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Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview

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National Front

Mar 16, 2004, 3:56:27 PM3/16/04
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist


Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

Feb. 20, 2004

Editor's Note: The followng is an alleged transcript of a radio
interview with Hutton Gibson, Mel Gibson's father

Interview: Hutton Gibson,0,1539836.sto

Major excerpts of telephone Interview on Monday, Feb. 16, 2004, 8 p.m.
between Hutton Gibson, father of Mel Gibson, and Steve Feuerstein,
executive producer and talk show host, "Speak Your Piece!" WSNR-620AM.
The two-part feature on The Gibson Family: Offspring of Hate? will air
on "Speak Your Piece!" on Monday, Feb. 23 and Wednesday, Feb. 25 from 10
p.m. to midnight on WSNR-620AM and live on the Internet at

Transcript courtesy of Steve Feuerstein



GIBSON: In the first place the Holocaust is a terrible misnomer. First
of all a Holocaust is a burnt offering to G-d. Now these people were not
offering themselves up to G-d. If these people were being killed they
were being taken there screaming howling and yelling for they were being
persecuted and murdered. That is not a Holocaust. Secondly there were
not that many Jews under Hitler's power under his sway. They claimed
that there were 6.2 million in Poland before the war and after the war
there were 200,000; therefore he (Hitler) must have killed six million
of them. They simply got up and left! They were all over the Bronx and
Brooklyn and Sydney and Los Angeles.

Everybody was out to get Hitler ... but you know he was not that
efficient. I've known a lot of Germans. The society I went to school to
were Germans and they were thorough they were good teachers. They were
efficient and they know how to do things. If they had set out to kill
six million Jews they would have done it. But all we hear about is
Holocaust survivors. "Oh, we know it happened, cause over there is a
survivor. Oh, my mother and father were survivors," they say.

This is absolutely ridiculous. And (the Holocaust) it's all - may not
all fiction - but most of it is. For instance the gas chambers and
crematoria at Auschwitz would not do the job. Do you know what it takes
to get rid of a dead body? To cremate it? It takes a liter of petrol and
20 minutes - now six million of them? They (the Germans) did not have
the gas to do it. That's why they lost the war.

Regarding the gas chamber, the gas was going the wrong way. You see it
was going down instead of up....



GIBSON: You see the concentration camps were filled with people who had
to be fed. And when they did bomb the tracks they could not see them any
more. And that's where you're supposed Holocaust came in. You see these
were work camps.

Guess who owned the railroads? The Jews ... IG Farbin Industries was
never touched, it was making munitions and doing all things to keep them
in the war.... The Group Works they also weren't bombed. All they had to
do was bomb the group works but they were owned by the Jews. They owned
the tracks and the banks so you don't bomb your own stuff. Thhey owned
the banking, the banking system. Hitler's big crime was operating
without the big banks (and the Jews). Just like Russia it had to go
since it had no debt.



GIBSON: Came the war (WWII) and I knew my Roosevelt. I knew he would get
us into it. So I volunteered. My combat time consisted of four months in
Guadalcanal. We all ended up with malaria, it never goes away. I was
with the 132nd infantry. They were holding a perimeter of an airstrip.
The marines came in and mowed the place, flattened it out.

We flattened out the area before the Japs came in. The Japs you know
can't adapt. They come into a situation and they don't change their
orders they simply continue and do what their told. An officer
(Japanese) stands there and he points two this way and two that way.
Anyway, the marines in the area never heard so much fire in their life
rifle fire or whatever type of fire. In the morning there were 800 dead
Japs in the open field that they hoped to sneak through. And the next
night the fools didn't do any better the fools came back and lost 700
and the third night after they lost 600. We had to clean up the bodies
each morning so they could have room to move in the next day.

During WWII they were giving us this jazz. They said we were attacked.
Well alright but we didn't realize that at that time the attack was a
put up job by "the man" - I am talking about our beloved FDR who had
practically forced the Japanese to attack and destroy the entire Pacific
Fleet. They knew they were coming in Washington. FDR pushed us into the

It was FDR's own private war. He went there for money. The money power
that runs this country. The Fed Reserve and those foreign bankers who
own our currency and charge us for it. The foreign bankers who run the
international reserve like the Rothschilds and their allies in this
country like the Rockefellers who were Jews and others who own the

We have given the whole control to the Fed Reserve. [Fed Chairman Alan]
Greenspan tells us what to do Someone should take him out and hang him.
The Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegies are all
communists. They are enemies of the country. When they want to pull the
plug on us we're going down the drain.

There is a book out not too long ago listing the big Jewish families in
the country which lists the Rockefellers as Jewish and there was no



GIBSON: There are too many survivors. It's just a gimmick to collect

They have to go where there is money. There is no way they would come to
West Virginia. They have to have some place to go that has money. They
didn't work in the mines, you can bet your, they don't work
anywhere where they can out of it. They're great pencil pushers, they
are the superior people and therefore they are entitled to the top jobs,
supervisory stuff and so on, because they hire each other. They have so
much influence in the banks for instance. They all look out for one
another you got to give them that. They are at the same time willing to
sacrifice a few of theirs if it helps...



GIBSON: Why all the reparations? It's an irresistible chance to make
money. All those Holocaust museums put up at our expense with our
taxpayer dollars.



GIBSON: I don't know what their (the Jews') agenda is except that it's
all about control. They're after one world religion and one world
government. That's why they've attacked the Catholic Church so strongly,
to ultimately take control over it by their doctrine and make one world
religion and one world government.



GIBSON: "The rabbi for hire" that's even what the Jews refer to him as.
He had one of these snarley voices. These people are vengeancebound.
They will chase down people like [John] Demjanjuk [cleared in Israel of
charges of being a Nazi guard]. They almost got him killed and
eventually it was proved innocent of all charges. Yeah, Ivan the
Terrible, they said.



GIBSON: This is part of their deal ... they don't want this movie shown,
they don't care if the movie is anti-Semitic or not, or if it is
straight history. Mel says he absolutely couldn't buy PR like this. And
(thanks to the ADL) everybody knows the line now: Let the blood be upon
us and our children.



GIBSON: And anyway somebody said why do you suppose he (the Pope)
approved the movie? I said what do you think he would say when it comes
out and he disapproved it.

The ones that we have there (in the Vatican) are all involved in the
(Jewish) plot.

The need of the Vatican endorsement wasn't, it just wasn't needed at
all. The only reason they went over is that the ADL had threatened to
take the film over and show it to them. They would have to steal it to
do so ... they did already. One of the guys in the office said why don't
we take it over to the Vatican and show it to them anyway cause they
wanted to see it and they did want to see it. And Mel said "OK let's
take it over and show it to them." They were not after any accolade.
They just wanted to take it away from the ADL who was going to go in
there and put some pressure on like they can and get a condemnation of

No, no we had no idea of helping out the Vatican in any way. You see
here we have what we call a hostile witness. As Mel said while they were
on the way over, "What is he going to say is he going to condemn it
because when it comes out he'll show what a big ass he is." What the
heck could he say? The Jews were going to take it to the Vatican ...
this was the argument from one his producers there, Steve McEveety. Mel
said "Go ahead. Let us do it." The ADL might have even taken a few shots
themselves and shown the Pope something that was not in the film. There
is nothing these guys would not do...



GIBSON: They (the Sanhedrin) had a good thing going in the temple, they
were selling the victims to be sacrificed. And he went in and overturned
their tables, he tried once before but this they had enough reason to
get rid of him. That's one of the charges they put against him that he
put himself equal to G-d. And this is blasphemy and therefore it
deserves death.

THey knew what he was after and they were killing him just for that.
They cannot admit that they were wrong. They have been at it for all of

Is the Jew still actively anti-Christian - He is, for by being a Jew, he
is anti everyone else.


GIBSON CONTINUES: They are the people with an eye for eye and tooth for
a tooth. They must have revenge. You know they (the Jews) caused teh
Roman persecutions too. They called attention to the fact that the
Christians were refusing to offer incense to the emperors when the
emperors became gods. The Jews were notable for getting the wood to burn
the Christians...a labor of love you could say.

To a Jew a Christian commits idolatry every time he looks at a crucifix
and says a prayer. You know there in control and they're going to get in
control the way things are going. Because they get all of our
people...They killed several generations of us Americans (referring to
WWWI, WWII)...The Jews weren't in the army much in WWI that because they
were fomenting a revolt in Russia. America had no right to fight in
foreign wars (in reference to WWI and WWII).



GIBSON: We're going to have to do something now in this country because
that government is useless. There's a line the Declaration of
Independence where somebody abolishes or sets aside or misgoverns, it is
our privilege the constitution, it is the people's obligation to abolish
that government. I think there is a way... There is a bloodless way to
do it if we can swing it: secession. Just get all states to secede from
the government and leave it there high and dry.

The alternative is eventually they are going to clamp down on us and we
are going to have the same terror and we are going to have to revolt
with a gun or we are going to face the same (governmental)
terror...Wer'e going to have to do something fairly soon because the
longer it goes, the more power they get and the less we have.



The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box
849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

24 Hour Revisionist News Bureau:


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Freedom of the Press: A hallowed right.
Responsible Dissent: A contribution to understanding and dialogue.

Ron Jacobson

Mar 16, 2004, 4:18:44 PM3/16/04
In article <>,
National Front <nationa...@aol.comNoHoaxes> wrote:

(snip some)

While most of the senior Gibson's rants are old stuff, this
one wins the record for "the silliest argument ever made by a

>Regarding the gas chamber, the gas was going the wrong way. You
>see it was going down instead of up.

You don't get more stupid than that, guys. Well -- give
Neil Harrington 10 more years, I could be proven wrong.

Cheers, RJ.

"our system of law and justice would benefit greatly from the
swinging of selected judges from lampposts." -- The old Nazi Neil
Harrington, reaffirming his commitment to the Nazi ideology,

Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo

Mar 16, 2004, 5:01:06 PM3/16/04

Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo

Mar 16, 2004, 5:07:09 PM3/16/04

[Sorry about the first let's get the thing correct on the
second...] ;-)

Well, my initial reaction [and subsequently confirmed therein after
reading the whole piece] was that Hutton Gibson was at least
figuratively sitting there in his abode or wherever located favorite
rocker-recliner for this telephone interview with a 'borrowed' Siamese
cat draped over his shoulder a la and in a nodding solidarity with the
late Doc Bill Pierce!

Certainly the rhetoric smacked of one too many doses of , inter alia,
the NA spiels and Ingrid's Z-grams wherein the stuff began to read like
a Pierce/Zundel monologue with, shall we say, dressed up for the waves
Hoffman kickers and Zundel 'from the block' barkings.

On the other hand and with regard to certain cues as to how a piece
[printed word or verbal variety ] just 'may' flow, well, it is generally
found in the first few 'grabber' lines. Sort of an author or barker
subliminal thing. But let's check the record itself indicated above:
Note just the first 3 sentences. First sentence: "... a terrible
MISNOMER." , Bizzzzzz! Second sentence: "...a BURNT OFFERING TO GOD.",
Bizzzzz! Third sentence, and a classic in its own right, to wit, : " IF
'THESE PEOPLE' were being killed... ." , Bizzzz! Hmmmm. And double hmmmmmm!

There follows the 'numbers' gambit and other familiar been-around-the
-block stuff although, I must say, the 'gas was going the wrong way'
gambit would certainly raise the small hairs on the neck of the 'It
Never Happened!' types because the very mention of the word 'gas', while
cited in situ with 'wrong way' suppositions, well, gas 'per se' would
lose the more vociferous types who suggest that 'typhus' and typhus ONLY
was always the main culprit.

General conclusion: And noting the below "Guess who owned the
railroads?" --or-- the old not mentioned but nevertheless assumed
'Rosenfeld' for 'Roosevelt' thing and hence Jewish 'connection' , hey,
when this particular 'Hutton' speaks ... and quite 'unlike' another of
the financial world who shares the moniker, albeit for a surname, well,
when the Hutton of 'this' cited piece speaks, it's of course highly
questionable...who is really 'listening' !

Doc Tony

Gassen Burnham

Mar 17, 2004, 7:20:45 AM3/17/04

"Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo" <> wrote in message

"...who is really 'listening'" !
If you sincerely believed no one was 'listening', Doc, why did you waste
your time attempting to debunk what the old guy said?

George B.

Mar 17, 2004, 3:11:56 PM3/17/04
to (Ron Jacobson) wrote in message news:<c37qvk$k5c$>...

> In article <>,
> National Front <nationa...@aol.comNoHoaxes> wrote:
> (snip some)
> While most of the senior Gibson's rants are old stuff, this
> one wins the record for "the silliest argument ever made by a
> revisionist":
> >Regarding the gas chamber, the gas was going the wrong way. You
> >see it was going down instead of up.
> You don't get more stupid than that, guys. Well -- give
> Neil Harrington 10 more years, I could be proven wrong.
Maybe Steve Feuerstein should give you an opportunity over the phone
were you can explain the procedure at and working of the 'gas chamber'
while the public listening to the radio!!!!

> Cheers, RJ.

National Front

Mar 17, 2004, 3:38:01 PM3/17/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>From: "Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo"
>Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
>Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 17:07:09 -0500
>Organization: Posted via Supernews,
>Message-ID: <>
>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.2)
>Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02 (CK-SillyDog)
>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>References: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Lines: 345
I believe that Dr. Pierce's cat's name was Hadley. Have you been visiting
the National Alliance's Web site?

>Certainly the rhetoric smacked of one too many doses of , inter alia,
>the NA spiels and Ingrid's Z-grams wherein the stuff began to read like
>a Pierce/Zundel monologue with, shall we say, dressed up for the waves
>Hoffman kickers and Zundel 'from the block' barkings.

Please keep in mind that I never even heard of Hutton Gibson until the ADL
of B'nai B'rith launched its hate campaign against Mel gibson and his father,
so I am hardly in a position to speak for Gibson Sr. However, I will hazard to
guess that Hutton Gibson does not even know who Ernst Zündel or Michael Hoffman
II are. On the other hand, it is interesting to observe your apparent fixation
with Michael Hoffman II.

>On the other hand and with regard to certain cues as to how a piece
>[printed word or verbal variety ] just 'may' flow, well, it is generally
>found in the first few 'grabber' lines. Sort of an author or barker
>subliminal thing. But let's check the record itself indicated above:
>Note just the first 3 sentences. First sentence: "... a terrible
>MISNOMER." , Bizzzzzz! Second sentence: "...a BURNT OFFERING TO GOD.",
>Bizzzzz! Third sentence, and a classic in its own right, to wit, : " IF
>'THESE PEOPLE' were being killed... ." , Bizzzz! Hmmmm. And double hmmmmmm!

To be fair, let's look up the word "holocaust" in a dictionary that was
printed well before WW II even took place:

HOLOCAUST: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Webster's 1913 Dictionary:

Definition: \Hol"o*caust\, n. [L. holocaustum, Gr. ?, neut. of ?,
?, burnt whole; "o'los whole + kaysto`s burnt, fr. kai`ein to
burn (cf. {Caustic}): cf. F. holocauste.]
1. A burnt sacrifice; an offering, the whole of which was
consumed by fire, among the Jews and some pagan nations.

2. Sacrifice or loss of many lives, as by the burning of a theater or a ship.

Now let's look up "burnt offering" (it's even in the Related Terms section)
and what do we find? Take a look:

BURNT OFFERING: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Easton Bible Dictionary

Definition: Hebrew _olah_; i.e., "ascending," the whole being consumed by
fire, and regarded as ascending to God while being consumed. Part of every
offering was burnt in the sacred fire, but this was wholly burnt, a "whole
burnt offering." It was the most frequent form of sacrifice, and apparently the
only one mentioned in the book of Genesis. Such were the sacrifices offered by
Abel (Gen. 4:3, 4, here called _minhah_; i.e., "a gift"), Noah (Gen. 8:20),
Abraham (Gen. 22:2, 7, 8, 13), and by the Hebrews in Egypt (Ex. 10:25).

The law of Moses afterwards prescribed the occasions and the manner in which
burnt sacrifices were to be offered. There were "the continual burnt offering"
(Ex. 29:38-42; Lev. 6:9-13), "the burnt offering of every sabbath," which was
double the daily one (Num. 28:9, 10), "the burnt offering of every month"
(28:11-15), the offerings at the Passover (19-23), at Pentecost (Lev. 23:16),
the feast of Trumpets (23:23-25), and on the day of Atonement (Lev. 16).

On other occasions special sacrifices were offered, as at the consecration of
Aaron (Ex. 29) and the dedication of the temple (1 Kings 8:5, 62-64).

Free-will burnt offerings were also permitted (Lev. 1:13), and were offered at
the accession of Solomon to the throne (1 Chr. 29:21), and at the reformation
brought about by Hezekiah (2 Chr. 29: 31-35).

These offerings signified the complete dedication of the offerers unto God.
This is referred to in Rom. 12:1. (See ALTAR ŻT0000185, SACRIFICE.)

Did you catch the "'ascending,' the whole being consumed by fire, and
regarded as ascending to God while being consumed" part? I'll see your
"Bizzzz!" and raise you "you're just plain wrong."

>There follows the 'numbers' gambit and other familiar been-around-the
>-block stuff although, I must say, the 'gas was going the wrong way'
>gambit would certainly raise the small hairs on the neck of the 'It
>Never Happened!' types because the very mention of the word 'gas', while
>cited in situ with 'wrong way' suppositions, well, gas 'per se' would
>lose the more vociferous types who suggest that 'typhus' and typhus ONLY
>was always the main culprit.

I am in no position to speak for Hutton Gibson here.

>General conclusion: And noting the below "Guess who owned the
>railroads?" --or-- the old not mentioned but nevertheless assumed
>'Rosenfeld' for 'Roosevelt' thing and hence Jewish 'connection' , hey,
>when this particular 'Hutton' speaks ... and quite 'unlike' another of
>the financial world who shares the moniker, albeit for a surname, well,
>when the Hutton of 'this' cited piece speaks, it's of course highly
>questionable...who is really 'listening' !
>Doc Tony

That is incorrect, Doc. Hutton Gibson said the following: "Came the war

(WWII) and I knew my Roosevelt. I knew he would get us into it. So I

volunteered." That is in stark contrast to your "the old not mentioned but

nevertheless assumed 'Rosenfeld' for 'Roosevelt' thing and hence Jewish


Who is listening? MUAHAHA!


Gassen Burnham

Mar 18, 2004, 10:21:57 AM3/18/04

"National Front" <nationa...@aol.comNoHoaxes> wrote in message

Hmmmm, looks like he has you firmly by the gonads, Doc Tony.
And all this stuff was written PRIOR to WW2.
I guess if there was no holocaust, the jews would have to invent one ;-)

William Daffer

Mar 18, 2004, 10:18:45 AM3/18/04
to (George B.) writes:

I have a better idea. If you think it's so impossible, why don't you
put your 'money where your mouth' is, and submit to an experiment
involving an improvised gas chamber?


Thought not.

Kurt Knoll lets 'er rip:

When it comes to Jews the are very inventive when it comes to siphon
some ones pocked.

National Front

Mar 18, 2004, 7:25:52 PM3/18/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>From: "Gassen Burnham"
>Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
>References: <>
>Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 01:21:57 +1000
>Message-ID: <4059b...@>
>Organization: 100,000+ UNCENSORED
>> This is referred to in Rom. 12:1. (See ALTAR ¯T0000185, SACRIFICE.)

>> Did you catch the "'ascending,' the whole being consumed by fire, and
>> regarded as ascending to God while being consumed" part? I'll see your
>> "Bizzzz!" and raise you "you're just plain wrong."
>Hmmmm, looks like he has you firmly by the gonads, Doc Tony.
>And all this stuff was written PRIOR to WW2.
>I guess if there was no holocaust, the jews would have to invent one ;-)

I think it's safe to assume that Doc Tony has conceded the point by now,
but I still can't help but like the guy! That "rapier wit" in the Airplane!
movie joke (after my sprained ankle) had me laughing on the floor!


" We have goog doctors in this country."

--Ken Lewis, Message-ID:

Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo

Mar 18, 2004, 9:09:40 PM3/18/04

Hey, only now does this post pop in and nothing from the Cummins piece!
Sometimes I get stuff within seconds, well couple of minutes anyway per
the post date stamp and sometimes nothing before a full 24 hours goes by
and the thing will show up! BTW, I don't use the 'thread' view mode but
rather the time/date view....saves running around checking the
originating thread(s)!

Anyway, to business! I first thought it was Bellinger doing the
Bible/Talmud thing but my comments stand on Hutton. He clearly says the
'Big One' was FDR's 'private war' and , hey, everybody 'knows' who
wanted the war, yes? Ask Bellinger! Better, ask Tom Moran! Or Hoffman!
Whew! Hence the oft cited then and now 'Rosenfeld' thing! Sidebar! And
on that 'theme', do catch the '96 flick "Mothernight!" with Nick Nolte!
Even the original book version writer, Kurt Vonnegut, has a bit part in
the flick and just wait for the reaction when Richard 'Are there no
machine guns? Are there no grenades?' Phillips sees just 'who' is
wearing the black and that Knight's Cross when Howie Campbell returns to
the Land of the Round Door Knob! Oyyyyy! Or should I say, 'Holy Mac'kel,
Andy!' A serio-satiric [so says writer Kurt not your
buddy and his bro' Werner] flick of the first order!

Anyway, back to Hutton, hey, the guy doesn't buy what happened and
hedges just enough to, shall we say, keep the pot boiling...and...bottom
lines...fill those seats. As is happening...and as I [and MANY others to
be sure] predicted it would whenever you create and maintain
controversy. It sells! Then, folks get the [planted] idea that they just
have to be their own judge about it....ka-ching...and thank you says
Mel...and Pop.

Doc Tony


Mar 19, 2004, 3:42:23 PM3/19/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>From: "Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo"
>Date: 3/18/2004 6:09 PM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>
>>>>This is referred to in Rom. 12:1. (See ALTAR ŻT0000185, SACRIFICE.)

Do you ever stop and think before you open your yaw, Tony? Certainly Hitler's
invasion of Poland was unjust and a war of aggression. Roosevelt's desire to
plunge the USA into war was also a nasty little piece of work.

steve wolk

Mar 19, 2004, 9:04:34 PM3/19/04

"Debunks2005" <> wrote in message
> >>>>This is referred to in Rom. 12:1. (See ALTAR ¯T0000185, SACRIFICE.)

You mean that Roosevelt was a Judaizer, Joebbels? Tell us more. Was our war
a war of aggression? Tell us the part about how Hitler declared war on us

No chapter 2 by Joebbels
No manuscript by Joebbels
No up-front payment to Joebbels
No publisher for Joebbels
No book by Joebbels
Just a lot of bull from Joebbels.


Mar 20, 2004, 1:43:26 PM3/20/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>From: "steve wolk"
>Date: 3/19/2004 6:04 PM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

Ask Bernie Baruch that question.

Tell us more. Was our war
>a war of aggression? Tell us the part about how Hitler declared war on us

Yes, he did.

steve wolk

Mar 20, 2004, 10:08:48 PM3/20/04

"Debunks2005" <> wrote in message

Only YOU can speak to dead men, Joebbels. Does God speak to you too?

> Tell us more. Was our war
> >a war of aggression? Tell us the part about how Hitler declared war on
> Yes, he did.

You didn't answer the first question, Joebbels.


Mar 20, 2004, 10:13:46 PM3/20/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>From: "steve wolk"
>Date: 3/20/2004 7:08 PM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>
>Move over, Eusapia Palladino!

National Front

Mar 23, 2004, 5:23:06 PM3/23/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>Path: lobby!!!not-for-mail
>Lines: 342
>From: (Debunks2005)
>Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
>Date: 19 Mar 2004 20:42:23 GMT
>References: <>
>Organization: AOL
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Message-ID: <>
>>>>>This is referred to in Rom. 12:1. (See ALTAR ¯T0000185, SACRIFICE.)
Easy there, Hoss. Doc Tony isn't one of the bad guys :-)

Rabbi Yitzak Ginsburg teaches: "If a Jew needs a liver ... the Torah would
probably permit to take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by, to save
the Jew. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life
than non-Jewish life."

Shahak/Mezvinsky, Jewish Fundamentalism, Pluto Press, London 1999, page 62

"All Jews are good by nature, all non-Jews are evil by nature. The Jews are
creation's crowning glory, the non-Jews are the scum of the earth."

(This is the religious philosophy of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, one of the leading
Halacha scholars in Jewish history according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung, March 11, 1994, page 14)

National Front

Mar 23, 2004, 5:33:55 PM3/23/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>From: "Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo"
>Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
>Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 21:09:40 -0500

>Organization: Posted via Supernews,
>Message-ID: <>

Sorry for the delayed reply and that's interesting about your news reader.
AOL is very fast and apparently leaves no IP address -- something that I
wasn't aware of until recently. Well, I think you are right about a lot of
things, but the definition of "burnt offerings" (which earned a "Bizzzzz!" from
you) that Mel's dad gave is the correct one. No ka-ching on that very fine


Don Atapattu: A spokesman for the World Jewish Congress suggested that you
should be grateful to organizations such as themselves, for the compensation
that your parents received. Is there not some truth in that were it not for the
awareness raising campaigns of these bodies, Holocaust survivors would not have
been compensated at all?

Norman Finkelstein: These organizations frankly, bring to mind an insight of
my late mother, that it is no accident that Jews invented the word "chutzpah".
They steal, and I do use the word with intent, 95% of the monies earmarked for
victims of Nazi persecution, and then throw you a few crumbs while telling you
to be grateful.

Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo

Mar 23, 2004, 8:16:38 PM3/23/04

>>>>>>This is referred to in Rom. 12:1. (See ALTAR ŻT0000185, SACRIFICE.)

Hey NF...what do you want to do, wake up Mike Ragland and get him
started? Whew! Call me a name already! ;-) Wait a minute, let me use
the old italics thing and if Ragland sees your comment, he'll think you
said this too and not peg me a 'denier' again .... hold on a sec

>Doc Tony, you are demented!

Thanks, NF! Albeit by requisite proxy up above 'but' Ragland is not
exactly known for reading the 'whole' piece! Sooooo, I should be safe!

Doc Tony

Watch now...

Chris Carpenter: "I'M TELLIN' MR. RAGLAND ON YOU!"

Fits too!

"RoDger" [Chris Nym #4] : "ME TOO, DOC TONY!"


[and Chris's 'projected' new nym entree....]

MuleSchlepper88: "ME 'FORE' " [and sic!] ;-)

[but then.....quite unexpectedly...why it's Richard Phillips!]

"Mark Twain said it! Figure it out! And as concerns my present hiatus"

[but alas....]

Bruno: "What, Phillips has a hernia?"

Ken 'PopsŽ' Lewis: "Ohhhhh fer cryin' ..... say goodnight, Joe!"

Bruno: "Good ni.... HEYYYYYYYYY!"


PS: Hey, NF, fess up, the 'Suzy Creamcheese' Zappa bit mention...did you
recognize that one?

National Front

Mar 24, 2004, 6:58:36 AM3/24/04
>Subject: Re: Transcript of Hutton Gibson Interview
>From: "Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo"
>Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
>Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 20:16:38 -0500

>Organization: Posted via Supernews,
>Message-ID: <>

>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.2)
>Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02 (CK-SillyDog)
>References: <>
>>>>>>>This is referred to in Rom. 12:1. (See ALTAR ¯T0000185, SACRIFICE.)
>Ken 'Pops®' Lewis: "Ohhhhh fer cryin' ..... say goodnight, Joe!"

>Bruno: "Good ni.... HEYYYYYYYYY!"
>PS: Hey, NF, fess up, the 'Suzy Creamcheese' Zappa bit mention...did you
>recognize that one?

I confess, despite the fact I was out of town last Friday and much of
Saturday, I followed the Frank Zappa lines with one eye to this NG when
checking my e-mail and I had (still have) no clue about the "Suzy Creamcheese"
bit. Please keep in mind that I had no idea who Frank Zappa even was until
well after his death. OK, let's do an Internet search engine... and... and the
results are... "Blow your mind on too much Kool-aid"? Lyrics from "Son of Suzy
Creamcheese" ( ) by Frank
Zappa. Am I even in the ballpark?

[Sigh...] No, let's not stir Mr. Ragland and his Analyzer™ again. I
wouldn't even wish that on Ariel Sharon (well... maybe I would). As you once
stated: we are polar opposites. However, a couple of things we do have in
common are that we both appreciate a good joke and we're against the
criminalization of thought (I'll have to think of a really nasty name to call
you now).

Other than that, Doc Tony, you are demented!


"Mr. Lomenzo I may be very mistaken about you being a Holocaust revisionist."

--Michael Ragland

Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo

Mar 24, 2004, 3:00:53 PM3/24/04

Now that I like! ;-)

[but may be expected...watcth for 'extended' point in this one!]

Chris 'WhizCarp' ® Carpenter: "What the hell is this crap! Doc is
pullin' a friggin' 'Mikey' with the cereal thing...he 'likes' it? How
could he like it when NF ends the post like that? What the hell am I
missing here?"

John Morris: [reflects...goes for it...] 'Chris, permit me to go the
'Socratic' route for just a moment... [interrupted!]

Carpenter: "Hey, John, if ya' gotta' go, ya' gotta' go...I'll wait until
you get back... ."

Morris: "No-No..., Chris....'Socratic'...I ask you a question, you
respond, I ask, you respond and so forth...are you game, Chris?"

Carpenter [immediately suspicious of anything that sounds intellectual
but ....] "Well, I suppose so...what do you want to ask?"

Morris: "How would YOU have advised 'that NF character' [!] to end his
post with Doc Tony?"

Carpenter: "I would have suggested something along the lines of 'Hey,
Doc, what about that 'first post' of yours in '97!' ... I think that had
both panache and a good dig!"

Morris: "Think so?"

Carpenter: "Yeah, I think so...look John, ya' just grab something and
keep repeating and repeating and re...pauses...ehhhh...ehhhh.... ."

Morris: "Problem, Chris?"

Carpenter: "Wellll, I'm not that sure it 'necessarily' works with Doc
Tony cause he didn't seem to get rattled or even bothered by it.... ."

Morris: "And what would that suggest to you?"

Carpenter: " just ain't working so good...or maybe...not at
all! Maybe I'm the one that looks the I
should try something better or at least more...ehhh...'supple' [!] or
ehhh....'sephardic' [!] ... ."

Morris: "Ahhhhhhhh!" [Gazes upwards...] "Thank you, Socrates! My
compliments, sir!"

Vangel: "WHO, Uncle Kurt?"

Kurt: "Another Jew 'eye-witness' probably, mein Primus! That's what they
always do!"

[but then....]

Ross Cummins: "Stop with the mumbo-jumbo hypotheticals, Morris! CHRIS!
C'mere bud...try THIS ONE on the Doc.... [Cummins AGAIN makes with the
whisper routine...]


Carpenter: "Hey Doc Tony! You did lousy on Wannsee and so I have another
thing for you to chew on..ehhhh...[refers to his notes from Ross
Cummins].....that 'Zyklon B' business where Movement® member Tom Moran
in this very newsgroup 'HAS PROVEN' [!] that Zyklon B is harmless to
humans due to his previously announced and mathematically backed [Ohhhhh
yes! Per Tom Moran anyway!] 'ball-bearings in a box' experiment(s)!"

Doc Tony: "Is that so?"

Carpenter: [defiantly....] "Yes, that's so!"

Doc Tony: "Did YOU know Chris that Tom Moran actually 'tried' the
experiment in a larger scale wooden out-house which he sealed up and
exposed himself to the blue Zyklon B pellets which had been lifted from
a private source?"

Carpenter: "He did? I didn't know that!"

Doc Tony: "And BTW, have you 'seen' Tom Moran around AR?"

Carpenter: Well, nooo...come to think of it! Like, what happened, Doc?"

Doc Tony: "The Movement® brethren found Tom the next day inside the
out-house ... stiff as a board of they removed him from the
premises and got rid of the Zyklon B can while dumping poor Tom in a
field at which time they recited a quick Movement® mantra and called the

Carpenter: "What could they they possibly say to the authorities to
explain Tom's, ehhhh, goin'-south and checkin'-out like that, so

Doc Tony: 'They said .... it was the 'typhus' that did did poor ol' Tom

Carpenter: "Ahhhhhh! Typhus! Yeahhhhh! But hey, Doc, I'd buy that in a

Doc Tony: "I know .... ."

Doc Tony

[and the kicker...]

NF: "And just what 'about' that 'first post', Doc?"

Carpenter: "Huh? I don't get it!"

NF: "I know...Doc will! So will the others!"

Carpenter: [last resort...] "Yo, NF, pull my fing....[interrupted!]

Bellinger ['beats' the 'telepathic' signal!]
"Rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiippppppppppp! ® "

Carpenter: "Sh**!"

McFee: "Nope! Merely Joe Bellinger expelling yet another demon!"

Bruno: "How?"

'Pops®' Lewis: "Ohhh fer....[and deliberately...] through his friggin'
'nose', dumbo!"

Bruno: "Ohhhhhhhhh!"


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