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From the Empower America folks...

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Bret Ford

Jul 10, 1993, 6:32:02 PM7/10/93
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TAMPA FLORIDA 33634-4707
CIS: 71327,1251

Wed 06-23-1993

The following is from the latest publication by EMPOWER AMERICA. For
anyone who is not familiar with this group, it is a new think tank
founded by Dr. Bill Bennett, Jack Kemp, Vin Weber, and Jean Kirkpatrick.
If you get a chance to view these founders speaking before the several
groups who invite them on C-SPAN, DON'T miss it. The organization was
founded in February and already has a huge following. If you are a
conservative, you want to hear these people.

If you wish to contribute to their cause, the address is:

1776 I ST NW STE 890 (That's the Letter I, not 1 or L)
WASHINGTON DC 20006-3700

This file is posted here with full permission of EMPOWER AMERICA.


The first hundred days of the Clinton Administration have continued a
pattern of easily abandoned commitments that have characterized Bill
Clinton's political career. We believe that the character of his
presidency cannot be understood apart from the record of promises unkept.
Here, then, are some insights into Bill Clinton's political character.


First-100 Days Agenda
"..I'll have the bills ready the day Question: "We were originally led to
after i'm inaugurated. I'll send believe that you'd have an outline
them to Congress and we'll have a to Congress even before the
hundred-day period..It will be the inauguration and presented on Day
most productive in modern One or shortly thereafter .. when
history." will it be ready?"
--Interview on ABC's "Good Clinton: "I don't know who led you to
Morning America," June 23, 1992 believe that, but I'm the only one
who's authorized to talk about
--Press Conference, January 14, 1993

"I intend to have a legislative "People of the press are expecting to
program ready on the desk of have some 100-day program. We
Congress the day after I'm never ever had one."
inaugurated." -- Dee Dee Myers, WASHINGTON
--LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 24, 1992 TIMES, January 12, 1993

Middle Class Tax Cuts

"I'm Bill Clinton and I believe you "From New Hampshire forward, for
deserve more than 30-second ads reasons that absolutely mystified
or vague promises. That's why me, the press thought the most
I've offered a comprehensive plan important issue in the race was the
to get our economy moving middle class tax cut. I never did
again.. It starts with a tax cut for meet any voter who thought that..
the middle class." We have a structural deficit that is
-- Clinton's First Campaign too high. The American people
Advertisement, January 1992 would think I was foolish if I said I
will not respond to changing
-- News Conference, January 14, 1993
"I want to make it very clear that
this middle class tax cut, in my view,
is central to any attempt we're
going to make to have a short-term
economic strategy."
-- January 19, 1992

"We will lower the tax burden on
middle class Americans by asking "I wish I could promise you that I
the very wealthy to pay their fair won't ask you to pay any more."
share. Middle class taxpayers will --Upon warning middle class voters
have a choice between a children's to be prepared for a tax increase.
tax credit or a significant reduction WALL STREET JOURNAL, February 11,
in their income tax rate." 1993

"I'm not going to raise taxes on the
middle class."
--NEW YORK TIMES, July 13, 1992

"It is blatantly false..It is a "Last week Clinton, unembarrassed,
disgrace to the American people that put forward a revised program
the president of the United States requiring tax increases the
would make a claim that is so administration says will affect
baseless, that is so without most families making over $30,000,
foundation, so shameless in its one-sixth below the threshold
attempt to get votes under false George Bush had forecast."
pretenses." --David Broder, WASHINGTON POST,
--October 1, 1992, in response to a February 24, 1993
Bush campaign ad claiming that
Clinton would finance his campaign
promises by raising taxes on families
earning more than $36,600 a year.

Cutting the Federal Deficit

"I would present a five-year plan to "Our plan will cut the deficit in
balance the budget." half within four years and assure
--CNN's LARRY KING LIVE, July 6, 1992 that it continues to fall each year
after that."

"According to the proposed budget of
the Clinton Administration for
fiscal year 1994, total budget
deficit reduction over the next four
years will be $86 billion. This falls
significantly short of the pledge to
cut the deficit in half."
--Republican Study Committee

Value Added Tax

"I did not mean to float a trial A VAT tax was among the options
balloon. It is not under that would 'get very serious
consideration at this time..such a consideration in paying for the
tax might be needed in 10 years or health care plan.'
so..if we start considering it, I'll --Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger
tell you." Altman, WASHINGTON POST, February
--In response to a question about a 22, 1993
VAT tax following a "Town Hall
Meeting," February 19, 1993 "There seems to be growing support
for it."
"I think the President ruled that out -- Treasury Secretary Lloyd
fairly clearly a couple of weeks Bentsen, WASHINGTON POST, February
ago." 22, 1993
-- White House Press Secretary
Dee Dee Myers, discounting news "A VAT is clearly a possible
reports and comments by other candidate."
administration officials that a value --Deputy OMB Director, Alice
added tax was under consideration,
March 24, 1993
"We've talked a lot about sin taxes.
Certainly, we're looking at a VAT
--Health and Human Services
Secretary Donna Shalala, April 15,
A VAT tax "would not be in the
proposal." "I'm acknowledging that the task
-- White House Communications force has studied this [VAT]
Director George Stephanopoulos, proposal. I'm also stating that the
March 25, 1993 President has not made a
-- George Stephanopoulos, April 14,

Millionaire Surtax

"Impose a millionaires surtax." "We recommend a 10% surtax on
--PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST, June 20, incomes over $250,000 a year."
1992 --State of the Union Address,
February 17, 1993

Energy Policy

"Oppose federal excise tax "I recommend that we adopt a Btu
increases. Instead of a tax on the heat content of energy
backbreaking federal gas tax, we as the best way to provide us with
should try conservation, increased the revenue to lower the deficit
use of natural gas, and increased because it also combats pollution
use of alternative fuels." promotes energy efficiency,
-- PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST, June 20, promotes the independence
1992 economically of this country as
well as helping reduce the debt,
and because it does not
discriminate against any area."
-- State of the Union Address,
February 17, 1993

"The federal gasoline tax enacted in
1990 and due to expire after
September 30, 1995, is extended."
-- Institute for Research on the
Economics of Taxation, March 19, 1993

Health Care Payroll Tax

"We don't need to lead with a tax "There will a buy-in tax which they
increase that asks hard-working can call a payroll tax."
people who already pay too --USA TODAY editorial board
much for health care to pay even meeting,
more..." August 12, 1992
-- From Clinton for President
Primary Committee, "American
Health Care Plan,"
issue paper

Defense Spending

"Our defense plan will save more "Last year Governor Clinton
than $100 billion through 1997. The proposed to cut $60 billion from
funds we save will be spent on President Bush's budget plans for
rebuilding America and reducing 1993 through 1997. The Clinton
our deficit. Our cut is $60 billion Administration's budget proposal
more over five years than the Cold this year calls for cuts of $122.6
War budget the Bush billion over this same period."
Administration still advocates." --Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA.),
-- PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST, June 20 March 3, 1993

Haitian Refugees

"[The Bush Policy] is another sad "The practice of returning those who
example of the administration's fled Haiti by boat will continue, for
callous response to a terrible the time being, after I become
human tragedy...If I were President. Those who do leave
President, I would - in the Haiti.. by boat will be stopped and
absence of clear and compelling directly returned by the United
evidence that they weren't political States Coast Guard."
refugees - give them temporary --Radio Address to the Haitian
asylum until we restored the people, WASHINGTON POST, January 14,
elected government of Haiti." 1993
-- Written Policy statement, May
27, 1992

Persian Gulf War

"I agree with arguments of the "I supported the Persian Gulf War
people in the on the because I though it was right and
[congressional] resolution - that in our national interest."
we should give sanctions more --- U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT,
time and maybe even explore a March 23, 1992
full-scale embargo.. before we go
to war."
15, 1991

Conflict in Bosnia

"I think the United Nations, with the "After coming into office proclaiming
United States' support, needs to the need to take action against
consider doing whatever it takes moral outrages on Bosnia, the
to stop the slaughter of civilians, to Clinton Administration has shifted
investigate it under international gears, and is now telling the
law.. and we may have to use American people that Bosnia is a
military force. I would begin with quagmire about which very little
air power against the Serbs to try can be done."
to restore the basic conditions of --NEW YORK TIMES, April 8l 1993
-- "Town Hall Meeting," August 6,

"I have been in favor of enforcing the
no-fly zone for some time.. anything
we can do to turn up the heat a little
there, to try to reduce the carnage,
is worth trying."
-- Press conference, December 12,
1992 "I think the U.S. is doing all we can
to try to deal with that problem..the
"[The crisis in Bosnia] tests our U.S. simply doesn't have the means
commitment to the nurturing of to make people in that region of the
democracy and the support of world like each other."
environments in which democracy ---Secretary of State Warren
can grow and take root..and it Christopher, March 28, 1993
test what wisdom we have
gathered from this bloody century,
and it measures our resolve to
take early concerted action
against systematic ethnic
---Secretary of State Warren
Christopher, February 10, 1993

Federal Funding for Abortions
"I am opposed to abortion and "Clinton's innovative and
government funding of abortions. comprehensive health care plan
We should not spend state funds would cover pregnancy-related
on abortions because so many medical procedures, including
people believe abortion is wrong." abortions."
--Letter to Arkansas Right to LIfe, -- From Clinton for President issues
September 26, 1986 paper on women, June 1992

"There's a big difference between President Clinton recommends repeal
being pro-choice and spending of the Hyde Amendment, which
federal tax dollars for any kind of prohibits federal Medicaid funding
abortion. I don't think that's of abortion, except to save the life
appropriate." of the mother."
--Associated Press, October 1, 1991 -- From Clinton budget submission,
April 18, 1993

Criteria for Picking Federal Judges

"It is [a litmus test] and it makes me
uncomfortable, [but] I would want
the first judge appointed to
believe in the right to privacy and
the right to choose."
-- Interview with Bill Moyers, July
9, 1992

"I said that I would do my best, in the "I have no intention of giving
next appointment of the Supreme somebody a [litmus] test."
Court, to appoint someone who -- Same CBS report, July 19,
believes in the general rule of Roe 1992
vs. Wade."
-- CBS News, July 19, 1992

School Choice

"I am fascinated by that proposal.. "We shouldn't give our money away
I'm concerned that the traditional to private schools in a system that
Democratic Party establishment will undermine the integrity of the
has not given you more public school system."
encouragement. The visionary is --"Town Meeting" with the
rarely embraced by the status quo." National Education Association,
-- Letter to Wisconsin State August 7, 1992
Representative Polly Williams, on
allowing parents to choose a private
school and receive financial
assistance via tax credits or
vouchers, October 18, 1990

[COMMENT FROM THE UPLOADER] I have the full text of the letter to Polly
Williams if anyone wants it.

"Make home ownership possible for The Clinton Administration has called
more Americans through federal for termination of new HOPE
support for low-income, long-term home ownership planning grants
housing buyout programs." for public housing resident, while
-- PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST, June 20, slashing the HOPE funding for
1992 current projects -- the only
federal program which encourages
home ownership among public
housing residents -- from the $883
million level authorized by
Congress for FY94 to only $109
-- Clinton Administration Budget
Proposal for FY94

The War on Drugs and Crime
"[President Bush] hasn't fought a real After taking office President Clinton
war on crime and drugs. I will." revoked the policy of random drug
-- Acceptance speech, Democratic testing for White House Staff;
National Convention, July 16, 1992 slashed the Office of National
Drug Control Policy staff by 84
percent; has yet to develop a
national drug policy; and has not
yet named a drug policy director.

"Fight crime by putting 100,000 new "When candidate Bill Clinton was
police officers on the streets; trying to impress voters with his
create a National Police Corps crime-fighting credentials, he came
and offer veterans and active up with a snappy sound-bite that
military personnel a chance to became a campaign pledge. If
become law enforcement elected, Clinton said, he had a
officers." 'plan' to attack violent crime by
-- PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST, June 20, putting another 100,000 police
1992 officers on the streets. But when
President Clinton's budget was
released last week, the funding
came up short. Tucked inside the
Justice Department budget was
$50 million for 'community policing'
grants - just enough money,
budget documents say, to pay for
about 3,000 new police officers
over two years, a mere 3 percent
of the Presidents's pledge."
-- WASHINGTON POST, April 16, 1993

Gun Control
"I'm not for gun control." "I was an early and strong supporter
-- ARKANSAS GAZETTE, November 2, of the Brady Bill."
1990 -- NBC's "Today Show," October 17,

CAFE Standards
"We'll accelerate our progress "..I think we should be very flexible
toward fuel-efficient cars and about imposing standards on the
seek to raise the average goal for overall fleet as opposed to
auto makers to 40 miles per gallon different sized vehicles.. I don't
by the year 2000, 45 milers per think it's fair to impose a burden on
gallon by 2020." an American fleet that has bigger
-- Drexel University Speech, April cars in it than foreign competitors
22, 1992 do.."
-- Speech to Detroit Economic Club,
August 21, 1992

Cutting Congressional Staff

"I've called for a 25 percent "Congress took a cut last year. I
reduction in congressional staff hope we can keep on the
and expenditures." downward trend, but they did take
-- Presidential Debate, October 19, a cut last year."
1992 -- Press Conference, November 16,

[Translation by the Uploader] Mitchell and Foley got Clinton off to the
side and said, "Take a hike, pal. We run this end of Pennsylvania Avenue".

Cutting White House Staff

"I have announced a cut in the White "It was one of the most straight-
House staff of 25 percent, saving forward of Bill Clinton's campaign
approximately $10 million." promises -- that he would make an
-- State of the Union Address, example of government belt-
February 17, 1993 tightening by cutting his own
House by 25 percent. Then came
the fine print .. The fine print
allowed the the Clinton White House
last week to state it had met its 25
percent cut promise in its 1994
budget submission even though the
actual budget documents do not
reflect it. And any voter trying to
track the cut through public
documents will only find half-
-- WASHINGTON POST, April 14, 1993

"A comparison between the net
outlays for the White House under
President Bush and President
Clinton shows Clinton requested $4
million more that Bush spent in his
last full year in office."
--- Citizens for a Sound Economy,
April 14, 1993

Running for President

"I told you when I announced for "Today, I proudly announce my
Governor...I'm gonna serve four candidacy for President of the
years. I made that decision when I United States of America."
decided to run...I'm being -- Announcement Speech, October 3,
considered a candidate for 1991
Governor. That's the job I want --
that's the job I'll do for the next
four years."
--- Gubernatorial Debate, October
15, 1990

--- End of Publication ---

[Final comments by the Uploader] I believe I have experienced most
aspects of society and life in general. I was raised on a farm, served
as an Air Force pilot for 9 years serving in Southeast Asia, made my living
as salesman for about 10 years, and worked for machinery companies for 11

I have encountered basically two types of liars: 1.) The super salesman
who lies for convenience' sake. This person is generally very smart and
has an excellent memory. He has to remember all his lies so he doesn't
contradict himself to the same person. 2.) Then there is the pathological
liar. He really can't help himself, because he actually believes what he
is saying. This person can pass a lie detector test while telling lies.
I believe Clinton fits in category 2.

Finally, we have yet to see what Hillary and her bunch are to going to
slam us with for health care. I read a column the other day I believe
is appropriate. The author said, "If you think health care is expensive
now, just wait 'til you see what it costs when it's free".

[COMMENT] This file is already formatted with page breaks for printing.
Just key TYPE CLNTON.TXT > PRN <enter>

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Later daze... Carpe diem.
Barry Goldwater, 1994!

Robert M. Topolski

Jul 10, 1993, 8:02:26 PM7/10/93

I tried to write to you, but the mail got bounced "unknown user." Anyway,
thank you for posting this.
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