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Re: "It's too COLD for electric busses"

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Governor Swill

Jan 9, 2024, 1:26:39 PMJan 9
On Tue, 9 Jan 2024 15:30:33 -0000 (UTC), T <> wrote:

>>cation_id=547128&post_id=140362453&isFreemail=true&r=pcju0 [...]
>Looks like you've quoted another pro-China blogger who has no qualifications
>and spouts nothing more than the propaganda of our enemies. Trump's
>invested all his money in EVs and so should you. EV's are the future now
>that China's making all our ICE cars.
>Why is it that the only politicians and pundits who oppose EVs are linked to
>China and are members of the Chinese Communist Party? They are doing the
>bidding for our enemies as usual and don't want American commerce to succeed.

You're an idiot. China is the biggest producer and consumer of BEVs worldwide.

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