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Oh no. One of those women's rights activist bitches.
Warren DID try to get Stephanie Seymour, and from what I know, succeeded.
I also heard that Steph and Warren threw a coke party at Axl's own house,
while he was gone, but then he came home early and caught them snorting
(right in front of Dylan too).
I might have mixed up the facts a little bit. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
DefJakkal wrote in message <19981222191957...@ng137.aol.com>...
>>Oh no. One of those women's rights activist bitches.
>>Warren DID try to get Stephanie Seymour, and from what I know, succeeded.
>>I also heard that Steph and Warren threw a coke party at Axl's own house,
>>while he was gone, but then he came home early and caught them snorting
>>(right in front of Dylan too).
>>I might have mixed up the facts a little bit. Please correct me if I'm
>No, you are right. She did have a coke party when he was gone. The thing
>pissed him off most was the fact that her son was there, and he loved that
> I can't stand these women activists who always favor the woman before
>analyizing the situation. And the thing is, I'M A GIRL! Email me if you
>a copy of what this feminist bitch wrote about Axl...then send her hate
>"Am I evil? Yes I am?"
>"The streets shall flow with the blood of the nonbelievers!"
>"You cannot pee into a Mr. Coffee and get Taster's Choice!"
> came home early and caught them snorting
> >(right in front of Dylan too).
> >I might have mixed up the facts a little bit. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
> >
> No, you are right. She did have a coke party when he was gone. The thing that
> pissed him off most was the fact that her son was there, and he loved that kid.
BTW- for anyone who doesn't know, that's the Dylan I was talking about. Steph's
That's who Axl is talking about in the Making of Estranged as well.
For some reason, I can't email you. Can you just send it to
First off, calling me a "femminist bitch" is no way to offend a riot girl,
secondly as far as I'm concerned I did'nt take anyone's side in my post just
figured that since Axl was on tour in Europe it was kind of unlikely he was
sleeping alone & that getting so pissed about Stephanie & Beatty was (probably)
a tad hypocritical. As for the coke party story...how the fuck would I know, I
was'nt there were you? There's a difference between hating men & just refusing
to kowtow to the patriarchy, that's all I was doing-if you think you can come up
w/ an arguement as to why it's ok for a man to screw around and expect his
girlfriend to be faithful go right ahead.
Uh-oh. Look out list. It's that time of the month, & she's taking no
Walter, since it's Christmas, out of the goodness of my heart I'll help you
out a little. If you're under the impression that whenever a woman thinks
your a dickhead she must be having her period, you must also assume that a
period comes every 3 days & lasts for 28 days-but you're wrong. You're just a
dickhead! I sincerley hope that this has been helpful.
> >
> >--
> Somebody seems a little biased. I thought it was spelled Riot Grrrl.
> How do you KNOW he was cheating on her? She was seen in public with Warren.
> never said it was ok for a man to screw around either. Nobody should, but
> do. But it's the fact that she threw a coke party with her son present that
> should piss any decent person off.
> Any way, Goddess Grrrl had no right to right such a bad thing about him,
> especially because she based it on things that she doesn't even know if they
> are true or not! And she's written similar comlumns about at least 2 other
> people. She's the one with the problem.
Jakkal, I seem a little biased?? How do you KNOW she was cheating on him?
They were seen in public-were they seen screwing??? I don't know or care what
the fuck she did but I don't think you can 100% assume something like that
when there are plenty of other explanations, eg they remained friends after
they broke up & at that time Steph was pursuing a film career maybe she was
just looking for advice? (& if she was he obviously told her to forget about
it, in which case thank you Warren). Also, he was still a relative newlywed
then, even by Beatty's standards does'nt cheating on your new wife w/ the
woman you dumped for her seem a little strange? And anyone who remembers the
story about Axl attacking David Bowie for paying too much attention to Erin
at the Stones gigs in 89 has got to admit he has a tendency to blow things
out of proportion. The point is-we dont know what either of them were doing &
it's none of our business-& once & for all the coke party story is an urban
myth-WE WER'NT THERE how do we know what happened???
PS If you spell it riot grrl you have to spell riot boy "boi" & I draw the
line at that BTW who is Goddess Grrl?? -Angel
Are we getting technical. Don't worry hon, I'll be over around 3:00. I'll bring
the food & the candles, you just don't worry your pretty little () head about
anything. I've got it all under control sweetheart!
Dunno why but I just found this bit really funny.
Wow, I've got that one on CD!! It's at the beginning of Double Talkin' Jive!
Rather interesting. Since
>they are Real Audio files and download rather quickly, while you're there, take
>the time to listen to the "Evangelistic Impression" speech. If you have
>already, listening to it again will be "Like watching reruns...of the Simpsons
>on crack!"
Yeah, Axl "dedicates" the song to him...