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Oct 9, 2007, 1:09:36 AM10/9/07
I saw two really funny movies this weekend. While I was taking care of moving activities. I have digital
cable and cannot avoid all the fine movies

First, I saw "Double Take" with Eddie Griffin and Orlando Jones, that fool that does those Up Yours commercials for Seven Up soda.
THis movie is really funny and has some really good social commentary about professional blacks vs lower middle class and poor
blacks. Very well done

I told my sister about it. Because I know that if she watched it, she would never follow the story, as it is a police story with
lots of
plot twists, but the plot twists were so frequent and meaningless, that they became inconsequential

You just end up saying, oh fooey I know who the good guys are cos they are the stars

Still, you cannot stop laughing when Eddie Griffin is talking to some "fine sisters", who turn out to be nuns

I told my sister it would probably give my sister some insight into some of the stuff her friend talks about
This one MAY get on broadcast tv.

The second one was "Saving Silverman" which was about as stupid as any Jerry
Lewis movie I have ever seen.
At first, I thought I would hate it simply because that kid Jason Biggs from American Pie was in it.
I kid you not when I say that I laughed out loud at least every five
minutes. The Neil Diamond references are too funny. And even you my sister would
get them, because they are all seventies songs she knows.

I don't know if this movie will make it to tv, but the funniest bits are
just inappropriate for broadcast. And they work. They are not just raw and rude.

I saw another movie this weekend too. This one from 98 called the "Taxman". Set in NY with Russian Mafia. My sister will probably
never get it. But
my sister and her husband will enjoy it for sure. All about shipping of energy biz,
the tax dept on biznesses, real Russian speaking, Brighton Beach and Casey Sziemasko doing a Russian accent. Michael Chiklis too.
And \former stripper
(hahah) Elizabeth Berkley also doing a fine job pretending to speak russian.


"Fine. I'm not suggesting that we fly phosphate on Concorde."--John

-----Original Message-----
From: marika <>
Newsgroups: alt.rush-limbaugh.die,alt.usenet.legends.lester-mosley
Date: Sunday, October 07, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: the little dark path

>a few years ago, my sister's friend GOT A REAL POLITICAL JOB!!!!
>That doofus has had this job for a YEAR! and just told her a year later,
>because she hadn't seen him in a year, because he wanted to tell her in
>person and buy her dinner to thank her for all her help to him over the
>past 5 (very lean) years of "networking" and "volunteering"
>that she had
>completely lost patience with. Although she spoke with him on the phone many many times during that year, he never cracked. Talk
>discipline, I'd have cracked 11 and a half months ago.
>He has an OFFICE!
>And a PHONE!
>And it's all IN POLITICS!!! FINALLY!
>Also, because he still thinks his life is a real version of Enemy of the
>State (what a drama queen he can be)- she was forbidden from telling anyone that he has this job . She told me anyway, You know
>how the talent scouts hid in the
>bushes and stalked me and my sister? Apparently, he thinks Democrats are stalking him.
>Which actually, could be true, in an election year.
>"go forth and stand upon the mount before Jehovah. And, behold, Jehovah passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains,
>and brake in pieces the rocks before jehovah. but jehovah was not in the wind: and after the wind an eqrthquake; and after the
>eqrthquek a fire; but jehovah was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice"--1 Kings 19

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