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Jun 7, 2013, 3:03:29 AM6/7/13
Sábado, 01 de Junio, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


At Beersheba our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) appeared to
Isaac while sleeping on the injured-rock to confess that he is the God
of his father Abraham and that he is the firstborn of the Covenant of
Life that will give birth to a nation to give our heavenly Father Sons
and daughters to serve Him as angels do since ever. Frankly, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach assured Isaac that he will give birth to his
brothers and sisters that will establish the dreamed nation that our
heavenly Father has always desired to possess on earth since eternity
in heaven, so they may learn to love Him by the power of the Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and of His living-word.

Justly, our heavenly Father had given Jesus Christ power and authority
to increase the number of his brothers and sisters on earth by the
Holy Spirit that gave birth to Isaac initially through his mother
Sarah’s barren-womb, so he may be the firstborn of Israel in the midst
of the nations for our Father’s new glories yet to come. Conclusively,
this is the power of faith that our heavenly Father had manifested to
Isaac through our Lord Jesus Christ as His personal supreme celestial
sacrifice of the atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock, so Israel
first along with the nations may eventually drink the atoning-blood
turned into living-water for salvation.

Indisputably, this is the faith that our heavenly Father needed to be
born within Isaac’s heart just as it was born first within Abraham’s
heart at Salem’s gate where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as God’s
Righteousness and King of Salem served the Lord’s Table the bread and
wine to him and his allies for Isaac to be born into the world. This
is the beginning of a new life that every man, woman and child from
all the nations needed to have but they could never attain it because
they were born under Adam and Eve’s covenant of sin and rebellion
against our Father and His fruit of life that is His blessed Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach in paradise and on earth these days.

For the faith of Abraham’s heart and that of everyone within Israel,
beginning with Isaac born by the power of the Holy Spirit through his
mother Sarah’s barren-womb is that our Lord Jesus Christ is God’s
perfect Righteousness, high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-
blood to pray before our Father around the clock for our sins to be
atoned forever. This is the faith that Isaac received directly from
our heavenly Father as our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him at
Beersheba to confess in person to him that he is the God of his father
Abraham, and therefore as Abraham’s child then he is also called
divinely to believe in him for forgiveness, healing, blessing,
prosperity, peace, richness, and salvation.

Here, our Lord Jesus Christ reaffirmed to Isaac that he alone will be
the beginning of everyone born within Israel, whether this is a man or
woman, for he is the life that will help everyone to learn to love,
serve and glorify our heavenly Father through the every day sacrificed-
life of His blessed Son in heaven, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach.
Meaning also that as our Lord Jesus Christ confessed that he is God’s
Righteousness for his father Abraham, then also he became a believer,
and this is that Isaac received in his heart for justice our Lord
Jesus Christ to confess him before our Father as his high priest and
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to mediate for him forever into

Certainly, this is the faith that our heavenly Father initiated with
Abraham at Salem’s gate as His blessed Son Jesus Christ served the
bread and wine from His Table, so Abraham along with his friends may
eat and drink from the faith that that starts a new nation on earth
but also moves mountains everywhere for our heavenly Father’s new
glories. Positively, this is the faith that started Israel as a nation
in the midst of the nations as Isaac was born from his mother Sarah’s
barren-womb that could not possibly give him life, however, as our
heavenly Father promised to Abraham by assuring him: Your wife Sarah
will embrace a child next year by this time (this is nine moths

Timely, as Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit through his mother
Sarah’s barren-womb, then he not only became the firstborn from Israel
as a nation to populate the earth as the “nation-temple” of the Holy
Spirit in the midst of nations but also gives birth to brothers and
sisters that will follow the ways of the King Messiah beyond death. In
other words, by our heavenly Father given birth to Israel as Abraham
with his allies received the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table by
Melchizedek’s hands, as God’s high priest with the unblemished atoning-
blood running through his divine-body, then He gave birth to new
priests and Gods into the millions to serve Him along with Son forever
into eternity.

Meaning also that everyone that is born by the faith that started
within Abraham’s heart to believe that his son Isaac was going to be
born from his wife Sarah’s unfertile womb by the power of the Holy
Spirit as promised initially by our heavenly Father to him, then our
Father’s Temple of the Holy Spirit is being built gradually on earth.
Certainly, by our heavenly Father given birth to Israel in the midst
of the nations, then He was starting a new life among His people born
from Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb, beginning with Isaac, to become
the Church of the Holy Spirit on earth thus divinely to give birth to
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach moreover give birth to His children

Amazingly, it is here where you are born now, no matter where you may
live on earth, nevertheless, you are born to follow-and-enjoy the
every day Covenant of the Holy Spirit of Life that granted life
initially to Sarah’s barren-womb for Isaac to appear, but also the
Holy Spirit is scheduled to grant you eternal life these days with an
amazing divine-birth. This is the divine-birth from the Holy Spirit
that will replace instantly the spirit of error that you were born
initially from your mother’s womb as you enter into earth filled with
Satan’s hidden-lies, hidden-diseases from paradise, curses,
infirmities and sealed already to descend into hell’s torment,
however, the Holy Spirit saves you for God’s Kingdom in heaven just by

For our heavenly Father dreamed to have a nation of priests and Gods
that would be born by the power of the Holy Spirit through their
individual mother’s womb thus to have at last the Temple for prayer of
the Holy Spirit for the nations, so the nations may also become part
of this Covenant of Life that will never-end into eternity. This is
the faith that started within Jacob’s heart as he lied to sleep at
Bethel, however, Jacob never realizing that the rock that he had
chosen to rest his head, it was our Lord Jesus Christ himself, for he
alone is the eternal rock that bursts the atoning-blood into living-
water for everyone from everywhere to drink life and salvation into

This is our heavenly Father’s salvation prepared for Jacob, for he
also needed to meet-and-accept our Lord Jesus Christ as his personal
high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to live a life with
power, because for anyone to live on earth and in paradise, then you
need power; otherwise, Satan will come with his lies to destroy you
gradually. However, as Jacob lied to sleep with his head resting over
a rock, our Lord Jesus Christ’s injured rock, then our Lord Jesus
Christ appeared to him in dreams to let him know that he is the God of
Abraham and the God of his father Isaac, and that he was going to
bless him tremendously for generations to come.

Surely, as Jacob lied to sleep by resting his head over the rock that
was at Bethel, then our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to him in a dream
about the wonderful things that he was going to do with his
descendants, so within his heart he became instantly a believer in
Jesus Christ for justice to flow through his life into his children.
Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ told Jacob that he will increase his
descendants as the stars from heaven above just as he had personally
promised to Abraham that he will do, furthermore grant him Canaan
(Israel) where he will live with his children to serve and adore the
glorious sacrificed-life of His King Messiah (His only Son born
through the Holy Spirit).

These were powerful promises that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to
Jacob that he will fulfill in due time because the place where he was
sleeping with his head resting over the injured-rock, it was the gate
to heaven, as Jacob could see the angels descending to earth and
ascending to heaven thus to enter into our heavenly Father’s holy
presence. Little did Jacob know that where he laid his head to rest
over the rock at Bethel it will be the place (rock) where our Lord
Jesus Christ would be born in good time by the Holy Spirit through
David’s virgin daughter in Bethlehem near Jerusalem thus granting
humankind eternal life and the unique divine-body for every person to
live it forever into eternity.

This is the reason that Jacob said: I did not know, and no one told
me, that this place is nothing more than the gate to heaven, because I
can see angels descending to earth and others ascending into heaven as
into our heavenly Father’s holy presence within the Holy of Holiest
where the continuous celestial-sacrifice is displayed nonstop. Then
Jacob took the rock where he had lied to rest his head over it and
dreamed of these wonderful things that our Lord Jesus Christ
personally manifested to him as his personal high priest and Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood that were to take place within his life
and that of his descendants for generations to come, then adored it.

Here Jacob anointed the injured-rock with oil thus to bless it before
our heavenly Father as saying, for example, I acknowledge and accept
our heavenly Father’s high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-
blood as God’s Righteousness for my life just as he is God’s
Righteousness for Abraham and God’s Righteousness for Isaac my father.
And Jacob after having acknowledged and prayed over the rock where he
had dreamed with his savior before our heavenly Father, so his
descendants will come to it to pray for the wonderful things that our
Lord Jesus Christ manifested to him that will take place in later days
to enjoy along with his children, then he blessed our Father in

Jacob as he slept to rest his head over the injured-rock, he dreamed
of the nation that our Father had also dreamed that will be born
through His Covenant of the Holy Spirit’s Life that He had personally
concerted with Abraham and his allies as they ate and drank from Jesus
Christ’s hands the Lord’s Table every day bread and wine. Surely, this
is a nation of priests and Gods that our heavenly Father needed on
earth and in heaven to continue to love, serve and glorify Him through
the supreme celestial-sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach that had initially shed his atoning-blood within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock to
create all things.

However, now our heavenly Father was creating a new world through the
birth by the amazing powers of the Covenant of the Holy Spirit’s Life
that He personally established with Abraham and his friends as they
ate and drank from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine served by God’s
Righteousness, Jesus Christ, the only Lamb that removes sin from the
world. This is the nation that will be born eventually into the world
by the Holy Spirit that will turn every man, woman and child from the
nations, starting with Israel, into our heavenly Father’s personal
servant to serve Him diligently day and night before His celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that rains from heaven copiously
to subdue darkness over the earth forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needs to have His servants serving Him
day and night before His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock where Lucifer with the
fallen angels used to serve Him but, blindly, they rebelled against
Him and the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ. And since Lucifer
with one-third of the angels rebelled against our heavenly Father and
His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the
Holy of Holiest and over the mountaintop by attempting to exalt his
wicked name above His, then he was removed from heaven along with his
fallen angels into hell’s torment—never to know His Son’s holy life

However, by our heavenly Father casting Satan with all his fallen
angels from heaven into hell’s torment because their sin was so
grievous that they could no longer stay within the holy grounds of
heaven, then the things that these millions of angel were used to do
(work) every day were left vacant, so our Father needed to replace
them immediately. It is here where our heavenly Father thought of not
creating more angels by the millions to take these vacancies left in
heaven by Lucifer and his fallen angels but, instead, our heavenly
Father thought of giving birth to Sons as the one that was always
standing next to Him to love, serve and glorify Him, and this is Jesus

Here is where our heavenly Father gave birth to Adam and later to Eve,
so they may have children by the millions to become born from the Holy
Spirit into priests and Gods that will love, serve and glorify Him
much more than the angels have ever done it, so things may return to
normal in heaven but with better servants. Therefore, our heavenly
Father needed immediately new servants to serve diligently around His
continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that it was
shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
injured-rock to create the world with all things but also to create
gradually an even greater world with glorious skies in heaven for His
priests-and-Gods to enjoy everlastingly.

Surely, this is where our heavenly Father initiated His new Plan of
Salvation with Abraham and his allies as they all ate the Lord’s Table
bread and wine along with his newly born son Isaac by the power of the
Holy Spirit that will touch later in time Jacob and everyone else from
all the families of the nations, including Moses. And Moses will be
blessed timely by the amazing manifestation of our heavenly Father’s
blessed Son Jesus Christ as the high priest and Chosen Lamb that
Israel needed over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock to believe in the Great
I Am, so faith may flow through their hearts and veins to believe in
God’s Righteousness thus to become liberated eventually from Egypt’s
slavery forever.

Consequently, by Israel believing in the Great I Am that I Am standing
over the injured-rock at Mount Sinai’s summit, then faith would flow
into Israel through the years but also into every man, woman and child
from all the nations that will eventually come to believe everything
that our heavenly Father had done over Mount Sinai to release Israel
from bondage. Given that, the power and authority to believe in our
Lord Jesus Christ as our heavenly Father’s high priest with the
atoning-blood to erase sin, moreover heal and liberate from Satan’s
lies, curses, infirmities and bondage in hell’s torment will be spread
into every one’s heart willing to believe our Father and the glorious
sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ for salvation.

For this is a glorious faith that descends day and night from heaven
above, as from within the Holy of Holiest where our heavenly Father
accepted His blessed Son Jesus Christ sacrificed-life before His holy
angels for the creation of the world with all things, moreover to pour
constantly the Holy Spirit of his eternal life to bless the nations
immensely till now. Meaning also that every day and night we are
connected by the Holy Spirit descending constantly from within the
Holy of Holiest’s celestial-sacrifice of our heavenly Father’s blessed
Son Jesus Christ to the eternal life that legitimately belongs to us
from the day we were born from our Father’s image to live according to
His likeness forever into eternity in heaven.

Certainly, it is this connection of the Holy Spirit to our heavenly
Father’s continuous celestial-sacrifice of His blessed Son Jesus
Christ that gives us the Spirit of faith daily that pleases Him thus
to listen to our prayers, petitions, requests, and arbitrations for
others to be forgiven, blessed and to receive salvation that ushers us
into heaven forever saved into perpetuity. Therefore, for our heavenly
Father the one that has faith these days to believe in Him is the one
that believes within his heart for justice to confess with his lips
for salvation the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ that
initially shed his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest to subdue
darkness over the earth for the nations to exist.

That is to say, also that for our heavenly Father the one that
believes within his heart for justice in His Son Jesus Christ as his
high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin, then
he is the one that will please His glorious soul day and night on
earth and in heaven as well forever into eternity. Because, for our
heavenly Father the one that can truly say that he has faith in Him
and in His anointed-name is the one that has accepted the sacrificed-
life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ to be his personal high priest
and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin, moreover bless
him with constant love, grace, mercy, healing, prosperity, and

In other words, for our heavenly Father he that fails to believe
within his heart for justice in His Son as his personal high priest
with the atoning-blood to erase sin, moreover to bless him with the
daily powers of the Holy Spirit thus to heal, prosper and enrich his
life with salvation, then he has failed Him forever into eternity.
Inasmuch as, for our heavenly Father no one is worthy to enter into
His glorious presence in heaven much less call Him Father unless that
one has acknowledged the magnificent sacrificed-life of His blessed
Son Jesus Christ within his heart for justice thus to invoke his name
with his mouth for salvation in prayer on earth to ascend into heaven
forever justified.

For our heavenly Father only the glorious life of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ is the faith that He needs to hear from every one on
earth, so truth and justice may be fulfilled within his life and that
of his loved ones too, given that only truth and justice emerges from
His Son Jesus Christ to bless Him mightily on earth. That is why that
our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
including everyone else after Moses that he alone is the way, the
truth and the life to escape Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities and the
eternal slavery from hell’s torment to be Holy Spirit’s born thus to
enter into our Father’s holy presence to enjoy eternal life

Furthermore, because of this amazing faith our heavenly Father has not
only been able to save Israel from Egypt’s slavery but also He has
been able to feed them along with everyone else from everywhere that
believes in the wonderful life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ the
atoning-blood that turns into living-water to drink for salvation thus
to enter heaven instantly. Inasmuch as, this is the same injured-rock
where our heavenly Father did not only receive Abraham’s son Isaac as
his personal sacrifice over Mount Moriah thus to sacrifice him for his
sin and that of his people but also to hasten the coming of the King
Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to take place soon in the
appointed-time that is anyday now.

Meaning also that by Abraham offering his son Isaac over Mount Moriah
as a burn-offering before our heavenly Father in heaven, certainly he
was ushering in our Lord Jesus Christ to manifest himself superbly
over Mount Sinai’s and later over Jerusalem’s holy hill to liberate
everyone from sin thus finally to love, serve and glorify Him forever
in the Promised Land. Given that, this amazing Land that flows with
milk and honey is the land that our heavenly Father separated for His
Son Jesus Christ to be born not from a barren-womb as in Isaac’s
mother Sarah case but from a virgin-womb from one of David’s daughter
within Canaan, for eternal life to enter into humankind to stay
eventually forever.

Undoubtedly, this life that is born from the Holy Spirit through
David’s virgin daughter, our Lord Jesus Christ, is a godly-life ready
to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments within Israel’s
boundaries as it was in paradise, something that was totally
impossible for any man on earth ever to fulfill thus to conquer our
heavenly Father’s holy heart forever. This eternal life descended from
heaven by the Holy Spirit to stay with humankind through David’s
virgin daughter, so through her virgin-womb every one from all the
nations may have secured the sacred-flesh, the unbroken-bones and the
atoning-blood of a divine-body ready to dress the eternal life
conquered by our Lord Jesus Christ to reenter heaven instantly
justified by faith.

This is the eternal life that our heavenly Father has granted to each
one of us through the Covenant of the Holy Spirit of Life that started
with Abraham and his friends to give birth to Isaac through his wife
Sarah’s barren-womb in a land chosen exclusively by our heavenly
Father for Isaac to be born in Canaan or ancient Israel, Salem.
Because, at Canaan is where our heavenly Father served through His Son
the Lord’s Table’s bread and wine to Abraham and his allies, moreover
it is where Isaac’s life begins later for Jacob to sleep over the
injured-rock at Bethel, for Jesus Christ to become his high priest and
Lamb with the atoning-blood for salvation and that of his children,

It is also here where our Lord Jesus Christ declares to Jacob just as
he initially did to Abraham and Isaac that he will be the One blessing
his brothers and sisters, because he is the One that gives life to
each one of them to be born on earth, for our heavenly Father’s new
glories to be conquered in due time. And it is also here where our
Lord Jesus Christ would be born by the power of the Holy Spirit
through one of David’s virgin daughter thus to escape sin and implant
our heavenly Father’s seed to start a new life within everyone’s heart
thus to believe for justice by confessing with their mouths the
salvation that takes them into heaven instantly.

That is to say, also that the beginning of life for Isaac and for
everyone else within Israel thereafter is only our Lord Jesus Christ,
because he alone is the One that has been appointed by our heavenly
Father to be King Messiah, savior (high-priest-with-the-atoning-blood)
and Lord for Israel in His holy presence, so they may love, serve and
glorify Him righteously forever. Therefore, the miraculous start of
the life of every one beginning with Isaac born by the power of the
Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, so the land of
Canaan may be populated only by people born from the Holy Spirit, it
is for our heavenly Father new glories yet to be conquered each day by
every person from everywhere.

Providing that, just as Isaac was born by faith through our heavenly
Father’s Covenant of the Holy Spirit of Life that He personally
established with Abraham and his friends, then everyone else within
Israel is called to be born through the Holy Spirit to become servant
of the Most High God that demands constantly each day: love, holiness,
service, and glory. These days, everyone within Israel, besides the
nations around the world, has the potential to be born by the power of
the Holy Spirit, because first Israel has a Covenant of the Holy
Spirit of Life with our heavenly Father through Abraham but also
Abraham’s friends have the same privilege to be born instantly from
the Holy Spirit into eternal life.

Moreover, that is why that you are also called by our heavenly Father
through His Covenant of the Holy Spirit of Life that He personally
started with Abraham and his allies from everywhere to give birth to
Isaac his son from His wife Sarah’s barren-womb, so Israel and you may
be Holy Spirit born these days to enter eternal life instantly.
Moreover, everyone must be born from the Holy Spirit these days
through the amazing faith that our heavenly Father deposited first
within Abraham’s heart, by believing that our Lord Jesus Christ is our
high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to pray for us
before our Father in heaven for forgiveness, healing, peace,
prosperity, and salvation to enter eternal life immediately.

Conclusively, our Lord Jesus Christ is the bread and wine of life that
started Abraham’s faith for Isaac his son to be born from Sarah’s
barren-womb, moreover it is the only faith possible that started
Israel as a nation later to release her children from eternal slavery
that had her chained to shackles of cruel-slavery never to know
freedom into infinity. Well, these days you may be living with your
loved ones and friends the same slavery that Israel was living within
Egypt, for example, and that no one was there to help them besides
Moses, but Moses was powerless before Egypt’s Pharaoh until our Lord
Jesus Christ confessed to him personally that he is God’s
Righteousness for their forefathers eternal salvation.

Meaning that if our Lord Jesus Christ is God’s Righteousness to
Abraham, God’s Righteousness to Isaac and God’s Righteousness to
Jacob, then he also is God’s Righteousness to Moses and to everyone
else living within Israel enslaved to Egypt’s chains never to know
freedom ever—and this also meant lastly that there is always a way-out
from sin into a new amazing-life. Certainly, this is the faith that
saturated the heart of every man, woman and child within enslaved
Israel in Egypt finally to see the light that would lead them to cross
the Red sea with walls of waters on both sides by opening a path
through the sea floor that only Jesus Christ knew, so they may walk
finally liberated forever.

Therefore, it is our Lord Jesus Christ’s faith installed within the
heart of everyone within Israel and the nations as well as one’s
personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood ready
always to pray, intercede and implore for one’s favor before our
Father, so whatever may happen in life these days then only we will
know certain victory over Satan’s hidden-wilds. This is faith for our
heavenly Father on earth ascending into His magnificent presence
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven that pleases His holy heart that
always requires from each one of us perfect holiness, and this perfect
holiness that He desires to see in us constantly shining spotless only
comes into us in a straight line from our Lord Jesus Christ.

That is why that our heavenly Father manifested to Abraham that he
must be perfect and holy just as He is forever into eternity, that is,
if he wants to enter into eternal life in heaven with his loved ones
from everywhere on earth, so they may become soon one big celestial-
family born from the Holy Spirit never to know death. And since our
heavenly Father manifested to Abraham that he needed to be perfect and
holy just as He is forever, then Abraham understood that he needed to
be born from the Holy Spirit by acknowledging our Lord Jesus Christ
into his heart, so only perfect holiness may emanate from his heart to
ascend into our heavenly Father’s holy presence in heaven.

As a result as Abraham was born from the Holy Spirit by believing
within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation
our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life to shed his atoning-blood
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai to create
the world, including Israel, then: he preached Jesus Christ nonstop to
everyone everywhere for salvation. Truthfully, this is the beginning
of the preaching and teaching of the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ
that our heavenly Father accepts from everyone that approaches to
enter into the Holy of Holiest in heaven to meet Him, so He may hear
his prayers, petitions, request to act in favor of whatever his heart
may desire Him to do without more ado.

Therefore, this powerful faith counted for justice to Abraham as he
practiced what he had learned from our heavenly Father that he needed
to be perfect and holy as He is in forever into eternity, and taught
all people and whomever he met the wonderful word of salvation to
become perfect and holy as Jesus Christ becomes part of one’s life
through faith. Certainly, this faith that Abraham learned from our
heavenly Father in person as He talked to him about walking in perfect
holiness before Him on earth and in heaven, then it began to spread
over the land by Abraham’s teachings and that of his children that
people from everywhere that were his friends also become born
eventually from the Holy Spirit.

That is to say, also that the knowledge to become saved immediately
before our heavenly Father as one receives Jesus Christ as his
personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase
sin, so his prayers, petitions and mediations could be heard within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven became widespread, so people were
becoming saved, healed, and justly blessed. This was a wonderful sight
in our heavenly Father’s eyes that pleased His very holy heart that is
always demanding perfect holiness from those that approach Him in
prayer by invoking His blessed Son’s anointed name, so He may hear
their prayers, petitions and requests to act in their favor concerning
anything in their daily lives, for the glory of His name.

That is to day, also that if Abraham were to speak to you these days
then he will certainly tell you about our heavenly Father’s blessed
Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, by letting him live within your
heart as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-
blood, so he may pray for your blessings in heaven before our Father.
And the same we can say about anyone that knew Abraham, beginning with
Isaac and Jacob, for example, they will tell you the same, and this is
that our Lord Jesus Christ is God’s Son ready to pray, mediate and
intercede for your personal needs before our Father in heaven, so you
may receive daily perfect holiness with blessing filled with

Meaning also that everyone that knew our heavenly Father through Jesus
Christ then he will tell you adamantly that you need to have your
savior within your heart as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb
with the atoning-blood, so our Father may receive you in His holy
presence thus to bless you these days beyond the richness of faith
into perpetuity. Considering, it is our heavenly Father’s new glory
every day to receive you in His holy presence through the sacrificed-
life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ for truth and justice to be
fulfilled within your life and that of others, too, so He may answer
your personal prayers and that of your loved ones, including that of
your friends from everywhere.

For this is how our heavenly Father works in your favor on earth, in
paradise and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where the
faith that started within Abraham’s heart spread into Isaac’s heart,
then to Jacob’s and to everyone else in the nations till now, thus it
reigns supremely these days for our Father’s abundant glories yet to
be conquered into eternity. Meaning also that our heavenly Father
requires from you to possess our Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness
acting before Him in your favor, so He may recognize you as His
legitimate child born from the Holy Spirit’s perfect holiness that
gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ in Israel through David’s virgin
daughter and to you, too, so He may bless you mightily.

Moreover, if you have this superb faith that our heavenly Father
placed within Abraham’s heart that later gave birth to Isaac to have
him believe in Jesus Christ’s salvation-work, then it not only blessed
his brother Jacob with great blessings but also everyone else from
everywhere including you and your loved ones, so you may live a
powerful, faithful, and fruitful life today. Otherwise, without our
Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness of his supreme priesthood and
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin, then we can never
approach our heavenly Father for anything since He is a very holy God
thus He will never put up with any one lacking proper holiness to
speak in His presence about his daily needs.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father will reject any one attempting to
enter into His holy presence within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over the mountaintop, if that one has not yet acknowledged within his
heart the celebrated virgin birth from the Holy Spirit through David’s
daughter, and lived sacred-life to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Law
of His Son Jesus Christ. Moreover, later for our Lord Jesus Christ to
die crucified nailed to Adam and Eve’s crossed old trees over
Jerusalem’s holy hill finally to resurrect on the third day from the
grave and hell’s torment for everyone to receive immediately
forgiveness as he believes in his heart to confess his name for
salvation thus lastly to ascend into heaven’s glories forever

For this is the victory over Satan that our heavenly Father desires to
see within every man, woman and child’s heart these days thus to be
glorified within their daily lives on earth and in heaven forever,
given that our Father desires to defeat Satan’s lies, curses,
infirmities and death once in for all within you and within your loved
ones, too. This is a victory against Satan’s lie that our heavenly
Father would love to see you right now living within your heart as His
blessed Son Jesus Christ ministers before Him as your personal high
priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase your sins
forever, so your faith may increase powerfully into perpetuity, and
nothing will be impossible for you.

For this is the faith that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew and that our
Lord Jesus Christ presented to Moses over Mount Sinai from within the
burning bush thus to confess to Israel that he alone is God’s
Righteousness for them to escape immediately from the Egyptian
captivity thus to undertake a new life that justly belongs to them
forever in heaven. This is the faith that allows our Lord Jesus Christ
each day to minister before our heavenly Father as high priest with
the atoning-blood shed since Creation day to pray in favor of those
that have acknowledged him within their hearts for justice to confess
with their lips for salvation that he is the way, truth and life back
to eternal life forever.

Therefore, you are called by our heavenly Father to acknowledge within
your heart His blessed Son Jesus Christ to minister before His
glorious altar within the Holy of Holiest in heaven for you, for your
loved ones, and even for your friends, too, because he alone is the
love, life, healing, blessing, prosperity into eternal happiness that
you need to confess. Surely, our heavenly Father needs you to know for
certain within your heart just as He managed to make Abraham
understand that His blessed Son Jesus Christ is the only faith from
head to foot in perfect Righteousness that you need to possess within
your heart for justice to confess for blessing and salvation on earth
these days and in heaven forever.

Jesus Christ is still waiting to have a personal encounter with you
before our Father in heaven just as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others
have done it through the years to confess to you that he loves you,
and that you may rest your head over his injured-rock at Jerusalem’s
holy hill to dream blessings to enjoy always on earth into
everlastingly. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of
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