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Remember the Forgotten Man?

瀏覽次數:8 次


2020年10月19日 晚上7:28:102020/10/19

"There was a post-2016 awakening among those who realized they had
ignored a big part of the country—the one that lives far from the
corridors of power and the bright lights of cable television studios.
Those who hadn’t read J.D. Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy” before the election
rushed to buy a copy."

"Mr. Comey’s abrupt dismissal seemed to represent an existential threat
to the order of things in Washington and New York. Instantly, the
validity of Mr. Trump’s arguments on major issues like trade,
immigration and foreign entanglements took a back seat to efforts to
destroy him. The Forgotten Man was forgotten again, almost as quickly as
he had been remembered."

"The lockdowns’ loudest cheerleaders work in jobs that are easily done
from the safety and comfort of home. Pundits and politicians are
unlikely ever to need unemployment benefits, or to watch a family
business built over generations get wiped out in a matter of months."
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