В том же выпуске:
Canadians Without Life Threatening Diseases Are Being Encouraged to
Consider Suicide.
On Jan. 27, Dutch blogger Lauren Hoeve passed away through assisted
suicide. After enduring years of chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as
myalgic encephalomyelitis, ME/CFS), autism, ADHD, and anxiety, she, at
the young age of 28, chose euthanasia to escape a life dominated by pain.
As a Canadian, I am familiar with the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
program, which has allowed eligible adults to request assisted death
services since the federal legislation passed in June 2016. As of this
year, the MAID program was also set to allow those with mental illness
to choose euthanasia.
Тому же говноокраинцу, IMHO, давно пора на ферму (зачеркнуто), в Канаду.
Пинхус Вулах может проводить и успокоить. Бордо лучше напоследок не
предлагать, вдруг говном окажется, и тот передумает, пока не попробует
получше. Придется бить по башке и запихивать в капсулу или прижимать
маску как в сериале "Utopia".