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JDL terrorist scum who threatened David Cole died in prison

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Doomsday Cultist

Nov 27, 2007, 10:51:47 AM11/27/07

Statement of David Cole

Prepared January 2nd, 1998

This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly,
even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the
widest possible distribution.

"given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League", a known terrorist
and terrorist organization:

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
TERRORISM 2000/2001

DECEMBER 11, 2001

Planned Bombing

Los Angeles, California
(Prevention of one act of Domestic Terrorism)

On December 11, 2001, Irving David Rubin and Earl Leslie Krugel were
arrested by the Los Angeles Joint Terrorism Task Force for conspiring to
build and place improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the King Fahd Mosque
in Culver City, California, and the local office of Congressman Darrell
Issa. Rubin and Krugel were subsequently charged with conspiracy to destroy
a building by means of an explosive, as well as possession of a destructive
device during and in relation to a crime of violence. Rubin and Krugel were
active members of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), a violent extremist
Jewish organization. Statements by Rubin and Krugel indicated that they had
planned the attack against the mosque to demonstrate the militancy of the
JDL. Krugel further indicated that the attack was planned to provide a "wake
up call" to the Muslim community. It was determined that Rubin and Krugel
had already acquired the necessary components to build an IED, including
pipes, fuses, and smokeless powder.

JDL Leader Irv Rubin Dies at 57
Thu Nov 14, 7:05 AM ET By Gren Risling, Associated Press Writer (excerpt)

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Jewish Defense League leader Irv Rubin, who made a career
out of confronting those he considers enemies of Israel and the Jewish
people, died in a hospital after attempting to commit suicide in jail last
week, authorities said. He was 57.

Rubin had been in a medically induced coma since Nov. 4 but died at
about 11:45 p.m. Wednesday, said Adelaida De La Cerda, a spokeswoman at Los
Angeles County-USC Medical Center. No other details were immediately

Federal officials said Rubin slashed his neck with a prison-issued razor
blade on Nov. 4 and tumbled 18 feet over a railing at the federal
Metropolitan Detention Center.

The apparent suicide attempt occurred just hours before Rubin was to
make a court appearance on charges he allegedly plotted to bomb a Southern
California mosque and the office of Rep. Darrell E. Issa, R-Calif., who is
the grandson of Lebanese immigrants. Fellow JDL member Earl Krugel was also
arrested in connection with the alleged scheme.

...In 1989, the leader of the rival Jewish Defense Organization was
charged with firing shots at Rubin and wounding three others in New York.
Mordechai Levy was convicted of assault.

... Rubin could often be found protesting outside courthouses where
white supremacists were being tried or even clashing with Ku Klux Klan
members on "The Jerry (news - web sites) Springer Show." He once offered
$500 to anyone who "kills, maims or seriously injures" a member of the
American Nazi Party, and last year, he urged Jews across the country to arm
themselves in the face of violence against minorities.

JDL's Krugel pleads guilty to charges
By Robert Jablon Associated Press
... Earl Krugel, 60, of Reseda, his hands cuffed and shackled to his
waist, changed his pleas to guilty Tuesday in federal court. The short, bald
former dental assistant spoke quietly as he admitted to one count
of conspiracy to violate the civil rights of the users of the mosque and one
count of carrying an explosive device
in connection with a conspiracy to impede or injure an officer of the United


Let's get a grip on whom and what we're talking about here: The JDL
was founded in 1968 by Rabbi Meir Kahane in Jewish neighborhoods of New
York City, first as a vigilante group like the Guardian Angels and quickly
moved into the realm of political hooliganism: attacks on Arab diplomatic
missions at the UN, and bombings of Soviet tourism, trade, and diplomatic
facilities. The FBI listed the JDL as an official "terrorist" organization,
and, in the period from 1968-83, law enforcement officials ascribed at
least 37 terrorist acts to JDL members. According to the Historical
Dictionary of Terrorism, by Sean Anderson and Stephen Sloan (Methuen, NJ:
Scarecrow Press, 1995):
"While the International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events
(ITERATE) database developed on behalf of the United States Central
Intelligence Agency by Edward F. Mickolus recorded 50 such incidents from
1968-1987, making the JDL second only to the Puerto Rican FALN (q.v.) as
the major domestic terrorist group. Nonetheless the JDL is a legally
incorporated political action group and has officially disavowed
responsibility for any violent actions carried out by its members. Bombings
accounted for 78 percent of all JDL terrorist activities; shootings
accounted for 16 percent; while arson attacks, vandalism, kidnapping,
threats, and verbal harassment accounted for the rest."

Sara Salzman

Nov 27, 2007, 10:58:26 AM11/27/07
Doomsday Cultist wrote:
> Statement of David Cole
> Prepared January 2nd, 1998

9-year-old news is the best you can do?

> This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly,
> even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the
> widest possible distribution.

Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.


[useless outdated drivel snipped]

Doomdsay Cultist

Nov 27, 2007, 11:06:53 AM11/27/07
On Nov 27, 10:58 am, Sara Salzman <> wrote:
> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
> > Statement of David Cole
> > Prepared January 2nd, 1998

> > This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly,

> > even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the
> > widest possible distribution.
> Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.

David Cole has to be careful, there are many other extremist Jewish
terrorists out there.

Dr. Franciszek Piper of the Auschwitz Museum explains
changes made to the Auschwitz "gas chamber" to David Cole. "So after
the liberation of the camp, the former gas chamber presented a view of
[an] air [raid] shelter. In order to gain an earlier view ...earlier
sight...of this object, the inside walls built in 1944 were removed
and the openings in the ceiling were made anew. So now this gas
chamber is very similar to this one which existed in 1941-1942, but
not all details were made so there is no gas-tight doors, for
instance, [and the] additional entrance from the east side rested
[remained] as it was made in 1944. Such changes were made after the
war in order to gain [the] earlier view of this object".

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (1992) Part 1 of 2 -Windows
Media [39.49MB]

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (1992) Part 2 of 2 -
Windows Media [47.35MB]


Soap Story

Also presented as fact was the story the Nazis made soap from the
bodies of Jews. Let's examine this one a little more closely. Now the
Soviets actually submitted supposed Jewish soap at the Nuremberg
Trials. But today, Holocaust scholars like Raul Hilberg, Yehuda Bauer
and Deborah Lipstadt agree that these accusations are groundless.

Let's be more specific here. Simon Wiesenthal, perhaps one of the
most recognizable names in the Holocaust arena, wrote in 1946 in a
series of articles for an Austrian Jewish paper, about boxes of Jewish

On the boxes were the initials "R.I.F." ( pure Jewish fat). These
boxes were destined for the Waffen-SS. The wrapping paper revealed
with complete cynical objectively, that the soap was manufactured from
Jewish bodies. The civilized world may not believe the joy with which
the Nazis and their women and the general government thought of this

In each piece of soap they saw a Jew who had been magically put there
and had thus been prevented from growing into a second Freud, Erlich
or Einstein.

How very fiendish! It's not hard to imagine such devilish behavior
after decades of seeing two-dimensional Nazi villians in movies and on

The soap story has also been immortalized in William Shirer's best-
selling Rise and Fall of the Third Reich as well as in countless other
Holocaust articles, books and even school textbooks.

But can we speak with such certainty about this incredible atrocity?
Nowadays, those designated as Holocaust "experts" are as firm as
Wiesenthal and Shirer regarding the soap story, except that they say
it isn't true.

In 1981, professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust expert
Deborah Lipstadt wrote in a letter to the Los Angeles Times that

the fact is, the Nazis never used the bodies of Jews, or for that
matter, anyone else, for the production of soap. The soap rumor was
prevalent both during and after the war. It may have had its origin in
the cadaver factory atrocity story that came out of World War I. The
soap rumor was thoroughly investigated after the war and proved to be

Now that's pretty clear!

And Shmuel Krakowski, Director of Archives of Israel's Yad Vashem
Holocaust Center, confirmed in a Chicago Tribune article titled, "A
Holocaust Belief Cleared Up" that:

historians have concluded that soap was not made from human fat.

Now I have a few reasonable questions: First, has anyone told Simon
Wiesenthal that he's wrong? Secondly, if there was no soap made from
Jews, then that means the Nuremberg "soap" and the testimony about
"human soap" at Nuremberg is wrong. Third, Deborah Lipstadt speaks of
a thorough investigation of the soap story and Shmuel Krakowski speaks
of historians having concluded that the soap story is wrong.

By speaking of a thorough investigation and a consensus by
historians, Lipstadt and Krakowski are able to drop the soap story
while at the same time affirming their faith in the soundness of
establishment Holocaust history.

But is that faith appropriate? Not only was the soap story not
thoroughly investigated and refuted after the war but even today there
is no consensus among historians and experts concerning the soap

As recently as 1991 Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff was talking
about having seen Jewish soap with his own eyes. And Dr. Piper? Well,
he still supports the discredited soap story.

Piper: There were such attempts as these using human flesh for soap in
the other concentration camps, Stutthof in Gdansk [Danzig].

Cole: So that was where it was done?

Piper: There were made such attempts.

As you can see, the Holocaust experts prove themselves hypocrites when
they tell you there is no need to question the Holocaust story, that
it has already been proven beyond question.

And here I don't mean to suggest that the soap story is the only
thing the experts are not in unison about. Far more importantly, even
though they present a united front in support of the gas chamber
concept, many of them realize there is little documentation for it.

Gas Chamber Documentation

Which brings us to the real myth of the Holocaust. The myth that the
existence and use of homicidal "gas chambers" is well documented. In
fact, the thing that really got me interested in this subject in the
first place was the lack of documentation for gas chambers presented
in the standard Holocaust work and the contradictions and guesswork
inherent in the evidence that was presented.

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 27, 2007, 11:25:44 AM11/27/07
Archive/File: people/p/piper.franciszek/press/daily.texan.1093
Last-Modified: 2007/02/08

ogwiqcim, October21,1993
Dr Franciszek Piper
Pa'nstwowe Muzeum
32-603 Ogwiecim -Poland

Texas School Publications
University of Texas
P.O.Box D
Austin,Texas 78713-8904
Dear Sirs,

In connection with an advertisement of David Cole (An open
letter to the daily Texan, February 19, 1993) in which he offers
the videotape named "David Cole - Interviews Dr Franciszek
Piper" I would like to inform your readers:

1. the sham interview with me there is the Neonazi
style monologue of young man who never seriously approached the great
tragedy of humanity named Auschwitz and Holocaust. In his
ingenuousness he decided to halt the part of the murderers
instead of their innocent victims - different every
honest man does. My answers on a few questions of Cole ( who
deceitfully introduced himself as a man who wanted to convince his
acquaintances in America that Auschwitz was really a place of
genocide) constitute a small proportion of this video tape.

2. In his advertisement he introduces me as a "Head of
Auschwitz Archives at the Auschwitz State Museum". This is
untruth. I am not and I have been neither a head of Auschwitz Archives
nor a director of Auschwitz Musum, as Cole maintains in
other propaganda leaflets. The purpose of such manipulation
with of facts is clear - to attract potential purchasers of his
"Interview" video tape.

3. Cole maintains that I first time admitted the allegedly
unknown fact the Nazis adapted the crematorium in question in
which the gas chamber were located for air-raid shelter, the fact
allegedly unknown even for Museum guides. It is un truth. See
enclosed copies of pages from the books which constitute the
fundamental reading for Auschwitz guides. In book by T-an Sehn
"Concentrat Camp Ogwiqcim-Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau)Warsaw 1957,
You may read on the page 152-"In May 1944 the old Crematorium
I in the base camp was adapted for use as an air raid shelter

The Fact is also confirmed in the book by Jean Claude Pressac
"Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers,
published by The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York 1989 (515
Madison Avenue). On the page 157 you may read: "With part of the
building converted to an air raid shelter, this is the state in which
the SS abandoned Krematorium I in January 1945" Repeating what
Pressac had written I told what was the nature of the
adaptation works carried out by the Nazis and what one had to do to
remove those changes in order to regain the previous appearance.
They are all "Pipers revelations. In spite of the fact that
such secondary restoration works had to be done there is an
undisputable reality that the gas chamber in question is housed in the same
building which has been existed from prewar times till now.

4. The fact that the Nazi murderers used gas chambers (in
Birkenau you can see the ruins of the other 5 gas chambers) for
mass annihilation of innocent men, women and children, mostly
Jews, has been proved by thousands of memoires and depositions of
eyewitnesses as well as by German official documents and plans.
It is obvious fact for everybody who wants to approach the
problem, to contact still living witnesses and to study historical

5. I have devoted 28 years of my life to save the memory of
the counless victims of the Nazi barbarity to warn people against
indifference to all forms of racial, religious and national
based hatered, which leads to injustice, suffering and killing
of innocent people. Because of it I take the fact my name is
used for disseminating such kind of lies and hiding of the obvious
truth as a lack of honesty and dignity.


DrFranciszek Piper

PS Send me please the copy ofyour magazine in which my letter will be

[transcription note: Dr. Piper's first language is Polish, not
English, and the letter reads awkwardly. knm]

"All shit like you have is lies and smears. Shit like you
can't refute what I post so shit like you resort to cheap
personal attacks and you wonder why kike filth is hated so much!
(Scott Bradbury, Bellville's leading revisionist scholar)

Roy Roger

Nov 27, 2007, 11:27:10 AM11/27/07
This Zionist Jewish Sinner has died before he accepted Christ as his savior.
Irv Rubin Burn in hell for eternity. You and every Jew who is Anti Christ
should realize your fete is doomed to Hell.

Roy Roger

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message

Roy Roger

Nov 27, 2007, 11:30:58 AM11/27/07
If you are calling a 9 years old case as a molded Historical event, then I
say you Jewish Sinners, what about the lies you Jewish Anti Christ sinners
say about the false Holocaust. You keep reminded the world of this lie even
after 60 years of you deception against the Christians masses.

Roy Roger

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message


Nov 27, 2007, 11:33:07 AM11/27/07

But Sara, there's quite a history there and violence by the Jewish
state is escalating. Here's the ADL's summary of JDL activities:

Backgrounder:The Jewish Defense League
About the Jewish Defense League:

The Jewish Defense League, also known as JDL, was established in 1968
for the declared purpose of protecting Jews by whatever means
necessary in the face of what was seen by the group's principals as
their dire peril. The founder, national chairman and leader of the JDL
was a then-38-year-old ordained rabbi from Brooklyn, New York, Meir
Kahane, who, in 1990, was assassinated in New York by an Arab

In Rabbi Kahane's gross distortion of the position of Jews in America,
American Jews were living in a fiercely hostile society, facing much
the same dangers as the Jews in Nazi Germany or those in Israel
surrounded by 100-million Arab enemies. Rabbi Kahane believed that the
major Jewish organizations in the United States had failed to protect
America's Jews from anti-Semitism, which he saw as "exploding" all
over the country. "If I have succeeded in instilling fear in you,"
Rabbi Kahane said in the closing statement of his standard speech, "I
consider this evening a success."

In fact, Kahane consistently preached a radical form of Jewish
nationalism which reflected racism, violence and political extremism.

Back to Top

In their own words

Irv Rubin -- Chairman of the Jewish Defense League

After the attack on the Jewish community center in Los Angeles:
"Those kids at that community center were sitting ducks. We have to
realize as Jews that this is going to happen again and again until we
learn to defend ourselves, and the only way to defend yourself is to
fire back."
The Sacramento Bee, August 14, 1999
On training camps in the Catskills:
"We teach young people to have a sane fist attached to a sane head,
not to advocate this nebbish posture people seem to think is so

"A lot of energy, and ideology classes will create an authentic Jew. A
Jew who will know how to act when all Jews are in trouble."
The Times Herald-Record, June, 28, 1998

On Jewish extremists in the United States:
"Violence in self-defense is absolutely justifiable."
Los Angeles Times, November 9, 1995

From the JDL web site

"JDL upholds the principle of Barzel -- iron -- the need to both move
to help Jews everywhere and to change the Jewish image through
sacrifice and all necessary means -- even strength, force and
violence. The Galut image of the Jew as a weakling, as one who is
easily stepped upon and who does not fight back is an image that must
be changed. Not only does that image cause immediate harm to Jews but
it is a self-perpetuating thing. Because a Jew runs away or because a
Jew allows himself to be stepped upon, he guarantees that another Jew
in the future will be attacked because of the image that he has
perpetuated. JDL wants to create a physically strong, fearless and
courageous Jew who fights back. We are changing an image, an image
born of 2,000 years in the Galut, an image that must be buried because
it has buried us. We train ourselves for the defense of Jewish lives
and Jewish rights. We learn how to fight physically, for it is better
to know how and not have to, than have to and not know how."
"We feel that [Baruch] Goldstein took a preventative measure against
yet another Arab attack on Jews. We understand his motivation, his
grief and his actions. And we are not ashamed to say that Goldstein
was a charter member of the Jewish Defense League."

Back to Top

Chronology: The Jewish Defense League 1969-1995

September 1969:
The President of the United Nations Security Council revealed that six
UN Missions of the Arab states received telegrams from the Jewish
Defense League threatening each as a "legitimate target" in revenge
for acts of terrorism committed by Arabs.

May 18, 1970:
Fifty JDL members took over the Park East Synagogue opposite the
Soviet UN Mission. Positioning themselves in the sanctuary, on the
roof and on scaffolding surrounding the building, they unfurled huge
banners decrying the plight of Soviet Jews. Those on the roof shouted
demands and played martial music through a loudspeaker directed at the
Mission across the street. Responding to the pleas of the synagogue's
rabbi to leave, Kahane told him that as far as he was concerned, there
was "nothing to talk about." The takeover continued for nine hours,
due to the hesitancy of the synagogue's officials to aggravate the
situation by asking the police to intervene."

May 22, 1970:
Six unidentified members of the JDL stormed into the offices of two
Arab propaganda agencies in New York. Three Arab men were severely
beaten with wooden clubs, and the offices were left in disarray. The
three victims were hospitalized. Responding to reports that JDL
literature was found at the scene of the attacks, Kahane did not take
credit for the assaults but stated that "If we did [take credit], we'd
be open to all sorts of problems. We obviously can't." He then
proceeded to express his approval of the attacks.

September 27, 1970:
Two members of the JDL, Avraham and Nancy Hershkovitz, were arrested
in an alleged plot to hijack an Arab airliner. The two were arrested
at Kennedy Airport carrying firearms and explosives. They were later
indicted on six counts by a grand jury but pleaded guilty only to a
charge of passport falsification.

October 1970:
A group of JDL members led by Kahane took over the executive offices
of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies in New York. They occupied
the offices for two hours, demanding $6 million for "Jewish education"

November 16, 1970:
Continuing their efforts against the Federation, the group
subsequently launched a telephone harassment campaign against then
Federation President George C. Heyman. A newspaper advertisement
called for sit-in demonstrations at Heyman's office and advised, "[I]f
you cannot stop by, phone him several times that day."

November 24, 1970:
In the second takeover of the Park East Synagogue that year, the JDL
again commandeered the premises of the synagogue for an anti-Soviet
demonstration. After the police erected barricades to prevent
demonstrators from approaching the Soviet Mission, a car suddenly
veered onto the sidewalk into a line of uniformed policemen. Six
patrolmen and one officer were injured.

November 25, 1970:
At 3:20 a.m., a bomb exploded at the Manhattan offices of the Soviet
airline Aeroflot and its travel agency Intourist causing extensive
damage. Thirty-five minutes after the explosion of the bomb, an
anonymous caller telephoned the Associated Press and declared that the
bomb was in response to Soviet anti-Semitism and pronounced the JDL
slogan, "Never again!" At a subsequent press conference, Kahane voiced
approval of the bombing but denied responsibility for it, stating,
"Any protest to help enslaved people is a legitimate form of protest -
including bombing and other forms of violent action."

January 8, 1971:
A bomb exploded in the pre-dawn hours of the morning outside a Soviet
cultural building in Washington DC causing moderate damage. Shortly
after the explosion, a woman telephoned news agencies and warned:
"This is a sample of things to come. Let our people go. Never again! "
Bertram Zweibon, the vice-chairman of the JDL denied the group's
involvement, but declared, "We do not condemn the act.

February 29, 1972:
JDL members wielding sticks fought with left-wing protesters who
disrupted a lecture given by Kahane at the City College of New York.

March 2, 1972:
A member of the Jewish Defense League who purchased a rifle allegedly
fired into the Soviet UN Mission in October of 1971 was indicted by a
federal grand jury on charges of possessing a false draft card and
falsely identifying himself when buying a firearm. On March 18, 1975,
he pleaded guilty.

March 16, 1972:
A JDL member poured blood over the head of a Soviet diplomat after
crashing a Washington, DC reception.

March 22, 1972:
A band of 12 JDL members disrupted a luncheon meeting of the Long
Island Association World Trade Club during a speech being given by an
official of the Russian Embassy. Detectives forcibly removed them from
the room.'

April 8, 1972:
A warrant for the arrest of a JDL follower was issued in Manhattan
Criminal Court when he failed to pay a $200 fine imposed after he
pleaded guilty to criminal mischief for invading and vandalizing the
offices of the Soviet news agency Tass in 1969.

May 9, 1972:
At a sit-in at the Austrian Embassy in Washington, JDL members
scuffled with Austrian officials.

May 24, 1972:
In an apparent effort to disrupt U.S. - Soviet relations, four people,
two of which were reported to be members of the JDL, were arrested and
charged with bomb possession and burglary in a conspiracy to blow up
the Long Island residence of the Soviet Mission to the UN. President
Nixon was on an official visit to Moscow at the time. The arrests were
announced by Acting Attorney General Richard Kliendienst. On August 4
1972, the two JDL members pleaded guilty and were sentenced to serve 3
years in prison for one and a year and a day for the other.

September 14, 1972:
Members of the JDL were arrested in Los Angeles twelve hours after the
bombing of an apartment building which included among its tenants a
Palestinian Arab. No one was injured. In June of 1973, two members of
the organization were convicted on charges of assault.

September 27, 1972:
Three members of the JDL pleaded guilty in Brooklyn Federal Court to
charges related to bombing incidents in 1971 at the Amtorg Trading
Corporation offices and at the Long Island estate of the Russian

January 12, 1973:
A group of anti-Soviet demonstrators, identified by police as JDL
members, invaded the Park East Synagogue opposite the Soviet UN
Mission on East 67th Street, and shouted slogans at the Mission. The
synagogue's rabbi called the group "irresponsible."

February 6, 1973:
An FBI agent revealed that members of the JDL had planned to use a
"drone airplane" in 1971 to bomb the Soviet Mission to the UN in New

February 22, 1973:
Ten members of the JDL took over and vandalized the offices of the
World Council of Churches in New York.

February 28, 1973:
Eight members of the JDL took over the offices of the American Friends
Service Committee in Philadelphia.

March 1, 1973:
The executive secretary of the New York office of the World Council of
Churches stated that the Council would seek payment from the JDL for
damages caused on February 22 by ten JDL members who invaded the
Council's offices and vandalized the premises.

May 22, 1973:
A Queens, New York high school teacher was sentenced to 90 days in
prison for using false documents to hide the identities of individuals
who purchased rifles for use in a JDL camp in 1970. A co-defendant,
also a JDL member, was convicted on similar charges, and was sentenced
to 5 months in prison on July 15.

June 30, 1973:
Rabbi Kahane revealed that he had instructed followers to kidnap a
Soviet diplomat in the U.S. to forestall a U.S.-Soviet summit meeting.

July 17, 1973:
Rabbi Kahane stated in Israel that he had written to JDL members in
the U.S. suggesting they blow up the vacant Iraqi Embassy in

August 23, 1974:
Four JDL leaders were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct
while attempting to disrupt a performance of the Bolshoi Ballet at the
Temple University Music Festival. Earlier, officials of the festival
had received a letter from a JDL official stating that unless the
proceeds from the program were donated to organizations helping Soviet
Jewry, the JDL would try to prevent the program from taking place by
"whatever means are necessary." The Pennsylvania leader of the JDL was
later convicted of disorderly conduct, while charges against the other
three JDL members were dismisse

November 13, 1974:
A JDL leader was arrested by agents of the FBI after he publicly
threatened to assassinate the head of the Palestine Liberation
Organization, Yasir Arafat. Other JDL officials repeated the threat.
He was convicted on June 13, 1975.

January 21, 1975:
Rabbi Kahane and 47 other demonstrators were arrested in a clash with
police outside the Soviet UN Mission in which six persons, including
two policemen, were injured. Two of the demonstrators were held on
felonious assault charges but the rest, including Kahane, were
released after being given summonses for disorderly conduct.

January 24, 1975:
A JDL official admitted that the group had taken and hidden the
printing presses of a Philadelphia Arabic newspaper.

January 30, 1975:
Two JDL members were arrested on suspicion of arson following the
firebombing of an automobile belonging to the brother of an accused
Nazi war criminal. The two were identified as members of the JDL by
the group's West Coast director, who expressed sympathy with the
firebombing. On November 27 1975, a JDL member pleaded guilty to the

February 8, 1975:
Rabbi Kahane was accused of having conspired to kidnap a Soviet
diplomat, to bomb the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, and to ship arms
abroad from Israel, when he was there in 1972. As a result, a federal
judge scheduled a hearing on revocation of Kahane's 5-year probation,
dating from a July, 1971 conviction for making a firebomb.The judge
subsequently found Kahane guilty of violating his probation, and
imposed a one-year prison term, which Kahane began serving on March 18
of that year.

February 24, 1975:
Kahane announced that the JDL planned to recruit a 150,000 member
volunteer army to fight for Israel, emphasizing that such volunteers
"should be prepared to kill Arabs if necessary. . ." Kahane conceded
that such an "army" had no approval from the Israeli government, which
he criticized as "appeasement oriented."

March 5, 1975:
Twelve young people affiliated with the JDL off-shoot called the
Committee Against Israeli Retreat (CAIR) invaded the B'nai B'rith
offices in Washington, taking control of the switchboard and seizing
the office of another B'nai B'rith staff member. The group demanded
that B'nai B'rith and other Jewish organizations mobilize against U.S.
policy in the Middle East and against the potential return of any
occupied territory by the Israeli government. The group used a
bullhorn to convey its message through open windows in the building.
They also sent telegrams to Jewish organizations in several cities
falsely claiming that B'nai B'rith was organizing protests against
"the Ford-Kissinger policy of step-by-step strangulation of Israel."
Police were called but no arrests were made.

March 19, 1975:
A JDL member pleaded guilty in Brooklyn federal court to possession of
a false draft card, which was used to purchase a rifle that was fired
into the Soviet UN Mission in October, 1971.

March 19, 1975:
Kahane began a one-year federal prison term for violation of a
previously imposed 5-year probation sentence relating to an arms
smuggling conviction.

April 15, 1975:
Responsibility for the smashing of two windows of a Chemical Bank
branch in Coram, Long Island was claimed by an unidentified man who
called Newsday using the JDL slogan, "Never Again." Contacted by
Newsday, a JDL official denied responsibility for the vandalism, but
stated, "We applaud the act of militant Jews and support all such

April 18, 1975
The FBI and local police, armed with search warrants, searched JDL
headquarters in Los Angeles and the homes of several JDL members in
connection with an investigation of a series of explosions in the Los
Angeles area. A JDL spokesman denied JDL involvement in the bombings
although he said the group applauded them.

April 25, 1975:
Six JDL members, expressing dissatisfaction with the responsiveness to
community needs of the San Francisco Jewish Welfare Federation, forced
their way into the office of the executive vice president of the
Federation, ransacked files and assaulted four staff members,
including one who, according to a Federation spokesman, had been
crippled as a result of having spent time in a concentration camp
during World War II.

June 19, 1975:
Kahane announced that a Jewish "counter-terrorist group" had been
formed to combat "the sworn enemies of the Jewish people with hard-
core violence." While disclaiming knowledge of the size of the group,
its membership or where it would strike, Kahane said the JDL would
serve the new group "as a conduit in relaying their views and plans to
whoever they would ask us to; to serve as an ideological and
philosophical guide for them, and to aid them in whatever way we can.

August 29, 1975:
Eleven JDL members locked themselves in the lobby of 515 Park Avenue,
which houses many Jewish organizations, and blocked all means of
entrance to or exit from the building, demanding to see an official of
the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
They also demanded that the Presidents Conference support the JDL view
that Israel should not give up "a single inch of territory" in
negotiations with Arab states

December 12, 1975:
A JDL spokesman announced a campaign of following and harassing UN
diplomats who represented the 72 nations which voted in the UN to
equate Zionism with racism. Incidents involving diplomats or their
family members from the Soviet Union, Poland and India were reported.
The JDL spokesman said of the campaign, "We are prepared to stay
within certain civil laws and not physically attacked anyone. But if
we are provoked we will slug it out. Quite frankly, we are hoping for
that. We want to create a major incident. "

January 6, 1976:
Three JDL members were charged by police with invading and vandalizing
the Mexican Consulate in Philadelphia, allegedly to protest Mexico's
vote for the UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. However, a
local judge dismissed the charges. The judge was quoted as saying that
he dropped the charges not because of the merits of the case, but
because of improper Mexican treatment of American prisoners. Federal
charges against the three remain in effect. On January 13, a federal
grand jury in Philadelphia indicted the three JDL members on charges
involving obstructing foreign officials and their duties, damaging
property of a foreign government, and conspiracy. The three JDL
members later pleaded guilty to the federal charges and were sentenced
to two years probation."

January 13, 1976:
Three pipe bombs were discovered and disarmed by New York City police
near the United Nations, and a fourth bomb found at the Iraqi UN
Mission was later similarly disarmed. Anonymous telephone callers told
the Associated Press that the bombs had been set by the Jewish Armed
Resistance Strike Unit, which has been associated with the JDL. The UN
bombs were found by a Transit Authority employee in a subway emergency
exit shaft under an exit ramp from the FDR drive next to the UN. A UN
spokesman said that fragments from the bomb could have killed or
wounded anyone within 50 feet. A JDL spokesman said his organization
applauded the attempted bombing.'

January 17, 1976:
A pipe bomb exploded in front of the Polish Consulate on Madison
Avenue near East 37th Street in Manhattan. After the explosion, a man
called two wire services and the New York Post and claimed he
represented "the voice of Jewish Armed Resistance. "

March 2, 1976:
The JDL issued a statement applauding the firing of several bullets
into an apartment building in the Soviet UN Mission residence in the
Riverdale section of New York, but denied any connection with the
Jewish Armed Resistance, the group that claimed responsibility for the

March 9, 1976:
The Jewish Armed Resistance Strike Movement claimed responsibility for
an explosion that destroyed part of the Fifth Avenue building housing
the Soviet and Czechoslovak airlines. Condemning this bombing, Stanley
Lowell, chairman of the National Conference on Soviet Jewry, observed
that "had the bomb injured or killed an innocent individual, the cause
of Soviet Jewry would have been irreparably harmed." Lowell added,
"those who continue these tactics and their supporters accomplish
nothing. Terrorist acts can only hurt the cause of Soviet Jews. . ."

March 26, 1976:
The Jewish Armed Resistance claimed responsibility for a time bomb
that was discovered at the Amtorg Trading Corporation, the Soviet
trade agency, on Lexington Avenue in New York.

On March 28 1976, in an article titled "Anti-Soviet Violence Here
Upsets Jews in Moscow" The New York Times reported that Soviet Jewish
refuseniks had publicly criticized the JDL's actions: "A number of
Jewish activists refused permission to emigrate... feel that lanti-
Soviet] harassment in New York hurts their cause and may give Soviet
authorities an excuse to become even more intransigent." The article
also quoted several Jews awaiting exit visas in Moscow as expressing
opposition to violent attacks upon Soviet personnel in New York, and
concluded: "Another Jewish activist feared that such actions could
make authorities more unwilling to relax emigration policies for fear
of losing face."

Several days later, on April 6 1976, nine Moscow Jewish activists
condemned as a "terrorist act" the shots fired at the Soviet Mission
to the UN. In a statement released by the National Conference on
Soviet Jewry, the nine activists stated: "Such actions constitute a
danger for Soviet Jews... as they might be used by the authorities as
a pretext for new repressions and for instigating anti-Semitic
hostilities." The signers included Vladimir Slepak, Alexander Lerner,
Anatoly Shcharansky, and losif Begun. A similar statement was also
made by the Soviet Jewish scientist and "refusenik" Benjamin Levich.

April 12, 1976:
Seven JDL members mounted the roof of the Park East Synagogue across
the street from the Soviet UN Mission and shouted insults at occupants
of the Mission The rabbi of the synagogue described this activity as
"harmful and irresponsible," and indicated that he would press charges
of trespassing.' 95 A day after the demonstration. Kahane praised
those who had been attacking Soviet diplomats and offices as "Jewish

May 3, 1976:
Five pipe bombs shattered windows and caused minor damage to two
banks, a Russian book store, a subway exit near the UN and the
national headquarters of the Communist Party. A caller to the Daily
News stated that the bombs had been planted by the Jewish Armed
Resistance Strike Unit, and supplied the location of a letter relating
to the bombings, which was later found there by police.

Responding to the spate of violence against Soviet diplomatic
personnel and property, six Orthodox rabbis and deans of Yeshivot
(Jewish religious seminaries) issued a statement denouncing violence
and terror by Jews against Russian officials and property in the
United States as a transgression of Jewish law. The statement was
released on May 14, 1976 by the Agudat Israel of America in the name
of the Council of Torah Sages.

June 23, 1976:
Two vehicles were firebombed near the Pan Am cargo terminal at Kennedy
Airport. An anonymous call told the New York Post that the Jewish
Armed Resistance was responsible.'

August 19, 1976:
Four members of the JDL were charged with conspiring to direct violent
attacks against foreign governments in the United States, including
the Soviet and Iraqi Missions at the United Nations. In addition to
conspiracy, the defendants were charged with interstate transportation
of explosives and firearms, and with violating statutes that provide
protection to foreign officials and their property.

The indictment referred to the following incidents: An attempted pipe
bombing of the Iraqi Mission to the. United Nations on January 12,
1976; a shooting into the Soviet Mission to the UN on April 2, 1976; a
pipe bombing of a New Jersey service station on August 17, 1975; and
the shooting into the Soviet residential complex in Riverdale, NY on
April 2, 1976. The four JDL members entered guilty pleas to the
federal charges. (A fifth defendant who was a juvenile at the time of
his arrest and whose arrest was not reported at the time also pleaded

November 19, 1976:
Five JDL members staged a 5-hour sit-in at the office of U.S. Senator
Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut. The JDL objected to statements and
positions on Israel by Ribicoff, who was described by Kahane earlier
as a "far greater danger to Israel than any Arab army. "

November 24, 1976:
Kahane led a group of JDL members in a sit-in at the HIAS office to
protest what they claimed was a decision by HIAS to stop providing aid
to Soviet Jewish "dropouts." They carried signs and distributed
leaflets urging HIAS not to "cave in to Israeli pressure" on the

November 26, 1976:
The head of the Washington, DC area JDL was convicted of conspiring to
shoot out the windows in the apartments of two Soviet Embassy

December 16, 1976:
A JDL member was sentenced to three years in federal prison in New
York following his guilty plea to charges of transporting a rifle
across state lines. He had previously received a one-year suspended
sentence following his 1975 conviction for threatening the life of PLO
leader Yasir Arafat in 1974. Following that suspended sentence he had
been placed on probation for four years.

December 16, 1976:
Two JDL members were sentenced to up to six years in federal prison
following their guilty pleas to the federal indictment announced by
the Justice Department on August 12. A third individual involved in
that indictment had been sentenced earlier to a similar term. The
fourth of those indicted was the individual sentenced to three years,
as noted above. A fifth individual associated with that indictment was
released on probation.

December 20, 1976:
The JDL announced that it had "declared war" against the Unification
Church leader, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and "vowed that no Moon
missionaries would walk the streets safely."

February 1, 1977:
Twelve JDL members disrupted a meeting sponsored by Breira, a Jewish
group advocating Israeli recognition of the PLO, held at a Manhattan
synagogue. As a result of this action, the meeting was canceled. A JDL
spokesman warned: "Breira must be crushed once and for all, and those
who aid and abet it will get lost in the crush as well."

February 14, 1977:
The former director of the Washington, D.C.-area JDL was sentenced to
two years in federal prison, fined $12,000 and put on supervised
probation for three years. He had been convicted of conspiracy
relating to a plan to fire a rifle into a Maryland apartment rented by
Soviet diplomats.

March 18, 1977:
Following a two-day siege against B'nai B'rith headquarters in
Washington by a group of Hanafi Moslem terrorists, Kahane denounced
the Hanafis as "Nazis" and sent a telegram to Hanafi headquarters
demanding an apology for the terrorist action. In response, a
statement by the Hanafis threatened "all Zionist Jews and their
allies" with "bloodbaths."

June 8, 1977:
A telephone caller identifying himself as a member of the Jewish Armed
Resistance claimed responsibility for the arson at a Boro Park bank as
a political protest. Damage to the building was light. A JDL spokesman
denied that the Jewish Armed Resistance was linked to the JDL, but
applauded the action.

August 15, 1977:
The JDL claimed responsibility for the firebombing in Brooklyn of a
vehicle used by the proselytizing organization Jews For Jesus.

February 17, 1978:
In a pre-recorded telephone message, the JDL offered $500 for every
Nazi "lawfully killed during an attack on a Jew." Calls to the New
York headquarters of the JDL activated the telephone message which
also stated "We are calling for Jews to unite in an all-out war
against Nazis and other Jew-haters." The message added "We are also
advocating mass executions of Nazis in order to make their stay in
this country an unhealthy one."

April 21, 1978:
A taped telephone message played to callers to the JDL office in Miami
Beach urged Jews to own guns, with the words, "Every Jew, a .22."

June 1, 1978:
The JDL announced a campaign intended to force a Jewish attorney to
end his legal representation of an accused Nazi war criminal living in
New Jersey. Speaking of the attorney, a JDL official stated, "From
here on there will always be the presence of the JDL in his area and
wherever he goes, to make him resign..." The lawyer charged that his
life had been threatened.

June 22, 1978:
A Canadian member of the JDL pleaded guilty to setting a bomb that
exploded at the home of a Canadian neo-Nazi activist.

July 11, 1978:
Kahane and several associates broke into a Russian Orthodox Church in
Jerusalem and sprayed black paint on the walls to protest the Soviet
trial of Anatoly Shcharansly.

August 18, 1978:
An anonymous caller to the Associated Press claimed JDL responsibility
for a fire at the Democratic Party's Southern California headquarters
in Los Angeles. A JDL spokesman later refused to comment on any JDL
role in the fire, but expressed sympathy with the perpetrators. The
arson was assertedly to protest Carter Administration pressure on

August 30, 1978:
A JDL member convicted of bombing a Los Angeles theater during a
showing of Vanessa Redgrave's pro-PLO film, "The Palestinians," was
sentenced to a three month "thorough psychological examination" with
the California Youth Authority.

September 26, 1978:
A federal appeals court upheld the firearms conviction of a
Washington, D.C.-area JDL official, but overturned his conviction on a
conspiracy charge, due to an erroneous jury instruction from the trial

November 20, 1978:
A group calling itself the "New Jewish Defense League" took
responsibility for the attempted bombing of the home of an Egyptian UN
diplomat in Queens. The device did not go off.

December 7, 1978:
A JDL member convicted earlier of a June bombing at a Los Angeles area
theater showing a pro-PLO Vanessa Redgrave film, was sentenced to up
to four years in the California Youth Authority. His sentence was
credited with the nearly six months he had already spent in custody.

December 22, 1978:
Three JDL members were evicted from the West German Consulate offices
in Miami after they occupied the office form more than an hour, in
protest against Germany's announcement that it would cease prosecuting
alleged Nazi war criminals after the next year. Those convicted were
arrested and charged with trespassing, battery and false imprisonment.

December 29, 1978:
A JDL official pleaded no contest to causing a disturbance outside a
local courtroom where an alleged Nazi war criminal was being tried.
The JDL official was sentenced to sixty days probation.

Updated JDL Document: "Needed: An American Jewish Underground" -- this
JDL document, circulated in 1979, advocated the formation of an armed
Jewish American "underground" to "quietly and professionally eliminate
those modern day Hitlers who are becoming an ever increasing threat to
our existence.

"...I state emphatically, the JDL is not an 'underground.' It is an
'above-ground' organization, an activist, ideological movement which
operates in full view of the public and police. Militant and sometimes
violent? Yes, in the defense of Jews.
"But a void, a gap needs to be filled within the complex make-up of
the American Jewish community today. As 1 stated above, what is needed
is a secret, underground strike-force which will eliminate those
individuals that threaten our very existence. The time is long overdue
for the birth of such a group."

June 25, 1979:
JDL members swinging baseball bats disrupted meetings of neo-Nazi
groups in two suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. There were no arrests.

September 5, 1979:
Two JDL members disrupted the first night performance of the Bolshoi
Ballet in a Los Angeles auditorium. The disrupters were ejected by
security guards.

September 20, 1979:
A California Appeals Court ruled that a JDL official could be
prosecuted on charges of soliciting the murder of American neo-Nazis.
The Court overturned a lower court ruling that the JDL official's
public comments had been protected by the First Amendment. The
official had waived five $100 bills in the air at a Los Angeles news
conference and offered them to anyone who "kills, maims or seriously
injures a member of the American Nazi Party."

November 5, 1979:
"The Jewish Defense League is urging American Jews to purchase
firearms and know how to use them as part of the forty first
observance of Kristallnacht, or 'Night of Broken Glass,' in which
pogrom-like rioting was directed against the Jewish communities of
Germany on November 9th and 10th, 1938.

"Saying that 'America closely resembles the Germany of the 1920s,' and
that 'overt and physical Jew-hatred covers nearly the entire spectrum
of American society today,' JDL national director Brett Becker
announced the JDL would begin the 'Every Jew, A .22' campaign on the
anniversary of Kristallnacht. "

November 19, 1979:
A "smoke bomb" went off inside Carnegie Hall during a performance by a
Soviet orchestra. A caller identifying herself as a JDL member claimed
JDL responsibility for setting the device.

January 27, 1980:
An anonymous caller claimed responsibility in the name of the JDL
after a bomb exploded outside the San Francisco office of Bank Melli
of Iran.

February 6, 1980:
Eight JDL members allegedly assaulted American Nazi leader Harold
Covington outside NBC studios in New York. The neo-Nazis were
protesting the broadcast of NBC's docu-drama "Holocaust."

June 9, 1980:
A JDL official in California, predicting a new Holocaust, urged Jews
to arm themselves. The JDL was offering monthly weapons-training
sessions in the area."

June 26, 1980:
Five JDL members took over the New York offices of Hebrew University
and American Friends of Hebrew University

July 1980:
The "JDL Update" contained the following items:

JDL members disrupted speeches at Temple Sinai in Washington, D. C.
given by Arab mayors recently expelled from Israel. (June 4).
Seven JDL members were arrested after invading the New York office of
the Soviet line, Aeroflot (June 19).
JDL members in Los Angeles staged a weapons training class following
KKK leader Tom Metzger's Congressional primary win (June 22).
Thirty JDL members in Miami demonstrated in protest against Kahane's
detention in Israel (June 24).
July 18, 1980:
Four JDL members took over the offices of United Zionist Revisionists
of America (Herut).

August 29, 1980:
Four JDL members took over the Israel Aliyah office in Queens, New

November 17, 1980:
Twenty JDL members staged a 3-day sit-in at the Israeli Consulate and
Mission to the UN in New York.

January 25, 1981:
A bomb exploded in the early hours of the morning outside the Bank
Melli Iran building in San Francisco. Windows were shattered on both
sides of the street, but there were no injuries. A man who identified
himself as a representative of the JDL telephoned United Press
international and claimed responsibility, stating that the group's act
of violence was taken to protest the "brutal persecution of Iranian
Jewry " and demanded the release of "50,000 Jews held hostage" that he
described as being held in Iran. Earl Krugel, director of the JDL in
California, denied responsibility for the explosion but was reported
as condoning the action.

January 30, 1981:
Twenty members of the JDL took over the offices of the American Civil
Liberties Union in New York as a protest against the ACLU's legal
defense of a neo-Nazi group in Buffalo. Over a period of four hours,
the JDL commandeered the ACLU reception area and disrupted the work of
its staff by chanting "Don't defend Nazis!" and "Six Million - Never
Again!" No injuries or serious damage was reported.

February 2, 1981:
Three members of the Jewish Defense League were issued summonses for
harassment after they verbally abused diplomats at the Soviet Mission
to the UN. One of the three, Howard Perel, stated that he had "shouted
and cursed" at the diplomats as they were leaving the mission and had
shouted slogans referring to Anatoly Shcharansky.

February 6, 1981:
Eight members of the JDL wielding steel pipes attacked National
Socialist Party of America leader Harold Covington on as he approached
the NBC studios in New York. Covington and an aide were attired in
full Nazi stormtrooper uniforms on their way to a taping of the
"Tomorrow" show. Later in the evening, Covington appeared on the
program heavily bandaged and declared that all Jews should be gassed."

April 6, 1981:
Two members of the JDL were arrested in Torrance, California at a
demonstration outside the offices of the Institute for Historical
Review, a Holocaust revisionist organization. Willis Car-to, the
director of the Institute, was assaulted by one JDL member after he
began to write down car license plate numbers. Another member of the
group was arrested after he was seen placing a loaded semi-automatic
pistol in the trunk of a car.

May 31, 1981:
Two JDL members were arrested for throwing rocks, bottles and eggs at
the offices of the Soviet airline Aeroflot in New York. The two,
Avigdor Eskin and Alex Khaves, were charged with starting a riot,
reckless endangerment, and criminal mischief. Both had recently
emigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union.

June 1, 1981:
Two JDL members were arrested after allegedly vandalizing the Aeroflot
office in Manhattan.

August 30, 1981:
Four gasoline firebombs were hurled at the home of an accused Nazi war
criminal, Boleslavs Maikovskis, in Mineola, Long Island at 2:30 a.m.
There were no injuries, but slight damage to the house was reported.
Within minutes of the firebombing attack, a representative of the JDL
telephoned the New York Post and took responsibility for the attack.

September 1, 1981:
At his deportation hearing, alleged Nazi criminal Boreslavs Maikovskis
was punched and knocked down by a member of the JDL who shouted, "You
Nazi bastard! " The JDL member was later identified as Mark
[Mordechai] Levy, who was removed from the courtroom and charged with
five misdemeanors.

September 2, 1981:
Two JDL members were issued summonses after they allegedly harassed
Soviet diplomatic personnel on a New York bus.

September 3-4 1981:
Six unexploded bombs were discovered near the Soviet Mission to the
United Nations on September 3. On September 4, a small bomb exploded
under an unoccupied car with diplomatic license plates parked near the
Soviet Mission. No one claimed responsibility for these incidents.

September 6, 1981:
A small bomb exploded at the Four Continent Bookstore at 1:40 a.m.,
causing damage to the display window of the store. The Four Continent
Bookstore, which sold literature published in the Soviet Union, was
targeted by what a caller identified as the "Thunder of Zion" which
claimed to be a "militant faction" of the JDL. The caller stated,
"Within the next two weeks they [Soviet Jews, including refuseniks
Anatoly Shcharansky and Maria Tlemkin] had better be released or
Russian blood will flow on New York streets. There will be blood up to
your knees, including [Soviet foreign minister Andrei] Gromyko's."
Arno Weinstein, the national director of the JDL, in an interview with
the New York Post, said, "We do not take responsibility for this, but
we applaud it. I am very happy that Jews are finally taking some

September 9, 1981:
Fifteen members of the JDL take over the offices of the Hebrew
Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in New York, forcing the organization's
employees to leave their offices and barricading the doors behind them
with desks and office furniture. The JDL members occupied the office
for two hours and demanded that HIAS send messages to Ethiopia calling
for the emigration of Jews from that country. At the offices of the
World Zionist Organization (WZO), another group from the JDL chained
and padlocked the front doors of the organization's offices. The WZO
offices continued to function normally in spite of the JDL's attempts
at disruption.

October 25, 1981:
Two firebombs severely damaged the Egyptian Government Tourist Office
at Rockefeller Center in New York at 4:18 a.m. There were no injuries.
An anonymous caller to the New York Daily News claimed responsibility
for the bombing at 4:35 a.m., stating, "This is the JDL. We have just
firebombed the Egyptian government offices. We demand that the Camp
David Accords be buried with Anwar Sadat, in solidarity with those
against the retreat from the Israeli-liberated lands - the Sinai.
Shalom. Never again!" A spokesman for the JDL later denied
responsibility for the bombing, but "if this bombing was done to
expose the fallacy of the Camp David Accords, we support the act. "
Kahane himself was quoted by the New York Post as saying, "it could
have been members of the JDL and it could have been anyone. "249 At a
press conference on October 26, Kahane stated, "I would not be
particularly anxious to be an Egyptian in New York City." He
continued, "I'm not going to say that the JDL bombed that office.
There are laws against that in this country. But I'm not going to say
I mourn for it either." In response to a question regarding the
possibility of other such attacks, Kahane replied, "1 would not be
surprised. It might very well be."

One day later, an anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the JDL
after the October 25 fire-bombing at the Egyptian Government Tourist
Office in New York. A JDL spokesman later denied his group's
involvement, adding "We support the act."

November 15, 1981:
Twelve bullets were shot into the sitting room in the home of the
Soviet Union's ambassador to the United Nations in Glen Cove, Long
Island. There were no injuries. An unidentified caller telephoned
United Press International and claimed responsibility in the name of
the JDL. Meir Kahane, in an interview with the New York Daily News
while on a speaking tour of the U.S. stated, "We have no exact
knowledge of who fired into the home, but we have no doubt it is the
work of Jewish activists." Describing the shooting as an "unlawful
act," he went on to praise it by saying, "We applaud it." At a press
conference 15 hours after the shooting, Kahane "proudly announce[d]"
and "heartily applauded" the act, predicting an "escalation" of
attacks against Soviet representatives in the future. "Jews don't walk
freely in the streets of Moscow," he said, warning, "Russians won't
walk freely here."

December 25, 1981:
Two houses are spray-painted with Stars of David and slogans during
the night, apparently in retaliation for earlier acts of vandalism
carried out by two sixteen year-olds against two synagogues in East
Meadow and Mineola, Long Island. Nine Stars of David were painted on
the house of Donald Ostrandez, and one on a car parked in front of
house. Atthe house of Joseph McCloskey, all the tires on the two cars
parked in the driveway had their tires slashed. Stars of David and the
slogan "Never Again!" were painted on the house. A caller to several
news organizations claimed responsibility for the act in the name of
the JDL

January 29, 1982:
Forty JDL members seized the offices of the National Jewish Community
Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC).

February 19, 1982:
For the third time in as many months, JDL vandals spray-painted the
homes of individuals recently convicted of anti-Semitic vandalism.
After denying involvement a JDL official then admitted to his group's
"revenge" action.

February 21, 1982:
Following the explosion of two bombs outside the Washington, D.C.
office of Aeroflot, an anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the
JDL. He added that there would be further actions would continue.

April 2, 1982:
Kahane and about thirty followers seized the offices of the Herut
Party in New York as a protest against Israeli withdrawal from Sinai.

April 9, 1982:
Kahane and twenty-five followers took over the main floor of the
Israeli Consulate in New York.

July 6, 1982:
An anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the JDL after pipe-
bombs were set off outside both the French and Lebanese Consulates in
New York. Later, a JDL official denied the claim but added that the
JDL did "applaud those actions."

December 20, 1982:
Thirteen JDL demonstrators chanted obscenities and disrupted services
at a church where accused Nazi war criminal Valerian Trifa was to

January 26, 1983:
Five JDL members, on a "deprogramming mission," abducted a 22-year-old
woman walking on a New York street. The woman had been active in the
Jews for Jesus movement. One of her abductors was apprehended by

March 3, 1983:
A JDL leader, surrounded by 25 heavily armed supporters, announced
plans to create vigilante squads that would mete out "Jewish justice"
to "Jew haters." This action was criticized by New York police and by
ADL associate national director Abraham Foxman, who noted: "The JDL
has a history of violence and extremism and a knack for exacerbating

November 10, 1983:
Following Jesse Jackson's announced candidacy for President, a JDL
spokesman vowed that his organization would disrupt Jackson rallies
and meetings.

February 23, 1984:
An anonymous caller from the "Jewish Direct Action" took
responsibility for the fire-bombing of a car in the Soviet compound. A
spokesman for the group later denied the group's responsibility.
However, the group stated in a press release that it would "launch a
'war' that will wreck Soviet-American relations" and would stage
"major acts of violence that will seriously endanger" Soviet

February 28, 1984:
An anonymous caller claiming to be a JDL member took responsibility
for spray-painting the homes of local sponsors of a Soviet film
series. A JDL spokesman denied his group's involvement, but did admit
that the perpetrators may have been JDL members.

March 13, 1984:
An anonymous caller claimed responsibility for the JDL in the planting
of a practice grenade in the Greenburgh, N.Y. town hall during the
showing of a Soviet film. A JDL official denied responsibility, but
then admitted that it was "possible the people who perpetrated this
may be JDL members."

October 11, 1985:
The West Coast headquarters of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee is bombed, killing its Palestinian-American director, Alex
Odeh and injuring 7 others. A JDL spokesman declared that Odeh "got
exactly what he deserved."

December 1985:
A bomb was placed under the car of Walter Berk, then the acting
chairman of the JDL in New York, who was involved in a dispute with
other members of the group over mailing lists and finances. In 1987 it
was revealed that another JDL member, Jay Cohen, had planted the bomb.
No injuries were reported.

March 1986:
Another bomb was placed under the car of JDL chairman Walter Berk by a
rival member of the JDL. No injuries were reported.

April 28, 1986:
A member of the JDL placed a firebomb under a loading dock at a Pan Am
building at Kennedy International Airport in protest of the airline's
flights to Russia.

September 2, 1986:
A tear gas grenade was thrown into the opening performance of the
Soviet Moiseyev Dance Company at the Metropolitan Opera. Twenty people
were sent to the hospital for treatment, including the Soviet
Ambassador, Uri Dubinin. 4000 others were evacuated from the building.
JDL members Jay Cohen, Sharon Katz and JDL leader Victor Vancier were
arrested in 1987 for carrying out the incident. (See October 27 1987)

November 26, 1986:
Victor Vancier, [aka Chaim Ben Yosef] the "self-proclaimed leader" of
the JDL in New York, was arrested outside the Penta Hotel with a tear
gas grenade after a fire broke out in the tunnels under the hotel
where the Soviet Moiseyev Dance Company, was staying. Vancier was
charged with a federal weapons violation. (See October 27 1987)

February 9, 1987:
Two JDL members disrupted the performance of Soviet pianist Lazar
Berman at Carnegie Hall in New York by chanting, "Free Soviet Jews,
Communist Nazis." Both were removed from the hall and charged with
disorderly conduct.

April 1, 1987:
Murray Young, a "suspected JDL member," was arrested for his
involvement for two violent attacks that took place at the
Metropolitan Opera and Avery Fisher Hall. Police confiscated "a cache
of weapons and documents" from Young's home. Included among the
weapons were: a semi-automatic machine gun, handguns, rifles and two
stun guns, as well as ammunition, tear gas canisters, explosive
powder, stink bombs and "detailed records about bombings directed at
organizations affiliated with the Soviet Union." Young was charged
with possession of a pistol silencer without a serial number, and
later received a 5-year prison term. (See October 27 1987.)

May 8, 1987:
Jay Cohen, Sharon Katz and Victor Vancier, all JDL members, are
arrested in connection with six incidents, including the 1984
firebombing a car at the Soviet diplomatic residence in Rive rdale,
the 1985 and 1986 fire and pipe bombings of cars owned by a rival JDL
member in Howard Beach, the 1986 firebombing at the stage door of
Avery Fisher Hall before the performance of the Soviet State Symphony,
and the detonation of a tear gas grenade at the Metropolitan Opera in
September 1986. Authorities stated that with the arrests of the three,
they had "solved all the significant JDL terrorist acts in the New
York area. " (See October 27 1987.)

May 20, 1987:
An arrest warrant for disorderly conduct was issued for Kahane in
Overland Park, Kansas after he failed to appear at a hearing examining
those charges in connection to a shoving match that Kahane had with
two Arab men who attended a lecture he gave on November 18 1986. One
of the men, Musa Shoucair, filed a civil suit against Kahane for
$10,000 in damages for "assault, battery and outrageous conduct
resulting in emotional stress" as the consequences of the incident."

May 31, 1987:
Eight JDL members disrupt the Womens' Olympic Volleyball match in
Florida between the U.S. and Soviet teams by sitting in the middle of
the volleyball court and chanting, "One, two three, four, open up the
iron door, five, six, seven eight - let our people emigrate." They
were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct."

June 30, 1987:
The outer shell of a grenade wrapped in aluminum foil and connected to
four batteries and a clock was found in a garbage can at Lincoln
Center in New York hours before the Bolshoi Ballet was to perform.
Minutes before the device was discovered, an unidentified caller
telephone United Press International and said: "Bomb. Lincoln Square
Plaza. Death to Soviet dancers," and referred to JDL founder Meir

October 27, 1987:
Victor Vancier, the former National Chairman of the JDL, was sentenced
to ten years in prison for bombing attacks at the Soviet diplomatic
residence in New York and at Soviet cultural performances. A JDL co-
defendant in the case, Jay Cohen, committed suicide on September 6 in
his hotel room in the Catskill Mountains. Two other JDL members who
were sentenced in the same case were Murray Young, described as a
"bomb maker," who received a five-year term because he co-operated
with prosecutors after his arrest. Young told the sentencing judge
that he had engaged in violence because his grandfather had been
beheaded in Russia. Sharon Katz was sentenced to six months house
arrest and five years probation, and a $5000 fine for detonating a
tear gas grenade. The three were sentenced for an incident in October
of 1986 in which the opening night performance of the Soviet Union's
Moiseyev Dancers was tear gassed. Vancier had previously justified the
JDL's violence by saying that Jews must take extreme measures because
"crazy Jews live longer.

January 23, 1988:
Irv Rubin, the JDL National Chairman in California, taunted Muslim
anti-Israel protesters at the Federal Building in Westwood,
California. Police officers at the scene intervened in order to
prevent any violence.

February 15, 1988:
JDL National Director Irv Rubin denied responsibility for the bombing
of the PLO's "Ship of Return" in Limassol, Cyprus. The "Ship of
Return" was a PLO propaganda project aimed at evoking sympathy for
convicted Palestinian terrorists who were expelled from Israel for
their violent activities. An anonymous caller telephoned the
Associated Press in Nicosia, Cyprus and claimed that the JDL in the
U.S. was "responsible for the bombing in Limassol. Next time we will
bomb it-with all the people on it." When asked about the bombing,
Rubin stated, "I wholeheartedly applaud the bombing of the PLO-
chartered ferry in Cyprus. It was a sacred, righteous act to defend
the state of Israel. I am honored that our group was blamed. I would
love to take credit for this action, but the credit belongs to people
much more heroic than I and the JDL. " On a radio program several days
before the ship was sunk, Rubin stated that he thought that "someone
should sink the boat," and if people were aboard the ship while it was
attacked, he "would not condemn the action. I am a Jew who understands
what the PLO is about. Their total reason for being is to destroy the
state of Israel.

June 1988:
Rochelle Manning, a member of JDL who was then living in Israel, was
arrested as she alighted from a plane in Los Angeles for her
involvement in the letter-bomb murder of Patricia Wilkerson, a
secretary working for the business rival of one of her JDL associates
in Manhattan Beach, California. The bombing was not connected to the
political program of the JDL, but was apparently part of a business
feud between JDL member William Howard Ross and Brenda Crouthamel, who
had no ties to the JDL. Both Rochelle Manning's and her husband,
Robert Manning's fingerprints were found together with the materials
accompanying the bomb. Robert Manning was previously convicted in 1972
for "placing an incendiary device" outside the home of two Arabs in
Los Angeles. (See March 8 1994)

September 8, 1988:
An anonymous caller to a new agency in France claimed responsibility
in the name of the Jewish Defense Organization for vandalizing the
offices of French right-wing extremist Jean Marie Le Pen. The vandals
painted SS insignia, swastikas and the Star of David on the walls,
broke furniture, and stole membership money from Le Pen's National
Front organization.

February 17, 1989:
Irv Rubin, National Chairman of the JDL in California, announced his
group's intentions to disrupt the convention of a Holocaust
revisionist organization, the institute for Historical Review (IHR).
"If we can find [their] location, we'll bring at least 100 people,"
Rubin said. Describing his group's stance towards the IHR, Rubin
declared, "You don't picket Nazis, you don't protest Nazis, you smash
Nazis. "

March 4, 1989:
JDL Chairman Irv Rubin stated that his group would hold a rally
against a white supremacist rock concert called "Aryan Woodstock" in
San Francisco. "We're going to rally with our people. [We want] such a
large number that the skinheads will show their true colors and
scamper away like cockroaches," Rubin said.

March 31, 1989:
Jewish Defense Organization leader Mordechai Levy threatened to "meet
violence with violence" if a projected Ku Klux Klan rally was to take
place in Millville, New Jersey. "I don't like violence," Levy said.
But sometimes, violence must be used. If the Klan marches, it will be
opposed with force."

June 3, 1989:
The JDO's Mordechai Levy and the JDL's Irv Rubin nearly came to blows
at a Los Angeles airport press conference that was called by Levy to
denounce the attack by four neo-Nazi skinheads against a Middle
Eastern couple whom they mistook for Jews from La Verne, California.
Rubin and several of his followers accosted Levy as he arrived in Los
Angeles. The two spat in each others' faces and a Rubin follower tried
to attack an innocent bystander whom he thought was a Levy
sympathizer. The man, who happened to be Jewish, was holding a baby
and chastised his attacker by saying, "I am a Jew, too, so let me
through," as he walked down the hall.

August 11, 1989:
The JDO's Mordechai Levy opened fire from the roof of his apartment
building in New York on his arch rival, Irv Rubin, who was trying to
subpoena Levy with a slander suit. After a 2 and 1/2 hour standoff, Levy
surrendered to police. As the result of the shooting, a retired
busdriver, Dominic Spinelli, was struck with gunfire in his leg. Levy
was charged with four counts of attempted murder, one count of first-
degree assault, and one count .of criminal possession of a deadly

October 18, 1990:
40-60 JDL members pounded on the front door, trampled the lawn and
left signs stating, "Deport Nazi Ensin!" and "No Mass Murderers in
Mass.!" on the house of accused Nazi war criminal Albert Ensin in
Stoughton, Massachusetts.

November 14, 1990:
Nine days after the murder of Meir Kahane, a note was mailed to a
television reporter threatening vengeance for the murder of the Kach
leader. Threatening that "things will go boom in the night," the note
reportedly contained a "hit list" which included prominent Jewish
critics of Israel's policies and American Arabs sympathetic to the
PLO. The note reportedly listed Rita Hauser, Chairperson of the
International Center for Peace in the Middle East and a New York
attorney who met with Yasir Arafat in 1988; Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, a
professor at Dartmouth known for his support of Israeli and Jewish
peace groups, and New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis. Others
reportedly included on the list were former Palestine National Council
member Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, former Arab League Ambassador to
the UN Clovis Maksoud, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and
Muhammad T. Mehdi, head of the National Council on Islamic Affairs.

In May of 1991, at the hearing of Sayyid al-Nosair, Binyamin Kahane
disrupted the proceedings by jumping to his feet and screaming
"Revenge, revenge!" in Hebrew. Supporters of Kahane further disrupted
the court proceedings by chanting "Never again, never again!" and
jostled with court officers as they were removed from the courtroom.

December 22, 1991:
Responding to the acquittal of Sayyid al-Nosair for the murder of Meir
Kahane, his son and leader of Kahane Chai, Binyamin Kahane, declared,
"We vow that Sayyid Nosair will not see a day without fear until his
very last day. "
(Note: On October 1, 1995, Nosair was convicted of Kahane's murder on
seditious conspiracy charges.)

February 26, 1992:
A bomb exploded at 2:07 a.m. outside the Syrian Mission to the United
Nations. Damage to the building included a shattered plate glass
window near its entrance and a two foot hole in its entryway. There
were no injuries. Several hours later, an identical bomb was found
inside a cardboard box within a telephone booth on the Upper West Side
of Manhattan. A note found with the first bomb was destroyed by the
blast, but the second note read, "Free Syrian Jews." Later in the day,
a man identifying himself as a member of Kahane Chai contacted the
Associated Press and claimed responsibility for the bombing.
Subsequently, the group made a statement denying responsibility for
the bombing but did not condemn it. Binyamin Kahane, the director of
Kahane Chai, made a written statement which declared:

"We hope this incident will serve as a warning and a deterrent to
Syria and to Syrian- acked terrorists that the long arm of Jewish
vengeance can reach them too."

January 5, 1994:
Between 2:30 and 3:30 a.m., a bomb was placed outside a New York
building that houses Americans for Peace Now, Habonim, Israel
Horizons, and the Progressive Zionist Caucus. The bomb did not explode
but was later defused by police . A second bomb, placed outside the
building which houses the New Israel Fund, exploded but there were no
injuries. Notes left with the bombs declared that an Jewish "civil war
has begun. " The notes also spoke of the "spilling of blood in Israel"
and criticized the Israeli Government as being "too liberal. " The
notes were signed by the "Shield of David" and the "Maccabee Squad." A
press release issued by Kahane Chai provided its traditional response
subsequent to such incidents: the organization "denied responsibility"
for the attacks, but "refused] to condemn the act."

February 10, 1994:
JDL member Robert Manning was convicted of complicity in the 1980
letter-bombing death of a secretary in Los Angeles. He was sentenced
to life imprisonment without possibility of parole for 30 years. The
letter-bomb incident had no connection to JDL activities but was
instead an attack contracted by William Howard Ross, a fellow JDL
member who had a long drawn out business dispute with the owner of the
firm where the secretary worked.

March 8, 1994:
The Israeli High Court of Justice rejected a petition by Rochelle
Manning, wife of Robert Manning and both JDL members, to block her
extradition to the United States in order to face murder charges.
Rochelle Manning is to be re-tried on murder charges relating to the
1980 letter-bomb attack on a California secretary. On March 19 1994,
Rochelle Manning died of a heart attack in an Israeli prison while
awaiting her extradition to the United States.

June 9, 1995:
Los Angeles, California - William Howard Ross, a member of the Jewish
Defense League, was sentenced to life imprisonment for having enlisted
Robert and Rochelle Manning to construct and mail a booby trap bomb to
a local computer company with whom Ross had had a personal dispute.
(See June 1988 and February 10, 1994 regarding the trial and
sentencing of Robert Manning.)

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 27, 2007, 11:35:08 AM11/27/07
In article <6DX2j.37363$Xg.9676@trnddc06>,

Roy Roger <> wrote:
>If you are calling a 9 years old case as a molded Historical event, then I
>say you Jewish Sinners, what about the lies you Jewish Anti Christ sinners
>say about the false Holocaust. You keep reminded the world of this lie even
>after 60 years of you deception against the Christians masses.

What "false Holocaust" might that be, bubba?

Archive/File: people/p/piper.franciszek/press/daily.texan.1093
Last-Modified: 2007/02/08


DrFranciszek Piper

"A better idea: Russian, Chinese, Indian, Korean, French, and Pali
nukes melting Israel into the sea." ("Chester Field," Leading
Revisionist Scholar who appears to have forgotten his name.)

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 27, 2007, 11:37:15 AM11/27/07
In article <>,

HHW <> wrote:
>On Nov 27, 9:58 am, Sara Salzman <> wrote:
>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>> > Statement of David Cole
>> > Prepared January 2nd, 1998
>> 9-year-old news is the best you can do?
>> > This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly,
>> > even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the
>> > widest possible distribution.
>> Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.
>> -Sara
>> [useless outdated drivel snipped]
>But Sara, there's quite a history there and violence by the Jewish
>state is escalating. Here's the ADL's summary of JDL activities:

The JDL is a hate group, condemned by many here more than a decade ago.

Old news.

"No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"
(Kurt Knoll, Kitimat, B.C.'s Leading Revisionist Scholar)
The Nizkor Project:

It's all a bit strange

Nov 27, 2007, 1:07:08 PM11/27/07
"Roy Roger" <> wrote in

> If you are calling a 9 years old case as a molded Historical event,
> then I say you Jewish Sinners, what about the lies you Jewish Anti
> Christ sinners say about the false Holocaust. You keep reminded the
> world of this lie even after 60 years of you deception against the
> Christians masses.
> Roy Roger

Come on cramer, can't you do any better than this?

It's all a bit strange

Nov 27, 2007, 1:07:58 PM11/27/07
"Roy Roger" <> wrote in


Nov 27, 2007, 1:17:43 PM11/27/07
On Nov 27, 10:37 am, (Kenneth McVay OBC) wrote:
> In article <>,

> HHW <> wrote:
> >On Nov 27, 9:58 am, Sara Salzman <> wrote:
> >> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
> >> > Statement of David Cole
> >> > Prepared January 2nd, 1998
> >> 9-year-old news is the best you can do?
> >> > This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite willingly,
> >> > even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the
> >> > widest possible distribution.
> >> Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.
> >> -Sara
> >> [useless outdated drivel snipped]
> >But Sara, there's quite a history there and violence by the Jewish
> >state is escalating. Here's the ADL's summary of JDL activities:
> The JDL is a hate group, condemned by many here more than a decade ago.
> Old news.

Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues, a
cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent. The JDL
mentality remains a part of the problem. A perfectly reasonable case
can be made that vis a vis the Palestinians the Israeli government is
dominated by a hate group. Its list of atrocities has been building
since 1947. Simply acknowledging these truths shocks many but
remaining mute is no longer a luxury we can afford.

The crisis, Ken, arises from loss of control over our Israel policy
and America's having little choice as a matter of domestic politics
but to support her oppression of her neighbors at every turn. This
supine relationship with Israel is causing us immense difficulties. It
is a problem which must be disassociated from the Holocaust, the main
historic event which drives it.

I've looked at the Nizkor site and believe your work is sound and
needed though I think it should eventually be expanded to cover
humanity's blackest century more broadly. Never again should be the
standard for the entire human race from Armenians to Rwandans. I've
heard you interviewed. You're a level-headed guy. I wonder, however,
what you think of the grave dangers America faces and how they relate
proportionately to such a trivial issue, Israel keeping the West Bank.
I say trivial from the pov of the American national interest.

Kurt Knoll

Nov 27, 2007, 1:28:31 PM11/27/07
Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.

Kurt Knoll.

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

It's all a bit strange

Nov 27, 2007, 2:00:22 PM11/27/07
"Kurt Knoll" <> wrote in

> Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call
> all your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.


Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 27, 2007, 2:04:52 PM11/27/07
In article <jlZ2j.59774$cD.30731@pd7urf2no>,
Leading Revisionist Moron Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and Great White Hope for Holocaust Denial,
<> wrote:

>Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
>your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.

Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll concedes the point: David Cole lied.

"Hate propaganda is an attack on the truth-seeking process itself.
It is directed to subverting and undermining the search for truth."
(David Matas, Bloody Speech, p. 37)
The Nizkor Project:

Kurt Knoll

Nov 27, 2007, 2:32:47 PM11/27/07

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

> In article <jlZ2j.59774$cD.30731@pd7urf2no>,
> Leading Revisionist Moron Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
> of Kitimat and Great White Hope for Holocaust Denial,
> <> wrote:
>>Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
>>your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.
> Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll concedes the point: David Cole
> lied.

Who concedes what Kenneth you are a regular con artist and we all know it.

Kurt Knoll

Kurt Knoll

Nov 27, 2007, 2:32:47 PM11/27/07

"It's all a bit strange" <> wrote in
message news:Xns99F56F9CB6295...@
There you go I am glad you can see it my way.
Kurt Knoll.

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 27, 2007, 3:24:04 PM11/27/07
In article <zh_2j.58814$PE.12284@pd7urf1no>,
Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll, The Village Idiot of Kitimat,
<> wrote:

>"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message
>> In article <jlZ2j.59774$cD.30731@pd7urf2no>,
>> Leading Revisionist Moron Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
>> of Kitimat and Great White Hope for Holocaust Denial,
>> <> wrote:
>>>Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
>>>your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.
>> Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll concedes the point: David Cole
>> lied.
>Who concedes what Kenneth you are a regular con artist and we all know it.

Leading Revisionist Ignoramus Knoll cannot produce a shred of evidence to refute
Dr. Piper's assertions. Instead, he changes the topic, hoping no one will notice.

(His tribe is really, REALLY stupid.)

23 Statements Qualifying Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and the Intellectual Giant of Holocaust Denial
as a complete ignoramus:

1. "Go and read what Professor Faurisson has to say about dissecting the
Holocaust. Could it be this was the reason why he was Assassinated
twice." <, Mar. 18, 2002>

2. "Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail Bu you people
did hang him after that." <XJmWi.167371$th2.47480@pd7urf3no, Nov. 1,

3. "No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"

4. "No wonder years after the war was over he found some more
diaries of Ann Frank and she did not know about it."

5. "By refinishion you i mean you on their side definetly you
opinons are."

6. "People want to know all the facts whatever they are true
or not."

7. "We all know it but they will have us believe they have
absolutely no influence on governments. Not believing it
would be anti emetic."

8. "Rumours also has it the letter was written on an unknown
typewriter in about 1950 but the letter was send to the state
department about in 1940."

9. "Listen guy. Your holocuast industries is clear. For
another trik and I'll hold my scrotum in my mouth for as
long as it taks."

10. "If the holocaust critics are stupid it is because Jews
are at times outright corrupt. What is it really you do want
them to believe."

11. "Well the con you documents a single that I originated.
Give me the date of the posting and the title."
<QCoYi.187911$th2.45844@pd7urf3no> Nov. 7, 2007

12. "Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against you."

13. "I am not stressed out since I can analyze your holohoax
in my urine."

14. "When I wend and stuck my penis in my ear, I know that I am right!"

15. "How do you do fact finding if you do not want to know anything."
<pAnZi.196469$Da.33718@pd7urf1no> Nov. 10, 2007

16. "Looking who things proceed today is no longer what is right
or wrong but one side are you on."

17. "Perhaps if you could tell the truth others would not as all the questions."

18. "Hey Tony will there ever be a time when you can reply in
blain English." <rv3_i.204625$1y4.122967@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 12, 2007

19. "No, the holocaust is not about history it is about a Ukrainian Sausage!"

20. "What's now as a cut and con artist you can not supply a honest posting
showing the time and day including the heating of the posting so I can check
it out a Google. <Jzw_i.208780$1y4.3268@pd7urf2no>,

21. "Studying the area is alright me questing therefore is studied by whom."
<KDx%i.4499$fD.2919@pd7urf3no> Nov. 17, 2007

22. "You are calling other that ask questions about the holocaust despicable.
I suggest you take a very good look at yourself. What you have is false bride
and nothing else." <i7a2j.42234$cD.7412@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 25, 2007

23. "No Tony the procedure used by you holohoaxers has always be the same.
And this is search and destruct anyone that is in your hollow way."
<RDG2j.51805$cD.38600@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 26, 2007

'I fully accept this, it's a fact. The discussion on Auschwitz, the gas
chambers and the Holocaust is finished ... it's useless to dispute it'.
(David Irving on Holocaust denial, as quoted by his Austrian lawyer)

It's all a bit strange

Nov 27, 2007, 6:57:47 PM11/27/07
"Kurt Knoll" <> wrote in news:zh_2j.58815$PE.37558

Of course I see it that way, you'd have to have some intelligence in order
for there to be a leak.

LOL, but the conspiraloons are sooooooooooooooooooo stupid.


Nov 27, 2007, 10:42:19 PM11/27/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>> Statement of David Cole
>> Prepared January 2nd, 1998
> 9-year-old news is the best you can do?
You are quoting 1,000 year old news all the time, you bitch!

Alert - S 1959
Eviscerates Free Speech
From Gary Franchi
RTR National Director


S 1959 "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention
Act of 2007" must be stopped at all costs.

Pick up your phone today and contact your US Senator's office to
instruct them to vote "NO" on S.1959.

Click here for your Senators contact info:

Full PDF text if the bill:

If this bill is passed, and becomes law, your words and actions
could be considered terrorism. S 1959 EVISCERATES FREE SPEECH, and
empowers the government to declare ANYTHING they deem an "extremist belief
system" to instantly make you a 'terrorist' and resulting in stripping of US
citizenship, torture, and/or execution, with no habeas corpus rights, no
ability to challenge even in the US Supreme Court.

Contact your Senator and let them know they will be looking for
another job if they vote yes on this bill, which is now introduced into the

If this becomes law, your words could be considered "promoting an
extremist belief system", and all they have to say is that you are using

Senate is back in session today, do not hesitate, call, fax, email
your Senator ASAP.

Click here for your Senators contact info:


Nov 27, 2007, 10:48:15 PM11/27/07

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

> In article <6DX2j.37363$Xg.9676@trnddc06>,
> Roy Roger <> wrote:
>>If you are calling a 9 years old case as a molded Historical event, then I
>>say you Jewish Sinners, what about the lies you Jewish Anti Christ sinners
>>say about the false Holocaust. You keep reminded the world of this lie
>>after 60 years of you deception against the Christians masses.
> What "false Holocaust" might that be, bubba?




Nov 27, 2007, 10:51:21 PM11/27/07

"Kurt Knoll" <> wrote in message

> Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
> your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.
> Kurt Knoll.

That McVay son of a bitch is the biggest liar on the face of the Earth. 40
members of my own family were mercilessly slaughtered by the JEWISH
COMMISSARS in Ukraine, and the whore does not consider that a Holocaust

Sara Salzman

Nov 27, 2007, 11:04:59 PM11/27/07
ElParedon wrote:
> "Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>>> Statement of David Cole
>>> Prepared January 2nd, 1998
>> 9-year-old news is the best you can do?
> You are quoting 1,000 year old news all the time, you bitch!

Really? I can't remember EVER "quoting 1,000 year old news." Since I do
it "all the time," you should have no problem with pointing out some
specific examples.

It's also incredibly presumptuous of you to call me a bitch, since you
have absolutely no idea who I am.

Of course, please don't let facts get in the way of your hate-filled


It's all a bit strange

Nov 28, 2007, 12:02:25 AM11/28/07
"ElParedon" <> wrote in news:Yx53j.18410$K27.3342


You've made the claim, now back it up. Who were these 100 million Russians,
where did they live, what did they do and most importantly how were they

You do know that the population of Russia in the time of the Czar was only
slightly more than 110 million...or do you?

It's all a bit strange

Nov 28, 2007, 12:03:35 AM11/28/07
"ElParedon" <> wrote in

> That McVay son of a bitch is the biggest liar on the face of the
> Earth. 40 members of my own family were mercilessly slaughtered by the
> JEWISH COMMISSARS in Ukraine, and the whore does not consider that a
> Holocaust

Post proof that this fairy tale happened. Who were they, what did they do,
when were they killed and WHERE ARE THE BODIES?


Nov 28, 2007, 12:39:49 AM11/28/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message

> ElParedon wrote:
>> "Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
>>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>>>> Statement of David Cole
>>>> Prepared January 2nd, 1998
>>> 9-year-old news is the best you can do?
>> You are quoting 1,000 year old news all the time, you bitch!
> Really? I can't remember EVER "quoting 1,000 year old news." Since I do it
> "all the time," you should have no problem with pointing out some specific
> examples

> It's also incredibly presumptuous of you to call me a bitch, since you
> have absolutely no idea who I am.


Nov 28, 2007, 1:00:15 AM11/28/07

"ElParedon" <> wrote in message


I do... You are a crusty old ex-nazi bastard, living in Florida, who refuses
to tell the truth about anything and is wasting good oxygen, that true
patriotic Floridians can be using.

It's all a bit strange

Nov 28, 2007, 2:07:23 AM11/28/07
"ElParedon" <> wrote in news:Ca73j.21297$L%6.1397


Show us Jews quoting the bible in alt.revisionism

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 28, 2007, 2:11:18 AM11/28/07
In article <Yx53j.18410$>,

ElParedon <> wrote:
>"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message
>> In article <6DX2j.37363$Xg.9676@trnddc06>,
>> Roy Roger <> wrote:
>>>If you are calling a 9 years old case as a molded Historical event, then I
>>>say you Jewish Sinners, what about the lies you Jewish Anti Christ sinners
>>>say about the false Holocaust. You keep reminded the world of this lie
>>>after 60 years of you deception against the Christians masses.
>> What "false Holocaust" might that be, bubba?

Evasion noted, Mr. Seredin. What "false Holocaust" might that be, bubba?

Alex Seredin (aka. Veneceremos, Serwad, Intrepid5, Conquistador, Strider, Rasputin,
Swagman, El Paredon, Saleh El Din, AmigoCabal, et. al.

Seashells, Plastic Mermaids -- and Internet Hate

A reader brings to my attention this cute little
item in City Link magazine, a publication of the
Tribune Company-owned Sun Sentinel in South Florida
that calls itself "South Florida's premier youth
culture magazine." In an item on the "best" places
in the area, under "Best Place To Buy Tacky
Souvenirs," the magazine picks the Peter Pan
souvenir shop in Delray Beach, Florida:

You would never know from their business that
Alex and Mona Seredin, the current owners of this
54-year-old store, hail from Canada. Stepping
inside Peter Pan brings you back to 1950s South
Florida, when walking catfish flopped across the
roads and your nearest neighbor was likely to
be an alligator. This store offers hundreds of
pieces of coral, seashell jewelry, straw hats
and embroidered T-shirts with Florida themes.

Cute! What the item leaves out, however, is its
proprietor's real claim to fame -- which is peddling
hate, not "tacky souvenirs." Alex Seredin is the
author of literally thousands of crudely anti-Semitic
screeds on Internet Usenet boards, commonly referring
to Jews as "kikes" and "long noses." Seredin recently
opined that Jews "have no right to a country except
six feet under," and recommended that "Palestinians
expel all the bloody kikes."

Suggestion to City Link: Next time you profile a
"tacky" souvenir shop owner, run the name in Google.
You might find that more than just the souvenirs are "tacky."

"Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against

you." (K. Knoll, Leading Revisionist Scholar)

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 28, 2007, 2:12:07 AM11/28/07
In article <SA53j.18412$>,
ElParedon <> wrote:


>That McVay son of a bitch is the biggest liar on the face of the Earth. 40
>members of my own family were mercilessly slaughtered by the JEWISH
>COMMISSARS in Ukraine, and the whore does not consider that a Holocaust

Alex Seredin (aka. Veneceremos, Serwad, Intrepid5, Conquistador, Strider, Rasputin,
Swagman, El Paredon, Saleh El Din, AmigoCabal, et. al. is a liar and hatemonger
of long standing who resides in Delray Beach, where he is a great embarrassment
to his community.

Alex Seredin (Veneceremos and all his other aliases) is an over-the-hill
Serbian Muslim convert , who has been nominated more than once for Kook of
the Year on Usenet..


"Keep it all you want that is the truth. Jews are filthy in personal
hygiene, they are filthy in their habits, and they are filthy in their



"Mossad created Hamas, Hamas created Hezbollah. Saddam is a Mossad
employee, and so is George Bush!"

"Osama is Great"

"Osama is a Mosad agent"

"Osama died in 2004"

"Saddam is great," and... "Saddam is a Jew, " and "Saddam is a butcher,"
and... "Saddam is a hero of Israel. He has never ever done anything to harm
Jews! He started two wars on behalf and behest of Jews!"

"The Holocaust never happened"

"You are an arsehole! Dr. Shahak is a jew, a real Holocaust survivor"

"60 million Russians died in German concentration camps."


"Jews killed JFK because he would not allow them to have nukes!"

"Israel was behind the Sept. 11 attacks"

"Is that why several hundred (Muslims) of the died anyway (in the WTC)?

"Israel set off a nuke in Bali"

"Jews killed 19 members of my family in Russia"


"Jews killed 19 members of my family in the Ukraine"

"Russians are expendable!"

"Jews killed 50 members of my family in Germany"

"Jews have killed 10 million Palestinians "

"Jews killed 100 million in Russia"

"Jews put James Traficant in jail for standing up to them."



"You are too stupid to understand that millions of people during WWII
comitted suicide out of desperation and fear!"

"There are 700,000 Thai slaves in Israel."

"Every single day Jews kill at least half a dozen Palestinians, mostly


"I was in WWI," and... "I was in the Boer War in South Africa," and...
"I was a partisan who fought bravely in in WW2" (when he was 9), and...
"I was in WWII," and... "I was in the Australian RAAF, " and...
"I was in Viet Nam, " and... "I am part Masai," and...
"I'm a Serbian," and... "I am not a Serb, I have never had any connection to Serbia".

Alex Seredin wrote: (1995)

"I have a name, my name is Alex Seredin. I live in Ottawa, Canada. I am
65 years old, and have lived through the WWII in Belgrade. You do not want to
provide me with your name because you are coward and a skunk, because you
hide behind anonymity to slander someone."

"I was educated in Prva Muska Gimnazija in Belgrade, moron! And
studied Serbian history in detail. I also visited the Slavija hill
with the person whom Serbia respects Nikola Pasic!" - Nikola Pasic
died in 1926, which would mean Alex is 100 years old.

"I am not slandering Serbian nation, I was born a Serb," and...
"I'm Canadian," and... "I'm Australian," and... "I am also an
Ozzy and a Kiwi as well!" and... "I'm an American" and "I'm a
direct descendant of Tamerlame" and... "I'm a direct descendant of
Kublai Khan" and... "I like Jews" and... "ANY KILLING IS NOT A

"On April 20th we celebrate the birth of the greatest man of all
time: Adolf Hitler." and... "Human? jews are not humans!"

"99% of the Jews are Russian ex-communist trash. They must be

"Jews came to America as slave traders and slave keepers."
30 YEARS!"
"The sole supplier of arms to Palestinians are the jews."
"Adolf Hitler sent Eichman to Palestine, to encourage the
establishment of Israel."
"Arafat and his government have been adamant in opposing all forms of
"After the bible, Mein Kampf was the biggest seller in U.S."
"Only one Jew died in the WTC attacks!!!"
"Anthrax cover up! (Jews did it)"
"Mossad Bombs Paradise Hotel in Mombasa"
"The US is commiting war crimes in Iraq!!!!!"
"I do have a Talmud written in the original Yiddish 19th century!"

"There is secret version of the Talmud, made in a place called Cracow,
that is for Jews only. When you call and try to order a
Talmud, they will ask you if you are Jewish. If you aren't they won't
send it. If you say you are, they still won't send it. I was taught
about it by a rabbi, who did so after all the Jews left."

" Jews do not write anything. They do not know anything. They are the
stupidest low life on Earth. All they do is sling two word insults at those
who despise them!"

"Albert Einstein was a genius and a thief at the same time. he was
married to Mileva Maric, a Serb, who was far greater
physicist than he ever was"

" I fought bravely and heroically in every war from WW2 to Viet Nam you
f*****g coward.I was a partisan in Serbia in 1937"..... (when he was nine
years old)

"I was there shithead, and knew dozens of Hungarian jews who
told me about the sellout. Hungarian jews are the only ones who had
Hungarian names. Arsehole Lantos, is one of the ZioNazis who survived!

We muslims not only have a code of morality, we have established
code of morality for the rest of the world!

But the best I saved for last:
"Every single word I have ever said was the truth!"


(Thanks, Tilly.)

"The Nizkor website (secretly financed by the ADL and other Jewish front
organizations) is behind it." (David Irving, whining about Google's
reminder of his disgrace.) The facts:

B'enjamin C'ramer

Nov 28, 2007, 5:00:22 AM11/28/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>> Statement of David Cole
>> Prepared January 2nd, 1998
> 9-year-old news is the best you can do?
>> This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite
>> willingly,
>> even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for the
>> widest possible distribution.
> Irv Rubin is dead, you know.

And just what the fuck does his demise have to do with the topic being
discussed, you stupid fat slag?

> -Sara
> [useless outdated drivel snipped]


Never a complaint about the jacobsOn turd, or the Oy Vey McFey faggot and
their penchant for posting "useless outdated drivel."

Such a hypocrite, you.


B'enjamin C'ramer

Nov 28, 2007, 5:01:39 AM11/28/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message

> ElParedon wrote:
>> "Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
>>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>>>> Statement of David Cole
>>>> Prepared January 2nd, 1998
>>> 9-year-old news is the best you can do?
>> You are quoting 1,000 year old news all the time, you bitch!
> Really? I can't remember EVER "quoting 1,000 year old news." Since I do it
> "all the time," you should have no problem with pointing out some specific
> examples.

All the yid shite you spray, you stupid fat slag. Its genesis was thousands
of years ago.

> It's also incredibly presumptuous of you to call me a bitch, since you
> have absolutely no idea who I am.

Yeah we do.

> Of course, please don't let facts get in the way of your hate-filled
> screeds.

Physician, heal thyself.

It's all a bit strange

Nov 28, 2007, 6:17:10 AM11/28/07
"B'enjamin C'ramer" <onlyt...@alltimes.yo> wrote in

> All the yid shite you spray, you stupid fat slag. Its genesis was
> thousands of years ago.

Translation: I'm completely fucked for an answer so I'll post another of my
ridiculous, disjointed, nonsensical pieces of shite.

Sara Salzman

Nov 28, 2007, 7:49:56 AM11/28/07

And maybe he can also explain what "TOPALESTINE" is.



Nov 28, 2007, 3:18:58 PM11/28/07
On Nov 27, 10:17 am, HHW <> wrote:
> Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues,

What "Palestine"? The portion that is now Israel, or the portion that
is now Jordan?

>a cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent.

Somebody needs to parse this.

>The JDL mentality remains a part of the problem.

A greater problem, at least for Humbert here, is his own mentality, or
lack thereof.

> I've looked at the Nizkor site

And is too thick to have understood it, obviously. A mind is a
terrible thing to lose.



Nov 28, 2007, 9:44:02 PM11/28/07
On Nov 27, 1:32 pm, "Kurt Knoll" <> wrote:
> "Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in

> > In article <jlZ2j.59774$cD.30731@pd7urf2no>,
> > Leading Revisionist Moron Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
> > of Kitimat and Great White Hope for Holocaust Denial,
> > <> wrote:
> >>Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
> >>your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.
> > Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll concedes the point: David Cole
> > lied.
> Who concedes what Kenneth you are a regular con artist and we all know it.
> Kurt Knoll

Have you ever been diagnosed as masochistic?

Kurt Knoll

Nov 28, 2007, 10:55:36 PM11/28/07

"HHW" <> wrote in message

How does one diagnose how honest you really are.

Kurt Knoll.

Nov 28, 2007, 11:08:42 PM11/28/07

On 28-Nov-2007, dsharavi <> wrote:

> On Nov 27, 10:17 am, HHW <> wrote:
> > Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues,
> What "Palestine"? The portion that is now Israel, or the portion that
> is now Jordan?

He won't even agree to that, much less the actual proportions thereof.

> >a cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent.
> Somebody needs to parse this.

I disagree - it's not like his lies can ever really make sense.

> >The JDL mentality remains a part of the problem.
> A greater problem, at least for Humbert here, is his own mentality, or
> lack thereof.
> > I've looked at the Nizkor site
> And is too thick to have understood it, obviously. A mind is a
> terrible thing to lose.

Or, in his case, to have missed out on ever receiving...



Nov 28, 2007, 11:49:45 PM11/28/07
On Nov 28, 9:55 pm, "Kurt Knoll" <> wrote:
> "HHW" <> wrote in message

It's obvious why you change the subject. Every time you hassle McVay
you take a beating. You keep coming back. Therefore, beatings must
provide you with some sort of perverse pleasure.


Nov 29, 2007, 12:06:22 AM11/29/07
On Nov 28, 2:18 pm, dsharavi <> wrote:
> On Nov 27, 10:17 am, HHW <> wrote:
> > Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues,
> What "Palestine"? The portion that is now Israel, or the portion that
> is now Jordan?
> >a cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent.
> Somebody needs to parse this.

You shouldn't copy words from me. I understand them and you often

> >The JDL mentality remains a part of the problem.
> A greater problem, at least for Humbert here, is his own mentality, or
> lack thereof.

No, Deb doesn't want to discuss the JDL. Or the post she pretends to
be responding to.

> > I've looked at the Nizkor site
> And is too thick to have understood it, obviously. A mind is a
> terrible thing to lose.

Actually, Deb, I was drawn straight to the Fallacy article at Nizkor
and demonstrated that the professor who had written it had erred. I
was kind enough to make the correction. I noted earlier that you have
not had anything to say about that little coup. Why shouldn't you want
to cross swords with me in matters of formal logic? A mind is a
wonderful thing to use, if you can'
> Deborah

It's all a bit strange

Nov 29, 2007, 12:22:18 AM11/29/07
"Kurt Knoll" <> wrote in news:YKq3j.65251$PE.24697

> How does one diagnose how honest you really are.

What does it matter to you? YOu wouldn't take the test.

Lie Detector, moron.


Nov 29, 2007, 12:58:27 AM11/29/07
On Nov 28, 10:08 pm, wrote:

> On 28-Nov-2007, dsharavi <> wrote:
> > On Nov 27, 10:17 am, HHW <> wrote:
> > > Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues,
> > What "Palestine"? The portion that is now Israel, or the portion that
> > is now Jordan?

You are such a simple child. How could you have missed the oppression?
It's been on the front pages of the Times and the Post nearly every
day for forty years. It was on MacNeil Lehrer every evening. Even
today every article identifies where the latest Palestinians are being
wounded, murdered or losing races with bulldozers. Recently snipers
shooting teen aged girls through windows at a hundred yards have been
hogging most of the neozionist glory. Do you think that's really
sporting!? I tend to question it. It seems as though macho IDF special
forces guys ought to have the cohones to shoot school girls from
closer up than that. It's the Francis McComber issue. The act ought to
be a heroic personal statement don't you think, not anonymous from a
hiding place a gridiron away. And besides, don't you also think the
girls, you know, just out of a sense of martial honor, ought to have
at least a chance to throw a stone in your conquering hero's direction
before their brains are spattered on adjacent walls?

> He won't even agree to that, much less the actual proportions thereof.

You both know what is meant today when Palestine is spoken of. You
both know what's at issue at the Naval Academy not too far from Silver
Spring. You're actually running some danger. You don't know what
George Bush has told the Israelis. You don't know how desperate he is
to salvage something of a reputation from under the rubble of his

> > >a cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent.
> > Somebody needs to parse this.
> I disagree - it's not like his lies can ever really make sense.

When are your handlers going to send in the first string instead of
the cheer leading squad?

> > >The JDL mentality remains a part of the problem.
> > A greater problem, at least for Humbert here, is his own mentality, or
> > lack thereof.

First an admission of an inability to parse Hunter's idea and then an
unidentified problem with his mentality. Nizkor is there for you two.
The fallacies article can really help. I'l help you sharpen up.

Kurt Knoll

Nov 29, 2007, 9:22:44 AM11/29/07

"HHW" <> wrote in message
I do not get a beating McVay is a born liar and he twists anything around
whatever someone posts. It is he wonder what other write. He does need a
good acid cleaning. But I doubt there is a acid strong enough to clean a guy
like him.
Kurt Knoll.


Nov 29, 2007, 12:21:09 PM11/29/07

Any educated person reading this post understands that you are semi-
literate. That's okay. There are more of you than us in this world.

Reading some of your other posts shows that you are among the most
primitive of racists.

When the two are combined it's clear you have no choice but to take
your beating from Mr. McVay so long as you stay in the business of
baiting him. Why don't you just stop it? By continuing it you are in
essence beating yourself.


Nov 29, 2007, 1:03:24 PM11/29/07
> > On Nov 27, 10:17 am, HHW <> wrote:
> > > Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues,

> > What "Palestine"? The portion that is now Israel, or the portion that
> > is now Jordan?

On Nov 28, 8:08 pm, wrote:
> He won't even agree to that, much less the actual proportions thereof.

As will all facts, Humbert will simply ignore it.

> > >a cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent.

> > Somebody needs to parse this.

> I disagree - it's not like his lies can ever really make sense.

Just by way of grammatical clarification. Everybody already knows
Kahane was a Betarnik, son of one of the more ardent tzyonim
ha'revitzyonistim, and an ur-hawk on Vietnam. (What I didn't know was
that he had a degree in international law. Takes all kinds, doesn't

> > >The JDL mentality remains a part of the problem.

> > A greater problem, at least for Humbert here, is his own mentality, or
> > lack thereof.

> > > I've looked at the Nizkor site

> > And is too thick to have understood it, obviously. A mind is a
> > terrible thing to lose.

> Or, in his case, to have missed out on ever receiving...
> Susan

Well, there's that too. Along with a demonstrable lack of even a
modicum of courage.



Nov 29, 2007, 1:13:04 PM11/29/07

"Doomdsay Cultist" <> wrote in message

> On Nov 27, 10:58 am, Sara Salzman <> wrote:
>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>> > Statement of David Cole
>> > Prepared January 2nd, 1998

>> > This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite
>> > willingly,
>> > even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League for
>> > the
>> > widest possible distribution.

>> Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.
> David Cole has to be careful, there are many other extremist Jewish
> terrorists out there.

Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?

> Dr. Franciszek Piper of the Auschwitz Museum explains
> changes made to the Auschwitz "gas chamber" to David Cole. "So after
> the liberation of the camp, the former gas chamber presented a view of
> [an] air [raid] shelter. In order to gain an earlier view ...earlier
> sight...of this object, the inside walls built in 1944 were removed
> and the openings in the ceiling were made anew. So now this gas
> chamber is very similar to this one which existed in 1941-1942, but
> not all details were made so there is no gas-tight doors, for
> instance, [and the] additional entrance from the east side rested
> [remained] as it was made in 1944. Such changes were made after the
> war in order to gain [the] earlier view of this object".
> David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (1992) Part 1 of 2 -Windows
> Media [39.49MB]
> David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (1992) Part 2 of 2 -
> Windows Media [47.35MB]
> transcript:
> Soap Story
> Also presented as fact was the story the Nazis made soap from the
> bodies of Jews. Let's examine this one a little more closely. Now the
> Soviets actually submitted supposed Jewish soap at the Nuremberg
> Trials. But today, Holocaust scholars like Raul Hilberg, Yehuda Bauer
> and Deborah Lipstadt agree that these accusations are groundless.
> Let's be more specific here. Simon Wiesenthal, perhaps one of the
> most recognizable names in the Holocaust arena, wrote in 1946 in a
> series of articles for an Austrian Jewish paper, about boxes of Jewish
> soap:
> On the boxes were the initials "R.I.F." ( pure Jewish fat). These
> boxes were destined for the Waffen-SS. The wrapping paper revealed
> with complete cynical objectively, that the soap was manufactured from
> Jewish bodies. The civilized world may not believe the joy with which
> the Nazis and their women and the general government thought of this
> soap.
> In each piece of soap they saw a Jew who had been magically put there
> and had thus been prevented from growing into a second Freud, Erlich
> or Einstein.
> How very fiendish! It's not hard to imagine such devilish behavior
> after decades of seeing two-dimensional Nazi villians in movies and on
> TV.
> The soap story has also been immortalized in William Shirer's best-
> selling Rise and Fall of the Third Reich as well as in countless other
> Holocaust articles, books and even school textbooks.
> But can we speak with such certainty about this incredible atrocity?
> Nowadays, those designated as Holocaust "experts" are as firm as
> Wiesenthal and Shirer regarding the soap story, except that they say
> it isn't true.
> In 1981, professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust expert
> Deborah Lipstadt wrote in a letter to the Los Angeles Times that
> the fact is, the Nazis never used the bodies of Jews, or for that
> matter, anyone else, for the production of soap. The soap rumor was
> prevalent both during and after the war. It may have had its origin in
> the cadaver factory atrocity story that came out of World War I. The
> soap rumor was thoroughly investigated after the war and proved to be
> untrue.
> Now that's pretty clear!
> And Shmuel Krakowski, Director of Archives of Israel's Yad Vashem
> Holocaust Center, confirmed in a Chicago Tribune article titled, "A
> Holocaust Belief Cleared Up" that:
> historians have concluded that soap was not made from human fat.
> Now I have a few reasonable questions: First, has anyone told Simon
> Wiesenthal that he's wrong? Secondly, if there was no soap made from
> Jews, then that means the Nuremberg "soap" and the testimony about
> "human soap" at Nuremberg is wrong. Third, Deborah Lipstadt speaks of
> a thorough investigation of the soap story and Shmuel Krakowski speaks
> of historians having concluded that the soap story is wrong.
> By speaking of a thorough investigation and a consensus by
> historians, Lipstadt and Krakowski are able to drop the soap story
> while at the same time affirming their faith in the soundness of
> establishment Holocaust history.
> But is that faith appropriate? Not only was the soap story not
> thoroughly investigated and refuted after the war but even today there
> is no consensus among historians and experts concerning the soap
> story.
> As recently as 1991 Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff was talking
> about having seen Jewish soap with his own eyes. And Dr. Piper? Well,
> he still supports the discredited soap story.
> Piper: There were such attempts as these using human flesh for soap in
> the other concentration camps, Stutthof in Gdansk [Danzig].
> Cole: So that was where it was done?
> Piper: There were made such attempts.
> As you can see, the Holocaust experts prove themselves hypocrites when
> they tell you there is no need to question the Holocaust story, that
> it has already been proven beyond question.
> And here I don't mean to suggest that the soap story is the only
> thing the experts are not in unison about. Far more importantly, even
> though they present a united front in support of the gas chamber
> concept, many of them realize there is little documentation for it.
> Gas Chamber Documentation
> Which brings us to the real myth of the Holocaust. The myth that the
> existence and use of homicidal "gas chambers" is well documented. In
> fact, the thing that really got me interested in this subject in the
> first place was the lack of documentation for gas chambers presented
> in the standard Holocaust work and the contradictions and guesswork
> inherent in the evidence that was presented.


Nov 29, 2007, 1:17:05 PM11/29/07

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

Of course when the interview was used to show the real Auschwitz and now the
Zionist propaganda (as Mr.. piper was expecting), Mr. Piper had to deny it.
But the truth is that David Cole didn't lie and the information Mr.. Piper
provided just shows that real Auschwitz is not how American Zionist Media
shows it to be.


Nov 29, 2007, 1:23:24 PM11/29/07

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message
> In article <jlZ2j.59774$cD.30731@pd7urf2no>,
> Leading Revisionist Moron Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
> of Kitimat and Great White Hope for Holocaust Denial,

> <> wrote:
>>Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
>>your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.
> Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll concedes the point: David Cole
> lied.

No, he didn't. He used the interview to show how Auschwitz really was,
without adding any of the Zionist propaganda. That intrigued Mr. Piper who
is used to Zionist propaganda and tried to explain himself by writing a
letter and trying to have it published. Besides Cole was the interviewer,
He asked questions. how can you lie asking questions, you can lie answering
them though.
Besides this issue was already beat to pulp in Polish media and that's
exactly what Mr. Piper said that he didn't like the context that his
interview was used in, That's all. I don't blame him because if he gave
interviews for such context he would quickly loose his job.

>>"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

>>> In article <6DX2j.37363$Xg.9676@trnddc06>,
>>> Roy Roger <> wrote:
>>>>If you are calling a 9 years old case as a molded Historical event, then
>>>>say you Jewish Sinners, what about the lies you Jewish Anti Christ
>>>>say about the false Holocaust. You keep reminded the world of this lie
>>>>after 60 years of you deception against the Christians masses.
>>> What "false Holocaust" might that be, bubba?

>>> --
>>> "A better idea: Russian, Chinese, Indian, Korean, French, and Pali
>>> nukes melting Israel into the sea." ("Chester Field," Leading
>>> Revisionist Scholar who appears to have forgotten his name.)
> --
> "Hate propaganda is an attack on the truth-seeking process itself.
> It is directed to subverting and undermining the search for truth."
> (David Matas, Bloody Speech, p. 37)
> The Nizkor Project:

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 29, 2007, 1:26:16 PM11/29/07
In article <MiD3j.3591$>,
Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow <> wrote:


>Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?

Please document this "planned violent protest," Leading Revisionist Liar

I'll wait.

In the meantime...

Leading Revisionist Scholar snow, it would be unfair, not to mention
inconsiderate, for anyone to label you as a liar without giving you
the opportunity to respond by supporting your specious assertions
with documentary evidence.

Question 1:

On July 25, 2007, you made two claims, to wit:

1. That no one was gassed at Auschwitz or Majdanek
2. That the "gas chamber in aushwitz were build by russians after the
so called liberation."

Please document your claims or retract them.

Question 2: On July 26, 2007, you wrote:

"I am still having a problem with the myth of gassing the jews."

Please support your assertion with documentary evidence that homocidal
gassings are a "myth."

Question 3:

On July 26, 2007, you claimed that, "jews come out with awards so they
could award other jews and it is all based on how much you paid and to
whom and actually has very little to do with achievements."

Please document these claims or retract them.

Question 4:

On July 29, 2007, you claimed, "...McVay in one of the threads stated
that 'if you question holocaust then you are automatically anti-Semite."

Please provide an exact Google Groups link to any article in which
I made such a statement.

Question 5:

In article <XEpri.55$>,

you wrote:

"In 1931 Stromberg v. California, the Jews defended Communists' free speech
rights. Six decades later, in R. v. Keegstra, the Jews sued to prevent the
teaching of an alternative to the Exterminationist theory known as
"Revisionism" -- and won."

Please provide documentary evidence that Mr. Keegstra was "sued by Jews" as
you claim, and show how the Supreme Court of Canada lied when it said:

Mr. James Keegstra was a high school teacher in Eckville,
Alberta, from the early 1970's until his dismissal in 1982.
In 1984, Mr. Keegstra was charged under s. 319(2) (then
281.2(2)) of the Criminal Code with unlawfully promoting
hatred against an identifiable group by communicating
anti-Semitic statements to his students. He was convicted by
a jury in a trial before McKenzie J. of the Alberta Court of
Queen's Bench.

Mr. Keegstra's teachings attributed various evil
qualities to Jews. He thus described Jews to his pupils as
''treacherous'', ''subversive'', ''sadistic'',
''money-loving'', ''power hungry'' and ''child killers''. He
taught his classes that Jewish people seek to destroy
Christianity and are responsible for depressions, anarchy,
chaos, wars and revolution. According to Mr. Keegstra, Jews
''created the Holocaust to gain sympathy'' and, in contrast
to the open and honest Christians, were said to be
deceptive, secretive and inherently evil. Mr. Keegstra
expected his students to reproduce his teachings in class
and on exams. If they failed to do so, their marks suffered.

Prior to his trial, Mr. Keegstra applied to the Court of
Queen's Bench in Alberta for an order quashing the charge on
a number of grounds, the primary one being that s. 319(2) of
the Criminal Code unjustifiably infringed his freedom of
expression as guaranteed by s. 2(b) of the Charter. Among
the other grounds of appeal was the allegation that the
defence of truth found in s. 319(3)(a) of the Code violates
the Charter's presumption of innocence. The application was
dismissed by Quigley J., and Mr. Keegstra was thereafter
tried and convicted. He then appealed his conviction to the
Alberta Court of Appeal, raising the same Charter issues.
The Court of Appeal unanimously accepted his argument, and
it is from this judgment that the Crown appeals.

The Attorneys-General of Canada, Quebec, Ontario,
Manitoba and New Brunswick, the Canadian Jewish Congress,
Interamicus, the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith,
Canada, and the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
(L.E.A.F.) have intervened in this appeal in support of the
Crown. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has
intervened in support of striking down the impugned

Question 6:

In article <FNpri.56$>, you wrote:

"Why is it that most if not all Holocaust supporting articles are written by
Jews or are sponsored by Jewish organization."

Please prove your claim by providing data which supports it. List all "Holocaust
supporting" articles and document the Jewish background of the authors.

Question 7:

On July 30, 2007, you wrote:

" was actually American Jews that sold iron and oil to Nazi
Germany by using Sweden as a proxy since American jews couldn't
deal directly with Nazi Germany.

"Sweden banks that financed it were run by Jews, as well as proxy
companies that were setup by jewish bank owners. Swedish people
didn't have a clue what was being done behind their backs."

Please document these assertions, naming the "American Jews"
involved and the Swedish banks that were "setup by Jewish bank

Question 8:

On July 31, 2007, you asked, "Why is it that most if not all Holocaust supporting
articles are written by Jews or are sponsored by Jewish organization."

Please provide the data upon which you based these assertions. Include a
comprehensive list of "Holocaust supporting articles <sic>" and their authors,
and show how each article is either written by a Jew or "sponsored by
Jewish organizations."

Question 9:

On August 1, 2007, you wrote, "[Wikipedia] is edited by members
who choose to exaggerate their own race or religion, and jews are
the forefront of such edits."

Please document your claims - particularly the one about the Jews
being in the "forefront of such edits."

Question 10:

On August 5, 2007, you wrote:

>Ken's website on Majdanek says 1.5 jews killed


>KEN IS LYING!!! to put the holocaust in the best light so people would
>associate the word HOLOCAUST with the JEWS and WW2 so then JEWS could cash
>in on HOLOCAUST by producing books, interviews, movies (all are tools of

Let's visit and see what we
find, shall we?

In, we find the Polish
Commission (not Nizkor) saying, "The Polish-Soviet Extraordinary
Commission finds that during the four years the Majdanek Extermination
Camp was in existence the Hitlerite butchers, on the direct orders of
their criminal government, exterminated by means of wholesale shooting
and wholesale asphyxiation in gas chambers of about one million five
hundred thousand persons-Soviet prisoners of war, prisoners of war of
the former Polish army, and civilians of different nationalities, such
as Poles, Frenchmen, Italians, Belgians, Netherlanders,
Czechs, Serbs, Greeks, Croatians and a vast number of Jews."

we find Snyder, who wrote "It is estimated that 1.5 million inmates
were gassed at Maidanek."

(Snyder does NOT, the assertions of Leading Revisionist Scholar snow
notwithstanding, claim that all the victims were Jewish - that is,
he is lying - again.)

The same archive cites Davidowitz (1,380,000 dead) and Sachar
(500,000 dead), while the IFZ is quoted as saying that 50,000 *Jews*
were murdered there.

The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust is then cited, in a piece on Majdanek written by
Lublin University's Zygmunt Mankowski, who wrote "close to 500,000 passed
through. Of those, according to current (1990) estimates, 360,000 died,
sixty percent from camp conditions, and forty percent from gassing, hanging,
or being shot."

Mankowski does not, contrary to your blather, claim that all the victims were Jews.

Now we get to the spot where NIZKOR says something, to wit:

"I suspect it may be impossible to determine the numbers, but this article
(EoH) struck me as reasonable, if for no other reason its mention of the
transport records and the trials, plus the bibliographic data. I'd
appreciate it if someone would check the earlier sources cited to determine
if any orignial source is offered, and get back to us."

>KEN IS LYING!!! to put the holocaust in the bet light so people would
>associate the word HOLOCAUST with the JEWS and WW2 so then JEWS could cash
>in on HOLOCAUST by producing books, interviews, movies (all are tools of

Please retract your lies, Leading Revisionist Scholar snow,
now tha they have been exposed.

Question 11:

In article <CiJwi.1032$>, on August 15,
2007, you authored an article which claimed, quote, "Kenneth McVay a
pedophile and a child molester who molested his own daughter..."

Please document when and where any of my children have
made such statements or admit you cannot.

Question 12:

In article <TlJwi.1033$>, posted on
August 15, 2007, you made the following allegation:

"NIZKOR's self appointed director Ken McVay involved in tax fraud."

Document your allegation that I am involved in tax fraud, or retract it.

If you believe that someone has committed such an offense, by all
means report to the federal authorites post haste. Not doing so is,
in and of itself, a crime.

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 29, 2007, 1:30:06 PM11/29/07
In article <zmD3j.3592$>,

Please document your assertion that Dr. Piper lied when he responded to Cole.
In particular, please document Cole's assertion about Dr. Piper's position,
and show that Piper lied when he discussed the restoration of the gas chamber
in question.

While we're waiting endlessly for your response, let's show folks what you're
all about, shall we, Cowardly Liar Snow?

Question 1:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

In article <XEpri.55$>,

you wrote:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Question 10:


Question 11:

Question 12:

"Wipe the smegam from your lips you Jew fag."
(Scott Bradbury, the Leading Revisionist Scholar
in Bellville, Texas)

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 29, 2007, 1:33:07 PM11/29/07
In article <ssD3j.3593$>,

Leading Revisionist Coward Snow <> wrote:

>"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message
>> In article <jlZ2j.59774$cD.30731@pd7urf2no>,
>> Leading Revisionist Moron Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
>> of Kitimat and Great White Hope for Holocaust Denial,
>> <> wrote:
>>>Hey Kenneth for the Jews you are a standard issue. Now wonder you call all
>>>your critics liars. And jet you are a master liar.
>> Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll concedes the point: David Cole
>> lied.

>No, he didn't. He used the interview to show how Auschwitz really was,

Yes, he did.
He lied about Dr. Piper's position.
He lied about the restoration of the gas chamber.

You lie, too, Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow, and then, when called on
your lies, you tuck your yellow tail between your spindly legs and run
back to the sewer you crawled out of.

Question 1:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

In article <XEpri.55$>,

you wrote:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Question 10:


Question 11:

Question 12:

"this mite hold with the uneducated fools but any man
with brains will see it full of holes" ("Irving Supporter,"
a Leading Revisionist Scholar)

Sara Salzman

Nov 29, 2007, 1:49:52 PM11/29/07
Snow wrote:
> "Doomdsay Cultist" <> wrote in message
>> On Nov 27, 10:58 am, Sara Salzman <> wrote:
>>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>>> > Statement of David Cole
>>> > Prepared January 2nd, 1998
>>> > This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite >
>>> willingly,
>>> > even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League
>>> for > the
>>> > widest possible distribution.
>>> Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.
>> David Cole has to be careful, there are many other extremist Jewish
>> terrorists out there.
> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?

First, it would be considered a lie. No "violent protest" was ever
planned by anyone. It existed only in David Irving's paranoid imagination.

Second, I don't know of any country that would let you have a permit for
a "violent protest."

Third, in America, I have a First Amendment right to speak out against
morons like David Irving, and to do so publicly.

The only crime that took place was Mr. Irving's sale of his books and
memorabilia without paying legitimate taxes, and the income he illegally
earns in the US (violating his visa regulations). Oh, and his admission
that he "hacked a keyhole" into my home computer, a violation of Federal

So sorry to disappoint you. When you find proof (other than the spewings
of an admitted criminal), please let us know.


Kurt Knoll

Nov 29, 2007, 1:54:49 PM11/29/07

"HHW" <> wrote in message
For you I am primitive. For most of the world you are outright crooked you
are selling a product and force others to believe it.. I myself have never
seen you kind as honest. Or do you believe you can force the whole world to
trust you. Clean up your act.

Kurt Knoll.

Sara Salzman

Nov 29, 2007, 1:57:14 PM11/29/07
Kenneth McVay OBC wrote:
> In article <MiD3j.3591$>,
> Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow <> wrote:
> [...]
>> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?
> Please document this "planned violent protest," Leading Revisionist Liar
> Snow.
> I'll wait.

You'll be waiting a rather long time, Ken.

The only person who ever claimed there was anything "violent" in wanting
to protest Mr. Irving's polluting Denver with his presence was ... wait
for it ... David Irving!

The same David Irving who admitted to the commission of a felony when he
bragged about "hacking a keyhole" into my computer.

The same David Irving who claimed to have seen me at a University of
Colorado at Boulder hate-fest when I was over 100 miles away.

The same loony, deluded, paranoid David Irving.



Nov 29, 2007, 2:31:02 PM11/29/07


>For most of the world you are outright crooked

So, I'm such a powerful personality that you believe the whole world
is reading me? Very heady stuff, Mr. Knoll. Would that they were.
Neverthess all but a few hundred are too busy with their private
lives. I'm much less a cypher than you but a cypher nonetheless, a
grain of sand on that endless beach of humanity. Accordingly, and I
hope you follow the logic, we must conclude that you make it up as you
go along.

> are selling a product and force others to believe it.

The wages of charisma are everlasting fame. Thank you from the bottom
of my heart. But I'm powerless over the minds of others. AIPAC,
however, .......

> I myself have never
> seen you kind as honest.

It is usually difficult for men with closed minds to make such
judgments. "Deborah" a similar problem. In your case the default
settings are fixed in concrete at the warm body level. Theoretically
you might do something about it, but theory doesn't speak to the
situation of individuals very effectively. I don't hold out much hope
for you. Forgive me for being frank.

Or do you believe you can force the whole world to
> trust you.

It hadn't occurred to me. Sorry.

>Clean up your act.

History and international relations is not an act. You might wish to
discuss thespianismo with Susan. She's experienced in the field on a
highly spiritual level.

> Kurt Knoll.

Are you the chief revisionist historian of Kitimat, B.C?! I have
certainly heard of you. How are the archives up in Kitimat?


Nov 29, 2007, 2:59:03 PM11/29/07
On Nov 28, 11:58 pm, HHW <> wrote:
> On Nov 28, 10:08 pm, wrote:
> > On 28-Nov-2007, dsharavi <> wrote:
> > > On Nov 27, 10:17 am, HHW <> wrote:
> > > > Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues,
> > > >a cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent.
> > > Somebody needs to parse this.

> > > >The JDL mentality remains a part of the problem.

The NYT from 1994 can help:


Published: March 14, 1994

The Israeli Government today outlawed two radical Jewish groups rooted
in the Arab-hating doctrine of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, branding
them terrorist organizations on a par with Islamic militants like

It was a Kahane disciple, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who massacred at least
29 Muslims at prayer in a Hebron mosque on Feb. 25, turning the
territories into a seething caldron and halting the Israeli-
Palestinian peace talks.

Relying on antiterrorist laws that for decades had been used only
against Arabs and not Jews, the Government made it illegal to belong
to Kach or Kahane Chai, the groups spawned by Kahane, or to any
organization with similar goals. Any group whose objectives include
"the establishment of a theocracy in the biblical Land of Israel and
the violent expulsion of Arabs from that land" was specifically
labeled "terrorist." Threats of Civil War

Kahane Chai is a dominant force in Kfar Tapua, this West Bank
settlement, and some leaders have already been jailed under the
tougher Government stance toward militant settlers that has evolved
since the massacre.

Those who remain free proclaimed their defiance today, vowing to go
underground and even to wage civil war to resist Government peace
policies that they say threaten the existence of Israel.

"This small, extreme left-wing Government is trying to change this
from a Jewish state," said David Axelrod, a Kahane Chai spokesman, who
was arrested last week after defying an order to turn in his army-
issue rifle. He was released after several days, and his weapon was

"They're paving the way for a bloody civil war," Mr. Axelrod said.

Another Kfar Tapua leader, Moshe Belogorodsky, said: "The Government
in essence declared war on a large part of its citizens. God willing,
there will be a revolution and another Government." Unanimous Vote in

The ban was approved unanimously today by the Cabinet of Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The Government also affirmed its "commitment
to promote maximum security" for Israelis and Palestinians and to "act
with its full authority to prevent a recurrence of any acts of

Hundreds of Kach and Kahane Chai followers may be imprisoned, though
it is not clear how many or when.

The Cabinet also made it a crime to give the groups financial or
verbal support -- or even, according to one legal interpretation, to
wear a T-shirt emblazoned with their symbol, a clenched fist against a
Star of David. Meeting places may be shut down and property
confiscated from.

Kach, whose name means "thus" or "this is the way" in Hebrew, is the
original Kahane group here; Kahane Chai, or Kahane Lives, is a rival
born after the rabbi was assassinated in New York City in 1990.

The policy did not say if militants from abroad would be denied entry
into Israel. But some officials and members of Parliament have
discussed a change in the Law of Return to exclude Jews deemed to be
racists. With few exceptions, like security or health risks, the 1950
law gives every Jew the right to resettle in Israel. Slow to React at

Officials said tonight that they were drawing up orders for the police
to put the new policy into operation, recognizing that they were under
pressure to act decisively. There was widespread criticism after the
slayings at the mosque that officials had not vigorously carried out
promised crackdowns against violent Israeli settlers.

After Dr. Goldstein's rampage, the Government ordered that 5 Kach and
Kahane Chai leaders be arrested and that 18 others be disarmed and
their movements limited. But it took more than a week to arrest four
of those ordered to jail, and the fifth, Baruch Marzel, the Kach
leader, is still free, mocking the authorities by turning up
repeatedly for news interviews.

The campaign to strip settlers of their weapons was similarly slow-
moving. It took until today, nearly two weeks after the directive went
out, for the authorities to catch one Kfar Tapua resident on the list,
Lenny Goldberg.

In Jerusalem, officials acknowledged that they must look more
aggressive this time. Mr. Rabin is to leave for Washington on Monday,
and the Cabinet decision will make it easier "to prove that this
Government is taking every possible measure against extremists on both
sides," a senior official said.

But pleasing Washington was not uppermost, the official said, noting
that right after the massacre, ministers had begun to say that a
thorough crackdown on the Kahane groups was long overdue.

"Only a few years ago, I thought that maybe it would not be necessary
to outlaw Kach, because Israeli democracy should make the effort to
let that despicable thing called Kach stay alive," Environment
Minister Yossi Sarid said. "I was wrong, as were others. Now it may be
late, but not too late."

There was no immediate reaction from the Palestine Liberation
Organization in Tunis, but local Palestinians welcomed the Cabinet
action. They added that much depends on how it is implemented.

Hanan Ashrawi, the former Palestinian spokeswoman at the peace talks,
said she doubted that "this will be enough to get the P.L.O. back to
the negotiation table," because the organization is demanding much
more in the way of protection for Palestinians and the disarming of
Israeli settlers.

Within Israel, strong objections to the anti-Kahane strategy came from
politicians on the extreme right and from the main settlers' group,
which distanced itself from Kach and Kahane Chai but said it was "an
arrogant and dangerous double standard" for the Government to call
them terrorist groups while negotiating with "a virulent terrorist
organization, the P.L.O."

But more mainstream rightist figures applauded the move. Former Prime
Minister Yitzhak Shamir, for example, said it was necessary to rein in
groups that are "not normal."

Decades ago, Mr. Shamir was himself the target of the Prevention of
Terrorism Act, which was passed by the new Israeli state in 1948. At
the time, Mr. Shamir was a leader of Lehi, the militant group known as
the Stern Gang, which had fought against British control of Palestine.

After the murder of Count Folke Bernadotte, a United Nations mediator,
in September 1948, Israel outlawed Lehi and another group, the
National Front, and ordered members rounded up. More than 200 people
were arrested but Mr. Shamir eluded capture. Earlier Counter-Kahane

The 1948 law was also used against Jewish extremists in the 1950's.
But Moshe Negbi, a law professor and a legal commentator here, said
that since then, the targets had been solely Arab groups vehemently
opposed to peace talks.

This is not the first attempt to control the Kahane disciples. After
the rabbi won a Parliament seat in 1984, Kach was declared racist and
ineligible to run in 1988, a position enforced again in 1992.
Individual Kach and Kahane Chai leaders have been arrested many times.
But the blanket condemnation of them as terrorists shifts the
Government's battle onto unfamiliar terrain.

Leaders of both groups pledged to appeal to the courts, and variously
called the Government tactics Bolshevik, fascist, totalitarian and a
witch hunt that represents capitulation to world pressure.

"The organization will continue because the Jewish idea cannot be
stopped," said Avisahi Raviv, a Kach leader. "Our bodies may be
stoppable but not out souls."

At Kahane Chai offices in Jerusalem, Shmuel Ben-Yaacov, originally
from Far Rockaway, L.I., warned: "When you push people against the
wall, it's a very dangerous thing to do. There's a little Baruch
Goldstein in every single Jew in Israel."

Demonstration in Manhattan
About 50 chanting, placard-carrying followers of Kahane Chai staged a
one-hour demonstration yesterday outside the Israeli Consulate in
Manhattan to protest the Cabinet's crackdown on Jewish extremist
groups and the arrest in Israel last week of Kahane Chai's leader,
Binyamin Zeev Kahane, son of the rabbi.

"We protest the measures taken in Israel against our people as part of
an obscene, anti-democratic, anti-Jewish witch hunt that will backfire
in the face of Yitzhak Rabin," said Mike Guzofsky, associate director
of the United States branch of Kahane Chai, which is based in

Mr. Guzofsky said the ban on the movements, which he said had 10,000
adherents in the United States, would not prevent emigration to Israel
by followers of the groups.


Nov 29, 2007, 3:04:15 PM11/29/07
On Nov 29, 12:03 pm, dsharavi <> wrote:
> > > On Nov 27, 10:17 am, HHW <> wrote:
> > > > Yes, but more particularly the oppression in Palestine continues,
> > > What "Palestine"? The portion that is now Israel, or the portion that
> > > is now Jordan?
> On Nov 28, 8:08 pm, wrote:
> > He won't even agree to that, much less the actual proportions thereof.
> As will all facts, Humbert will simply ignore it.
> > > >a cause of which JDL founder Kahane was a great exponent.
> > > Somebody needs to parse this.
> > I disagree - it's not like his lies can ever really make sense.
> Just by way of grammatical clarification. Everybody already knows
> Kahane was a Betarnik, son of one of the more ardent tzyonim
> ha'revitzyonistim, and an ur-hawk on Vietnam. (What I didn't know was
> that he had a degree in international law. Takes all kinds, doesn't
> it?)

It does not speak well of Kahane that he had a law degree much less a
specialization in International Law.

> > > >The JDL mentality remains a part of the problem.

> > > A greater problem, at least for Humbert here, is his own mentality, or
> > > lack thereof.

But I've just given you the "mentality" of the New York Times on this
very subject.


Nov 29, 2007, 3:05:16 PM11/29/07
On Nov 29, 12:13 pm, "Snow" <> wrote:
> "Doomdsay Cultist" <> wrote in message

Be so kind as to post something about these activities.


Nov 29, 2007, 3:44:50 PM11/29/07
In article <ssD3j.3593$>,
Snow <> wrote:


In a report submitted to Himmler in May 1943, SS
Sturmbannfuehrer Franke-Gricksch wrote that so far 500,000
Jews have been murdered in Auschwitz. The entire report
can be found, e.g., in "Hitler and the Final Solution",
G. Fleming, University of California Press 1984, p. 142-143.

The camp continued to operate until January 1945, and
altogether about 1.3 million people were murdered in it.

A sample of documents about the murder machinery in
Auschwitz, as well as some photographs, can be seen at

A study of the cyanide compounds in the Auschwitz gas
chambers can be found in


Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 29, 2007, 6:14:30 PM11/29/07
In article <>,

Sara Salzman <> wrote:
>Kenneth McVay OBC wrote:
>> In article <MiD3j.3591$>,
>> Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow <> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>>> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>>> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?
>> Please document this "planned violent protest," Leading Revisionist Liar
>> Snow.
>> I'll wait.
>You'll be waiting a rather long time, Ken.
>The only person who ever claimed there was anything "violent" in wanting
>to protest Mr. Irving's polluting Denver with his presence was ... wait
>for it ... David Irving!
>The same David Irving who admitted to the commission of a felony when he
>bragged about "hacking a keyhole" into my computer.
>The same David Irving who claimed to have seen me at a University of
>Colorado at Boulder hate-fest when I was over 100 miles away.
>The same loony, deluded, paranoid David Irving.

Gosh, Sara, do you mean to say that Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow,
the Connecticut Coward, was LYING again?

Who knew?


Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 29, 2007, 6:17:25 PM11/29/07
In article <ZVD3j.69233$PE.44995@pd7urf1no>,

Leading Revisionist Moron Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot of
Kitimat, <> wrote:

>>> > It's obvious why you change the subject. Every time you hassle McVay

>>> > you take a beating. You keep coming back. Therefore, beatings must
>>> > provide you with some sort of perverse pleasure.

>>> I do not get a beating McVay is a born liar and he twists anything around
>>> whatever someone posts. It is he wonder what other write. He does need a
>>> good acid cleaning. But I doubt there is a acid strong enough to clean a
>>> guy like him.

>> Any educated person reading this post understands that you are semi-

>> literate. That's okay. There are more of you than us in this world.

>> Reading some of your other posts shows that you are among the most
>> primitive of racists.

>> When the two are combined it's clear you have no choice but to take
>> your beating from Mr. McVay so long as you stay in the business of
>> baiting him. Why don't you just stop it? By continuing it you are in
>> essence beating yourself.

>For you I am primitive. For most of the world you are outright crooked you
>are selling a product and force others to believe it.. I myself have never
>seen you kind as honest. Or do you believe you can force the whole world to
>trust you. Clean up your act.

And yet it is clear that Leading Revisionist Scholar Knoll, the Dumbest
Man Ever to Post on UseNet, and Leading Intellectual Light of
Holocaust Denial, has *not* been forced to believe anything.

Gosh, there's a shocker - poor old Knollie's lying - again.

(His tribe is really, REALLY stupid.)

"My name is not 'Fatbury Scumbag' you stupid lying Jew bastard. Name
call is all a pathetic loser like you has! You have yet to prove me
wrong you dirty filthy lying Jew bastard!" (Scott Bradbury, The Leading
Revisionist Scholar of Bellville, Texas)

Sara Salzman

Nov 29, 2007, 6:34:33 PM11/29/07
Shocking, isn't it?
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

B'enjamin C'ramer

Nov 29, 2007, 8:06:34 PM11/29/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message

> Kenneth McVay OBC wrote:
>> In article <MiD3j.3591$>,
>> Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow <> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>>> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>>> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?
>> Please document this "planned violent protest," Leading Revisionist Liar
>> Snow.
>> I'll wait.
> You'll be waiting a rather long time, Ken.
> The only person who ever claimed there was anything "violent" in wanting
> to protest Mr. Irving's polluting Denver with his presence was ... wait
> for it ... David Irving!

More diversionary tactics evident from the stupid, lying fat slag.

> The same David Irving who admitted to the commission of a felony when he
> bragged about "hacking a keyhole" into my computer.

So you claim.

> The same David Irving who claimed to have seen me at a University of
> Colorado at Boulder hate-fest when I was over 100 miles away.

So you claim.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

B'enjamin C'ramer

Nov 29, 2007, 8:08:04 PM11/29/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message

> Snow wrote:
>> "Doomdsay Cultist" <> wrote in message
>>> On Nov 27, 10:58 am, Sara Salzman <> wrote:
>>>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>>>> > Statement of David Cole
>>>> > Prepared January 2nd, 1998
>>>> > This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite >
>>>> willingly,
>>>> > even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League
>>>> for > the
>>>> > widest possible distribution.
>>>> Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.
>>> David Cole has to be careful, there are many other extremist Jewish
>>> terrorists out there.
>> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?
> First, it would be considered a lie. No "violent protest" was ever planned
> by anyone. It existed only in David Irving's paranoid imagination.
> Second, I don't know of any country that would let you have a permit for a
> "violent protest."
> Third, in America, I have a First Amendment right to speak out against
> morons like David Irving, and to do so publicly.

Great stuff. Yet you don't allow him the same privilege. How very convenient
for you yid turds.

> The only crime that took place was Mr. Irving's sale of his books and
> memorabilia without paying legitimate taxes, and the income he illegally
> earns in the US (violating his visa regulations). Oh, and his admission
> that he "hacked a keyhole" into my home computer, a violation of Federal
> law.
> So sorry to disappoint you. When you find proof (other than the spewings
> of an admitted criminal), please let us know.

Why do you never rail against mcFey for his criminal activities, fat slag?

It's all a bit strange

Nov 29, 2007, 8:11:36 PM11/29/07
"B'enjamin C'ramer" <onlyt...@alltimes.yo> wrote in

>> Third, in America, I have a First Amendment right to speak out
>> against morons like David Irving, and to do so publicly.
> Great stuff. Yet you don't allow him the same privilege. How very
> convenient for you yid turds

If David Irving wants to speak out about David Irving, there is nothing
stopping him.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Kurt Knoll

Nov 29, 2007, 9:18:21 PM11/29/07

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

Where is your proof and no phoney makeup Kenneth
Kurt Knoll.

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 29, 2007, 9:50:49 PM11/29/07
In article <NpK3j.2508$UQ1.1490@pd7urf1no>,

has accused someone of being a crook, but has failed to present a shred of
evidence to support his allegation.

He has also asserted that he (and "others") has been "forced to believe it," in spite of
the fact that he, himself, the Leading Intellectual Light of the Holocaust Denial
movement, does NOT "believe it."

His tribe is really, REALLY stupid.

Too stupid, in fact, to comprehend how stupid it is:

23 Statements Qualifying Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and the Intellectual Giant of Holocaust Denial
as a complete ignoramus:

1. "Go and read what Professor Faurisson has to say about dissecting the
Holocaust. Could it be this was the reason why he was Assassinated
twice." <, Mar. 18, 2002>

2. "Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail Bu you people
did hang him after that." <XJmWi.167371$th2.47480@pd7urf3no, Nov. 1,

3. "No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"

4. "No wonder years after the war was over he found some more
diaries of Ann Frank and she did not know about it."

5. "By refinishion you i mean you on their side definetly you
opinons are."

6. "People want to know all the facts whatever they are true
or not."

7. "We all know it but they will have us believe they have
absolutely no influence on governments. Not believing it
would be anti emetic."

8. "Rumours also has it the letter was written on an unknown
typewriter in about 1950 but the letter was send to the state
department about in 1940."

9. "Listen guy. Your holocuast industries is clear. For
another trik and I'll hold my scrotum in my mouth for as
long as it taks."

10. "If the holocaust critics are stupid it is because Jews
are at times outright corrupt. What is it really you do want
them to believe."

11. "Well the con you documents a single that I originated.
Give me the date of the posting and the title."
<QCoYi.187911$th2.45844@pd7urf3no> Nov. 7, 2007

12. "Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against you."

13. "I am not stressed out since I can analyze your holohoax
in my urine."

14. "When I wend and stuck my penis in my ear, I know that I am right!"

15. "How do you do fact finding if you do not want to know anything."
<pAnZi.196469$Da.33718@pd7urf1no> Nov. 10, 2007

16. "Looking who things proceed today is no longer what is right
or wrong but one side are you on."

17. "Perhaps if you could tell the truth others would not as all the questions."

18. "Hey Tony will there ever be a time when you can reply in
blain English." <rv3_i.204625$1y4.122967@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 12, 2007

19. "No, the holocaust is not about history it is about a Ukrainian Sausage!"

20. "What's now as a cut and con artist you can not supply a honest posting
showing the time and day including the heating of the posting so I can check
it out a Google. <Jzw_i.208780$1y4.3268@pd7urf2no>,

21. "Studying the area is alright me questing therefore is studied by whom."
<KDx%i.4499$fD.2919@pd7urf3no> Nov. 17, 2007

22. "You are calling other that ask questions about the holocaust despicable.
I suggest you take a very good look at yourself. What you have is false bride
and nothing else." <i7a2j.42234$cD.7412@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 25, 2007

23. "No Tony the procedure used by you holohoaxers has always be the same.
And this is search and destruct anyone that is in your hollow way."
<RDG2j.51805$cD.38600@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 26, 2007

"Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail But you
people did hang him after that"
(Kurt Knoll, Kitimat, B.C.'s Leading Revisionist Moron)
The Nizkor Project:

Kurt Knoll

Nov 29, 2007, 11:30:49 PM11/29/07
As anyone can see con artist Kenneth McVay is at work again. Will there ever
be a time when he is truthfully about something. I do believe he does not
what being truthfully means.
Kurt Knoll.

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

It's all a bit strange

Nov 30, 2007, 12:09:12 AM11/30/07
"Kurt Knoll" <> wrote in

> As anyone can see con artist Kenneth McVay is at work again. Will
> there ever be a time when he is truthfully about something. I do
> believe he does not what being truthfully means.

It's obvious that you can't recognize truthfulness because you have never
been truthful. You are a coward. It's just a shame that you aren't about 6
years older...maybe Germany would have lost just that much quicker.

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 30, 2007, 2:18:07 AM11/30/07
In article <ZlM3j.74759$cD.38981@pd7urf2no>,
Leading Revisionist Ignoramus Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot

of Kitimat, <> wrote:
>As anyone can see con artist Kenneth McVay is at work again. Will there ever
>be a time when he is truthfully about something. I do believe he does not
>what being truthfully means.

Here is a 100% "truthfully something." Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll wrote
these words:

The Nizkor Project:

Now that I'm older, here's what I've discovered: I started out
with nothing; I still have most of it.

Kurt Knoll

Nov 30, 2007, 9:22:53 AM11/30/07
The statement you post here are worth nothing. As a cut and past artist you
are well know to most of us. You are posting on bc.general why do we get
your crab at alt.revisionism

Kurt Knoll.

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 30, 2007, 11:09:40 AM11/30/07
In article <11V3j.77876$cD.50757@pd7urf2no>,

Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll <> wrote:

>The statement you post here are worth nothing. As a cut and past artist you
>are well know to most of us. You are posting on bc.general why do we get
>your crab at alt.revisionism

Is Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot of Kitimat,
denying that these are his statements? (Hint: No, he is not.)

(His tribe is really, REALLY stupid.)

I do not have a crab, Mr. Knoll :-)

"You Jewish witches sure are a crazy ditzy bunch of swine!"
(Scott Bradbury, the Leading Revisionist Scholar of
Bellville, Texas)


Nov 30, 2007, 6:58:02 PM11/30/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
> Kenneth McVay OBC wrote:
>> In article <MiD3j.3591$>,
>> Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow <> wrote:
>> [...]

>>> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>>> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>>> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?

>> Please document this "planned violent protest," Leading Revisionist Liar
>> Snow.
>> I'll wait.
> You'll be waiting a rather long time, Ken.
> The only person who ever claimed there was anything "violent" in wanting
> to protest Mr. Irving's polluting Denver with his presence was ... wait
> for it ... David Irving!

> The same David Irving who admitted to the commission of a felony when he
> bragged about "hacking a keyhole" into my computer.

> The same David Irving who claimed to have seen me at a University of
> Colorado at Boulder hate-fest when I was over 100 miles away.

> The same loony, deluded, paranoid David Irving. (same as Ken McVay
> -Sara

Exactly, that is the event I am talking about, you planned to disrupt an
event and you were the organizer. I see McVay is playing dumb above, making
me document the event when you just did document it.

>> In the meantime...
>> Leading Revisionist Scholar snow, it would be unfair, not to mention
>> inconsiderate, for anyone to label you as a liar without giving you
>> the opportunity to respond by supporting your specious assertions
>> with documentary evidence.
>> Question 1:
>> On July 25, 2007, you made two claims, to wit:
>> 1. That no one was gassed at Auschwitz or Majdanek
>> 2. That the "gas chamber in aushwitz were build by russians after the
>> so called liberation."
>> Please document your claims or retract them.
>> Question 2: On July 26, 2007, you wrote:
>> "I am still having a problem with the myth of gassing the jews."
>> Please support your assertion with documentary evidence that homocidal
>> gassings are a "myth."
>> Question 3:
>> On July 26, 2007, you claimed that, "jews come out with awards so they
>> could award other jews and it is all based on how much you paid and to
>> whom and actually has very little to do with achievements."
>> Please document these claims or retract them.
>> Question 4:
>> On July 29, 2007, you claimed, "...McVay in one of the threads stated
>> that 'if you question holocaust then you are automatically anti-Semite."
>> Please provide an exact Google Groups link to any article in which
>> I made such a statement.
>> Question 5:
>> In article <XEpri.55$>,
>> you wrote:
>> "In 1931 Stromberg v. California, the Jews defended Communists' free
>> speech
>> rights. Six decades later, in R. v. Keegstra, the Jews sued to prevent
>> the
>> teaching of an alternative to the Exterminationist theory known as
>> "Revisionism" -- and won."
>> Please provide documentary evidence that Mr. Keegstra was "sued by Jews"
>> as
>> you claim, and show how the Supreme Court of Canada lied when it said:
>> Mr. James Keegstra was a high school teacher in Eckville, Alberta,
>> from the early 1970's until his dismissal in 1982. In 1984, Mr. Keegstra
>> was charged under s. 319(2) (then 281.2(2)) of the Criminal Code with
>> unlawfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group by
>> communicating anti-Semitic statements to his students. He was convicted
>> by a jury in a trial before McKenzie J. of the Alberta Court of Queen's
>> Bench.
>> Mr. Keegstra's teachings attributed various evil qualities to Jews.
>> He thus described Jews to his pupils as ''treacherous'', ''subversive'',
>> ''sadistic'', ''money-loving'', ''power hungry'' and ''child killers''.
>> He taught his classes that Jewish people seek to destroy Christianity
>> and are responsible for depressions, anarchy, chaos, wars and
>> revolution. According to Mr. Keegstra, Jews ''created the Holocaust to
>> gain sympathy'' and, in contrast to the open and honest Christians, were
>> said to be deceptive, secretive and inherently evil. Mr. Keegstra
>> expected his students to reproduce his teachings in class and on exams.
>> If they failed to do so, their marks suffered.
>> Prior to his trial, Mr. Keegstra applied to the Court of Queen's
>> Bench in Alberta for an order quashing the charge on a number of
>> grounds, the primary one being that s. 319(2) of the Criminal Code
>> unjustifiably infringed his freedom of expression as guaranteed by s.
>> 2(b) of the Charter. Among the other grounds of appeal was the
>> allegation that the defence of truth found in s. 319(3)(a) of the Code
>> violates the Charter's presumption of innocence. The application was
>> dismissed by Quigley J., and Mr. Keegstra was thereafter tried and
>> convicted. He then appealed his conviction to the Alberta Court of
>> Appeal, raising the same Charter issues. The Court of Appeal unanimously
>> accepted his argument, and it is from this judgment that the Crown
>> appeals.
>> The Attorneys-General of Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and New
>> Brunswick, the Canadian Jewish Congress, Interamicus, the League for
>> Human Rights of B'nai Brith, Canada, and the Women's Legal Education and
>> Action Fund (L.E.A.F.) have intervened in this appeal in support of the
>> Crown. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has intervened in
>> support of striking down the impugned legislation.
>> Question 6:
>> In article <FNpri.56$>, you wrote:
>> "Why is it that most if not all Holocaust supporting articles are written
>> by
>> Jews or are sponsored by Jewish organization."
>> Please prove your claim by providing data which supports it. List all
>> "Holocaust
>> supporting" articles and document the Jewish background of the authors.
>> Question 7:
>> On July 30, 2007, you wrote:
>> " was actually American Jews that sold iron and oil to Nazi
>> Germany by using Sweden as a proxy since American jews couldn't
>> deal directly with Nazi Germany.
>> "Sweden banks that financed it were run by Jews, as well as proxy
>> companies that were setup by jewish bank owners. Swedish people
>> didn't have a clue what was being done behind their backs."
>> Please document these assertions, naming the "American Jews"
>> involved and the Swedish banks that were "setup by Jewish bank
>> owners."
>> Question 8:
>> On July 31, 2007, you asked, "Why is it that most if not all Holocaust
>> supporting
>> articles are written by Jews or are sponsored by Jewish organization."
>> Please provide the data upon which you based these assertions. Include a
>> comprehensive list of "Holocaust supporting articles <sic>" and their
>> authors,
>> and show how each article is either written by a Jew or "sponsored by
>> Jewish organizations."
>> Question 9:
>> On August 1, 2007, you wrote, "[Wikipedia] is edited by members
>> who choose to exaggerate their own race or religion, and jews are
>> the forefront of such edits."
>> Please document your claims - particularly the one about the Jews
>> being in the "forefront of such edits."
>> Question 10:
>> On August 5, 2007, you wrote:
>>> Ken's website on Majdanek says 1.5 jews killed
>> ...and...
>>> KEN IS LYING!!! to put the holocaust in the best light so people would
>>> associate the word HOLOCAUST with the JEWS and WW2 so then JEWS could
>>> cash
>>> in on HOLOCAUST by producing books, interviews, movies (all are tools of
>>> propaganda)
>> Let's visit and see what we
>> find, shall we?
>> In, we find
>> the Polish
>> Commission (not Nizkor) saying, "The Polish-Soviet Extraordinary
>> Commission finds that during the four years the Majdanek Extermination
>> Camp was in existence the Hitlerite butchers, on the direct orders of
>> their criminal government, exterminated by means of wholesale shooting
>> and wholesale asphyxiation in gas chambers of about one million five
>> hundred thousand persons-Soviet prisoners of war, prisoners of war of the
>> former Polish army, and civilians of different nationalities, such as
>> Poles, Frenchmen, Italians, Belgians, Netherlanders,
>> Czechs, Serbs, Greeks, Croatians and a vast number of Jews."
>> In
>> we find Snyder, who wrote "It is estimated that 1.5 million inmates were
>> gassed at Maidanek."
>> (Snyder does NOT, the assertions of Leading Revisionist Scholar snow
>> notwithstanding, claim that all the victims were Jewish - that is,
>> he is lying - again.)
>> The same archive cites Davidowitz (1,380,000 dead) and Sachar (500,000
>> dead), while the IFZ is quoted as saying that 50,000 *Jews* were murdered
>> there.
>> The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust is then cited, in a piece on Majdanek
>> written by
>> Lublin University's Zygmunt Mankowski, who wrote "close to 500,000 passed
>> through. Of those, according to current (1990) estimates, 360,000 died,
>> sixty percent from camp conditions, and forty percent from gassing,
>> hanging,
>> or being shot."
>> Mankowski does not, contrary to your blather, claim that all the victims
>> were Jews.
>> Now we get to the spot where NIZKOR says something, to wit:
>> "I suspect it may be impossible to determine the numbers, but this
>> article
>> (EoH) struck me as reasonable, if for no other reason its mention of the
>> transport records and the trials, plus the bibliographic data. I'd
>> appreciate it if someone would check the earlier sources cited to
>> determine
>> if any orignial source is offered, and get back to us."
>>> KEN IS LYING!!! to put the holocaust in the bet light so people would
>>> associate the word HOLOCAUST with the JEWS and WW2 so then JEWS could
>>> cash
>>> in on HOLOCAUST by producing books, interviews, movies (all are tools of
>>> propaganda)
>> Please retract your lies, Leading Revisionist Scholar snow,
>> now tha they have been exposed.
>> Question 11:
>> In article <CiJwi.1032$>, on August 15,
>> 2007, you authored an article which claimed, quote, "Kenneth McVay a
>> pedophile and a child molester who molested his own daughter..."
>> Please document when and where any of my children have
>> made such statements or admit you cannot. Question 12:
>> In article <TlJwi.1033$>, posted on
>> August 15, 2007, you made the following allegation:
>> "NIZKOR's self appointed director Ken McVay involved in tax fraud."
>> Document your allegation that I am involved in tax fraud, or retract it.
>> If you believe that someone has committed such an offense, by all means
>> report to the federal authorites post haste. Not doing so is, in and of
>> itself, a crime.


Nov 30, 2007, 6:59:20 PM11/30/07

"It's all a bit strange" <> wrote in
message news:Xns99F7AE8CA8T...@

nothing, besides Sara.


Nov 30, 2007, 7:07:08 PM11/30/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
> Snow wrote:
>> "Doomdsay Cultist" <> wrote in message
>>> On Nov 27, 10:58 am, Sara Salzman <> wrote:
>>>> Doomsday Cultist wrote:
>>>> > Statement of David Cole
>>>> > Prepared January 2nd, 1998
>>>> > This statement is made freely and under no duress, and is quite >
>>>> willingly,
>>>> > even happily, given to Mr. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League
>>>> for > the
>>>> > widest possible distribution.
>>>> Irv Rubin is dead, you know. You can come out from under your bed now.
>>> David Cole has to be careful, there are many other extremist Jewish
>>> terrorists out there.

>> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?

> First, it would be considered a lie. No "violent protest" was ever planned
> by anyone. It existed only in David Irving's paranoid imagination.
> Second, I don't know of any country that would let you have a permit for a
> "violent protest."

> Third, in America, I have a First Amendment right to speak out against
> morons like David Irving, and to do so publicly.

Exactly my point, In American we have First Amendment right to speak, yet it
only applies to you, but not to him. Is it based on weight? Or nose length?

> The only crime that took place was Mr. Irving's sale of his books and
> memorabilia without paying legitimate taxes, and the income he illegally
> earns in the US (violating his visa regulations). Oh, and his admission
> that he "hacked a keyhole" into my home computer, a violation of Federal
> law.

Please document and give evidence of the supposed crime, lying again, In the
meanwhile we will wait, for long time.
In the mean time

> So sorry to disappoint you. When you find proof (other than the spewings
> of an admitted criminal), please let us know.

> -Sara

It's all a bit strange

Nov 30, 2007, 8:18:41 PM11/30/07
"Snow" <> wrote in news:Il24j.2682$NY.2301

You mean a little ole Jewish Gal is more powerful than a world famous author?
Why do you insist on bashing these poor authors?

It's all a bit strange

Nov 30, 2007, 8:19:40 PM11/30/07
"Snow" <> wrote in

> Exactly my point, In American we have First Amendment right to speak,
> yet it only applies to you, but not to him. Is it based on weight? Or
> nose length?

Good thing it isn't based on intelligence otherwise you'd never get out the


Nov 30, 2007, 6:53:34 PM11/30/07

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message
> In article <zmD3j.3592$>,

> Leading Revisionist Coward Snow <> wrote:
>>"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

>>> Archive/File: people/p/piper.franciszek/press/daily.texan.1093
>>> Last-Modified: 2007/02/08
>>> ogwiqcim,
>>> October21,1993
>>> Dr Franciszek Piper
>>> Pa'nstwowe Muzeum
>>> 32-603 Ogwiecim -Poland
>>> Texas School Publications
>>> University of Texas
>>> P.O.Box D
>>> Austin,Texas 78713-8904
>>> U S A
>>> Dear Sirs,
>>> In connection with an advertisement of David Cole (An open
>>> letter to the daily Texan, February 19, 1993) in which he offers
>>> the videotape named "David Cole - Interviews Dr Franciszek
>>> Piper" I would like to inform your readers:
>>> 1. the sham interview with me there is the Neonazi
>>> style monologue of young man who never seriously approached the great
>>> tragedy of humanity named Auschwitz and Holocaust. In his
>>> ingenuousness he decided to halt the part of the murderers
>>> instead of their innocent victims - different every
>>> honest man does. My answers on a few questions of Cole ( who
>>> deceitfully introduced himself as a man who wanted to convince his
>>> acquaintances in America that Auschwitz was really a place of
>>> genocide) constitute a small proportion of this video tape.
>>> 2. In his advertisement he introduces me as a "Head of
>>> Auschwitz Archives at the Auschwitz State Museum". This is
>>> untruth. I am not and I have been neither a head of Auschwitz Archives
>>> nor a director of Auschwitz Musum, as Cole maintains in
>>> other propaganda leaflets. The purpose of such manipulation
>>> with of facts is clear - to attract potential purchasers of his
>>> "Interview" video tape.
>>> 3. Cole maintains that I first time admitted the allegedly
>>> unknown fact the Nazis adapted the crematorium in question in
>>> which the gas chamber were located for air-raid shelter, the fact
>>> allegedly unknown even for Museum guides. It is un truth. See
>>> enclosed copies of pages from the books which constitute the
>>> fundamental reading for Auschwitz guides. In book by T-an Sehn
>>> "Concentrat Camp Ogwiqcim-Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau)Warsaw 1957,
>>> You may read on the page 152-"In May 1944 the old Crematorium
>>> I in the base camp was adapted for use as an air raid shelter
>>> The Fact is also confirmed in the book by Jean Claude Pressac
>>> "Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers,
>>> published by The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York 1989 (515
>>> Madison Avenue). On the page 157 you may read: "With part of the
>>> building converted to an air raid shelter, this is the state in which
>>> the SS abandoned Krematorium I in January 1945" Repeating what
>>> Pressac had written I told what was the nature of the
>>> adaptation works carried out by the Nazis and what one had to do to
>>> remove those changes in order to regain the previous appearance.
>>> They are all "Pipers revelations. In spite of the fact that
>>> such secondary restoration works had to be done there is an
>>> undisputable reality that the gas chamber in question is housed in the
>>> same
>>> building which has been existed from prewar times till now.
>>> 4. The fact that the Nazi murderers used gas chambers (in
>>> Birkenau you can see the ruins of the other 5 gas chambers) for
>>> mass annihilation of innocent men, women and children, mostly
>>> Jews, has been proved by thousands of memoires and depositions of
>>> eyewitnesses as well as by German official documents and plans.
>>> It is obvious fact for everybody who wants to approach the
>>> problem, to contact still living witnesses and to study historical
>>> sources.
>>> 5. I have devoted 28 years of my life to save the memory of
>>> the counless victims of the Nazi barbarity to warn people against
>>> indifference to all forms of racial, religious and national
>>> based hatered, which leads to injustice, suffering and killing
>>> of innocent people. Because of it I take the fact my name is
>>> used for disseminating such kind of lies and hiding of the obvious
>>> truth as a lack of honesty and dignity.
>>> yours,sincerely
>>> DrFranciszek Piper
>>> PS Send me please the copy ofyour magazine in which my letter will be
>>> published
>>> [transcription note: Dr. Piper's first language is Polish, not
>>> English, and the letter reads awkwardly. knm]
>>Of course when the interview was used to show the real Auschwitz and not
>>Zionist propaganda (as Mr.. piper was expecting), Mr. Piper had to deny
>>But the truth is that David Cole didn't lie and the information Mr.. Piper
>>provided just shows that real Auschwitz is not how American Zionist Media
>>shows it to be.
> Please document your assertion that Dr. Piper lied when he responded to
> Cole.
> In particular, please document Cole's assertion about Dr. Piper's
> position,
> and show that Piper lied when he discussed the restoration of the gas
> chamber
> in question.

I never said PIPER lied. Neither did Cole. Nobody lied yet you claim COLE
lied. Prove where did he lie.

> While we're waiting endlessly for your response, let's show folks what
> you're
> all about, shall we, Cowardly Liar Snow?

> --
> "Wipe the smegam from your lips you Jew fag."

> (Scott Bradbury, the Leading Revisionist Scholar

> in Bellville, Texas)

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 30, 2007, 11:47:38 PM11/30/07
In article <kg24j.2677$>,
Leading Connecticut Coward Snow <> wrote:


>I never said PIPER lied. Neither did Cole. Nobody lied yet you claim COLE
>lied. Prove where did he lie.

Piper proved Cole lied, Leading Revisionist Liar (and Craven Coward) Snow. I don't need
to add to his proof. Either Cole lied or Piper lied. You must decide which scenario
you wish to promulgate.

DO let us know.

Question 1:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

In article <XEpri.55$>,

you wrote:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Question 10:


Question 11:

Question 12:

"Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail But you

people did hang him after that"
(Kurt Knoll, Kitimat, B.C.'s Leading Revisionist Moron)

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 30, 2007, 11:49:17 PM11/30/07
In article <vk24j.2680$>,
Leading Revisionist Moron Snow, the Coward of Connecticut,
<> wrote:

>"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message
>> Kenneth McVay OBC wrote:
>>> In article <MiD3j.3591$>,
>>> Leading Revisionist Scholar Snow <> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> Would it be considered an terrorist action if someone planned a violent
>>>> protest without a permit as Sara did. In communist countries it would be
>>>> considered a crime but could it be considered a terrorist action?
>>> Please document this "planned violent protest," Leading Revisionist Liar
>>> Snow.
>>> I'll wait.
>> You'll be waiting a rather long time, Ken.
>> The only person who ever claimed there was anything "violent" in wanting
>> to protest Mr. Irving's polluting Denver with his presence was ... wait
>> for it ... David Irving!
>> The same David Irving who admitted to the commission of a felony when he
>> bragged about "hacking a keyhole" into my computer.
>> The same David Irving who claimed to have seen me at a University of
>> Colorado at Boulder hate-fest when I was over 100 miles away.
>> The same loony, deluded, paranoid David Irving. (same as Ken McVay

>Exactly, that is the event I am talking about, you planned to disrupt an

>event and you were the organizer. I see McVay is playing dumb above, making
>me document the event when you just did document it.

Sorry, Leading Revisionist Liar Snow, but you have failed the test. You cannot document
any attempt to create a "violent protest."

Thanks for admitting it, moron.

Kenneth McVay OBC

Nov 30, 2007, 11:51:40 PM11/30/07
In article <1t24j.2683$>,
Snow <> wrote:

It applies to everyone, Leading Connecticut Coward Snow... even you. It appears, however,
that you do not believe it applies to Ms. Salzman. Is there some reason you paint her
protest as a violation of a right to speak?

Do you feel the 1st Amendment applies only to Gentiles, then?

Question 1:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

In article <XEpri.55$>,

you wrote:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Question 10:


Question 11:

Question 12:


B'enjamin C'ramer

Dec 1, 2007, 1:37:12 AM12/1/07

"Kenneth McVay OBC" <> wrote in message

Her statement "Let's get the British bastard" certainly seems to point to
her desire to silence him.

Sara Salzman

Dec 1, 2007, 2:23:03 AM12/1/07

Apparently in your mind, he has the right but I don't. What a strange
double standard you have.

>> The only crime that took place was Mr. Irving's sale of his books and
>> memorabilia without paying legitimate taxes, and the income he
>> illegally earns in the US (violating his visa regulations). Oh, and
>> his admission that he "hacked a keyhole" into my home computer, a
>> violation of Federal law.
> Please document and give evidence of the supposed crime, lying again, In
> the meanwhile we will wait, for long time.
> In the mean time

Are you accusing Irving of lying? He said he did it. Don't you believe
David Irving?

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand, but
apparently only your obsession with forged and altered posts, yes?

>> So sorry to disappoint you. When you find proof (other than the
>> spewings of an admitted criminal), please let us know.

As I suspected. You have no proof of any of the accusations you've made
against me.
>> -Sara

Sara Salzman

Dec 1, 2007, 2:24:59 AM12/1/07
Except that you're lying. I didn't plan to disrupt anything. I "planned"
to hand out flyers documenting Irving's lies.

Where do you get "disrupt" out of "wanting to protest"? Not all protests
are disruptive, Idiot.

Sara Salzman

Dec 1, 2007, 2:26:45 AM12/1/07

Really? Are you saying I "stopped" Irving from doing anything?

I sure didn't.

In fact, I'm on record (published in the local newspaper) as saying that
he had every right to speak. Just as I have every right to let people
know what kind of liar he is.

Or do you believe that a British citizen on a tourist visa has more
rights in the US than an American citizen?

Sara Salzman

Dec 1, 2007, 2:28:46 AM12/1/07
And that's the biggest lie in his entire article. I never said any such
thing. Irving made that up out of whole cloth, just as he has done so
many times before with other of his so-called "facts."


B'enjamin C'ramer

Dec 1, 2007, 2:40:45 AM12/1/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message

And hoping like hell your thugs would become rowdy.

> Where do you get "disrupt" out of "wanting to protest"? Not all protests
> are disruptive, Idiot.

When yids are involved they are. Check the latest from Britain involving

B'enjamin C'ramer

Dec 1, 2007, 2:41:48 AM12/1/07

"Sara Salzman" <> wrote in message

> Snow wrote:
>> "It's all a bit strange" <> wrote in
>> message news:Xns99F7AE8CA8T...@
>>> "B'enjamin C'ramer" <onlyt...@alltimes.yo> wrote in
>>>>> Third, in America, I have a First Amendment right to speak out
>>>>> against morons like David Irving, and to do so publicly.
>>>> Great stuff. Yet you don't allow him the same privilege. How very
>>>> convenient for you yid turds
>>> If David Irving wants to speak out about David Irving, there is nothing
>>> stopping him.
>> nothing, besides Sara.
> Really? Are you saying I "stopped" Irving from doing anything?

Your intent was to silence him, fat slag.

> I sure didn't.
> In fact, I'm on record (published in the local newspaper) as saying that
> he had every right to speak. Just as I have every right to let people know
> what kind of liar he is.
> Or do you believe that a British citizen on a tourist visa has more rights
> in the US than an American citizen?

Yids in Australia have more rights than we filthy goyim. It was the yid
brigade who had Irving's trip to Australia cancelled.

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