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2018年3月15日 09:52:582018/3/15
Alabama Sheriff Legally Took $750,000 Meant To Feed Inmates, Bought Beach House

A sheriff in Alabama took home as personal profit more than $750,000 that was budgeted to feed jail inmates — and then purchased a $740,000 beach house, a reporter at The Birmingham News found.

And it's perfectly legal in Alabama, according to state law and local officials.

Alabama has a Depression-era law that allows sheriffs to "keep and retain" unspent money from jail food-provision accounts. Sheriffs across the state take excess money as personal income — and, in the event of a shortfall, are personally liable for covering the gap.

Etowah County Sheriff Todd Entrekin told the News that he follows that practice of taking extra money from the fund, saying, "The law says it's a personal account and that's the way I've always done it."

Sheriffs across the state do the same thing and have for decades. In most cases, the public doesn't know how much money is involved because sheriffs do not need to report extra income of less than $250,000 a year.

But in Etowah County, that cap was exceeded, and the News found the paper trail.
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