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The Sena says it has played a central role in the emancipation of 500,000 slum dwellers in the Dharavi area of Mumbai, the largest slum in Asia. However, the policy of giving free houses to slum dwellers has been controversial since it was introduced by the then Shiv Sena-BJP government.[80][81][82][further explanation needed]
Ss Code Maharashtra Pdf Free
On 2 November 2014, during the Kiss of Love protest against moral policing, members of Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and many other right wing groups opposed and attacked protestors and threatened to strip protestors for kissing on the streets. These opposing groups claimed that public display of affection is against both Indian culture and the law of the land (under section 294 of the Indian Penal Code), though according to the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court, kissing in public is not a criminal offence.[97][98] Police took many of the Kiss of Love protestors into custody to save their lives, but were blamed for giving a free hand to counter protestors of the right wing groups.[99]
Salem State is committed to our liberal arts heritage, academic freedom, equity and access, affordability, inclusivity, social justice, student-centeredness, and a sense of community that gives it a small-college feel in a university setting.
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Through new labour code, the government wants new job creation, a single policy with low compliance burden, better capital formation, better skill development and simplified procedure using digital technologies for improved productivity and worker welfare, said Union Labour Minister Bhupender Yadav on Sunday at National Institute of Personnel Management in Pune on Labour Code Implementation. The new Labour Code also strives to keep labour laws updated through a system of tripartite implementation and consultative processes.
The records of the Berlin Document Center consist of personnel and related records of the Nazi party (NSDAP) and its affiliated organizations and activities from the founding of the Party in 1920 until 1945.
NARA holds more than 70,000 rolls of microfilm reproducing captured German and related records. Reference copies of the microfilm may be viewed free of charge in the Microfilm Research Room, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001.
Self-service copies from microfilm can also be made in the research room.
Some hearing testimony is available via the Internet at the Library of Congress. In addition, published hearing testimony is generally available through the Federal Depository Library system. There are approximately 1,350 Federal depository libraries throughout the United States and its territories, at least one in almost every Congressional District. All provide free public access to a wide variety of Federal Government information in both print and electronic formats and have expert staff available to assist users. You can find more information about this system on the Government Publishing Office website.
In general, all government records are in the public domain and may be freely used. We do have some donated or other materials that might be copyrighted. If you have questions about the records you are interested in, speak to the archivist or reference staff that handles those records.
The Soundex is a coded surname (last name) index based on the way a surname sounds rather than the way it is spelled. Surnames that sound the same, but are spelled differently, like SMITH and SMYTH, have the same code and are filed together. The Soundex coding system was developed so that you can find a surname even though it may have been recorded under various spellings. More information on Soundex.
What is History Hub?
History Hub is the National Archives' free crowdsourced history and genealogy research platform. Anyone can ask questions and get help from National Archives staff and other experts, history enthusiasts, and citizen archivists.
State laws are generally available in larger public and academic libraries. In addition, most state codes are available on line at each state's website. State websites can be searched on the USA.Gov website.
Under the National Food Security Act 2013, pregnant women and lactating mothers are entitled to receive maternity benefit of at least Rs. 6,000. The Act further requires that subject to such schemes as may be framed by the Central Government, every pregnant woman and lactating mother will be entitled to free meals during pregnancy and six months after the child birth, through the local anganwadi, so as to meet their nutritional needs.
A pregnant women worker is entitled to a maternity benefit (in the form of medical bonus) of one thousand rupees if no prenatal confinement and post-natal care is provided by the employer free of charge.. It can be increased to a maximum limit of twenty thousand rupees. The Central Government is authorized to increase the basic amount every three years. In August 2008, the amount of medical bonus was 2500 Indian rupees which has been later raised in 2011 to 3500 Indian rupees.