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Border crossing Problem

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Oct 26, 2004, 10:57:33 PM10/26/04
I was crossing at Champlain NY today and the girl in the booth asked me who
I was etc.
And then she asked me if I had a Police Record...
I said Yes ! "Synchronicity". Ever see a custom agent pin you with a
yellow card ?
I learned that you don't joke with these people.They delayed me for an

" Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. "


Oct 27, 2004, 5:54:34 AM10/27/04

"SYBIL-IZED" <> wrote in message

> I was crossing at Champlain NY today and the girl in the booth asked me
> I was etc.
> And then she asked me if I had a Police Record...
> I said Yes ! "Synchronicity". Ever see a custom agent pin you with a
> yellow card ?
> I learned that you don't joke with these people.They delayed me for an
> hour.......

IMO your joke's invalid for about 20 years...
Even if she was some 40+y.o. woman (not a girl as youve described her) you'd
still had very very slim chances of her knowing 'Police' and having quick
enough thinking to piece it together with 'Records'... Perhaps in U.K.,
quarter of century ago... sorry, mate ;)


Oct 27, 2004, 7:40:51 AM10/27/04
LOL - now that would have been funny. Even better if you were given the
opportunity to be asked why you were being detained :) Personally, I would
have laughed my ass off and found the whole detaining hilarious the whole
time she had my yellow card in her hand


"SYBIL-IZED" <> wrote in message

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Joe Bedford

Oct 27, 2004, 8:37:44 AM10/27/04

"SYBIL-IZED" <> wrote in message
>I was crossing at Champlain NY today and the girl in the booth asked me who
> I was etc.
> And then she asked me if I had a Police Record...
> I said Yes ! "Synchronicity". Ever see a custom agent pin you with a
> yellow card ?
> I learned that you don't joke with these people.They delayed me for an
> hour.......

An old joke.

Kinda like teasing Revenue Canada by saying you have no income to report.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Oct 27, 2004, 12:18:13 PM10/27/04

"BelSatFan" <ca...@handle.spam> wrote in message

> SYBIL-IZED wrote:
>> I was crossing at Champlain NY today and the girl in the booth asked me
>> who
>> I was etc.
>> And then she asked me if I had a Police Record...
>> I said Yes ! "Synchronicity". Ever see a custom agent pin you with a
>> yellow card ?
>> I learned that you don't joke with these people.They delayed me for an
>> hour.......
> Another fun joke is when you're going through airport screening..
> Tell the security agent to be careful with your hand bag because there's
> a bomb in it :-)
> If you're holding room has a window, you can probably watch your
> flight fly by.

Just fly with a friend named jack, once you are in the air, go to the
bathroom, and when you come back, say "Hi jack!" very loudly :)

Art Vandlelay

Oct 27, 2004, 12:39:16 PM10/27/04
When I was on special operations in Croatia (1992) we use to be able to fly
back to Canada for a 2 week period to be with our family's (R&R). This one
time a bunch of us played a joke on one of our guys returning for his 2 week
leave by placing a hollow steel gas pipe (8 inches long) in his carry on
baggage. In the pipe we put play-do (to represent C4 plastic explosives) and
stuck a piece of black boot lace in one end of the pipe. We did this just
prior to him getting on the bus to the airport.
Needless to say, that night we got a phone call from local authorities at
the Zagreb AP that he had been detained for malicious intent. He spent 2
days in jail and we were disciplined by our authorities severely.

Bottom line is, I wont do that again ! We should of thought that one out.

Just thought I would share that with you encase your thinking along that

"Teknical" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted

Patrick Charaoui

Oct 27, 2004, 2:44:46 PM10/27/04
"SYBIL-IZED" <> wrote in message news:<h8Efd.7067$>...
> I was crossing at Champlain NY today and the girl in the booth asked me who
> I was etc.
> And then she asked me if I had a Police Record...
> I said Yes ! "Synchronicity". Ever see a custom agent pin you with a
> yellow card ?
> I learned that you don't joke with these people.They delayed me for an
> hour.......

Dumb-ass ! no other comments.

Art Vandlelay

Oct 27, 2004, 4:21:00 PM10/27/04
"Warren Oates"
Nothing to do with the military, that was your conclusion. In 1992 there was
a large number of humanitarian aid resources and various Canadian police
force. With a very small contingent of Canadian support troops in that area.

The disbanding of what you call para unit was the CAR (Canadian Airborne
Regiment) and it wasn't for those reason. It was a political move that would
of happened anyway, they just use the military as their escape-goat. The
move or call it disbanding was mentioned years prior to the actual move. I
say move because they just packed up and went else where. And put the name
in the garbage


"Warren Oates" <> wrote in message
> In article <MaQfd.122121$>,
> "Art Vandlelay" <> wrote:
> :Needless to say, that night we got a phone call from local authorities at

> :the Zagreb AP that he had been detained for malicious intent. He spent 2
> :days in jail and we were disciplined by our authorities severely.

> Godawmighty, you guys represent our military presence abroad? No
> wonder they disbanded that para unit.
> --
> Looks like more of Texas to me ...
> -- from The Wild Bunch

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Art Vandlelay

Oct 27, 2004, 6:38:42 PM10/27/04
"They were a bunch of uneducated Canukistan hillbillies beat a Somali
teenager half to death. Hooray for our side."

I read this in the news paper and saw it on TV ! So it must be

Bad news = $$

Good news = boring

lack of information = ignorance

Message has been deleted


Oct 27, 2004, 8:45:45 PM10/27/04
Art, Thanks for the warning..LMAO
"Art Vandlelay" <> wrote in message

Harry Eugene Ly

Oct 27, 2004, 11:55:50 PM10/27/04
Not a smart move... never kid around with customs agents or security agents
at airports.

Someone I know went through a security checkpoint and was asked what he had
in his bag. He jokingly said, "what do you think I have? a bomb?". Needless
to say, he was forcibly escorted out of the airport in a hurry and sent to
the local authorities.

When I went to the US recently, the US customs guy asked me what I was going
to do in the US (standard questions about travelling for business or
pleasure). I told him that I was taking a short vacation. He asked me how
long and I told him 1 week. I'm not sure why he then asked me if I worked
ans where I worked and what I did for a living and then asked me if I
planned on coming back to Canada (leaving the US). I wanted to jokingly give
him an answer but thought better of it...

"SYBIL-IZED" <> wrote in message

Great Dane

Oct 28, 2004, 12:02:06 AM10/28/04
...and you should never greet your friend Jack in an Airport by saying "Hi
Jack" very loud......LOL
"Harry Eugene Ly" <consumers-get-bad-service@big-f*> wrote
in message news:c5_fd.130656$


Oct 28, 2004, 12:29:01 AM10/28/04
Hell. I still get held up at customs when I go to the states. I wass 16. I
broke a headlight I owned and was charged for mischief. Dun ask. that was
many years ago.
So. everytime I go to the states. they say. Hmm. we cannot get your record
of your offence, what is it. I usually tell em. I murdered someone or worse.
I go but. Do you want me to be honest. they say yes. I tell em. I broke a
headlight I owned when I was a teen. They say. hmm. hehe. the get a chuckle
and laugh and so on. THen they go. Are you saying you got charged for
something like that. but it is blocked int eh RCMP records. That makes no
sence. This is honest. They always say that. I get pulled usually to the
side when we go thru.

Dun get me wrong. I usually go to the states once a week or once every 2
weeks to gamble in wa state on the native reserve. They usually just smile
and say. What you doin. I say gamblin. they go. Ok. go thru.

just funny. I have a huge flag on my name. for breaking a headlight I owned
12 years ago that is blocked for customs and RCMP to see. but hmm. a person
can rob or murder someone and it is free to see. makes no sence. Yes. I have
been arguing this for years now. 1 friggin headlight that is blocked in my
bg check. saying it is locked. when worse shit has or could happen. maybe we
can do worse and can block that too. lol.

cheweila is a good place to gamble though. before spokane. lol

Fat Bastard

Oct 28, 2004, 3:36:45 AM10/28/04
Maybe it's blocked because it was when you are a minor? It's too bad you
don't have it like we do/did here in the states. Our criminal records from
when we were minors were destroyed upon request once we became adults (minor
records didn't go on our permanent adult records, unless it was a major
charge like murder, rape, etc., and you were charged as an adult).

"blue_e_bunny" <> wrote in message


Oct 28, 2004, 4:33:27 AM10/28/04
Fat Bastard wrote:
> Maybe it's blocked because it was when you are a minor? It's too bad you
> don't have it like we do/did here in the states. Our criminal records from
> when we were minors were destroyed upon request once we became adults (minor
> records didn't go on our permanent adult records, unless it was a major
> charge like murder, rape, etc., and you were charged as an adult).

IIRC, you can get the record expunged -- I have a couple friends who are
trying to go through the process. I haven't heard much details though.

Next on FOX, all new REALITY SHOW promises to be a hit:


Oct 28, 2004, 1:04:03 PM10/28/04
I was I think 19 or 20 when it happened. all it says is not a criminal
offence. but going to the states. we always get a little laugh off of it.
customs usually say. Are you serious ? then has a little snicker.

"Fat Bastard" <> wrote in message


Oct 28, 2004, 1:48:36 PM10/28/04
They beat him completely to death...And yes it was a politcal shell game
they played with the Airborne...too bad, a had a good friend at the time
who was really hurt by the whole situation -- he was a proud Airborne,
and those knuckle heads embarrassed the entire arme forces...


Warren Oates wrote:
> In article <EqTfd.128223$>,
> "Art Vandlelay" <> wrote:
> :It was a political move that would

> :of happened anyway, they just use the military as their escape-goat.

> They were a bunch of uneducated Canukistan hillbillies beat a Somali
> teenager half to death. Hooray for our side.

> When did the goat escape?

Fat Bastard

Oct 28, 2004, 4:31:13 PM10/28/04
Yes, you can have them expunged. I have a friend that had a felony count
against him when he was a minor, and he had his expunged a few years ago.
Here they seal the minor records, and it used to be that upon request they
were supposed to destroy it, but they have changed that I believe, and they
keep it, but it is sealed, and not on your adult record at all for anyone to

I recommend to anyone that has a minor record of any kind, that they try to
get it expunged, so it doesn't somehow become a pain in your rear later in
life. My friends was only an issue because it was a felony, and he was
unable to buy a firearm as an adult because of it, that is, until he got it

"DevilsPGD" <> wrote in message

Fat Bastard

Oct 28, 2004, 4:32:07 PM10/28/04
Still it has to suck to have to deal with it.

"blue_e_bunny" <> wrote in message


love bev

Oct 29, 2004, 4:57:09 AM10/29/04
don't matter if its the pats or whatever group is over there there hey if
you guys can have some fun then,,, get it on!!! fu.k the compliant
officiatos lol ... the civiys here in canada still support you
guys!!! when yah can ... recess is short in the millitary i know i
grew up in it...:-)))

"SYBIL-IZED" <> wrote in message

Sep 22, 2012, 2:16:28 PM9/22/12
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