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trump is ours

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Oleg Smirnov

20.03.2018, 03:08:0320.03.18

America's best days were over was Obama's theme during his presidency;
thus, it requires the leadership to manage its decline. During the 2016
election campaign, Trump talked about making America great again, and
reviving its manufacturing sector. Obama made fun of him by saying, "What's
he going to do, wave a magic wand? Those jobs are gone! They are not coming
back." Now, the jobs are roaring back. In less than a year and a half,
Trump has more than made up for the stagnation and the decline that was the
American economy for the entirety of the Obama presidency. .. Obama talked
America down on the global stage .. Trump would like to strengthen America

.. After Trump's election, a lot of his staffing decisions puzzled many
people. At the beginning of his administration, Trump attempted to mollify
some of his numerous opponents by choosing cabinet members that might not
have been his first choice. .. Now, he is staffing his administration with
people that he knows agree with him on what he wants to get done.

In Washington, only a tiny percentage of the establishment, or people that
work in government with significant experience, like Trump. He has been
learning much about leftists and liberalism, because he is becoming more
conservative instinctively. He has to become more conservative as he goes
along, and put the right kind of people in positions ..

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