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Germar Rudolf Responds on Zyklon Outgassing

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Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

The following message showed up in my mailbox, and I am posting and


Zyklon B Verdampfungscharakteristik

Anmerkungen zu den Ausfuehrungen des Herrn Roesslers (Goettingen)

Ich bin froh, dass nach drei Jahren des Schweigens und der
argumentationslosen Verfolgung sich endlich jemand der inhaltlichen Fragen

in Deutschland annimmt.

Roessler schrieb ( Wed Dec 13 19:13:06 PST 1995,
alt.revisionism newsgroup):

>Unfortunately, I just demonstrated that Rudolf lied about one source,
>he quoted, to validy his long evaporation rates - the book by Dr Peters.

Herr Roessler sollte sich bei seiner Wortwahl etwas maessigen. Haette ich
bezueglich der Ausfuehrungen von Dr. Peters in einem seiner Publikationen
gelogen, so hiesse das, ich haette wissentlich die Unwahrheit gesagt. Da
Herrn Roessler hier zunaechst fragen muss, was er mit dieser Luege meint
(das geht aus diesem Text nicht hervor), ist ein Vorsatz meinerseits schon

auszuschliessen. Moeglicherweise habe ich geirrt, aber das waere noch zu

Roessler faehrt fort:

> Moreover, Rudolf's graphical representation stands on two bits of
>information - exponential decay in total evaporation, and a safe
>rule of thumb about the times to evaporate all HCN from a modern
>product which resembles Zyklon-B. [...]
>It's Detia GmbH, and the graph WAS NOT PROVIDED by them, as Rudolf
>admits. He mentions a letter, he received from them about their
>HCN product, apparently this letter states only that it was a safe
>rule of thumb to assume nearly complete evaporation of the HCN within
>two hours at normal temperatures and under various other conditions
>which may modify the rate of evaporation. Rudolf is not very clear
>about that point, although he admits, that the Detia people refused to
>give exact technical data just because the evaporation rate may
>differ depending on circumstances. And, whatever the letter really
>contained, I cannot check.
>So, what Rudolf did apparently was simply fitting an exponential
>to reach 10% remaining HCN after 2hours - and then he plotted that
>I wouldn't call this a technical information, do you?

Hier hat Herr Roessler ganz recht: Die Daten, die ich von Detia Freyberg
(Lauden-bach/Bergstrasse) erhielt sind nicht gerade ueppig. Leider kann
den Brief nicht mehr reproduzieren, da er mir von der Polizei im September

1993 beschlagnahmt wurde (LG Stuttgart, Az. 17 KLs 83/94). Diese
ist dennoch technisch, wenn auch nicht so exakt, wie Naturwissenschaftler
sich wuenschen. An der Annahme eines exponentiellen Verlaufes der
wird aber doch wohl kaum etwas auszusetzen sein, zumal es keine Funktion
gibt, die schneller abfaellt.

Roessler fuehrt aus:

>On the other hand, Rudolf acknowledges that the patent for Zyklon-B
>states nearly complete evaporation within 10mins.

Dies bezieht sich auf eine Fussnote in einem Beitrag zu den "Grundlagen
Zeitgeschichte". Das Patent bekam ich erst im Sommer 1994 von C. Mattogno,

so dass ich es in meinem Gutachten (Juli 1993) noch nicht beruecksichtigen

konnte. Es gilt aber weiterhin zu beruecksichtigen, dass aufgrund einer
Untersuchung der Reichsmaterialpruefanstalt die Zusammensetzung von Zyklon
Anfang der 30er Jahre stark veraendert wurde (wachsender Gipsanteil statt
reine Diatomeenerde). Zur Zeit laufen bezueglich der exakten
Zusammensetzung, Herstellungsverfahren und Eigenschaften noch intensive
Literaturrecherchen, auf deren Ergebnisse ich selbst warte. Ich darf
diesbezueglich um etwas Geduld bitten.

Roessler meint weiter:

>I'm still evaluating Dr Peters' book(s) - but in all applications he
>mentions the peak of HCN-concentration in the air of fumigated rooms
>(often very high concentrations) is reached within less than one hour -
>in essential agreement with these data and the remarks by Dr Peters
>about the possibility to control the release of HCN to a certain extent.

Wenn ich nicht irre, beziehen sich Dr. Peters Ausfuehrungen auf eine
mit Kreislaufverfahren. Da ich hier leider etwas von Bibliotheken
abgeschnitten bin und mir all meine Archivalien bei den drei
Hausdurchsuchungen beschlagnahmt wurden, kann ich das zur Zeit nur schwer
ueberpruefen. Vielleicht aber sieht sich Herr Roessler in der Lage, das zu

ueberpruefen. Wenn dem so waere, so moechte ich doch anmerken, dass man
Effekt eines Heissluftfoens (Kreislaufanlage) nicht mit dem einer durch
menschliche Leiber erzeugten Waermekonvektion vergleichen kann.
Zuletzt darf ich fragen, ob sich Herr Roessler einmal Gedanken darueber
gemacht hat, wie das Zyklon B in die angeblichen Gaskammern der
II und III eingefuehrt worden sein soll in Ermangelung der so oft
Loecher in der Decke.

Germar Rudolf

[Rough translation of the foregoing text]
Evaporation Characteristics of Zyklon B

Remarks on the Comments of Mr. Roessler of Goettingen

I am happy that after three years of silence and persecution without open
debate that finally someone in Germany has posed some substantial
questions about my Report.

Roessler writes ( Wed Dec 13 19:13:06 PST 1995,
alt.revisionism newsgroup):

>Unfortunately, I just demonstrated that Rudolf lied about one source,
>he quoted, to validy his long evaporation rates - the book by Dr Peters.

Mr. Roessler should weigh his words more carefully. If I had lied in
relation to the remarks of Dr. Peters in one of his publications, that
would mean that I had knowingly stated a falsehood. But here I really
must ask Mr. Roessler what lie he is talking about, since it does not
follow from the text, that it is an issue that is already decided as far
as I am concerned. Perhaps I have erred, but even that is not yet proven.

Roessler goes on:

> Moreover, Rudolf's graphical representation stands on two bits of
>information - exponential decay in total evaporation, and a safe
>rule of thumb about the times to evaporate all HCN from a modern
>product which resembles Zyklon-B. [...]
>It's Detia GmbH, and the graph WAS NOT PROVIDED by them, as Rudolf
>admits. He mentions a letter, he received from them about their
>HCN product, apparently this letter states only that it was a safe
>rule of thumb to assume nearly complete evaporation of the HCN within
>two hours at normal temperatures and under various other conditions
>which may modify the rate of evaporation. Rudolf is not very clear
>about that point, although he admits, that the Detia people refused to
>give exact technical data just because the evaporation rate may
>differ depending on circumstances. And, whatever the letter really
>contained, I cannot check.
>So, what Rudolf did apparently was simply fitting an exponential
>to reach 10% remaining HCN after 2hours - and then he plotted that
>I wouldn't call this a technical information, do you?

Here Mr. Roessler is completely correct: the data which I received from
Detia Freyberg
(Laudenbach/Bergstrasse) were not exactly ample. Unfortunately, I can no
longer reproduce the letter, since it was confiscated by the police in
September, 1993. While the information is rather technical, it also was
not as precise as a scientist would like. As to the application of an
exponential curve for outgassing, I can scarcely understand what the
problem might be, since there is no function with a more rapid

Roessler continued:

>On the other hand, Rudolf acknowledges that the patent for Zyklon-B
>states nearly complete evaporation within 10mins.

This relates to a footnote in a contribution to *Foundations of
Contemporary History.* I first received the patent from Carlo Mattogno
in the summer of 1994, so it could not have been used in my July, 1993,
Report. On the other hand, the patent has relevance elsewhere, since a
report of the State Materials Testings Laboratory shows that the
composition of Zyklon B was sharply altered in the 1930’s, with increasing
amounts of gypsum added instead of pure diatomite. Intensive study of the
literature will eventually reveal the exact composition, manufacturing
methods, and qualities of Zyklon B, and I look forward to these answers
myself. In the meantime I can only ask for some patience.

Roessler opines further:

>I'm still evaluating Dr Peters' book(s) - but in all applications he
>mentions the peak of HCN-concentration in the air of fumigated rooms
>(often very high concentrations) is reached within less than one hour -
>in essential agreement with these data and the remarks by Dr Peters
>about the possibility to control the release of HCN to a certain extent.

If I am not mistaken this is a reference to Dr. Peters’ comments for a
room with forced air circulation. At present it is rather difficult for
me to confirm this, since I am unfortunately somewhat cut off from
libraries and all of my archives have been confiscated in the course of
three thorough searches and seizures at my home. But perhaps Mr. Roessler
considers himself in a position to confirm this. If so, I would like to
point out that the effect of hot air circulation in a forced air system
cannot be compared to the heat convection generated by human bodies.
Finally I would like to ask whether Mr. Roessler has ever given any
thought as to how the Zyklon B would be introduced into the alleged gas
chambers of Crematorium II and III given the absence of any of the
oft-cited holes in the roof.


Germar Rudolf

Daniel Keren

Aug 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/8/96
to (Ehrlich606) writes:

[Quoting Germar Rudoplh]

# Mr. Roessler

It's Dr. Roessler, actually.

# should weigh his words more carefully. If I
# had lied in relation to the remarks of Dr. Peters in one
# of his publications, that would mean that I had knowingly
# stated a falsehood.

he quoted "the larger part" as "half". One must assume he
was intentionally lying.

# Here Mr. Roessler is completely correct: the data which I
# received from Detia Freyberg (Laudenbach/Bergstrasse) were
# not exactly ample.

Well that's good to hear.

# As to the application of an exponential curve for outgassing,
# I can scarcely understand what the problem might be, since
# there is no function with a more rapid declination.

This has to be one of the most idiotic things I read in my
life. There are many functions which decrease faster. That's
indeed one for the ZOG quote files.

# Finally I would like to ask whether Mr. Roessler has ever
# given any thought as to how the Zyklon B would be introduced
# into the alleged gas chambers of Crematorium II and III
# given the absence of any of the oft-cited holes in the roof.

Now that's just great. Some "revisionists", like Andrew Allen,
keep telling us there are three holes in the roof. And now
another one tells us there are none.

Never mind the photos in pressac's book which clearly show
the holes.

These people are amazing.

-Danny Keren.

Lies written in ink can never disguise facts written in blood.

-Lu Xun.


Aug 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/9/96

Subject: Re: Germar Rudolf Responds on Zyklon Outgassing
From: (Daniel Keren)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 01:30:13 GMT (Ehrlich606) writes:

[Quoting Germar Rudoplh]

# Mr. Roessler

It's Dr. Roessler, actually.

E606: OK, how would I know?

# should weigh his words more carefully. If I
# had lied in relation to the remarks of Dr. Peters in one
# of his publications, that would mean that I had knowingly
# stated a falsehood.

he quoted "the larger part" as "half". One must assume he
was intentionally lying.

E606: One must assume that Dan is jumping to conclusions. Or else he is
anxious to dismiss Rudolf as a liar as quickly as possible? :)

# Here Mr. Roessler is completely correct: the data which I
# received from Detia Freyberg (Laudenbach/Bergstrasse) were
# not exactly ample.

Well that's good to hear.

# As to the application of an exponential curve for outgassing,
# I can scarcely understand what the problem might be, since
# there is no function with a more rapid declination.

This has to be one of the most idiotic things I read in my
life. There are many functions which decrease faster. That's
indeed one for the ZOG quote files.

E606: I am sure he means in the context of retaining 80% to 90% after two
hours, Dan, which was the data point quoted him by Detia Freyberg.

# Finally I would like to ask whether Mr. Roessler has ever
# given any thought as to how the Zyklon B would be introduced
# into the alleged gas chambers of Crematorium II and III
# given the absence of any of the oft-cited holes in the roof.

Now that's just great. Some "revisionists", like Andrew Allen,
keep telling us there are three holes in the roof. And now
another one tells us there are none.

Never mind the photos in pressac's book which clearly show
the holes.

These people are amazing.

E606: Dan, don't you think you are being amazing as well? No one
disputes that there are _holes_ the fact is that they are not in the
locations where they could conceivably be induction holes, according to
both of your photographs. Moreover, they have the rebar sticking out and
so on.

Mark Van Alstine

Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96

In article <4ugtd1$>,
(Ehrlich606) wrote:

In article <4ugtd1$>,
(Ehrlich606) wrote:


> E606: Dan, don't you think you are being amazing as well? No one
> disputes that there are _holes_ the fact is that they are not in the
> locations where they could conceivably be induction holes, according to
> both of your photographs. Moreover, they have the rebar sticking out and
> so on.

And where are these holes with "rebar sticking out and so on" located at,
exactly? How many are there? Please feel free to provide photographs.

Mr. Allen, it seems, is rather reluctant to do so....


"Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes
not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties--but
right through every human heart--and all human hearts."

-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn, "The Gulag Archipelago"

Daniel Keren

Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96
to (Ehrlich606) writes:

# No one disputes that there are _holes_ the fact is that
# they are not in the locations where they could conceivably
# be induction holes, according to both of your photographs.

I have not seen any proof for this. I know this is what
"revisionists" claim, but I have not seen any proof for
that. "Revisionists" also claim that Bischoff ordered
corpses stored in a hot room, "so they will not freeze".

My experience, after 5 years, is that "revisionists" are
not only dumb, but pathological liars as well. I do not
accept *anything* a "revisionist" says, before checking it.

# Moreover, they have the rebar sticking out and so on.

This is in other holes, created when the roof collapsed
and where the supporting pillar went through it, as I


Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

Subject: Re: Germar Rudolf Responds on Zyklon Outgassing
From: (Daniel Keren)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 19:38:51 GMT (Ehrlich606) writes:

# No one disputes that there are _holes_ the fact is that
# they are not in the locations where they could conceivably
# be induction holes, according to both of your photographs.

I have not seen any proof for this. I know this is what
"revisionists" claim, but I have not seen any proof for
that. "Revisionists" also claim that Bischoff ordered
corpses stored in a hot room, "so they will not freeze".

E606: Why do you insist on changing the subject especially when I don't
even know what you are referring to?

My experience, after 5 years, is that "revisionists" are
not only dumb, but pathological liars as well. I do not
accept *anything* a "revisionist" says, before checking it.

E606: OK, then be skeptical of what they say, but, at the same time, have
a secure grounding before attacking people. Rudolf and Caecaa have both
been to the location, and say the holes aren't there. OK, either the
holes are there or they are not there. It seems to me the only way we can
check is to go and see for ourselves. In the meantime, I have to say that
I am inclined to think that they would be telling the truth, insofar as
such a fact can be so demonstrably refuted. But, OK, maybe the holes
really are there, and they just could not *see* them. I can't believe it
would be that difficult to obtain a current photo showing the holes and
their relationship to the overall roof.

Mike Curtis

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96
to (Ehrlich606) wrote:

># Finally I would like to ask whether Mr. Roessler has ever
># given any thought as to how the Zyklon B would be introduced
># into the alleged gas chambers of Crematorium II and III
># given the absence of any of the oft-cited holes in the roof.
>Now that's just great. Some "revisionists", like Andrew Allen,
>keep telling us there are three holes in the roof. And now
>another one tells us there are none.
>Never mind the photos in pressac's book which clearly show
>the holes.
>These people are amazing.

>E606: Dan, don't you think you are being amazing as well? No one
>disputes that there are _holes_ the fact is that they are not in the
>locations where they could conceivably be induction holes, according to
>both of your photographs. Moreover, they have the rebar sticking out and
>so on.

Where's the proof for this contention, Ehrlich606?

Daniel Keren

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96
to (Ehrlich606) writes:

# Why do you insist on changing the subject especially
# when I don't even know what you are referring to?

The subject is the reliability and intelligence of
Nazi apologists.

# Rudolf and Caecaa have both been to the location, and
# say the holes aren't there.

I don't believe liars. I don't believe Nazis.

Pressac's book does show a photo of what appears to
be a rather neat, square hole.

# It seems to me the only way we can
# check is to go and see for ourselves.

This will be done.

-Danny Keren.

In Message-ID: <4n0ik8$>, Matt Giwer
suggested that documents about a "gas chamber" and "gassing cellar"
in the Birkenau crematoriums didn't count, as they were really due
to "a morbid sense of humor" of the SS men who authored the documents.

Yale F. Edeiken

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

> (Daniel Keren) writes:
> (Ehrlich606) writes:

> # It seems to me the only way we can
> # check is to go and see for ourselves.

> This will be done.

Oddly enough this was the position of the prosecution at various trials.
Why was it not done? That's simple. The nazis on trial objected to a view by the


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