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How To Transmit And Recieve With Space Aliens From Your Bedroom Window!

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Jul 4, 2016, 1:29:13 AM7/4/16
Building A Field Generator - A Radio That Is Worth A Hoot!


What are frequencies?

They are tiny packages of katrillions of energy cells. That's what a “frequency” is.

They carry with them, all kinds of information. Plus, they like to piggy back other things that are not frequencies, but that are similar to frequencies, such as news channel reporting, cartoons, text information, and so on.

Where can we find these tiny packages of energy cells?

We can find them in a DC volt battery, or in an AC volt household current. We can also find them in lightening strikes, and in the TESLA energy forms, you know, those funny light bulbs that humans can touch and the energy forms follow your fingers around on the underside of the bulb's surface.

What can you do with them?
You can use them to send messages in real time to far off places, such as to other civilizations far off in the distance, on distant planets, far away.

Why would some one want to do that?

Because there are people who have space travel technologies and you can download from them, much useful information that will help you to understand how to accomplish space travel.

Also, their computers and technologies are better than ours, so when your make contact, you have really hit a gold mine of information.

Do they speak English or French, German, or Spanish?

Yes. As a matter of fact they do, many of them. Lots of them speak Chinese. The reason for that is there are more Chinese people living in this universe than there are any other group of people.

Why are there more Chinese people?

Because I wanted more Chinese people and I created more of them than of any of the other racial groups of people.

Why did you do that?

Because I liked the Chinese language as it is so pretty, beautiful, and graceful. The lettering system is superb and is surpassed by no other written systems, such as your many alphabet systems that exist.

But back to who we are going to talk to, uuhum, we will find people who speak English, but we will also find lots of other people out there that speak languages that few people if anyone on this planet, speak.

I know that because I dream nightly about things that occurred in my past life times, and I have seen the languages in written form, and have heard them in spoken form, and I know there are some languages that are vastly different from any language that I have ever heard spoken.

In my nightly dreams, that show me my different life times in the past, I see all the dreams in which the audio is English. When I have dreams where there is no audio, it's because the audio is in a language that I don't understand.

These dreams are fascinating, and I doubt if there are many people like me who dream about different life times in the past. Probably there are very few people who are like me, and perhaps there are no people at all. I really don't know. Don't care too much, either. But it would be interesting to see if there are others like me who see nightly the things they did in the past, in past life times.

Anyway, be prepared and invite some speakers of Chinese languages and dialects over to your test site when you make contact with any foreign speakers of foreign languages over your radio waves.

What is a radio wave, by the way?

It is the transmission of energy cells down a path of energies and down paths of energies that go out in all directions imaginable and there are lots of energies paths that are constructed by the worker animals, put in simple terms, or in scientific terms, by the commisions of energies interacting with each other, in the energies waves that will come right back to you, once they are bounced off one end or the other of this universe and refracted or “bounced” back to you, again, from all imaginable directions.

What does “commisions” mean? It means, that there are influences of all kinds interacting on things that are below the level of visibility to our visual capabilities.

So, your signals go out, and here, I mean, your broadcast signals, and in real time, they bounce back to you, and are mixed in with all the other signals that you hear.

Separating them out is a difficult project, and it is best left for advanced studies projects to senior grade, advanced students, in their eighties, nineties, and so on.

Earlier, I said there are worker animals in the energies waves. Well we have to understand that there are animals of a different kind, or, different “kinds” that come to life once you let loose the energies and power up your broadcast signal transmission strength.

These animals are very peculiar and they are so tiny, there is no way possible to observe them or to study them. Anyway, they are animals of a kind, or “kinds”, and they do live by the same principles as do all animals live by. Some live a short time, and some live a long time. The long time living ones are very useful to us.

Uhumm,... Getting back to our discussion....

What is a field generator? It is a radio generator of the simplest kind that can broadcast out beyond our planet to planets far away.

How is one built?

Well, many years of research must go into it. It is not some thing that anyone can accomplish over night.

A very gifted scientist, if given enough information could probably figure it out in a few days, if she or he were truly gifted.

What do you want to do to get this project up and running and on the right course?

You have to find out what types of energies are the best energies to shoot out of a cannon, sort of, in the direction of one end of the universe, and then wait till you get a reading on those energies coming in from a different direction on your receivers that are set up with parabola antennas.

You see, your broadcast energies will go out one way to the end of the universe, and a path will be constructed, and the energies will come back to you.

Now. you send them out your parabolic “cannon” with the highest strength directionally.

They, the energies, will fly out of one channel of energies, and here “channel” means like a channel of water or aquaduct, for example, and they will go sploshing back to you as fast as you can send them out.

Now, your energies channels will weaken. At your lowest range, you have your weakest return channels. At your highest range, you have your strongest return channel.

At your highest range, you introduce a new brevetore. What is a brevetor? A “brevetore” is a new sound touch, or quality that did not exist in any of the other sound channels.

I forgot. You must broadcast out a sound or music to base all of your experimentating on, a good symphony is excellent as you will want to decode the timing of it, and some parts of the sounds will come flooding back slowly and some will come flooding back quickly. Decoding the timing will prove useful to your in your studies.

Once a “brevetor” is introduced, and it can be a complimentary piece of music that will stay in synch with the main selection of music, you have something to begin your testing of the system with.

Let's look more basically at what we want to do.

We want to go to the hyper super ultra low frequencies, like the elephants trunk sounds. They have a persistent lasting influence, and they will not diminish over time for a very long time.

High pitched transmission signal frequencies used in modern day transmitter/receiver systems are of little use to us if we wish to broadcast out as far and as wide as possible.

By the way, when broadcasting, to other planets, you do want to aim directioinally at one specific area, as there are people every where and you want to maximize your distance and direction factors and forget about the coverage factor. It will get to a lot of other people, too, it just won't get to them in the high power high gain mode it is going to have to be in.
What is high power?

Obviously, you're going to need about 500,000 watts to ten times to fifty thousand times that much for high power coverage of your selected area.

What is high gain?

High gain is, you increase the volume of the sound level to maximum out power. Broadcasting at that level is “high gain”.

So, when it comes to directionality, let's say we look at it this way.

We are in the center. We want to send out the signal directionally.

First get a piece of paper, and draw a large “X” or plus “+” sign. Then draw one down over the other so that you have eight lines.
Now you can begin to point directionally in a parabolic manner, out from you at the center.

Now. How do we get the hyper super ultra low frequencies? That's a task for the scientists to figure out. But I can tell you it is most useful if you mimic what the elephants are doing, talking back and forth with each other.

You set your transmission data, the symphony sounds you want to transmit, and pump them out placed on on the hyper super ultra low frequencies that the scientists and technicians every where should be able to figure out how to do in a single night, or less.

Is there anything more that I can say on what a field generator is? They are relatively simple to make. They are built along the same principles as all radios are built except we need to get down into the hyper super ultra low energies frequencies.

The rest is kid's stuff, that all scientists and most technicians should already know.

Good Luck!

John Ayres

Disassembler Technology

There are many electrical currents in an AC energies source or in a DC energies source of electricity.

We call each electrical current a "runner". There are trilions of "runners" in any given group of electrical currents.

Some runners will power up other runners and make their signals more powerful.

You need to find the runners that do this and match them up with the runners whose strength is "increased" and "enhanced", by the correct matching up with other runners.

If you match them up correctly, you can triple or quadruple, or better, the strength of the signal in the primary focal carrier runners.

Capacities point. What are runners' capacities points? A runners' capacities' point is when there are sufficient enough runners to provide the increase in power that is needed to up the power output to the maximum level possible.

Imagine, a world where we can focus in on and listen to a terrorist, and zap him, right there. We can do this from half a mile away, or half way around the world. It doesn't matter. Imagine, we can focus in on a stash of uranium or plutonium, and we can confirm what it is, then we can obliterate it at the push of a few buttons. The technologies needed I will provide a brief introduction to them. They are all from memories from my past lifes as I, as well as all others, have been born again, and again, and so on.

To begin with...

Disassembler Technology

Disassembler technology is one technology that must be developed and used for all space travel projects. If you succeed in putting together a low grade dissasembler, then you have the foundation for what comes next and that is a full scale particalizer project. Particalizers are more powerful and more effective than low grade disassemblers, but dissassemblers are still very useful, regardless.

You need disassembler technology to get rid of all the rocks and boulders and small sized planets such as Pluto, and others approximately the same size or even larger planetoidal bodies. If your disassembler can disassemble Pluto, for example, you have a very good disassembler and a good foundation to work from for building the larger scale particalizer that can remove entire planets from your flight path that you are on.

Let's say we are going from point "A" to point "B" but between the two of them, there are numerous hazards such as loose rock, uninhabiable planets of varying sizes, asteroids, and so on. Your particalizer's job is to get rid of all of those obstacles in your flight path before you pass through that path way. If you were not to get rid of them, you would never succeed in traveling from point "A" to point "B". You would crack up and disintegrate after multiple collisions as you traveled along your flight path. Thus, disassembler technology and later, particalizer technology are two technologies that are fundamental to space travel and space travel would not be possible without them.

Disassembler Technology - Comb Filter Technology

To get the energies currents you need for disassembling objects of any kind, living or not, you have to separate out particular energy currents. You use comb filter technology to separate out the particular energies currents you want. Then you must increase and power up these particular energies currents high enough.

Maximum Yield Potential

Once they reach maximum yield potential, that is, the maximum state of current that is needed, then you release these energies together, along with the sound currents you separated out as well with comb filter technology, and you can basically take apart or "unglue" the molecular particle bonds of any solid object, very easily. That means, you can remove weapons from peoples' arsenals, armories, field units, and so on, very easily.

Burning Path Wave Currents

To do this, it is a little more complex. You need to find the energies that are called burning path wave currents. They burn a path to a target, and all the other energies, which can be likened to tiny little animals of an alien kind, we are just not familiar with, they follow the main path, and you get the whole bunch of them, to travel down the travel path to your target, to disassemble the molecular bonds of the object you wish to "melt". You are not melting it by temperature, you are just taking it apart at the level of molecular particle bonds.

Reflective Wave Energies

There is another type of energy that is produced in electrical currents called, reflective wave type energies. With these energies, they go down the travel path, and they hit your target, and they reflect back up the travel path, and with these burning wave, and reflective wave energies, you can begin to assemble your technology to disassemble or "melt" anything you want to melt.

Energies Currents Have Discernable Patterns

There are discernable patterns to energies currents. If you can find the right type of pattern to a particular energy current, then you can begin to
sort out the different types of energy currents that you can filter with comb filter technologies. With all the different types of energies sorted out, you can assemble what is called, jagged saw tooth edge currents, and cross teeth type currents, and these do the main work of disassembling with the electrical energies currents, the object you wish to disassemble.

If you use the space shuttles' DC power supply, you can find all the currents you need. DC battery power is inferior to the DC power supply that is used with the space shuttle, and the space lab, as well. However, as of late, in the private sector, electrical energies powered vehicles may have possibly developed DC energies power supplies that are superior to those of the Space Shuttle's or Space Lab's. This area needs to be investigated further.

Resonance Science

These currents have energies frequencies signatures. The signatures are these types of jagged edge, saw tooth edge, and cross tooth edge patterns. To find these energies, you need to use resonances science.

You resonate the particular current you are testing, through a piece of flat, thin, resonatable, metal, such as bronze, or silver, or copper, or steel, titanium, and various alloys as well. They will all resonate as you pass the particular energies currents through the metal.

You figure out how to transfer that resonating frequency to a graphic read out. Once you've got it on a graphic read out, you can take that energy current, investigate it and study it to see if it is useful and if it is useful, you can add it to your arsenal of energies currents.

There are trillions of energies frequencies signatures currents in a DC power supply from the space shuttle, as well as in DC batteries, and in AC currents as well.

Some are useful, but some are not useful. You find the useful energies frequencies you want to use, and then you combine them together with the burning path energy current, that burns a path to a target, and you combine that with the reflective energy current to allow you to lock on and stay locked on to your target. With that you're getting ready to begin.

Wide Dispersal Vs. Narrow Beam Energies Currents

You don't want wide dispersal energy currents, which there are plenty of, in your disassembler.

You want narrow beam energies currents in your disassembler, then no one gets hurt, accidentally.

You use parabola technology to deliver the energy currents you need to deliver to your target, and the reflective energy current has to be in there, in the mix of energy currents, for you to stay locked on to the target, so that you do not disassemble some thing else, by accident.

To help this along, to separate the molecular particle bonds, you find the sound frequencies energies that you need, to add to the mix.

Comb Filter Technology

You use comb filter technology for sound frequencies energies as I said, and you power up the right frequencies, and send them down the burning wave path, too.

High Capacities Runners

Then you mix in the high capacities runner's points DC energies frequencies and we are about to begin.

The result will be that you can melt or take apart an object, of any material, you wish to melt, no matter what it is. Of course, even a living object, in whole or in part, can be "unglued" and melted, or in common parlance, assasinated. I can imagine that Homeland Security would love to have this tool for its daily operations, not to mention a number of other government offices of the U.S. government.

Recycling Molecular Partical Elements

This can also be used to get rid of unwanted radio-active materials, that are unhealthy to humans, for example, and you can get rid of mounds of trash, as well. You are releasing the molecular particle bonds of any object, and basically, you are allowing them to be recycled, or used again, in the formation of whatever is in need of molecular particles.

To determine the particular sound wave energies currents, you also use resonance science, and you pass the sound wave you filtered out using comb filter technology, through a metal sheet, of what ever kind of metal, titanium, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, and so on, then transfer the resonating pulses to a graphic display, or to a piece of paper that is recording it, and you will find different, distinct, discernable types of sound energies signatures, and you can also call them sound energies currents signatures, if you want to. Either way, you separate out the energy frequency with the right signature to it, and then you add that to your mix, and after increasing that or those particular energies currents and powering them up, you deliver them down the burning path wave travel path, and they head in the right direction to the target, and not to some thing else, that they might be harmful to after you increase them and power them up.

The sound frequencies are very high pitched, and dogs can hear some of them, but many of them, dogs can not hear, at all. You need to find
the right signatures as you transfer the resonances patterns to a graphic display read out.

What Do Some Of These Waves Look Like?

One wave looks like a zero, or pond, followed by another pond, followed by another pond. It sounds like 'whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop' and it is very useful for dissasembling an object. These types of energy frequencies are pounding frequencies, and if you increase them and power them up high enough, and deliver them with the mix of energies down the travel path, then that will help break apart, or unglue the molecular particle bonds that you need to unglue.

There are box shaped sound frequencies, and they are also pounding wave energies. They may sound like 'plahhhh plahhh plahhhh plahhhh' and they are useful for taking apart a solid object.

Another wave appears as a straight and nearly level line. It rises, suddenly, at a 45 degree angle, and one after the other follow out. These types of signature sound waves are very useful too, for "unglueing" an object's particle bonds. But you have to increase them and power them up high enough, to get the work done.

Some may be wide dispersal energies. You do not want them, as they may damage your hearing. You have to be very careful with these types of sound waves, and if you can hear them, then you will be damaging your hearing as they are wide dispersal sound energy waves.

You deliver them to the target with the other sound energy waves you have found that you want to increase and power up and use, down a tube structure, set into a parabola structure, in such a way that they will follow down the travel path and hit your target. Lining it up so that they travel down to the target path and into the target path, is a little tricky, but it shouldn't be all that difficult to accomplish, if you use precession engineering technologies for aiming the sound waves into the energies travel path, properly.

Music Synthesizer

A music synthesizer can provide you with the basic energy waves, if you use comb filter technology properly, to separate out and isolate each particular energy wave. Once you find the sound waves you want, you will need to power them up, to get them to do the work they need to do, so parabola technology and a tube for them to travel out of, will help you line them up, and keep them focused on the travel paths of the energies.

Electrical Energies Currents Runners

The energies are like little animals, of a kind, we are not familiar with, and they like to hang together, and feed on each other. As they feed on each other, they become depleted, so at certain distances, if the energies are insufficient, that is, if they are not powered up sufficiently enough, you will not get your target to melt at certain ranges. You need Electrical Energies Currents Runners to power up the primary energies currents periodically.

You need to be careful and use very narrow dispersal types of sound energies. So not all energies, especially the low tones, are not useful to you, as they are all wide dispersal energies, for the most part.

CAUTION!!! This is extremely dangerous technology!

This is very dangerous technology, if it falls into the wrong hands, and some one with a grudge, may want to disassemble the UN building, and its occupants. Well for that, they need a number of arrays set up that will work coordinately together, and it needs a very high power supply, that most terrorists are not able to come up with, unless they use capacitors, or something like that for storing up the energies, before releasing them.

Anyway, you can have fun trying to find the energies you need, with resonance science, and comb filter technology for both the major types that you are dealing with, DC current, and the other, sound energies.

WARNING!!! Those anarchists and terrorists people who mess with these technologies will be on the first list of targets to unglue and delete.

There are other energies, too, that you can combine as well, but they are out of the scope right now, of my basic explanation. For example, laser energies travel down a very narrow path, and no one knows how to disperse them. It is tricky to disperse them properly, so that they will travel down the travel path in the pack of energies varmints as laser energies can also be useful in our technology we are building.

Communication With Other Civilizations With The DC Energies Currents That Zip Along To Distant Planets Instantly

There are fast energies, too, and there are pokey energies. Then there are shattering energies, that can not make it through a solid object. Some energies go 'kaplunk', and deflate like a rubber tube that is punctured, and it is not a useful type of energy current.

Fast energies can be used, some of them, anyway, for communication purposes, with distant civilizations, on planets elsewhere in our universe.

Energies Currents That Are Flexible And That Bend

Medium wave energies may be a little pokey for traveling out with a broadcast frequency wave or two, or however many are needed. There are carrier waves which can be found, among the DC current used in the space shuttle, that travel very fast, and if you learn which ones they are, by their energy signature, you can increase them and power them up, and use them for communication purposes, with distant civilizations out there in and across the cosmos. You need to add the right burning path energies that will set up a carrier path, and you need to find the right reflective energies, as well, for helping you to stay locked on. Then you also need to find energies that bend, and don't snap, or break, when twisted, as this planet is constantly rotating, and you need these types of energies that will bend if you are talking with some one on a planet at a specific coordinate in our universe.

Quadrants System For Locating Others

To set up the quadrants coordinates system, you place eight hollow boxes together, and then eight inside of each of the eight, and so on, until you can narrow down coordinates. Then, you box up our universe in all directions. This will help you determine where the person is you are speaking to.

The upper most or top most tier or the largest of the eight boxes with all eight boxes inside it, forms one quadrant. Then each of the eight interior boxes form a sub-quadrant. Then each of the interior boxes of those sub-quadrant boxes forms a sub-sub-quadrant, and so on. That's the quadrant system as I understand it.

You can start fairly large with this system, and box up everything in sight.

Once you make contact using the communication system you designed, if you got all the fast energies, and twisting, bending energies that you need together for this kind of set up, you can get the standard coordinates system from them, and then switch over to it, as that is what every galactic, or galactical consortium uses for locating purposes.

Some one will be willing to help you, once you make contact, and then once you've got some tips on other types of energies that are more user friendly, and more efficient, then with your new set up, you can set up a video linkup, as well as audio link up, to talk to people anywhere in our universe, in real time without delays of any kind.

Anyway, this is kind of a fun area to investigate and learn about, if you are the brainy type of person who likes to follow the sciences as a hobby. I don't, particularly enjoy sciences, but I know this much, and can give you some tips on these kinds of systems.

Once you find a reasonable person to talk to, using your communications system, and not some prankster, as there are many of them, as well, out there, like software pirates, who just like to mess with people's heads, basically, you should aim to get hooked up with your nearest galactical consortium that you
belong to, or that you can join, actually, and then you can sign treaty documents, and get the UN to get all the countries of the world to sign on.

Once you do that, you can begin to use your disassembler technology to disassemble the the military hardware of every one, and that brings wars to an end.

You can also disassemble people who are non cooperatives, and send them on their way to their next life.

There is much information available from these galactical consortiums about our universe and technologies that you will be licensed to use, legitimately, once you sign on to the treaties accords documents, and they will help you with setting up the right data transfer systems, for you to download in real time, all the information you need.

We have all been around in this universe, for a very long time, and we go from one life and set of circumstances, to our next life and circumstances, after we die. So demolecularizing, that is, separating the partical bonds of non-cooperatives such as terrorists, or career criminals, is not murder. It is just sending them on to their next life and set of circumstances, where ever that may be.

I remember this stuff, as it came back to me, from my memories from previous lifes. I used to do a lot of coordinating work, in previous lifes, and I think I had a lot to do with setting up these galactical consortiums, a very long time ago, in I don't know how many life times, previous to the one that I am living in right now.

As soon as groups of scientists and researchers and technicians successfully build a communications set up based on what I've discussed so far, they will be able to get the information on our universe and every thing in it, then people will start to act more reasonable.

Note On Building A Useful Quadrant System

Since this universe is so large, it's quite difficult to determine how large an upper tier quadrant should be. And for our purposes, we are mainly interested in communicating with others. But also we are interested in boxing up for the sake of locating, anarchists, terrorists, and other undesireables, such as that crazy Korean leader who is always bellowing and hollering that they are going to go to war with the US.

Therefore, as a recommendation, I suggest you build the quandrant locater system from the smaller size to the larger size. That is, we start at taking the average male's torso and we pretend we can turn the torso into an eight box's sized quadrant. Some parts of the boxes will be empty, but that is no problem. We need to locate a person, so that we can take him or her out. To do that, we start it this way with our quadrant system starting at the low end and building up to the high end.

Once you have that, you will be ready to go deeper and eventually, you will be able to locate plutonium, uranium, individual terrorists, and other undesireables who we need to get rid of.

The final product, if built correctly, will allow you to melt the particle bonds and anything that was connected to those particle bonds.

Disassembler Technology, A little More To My Statement On This Subject

There are many energy currents in DC but also in AC, but mainly you'll find what you are looking for in DC currents. If you find the right ones and use them correctly, you can combine them with sound wave energies, and the result is, you can separate the molecular particle bonds of any solid object.

To get the energy currents you need, you have to separate out individual and unique, particular energy currents. You use comb filter technology to separate out the particular energies you want.

Then you must increase and power up these particular currents high enough. Once they reach maximum yield potential, that is, the maximum state of current that is needed, then you release these energies together, along with the sound currents you separated out as well with comb filter technology, and you can basically take apart the molecular particle bonds of any solid object of any kind very easily.

That means, you can remove weapons from peoples' arsenals, armories, field units, and so on, very easily. You can surreptiously remove the plutonium that is packed into nuclear bombs and render the arsenal useless in a matter of weeks to a few months, possibly.

To do this, it is a little more complex. You need to find the energies that are called burning wave currents. They burn a path to a target, and all the other energies, which can all be likened to tiny living beings of an alien kind, they follow the main path, and you get the whole bunch of them, to travel down the travel path to your target, to disassemble the molecular bonds of the object you wish to "melt".

There is another type of energy that is produced in electrical currents called, reflective wave type energies. With these energies, they go down the travel path, and they hit your target, and they reflect back up the travel path, and with these burning wave, and reflective wave energies, you can begin to assemble your technology to disassemble or "melt" anything you want to melt.

There are discernable patterns to energies currents. If you can find the right type of pattern to a particular energy current, then you can begin to sort out the different types of energy currents that you can filter with comb filter technologies. With all the different types of energies sorted out, you can assemble what is called, jagged saw tooth edge currents, and cross teeth type currents, and these do the main work of disassembling with the electrical energies currents, the object you wish to disassemble.

If you use the space shuttles' DC power supply, you can find all the currents you need. DC battery power is inferior to the DC power supply that is used with the space shuttle, and probably the space lab, as well.

These currents have energies frequencies signatures. The signatures are these types of jagged edge, saw tooth edge, and cross tooth edge patterns. To find these energies, you need to use resonances science.

You resonate the particular current you are testing, through a piece of flat, thin, resonatable, metal, such as bronze, or silver, or copper, or steel. They will all resonate as you pass the particular current through the metal.

You figure out how to transfer that resonating frequency to a graphic read out. Once you've got it on a graphic read out, you can take that energy current, and if it is useful, you can add it to your arsenal of currents.

There are lots of energies frequencies signatures currents in a DC power supply from the space shuttle, as well as in DC batteries, and in AC current as well.

Some are useful, but some are not useful. You find the useful energies frequencies you want to use, and then you combine them together with the burning path energy current, that burns a path to a target, and you combine that with the reflective energy current to allow you to lock on and stay locked on to your target.

You don't want wide dispersal energy currents, which there are plenty of, in your disassembler.

You want narrow beam energy currents in your disassembler, than no one gets hurt, accidentally.

You use parabola technology to deliver the energy currents you need to deliver to your target, and the reflective energy current has to be in there, in the mix of energy currents, for you to stay locked on to the target, so that you do not disassemble some thing else, by accident.

To help this along, to separate the molecular bonds, you find the sound frequencies energies that you need, to add to the mix. You use comb filter technology as I said, and you power up the right frequencies, and send them down the burn wave path, too.

The result is you can melt an object, of any material, you wish to melt, no matter what it is. This can also be used to get rid of unwanted radioactive materials, that are unhealthy to humans, for example, and you can get rid of mounds of trash, as well. You are releasing the molecular bonds of any object, and basically, you are allowing them to be recycled, or used again, in the formation of what ever is in need of molecules, such as vegetables, or minerals, and so on.

To determine the particular sound wave energies currents, you also use resonance science, and you pass the sound wave you filtered out using comb filter technology, through a metal sheet, of what ever kind of metal, titanium, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, and so on, then transfer the resonating pulses to a graphic display, or to a piece of paper that is recording it, and you will find different types of sound energies signatures, and you can also call them sound energies currents signatures, if you want to. Either way, you separate out the energy frequency with the right signature to it, and then you add that
to your mix, and after powering it up, you deliver it down the burning path wave travel path, and they head in the right direction to the target, and not to some thing else they might be harmful to after you power them up.

The sound frequencies are very high pitched, and dogs can hear some of them, but many of them, dogs can not hear at all. You need to find the right signatures as you transfer the resonances patterns to a graphic read out.

One wave looks like a zero, or pond, followed by another pond, followed by another pond. It sounds like 'whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop' and it is very useful for dissasembling an object. These types of energy frequencies are pounding frequencies, and if you power them up high enough, and deliver them with the mix of energies down the travel path, then that will help break apart, or unglue the molecular bonds that you need to unglue.

There are box shaped sounds, and they are also pounding wave energies. They may sound like 'plahhhh plahhh plahhhh plahhhh' and they are useful for taking apart a solid object. Another wave has a signature that looks like it is straight but not exactly level line. It rises, suddenly, at a 45 degree angle, and one after the other follow out. These types of signature sound waves are very useful too for unglueing an object. But you have to power them up high enough to get the work done.

Some may be wide dispersal energies. You do not want them, as they may damage your hearing. You deliver the sound wave energies to the target with the other sound energy waves you have found that you want to power up and use, down and through a tube structure set into a parabola structure in such as way that they will follow down the travel path and hit your target. Lining it up so that they travel down to the target path and into the target path, is a little tricky, but it shouldn't be all that difficult to accomplish if you use precession engineering technologies for aiming the sound waves into the energies travel path, properly.

Anyway, there are other technologies, for example screening technologies, that you can use to screen persons, and see if they are trustworthyable, or not, by reading their energies output patterns. To do that is a little bit longer of a story, but it is possible to identify types of energies, people emit, and as their moods change, and as they get nervous for example, you can read that on a graphic display if you have your technologies set up right for catching the energies waves frequencies signatures properly. With this technology, you can set up a core group of trusted individuals, who will be in charge of all of these technologies, basically, and most importantly, the disassembler technology.

Once you've got your group of core members, they then begin screening applicants to the program.

Long Distance Communication Using Energies Frequencies

There are different types of energies currents or energies frequencies with individual signatures or characteristics, in a DC power supply, as I've explained about, a little, already. Most people will think that DC current only flows down copper or metal of some kind which would serve as a conductor of electrical energies.

Electrical Current Energies Will Take Off And Travel On Their Own Once They Power Up For Discharge

If you filter out and separate the energies frequencies based on their different signatures, as I've mentioned about, then some filtered energies will take off, and travel alone, on their own, to a destination point. The destination point can be another planet, for example. They can also travel through planets, if powered up high enough, and they can travel on towards a further destination point, a receiver / speaker / person, on the other end of the energies

You need to find the energies frequencies that will travel alone, in a DC current supply, and the ones that travel at the same relative speed, so that they can travel in a pack, and feed on each other, as they are all tiny living beings or creatures, life forms of an alien kind we are not familiar with, and then power up those energies frequencies, and send them off together with a powerful enough power supply to allow for a discharge. Once it is powered up sufficiently, it will discharge, and head off to a destination point.

In laser energies, blue wave frequencies are particularly good, some of them, there are energies currents, that also travel alone, and some of them are speedier than the rest of the group. We don't have the sciences to separate out the laser energies into individual energies frequencies. If we did, we could find some, that if powered up high enough, could also support two way communication between a speaker on this planet, for instance, and a receiver, speaker, or person, on another planet, who we have made contact with in real time. Some laser frequencies travel just about instantaneous from one end of the
universe to the other and they can be used for different purposes, but some can be used for real time communications purposes if you do your homework and figure out which energies frequencies that can be used for this purpose. You will have a superior communications system, if you combine them together with other energies frequencies that will travel in a pack at relatively the same speed as they need to be able to travel together in a pack to feed on each other as they travel, instantaneously from one end of the universe to the other.

Using DC current, and automobile batteries are better than small, household use batteries, as automobile batteries are superior to flash light batteries, for instance, you can find lots of energies that will be useful to you. Space shuttle DC current is superior to car batteries, and space lab DC current is also superior to car batteries. But if you do your home work, you can improve on both the space shuttle DC energies supply and the space lab DC energies supply.

The difficult thing besides learning how to separate out the energies frequencies using comb filter technology, is how to power up the energies frequencies that you want. But with the brilliant minds there are, on this planet, lots of people will be able to figure out both of these questions.

Brilliant Pearl White Stream Of Energies Discharge

When you get a discharge, that is of the right types of energies, and sufficiently powerful enough, you will see what looks like a streamer of energies flowing out, something like what we see when we light an oxygen acetylene torch. The trail will be a brilliant pearl white, and it will shoot out several feet in a narrow path if you have the right energies separated out and powered up high enough.

When you see that discharge, and it is continuous, of course, you will know that you are sending out a useful group of energies, if you've got all of the ones in that discharge, to make the communications call.

There are miniature sets for home users, and I suppose it is similar, but it works with less power on a smaller scale. But it is still sufficient to talk with, to somebody, on the other side of the universe, if need be, as it is instantaneous with the right energies frequencies powered up high enough. On the miniature sets for home users, the trail of energies will not extend several feet, but only a few to several inches, depending on how high it is powered up.

It is safe technology, if you are using the right energies frequencies, but you don't want to stand in the way of the energies trail, as you will get burned as it is very hot. I don't know the temperature it gets to, off hand, but it is hot and it can cause damage to your skin, if you were to put your hand into it.

Travel Path Carrier Wave Burning Wave Energies Are The Primary Carrier Frequencies

Reflective wave energies are very important, and so are travel path burning wave energies. There are also travel path carrier wave burning wave energies. These energies the travel path carrier wave burning wave energies are needed for a successful communications call as they are the primary carrier frequencies you need for carrying your voice signals encoded into them.

You can come up with a modified, simple version for communications purposes, with out too much difficulty, but to get the best frequencies, you will need some help from the responsible persons in the galactical consortiums and their technicians to get the proper system up and running. By proper system, I mean the standard system that every one uses. Then once that is up and running, you can put together a video linkup using the same type of technologies, basically. Once you have the audio and video linkups, then you will need some help from them to get the information on computer technologies, they can provide to you, to allow you to download information over perhaps a third linkup, from them.

Once you do that, you can get the real story on this universe and how we became what we are today as they have all the information on it, in their databases, and you can get lots of other useful information, as I've mentioned a little about.

We need to put our laws into alignment with their laws, and we need to sign treaty documents, and accords, and other documents of various types, to promise we will follow the rules and laws that are standard in the galactical consortiums. Once we get to that point, we can expect to begin to get more, useful information, especially with regards to technologies information. Then we can begin to rebuild our societies once we build and implement these technologies, with our laws all in accordance with their laws. We become a junior member of the galactical consortium, and then from there, we go through various probationary stages, and as we prove to them we are committed to following the treaties and accords, and other agreements we've promised to follow, we gradually get more and more, useful technologies information transfers.

That's kind of how it works.

DC Power Supply Energies Frequencies - Screening Or Filtering Out Energies Frequencies That Interfere

There are lots of types of energies frequencies, and some of them interfere with the energies frequencies that we need to use to communicate long distance, instantaneously, nearly, to anywhere in our universe where there is some one with a receiver / transmitter set.

In a DC power supply, there are lots of these types of energies that interfere, and they need to be filtered out, completely to allow you to use the useful energies frequencies, efficiently.

Cross Current Energies, Spiraling Energies, Zig Zagging Energies, Loopty Loop Energies, And So On...

There are what is called, cross current energies, and spiraling energies, and zig zagging energies, and loopty loop type looking energies. These and other types of energies will interfere with the energies frequencies that you need to be able to make successful communications calls out bound, to others living in distant civilizations.

Anyway, they need to be identified, and screened out or filtered out thoroughly so that the travel path burning wave energy frequencies, for example, and the other energies frequencies that we need in our communications set up, will not be influenced by any of these types of interfering energies frequencies.

These interfering energies influence DC power supply systems energies, and they can force all the energies to travel down a metal conductor path, for example.

In other cases, some spiraling energies frequencies, for example, do not force energies frequencies down a metal conductor path, but they keep the out flowing energies in a tight bunch, or on a thin or narrow path. These types of spiraling energies frequencies can be used in specialized applications, such as in "ray gun" type technologies for delivering the energies you wish to deliver at close range, giving your target that you lock onto full and maximum impact value for disassembling or demolecularizing the object, for instance. There are many types of spiraling energies, and many of them can be useful, but
the level of scientific advancement is fairly high, when you get up to that level of control over your energies frequencies technologies for energies frequencies dispersal cannons or weaponry, for example.

There are many possibilities for how energies frequencies can be influenced, so there is a lot to be on the lookout for. If you are getting distortions, say for example, when at low current output, then after raising the current output to high current output you notice distortions, there may be sixteen or more types of energies frequencies bundling together, giving a signature readout, and the combined signatures may be steady at a low current output, but at a
high current output, they may start jerking wildly, or wobbling, or thrashing this way and that way and you will see that in your graphics readout display, when you are testing the resonance of the individual energies frequencies. You can't get very far with that group, as an example, as they have to be split apart, and filtered or narrowed down to less than two energies frequencies for you to begin to determine the characteristics and properties of the particular energy frequency under study.

Determining Travel Point Distances And The Amount Of 'Juice' You'll Need To Pump Up Your Energies Frequencies Signals With

With this type of technology, you need to figure, or calculate out, how much juice, or how strong a power supply, you'll need to send the energies signals to a travel point depending on where it is located, given a particular coordinate in our universe.

You need to be able to calculate out how far away that coordinate or travel point is. Then you need to be able to calculate out how much 'juice' or how big a power supply you'll need to send the energies frequencies signals to that travel point.

Once you've got enough juice supplied, then your signals should go through clear and well to that travel point. If you don't supply enough juice, you'll not make it to the travel point.

The energies travel in packs, and so long as you've got the correct energies that you need to send out, and the reflective energies to lock on with to that particular travel point, once you've locked on, then you can broadcast down that travel path, and with all the correct energies frequencies you'll need in the group, you'll have success, so long as the juice is powered up high enough, and so long as the high capacitance frequency runners are mixed into the pack of energies frequencies.

Fun With Experiments

You can do simple experiments, say, for example, locking on to an object on top of a mountain, that will reflect back your signal for you to pick up on your receiver set.

You can calculate out how much energies were required, how high you needed to crank it up, to do this little trick. Then you can send up on the space shuttle, or to the space lab, a reflective surface to lock onto, and then send out your signal, and get it to reflect back to you, after you've locked onto it for you to be able to pick it up on your receiver set.

The reflective surface is a travel point, and you just lock onto it, and then pump up the energies currents, till you get your signal reflected back to you. You make your calculations, and figure out the difference, and that will be the begining of a useful table or chart to indicate how much you need to pump it up to go the extra difference. You can use the Mars lander project, and set up a reflective dish, on the Mars' soil. Then you can lock onto that, and pump it up, till you get your signal to return to you and to your receiver set.

You should be able to get a rough idea as to how much energies you need to supply, for going the extra difference in range, from one travel point, to the other, to the other, and then with that as a basis, you can figure out how far out these planets are that are at particular coordinates, and you should be able to begin to figure out how much energies will be needed to send your signal out to that travel point, the planet that is at that particular coordinate you are aiming at.

You can find a general coordinate, and whether or not you see a planet there, doesn't really matter, as there may very well be planets with people on them, in that general vicinity. That's good enough to begin with, and you may have a success, or you may not, but anyway, if you do not get a successful communication call back from that generalized vicinity travel point, then you work on another travel point coordinate to see if any one is on a receiver set, ready and waiting to pick up your signals, or any one's signals, for that matter.

I explained how to box up this universe, and make a quadrant system, with eight empty boxes that are of a large size, and then in each of those boxes, eight boxes, and in each of those, eight boxes, and so on, until you bring things down to a manageable size for a useful coordinates system, for finding particular coordinates. Then you just box up this universe.

With that, you can begin to lock onto particular coordinates and get your reflective wave energies coming back at you so that you can pick them up and stay locked on with flexible travel path burning wave energies and flexible travel path burning wave carrier wave energies and flexible reflective wave energies, no matter how this planet rotates, or no matter how the other planet is rotating, and no matter what time of day or night it is, as you need to stay locked on, and your reflective wave energies that go down and then come back up the travel path will help you stay locked on if you've got them pumped up high enough, and with the other energies pumped high enough as well, if you've got all the correct energies frequencies you'll need that bend and twist and are flexible, and do not shatter, or go kaplunk upon hitting a solid planet and that are the speedier energies, and not the pokeyer, or slower ones you'll eventually succeed.

The speedier energies are so fast that you can bounce them off the other side of the universe, just like that. The speedier reflective wave energies will go down the travel path, and bounce right back, with no lapse in time, at all if you've got them powered up high enough.

With this system, and with this approach, you'll eventually make contact, if you've pumped up the energies frequencies output levels high enough to make successful transmission calls in real time.

There are also flexible energies transport energies frequencies waves that assist in the transport of the other energies. Some of them are pokey or slow, and some of them are speedy. You need to find the speedier ones to help with the delivery of the transmission energies you've selected out of the DC current.

Some automobile manufacturers have very high levels of technologies for their fuel cell type power cell batteries that are DC current, and some of them compare rather closely with the levels of technologies involved in the space shuttle and in the space lab. Perhaps, in some cases, the technology the private sector is using surpasses that used by the government and NASA. So, though car batteries are superior to say, household flash light batteries, these DC power cell batteries used with fuel cell battery technologies, may be useful for research experimenters.

It will also help if you keep your parabolas lined up with the travel point you are aiming at so the parabolas have to be able to swivel, rotate, and turn in such a way so as to stay pointed in the direction of the travel point destination point.

It might help if you locate your parabolas for transmitting and for receiving in the upper northern latitudes, or the lower southern latitudes so that it will be easier to stay locked on to a travel point destination point without having to worry about burning a travel path through this planet. The energies losses will be less, if you set it up that way.

For this kind of long distance communication call, you may need a very large amount of energies currents, a substantial amount, and say, for example, if we look at the amount of current the Hoover Dam puts out, you may need about one third to one half of it, or even somewhat more, for calling out successfully.

Capacitors technologies can assist in keeping the levels of energies up high enough to make continuous, successful transmission calls.

When you've got the energies frequencies currents pumped up that high, you'll be hitting lots of planets, out there, and you'll get all kinds of noise feedback which you will have to learn to filter out for a successful communications call in real time.

Good Luck.

John Francis Ayres
johnayres at


Note To Mr. Obama - It's Time To Get Started, The Kids Of The World Say!

flex gonzaga @

Zoo Park Living
A Word On How We Should Live As People

Since people are highly advanced living organisms, and since we got
our start in the plant world, as plants, we are, plants. All animals
are plants, but of a different kind than we normally think of plants.
That means, we don't think of apes, or monkeys as plants, but apes
form one type of plants, and monkeys form another type of plants. In
other words, we all got our start in the plant world, and we can't
say, there is a defining line here, were we became something else.

We call ourselves humans, but we are just plants. Lady plants have a
little flower right between their legs. Gentlemen plants have a little
flower right between their legs. They are permanently attached, and
they never fall off. But they are flowers, none the less.

Once we realize we are merely plants, it makes things more sensible to
realize, we should build our societies as groups of plants.

What does that mean? Well, all the Puerto Rican plants get together,
and live and work together, as Puerto Rican plants. How they set up
their living 'stations', their bed or sleeping quarters, is not of
much importance, since we expect all the people in the group, to be
honest, friendly, kind, generous, trustworthy, and so forth. If there
are mean ones among the group, you just cut off the head, and that is
the end of that. There is no plant left to bother people, and normal
people get along, real friendly like.

The person who cut the head off the person who was mean, has to be
able to prove the person was mean. Once he or she proves the person
was mean, he or she gets a fine, and goes back home, to live with his
or her friends in their group. Witnesses can testify, and every thing
can be solved, and the fine can help pay for removal of the body, and
the disposal of the body, by feeding it to zoo animals in zoo parks
that like to eat meat, for instance, and the costs for trial, and jail
house food and housing. Society is less one mean person, and every one
will get along, much nicelier, now.

As plants, female plants, that is, female humans, some times like to
live and bunk, or sleep in the sleeping quarters of female plants, I
mean, other female humans. But some times, they like to bunk, or
sleep, and make love, and have sex, with the guys, so they bunk in the
male sleeping quarters area.

Life couldn't be simpler, once people get used to living like this,
and people just have storage space, or lockers, foot lockers, or
wardrobe cabinets, to store their valuables in. We don't want people
stealing other people's valuables, of course, so there is a problem
there. What do you do? Well, you find out who stole what, and you take
them to court, and you fine them. It's pretty simple. There are
answers and solutions for every situation, but this is how we
basically should be living, as plants live, in groups.

We don't need to be living in the tiny boxes, apartments, or homes,
with one family in each 'box' or set of 'boxes'. We need to be living
in gymnasium style living quarters, with bathing for all in the
center, and people's sleeping stations, bunking quarters, placed
around the outside edge of the gymnasium, but on the inside of the
gymnasium. If things get too noisy, below, downstairs, people can find
private rooms, were they can get some sleep by them selves, or with
just a few friends. Toileting facilitities need to be placed out of
the way, off to areas where there aren't any people bunking, so you
set up dividers, with plants growing inside the gymnasium, and that
hides the people and the noises they make, and it keeps frustrations

There are no laws about nakedity, nudity, such as, you got to wear
cloths, or you'll go to jail, because every one is living together in
the same zoo park facilities. I am calling them that, because it is
kind of like a zoo park, with all the living animals, that is, the
trees and bushes, and shrines, which are also animals. We can't have
cats living in these zoo parks, or dogs, because they have their own
zoo parks, and we don't need them in our home space area zoo parks.
Outside, you can have trees, and bushes, and lots of birds, and other
animals such as squirrels, who like to lead solitary lives, or
chipmunks, and so on.

Life would be a lot friendlier for people, once we get rid of the mean
and bad people, who can't live peacefully with others, and the needs
for jail house space would shrink, and most every one would be working
and living, together.

We could have special zoo parks for the handicapped, such as the kids
and adults who have downs syndrome, or who are mentally retarded, and
we could have workers there, helping them with their day to day
chores, of keeping their zoo park living areas, clean, sanitary, and

That's how we ought to be living, and on planets where people are more
sophisticated, and where they understand our heritage, that we were
originally, plants, and that we evolved from plants, some places used
to be set up like that. Now, I don't know anymore, since I can't see
far out into space, and look at other planets where people are living,
since we don't have the technology to see what is going on. We don't
have the telescope technologies we need, and our sciences are far
behind, because we are always getting involved in wars with others.

There are lots of ideas for building a society we could have, were
every one lives in zoo parks, and it really doesn't matter whose child
is whose, since we are all plants, and we need to mix our mates up,
all the time, in our zoo park groups, to keep evolution going, just as
it is in our normal plant world.

Anyway, there are a lot of people on this planet, and there are scarce
resources, so we need to start thinking in terms of new and different
ways of living, if we want to survive on a clean and healthy planet,
where all the animals, the creatures in the soils of the seas and
oceans, lakes, and rivers, and the creatures swimming around in the
water of the seas and oceans, lakes, and rivers, as well as the
creatures living on land, all the different types.

It is the religions of the world, from way back, even from before the
time of the Roman's paganistic religions, when people started to worry
about who is whose son or daughter. In religions, that became
important, and is still important, because the ministers and jewish
rabbis like to collect money from the parish participants. So the
priests, ministers, rabbis, and other religious workers set up rules
for people to live in societies, and we are now stuck with what we

People back then, didn't know about zoo park living, and how to build
useful zoo parks, and how to organize society, and so forth, so we had
little village, after little village, and people lived in little
boxes, or sometimes big castles, that is, big boxes, or they lived out
doors if they couldn't afford or pay to live indoors like a lot of
people do the world over, today.

I think it would be a good idea to change the laws, and make nudity a
non-issue, and public living, in communal zoo park gymnasiums, the
standard, if we are going to begin to survive on a clean and unsoiled
planet. We have so much pollution, we don't know what to do, and it is
just going to get worse, as the years go by. We can't go on, letting
the rich get richer, and letting the poor stay poor. We need to
arrange new zoo parks for every one to live in, in every city in the
world. If people can get together in major collesiums for loud games,
and tolerate it, we can build life style zoo parks, for small groups
of similar plants, that is, people who are generally of the same type.
If people want to live, all mixed up, with different types all living
together, happily and peacefully under the same roof, that's fine,
too. Anyway, that's the way we have got to go, because things are
getting just too messy, every where you look and pollution is going to
get to be a very serious problem, every where, in the years to come.

We can build experimental zoo parks for people living in countries
where there are no places for poor to live and where there are people
living in garbage dumps, or in ruined, old, wrecked buildings. Lots of
kids will get food that way, and their hygiene and health will
improve. We just have to settle on new types of rules every one has to
agree to live by, and if some one gets their head beaten up by an
angry group of people, because the person was mean to others, we don't
put every one in jail for life. We just ask what the circumstances
were, and we learn how people got along with each other, and we learn
the facts, and people will just have to accept that the person did not
have the right to live any more, since the person was causing problems
for every one.

Well, it's a nice idea, but there is probably no funding available for
study into this, and for supporting the building of experimental zoo
parks, but some one in government had better start thinking about
these types of things, and we need to spend less on wars, and less on
military planes and fighter jets, and then we could easily begin
funding study, and projects, that could be the begining of a whole new
age of zoo park living.

I think that is the sensible way to go, so we'll see what happens,
after Mr. Obama is elected. If Mr. McCain is elected, you will never
see a cut back in spending on wars and on war machines, such as air
fighter jets, or nuclear submarines and nuclear carriers, since Mr.
McCain doesn't mind that the U.S. is the "cop" or policeman of the
world. We call Amerika, a global cop country. That means we want to
patrol everywhere, and send our military to places that we need to
send them to, to sustain the "peace". That means, 'secure our
interests'. Secure our interests means, keep things the way they are,
with little or no change happening. When things change, and things
happen, every one is afraid of what will happen as a result. We can
think of many things that can go wrong, and mess up the way of life
for a lot of people, but it is nearly endless, so I won't go there.

Eventually, people who don't want to settle down and believe they are
just a type of plant, will have to be mandated to live in zoo parks,
and work in zoo parks. Eventually, things will get worked out.

Maybe it will take a nuclear blast or some type of shocking
development, to get people headed in this new way of thinking, that we
are just plants, and we need to start living in zoo parks, and working
in zoo parks.

Whatever, I think people should start thinking about this, soon, as we
have limited resources, and once Mr. Obama gets into office, I think
he had better look at this seriously, and get everybody on board with
him, and then start the planning for financing for the study of this,
and the implementation of this.

There will be a lot of people opposed to zoo park living, and lots of
demonstrations will be held, and people will get noisy about it,
because people are basically greedy, and they want to keep every thing
they have. They want the houses they live in, they want the furniture
they bought, and for them, moving into zoo parks, doesn't seem like a
comfortable transition, in their minds. It won't be easy, and there
will be lots of unrest, demonstrations, lynchings, and who knows what
else, but it has to be done, and people all need to be re-educated,
and told that they are just a type of plant, and nothing special. That
won't settle well in a lot of people's minds, but it is the truth, and
people will have to get used to it, and learn to live together with
each other, in these new zoo park communities. That way, we solve lots
of problems on scare and limited resources, and we can stabilize our
planet, and learn what plants are good for keeping down the birth
rate, and so on. We can learn a lot about this, from lots of South
American Andean people, and others, who have a lot of knowledge about
this. In Peru, there are plants that help keep the birth rate to zero,
and people have babies only when they want to have babies. That way,
overcrowding doesn't occur, and the fear of too many babies on this
planet, or the population getting out of control, won't happen. We can
also study and learn more about what kinds of infections, bacteria,
and other sexually transmitted organisms there are, and we can learn
how to fight them. Lots of people, already know the plants to use to
keep down infections, and to improve lactate juices, and to improve
sexual health, and to help with all around good sexual health.

Plants live symbiotically, and we are just plants, so we need to
understand what plants will help us with what problems we have,
because plants help each other. We are fed by plants, and we are
nourished by plants, and our sexual health is helped by plants, such
as the Peruvian Purple potato, or the Maca Radish Root, so we need to
learn what plants will do what. And to learn that, we need to go
directly to the small towns and villages around the world, and
especially in Peru, and South America, where there are lots of them
that will help us live better. We have plants all over the world which
will help us, if we can learn the knowledge the local people know,
about these plants. Plants help to maintain not only nourishment, but
also our health, so we have to look into this more, and learn all we
can about it.

We can easily find out what plants local people use to fight off what
illnesses, to get well again. But we need funding for this, and we
have the medical community, especially the American Medical
Association, and the American Pharmaceutical Association, which have
big groups of people with large and deep pockets, that is, big expense
bank accounts, to help pay the government workers, the congressmen and
congress women, and other politicians, the money to influence them. We
need to get rid of greedy politicians, and put into congress all
women, then we will see changes take place.

Even though Ms. Palin is running for vice president, she is in the
pocket of greedy companies, that give money to Republican leaders and
even office workers to help influence them, and to influence the way
they think. We have to have a stop put to this kind of 'influence
buying', globally, at all levels of society, not only in congress. It
will happen anywhere in the world, where people are. People won't
speak up and tell others what they know if they are paid to not speak
about things that can help us with our health and medical conditions.
I think the Christian network of workers around the world has a lot to
do with this, because they are the ones who big companies can go to,
and ask them to do favors for them, and then bribe, or give them money
or presents.

There are problems of all types, but we will find, once we get rid of
the Christian network of workers, that things will slowly change, and
people will start talking about what they know about, especially if
you hire them as consultants, and pay them a salary to help you with
your research. Your research is for a good cause, and it is not the
same thing as bribing, or influence bying. You are paying them for
their expertise, and you will find lots of people with lots of
expertise in these matters in Peru, and throughout South America, and
I suppose, Canada, and the rest of the world, where there are lots of
indigenous people, even in Amerika, where we can find lots of
indigenous people living.

Anyway, it is about time something is done about this, because we
can't wait till the last minute, in each civilization around the
world. We have to act with good timing, and it is time to get started,

I'm sure, when all the bits and pieces come together, that is, when
all the needed people come up, and come forward, and begin working on
this project, I know it will all work out well. We are plants. We just
need to realize it, and we need to understand that plants live
symbiotically, that is, working, hand in hand with each other for the
benefit of each other. We've been ignoring our plant friends, in many
places, for a long time, so it is time to get to know more about all
of them, and make friends with them, the ones that walk on the ground,
or fly in the air, or swim in the sea, or the ones that are rooted in
the soil, on land, and under the sea, ocean, or in park streams, and

They provide us with air to breath, don't they? And lots of plants
provide us with food to eat, and there are lots of animals that walk,
or fly, or swim, that also provide us with food, so they are our most
valuable friends, besides, each other.

Let Mr. Obama know you think this needs to be looked into, and let the
governments of the world, around the world, also know that they need
to look into this. That way, every one can get started at the same



Topics for another day:

Electrical Energies Currents Runners
General Compliance Burning Wave Frequencies.
Flexing Wave Burning Wave Path Energies
Fixed Path Burning Wave Energies Waves
Full compliance partical bonds.
Non compliance partical bonds.
Negative reactive
Positive reactive
Partical reactive bonds.
Reticular Discernment Wave
Reticular Detainment Path
Primary Focal Carrier Wave
Focal Path Discernment Burning Wave
Focal Detainment Path
Audible Path Discernment Burning Wave
Audible Detainment Path
Emitter carrier waves, energies currents that emit energies and carry signals at the same time. They are very useful as carrier waves, or conducive carrier waves.
Audible discernment technology
Reticular discernment technology
Focal discernment technology
Gravitational Repulsive Technology
Gravitational Counterbalancing Technology

johnayres @
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