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Nasz Dom - ONA

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Jul 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/22/00
Order of Nine Angles homepage:

A Note From the ONA

It is our intent, over the course of the next several months, to
make all or most ONA manuscripts available on the internet. Thus
enabling anyone of potential to embark on the way of genuine Satanism.
Of course, those with real potential will always be the in the few - as
it takes daring, suffering, loss of face, and real turmoil to develop
the character befitting of a real Satanist - on their way to Adeptship.
The availability of much of ONA's written corpus has, in the past,
been somewhat scarce. As stated elsewhere, in the early 1980's a
decision was made by the present Grand Master representing Traditional
Satanism to make available all MSS over a period of time. Thus the
Order's presence was made known, confirming rumors that such a group
existed, and its traditions were made available over a period of several
years through "occult" magazines/literature, personal contacts, and so
on. The move was a strategic one, ensuring that the traditions live on
through new initiates and Adepts, and enabling anyone with enough
courage to walk our path - expanding the tradition each in their own
way. Keeping with this strategy we are aiming to finally make the entire
tradition available to anyone interested.
Because the ONA rarely accepts any new initiates, it is important
that there be a central source for the information regarding Traditional
Satanism, for those who wish to embark on the path and will put it to
use. It should be remembered that the ONA, of course, is only a part of
Sinister Tradition - a vehicle for the Tradition, but not the tradition

The MSS will include all needed for aspiring initiates of the
Seven-Fold Way. Including introductory texts, Naos, The Black Book of
Satan, the MSS from Hostias I - III, the Sinister Tarot and so on. Thus
there will no longer be a need to spend time immersed in the occult
sub-culture of information gathering and talk. Those who would put our
traditions to use, gain first hand experience, and achieve the next step
in our evolution will find the availability of these MSS useful. Those
who wish to have long meaningless discussions about Satanism and various
occult topics; those who seek approval to satisfy their egos; and those
who would rather read about the tradition and pretend they are "in the
know" while lacking any firsthand experience will all be swept aside for
the very qualities they lack.
All ONA material can be freely downloaded and printed out for use,
publication, or distribution (without alteration) by anyone who wishes
to do so, provided nothing is altered and its original source noted

Vilnius Thornian, Order of Nine Angles.
21st June, 2000eh.

Contact -

An Inheritance

As a new phase for the ONA appears to beckon - with a new "outer
representative" - I shall here set down a few final words from an
insider's perspective, to be accepted or not by those who have not

Every twenty years or so a new heir must be found. The most recent
Grand Master was thus chosen by the Grand Mistress before him, and she
by he who came before her - and so on, back through the centuries, as
the Tradition claims. At the time of the last Grand Mistress (in the
1960's), there were several Temples in existence which followed
variations of the Tradition - most in Shropshire, but some also in the
North of England. Not surprisingly, the membership of each of these
Temples was often very small - sometimes as few as three - and on some
occassions non-Initiates were "recruited" for some ceremonies. This
lady, judging the time right for the next phase, then brought all those
Temples together, and named the collective group the Order of Nine
Angles. AL was at this time, a young new Initiate of one of those
Temples in the North.

This merging occurred at the time when a new heir was needed -
thus AL was initiated and tutored by the Grand Mistress in the full
Tradition. After some arduous tests, he was chosen and informed - and
the lady and her daughter Eulalia disappeared, to the next stages that
awaited them.

What AL inherited was rather garbled and fragmented, and not
without some mystification. But, the teachings were original, and
possessed some promise (the main teachings were esoteric chant; the
principles of culling; the Grade Rituals; the Dark Gods mythos
[including Baphomet]; Insight roles; and of course some ceremonies). AL,
via his own subsequent life of experiencing, then significantly extended
and codified these teachings into a practical system of magick, enabling
anyone - anyone who possessed the Desire - to follow its hazardous way
towards the goal of Adeptship, and beyond. AL's many unique
contributions included Aeonics and The Star Game.

All these new or refined methods arose out of his own
experimentation, and the work undertaken by his Temples and those in
alliance (including two groups which, after nearly twenty years, are
still active - one Sapphic, and one "Uranian"). Some aspects of this
experimentation - eg. certain Insight Roles - have attracted some
attention and scrutiny from diverse quarters, though rarely any

After this period of exploration, a decision was taken in the mid
1980's to publish the results - in keeping with the sinister strategy
begun by the Grand Mistress. Other significant contributions were made
by a lady who was initiated around the same time as AL. She sometimes
wrote under the name of "Conrad Robury".

Around this time of publication, and after successfully
undertaking the rite of Grand Master, it was time for AL himself to
choose an heir. [It may also be of interest to note here that the 17
year cycle of the Ceremony of Recalling was successfully undertaken at
this time, with AL's Mistress as the chief celebrant.] I underwent the
arduous testing procedure, was chosen - or rather, I chose myself - and
informed. I then set about my tasks of continuing sinister strategy. In
comparison to AL - who effectively made the Seven-Fold Way complete,
taking it far beyond its fragmentary state [and spawning so much obvious
influence and imitation] - I consider my contributions, so far, to be
modest: the youthful work of one individual struggling towards insight.
But, gradually, I have extended the Way into new realms: via Images and
Musick, and have further developed the corpus of chant. There are some
ceremonies, some ordeals (The Black Pilgrimage).

Those who have stayed the course since their Initiation in the
1960's and 70's are small in number, but are widespread and not without
some influence: someone high up within the Priesthood of the Catholic
Church; another a professor at a renowned university in Europe; someone
in mainstream politics; one or two who have established something of
interest in Slovenia ...

What is achieved is achieved - or not. Many strategies have been
tried, particularly over the past thirty years. Some have appeared
contradictory; many have raised questions; most have provoked
accusations - which is as it should be. Have any caused insight?

Perhaps the tactics of the past have enabled a prelude - a prelude
to a flowering which some, using the illusory jargon of the past, might
interpret as a "new aeon". Perhaps a distillation from trial and (very
often - or so it seemed) error, may in time reveal what lies as yet
unexpressed, beyond all current forms that give the appearance of
understanding/personal control; and in these forms I include - not
merely for provocative ends, but as a statement of reality - Satanism,
the theory of "race", "Western" paganism, to name several ...

Because it may serve to illustrate an essential point, I shall
here tackle the persistent assumptions that I now am, or that I now
regard myself as: a) a Master - or even Grand Master; and b) the
Leader/dictator of the ONA, with all the influence that such a role
entails. These are just assumptions (from which have grown other
assumptions), since I have never made such claims. These assumptions are
prevalent because there are many who still believe a genuine esoteric
order to be a type of club, comprised of members who aspire towards
various official positions of authority (carrying pretentious titles -
such as 'Master of the Temple'). What really is an esoteric
organization? Does it really need members, who require governing and
organising, and motivating?
What, essentially, is the purpose of an esoteric Way: to collect
MSS? To perform "occult rites"? To bind a whole society to a dogma?

It should be clear to anyone who understands the "Grade rituals"
of the Seven Fold Way, that becoming an "outer representative" - ie.
undertaking the often ephemeral tasks of meeting prospective adherents,
answering letters, writing articles - has nothing to do with what is
meant by the title of Grand Master.

If a genuine Grand Master retires from a form of public
role/contact, does that then mean he ceases to be a Grand Master? AL
remains, and has thus remained throughout the past fifteen years, the
present Grand Master, because that is, in essence, what he is.

It has been stated several times in Order MSS that the
descriptions used to designate a stage along the Way are not rewards
given by someone else, or a title awarded to oneself because of a
deluded ego; nor do they represent positions of responsibility within an
hierarchical organization. And nor, in reality, do they carry any weight
of authority over others, in the esoteric - or otherwise - sense.
Rather, they are descriptions of a new type of human being - and thus
represent, after many years of experiencing, an alchemical becoming: an
evolution, unique to each individual, that is the journey towards the
dis-covering of the primal apprehension.

Some only progress so far - either via succumbing to their own
limitations, or simply because it is in their nature to remain at a
certain stage of Being; and only a few follow the Way to its latter
stages: perhaps one or two a century.

For myself, that apprehension which is symbolized by the title of
"Master" is some years away - if it is willed that I am able to progress
that far. What is, is; what shall be, will be in its own species of
time; what can be, may be.

CB, 2000

- Order of Nine Angles -

Raging Hormones

Jul 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/23/00

Verrrrrrry intriguing...
Bookmarked for future reconnoitering and rendezvousing
and all those other difficult R words...
Warm regards,



Decades ago, an experiment in acquiescence
to authority was performed. The experimenters
had test subjects administer electric shocks
to participants who, unbeknownst to the subjects,
would intentionally answer questions incorrectly.
The test subjects had no idea that there really were
no electric shocks, nor did they know that the
participants were in on the experiment and merely
acted shocked on secret cue.
The test subjects, who were ordered to administer the
shocks by pushing a button, believed that as more and
more questions were answered wrongly, the electric
current would grow in intensity.
Everyone involved in this experiment was greatly
disturbed by the results: a surprising number of test
subjects "knowingly" administered shocks to people that would
(if they were real) be potentially lethal. Their reason
for doing so was that they were ordered to do it by the
experimenters (authority). Some subjects, of course, refused.


Hypothetically, to update this experiment slightly, imagine
if people who posted to USENET newsgroups were outfitted with
electrodes which administered shocks to other newsgroup readers
& posters, and likewise received shocks. Imagine if one could push
a button which would anonymously administer a shock to a post's
author. Now imagine if these shocks were cumulative so that an
individual could die from a critical number of simultaneous shocks.
No one would know who pushed the critical and fatal button, but in
essence all involved would be accessories to murder. And the only
way anyone could discern a death this way would be by the apparent
absence of the victim's posts (not to mention the global, piling
heap of decomposing bodies).

The question, then, is not would anyone actually anonymously
cause the death of another person in this manner, or what
the percentage of newsgroup frequenters would be who could
actually do such a terrible thing, but, rather: how big a
drain on the power grid would result from so many online
anonymous murders via newsgroup electrocutions?

... ZZTzttztztztztttttzzzzzt! *thump*

The preceding thought experiment was brought to you by
- Alien-Human Sorcery Hybrid Enterprises, Inc. -
Predators or Prey, It's All in The Packaging at AHSHEI!

Naughty Aluminum

Jul 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/23/00
Thornian <> wrote:
> Order of Nine Angles homepage:
> A Note From the ONA

> For myself, that apprehension which is symbolized by the title of
> "Master" is some years away - if it is willed that I am able to progress
> that far. What is, is; what shall be, will be in its own species of
> time; what can be, may be.

Do try to get over your 99.9% ever so fine genomic self, Tex.

> CB, 2000
> - Order of Nine Angles -

More disappointing neo-National Socialist-recycled white
boyz-n-gurlz magick without an objective rhyme or reason,
etc. etc... ad nauseum-infinitum; although, the pictures
are mighty purrrrrrty... Meanwhile, back among the piles
of discarded heaps of aluminum and other crappola... :

R E P O S T - - -
|From - Wed May 05 13:30:07 1999
|From: (Cap'n Billy)
|Subject: The Illuminati
|Date: 5 May 1999 12:47:58 GMT
|NNTP-Posting-Date: 5 May 1999 12:47:58 GMT

Sometimes you have to delve into history to know the present.

The aeon is a child at play with colored balls.


Provided courtesy of A-albionic Research...

"Bavarian Illuminati" FAQ.
Ver 1.2
Peter Trei
Jan 1994


A lot of references appear in some newsgroups to the "Illuminati".
I'm trying to gather together some source material on the subject, to
produce some sort of FAQ file.


Here's three articles from the "Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia",
1961, by Henry Wilson Coil, 33rd degree. This is an excellent, albeit
slightly idiosyncratic reference work. ...

Of course, this being a *Masonic* encyclopedia, the articles are
written from that viewpoint.

- Illuminati of Bavaria.

This order was first called the Order of Perfectibilists, and was
a fairly shortlived, meteoric, controversial society formed May 1,
1776, in Bavaria, by Adam Weishaupt, aided by Baron von Knigge and
others, suppressed in 1784, and entirely disappeared by the close of
the century. It was not primarily Masonic, and evidently not founded by
any Masonic authority, though it pirated or prarphrased Masonic rituals
and at one time or another had a number of prominent Freemasons in the
group. Freemasonry has received a great many denunciations from several
sources by reason of the aberrations of the Illuminati, and the enemies
of Freemasonry encouraged the idea that Illuminism and Freemasonry were
the same. For details of the lives of Weishaupt and Knigge, reference
must be made to those titles in the general text but, since Illuminism
was their creation and developed as they directed, their acts are
material and discussed here.

Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law at the University of
Ingolstadt, conceived the idea of founding an order which, by mutual
helpfulness, counsel, and philosophic discussions, would increase
morality and virtue, lay the foundation for the reformation of the
world, and oppose the progress of evil, all of which objectives were
expressed in the name, "Order of Perfectibilists" or "Perfectionists",
which was soon changed to "Illuminati", which is best translated as
"intellectually inspired". Modesty and humility seems to have been no
trait of Weishaupt, for he was one of the first to attempt to fly with
little knowledge of human aerodynamics. His ambition outweighed his
judgement; his ideals were too refined for a rude world. Like many
other promoters, Weishaupt sought the aid of Freemasonry to give his
machine both propulsion and ballast. But it dragged Freemasonry down
without helping Illuminism very much. He was too shrewd and subtle for
his own good, though such qualities gave him headway for a time.
Although he formerly belonged to the Jesuits, he secured admission to a
lodge of Freemasons in 1777. Ironically, that was named "Lodge of

We are not informed as to just how Weishaupt became associated
with Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwid Baron Von Knigge, for the latter
lived in North Germany, was of the nobility, and, after his initiation
in 1773, showed little interest in Freemasonry. But noblemen were found
in abundance in the most fraudulent orders in Germany claiming some
Masonic connections. Weishaupt, in 1780, dispatched the Marquis de
Costanzo to propagate Illuminism in the north and Knigge probably then
first showed interest in the society. He became more and more
enthusiastic as the plan was revealed to him, and, in 1781, accepted
the invitation to visit Bavaria and receive full access to all of
Weishaupt's materials. Knigge not only completed the scale of degrees
but became a proponent of them, bringing to his aid the assistance of
Johann J. C. Bode, a prominent German Mason. The order was at first
very popular and attracted, it is said, some of the best men in Germany
and some of the worst. It had 2000 names on its rolls and spread to
France, Belgium, Holland, Denamrk, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.
Knigge, especially, was a highly religious and intellectual man and
would have had nothing to do with that or any other order which was
anti-Christian, yet, the vicious attacks and accusations by Baruel and
Robison had great influence, and it was even charged that the
Illuminati were themselves agents of the Jesuits, though the latter
were opposing it in their usual secret manner. The Illuminati were
extremely secretive, even identifying themselves and their chapters by
assumed classical names; for examples, Weishaupt was Spartacus, Knigge
was Philo, Ingolstadt, the headquarters, was Eleusis, Austria was
Egypt, etc. Dates were given in a sort of cryptography.

The ceremonies were divided into three principal classes and those
into degrees as follows: I-The Nursery: 1. Preparatory Literary Essay;
2. Novitiate; 3. Minerval; 4. Minor Illuminatus; 5. Magistratus.
II-Symbolic Freemasonry: 1. Apprentice; 2. Fellow Craft; 3. Master; 4.
(a) Scots Major Illuminatus, (b) Scots Illuminatus Dirigens
(Directory). III-Mysteries; 1. Lesser: (a) Presbyter, Priest, or Epopt,
(b) Prince or Regent; Greater: (a) Magus; (b) Rex or King (some of
these latter degrees were never completed).

The Illuminati were finally beset by both internal and external
disorders, for Weishaupt found fault with some of Knigge's ritualistic
work and peremptorily ordered it changed, whereupon, Knigge became
disgusted and resigned in 1784. The Jesuits had fought it from the
first and eventually all priests became its active enemies and raised
so much opposition that the Elector of Bavaria supressed the Order by
edict, June 22, 1784, many Illuminati being imprisoned and some,
including Weishaupt, being forced to flee the country. Though the first
edict had been obeyed, it was repeated in March and August, 1785. Not
only Illuminism, but Freemasonry was exterminated in Bavaria and
neither ever recovered its former position. The Illuminati seem to have
completely disappeared everywhere by the end of the 18th century.

Weishaupt, Adam

Founder of the Illuminati of Bavaria, born at Inglstadt, 1748,
died 1811. He was educated in law and attained the rank of Professor in
1772 at the University of Ingolstadt. He had been educated by the
Jesuits but acquired a dislike for them, and in his professional life,
he was soon in conflict with the whole clergy, partly because he held
the chair of Canon Law, which had always been held by an ecclesiastic.
In conferences with his students in whom he planted liberal ideas on
religion and philosophy, and he soon conceived of a close association
of enlightened or intellectual persons who might advance the moral and
intellectual qualities of themselves as well as others. This idea
materialized as the Illuminates or Illuminati, who at first had no
connection with Freemasonry. In 1777, he was admitted to Lodge Theodore
of Good Counsel (translated by some as Lodge Theodore of Caution) at
Munich, and from that time, he sought to interrelate the affairs of his
Illuminati with Freemasonry.

He soon formed an association with Baron von Knigge, an able and
upright man from north Germany, and the two might have accomplished
their objectives and some good had it not been for the opposition of
the Jesuits (who were still powerful though banished from Bavaria) and
the Roman Catholic clergy. Moreover Weishaupt and Knigge could not
agree upon some of the latters' ritualistic interpretations. From the
literature on the subject of Illuminism and from the caustic remarks of
Masonic writers, we might suppose that this order or movement lasted a
long time, but the whole drama opened with the organization of the
Perfectionists in 1766 and, 18 years later in 1784, the Bavarian
government banned all secret associations. The next year, Weishaupt was
discharged from his position at the University and banished from the
country. He fled to Gotha and found asylum with Duke Ernest of that
little city, remaining there until his death in 1811. In Gotha, he
published a number of works, those on Illuminism being: "A Picture of
Illuminism", 1786; "A Complete History of the Persecutions of the
Illuminati in Bavaria", 1785 (only the first of two planned volumes
published); "An Apology for the Illuminati", 1786; "An Improved System
of Illuminism", 1787, and others.

The most objective writers on the subject give Weishaupt credit
for being of high moral character and a profound thinker, and it is
worth noting that his associate, Knigge, spoke with great respect of
his intellectual powers. It appears, however, that he was the victim of
at least two powerful forces, first, the vindictive hate of the Church
of Rome and the Bavarian government and, secondly, his own inadequate
judgement of how to launch a revolutionary and more or less secret
movement such as Illuminism. He was really employing methods of the
Jesuits, for his whole order seems to have been composed of spies and
counter spies, and only those most adept at scheming and trickery were
advanced. The candidates all had pseudonyms, that of Weishaupt being
Spartacus, and those who became too inquisitive about matters as to
which their suspicions were aroused were turned out. If the purpose had
been philosophic, ethical, or for the improvement of the mind or
salvation of the soul, it need never to have been quite so secretive,
and from the Masonic standpoint, Weishaupt was not justified in using
the Fraternity as the vehicle for his scheme, good or bad, though he
had ample precedents on all sides.

Knigge, Baron von (Adolph F. R. L.)

German Freemason and, in part, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati.
He was born near Hanover in 1752, and died at Bremen in 1796. He was
initiated in a lodge of the Strict Observance at Cassel in 1772, but,
for a time, seemed uninterested in the Society, thogh later becoming
one of the foremost German writers on the subject. He published "On
the Jesuits, Freemasons, and Rosicrucians, 1781, anon.; "Essay on
Freemasonry", 1784; "Contribution towards the latest history of the
Order of Freemasons", 1786; and "Philo's final Declaration", 1788. He
also wrote many non-Masonic works, one being "On Conversation with
Men", towards the end of his career and after a sad experience with the
Illuminati and disappointment with the Strict Observance, causing him
therein to devote much space to secret societies and denunciation of
Freemasonry. The most interesting and significant part of Knigge's
career was his participation with Weishaupt in the promotion of the
Bavarian Illuminati, he being almost an equal party.


A look at the Harvard University Library Catalog shows that there
was an Illuminati panic in New England in the late 1790's.

After that, very few people seem to have had Illuminism on their
minds. In the 1950s and 60's, about the only people who seem to mention
it were the John Birch Society.

In the mid-70's, Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson restarted
popular speculation with their fictional "Illuminatus!" trilogy. This
mixes actual history with conspiracy theory and pure invention, and
very deliberately produces doubts in the reader's mind as to the
nature of reality - a technique which the authors refer to as "guerilla
ontology", in pursuit of "Operation Mindf*ck." They were apparently
turned on to Illuminism by some of the correspondance they received
while working as letters column editors at Playboy magazine.

At the core of Illuminatus! is an aeons-old conflict between the
conspiracies representing the forces of order, bureaucracy, and
repression, represented by the Illuminati, and the conspiracies
representing the forces of chaos, spontaneity and freedom,
representing by the Erisians (followers of Eris, the Greek goddess of
discord). The plot involves every conspiracy you've ever heard of,
many you havent, monomaniacal midgets, golden submarines, giant squid,
ancient Atlantis, zombie Nazi stormtroopers, and a good deal of sex.
Wilson and Shea drew heavily on Akron Darual's "History of Secret
Societies", the 'Principia Discordia' of the Erisians, many kinds of
fringe conspiracy theory, and their own imaginations. One of their
conceits is that Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati,
secretly murdered George Washington and took his place.

Illuminatus! became an underground bestseller, and while Shea seems
to have been content to sit back and enjoy the royalties, Wilson has
worked the interest it developed into a minor industry. He has brought
out a steady stream of fiction and "non-fiction" concerning the
Illuminati and related topics, noteably the "Schrodinger's Cat"
trilogy, "The Illuminati Papers", "Cosmic Trigger - The Final Secret of
the Illuminati", and most recently the "Historical Illuminatus Series",
which is up to four books.

[The following paragraph is a personal opinion.]

I've met Wilson, and my impression is that he lacks sincerity. I
don't think he actually believes in the continuing existence of the
Illuminati, but knows he's stumbled onto a goldmine. He does seem
serious about some of the psychological theories he promotes.

A couple other works of interest are the above-mentioned "History
of Secret Societies" by Akron Daraul, and Neil Wilgus' "The
Illuminoids". HoSS tries to link together a number of groups, claiming
that the Illuminati, the Masons, the Italian Carbonari, and the
Spanish Alumburados (sp?) are all linked and can be traced back to the
Hashashins of the ancient Middle East. "The Illuminoids" is
post-Illuminatus! and basically catalogs the conspiracy theories
connected to it.

So there you have it - a short-lived, failed, 18th century secret
society, which after being forgotten for nearly 200 years, has seized
the popular imagination through the work of two men. Despite the
paranoia of some of the people on the net, there is not the slightest
shred of evidence that the Illuminati persisted past 1800.

Of course, you may think you are free to doubt me on this. :-)

W .'. P.T.
Wilder Lodge AF&AM
Leominster MA

After I put this out on the net, I received a few responses. The most
interesting gives some German sources on the Illuminati. I've touched
up the English a little:

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 17:33:17 MEZ
From: "R.A.Z." <RZELLWE@[use-search-engine]>
Subject: Illuminati

There is, of course, lots of material in German available on the
Bavarian Illuminati, esp from the beginning of the century, but also
from the research on the later Enlightenment in Germany, that had it's
height in the 70's.

Goethe and Herder were at times members of the Bavarian
Illuminati, and not only the Duke of Gotha, but also the Dukes of
Weimar and Brunswick, of course since it was Jesuitic in form and
heavily anti-Jesuitic in everything else...

At the end of 19th century the Illuminati-phobia was promoted and
used by the "Protokolle der Weisen von Zion" ["Protocols of the Elders
of Zion"] rsp. the literary Vorlage, a French anti-Napoleonic fiction,
and later by Ludendorff. So the Illuminati-phobia became closely
connected with Fascism's conspiracy theories.

The Illuminati no longer exist, but they influenced methods of
political conspiracy in 19th century and put the fear of a conspiracy
of masons, Jews, etc. in the views of the extreme right.

Informative is the Article Illuminaten in the Theologische
Realenzyclopedie (TRE), the large forthcoming protestant encyclopedia,
Bd.16,p.81-84, providing with the newest (serious!) literature.

Broader, but older, the article Illuminaten in Realenzyclopaedie
fuer protestantische Theologie und Kirche, Bd.9, Leipzig 1901,
p.61-68, mentioning the Spanish Alumbrados as using the same name and
existing later in France. The Realenzyclopaedie 3rd Edition is a very
serious work of late 19th century Historical Research and of course
from the viewpoint of German Kulturprotestantism.

Sources could be found sub Knigge and Weishaupt in Wolfsohns
Freimaurerbibliographie, Vienna (20's or early 30's). Useful is the
Internationales Freimaurerlexikon (Vienna 1932). Both Works are from
a (low-degree) masonic viewpoint and esp the latter apologetic against
Ludendorff's conspiracy theory.

Edited sources are: Jan Reichold (ed.): Die Illuminaten. Quellen
und Texte zur Aufklaerungsideologie des Illuminatenordens, Berlin
((former) DDR) 1984, commentary part of course influenced by Marxism
and GDR-ideology, but solid text edition.

Richard van Duelman: Der Geheimbund der Illuminaten, Stuttgart

If you haven't access to the lexica and could send me a Fax or
snail-mail address, I could send you copies from the articles in



Institut fuer Spezialforschungen

Brought to you by . . . The Right Honorable Cap'n Billy
Cap'n Billy

- - - END of R E P O S T ! - - -


Jul 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/25/00
> Every twenty years or so a new heir must be found. The most recent
>Grand Master was thus chosen by the Grand Mistress before him, and she
>by he who came before her - and so on, back through the centuries, as
>the Tradition claims.

Is the ONA yet prepared to provide any evidence of its claim that its
"tradition" really goes back much past the 1980s much less for "centuries?"

I find a lot of the ONA's manuscripts to be worthwile and certainly welcome the
return of an ONA web site on which to access these.

But readers should recognize that the historical claims of the ONA do not seem
to be supported by any actual evidence and therefore, may well be considered
merely made up.

The essays on the web page with regard to the basis of the name Baphomet are a
perfect case in point. They claim that it refers to a female goddess of Albion
but there the esays cite no actual evidence of this. Historians have long
struggled to find any appearance of the word "Baphomet" anywhere in the
historical record prior to the 14th century as they researched the Templar
story and it just is not there. No documents, no engravings, no

I mean I could claim for example that Baphomet was the name of a snake cult in
10th century Constantinople where virgins were painted red and sacrificed on
burning pyres. This would make a great story. But there would be no actual
historical evidence for such a claim.

I would actually welcome some evidence that the ONA's tradition is as old as
they claim it is. Is there any evidence?

Reading with the eye of a skeptic.

--- R. Merciless


Jul 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/26/00
Try Islamic sources. Prior to 14th century western sources. Mahdia
(what is now Tunisia) connected to Assassins. Stuff has been dug up
(like in Iraq before Bush bombed it, the whole palace was being dug
out, coins of Nebuchednezzar handed out, etc). Baphomet: Baphe Metis
or Bahu Mid. 1. Greek; 2. Babylonian. Soly, who made a poem out of
the info he saw in a book in Canada, wrote what was there on this
figure. There is plenty on what eacy line and angle on the star means
in pythagoreanism. The Heb. letters are obvious. And the goat well,
Pan. The book Soly saw had another version of this, no Heb letters,
instead of a goat, was a RAM. Pan in Bacchus style is same as the
Islamic El Kabus in function. PLEASE don't start up a convo and ask me
to elaborate more. The article we sell "Sigil of Baphomet" says a lot
in a very condenced format. The problem is MAINLY that you have
nothing BUT western and xian sources. I thought I told you that....


In article <>,

rmerc...@aol.commit2hell (RMerciless) wrote:
> > Every twenty years or so a new heir must be found. The most
> >Grand Master was thus chosen by the Grand Mistress before him, and
> >by he who came before her - and so on, back through the centuries, as
> >the Tradition claims.

Hail #satanmuse the Official Chatroom of Rev. HrVad's C.O.S. Dark
Doctrine Site!
And for an Unusual Satanic Site check out

"May the Dark Forces within and without you bring you increase."
Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey

Sent via
Before you buy.

Michael LaRocque

Jul 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/26/00

> Reading with the eye of a skeptic.
> --- R. Merciless

You obviously are reading with eyes wide shut. Before making assumptions
on the validity of the ONA or its material, do yourself, and the rest of
us, a favour. Take the time to do a bit of actual work in regards to
research before opeing your mouth about something you obviously know
nothing about. An educated, informed and unbiased skeptic proves viable
and stimulating. Being a skeptic for skeptics sake is not only pathetic
but could prove dangerous.

Michael LaRocque
Detroit, MI SSII - Zero
A*O - IX*


Jul 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/26/00

>You obviously are reading with eyes wide shut. Before
>making assumptions on the validity of the ONA or its
>material, do yourself, and the rest of us, a favour. Take
>the time to do a bit of actual work in regards to research
>before opeing your mouth about something you obviously
>know nothing about. An educated, informed and unbiased
>skeptic proves viable and stimulating. Being a skeptic for
>skeptics sake is not only pathetic but could prove
>Michael LaRocque
>Detroit, MI SSII - Zero
>A*O - IX*

This not-so-veiled threat raises another interesting issue:
while many CoS and non-CoS sympathizers on alt.satanism
often go ballistic when that organization is criticized,
one notices a hands-off, even semi-friendly reception among
many of the same types toward the ONA, whose material
contains some of the more stinging critiques of the CoS
(and the ToS) that you're likely to read.

Errrr, this wouldn't have anything to do with the ONA's
ideas re "culling," would it? No, didn't think so.

While Merciless may indeed be ill-informed (nothing new
there), at least he shows some courage in venturing a
critique of the ONA.

Michael LaRocque

Jul 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/26/00
In article <>,

First, let me state that my reply was in no way a "veiled threat", I
don't believe in playing games. If I intended on threatening anyone I
would do so openly and directly with that individual, not on a public
newsgroup. And truth be told I dont particularly subscribe to the idea
of "threats". A threat is an empty action. If someone has to "talk"
about his/her intentions toward another individual, chances are that is
all that it remains, talk. Believe me, if I wished to go after someone I
would do so immediately and without publicity. I have always stated that
ignorance and lack of information is a danger, which applies to anyone
and anything. If you assume this position then don't complain when the
axe swings.

As far as persons on this newsgroup treating issues dealing with the ONA
any differently that those of the CoS, ToS, ect., i.e. being over
friendly or biased out of fear from culling, that is a matter of opinion
and not a concern of mine.

Michael LaRocque
Detroit, MI SSII - Zero
A*O - IX*


Jul 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/26/00

ML wrote:

>As far as persons on this newsgroup treating issues
>dealing with the ONA any differently that those of the
>CoS, ToS, ect., i.e. being over friendly or biased out of
>fear from culling, that is a matter of opinion and not a
>concern of mine.

Yep. By the way, has the ONA made public any info re
the "curse" that was supposedly placed on Anton LaVey by
CB? Or is that just another false rumor?


Jul 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/26/00

I suspect the ONA will remain traditionally commentless.



Jul 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/27/00
>Take the time to do a bit of actual work in regards to
>research before opeing your mouth about something you obviously know
>nothing about. An educated, informed and unbiased skeptic proves viable
>and stimulating. Being a skeptic for skeptics sake is not only pathetic
>but could prove dangerous.

Don't be a smart ass Michael. I am HIGHLY informed on the subject. I have
reviewed the verbatim confessions of the Templars presented in Gerhard
Zacharias' book "The Satanic Cult" as well as Levi's supposed derivation in
"Doctinre et Rituel", Dafoe's book, and the various essays linked below. And
I assumed the ONA was also already familiar with the existing scholarship on

The ONA manuscripts say that "Baphomet" means "mistress of blood" and is
depicted as a female holding a head. (Basis?) The essay says that "In the
middle ages, Baphomet came to be regarded as the Bride of Satan." I am
interested to know which medieval source used that term. It appears in none of
the scholarship I have seen. The ONA docs at
assert that the name Baphomet is linked to worship in Scotland and "Albion" as
far back as 3000 BP (What is BP by the way?) None of these assertions are
supported by any of the evidence or scholarship listed below. So upon what are
these claims based?

I am NOT biased. I happen to enjoy the myth of The Baphomet the ONA puts
forth. But mine is a HIGHLY informed skepticism. I am just asking if there is
any historical evidence to back it up or if it is all merely mythmaking of a
recent creation?

At present, however, there is no mention of "Baphomet" anywhere in the
historical record PRIOR TO the accusations against the Templars.

In its essays, the ONA makes claims about the word Baphomet having some context
before this. I am merely asking what evidence is there?

In any case, here are some easily-reviewed references that I know of about
scholarly research on the origins of the term Baphomet.
Stephen DaFoe, author of a prominent book about the Templars put together this
page of info about the name "Baphomet"
This is probably one of the most succinct yet complete synopses of the current
level of historical knowledge extant about the term "Baphomet."
This is a longer series of extracts of what various sources have found or
speculated about "Baphomet"
The author of this book thinks its the head of God.

Then you've got some masons saying this:
and this
This show that one could connect it to Isis but only by a tremendous stretch of
logic but still no Albion...

Does the ONA have some evidence to add to this body of knowledge?

--- R. Merciless


Jul 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/27/00
Speaking of ONA, anyone know what happened to David Myatt's old homepage
that used to be at ?

And while we're on the subject, here's a little tid-bit I found regarding an
ONA "member" ('adherent' is closer to the truth methinks, as they don't seem
to be a membership org) wanted for murder:


"Thornian" <> wrote in message


Jul 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/27/00
> For myself, that apprehension which is symbolized by the title of
> "Master" is some years away - if it is willed that I am able to progress
> that far. What is, is; what shall be, will be in its own species of
> time; what can be, may be.

In all a most interesting, even inspirational, article by Herr Beest,
especially this last paragraph, where an indirect reference to what I
consider to be a most RHP attitude is made: "if it is willed..."



Jul 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/27/00
I have the CD, which I'd be happy to tape for you if you can send a c-100
(so there's no break in it - it's 50 minutes long and I'd record the same
program on both sides, as was done when it was still a cassette-only
release) and a couple bucks for postage. I don't think the ONA would mind
since I'm not making money off it and still getting their recording out.
Same goes for anyone else wanting a copy (the CD referenced is of course
"The Self-Immolation Rite"). Please contact me offlist (remove the obvious
from my email address).


"IX Corp" <> wrote in message
> In article <8lqjc1$r6n$>,

> s12 <> wrote:
> >Speaking of ONA, anyone know what happened to David Myatt's old homepage
> >that used to be at ?
> >
> >And while we're on the subject, here's a little tid-bit I found regarding
> >ONA "member" ('adherent' is closer to the truth methinks, as they don't
> >to be a membership org) wanted for murder:
> >

> Shit.
> Looks like I waited too long to get one of his CDs.
> Check out what the Satanasphere website turned into:
> -Lupo
> "The reductionist worldview is chilling and impersonal. It has to be
> accepted as it is, not because we like it, but because that is the way the
> world works."-Steven Weinberg <>


Jul 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/27/00
"s12" <> wrote in message

> I have the CD, which I'd be happy to tape for you

This is of course unless the ONA are selling the tape or CD themselves, as
I'm not into ripping anyone off. I'd ask one of them first.



Jul 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/27/00
Just as a quick note: it is stated in several MSS that the claims made
by the Tradition came down orally, and that there is no other evidence
(or in some cases, such as the Traditional claim re: Arthurian Legend, a
little). This information is only transmitted as received by Anton Long
from his Grand Mistress, some 35+ years ago. "Traditions," as has been
openly and freely noted, are not to be taken as infallible or as the
undeniable truth. Rather it is up to each initiate to make his own
conclusions regarding the validity of the claims.

The validity of ONA Tradition does not rely on such things. The claims
that were handed down are interesting, but not the main focus, nor the
essence of the ONA/Sinister Tradition. Rather than pretend we are
reviving some ancient occult way, as most "occult" orders do - and in a
less than convincing fashion - we focus on what can be achieved in the

To briefly reiterate the point: the tradition was handed down orally,
and the ONA writes it as received. The claims can be either believed or
disbelieved - it matters little to the essence of the tradition or to
the validity of its methods. The tradition lives in the initiates, their
experiences, and their creations.

BP, to answer your question, means Before Present.



Jul 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/27/00
We intend to put it on the website at some point.

IX Corp

Jul 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/28/00


Jul 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/28/00
>Speaking of ONA, anyone know what happened to David Myatt's old homepage
>that used to be at ?

Myatt is now a Moslem. From Hitler to Malcom.


Jul 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/28/00
Thanks, I was fully aware of that, I am just asking if anyone knows of his
site's current whereabouts. Just out of curiosity.

"BlackAthena2000" <> wrote in message

White Anthony

Jul 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/28/00
In article <>, (BlackAthena2000) wrote:
> >
> >Speaking of ONA, anyone know what happened to David Myatt's old
> >that used to be at ?
> >
> Myatt is now a Moslem. From Hitler to Malcom.

Old dwm page at tripod was taken down. A new one is up at

and his official site is at:


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
In article <>,

Oh yeah, just what I need to do: waste my precious time looking at a web
page put up by some decrepit nut jerking off to his own snuff fantasies.
The ONA is one guy, one seriously fucked up guy who couldn't get laid to
save his life, a pasty-faced little weakling with no ethics who has no
idea how a man should live.

No thanks. Now get lost, go sacrifice a hamster or something, dipshit.


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
In article <8lmoa3$gtm$>,

Michael LaRocque <> wrote:
> >
> > Reading with the eye of a skeptic.
> >
> > --- R. Merciless
> >
> You obviously are reading with eyes wide shut. Before making assumptions
> on the validity of the ONA or its material, do yourself, and the rest of
> us, a favour. Take the time to do a bit of actual work in regards to

> research before opeing your mouth about something you obviously know
> nothing about. An educated, informed and unbiased skeptic proves viable
> and stimulating. Being a skeptic for skeptics sake is not only pathetic
> but could prove dangerous.
> --
> Michael LaRocque
> Detroit, MI SSII - Zero
> A*O - IX*
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Dangerous to whom, dickweed? To you? To one little faggot sitting in a
puddle of his own spooge like Miggs in Silence Of The Lambs? You
blaspheme against Satan with your masturbatory attempt to launch your own
little mockery of Maury Terry's silly hallucination.

Maybe if you keep trying, you'll find what you are looking for.

Best wishes in all of your future endeavours. As it is...


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
In article <>,
In other words, you are making this drivel up as you go along. You shall
know Satan, and soon. Get right with Jesus, you little twerp. You'll need

Michael LaRocque

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

> Dangerous to whom, dickweed? To you? To one little faggot sitting in a
> puddle of his own spooge like Miggs in Silence Of The Lambs? You
> blaspheme against Satan with your masturbatory attempt to launch your
> little mockery of Maury Terry's silly hallucination.
> Maybe if you keep trying, you'll find what you are looking for.
> Best wishes in all of your future endeavours. As it is...

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

As usual another brave individual looking for attention by trying to
offend. Lets see if you can back up your words Uli. Come to Detroit,
and I will gladly have a one on one meeting with you, at any time or
place. Of course, you wont be able to make it for one reason or
another, but in case you can find some bit of backbone, let me know.
You can even bring backup if you like.

It gets very old reading posts like this by attention starved piss ants
like yourself. I will even make it easier on you. Meet me outside of
the State Theatre (It is on Woodward Ave. in Detroit, west side of the
road. August 31, 2000 at 3 a.m., very easy to find. Lets see who
the 'faggot' and 'dickweed' is...) I look forward to this as I could
always use the practice to sharpen my skills....

Michael LaRocque
Detroit, MI SSII - Zero
A*O - IX*


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
>Just as a quick note: it is stated in several MSS that the claims made
>by the Tradition came down orally, and that there is no other evidence
>(or in some cases, such as the Traditional claim re: Arthurian Legend, a
>little). This information is only transmitted as received by Anton Long
>from his Grand Mistress, some 35+ years ago. "Traditions," as has been
>openly and freely noted, are not to be taken as infallible or as the
>undeniable truth. Rather it is up to each initiate to make his own
>conclusions regarding the validity of the claims.
>The validity of ONA Tradition does not rely on such things. The claims
>that were handed down are interesting, but not the main focus, nor the
>essence of the ONA/Sinister Tradition.

An excellent answer and about what I expected to be the case. Thank you for
posting that so clearly and explicitly.

Rather than pretend we are
>reviving some ancient occult way, as most "occult" orders do - and in a
>less than convincing fashion - we focus on what can be achieved in the

That certainly sounds very solid. I just note that the strained claims to
ancient roots made in some of the MSS and by Christos Beest in his interview
with Baddley for "Lucifer Rising" sort of clouds that point.


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
Although I had sent an e-mail regarding the following, I
thought it would be worthwhile to mention it on
alt.satanism instead.
I was curious to know if the remaining volumes of the
Deofel Quintet will be on-line, as well as mp3s for Earth,
SIR, and the Chants?
Also, will any of the items from TEL (e.g. Antares, Dragyn,
etc.) be uploaded?


* Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful

Michael LaRocque

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
In article <>,
Greetings Andrew:

I can tell you this. The "Self-Immolation Rite" CD will be online soon
at (after the site re-opens).

Die Capitalist Pig Die!!

Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Classic IOT strategy: create a 'form' and live it as if there were no
other - the most potent magick of all!

On 25 Jul 2000 20:03:34 GMT, rmerc...@aol.commit2hell (RMerciless)

>> Every twenty years or so a new heir must be found. The most recent
>>Grand Master was thus chosen by the Grand Mistress before him, and she
>>by he who came before her - and so on, back through the centuries, as
>>the Tradition claims.

>Is the ONA yet prepared to provide any evidence of its claim that its
>"tradition" really goes back much past the 1980s much less for "centuries?"
>I find a lot of the ONA's manuscripts to be worthwile and certainly welcome the
>return of an ONA web site on which to access these.
>But readers should recognize that the historical claims of the ONA do not seem
>to be supported by any actual evidence and therefore, may well be considered
>merely made up.
>The essays on the web page with regard to the basis of the name Baphomet are a
>perfect case in point. They claim that it refers to a female goddess of Albion
>but there the esays cite no actual evidence of this. Historians have long

>struggled to find any appearance of the word "Baphomet" anywhere in the

>historical record prior to the 14th century as they researched the Templar
>story and it just is not there. No documents, no engravings, no
>I mean I could claim for example that Baphomet was the name of a snake cult in
>10th century Constantinople where virgins were painted red and sacrificed on
>burning pyres. This would make a great story. But there would be no actual
>historical evidence for such a claim.
>I would actually welcome some evidence that the ONA's tradition is as old as
>they claim it is. Is there any evidence?


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Yes, absolutely. Beliefs are secondary to practical, measurable effects, at
least according to a cardinal tenet (a meta-belief, then?) of Chaoism. But
are you suggesting the ONA is an IOT construct?

"Die Capitalist Pig Die!!" <> wrote in message


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Thanks much for the URL's, Anthony. Myatt's story is an interesting one, to
say the least.


"White Anthony" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> (BlackAthena2000) wrote:
> > >
> > >Speaking of ONA, anyone know what happened to David Myatt's old
> homepage
> > >that used to be at ?
> > >
> >
> > Myatt is now a Moslem. From Hitler to Malcom.
> Old dwm page at tripod was taken down. A new one is up at
> and his official site is at:

Xaemyl Zepol

Aug 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/1/00
"s12" <> writes:

> Yes, absolutely. Beliefs are secondary to practical, measurable effects,
> at least according to a cardinal tenet (a meta-belief, then?) of
> Chaoism. But are you suggesting the ONA is an IOT construct?

If I am not misaken, Christos Beest was once a member of the IOT. But that
doesnt mean that the ONA is an IOT construct ...

/\__^__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_^___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Sadistykl Xaemyl Est
/ _ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Under The Sign Of Hell
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ \\ Killing Victims Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suffer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain!

0 new messages