Miramax films division under the Weinstein brothers. The fact that much
of the entertainment produced by Eisner's Disney Company is relatively
innocuous does not compensate for the fact that some of it is pure
poison. The poison is being introduced gradually, more and more each
year, and it is having its effect. When the Disney Company was entirely
a Gentile company a few years ago, its output of entertainment may
sometimes have been excessively bland, but none of it was poison
designed to corrupt White Americans.
And what can possibly compensate on our balance sheet for what the
Jewish news media are doing in their deliberate, calculated distortion
of the picture of the world seen by the American public. It is a picture
which has been designed to confuse White Americans, to undermine their
self-confidence, to induce feelings of racial guilt in them. Just one
example: the systematic suppression of the news of Black crimes against
White people and the exaggeration of the news of every White crime
against non-Whites is not a fluke. It is done routinely by all of the
Jewish news media: by the New York Times, by the Washington Post, by
Time magazine and Newsweek magazine, by CNN and ABC News and CBS News
and NBC News and all the rest. And interracial crime is just one issue.
The relations between the sexes; immigration; the foreign relations of
the United States with the rest of the world, especially in the Middle
East; and a hundred other important issues are similarly distorted in
their portrayal by the media. This deliberate distortion of the public's
view of the world has done irreparable damage to the American system of
government and to American society. And again: the distortion has been
deliberate, planned, systematic, and intended to do harm to us. No
number of funny Jewish comedians, or successful Jewish entrepreneurs in
Silicon Valley or on Wall Street, or clever Jewish medical researchers
can compensate for this harm.
When we look at the balance sheet the conclusion is clear beyond any
doubt: the Jews are our misfortune. It's way past time for us to accept
this conclusion, to overcome our fears of being labeled "anti-Semitic"
for accepting this conclusion, to brush aside these fears which have
been instilled in us by the propaganda of the mass media, and then to
begin working to improve our fortunes.
Thanks for being with me again today.
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2) It is sexist to say that the stereotype that men are stronger than women
implies that only men should be arrested for domestic violence. The USA is
stronger than Osama Bin Laden. Does that mean that the USA should be
punished for what Bin Laden (probably) did in the USA last week ?
3) The Feminists routinely say that psychological domestic violence is worse
than physical domestic violence. Since when have women been incapable of
psychological abuse ? And why do the Feminists brainwash the police to
arrest men for physical domestic violence when psycholgical violence is
supposedly worse (and women are probably more guilty of it than men are) ?
4) You need to read my book: Sex, Lies & Feminism
Peter Zohrab
New Zealand Equality Party
International Ex-Fetus Association Sex,
Lies & Feminism Family Violence Domestic Violence Research Child Abuse Statistics
Read my book: Sex, Lies & Feminism
I can't paste the whole book into a Usenet post.
Peter Zohrab
New Zealand Equality Party
International Ex-Fetus Association Sex,
Lies & Feminism Family Violence Domestic Violence Research Child Abuse Statistics
"020V2@SIA" <> wrote in message
"Peter Zohrab" <> wrote in message
"AlbertR" <> wrote in message
Peter Zohrab
According to crackpot Feminist logic on domestic violence, America should be
punished for the World Trade Center murders, because America is stronger
than Bin Laden! Domestic Violence links: Sex, Lies & Feminism
"AlbertR" <> wrote in message
Peter Zohrab
According to crackpot Feminist logic on domestic violence, America should be
punished for the World Trade Center murders, because America is stronger
than Bin Laden! Domestic Violence links: Sex, Lies & Feminism
"020V2@SIA" <> wrote in message
"AlbertR" <> wrote in message news:<OBPXossPBHA.1504@cpimsnntpa03>...
>I've been waiting for you creeps to crawl out of the woodwork and blame it
>on the Jews or Israel.
They invaded Arab lands to make Israel.
>Tell me, when there is a crime such as murder or rape, do you also blame the
>The US doesn't need to be told who its friends will be or what policies to
>have by a bunch of terrorists bastards and/or gutless creeps. The
>Palestinians were offered much more in last years peace talks than they
>deserve. Yet they rejected peace. Well, if they prefer violence, they will
>have it. It will soon be payback time.
Where do you want to scam today?
Fun Fax 'Bout Blax
Support China in future wars against the U.S.
Boycott Apple for Anti-LSD policies
Fight for Your Rights as a Headbanger
Z3Coupe wrote:
> "Peter Zohrab" <> wrote in message
> news:zrBo7.1118$
> >
> > It is very important to realise that they were not cowardly or mad,
> because,
> > if you don't, you won't have a clue how to combat them. In fact, their
> > suicidal bravery is their most powerful weapon -- the weapon that America
> > will find it hardest to combat, in my opinion. Their suicidal bravery
> > comes from what appears to be their "madness", i.e. their fanatical
> > religious belief. These people probably believed that they would go to an
> > Islamic Heaven as a reward for their actions.
> Then what we need to do, is find out what would prevent them from going to
> their heaven. If it meant after we kill one, we bathe him in pig grease and
> stuff bacon in his ass and mouth, and that makes him persona non gratta in
> his heaven, and thus delegated to his hell - there might be a few LESS
> crazies wanting to volunteer for suicidal acts of terrorism.
[DJP] Here is what the British did to rebel Muslim Sepoys after the 1857
Indian Mutiny. Someone obviously had a good knowlege of Islamic beleifs.
Viz if you are executed, or killed in the ordinary way, you still go to
paradise.Still enough large bits to be recognisable. So the Poms tied
them to the muzzles of cannons, and blew them to bits. Far too many bits
for them to get to paradise.
"Z3Coupe" <******> wrote in message
> "Peter Zohrab" <> wrote in message
> news:zrBo7.1118$
> >
> > It is very important to realise that they were not cowardly or mad,
> because,
> > if you don't, you won't have a clue how to combat them. In fact, their
> > suicidal bravery is their most powerful weapon -- the weapon that
> > will find it hardest to combat, in my opinion. Their suicidal bravery
> > comes from what appears to be their "madness", i.e. their fanatical
> > religious belief. These people probably believed that they would go to
> > Islamic Heaven as a reward for their actions.
> Then what we need to do, is find out what would prevent them from going to
> their heaven. If it meant after we kill one, we bathe him in pig grease
> stuff bacon in his ass and mouth, and that makes him persona non gratta in
> his heaven, and thus delegated to his hell - there might be a few LESS
> crazies wanting to volunteer for suicidal acts of terrorism.
To stop them going to heaven you have to stop them believing that when they
die killing you they will go to heaven. Unfortunately George and the
Military do not understand this and thus try to encourage even more to take
up the fight.
> > I have spent almost 2 years in Muslim countries/areas, so I have a
> > insight into how such countries tick. The main reason for the events of
> 11
> > September was US support for Israel, and Israel exists because of the
> > persecution of Jews in Europe. By creating Israel, Europe exported its
> > racial problem to the Middle East. Zionism seems racist, because
> > Palestinians were ethnically cleansed by Zionists. Even creating an
> > independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza would probably
> > stop many Palestininans from wanting to push Israel into the sea
> completely.
> Um, Isreal existed before the Palestinians did. It was the Arabs who
> them out in the first place.
I see. Can you please explain to me where the Palestinian Protectorate was?
My history books show that Palestine was a country/region of the Middle East
up until about 1948. It disappeared to be replaced by something called
The Palestinians like the Saudis and the Iraqis are all part of a larger
racial grouping called Arabs. More importantly they are also Semites. They
were not pushed out by the Arabs. They were placed in refugee camps in the
various Arab countries they fled to when Israel was created. They have been
cared for and assisted by all the Arab Nations since that date.
> > As long as Israel exists, and as long as the US supports Israel, there
> will
> > be Islamic terrorist groups springing up. It could get worse. All the
> > can do in the medium term, in my opinion, is choose between supporting
> > Israel and having to manage a high level of Islamic terrorism. Remember
> > that Islam converted people by the sword -- as did Christianity in the
> > Americas. Holy War (Jihad) is a living concept today, though we had our
> > last Crusade many centuries ago.
> Hmmmm, . . . . ALL the Arab countries combined TRIED to destroy Isreal a
> number of times, and LOST! So if Isreal wanted to attack them, they would
> loose everything. And so what does not seem to be mentioned, is that the
> ONLY thing holding the Isrealis back from attacking them is the USA! So
> maybe, we should remove our hold on them and LET them go at it.
Actualy all the Arab countries have not tried to destroy Israel and it was
only be sheer luck that the Israeli's survived the Yom Kippur war. Today
Israel survives purely through the fact that it has Nuclear weapons, the
support of the US and the lack of support for another war by the two of the
largest countries Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
> > So get real ! Unfortunately, there are billions of people who believe
> > "holy books", and this is enough to get them to go on suicide missions.
> > Paradoxically, more Americans may have to start believing in "holy
> in
> > order to fight back effectively. It used to be said that "there are no
> > atheists in foxholes". This may not be literally true, but it's obvious
> that
> > atheists don't have the same incentive to commit suicide as a Moslem
> > extremist.
> Atheist are not greedy too? Don't want more land and resources? BS! Also,
> the Bible is older than the Koran. Not to mention that many keep saying
> the Koran does NOT preach violence - so that eliminates this argument.
Actually the Koran does preach that one can fight a war to defend Islam.
Jim UK
This guy "JSoto" is not worth replying to. You get to recognize a certain
type of poster after hanging around newsgroups for a while. Confronted with
truth, this type of person responds with blatant lies, hoping that you'll
get into a violent argument with him.
Though I've never read the Koran, it is obvious to me that it won't have
anything in it about the suppression of women. If the Koran (or Western
societies) suppressed women, it would be women that had shorter lives than
men, it would be women that died in the front lines in wartime, it would be
women that filled the jails, it would be women that had all the dangerous
jobs such as mine-clearing, construction, and working in coal-mines, it
would be men that were called 'victims" of rape by women, even before the
police had established that a crime had actually taken place, it would be
men's circumcision that Human Rights organisations are making a fuss about,
it would be men who could decide if an abortion of their own child would
take place, it would be men who usually got custody of children after
divorce, and it would be men that had their cancers screened for at public
Peter Zohrab
According to crackpot Feminist logic on domestic violence, America should be
punished for the World Trade Center murders, because America is stronger
than Bin Laden! Domestic Violence links: Sex, Lies & Feminism
"wajdi" <> wrote in message
> JSoto46233 wrote:
> >
> > How you can see gender bias in the bombing of the World Trade Center
> > proves to me that you hate women. And in reading a few of your other
posts, I
> > really see that you do. Your only agenda on this planet is whatever war
> > have against the female sex (btw, I believe you are a Muslim, the Koran
is all
> > about suppression of women). Oh yeah, and then there's the promotion of
> > book.
> >
> Maybe I'm mis-reading something here, but the Koran is NOT about the
> suppression of women. On the contrary, the Koran requires the believer
> to support, protect and cherish women. Granted, I'm far from an expert
> on the subject, but I have never read anywhere in the Koran anything
> that calls for the suppression of women.
> wajdi
Damn dudes... you're all idiots and need to be shot on sight. I bet you
like to burn flags and do circle-jerks by the glow of your pagan fires, eh?
Another proud statement by, RunningHoove
"Ron Purvis" <> wrote in message
What did you do for our country. If you didn't pay the price, then you need
to apologize for your stupidity. Nowhere did I say anything unpatriotic. Or
pagan. I simply pointed out that our ally should not be blamed. Not to
mention it is not Pagan to support the nation that the Bible says is God's
chosen people.
"MHB|RunningHoove "Formerly XTC|"" <> wrote in message
"Ron Purvis" <> wrote in message
> Excuse me but I fought for our country's freedom and ideals, now I have to
> pay the
> consequences of that every day for the rest of my life. I use a wheelchair
> or cane everyday because my legs are messed up. I have seizures due to
> damage caused by the war. This means they have taken away my rights to
> drive. Most companies don't want to hire me since the seizures aren't
> controlled by medicine.
> What did you do for our country.
The U.S is for women and minorities, homosexual perverts and Jews. White
men in the military should especially know this. The U.S wants them to sleep
near homosexual perverts and take orders from women. This is just another
reason why we White men should support the Arabs and fight the leftist Jews.
> If you didn't pay the price, then you need
> to apologize for your stupidity. Nowhere did I say anything unpatriotic.
> pagan. I simply pointed out that our ally should not be blamed. Not to
> mention it is not Pagan to support the nation that the Bible says is God's
> chosen people.
The chosen people are the White people, not the Jews. Jews are mostly
Khazars and Edomites. These are races that adopted the religion of Judaism
and now they falsely claim to be Israelites.
Jews claim to be God's chosen people because they have the Jewish
religion. This proves nothing. People change their religion. The Edomites
and the Khazars became Jewish but they are not Israelites by race. The real
Israelites changed their religion and became Christians.
Christ said in Mathew 15:24 "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of
the house of Israel."
He came for the chosen race and sheep are a symbol for the chosen race, but
this is what He said to the Jews:
John 10:26+27 "But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I
said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me"
This means the real Israelites converted to Christianity. This explains
why Europe became known as Christendom.
The Israelites were direct descendants of Adam, who was the first
White man. The Hebrew word "adam" describes a White man. We are not the
color white like milk. We are a light skinned race and the light skin allows
blood, the color red to show in the cheeks. This is the definition of the
word "adam" in Strong's Concordance:
"to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:- be (dyed,
made) red (ruddy)."
This can only be describing a White man. Look at people today and see
which ones have rosy red cheeks. They are light skinned White people. The
Israelites were White.
The Bible says David was ruddy. This is the definition of the Hebrew
word "ruddy":
"reddish (of the hair or of the complexion):-red, ruddy."
David had rosy cheeks (or red hair) and did not look like a typical
The Bible says the Israelites would be a blessing to the world. It is
the White race that invented all the great things and advanced civilization
on the earth.
The Bible tells us that the Jews are imposters.
Revelation 2:9 "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and
are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Many verses tell us that Jews are our enemies. Here is one example:
John 7:1 "After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for he would not
walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him."
The Jews have been expelled from every Christian nation in Europe at
one time or another. Many people know that they are enemies of White
civilization. But not everyone knows the reason. It is because they are not
the chosen race and they hate those who really are the chosen race.