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Why would Foxman and the ADL Deny the Armenian Genocide?

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Aug 20, 2007, 5:45:12 AM8/20/07
Excerpt from below:

"There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
"Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
crypto-Jews... "

In the thread " ADL Charged With Holocaust Denial", Tommy (
posted an article that stated that the town council of Watertown, MA,
a city with a sizable population of persons of Armenian descent, had
"voted unanimously" to "cut ties with the Anti-Defamation League of
B'nai Brith", more commonly known as the ADL.

The reason for this seemingly drastic move? The town council cited
concerns with the ADL's steadfast "DENIAL" of the Armenian Genocide,
wherein over 1.5 million men, women and children were slaughtered
between 1915 and 1923.

The article states that ADL and its national leader, Abraham Foxman,
have also expressed strenuous opposition to proposed US legislation
that would officially recognize and condemn this ugly episode, which
was know by contemporaries as a "holocaust" (long before the so-called
Jewish "Holocaust" occurred), and is considered by many to be the
FIRST genocidal action of the 20th century.

Why would the ADL,, which bills itself as a "humanitarian
organization", claiming to promote tolerance and diversity, and to
combat "hate" racism, bigotry (and above all anti-Semitism), work to
deny, discount and/or otherwise minimize a horrific event such as the
Armenian Genocide?

Could it be because the ADL is a Jewish organization, and doesn't
concern itself with "other" victims of intolerance and human rights

Not likely. The ADL has led the charge pushing for "Hate Crimes"
legislation on both state and federal levels in the US, and has
happily partnered with Black, Hispanic, homosexual groups and other so-
called "victim classes" in their relentless pursuit of their goal of
shoving this draconian legislation down our throats.

Could it be that the ADL (and Jews in general) has profited handsomely
from the high-profile public image of THE HOLOCAUST (the Jewish
Holocaust), and the almost universal sympathy that has been generated
by this super-publicized event? Is it that they don't want to "share
the spotlight" with some other group, who might tend to steal some of
their thunder?

Possibly. But this author doubts whether the ADL would DARE face the
potential onslaught of NEGATIVE publicity generated by their genocide
denial and vocal opposition to the related proposed legislation for
such a trivial reason. The balance sheet just wouldn't support it.

So why *would* the ADL deny the Armenian Genocide? Why wouldn't they
warmly (if reluctantly) embrace the Armenians as "Brothers in
Victimhood", as they have Blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals in their
dogged pursuit of "Hate Crimes" legislation?

There would have to be a good reason. A DAMN good reason - but what
could it be? The ADL's recent "open letter" in response to their
charges of genocide denial, and addressed to "The New England
Community" might give us a clue:

Quoting the ADL's letter:
"The Jewish community in Turkey has clearly expressed to us and other
major American Jewish organizations its concerns about the impact of
Congressional action on them, and we cannot ignore those concerns."

Now why should the JEWS of TURKEY have anything to fear from a US
Congressional resolution that would acknowledge and condemn a genocide
that took place nearly 100 years ago in an empire that no longer

Could the answer be Zionism?

During the time that the Armenian Genocide began, the areas now known
as Palestine and Israel were under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
Powerful and resourceful Jewish Zionists had much earlier set their
sights on these lands as a "homeland" for Jews as part of their
Messianic religious/racist fantasy, and they intended to gain control
of these lands by whatever means necessary.

In 1908, the "Committee of Union and Progress", more widely known as
the "Young Turks" fomented a revolution, and effectively took control
of the Ottoman Empire, rallying the citizenry under the well know
Judaeo/Masonic slogan of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". It was these
"Young Turks" that oversaw and carried out the Armenian Genocide -
wherein over 1.5 million men, women and children were slaughtered.

Following WWI, the Ottoman Empire was dissolved, and Palestine
(including the area now known as Israel) was left under the control of
occupying British forces.

That Britain and her allies had been victorious during that war was
thanks to the United States entering the war to fight on their side -
and that was thanks in turn to a deal cut with highly powerful and
influential Zionist Jews, who promised the Brits that the US would
intervene - on the condition that the British would declare Palestine
a homeland for Jews. The British agreed, and formalized this in the
"Balfour Declaration". The Zionists fulfilled their end of the bargain
by bringing the US into the war, and the British fulfilled theirs when
they handed Palestine over to the Zionists.

But who were the "Young Turks", and why would the Jewish population of
Turkey have anything to fear from a US Congressional resolution
condemning a 100 year-old genocide?

There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
"Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
crypto-Jews (Jews who were masquerading as Muslims) many of these
hailing from the Jewish/Crypto-Jewish community of Salonika, Greece.

It is alleged that these Jews were Zionists all, and their intent was
to weaken and then dissolve the Ottoman Empire so that their Zionist
dream of a Jewish homeland in Palestine might be fulfilled - the
Armenian Genocide being a necessary part of that plan. These further
allege that the entire revolution and subsequent genocide was
bankrolled by Jewish Italian bankers and further by the Rothschilds,
and that Jews/Crypto-Jews have been in defacto control of Turkey ever

This allegation that becomes all the more believable when we read the
ADL's statement from the aforementioned letter, stating: "We are also
keenly aware Turkey is a key strategic ally and friend of the United
States and a staunch friend of Israel, and that in the struggle
between Islamic extremists and moderate Islam, Turkey is the most
critical country in the world".

Whether I believe these allegations or not is irrelevant. The ADL's
Abraham Foxman apparently believes it - why else would a US
congressional resolution be considered a THREAT to Turkish JEWS???

Lets face it: It simply wouldn't do to have Jews - the world's
"ultimate victim class" fingered as the culprits of a mass genocide in
the twentieth century. Imagine the stigma and the possible
repercussions on the Jews of Turkey, on the Zionist movement, and on
Jews in general!

Imagine what might happen to that festering Kosher boil on the face of
the Middle East if the world were to learn not only of the true
culprits of the Armenian Genocide, but that its birth required the
Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars one and Two, and countless more
incidents of betrayal, intrigue, back-stabbing and skulduggery?

This is an extra-large can of worms that Abe Foxman, the ADL, B'nai
Brith Canada, Israel and Jews in general are VERY interested in
keeping tightly sealed.

Suddenly, the seemingly unorthodox and irrational actions of ol' Abe
and the ADL don't seem so irrational after all, do they?



Observer at Large

Alaska Rocks

Aug 20, 2007, 5:59:01 AM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> Excerpt from below:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> crypto-Jews... "
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!


Aug 20, 2007, 8:24:06 AM8/20/07

yes it is a large can of worms. Many thousands of Jews in Turkey
converted to Islam, but not sincerely, during the Ataturks regime and
before, in order to attain the coveted posts in the Turkish
government. They were called something like "Dumas"I am not sure about
the name. Relative told me about them. These Jews were the leading
leaders in the "Young Turk" organization advocating the extermination
of Armenians. No wonder ADL wants to hide this little known fact. The
reason the Turkish government does not admit to the atrocity is
because the government itself had nothing to do with it. Provincial
leaders of Young Turks, or converted jews did it all by themselves. It
is a horrible atrocity nevert heless, similar to Serbian atrocities of
muslims in Bosnia

Chris C. Larson

Aug 20, 2007, 8:31:02 AM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 4:59 am, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > Excerpt from below:
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > crypto-Jews... "
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!

Alaska Rocks has made Waldo a "Leading Revisionist Historian" by
asking him for further clarification on a subject that he is deeply
knowledgeable about. Waldo, I'm sure that your certificate and emblem
for your white gown and hood will be in the mail shortly. However, I'm
sure that Waldo will have to send in $100 (and SASE), which is what it
also costs to become ordained as a Christian Identity minister. Could
that be next for Waldo?

Alaska Rocks

Aug 20, 2007, 10:10:34 AM8/20/07

Thanks for the information. What goes around comes around...

Joe Bruno

Aug 20, 2007, 11:18:01 AM8/20/07

As usual, you're wrong. Quite a few of ADL's regional representatives
disagreed with Foxman's stance on this issue. The rep for Watertown
did, and Foxman fired him.

Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
about it in public.

There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.

How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
work for them.

I'm not surprised you'd attempt to exploit this situation
to further your cockroach variety agenda.

Joe Bruno

Aug 20, 2007, 11:20:49 AM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 5:31 am, "Chris C. Larson" <>

In view of his oft-repeated disdain for Christianity, I doubt Waldo
would let himself be associated with anything
having the name "Christian" in it.


Aug 20, 2007, 11:25:35 AM8/20/07
In article <>, says...

> The reason for this seemingly drastic move? The town council cited
> concerns with the ADL's steadfast "DENIAL" of the Armenian Genocide,
> wherein over 1.5 million men, women and children were slaughtered
> between 1915 and 1923.

I believe that the case that 1.5 million Armenians were killed is true
but I am not sure that it was a genocide.

Aug 20, 2007, 11:38:48 AM8/20/07

I dunno. His hatred of Jews seems to overwhelm his disdain for
Christianity. So I figure it would be a wash.


Joe Bruno

Aug 20, 2007, 11:46:08 AM8/20/07
> Steve- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Maybe the question I should have asked is:Do the Christian
Identity wackos want their name associated with his?

Panta Rhei

Aug 20, 2007, 11:46:48 AM8/20/07
BernardZ writes:

Read and learn:

List of over a hundred scholars (quite a few among them Jewish, as you can
see by their names) "Taking A Stand Against The Turkish Government's Denial
of the Armenian Genocide and Scholarly Corruption in the Academy":


Aug 20, 2007, 1:21:38 PM8/20/07
Just as Jewish academics lead the scholastic fight for egalitarianism in
science and sociology, and Jewish media moguls lead the propaganda fight,
the "civil-rights" movement itself found most of its leadership and
financial support in the Jewish community.

Almost from the first day of its inception in 1909, the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was the premier organization
working for a racially mixed American society. Interestingly enough, the
founding board of directors had only one prominent Black, W. E. B. Dubois
(who was actually a Mulatto). Most of the board consisted of Jewish Marxist
ideologues. The U.S. House of Representatives and many state investigative
bodies thoroughly documented the fact that all of the NAACP's founders were
activists in the Communist cause. Dubois even chose Communist Ghana as his
burial site.

The NAACP's first president was Arthur Spingarn, and only Jews served as
NAACP presidents from its founding until the 1970s. Noel Spingarn succeeded
his brother, Arthur, and following him, Kivie Kaplan reigned over the
organization. The Jewish leadership of the NAACP was little known by the
public at large. When I came of age, the only name I heard associated with
the NAACP was Roy Wilkins, who was its Black national secretary. Because he
was so much in the press and public eye, like most Americans, I thought
Wilkins was the NAACP leader. But Kaplan was the actual NAACP president
during that time. Benjamin Hooks became the first Black president finally in
the 1970s. Once a Black finally made it to the presidency of the
organization, no longer did the public hear much about the NAACP "national
secretary." From then on the public spokesman was the NAACP president.

In the recent Black-Jewish split, liberal Jews are quick to cry foul at
Black resentment against them by reciting the fact that the lion's share of
the financing of the Black cause has come from Jews. They also boast that at
least 90 percent of the civil-rights legal effort has come from Jewish
attorneys and has long been supported by Jewish money.

Practically every step of the civil-rights movement's progress came through
the courts. They decreed forced racial integration of the schools, enabled
illiterate Blacks to vote, and ultimately forced upon America the massive
anti-White discrimination program with the Orwellian name "affirmative
action." Here, too, Jews took the predominant roles.

The organization that fought many of these battles was the NAACP Legal
Defense Fund, an organization separate from the NAACP itself. At this
writing, Jews still lead it. Jake Greenberg has been active in the legal
fund for years and was the chief attorney for Brown in the famous Supreme
Court case Brown v Board of Education. In that nefarious decision, the
Supreme Court - in one devastating stroke of the pen - initiated the
transformation of the American public educational system from one of the
best in the world to one of the worst in the First World.

Even in the areas where Jews were not the actual leaders, they provided much
of the behind-the-scenes influence. Martin Luther King Jr. fell under the
guidance of Stanley Levinson, who wrote many of King's speeches, including,
some say, the "I Have a Dream" speech delivered at the March on Washington.
John and Robert Kennedy warned King to disassociate himself from Levinson
because of Levinson's Communist record. King, however, found Levinson
invaluable and refused. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC) and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) also had key Jewish
involvement in their formative periods, and most of the nominally White
"Freedom Riders" that went South were Jews. The famous case of the three
Freedom Riders killed in Philadelphia, Mississippi, involved Schwerner,
Goodman, and Chaney - two Jews and one Black.

The public image of the man who called himself "Martin Luther King" (his
legal name was Michael King) is a textbook illustration of the power of the
media to influence America. Most people still do not know of the extent of
King's involvement in Communism, in part because the media continues to
ignore King's long record of Communist associations. King privately declared
himself to be a Marxist, and told his inner circle that his efforts were a
part of the "class struggle." His personal secretary, Bayard Rustin, was a
Communist. When King had to replace Rustin in 1961, he chose another
Communist, Jack O'Dell. His main advisor ("handler" would probably be a more
apt term), as I've mentioned, was Jewish Communist Stanley Levinson, who
edited and probably wrote a good deal of King's book Stride Toward Freedom.
Levinson prepared King's income tax returns, controlled King's fundraising
activities, and was also in charge of funneling Soviet money to the
Communist Party, USA.

Only recently has it been revealed that King plagiarized large sections of
his doctoral thesis. Boston University formed a committee to determine the
extent of King's plagiarism. It determined that 45 percent of the first part
and 21 percent of the second part were taken from other authors. Schools
regularly revoke degrees on discovery of far less cheating, but the
importance of King to the civil-rights movement prevented the revocation of
his divinity degree.

The media have always carefully portrayed King as a good Christian family
man - the epitome of a man of God. But King had dozens of liaisons with
prostitutes, White and Black, used church money to pay them and commonly
beat them - all documented by the FBI and admitted by King associates.

King even spent the night before his assassination copulating with and
beating White prostitutes. On the FBI surveillance tapes the "Reverend King"
can be heard during intercourse to say, " I'm f---ing for God!" and "I'm not
a Negro tonight!" The King records are so damning that the tapes and other
FBI documents were sealed for 50 years. Despite these facts, King's Jewish
handlers and their allies in the media were steadfast in their laudatory
portrayal of King.

Jewish and Black relations have become strained in recent years as Black
political sympathies have become more nationalistic in their own right.
Jewish association with Black civil-rights causes originated from the days
when many Communists saw the Blacks as potential revolutionaries for
Communist uprising. The Communists in their creation of the Soviet State
temporarily won the Jewish fraternal struggle between Zionism and Communism
that Winston Churchill described in 1920. Radical American Jews envisioned
the Blacks as an American proletariat, a transatlantic version of the
oppressed serfs of Russia that could be utilized as allies helping to usher
in a Communist revolution. Of course, even non-Communist Jews tended to
support a non-racial definition of "American," since they more than anyone
are aware of their status as outsiders in White society. This led almost all
organized Jewish factions to support the dismantling of the laws and
traditions that supported the continued existence of our race.


Aug 20, 2007, 3:32:21 PM8/20/07
? "Venceremos" <> ?????? ??? ??????


> Relative told me about them. These Jews were the leading
> leaders in the "Young Turk" organization advocating the extermination
> of Armenians.

Even Ataturk's origin is uncertain, many sources suspecting he was a Domne
from near Thessaloniki-Greece, from a village called Langadas...

As for the rest, I am amazed on how many more anti-Semitic conspiracy
theories we will see in the future...
Don't you people ever get tired?


E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A

Coins, travels and more:

Aug 20, 2007, 5:48:15 PM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 8:25?am, BernardZ <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...

> > The reason for this seemingly drastic move? The town council cited
> > concerns with the ADL's steadfast "DENIAL" of the Armenian Genocide,
> > wherein over 1.5 million men, women and children were slaughtered
> > between 1915 and 1923.
> I believe that the case that 1.5 million Armenians were killed is true
> but I am not sure that it was a genocide.

What you believe is irrelevant.....All you have to do some research....

Aug 20, 2007, 5:52:25 PM8/20/07
> Steve- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

He might be a Jew hater...but the question come what he says
is true. We , Armenians of Turkey, knew long time ago that Young Turks
founders were Donmes ( crypt0-Jews. Every Armenian nknow it, but it is
only recently that people have been studying it..
I suggest to read on the internet an electronic book titled "The
Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians" This is an study mada by a
history professor in the east cost ( the name escapes me) Do a google
search and deniers educate yourselves...

Aug 20, 2007, 7:03:17 PM8/20/07

On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:

> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > Excerpt from below:
> >
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > crypto-Jews... "
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please elaborate on this.

Yes, some actual proof would be nice.
For a change.


Aug 20, 2007, 7:04:52 PM8/20/07

On 20-Aug-2007, wrote:

Hmmm, maybe because it's not?

> We , Armenians of Turkey, knew long time ago that Young Turks
> founders were Donmes ( crypt0-Jews. Every Armenian nknow it, but it is
> only recently that people have been studying it..
> I suggest to read on the internet an electronic book

First clue as to it's being a total lie is its inability to get published.

> titled "The
> Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians" This is an study mada by a
> history professor in the east cost ( the name escapes me)

I'm sure.
It would escape me too if I knew just how quick everyone
would be to spot such al ie.

> Do a google
> search and deniers educate yourselves...

Yes, you deniers should do just that.


Aug 20, 2007, 7:05:24 PM8/20/07

On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:

> Thanks for the information. What goes around comes around...

Yes, and when your lies catch up with you, you'll be
sorrier than you are now.

Chris C. Larson

Aug 20, 2007, 7:59:31 PM8/20/07
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­--------------------

> He might be a Jew hater...but the question come what he says
> is true. We , Armenians of Turkey, knew long time ago that Young Turks
> founders were Donmes ( crypt0-Jews. Every Armenian nknow it, but it is
> only recently that people have been studying it..
> I suggest to read on the internet an electronic book titled "The
> Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians" This is an study mada by a
> history professor in the east cost ( the name escapes me) Do a google

Oh yes- it's true!! The Jews have killed 45,500,000 US Christians in
the last 3 weeks alone but it never got reported because of the "Jew
owned media".

Joe Bruno

Aug 20, 2007, 9:02:50 PM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 4:59 pm, "Chris C. Larson" <>
> owned media".- Hide quoted text -

Christians don't bother me at all. It's the Moslems and atheists I
view with concern.


Aug 20, 2007, 10:04:33 PM8/20/07

Yes, his deviation from the ADL's official stance of denial got him
fired, which demonstrates that I am right, and you are... well, you're
just Bluto.

> Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> about it in public.

Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.

> There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.

And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
policies, Joe-Liz?

> How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> work for them.

Yes. You've told us that you used to schlep for the ADL, the US arm of
the Mossad, Joe.

And you dare call yourself an "American".

Gord McFee

Aug 20, 2007, 10:16:08 PM8/20/07
On 8/20/2007 5:59 AM, Alaska Rocks wrote:

> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
>> Excerpt from below:
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
>> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
>> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
>> crypto-Jews... "
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!

Don't hold your breath. He invented it from whole cloth.

Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time

Visit the Holocaust History Project

Gord McFee

Aug 20, 2007, 10:17:58 PM8/20/07

He hates them all, as my recent exchange with him demonstrated. He
considers Christianity to be the bastard offspring of Judaism, which
automatically means he hates it. But you are right that his first
hatred is Jews.

Gord McFee

Aug 20, 2007, 10:19:20 PM8/20/07

Now Susan, we are talking Waldo here.


Aug 20, 2007, 10:24:40 PM8/20/07

Actually Muslims historically were very tolerant of Jews, and treated
them quite well - that is until Jews started with their meddling and
machinations - especially in the Middle East.

Why would you view atheists with concern, Joe? Are you afraid of
people who aren't afraid of what you're afraid of?

Joe Bruno

Aug 20, 2007, 10:33:14 PM8/20/07

PSSST! Foxman fired him.OOPS! I said that already.

> > Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> > the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> > about it in public.
> Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.
> > There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
> And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
> policies, Joe-Liz?

Foxman is at the moment. Since he is the top man at ADL,
nobody can just up and fire him. It will take lots of pressure from
outside sources to discipline or fire him.
He isn't king, Waldo. He has no hereditary right to the post. He can
be brought into line or dismissed, but it will take time and effort.
I've already done my part by writing the ADL a letter condemning

What have you done about it?

> > How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> > work for them.


> And you dare call yourself an "American".

I do. The FBI who did several background checks on me does.
The U.S. Navy does. I've already proved my loyalty and patriotism with
6 years voluntary military service.
They even gave me an officer's commission and a Top Secret
clearance.Fancy that.

(1)What have you done besides talk?

(2)What established American authority has demonstrated their trust in
you and your loyalty to this country?

Don Black, Morghus,Dr. William Pierce and Scott Bradbury don't


Aug 20, 2007, 10:39:57 PM8/20/07

Define "hate", Gord.

> He
> considers Christianity to be the bastard offspring of Judaism,

Is Christianity an offspring of Judaism?


Has Judaism ever recognized Christianity as a legitimate offshoot?


There you have it. Christianity is the unwanted bastard child of
Judaism - and while many Christians/Christian sects may consider Jews
to be their "elder brothers in the Faith", Judaism offers no

> which
> automatically means he hates it. But you are right that his first
> hatred is Jews.

You've gone nasty again, Gord. Did you get spanked for the things you
said the other day?


Aug 20, 2007, 10:42:51 PM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 7:16 pm, Gord McFee <> wrote:
> On 8/20/2007 5:59 AM, Alaska Rocks wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> >> Excerpt from below:
> >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> >> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> >> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> >> crypto-Jews... "
> >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!
> Don't hold your breath. He invented it from whole cloth.

Yep. Gord got spanked. Likely by "The Broom" handle.

"Talkin' nice to Waldo ... That's a paddlin'.


Aug 20, 2007, 11:13:28 PM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 7:33 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 7:04 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 8:18 am, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > > On Aug 20, 2:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:

<Snipped for length>

> > > > Imagine what might happen to that festering Kosher boil on the face of
> > > > the Middle East if the world were to learn not only of the true
> > > > culprits of the Armenian Genocide, but that its birth required the
> > > > Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars one and Two, and countless more
> > > > incidents of betrayal, intrigue, back-stabbing and skulduggery?
> > > > This is an extra-large can of worms that Abe Foxman, the ADL, B'nai
> > > > Brith Canada, Israel and Jews in general are VERY interested in
> > > > keeping tightly sealed.
> > > > Suddenly, the seemingly unorthodox and irrational actions of ol' Abe
> > > > and the ADL don't seem so irrational after all, do they?
> > > As usual, you're wrong. Quite a few of ADL's regional representatives
> > > disagreed with Foxman's stance on this issue. The rep for Watertown
> > > did, and Foxman fired him.
> > Yes, his deviation from the ADL's official stance of denial got him
> > fired, which demonstrates that I am right, and you are... well, you're
> > just Bluto.
> PSSST! Foxman fired him.OOPS! I said that already.

We already knew you were wrong, Joe. There was no need to be

> > > Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> > > the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> > > about it in public.
> > Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.
> > > There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
> > And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
> > policies, Joe-Liz?
> Foxman is at the moment. Since he is the top man at ADL,
> nobody can just up and fire him. It will take lots of pressure from
> outside sources to discipline or fire him.
> He isn't king, Waldo. He has no hereditary right to the post. He can
> be brought into line or dismissed, but it will take time and effort.
> I've already done my part by writing the ADL a letter condemning
> Foxman.
> What have you done about it?

Apparently I inspired YOU to write a letter to the ADL, complaining
about Foxman.

What exactly did the letter say, Joe?

> > > How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> > > work for them.

Well, a Joe made a little unmarked snip. Let's restore it:


Yes. You've told us that you used to schlep for the ADL, the US arm of
the Mossad, Joe.


Wassamatter, Joe? Did I touch a raw nerve there?

> > And you dare call yourself an "American".
> I do. The FBI who did several background checks on me does.
> The U.S. Navy does. I've already proved my loyalty and patriotism with
> 6 years voluntary military service.
> They even gave me an officer's commission and a Top Secret
> clearance.Fancy that.
> (1)What have you done besides talk?

Observe. Write.

> (2)What established American authority has demonstrated their trust in
> you and your loyalty to this country?

I wouldn't discuss such matters in a Usenet forum, Joe.


Aug 20, 2007, 11:24:04 PM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 8:25 am, BernardZ <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...

> > The reason for this seemingly drastic move? The town council cited
> > concerns with the ADL's steadfast "DENIAL" of the Armenian Genocide,
> > wherein over 1.5 million men, women and children were slaughtered
> > between 1915 and 1923.
> I believe that the case that 1.5 million Armenians were killed is true
> but I am not sure that it was a genocide.

Do you believe that the "Jewish Holocaust" as allegedly perpetrated by
the Germans during the 1940's was "genocide"?

Why wouldn't the Armenian Holocaust qualify as "genocide" as well,

Differentiate the two, won't you?

Alaska Rocks

Aug 20, 2007, 11:33:01 PM8/20/07
On Aug 20, 9:32 pm, "gogu" <> wrote:
> ? "Venceremos" <> ?????? ??? ??????

It is very interesting.

Some Turks deny that there was an Armenian Genocide and it is not OK
with you.

The Jewish ADL denies the Armenian Genocide and it is OK with you.

Do you see any inconsistency in your position or am I missing

Waldo and Venceremos present some compelling evidence of Jewish role,
a very strong Jewish role, in the Armenian Genocide and you speak of
"anti-Semitic conspiracy". It would explain the Jewish ADL denial of
Armenian Genocide.

Would you still speak of "anti-Semitic conspiracy" if more evidence
was presented and it was established that Jews were the primary movers
of the Armenian Genocide?

Why not see where the trail leads and evaluate the information without
pre-conceived notions?

Aug 20, 2007, 11:41:53 PM8/20/07

I don't think the Jews were behind the Armenian genocide; that is
patently ridiculous. You blame the
Jews for almost everything Waldo. I do think the ADL and Congress not
going ahead and condemning
the Armenian genocide was/is a mistake. I think the ADL and Congress
won't pursue this because of
the strategic and political importance of the state of Turkey; its
politics. Any educated person
know the Armenian genocide occured; even Hitler used it as a
justification: "Nobody makes a big
deal about the Armenians?" Until the state of Turkey acknowleges the
genocide it will not be
"officially" recognized; wait a long time...perhaps it never will.
Afterall, it has gone this
long without acknowledging it.

Michael Ragland

Joe Bruno

Aug 20, 2007, 11:58:57 PM8/20/07

Perhaps you remember what happened on September 11, 2001?
My concern is not for Jews but for Americans as a whole.
Apparently, President Bush is concerned also, since he invaded
Afghanistan looking for the culprits.
Apparently, Congress, the representatives of the American people are
concerned also, since they gave him the money to do that. The
difference between us is that I care about all Americans, not just the
ones who agree with you. In my opinion, your professed loyalty to the
USA is a gigantic fraud. Every time you post, you violate the spirit
of the Constitution with your pathetic attempts to separate us into
warring factions. You don't want equal rights for Jews
or Christians, and your constant attacks on them and their religions
proves that.

> Why would you view atheists with concern, Joe? Are you afraid of
> people who aren't afraid of what you're afraid of?

Because many atheists are just like you-chronic liars
and bigots with no reverence for the moral concepts
embodied in the Ten Commandments. You don't care about truth
or human rights or anything except your petty hatreds.
You're a self-centered extremist and I detest and distrust extremists.

Apparently, I'm not alone, since the Justice Department has lists of
extremist groups and keeps constant watch on them.
Rest assured that if you ever do or say anything which represents a
threat or potential threat to the USA, I will
let the FBI know immediately. When I was commissioned an officer in
the Navy, I swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the USA,
and I consider myself to be still bound by that oath.


Aug 21, 2007, 12:29:50 AM8/21/07
<snipped for length>

> yes it is a large can of worms. Many thousands of Jews in Turkey
> converted to Islam, but not sincerely, during the Ataturks regime and
> before, in order to attain the coveted posts in the Turkish
> government.

This masquerading is a little game Jews have been known to play for a
long time. They behaved similarly in 15th Century Spain - feigning
conversion to Christianity for the sake of financial and political
gain for themselves and the Tribe. These Spanish crypto-Jews were
known as "Marranos" or "Conversos". These were NOT forced to convert,
but did so of their own volition - to serve their own agenda.

When many of these Marrano Jews were discovered to be practicing
Judaism in secret, they became subject to the Inquisition - not as
Jews, but as heretic *Christians*. The idea that the Inquisition
attacked Jews simply *because* they were Jews is a lie that has been
spun to make the Marranos look innocent. The truth is that the Jews
who made no pretense of being Christian were largely untouched by the

In Spain, the final straw came when Ferdinand and Isabella learned
that the Jews had been *conspiring* against Spain with the Muslim
Moors, a treasonous act that resulted in the Jews being expelled from
the country en masse.

> They were called something like "Dumas"

As gogu pointed out, they were called the "Dônme", meaning "apostate"
- and curiously, they were (are?) considered apostates by both Jews
and Muslims.

> I am not sure about

> the name. Relative told me about them. These Jews were the leading

> leaders in the "Young Turk" organization advocating the extermination

> of Armenians. No wonder ADL wants to hide this little known fact.

Yes. The primary mission of the ADL is to "stop the defamation of the
Jewish people" - and they clearly don't care whether any such
criticism might be justifiable. They simply go on the offensive.

> The
> reason the Turkish government does not admit to the atrocity is
> because the government itself had nothing to do with it. Provincial
> leaders of Young Turks, or converted jews did it all by themselves. It
> is a horrible atrocity nevert heless, similar to Serbian atrocities of
> muslims in Bosnia


Even today, if an eighty or ninety year old Nazi can be dug up by the
ADL and their cohorts, these Jews will demand that "justice" be
served, and if evil deeds can be "proven", they will demand that the x-
Nazi be deported, imprisoned, and if possible, executed.

Hypocritical bastards, aren't they?

Aug 21, 2007, 1:02:09 AM8/21/07

On 20-Aug-2007, Gord McFee <> wrote:

> On 8/20/2007 7:03 PM, wrote:
> > On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> >>> Excerpt from below:
> >>>
> >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >>> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> >>> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> >>> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> >>> crypto-Jews... "
> >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >> Please elaborate on this.
> >
> > Yes, some actual proof would be nice.
> > For a change.
> Now Susan, we are talking Waldo here.

Yes, I know - that's why proof would be a change.
(Note, I did not say I expected to ever SEE ANY from him....)



Aug 21, 2007, 1:20:59 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 4:03 pm, wrote:

In the mind of Susan "the Shiksa" Cohen, there would and could NEVER
be ANYTHING that would act as "proof".

I have a nasty habit of providing strong evidence to back up my
claims, but because Susan cannot STAND to see such evidence, she's had
me in her killfile for years.

So for the benefit of others, I provide the following from a JEWISH
"As long as the Dônme lived in Salonica, preservation of their Jewish
character was feasible because of their proximity and steady contact
with its large, bustling Jewish population. Many members of the Dônme
community in Salonica were among Turkey's reform leaders - the Young
Turks - and members of an influential reform organization known as the
Committee for Progress and Union. In 1909, the revolution of the Young
Turks overthrew the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II. The first
administration that then came to power, laying the foundation of the
future Turkish republic, included three Dônme ministers - Nuzhet Faik,
Mustafa Arif and Mehmet Javid."


The above is the JEWISH website of the European Sephardic Institute.
Here's a link to the English version of their main page.

The page that the above quote was taken from is a VERY interesting
read - as it gives the account of the life of Shabbetai Tzvi, "Jewish
Messiah" and his followers, the origins of the Dônme - the crypto-Jews
of Salonika.

(Note to Gord McFee: Pay particular attention to the reference to

So will the above satisfy Susan the Shiksa? Probably not, she'll
probably try to claim that these weren't *really* Jews - but then
again, neither is she. (At least they had Jewish blood, Susan!)


Aug 21, 2007, 1:22:26 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 10:02 pm, wrote:
> On 20-Aug-2007, Gord McFee <> wrote:
> > On 8/20/2007 7:03 PM, wrote:

> > > On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> > >> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > >>> Excerpt from below:
> > >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >>> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > >>> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > >>> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > >>> crypto-Jews... "
> > >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >> Please elaborate on this.
> > > Yes, some actual proof would be nice.
> > > For a change.
> > Now Susan, we are talking Waldo here.
> Yes, I know - that's why proof would be a change.
> (Note, I did not say I expected to ever SEE ANY from him....)
> Susan

Only because you refuse to read my posts, Shiksa dearest.


Aug 21, 2007, 1:37:14 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 8:41 pm, wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:

<snipped for length>

> I don't think the Jews were behind the Armenian genocide; that is
> patently ridiculous.

Really? Why is it ridiculous, Mr. Ragland?

Who *do* you believe was behind the Armenian Genocide? Do you have an

> You blame the
> Jews for almost everything Waldo.

I don't blame the Jews for EVERYTHING, but one should give credit
where credit is due, don't you think?

> I do think the ADL and Congress not
> going ahead and condemning
> the Armenian genocide was/is a mistake. I think the ADL and Congress
> won't pursue this because of
> the strategic and political importance of the state of Turkey; its
> politics.

Why do you use "ADL and Congress" together, as though the ADL is on
par with Congress as an official governmental body? You don't believe
this, do you?

And why are the Jews of Turkey so damned nervous about the idea of
Congress officially recognizing the Armenian Genocide? Why does Abe
"the Ape" Foxman wish to suppress it?

I know it makes your head hurt, but THINK about it.

> Any educated person
> know the Armenian genocide occured; even Hitler used it as a
> justification: "Nobody makes a big
> deal about the Armenians?" Until the state of Turkey acknowleges the
> genocide it will not be
> "officially" recognized; wait a long time...perhaps it never will.
> Afterall, it has gone this
> long without acknowledging it.

As another poster pointed out, it was not the government of Turkey per
se who carried out the atrocities, but the Young Turks.

Have a look at my response to Susan Cohen in this thread, Mr. Ragland.


Aug 21, 2007, 1:55:02 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 4:05 pm, wrote:

> On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> > Thanks for the information. What goes around comes around...
> Yes, and when your lies catch up with you, you'll be
> sorrier than you are now.

So do Jews believe in karma, or are you implying that one day the
Jewish G-d is going to grab him by the ankles and beat him like a red-
headed step-child?

BTW, is your Jewish hubby a mamzer, Schmoozan?


Aug 21, 2007, 2:25:28 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 8:33 pm, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 9:32 pm, "gogu" <> wrote:
> > ? "Venceremos" <> ?????? ??? ??????
> > > On Aug 20, 5:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > >> Excerpt from below:
> > >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > >> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > >> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > >> crypto-Jews... "
> > >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I can't speak to gogu's ethnic background, I can only say that the
Jewish Holocaust has been *very* beneficial to today's Jews in tha,
through the incessant inculcation of guilt instilled in the minds of
the masses through the endless propaganda surrounding the event, they
have created a knee-jerk reaction in a large segment of the populace -
an instinctual revulsion that crops up in many people any time that
Jews are mentioned in a less than flattering light: People
instinctively and inexplicably run to the aid of the Jews.

(Google Pavlov + dogs)

This might explain why gogu seemed to condemn the Turks for their
failure to recognize the Armenian Genocide, but felt compelled to run
to the defense of any Jews that may have been implicated in the

There is no doubt that Jews and Jewish organizations have realized the
power that "The Holocaust" has placed in their hands, and this
explains why they continue to stridently promote Holocaust propaganda,
and viciously attack *anyone* who dares question the slightest jot or

If you have a look at my response to Susan Cohen ("flavia"), you'll
see that I quote and cite a Jewish website that verifies that the
leadership of the "Young Turks" was indeed heavily populated by crypto-
Jews, and that many of these subsequently moved into leadership
positions in the Turkish government.

You can read the entire article here:


Aug 21, 2007, 2:29:26 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 11:52 pm, wrote:
> On Aug 20, 8:38?am, wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 4:20 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > > On Aug 20, 5:31 am, "Chris C. Larson" <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Aug 20, 4:59 am, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:

> > > > > On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > > > > > Excerpt from below:
> > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > > > > "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > > > > > "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > > > > > orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > > > > > crypto-Jews... "
> > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > > > Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!
> > > > Alaska Rocks has made Waldo a "Leading Revisionist Historian" by
> > > > asking him for further clarification on a subject that he is deeply
> > > > knowledgeable about. Waldo, I'm sure that your certificate and emblem
> > > > for your white gown and hood will be in the mail shortly. However, I'm
> > > > sure that Waldo will have to send in $100 (and SASE), which is what it
> > > > also costs to become ordained as a Christian Identity minister. Could
> > > > that be next for Waldo?
> > > In view of his oft-repeated disdain for Christianity, I doubt Waldo
> > > would let himself be associated with anything
> > > having the name "Christian" in it.
> > I dunno. His hatred of Jews seems to overwhelm his disdain for
> > Christianity. So I figure it would be a wash.
> > Steve- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­--------------------
> He might be a Jew hater...but the question come what he says
> is true. We , Armenians of Turkey, knew long time ago that Young Turks
> founders were Donmes ( crypt0-Jews. Every Armenian nknow it, but it is
> only recently that people have been studying it..
> I suggest to read on the internet an electronic book titled "The
> Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians" This is an study mada by a
> history professor in the east cost ( the name escapes me) Do a google
> search and deniers educate yourselves...

Please provide a link.

A Jewish author in an Israeli publication discussed the role of Jews
in the murder of tens of millions of people under Soviet rule:

STALIN'S JEWS - Opinion from Israel, Ynetnews

This post is significant because it comes from a Jewish source. Others
have gone into details about the crimes of Stalin's Jewish Communists
but zionazis dismissed those claiming nazi, antisemitic, denier, and
revisionist propaganda.

One has to wonder how bloody Communist rule would have been if not for
the Jewish Communists. Stalin being a crazy psychopath, it would
probably have been still horrible but probably less horrible.

This revelation about major Jewish role in the Armenian Genocide would
explain why many Jewish organizations oppose recognition of Armenian
Genocide. If Jews betrayed their Turkish allay and condemned the
Armenian Genocide, the Turks could retaliate. They could provide
evidence that the Jewish leadership of Young Turks carried out the
Armenian Genocide.

Is this one of the reasons why Israel and the United States is opposed
to Islamic rule in Turkey? The Islamists are not owned by Israeli and
US interests and would have no problem opening their files and letting
the chips fall where they may. Would the dirty secret of who was
responsible for the Armenian Genocide be one of those chips?

In the United States, it appears that almost every day is a Holocaust
remembrance day. Americans and others may not be as concerned about
what happened to the Jews if they found out that the twentieth
century's first genocide was masterminded and carried out by Jews.
Would people say that what goes around comes around?

THis topic is worth exploring.

Have a nice vegetarian day!

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 2:30:46 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 8:13 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 7:33 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 7:04 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> > > On Aug 20, 8:18 am, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > > > On Aug 20, 2:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> <Snipped for length>
> > > > > Imagine what might happen to that festering Kosher boil on the face of
> > > > > the Middle East if the world were to learn not only of the true
> > > > > culprits of the Armenian Genocide, but that its birth required the
> > > > > Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars one and Two, and countless more
> > > > > incidents of betrayal, intrigue, back-stabbing and skulduggery?
> > > > > This is an extra-large can of worms that Abe Foxman, the ADL, B'nai
> > > > > Brith Canada, Israel and Jews in general are VERY interested in
> > > > > keeping tightly sealed.
> > > > > Suddenly, the seemingly unorthodox and irrational actions of ol' Abe
> > > > > and the ADL don't seem so irrational after all, do they?
> > > > As usual, you're wrong. Quite a few of ADL's regional representatives
> > > > disagreed with Foxman's stance on this issue. The rep for Watertown
> > > > did, and Foxman fired him.
> > > Yes, his deviation from the ADL's official stance of denial got him
> > > fired, which demonstrates that I am right, and you are... well, you're
> > > just Bluto.

It demonstrates that Foxman is a tyrant as well as a loudmouth.

> > PSSST! Foxman fired him.OOPS! I said that already.
> We already knew you were wrong, Joe. There was no need to be
> redundant.

There is no "we".

> > > > Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> > > > the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> > > > about it in public.
> > > Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.
> > > > There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
> > > And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
> > > policies, Joe-Liz?
> > Foxman is at the moment. Since he is the top man at ADL,
> > nobody can just up and fire him. It will take lots of pressure from
> > outside sources to discipline or fire him.
> > He isn't king, Waldo. He has no hereditary right to the post. He can
> > be brought into line or dismissed, but it will take time and effort.
> > I've already done my part by writing the ADL a letter condemning
> > Foxman.
> > What have you done about it?
> Apparently I inspired YOU to write a letter to the ADL, complaining
> about Foxman.

You're gonna use that flimsy crap to take credit for what I did? You
couldn't "inspire" me to take a shit.

> What exactly did the letter say, Joe?

To quote you below: "I wouldn't discuss such matters in a USENET

> > > > How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> > > > work for them.
> Well, a Joe made a little unmarked snip. Let's restore it:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Yes. You've told us that you used to schlep for the ADL, the US arm of
> the Mossad, Joe.

No, I said I did volunteer work for them. I did it because
people like you must be exposed.

There is no need to use Yiddish, Waldo-I speak fluent English.
I also speak a bit of German and a bit of Russian. Perhaps you would
feel more comfy in one of those languages.

Haben Sie Mich verstehen?


> Wassamatter, Joe? Did I touch a raw nerve there?

You think an awful lot of yourself.
A cockroach who thinks he can motivate people-what next?

> > > And you dare call yourself an "American".
> > I do. The FBI who did several background checks on me does.
> > The U.S. Navy does. I've already proved my loyalty and patriotism with
> > 6 years voluntary military service.
> > They even gave me an officer's commission and a Top Secret
> > clearance.Fancy that.
> > (1)What have you done besides talk?
> Observe. Write.

My cat observes everything around her and her vision and hearing are
much better than ours.
I write nasty letters to my Liberal Senators in Washington, who
disagree with me on most everything. So what?

I suppose the issue should be recouched as follows:
Does your writing have any effect? I mean, does anyone take your crap
seriously? I know I don't.

> > (2)What established American authority has demonstrated their trust in
> > you and your loyalty to this country?
> I wouldn't discuss such matters in a Usenet forum, Joe.

> **

Aug 21, 2007, 3:10:30 AM8/21/07
> STALIN'S JEWS - Opinion from Israel, Ynetnews

> This post is significant because it comes from a Jewish source. Others
> have gone into details about the crimes of Stalin's Jewish Communists
> but zionazis dismissed those claiming nazi, antisemitic, denier, and
> revisionist propaganda.

Incorrect. No one ever claimed no Jew had ever done anything bad. It
is your characterisation of Communist terror being Jewish in nature
(when communism was militantly aetheist) that is false. Kind of liek
saying that Nazism was a vegetarian movement, because Hitler was a

> One has to wonder how bloody Communist rule would have been if not for
> the Jewish Communists. Stalin being a crazy psychopath, it would
> probably have been still horrible but probably less horrible.

Why would it have been less horrible? because you feel Jews are more
horrible than non-Jews, presumably?

> This revelation about major Jewish role in the Armenian Genocide would
> explain why many Jewish organizations oppose recognition of Armenian
> Genocide.

What "revelation" woudl that be? Do you have any evidence than a post
on usenet describing what someone's relatives told them?

> If Jews betrayed their Turkish allay and condemned the
> Armenian Genocide, the Turks could retaliate. They could provide
> evidence that the Jewish leadership of Young Turks carried out the
> Armenian Genocide.

Well, you sure as hell can't, can you?

> Is this one of the reasons why Israel and the United States is opposed
> to Islamic rule in Turkey? The Islamists are not owned by Israeli and
> US interests and would have no problem opening their files and letting
> the chips fall where they may. Would the dirty secret of who was
> responsible for the Armenian Genocide be one of those chips?

You don't think e.g. Amindejehad woudl have done so already?

> In the United States, it appears that almost every day is a Holocaust
> remembrance day. Americans and others may not be as concerned about
> what happened to the Jews if they found out that the twentieth
> century's first genocide was masterminded and carried out by Jews.
> Would people say that what goes around comes around?
> THis topic is worth exploring.

It certailny is. Are you capable of discussing it , I wonder? Or
merely posting the same tired, unsupported shit over and over again?

> Have a nice vegetarian day!-

Oh, you too.

Dölj citerad text -
> - Visa citerad text -


Aug 21, 2007, 4:04:03 AM8/21/07

Yes. I remember what happened on 9-11, Joe. I remember watching in
dismay as the second plane slammed into the WTC on live TV. I remember
being literally dumbstruck as I watched in disbelief as first one
tower, then the second crumbled to the ground in a display that had
all the marks of a controlled demolition. I recall my further dismay
as Building Seven, which had NOT been hit by any plane suffered the
same fate - only its demolition was form the bottom-up, rather from
the top down.

I recall my trip to the store, intent on buying an American flag - but
they were all sold out. I recall going to the hardware store, where I
bought several pieces of plywood and red, white and blue paint to make
my OWN flag, which I hung high above the highway as a sign of my
patriotic solidarity - not to my government, but to Americans, my

I recall the anger and hatred I felt as I saw videos of Palestinian
men, women and children dancing in the streets at the news of the
destruction and carnage - and the greater anger that I felt when it
was later admitted that this was FILE FOOTAGE, broadcast intentionally
by the media to arouse the very reactions that I had felt.

I recall that there were other, less publicized “dancers”, Israeli
Mossad agents, posing as movers and in possession of trucks on which
the residue of explosives were later found. Israelis who danced with
glee and gave one another high-fives as the towers fell. I recall that
these Israelis and their entire company were allowed to quickly depart
for Tel Aviv, never to be mentioned by the Bush Administration.

I remember that it was only a matter of hours before our government
inexplicably “knew” that Osama Bin Laden was “behind the attacks”, and
that within 24-48 hours, most of the “hijackers” had been “identified”
- Muslims all, and most of them Saudi nationals.

I recall that, in the hail of millions of tons of debris that rained
down from the WTC towers, Mohammad Atta’s pristine passport was
“miraculously” found - having somehow survived a 600 mph crash into a
building, and a fireball that would take Dante aback with awe - only
to float gently down to the ground unscathed - as if placed there bu
the hand of G-d himself.

I also recall learning that many of the hijackers fingered by US
intelligence are still alive and well to this day - living in the
Middle East - which is quite a feat, considering the trauma of those
jetliner crashes.

I recall the look of stern resolve on George W. Bush’s face as he
announced that we would not allow these evildoers to escape unscathed,
and I recall the farce that was the “invasion of Afghanistan”, the
lunacy of our troops and missiles attacking a people that had barely
progressed past the stone-age, and had NO IDEA what the hell was going

(But hey, we got rid of those pesky burkhas, right?)

I recall the beating of the war drums as the Bush administration and
the media teamed up to demonize Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Try as they
might, they could never formulate a convincing propaganda campaign
linking Osama/ 911 to Iraq, so they opted for false and planted
intelligence- “evidence” of Weapons of Mass Destruction” (that did NOT
exist) as justification for invading Iraq.

The NeoCon/Zionist PNAC plan had come into fruition.

When that facade fell apart, the BA and the media lowered their tune
by an octave, claiming that we were “bringing democracy” to the poor
Iraqis- which was (of course) bullshit. All the while, we were told
over and over again that Iraq had been a “threat” to the US - when in
fact they had been a threat to no one other than ISRAEL - or rather, a
thorn in Israel’s side.

Then I recalled the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty, the German
Nightclub attack, the false radio transmissions implicating Quadaffi
from Tripoli - and I remembered the motto of the Israeli Mossad: “By
way of deception, thou shalt do war”.

This brought to mind all of the other shit that Zionist Jews had
pulled in order to get others to fight their battles for them, or
otherwise achieve their goals: WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, the
Balfour Declaration, the treaty of Versailles, the Jewish Boycott,
WWII, the Jewish Holocaust... and on and on and on.

At some point I had to ask myself the same question that every cop and
every insurance investigator MUST ask themselves if they wish to get
to the bottom of things. Que bono? Who benefits?

Did the Afghanis/Taliban benefit from 9-11? No, their country was
invaded, their government disbanded, and their traditions trampled.

Did the Iraqis benefit from 9-11? No, their country was invaded and
disarmed. Chaos rules the streets under harsh occupation by US led
forces, and Saddam is dead meat.

Did the Saudis benefit? No. Did the Iranians, the Syrians, the
Libyans, the Sudanese, the Jordanians, or the Pakistanis benefit? No.

Did the Germans, the English, the Irish or the Dutch benefit? Hardly.

So who *DID* benefit? The answer is Israel and International Zionism.

I realize that the American public had been duped by a small but
powerful group pf people that did NOT have America’s best interests at
heart, but wanted to use American muscle to achieve their racist and
ethnocentric goals.

> My concern is not for Jews but for Americans as a whole.

Your interest is for and your loyalty is to Jews, Bluto. You’ve made
that very clear.

> Apparently, President Bush is concerned also, since he invaded
> Afghanistan looking for the culprits.

He is serving his Zionist masters. Whether he is treasonous or simply
stupid is unclear.

> Apparently, Congress, the representatives of the American people are
> concerned also, since they gave him the money to do that.

Bought and paid for.

> The
> difference between us is that I care about all Americans, not just the
> ones who agree with you.

Your interest is in “what is good for the Jews”, Bluto. I charge that
your loyalty to the US is conditional and tenuous - and that, were the
winds to shift to disfavor Jews, you’d quickly abandon all pretense of
being a loyal American.

> In my opinion, your professed loyalty to the
> USA is a gigantic fraud.


> Every time you post, you violate the spirit
> of the Constitution with your pathetic attempts to separate us into
> warring factions.

Your Jewish pals have been working long and hard to achieve that end,
Bluto - with their “our diversity is our strength” bullshit, and their
promoting of illegal immigration, encouraging newcomers and other
groups to maintain separate ethnic identities, and creating internal
strife between groups.

Far be it from me to take the credit.

> You don't want equal rights for Jews
> or Christians, and your constant attacks on them and their religions
> proves that.

On the contrary, I would like to see equal rights for all,
proportionate to their numbers, and with the society-destroying
machinations of groups such as yours held in check.

> > Why would you view atheists with concern, Joe? Are you afraid of
> > people who aren't afraid of what you're afraid of?
> Because many atheists are just like you-chronic liars
> and bigots with no reverence for the moral concepts
> embodied in the Ten Commandments.

Is that that where you get your “morality” from, Joe? From the “Ten
Commandments”? Well I happen to know that the “Big Ten” were given as
a code by which Jews were to treat OTHER JEWS. The Bible and history
shows that Jews do NOT view these applicable when dealing with non-
Jews, who robbed, killed, enslaved, and committed GENOCIDE against AT

You’re a simple man, Joe. Don’t try to bullshit me.

> You don't care about truth
> or human rights or anything except your petty hatreds.
> You're a self-centered extremist and I detest and distrust extremists.

Would you say that you are *extremely* detesting and distrustful of
extremists, Joe?

> Apparently, I'm not alone, since the Justice Department has lists of
> extremist groups and keeps constant watch on them.

Do they keep an eye on your beloved ADL and B’nai Brith Canada, Joe?
Because you’re about as extremist as they come.

> Rest assured that if you ever do or say anything which represents a
> threat or potential threat to the USA, I will
> let the FBI know immediately.

You do that, Joe. I’m sure you’re on their “Notify Ultimate
Team” (N.U.T.) list by now.

> When I was commissioned an officer in
> the Navy, I swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the USA,
> and I consider myself to be still bound by that oath.

Yeah. Wait ‘til your superiors decide that the US is not kissing
Jewish ass with enough tongue. We’ll see where your loyalties lie

Good night, Bluto.


Aug 21, 2007, 4:12:38 AM8/21/07

I asked a number of questions in hopes of getting some input from the
lists. Waldo already gave the names of three Jews in the Young Turks
leadership and that alone is very significant. Maybe, there were other
Jews in other positions responsible for the Armenian Genocide, just
like in Stalin's ranks responsible for the Ukrainian Genocide.

This topic is worth discussing on these lists because the Greeks and
Turks have differing positions considering the Armenian Genocide.
Strangely, no Armenian input. Naturally, they have their own biases
just like everybody else but I can listen to both sides and make my
own conclusions.

Let's hope that we can have a good discussion without too much of the
same tired, unsupported zionazi shit over and over again.

Aug 21, 2007, 4:30:15 AM8/21/07


What is significant is that you're prepared to believe it, even though
Waldo has no more evidence than "his relatives told him"!

> Maybe, there were otherJews in other positions responsible for the Armenian Genocide,

> just like in Stalin's ranks responsible for the Ukrainian Genocide.

Maybe there were more vegetarians in the Nazi movement than just
HItler. That would explain why you seek to divert attention from teh
Vegeterian Nazi Atrocities.

> This topic is worth discussing on these lists because the Greeks and
> Turks have differing positions considering the Armenian Genocide.
> Strangely, no Armenian input. Naturally, they have their own biases
> just like everybody else but I can listen to both sides and make my
> own conclusions.

I already realise your conclusions are the result of bias.

> Let's hope that we can have a good discussion without too much of the
> same tired, unsupported zionazi shit over and over again.

How candid. We'll just have to see if you can just leave your tired,
unsupported zionazi shit out of it won 't we?

> Have a nice vegetarian day!- Dölj citerad text -


Aug 21, 2007, 4:31:47 AM8/21/07

Why couldn't he? I did - and using a Jewish source at that:

"As long as the Dônme lived in Salonica, preservation of their Jewish
character was feasible because of their proximity and steady contact
with its large, bustling Jewish population. Many members of the Dônme
community in Salonica were among Turkey's reform leaders - the Young
Turks - and members of an influential reform organization known as the
Committee for Progress and Union. In 1909, the revolution of the Young
Turks overthrew the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II. The first
administration that then came to power, laying the foundation of the
future Turkish republic, included three Dônme ministers - Nuzhet Faik,
Mustafa Arif and Mehmet Javid."


The above is the JEWISH website of the European Sephardic Institute.
Here's a link to the English version of their main page.

Chew on that with a pinch of Kosher Salt, Parriwinkle.


Aug 21, 2007, 4:49:23 AM8/21/07

I said no such thing, Parriwinkle. You’ve mis- attributed the quotes.

Rather, I provided quotes _with_ links from a VERY Jewish website that
candidly tells the story. But of course, you’ll twist, squirm and
writhe like an earthworm on hot, dry concrete.

Get to it.

> > Maybe, there were otherJews in other positions responsible for the Armenian Genocide,
> > just like in Stalin's ranks responsible for the Ukrainian Genocide.

Indeed, others have asserted that the Young Turks were financed by
Italian Jewish bankers, and in turn by the Rothschilds.

> Maybe there were more vegetarians in the Nazi movement than just
> HItler. That would explain why you seek to divert attention from teh
> Vegeterian Nazi Atrocities.

Were that the case, you’d be singing the Parriwinkle Blues, Parri.

> > This topic is worth discussing on these lists because the Greeks and
> > Turks have differing positions considering the Armenian Genocide.
> > Strangely, no Armenian input. Naturally, they have their own biases
> > just like everybody else but I can listen to both sides and make my
> > own conclusions.
> I already realise your conclusions are the result of bias.

On the contrary, you assume that, because they are JEWS, they CANNOT
be guilty - or at least that’s what you’d like to portray, is it not?

> > Let's hope that we can have a good discussion without too much of the
> > same tired, unsupported zionazi shit over and over again.
> How candid. We'll just have to see if you can just leave your tired,
> unsupported zionazi shit out of it won 't we?

Too late, Parri. You are ZioNazi Shit, and you’ve already posted.


Aug 21, 2007, 5:02:00 AM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 10:04 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 8:58 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:

> > The
> > difference between us is that I care about all Americans, not just the
> > ones who agree with you.

> Your interest is in "what is good for the Jews", Bluto. I charge that
> your loyalty to the US is conditional and tenuous - and that, were the
> winds to shift to disfavor Jews, you'd quickly abandon all pretense of
> being a loyal American.

There is no question about it, his professed loyalty to America is
facade and holds only as long as he sees it as a benefit for Israel.

We trusted these people and had them in sensitive and trusted
positions only have them betray America time and time again.

They used to brag about their contributions to the Soviets and
especially to Stalin. They became anti-Communists only after the
demise of the Soviet Union.

They stuck it to the Armenians and b'luto's zionazi ADL continues to
stick it to the Armenians.

They have no "honour".

Aug 21, 2007, 5:02:18 AM8/21/07
to it's a second hand reprot of something someone said they'd heard
their relatives say. I think that rather reinforces my point.

> But of course, you’ll twist, squirm and writhe like an earthworm on hot, dry concrete.

Nope, I give straight answers to straight questions. NOw, where is
your evidene that Jews were responsible for ("masterminded and carried
out") the Armenian Genocide?

> Get to it.

Let your wriggling commence..

> > > Maybe, there were otherJews in other positions responsible for the Armenian Genocide,
> > > just like in Stalin's ranks responsible for the Ukrainian Genocide.
> Indeed, others have asserted that the Young Turks were financed by
> Italian Jewish bankers, and in turn by the Rothschilds.

I'm sure they have. Have they provided any evidence for their
assetrions though?

> > Maybe there were more vegetarians in the Nazi movement than just
> > HItler. That would explain why you seek to divert attention from teh
> > Vegeterian Nazi Atrocities.
> Were that the case, you’d be singing the Parriwinkle Blues, Parri.


> > > This topic is worth discussing on these lists because the Greeks and
> > > Turks have differing positions considering the Armenian Genocide.
> > > Strangely, no Armenian input. Naturally, they have their own biases
> > > just like everybody else but I can listen to both sides and make my
> > > own conclusions.
> > I already realise your conclusions are the result of bias.
> On the contrary, you assume that, because they are JEWS, they CANNOT
> be guilty - or at least that’s what you’d like to portray, is it not?

No, it is not. Unless you are completely unable to read what I post
and instead simply listen to the voices in your head.

> > > Let's hope that we can have a good discussion without too much of the
> > > same tired, unsupported zionazi shit over and over again.
> > How candid. We'll just have to see if you can just leave your tired,
> > unsupported zionazi shit out of it won 't we?
> Too late, Parri. You are ZioNazi Shit, and you’ve already posted.

Please support your assertion that I am "zionazi".

> **
> Waldo
> Observer at Large- Dölj citerad text -

Aug 21, 2007, 5:04:29 AM8/21/07

..and how does this make Jews repsonsible for ("masterminded and
carried out") the Armenian Genocide again?

> **
> Waldo
> Observer at Large- Dölj citerad text -


Aug 21, 2007, 5:10:56 AM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 11:02 am, wrote:
> On 21 Aug, 10:49, Waldo <> wrote:

> > Too late, Parri. You are ZioNazi Shit, and you've already posted.
> Please support your assertion that I am "zionazi".

It is a "historical fact".

You do know what "historical fact" is, don't you?

Historical or better yet hysterical fact is a well-known zionazi point
of argument.

It beats all because zionazis say so!

Have a nice hysterical fact day!

Aug 21, 2007, 5:15:46 AM8/21/07

But Waldo, as always, it is not the facts that are at question, but
the grand conclusions you seem to read into them.

By this point in time, some 400 years after Shabbatei Zvi, the Donme
were well established as a distinctly Turkish-Muslim sub-culture, and
so deeply assimilated that it wouldn't be all that surprising for
*anybody* in the country to have some Donme descent. But your
argument goes beyond the banal observation that some of the founders
of the Young Turks had such descent - you are claiming that they were,
in fact, working towards a particularly *Jewish* political agenda
(specifically, the agenda your fetid imagination always attributes to
the Jews).

In another post on this thread, you noted that the Donme were
considered apostates by both Jews and Muslims (in fact, I'm not sure
that's true - my impression is that they are accepted as a heterodox
Muslim sect, but perhaps someone with more familiarity with the
subject could clarify this matter). How does this jibe with your
claim that they just *had* to be secretly working against the Turkish
state and toward Jewish interests?

It's hardly surprising that there were at least a few founding members
of the Young Turks of Donme descent. Taking aside the basic fact of
their assimilation into Muslim-Turkish society, members of ethnic
minority groups tend to gravitate to both leftist and nationalist
revolutionary movements (when the latter will accept them). Indeed,
its odd that you don't even mention that one of the prominent founding
members of the CUP was not just a Donme but a full-blown and
identifying Jew - Emmanuel Carasso. But what you also don't mention -
inconvenient as it is to your blame-the-grand-Jewish-conspiracy
beliefs - is that these people, like the rest of the CUP movement -
were also stanch (one might say rabid) Turkish nationalists, who,
while that may have identified with their ethnic (Donme or Jewish)
communities, believed that the future of these communities lay in
Turkey and that the members of these communities had to consider
themselves Turks first and foremost. They were therefore among the
strongest opponents and indeed obstacles to Zionist activity in
Ottoman Palestine (contrary to your fact-free ranting earlier, in
which you claimed that the Armenian genocide was part of a ploy to
destablizise Turkey in the interests of Zionism).

Steven Mock

Aug 21, 2007, 5:18:06 AM8/21/07

Not that Turkeyboy's an anti-Semite or anything...

Steven Mock

Aug 21, 2007, 5:27:16 AM8/21/07
On 21 Aug, 11:10, TurkeyBoy <> wrote:
> On Aug 21, 11:02 am, wrote:
> > On 21 Aug, 10:49, Waldo <> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > Too late, Parri. You are ZioNazi Shit, and you've already posted.
> > Please support your assertion that I am "zionazi".
> It is a "historical fact".

So, show the historical evidence that proves it.

> You do know what "historical fact" is, don't you?

Yes. An event that is overwhemlimgly supported by historical evidence.
e,.g. The Punic Wars, the moon landings, Lindburgh crossing the
Atlantic etc

> Historical or better yet hysterical fact is a well-known zionazi point
> of argument.

So now you claim all historians are zionazis. Brilliant!

> It beats all because zionazis say so!

So the only evidence you have for me being a "zionazi" is my use (and
understanding) of the term "historical fact". Wow!

Still, it just goes to show...


Aug 21, 2007, 5:31:07 AM8/21/07

'Antisemite' used to mean someone who hates Jews. Now it means someone
whom the Jews hate. --LA Rollins

Not that Mock is zionazi or anything...

Aug 21, 2007, 5:35:44 AM8/21/07

I tell you what, Turkeyboy... I'll explain to you exactly why what you
said above qualifies as anti-Semitism - tested against a clear
definition of the term - if you will *finally* honour my oft repeated
request and tell me exactly what I have said that makes me a "zionazi"
and why you think so.

Steven Mock


Aug 21, 2007, 5:39:42 AM8/21/07

Is this guy a sweet talker or what?

He could convince you that no Jew has ever done anything wrong. If
Hitler had a mouthpiece like him, he could have convinced those folks
at Nurnberg Trials that there were no Nazis, ever.

That is how good this guy is.

Have a nice zionazi day!


Aug 21, 2007, 5:42:28 AM8/21/07

Here is a clear definition of the term antisemite:

'Antisemite' used to mean someone who hates Jews. Now it means someone
whom the Jews hate. --LA Rollins

Go, knock yourself out :-)

Aug 21, 2007, 5:45:12 AM8/21/07

Not that you've ever even attempted to provide any evidence that he
is, or anything..

Aug 21, 2007, 5:56:40 AM8/21/07

So basically, Turkeyboy, what you're saying is that while you don't
like what I am saying, you can't come up with any counter argument, so
instead you will resort to misrepresentation and personal abuse.

Where, above, do I say anything that can be interpreted as "no Jew has
ever done anything wrong"?

On the contrary, I think my argument - all along - is that Jews, as
individuals, do about as much "wrong" as any other people. Hence it
is irrational to behave as you and Waldo do, using the fact that a
handful of Jews (or "crypto-Jews") can be found somewhere in
connection to some "wrong" as a pretext to blame the Jews as a group,
identifying it as part of some grand Jewish plot or indicative of some
unique Jewish evil.

Steven Mock

Aug 21, 2007, 5:58:53 AM8/21/07

Evasion noted.

Now, will you *finally* honour my oft repeated request and tell me

exactly what I have said that makes me a "zionazi" and why you think

If so, I'll explain to you exactly why what you said above qualifies
as anti-Semitism, according to the *shared* definition of said term
(ie. what it "used to" mean, according to your quote).

Steven Mock


Aug 21, 2007, 6:10:44 AM8/21/07

More sweet talk :-)

I like your reference to *shared* definition. You mean the zionazi
definition, don't you?

I prefer the *real* definition.

The one you keep earasing:

'Antisemite' used to mean someone who hates Jews. Now it means someone
whom the Jews hate. --LA Rollins

Go, knock yourself out!

Aug 21, 2007, 6:24:47 AM8/21/07

No, I mean the definition that most people implicitly understand when
the term is used.

> I prefer the *real* definition.
> The one you keep earasing:
> 'Antisemite' used to mean someone who hates Jews. Now it means someone
> whom the Jews hate. --LA Rollins

Yes, but by that definition, there's no contest - you are obviously an

I intend to show that this altered definition is unnessary - you are,
in fact, an anti-Semitie according to the original definition as well.

But first, I would like you to finally *finally* honour my oft

repeated request and tell me exactly what I have said that makes me a
"zionazi" and why you think so.

One of us uses meaningless epithets to label those he doesn't like.
And that person is not me.

Steven Mock


Aug 21, 2007, 7:11:07 AM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 12:24 pm, wrote:
> On Aug 21, 11:10 am, TurkeyBoy <> wrote:

> > > If so, I'll explain to you exactly why what you said above qualifies
> > > as anti-Semitism, according to the *shared* definition of said term
> > > (ie. what it "used to" mean, according to your quote).
> > More sweet talk :-)
> > I like your reference to *shared* definition. You mean the zionazi
> > definition, don't you?
> No, I mean the definition that most people implicitly understand when
> the term is used.
> > I prefer the *real* definition.
> > The one you keep earasing:
> > 'Antisemite' used to mean someone who hates Jews. Now it means someone
> > whom the Jews hate. --LA Rollins
> Yes, but by that definition, there's no contest - you are obviously an
> anti-Semite.
> I intend to show that this altered definition is unnessary - you are,
> in fact, an anti-Semitie according to the original definition as well.
> But first, I would like you to finally *finally* honour my oft
> repeated request and tell me exactly what I have said that makes me a
> "zionazi" and why you think so.
> One of us uses meaningless epithets to label those he doesn't like.
> And that person is not me.

You are one clever sweet talker for sure! The thread is about "Why
would Foxman and the ADL Deny the Armenian Genocide?" but you managed
to turn it around and make it a discussion about antisemites and
zionazis. You are so clever!

However, in this case, that is exactly what shows you to be a zionazi.
Someone, who use whatever means to deflect whatever negative there is
to be about Jews and turn it into a discussion about the person who
dares to question you. You are a zionazi, for sure. You may not be the
foul-mouthed brute that b'luto or cohen is but the objective remains
the same. The objective is to portray Jews as victims, always the
victims and never the perpetrators.

That is just one side to a zionazi. Some zionazis hide behind
Palestinian children when they go on patrol. Other zionazis crush the
arm bones of rock throwing Palestinian children or just shoot them
dead. Other zionazis fly jets and destroy an entire country, making
1-1/2 million Lebanese homeless while murdering over a thousand
helpless civilians using cluster bombs. Other zionazis force the
Palestinians into concentration camps and fire rockets at their homes
from the safety of an attack hollicopter. They destroy palestinian
homes to build zionazi settlements in their places. These are all
zionazis, just like the nazis of the past.

Here you defend the Armenian Genocide denier Jewish ADL but at other
times, you defend some other indefensible thing just because you are a
zionazi and do not understand that decent Jews condemn the same things
that I condemn and you defend.

You got your answer but it will not stop you to come back with the
same or slightly modified question as if your question had never been
answered. That is another very disgusting zionazi trait.

Aug 21, 2007, 7:19:44 AM8/21/07

Actually, you did that when you started mentioning "zionazis" in the
thread title..
And, as usula, you are running away from expalining just how the
people you call "zionazis" conform to your definition of "zionazis" as
"Jewish supremacists"

>You are so clever!

I don't think many would say the same of you..

> However, in this case, that is exactly what shows you to be a zionazi.

Disagreeing with you?

> Someone, who use whatever means to deflect whatever negative there is
> to be about Jews and turn it into a discussion about the person who
> dares to question you

Yet he hasn't done that. In fact, he has explicitly stated that Jews
are just as likely to be arseholes as anyone else is.

> You are a zionazi, for sure. You may not be the
> foul-mouthed brute that b'luto or cohen is but the objective remains
> the same. The objective is to portray Jews as victims, always the
> victims and never the perpetrators.

NO, his objective was to get you to actually give some evidence of him
being a "zionazi"., He has expclicitly stated that he DOES NOT think
Jews are "always the victims and never the perpetrators"

> That is just one side to a zionazi. Some zionazis hide behind
> Palestinian children when they go on patrol. Other zionazis crush the
> arm bones of rock throwing Palestinian children or just shoot them
> dead. Other zionazis fly jets and destroy an entire country, making
> 1-1/2 million Lebanese homeless while murdering over a thousand
> helpless civilians using cluster bombs. Other zionazis force the
> Palestinians into concentration camps and fire rockets at their homes
> from the safety of an attack hollicopter. They destroy palestinian
> homes to build zionazi settlements in their places. These are all
> zionazis, just like the nazis of the past.
> Here you defend the Armenian Genocide denier Jewish ADL but at other
> times, you defend some other indefensible thing just because you are a
> zionazi and do not understand that decent Jews condemn the same things
> that I condemn and you defend.

Such as?

> You got your answer

No, he didn't. Merely more unfounded assertion from you..

> but it will not stop you to come back with the
> same or slightly modified question as if your question had never been
> answered. That is another very disgusting zionazi trait.

> Have a nice zionazi day!-

Have a nice veggienazi day!

Aug 21, 2007, 8:13:05 AM8/21/07

Actually, I did not. You did. By dismissing the whole of my argument
regarding the subject above solely on the grounds that I am supposedly
a "zionazi" who uses dishonest rhetoric.

But thank you for admitting that you can support neither of these
smears, AND that you cannot address the substantive argument I *did*
make further to the subject at hand.

> However, in this case, that is exactly what shows you to be a zionazi.
> Someone, who use whatever means to deflect whatever negative there is
> to be about Jews and turn it into a discussion about the person who
> dares to question you. You are a zionazi, for sure. You may not be the
> foul-mouthed brute that b'luto or cohen is but the objective remains
> the same. The objective is to portray Jews as victims, always the
> victims and never the perpetrators.

I said no such thing. Indeed, in my last post, I explicitly disavowed
any such view. Why don't you read what I actually wrote before
slinging your epithets, Mr. Turkey.

> That is just one side to a zionazi. Some zionazis hide behind
> Palestinian children when they go on patrol. Other zionazis crush the
> arm bones of rock throwing Palestinian children or just shoot them
> dead. Other zionazis fly jets and destroy an entire country, making
> 1-1/2 million Lebanese homeless while murdering over a thousand
> helpless civilians using cluster bombs. Other zionazis force the
> Palestinians into concentration camps and fire rockets at their homes
> from the safety of an attack hollicopter. They destroy palestinian
> homes to build zionazi settlements in their places. These are all
> zionazis, just like the nazis of the past.

And this has what to do with the subject you are claiming we should be
sticking to?

> Here you defend the Armenian Genocide denier Jewish ADL

Um... Hello? Where exactly did I defend the ADL and its position on
this matter? Cite my words to that effect or apologise.

> but at other
> times, you defend some other indefensible thing just because you are a
> zionazi and do not understand that decent Jews condemn the same things
> that I condemn and you defend.
> You got your answer but it will not stop you to come back with the
> same or slightly modified question as if your question had never been
> answered. That is another very disgusting zionazi trait.
> Have a nice zionazi day!

In conclusion...

# of words in the above post: 308
Instances of the term "zionazi": 13
Total: 4.2%
Number of arguments relating to the subject matter of the thread
(namely, Waldo's allegations of Jewish responsibility for the Armenian
Genocide): 0

'Nuff said.

Steven Mock


Aug 21, 2007, 8:16:20 AM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 1:19 pm, wrote:
> On 21 Aug, 13:11, TurkeyBoy <> wrote:

> > You got your answer
> No, he didn't. Merely more unfounded assertion from you..

Why should anyone answer any zionazi questions?

As soon as you answer a zionazi's question, the zionazi comes back
asking the same question you just answered. It seems that zionazis can
do that repeatedly until anyone gullible enough to have tried to
answer a zionazi's question is exhausted.

After you get tired of going around in circles with the zionazi asking
the same question repeatedly and ignoring your responses, the zionazi
will declare victory.

That is the zionazi way...

Aug 21, 2007, 8:33:10 AM8/21/07
On 21 Aug, 14:16, TurkeyBoy <> wrote:
> On Aug 21, 1:19 pm, wrote:
> > On 21 Aug, 13:11, TurkeyBoy <> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > You got your answer
> > No, he didn't. Merely more unfounded assertion from you..
> Why should anyone answer any zionazi questions?

Why have yo unever asnwered any perfectly reasonable non-"zionazi"
Such as being asked to give just one, single specific example of e.g a
"zionazi" post by me?

It just goes to show...

Have a great veggienazi day!

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 9:48:45 AM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 10:22 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 10:02 pm, wrote:
> > On 20-Aug-2007, Gord McFee <> wrote:

> > > On 8/20/2007 7:03 PM, wrote:
> > > > On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> > > >> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > > >>> Excerpt from below:
> > > >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > >>> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > > >>> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > > >>> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > > >>> crypto-Jews... "
> > > >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > >> Please elaborate on this.
> > > > Yes, some actual proof would be nice.
> > > > For a change.
> > > Now Susan, we are talking Waldo here.
> > Yes, I know - that's why proof would be a change.
> > (Note, I did not say I expected to ever SEE ANY from him....)
> > Susan
> Only because you refuse to read my posts, Shiksa dearest.

That's a good policy and most of the time, I ,myself, follow it.

You have nothing worthy to contribute to the discussion of the
Holocaust. You're only here to taunt people who disagree with your
stupid prejudices and to taunt Jews.

You're so busy trying to get people upset that you failed to notice
that nobody here believes a damn word you say anymore. Your
credibility is as extinct as Tyrannosaurus Rex.You have lied and
schemed and taunted your way to complete insignificance.


Aug 21, 2007, 9:57:44 AM8/21/07

It is funny for you to question anybody's credibility, b'luto.

After all, you stole even the name "Joe Bruno" from some unsuspecting
bloke in California.

Have a nice insane zionazi day!

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 10:21:30 AM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 1:04 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 8:58 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 7:24 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> > > On Aug 20, 6:02 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > > > On Aug 20, 4:59 pm, "Chris C. Larson" <>
> > > > wrote:

> > > > > On Aug 20, 4:52 pm, wrote:
> > > > > > On Aug 20, 8:38?am, wrote:
> > > > > > > On Aug 20, 4:20 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Aug 20, 5:31 am, "Chris C. Larson" <>
> > > > > > > > wrote:

> > > > > > > > > On Aug 20, 4:59 am, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > > Excerpt from below:
> > > > > > > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > > > > > > > > > "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > > > > > > > > > > "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > > > > > > > > > > orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > > > > > > > > > > crypto-Jews... "
> > > > > > > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > > > > > > > > Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!
> > > > > > > > > Alaska Rocks has made Waldo a "Leading Revisionist Historian" by
> > > > > > > > > asking him for further clarification on a subject that he is deeply
> > > > > > > > > knowledgeable about. Waldo, I'm sure that your certificate and emblem
> > > > > > > > > for your white gown and hood will be in the mail shortly. However, I'm
> > > > > > > > > sure that Waldo will have to send in $100 (and SASE), which is what it
> > > > > > > > > also costs to become ordained as a Christian Identity minister. Could
> > > > > > > > > that be next for Waldo?
> > > > > > > > In view of his oft-repeated disdain for Christianity, I doubt Waldo
> > > > > > > > would let himself be associated with anything
> > > > > > > > having the name "Christian" in it.
> > > > > > > I dunno. His hatred of Jews seems to overwhelm his disdain for
> > > > > > > Christianity. So I figure it would be a wash.
> > > > > > > Steve- Hide quoted text -
> > > > > > > - Show quoted text -
> > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­ --------------------
> > > > > > He might be a Jew hater...but the question come what he says
> > > > > > is true. We , Armenians of Turkey, knew long time ago that Young Turks
> > > > > > founders were Donmes ( crypt0-Jews. Every Armenian nknow it, but it is
> > > > > > only recently that people have been studying it..
> > > > > > I suggest to read on the internet an electronic book titled "The
> > > > > > Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians" This is an study mada by a
> > > > > > history professor in the east cost ( the name escapes me) Do a google
> > > > > Oh yes- it's true!! The Jews have killed 45,500,000 US Christians in
> > > > > the last 3 weeks alone but it never got reported because of the "Jew
> > > > > owned media".- Hide quoted text -
> > > > Christians don't bother me at all. It's the Moslems and atheists I
> > > > view with concern.
> > > Actually Muslims historically were very tolerant of Jews, and treated
> > > them quite well - that is until Jews started with their meddling and
> > > machinations - especially in the Middle East.
> > Perhaps you remember what happened on September 11, 2001?
> Yes. I remember what happened on 9-11, Joe. I remember watching in
> dismay as the second plane slammed into the WTC on live TV. I remember
> being literally dumbstruck as I watched in disbelief as first one
> tower, then the second crumbled to the ground in a display that had
> all the marks of a controlled demolition. I recall my further dismay
> as Building Seven, which had NOT been hit by any plane suffered the
> same fate - only its demolition was form the bottom-up, rather from
> the top down.
> I recall my trip to the store, intent on buying an American flag - but
> they were all sold out. I recall going to the hardware store, where I
> bought several pieces of plywood and red, white and blue paint to make
> my OWN flag, which I hung high above the highway as a sign of my
> patriotic solidarity - not to my government, but to Americans, my
> people.

Like Hell they are. When I went out to defend the US, the last thing I
wanted to ever do was protect assholes like you. I don't care what
happens to your worthless ass.
You may have American citizenship, but so did the guys
who assassinated Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy and so
do assholes like Dr Pierce, the KKK, Ted Bundy the serial killer, and
Charles Manson.

> I recall the anger and hatred I felt as I saw videos of Palestinian
> men, women and children dancing in the streets at the news of the
> destruction and carnage - and the greater anger that I felt when

> was later admitted that this was FILE FOOTAGE, broadcast intentionally
> by the media to arouse the very reactions that I had felt.

> I recall that there were other, less publicized "dancers", Israeli
> Mossad agents, posing as movers and in possession of trucks on which
> the residue of explosives were later found. Israelis who danced with
> glee and gave one another high-fives as the towers fell. I recall that
> these Israelis and their entire company were allowed to quickly depart
> for Tel Aviv, never to be mentioned by the Bush Administration.

> I remember that it was only a matter of hours before our government
> inexplicably "knew" that Osama Bin Laden was "behind the attacks", and
> that within 24-48 hours, most of the "hijackers" had been "identified"
> - Muslims all, and most of them Saudi nationals.

> I recall that, in the hail of millions of tons of debris that rained
> down from the WTC towers, Mohammad Atta's pristine passport was
> "miraculously" found - having somehow survived a 600 mph crash into a
> building, and a fireball that would take Dante aback with awe - only
> to float gently down to the ground unscathed - as if placed there bu
> the hand of G-d himself.
> I also recall learning that many of the hijackers fingered by US
> intelligence are still alive and well to this day - living in the
> Middle East - which is quite a feat, considering the trauma of those
> jetliner crashes.

> I recall the look of stern resolve on George W. Bush's face as he
> announced that we would not allow these evildoers to escape unscathed,
> and I recall the farce that was the "invasion of Afghanistan", the
> lunacy of our troops and missiles attacking a people that had barely
> progressed past the stone-age, and had NO IDEA what the hell was going
> on.

LOL! It's obvious you have absolutely no idea of war, which is
understandable since you are too chicken to defend the people you
claim to love with military service.

We didn't attack Afghanis but, unfortunately, the terrorists have
chosen the clever and cowardly tactic of hiding themselves amongst
innocent civilians because they know we care about innocent lives,
even though you lie and deny it.

See, they are too cowardly to actually face an armed enemy in a war,
very much like you are. Listen up, folks! This is the part of the
drama where Waldo tell us he intended to enlist and fight for the
country and people he claims to care about, but he got so busy
attacking and taunting Jews on USENET that it simply slipped his mind.

Now, I'll take a poll: Everyone who believes what Waldo says
will please signify by saying "Aye".

Shit! I don't hear anything.

<deleted the rest of Waldo's crap>

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 10:34:37 AM8/21/07


And I suspect your parents gave you the name "Turkeyboy" when you were
born? You're too stupid to even understand
what the word "hypocrisy" means.


Aug 21, 2007, 11:10:58 AM8/21/07

White Pages search came up with nine Joe Brunos in California. Any one
of those could be getting phone calls you challenge to fights and
saying that you are in the Phone Book. It is as a dirty zionazi trick
as it can get, b'luto.

> And I suspect your parents gave you the name "Turkeyboy" when you were
> born? You're too stupid to even understand
> what the word "hypocrisy" means.

Only someone as insane as you could confuse "TurkeyBoy" with a real
name. I do not challenge people to fight me and tell them to look me
up. There are no TurkeyBoys in any phone books.

Have an insane zionazi day!

Doc Tony

Aug 21, 2007, 12:12:06 PM8/21/07
Waldo wrote:
> On Aug 20, 8:58 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
>>On Aug 20, 7:24 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
>>>On Aug 20, 6:02 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
>>>>On Aug 20, 4:59 pm, "Chris C. Larson" <>
>>>>>On Aug 20, 4:52 pm, wrote:
>>>>>>On Aug 20, 8:38?am, wrote:
>>>>>>>On Aug 20, 4:20 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Aug 20, 5:31 am, "Chris C. Larson" <>
>>>>>>>>>On Aug 20, 4:59 am, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Excerpt from below:
>>>>>>>>>>>"There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
>>>>>>>>>>>"Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
>>>>>>>>>>>orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
>>>>>>>>>>>crypto-Jews... "

Wally-lad®! I'm reminded viewing your extended recitation of Henry
Drummond in the "Inherit the Wind" flick when Matthew Harrison Brady
says to Drummond that he has no intention of making a speech and then
begins to do just that! Anyway, the above caught my interest with regard
to 9-11 and your use of the term "controlled demolition" so let's cut to
the chase: Is it your contention that this was an 'inside job' and in
fact destruction via a "controlled demolition" and, if so, what role did
those airplanes have in this "controlled demolition" together with the
biggie, of course, the matter of the "culprits" that YOU see responsible
for this "controlled demolition."

I'm curious ... especially with regard to your 'evidence' as to the
nature of the Towers destruction ... and the alleged culprits. Ditto the
Pentagon matter that day too. Feel free to add the 'why' of it as well
in terms of the culprits. I must assume that if you're talking
"controlled demolition" then you have a rough idea or even the
proverbial gut feeling at least of those 'responsible' for same, yes?
So, who? And why.

Doc Tony

> I recall my trip to the store, intent on buying an American flag - but
> they were all sold out. I recall going to the hardware store, where I
> bought several pieces of plywood and red, white and blue paint to make
> my OWN flag, which I hung high above the highway as a sign of my
> patriotic solidarity - not to my government, but to Americans, my
> people.

> I recall the anger and hatred I felt as I saw videos of Palestinian
> men, women and children dancing in the streets at the news of the
> destruction and carnage - and the greater anger that I felt when it
> was later admitted that this was FILE FOOTAGE, broadcast intentionally
> by the media to arouse the very reactions that I had felt.

> I recall that there were other, less publicized “dancers”, Israeli
> Mossad agents, posing as movers and in possession of trucks on which
> the residue of explosives were later found. Israelis who danced with
> glee and gave one another high-fives as the towers fell. I recall that
> these Israelis and their entire company were allowed to quickly depart
> for Tel Aviv, never to be mentioned by the Bush Administration.

> I remember that it was only a matter of hours before our government
> inexplicably “knew” that Osama Bin Laden was “behind the attacks”, and
> that within 24-48 hours, most of the “hijackers” had been “identified”
> - Muslims all, and most of them Saudi nationals.

> I recall that, in the hail of millions of tons of debris that rained
> down from the WTC towers, Mohammad Atta’s pristine passport was
> “miraculously” found - having somehow survived a 600 mph crash into a
> building, and a fireball that would take Dante aback with awe - only
> to float gently down to the ground unscathed - as if placed there bu
> the hand of G-d himself.
> I also recall learning that many of the hijackers fingered by US
> intelligence are still alive and well to this day - living in the
> Middle East - which is quite a feat, considering the trauma of those
> jetliner crashes.

> I recall the look of stern resolve on George W. Bush’s face as he
> announced that we would not allow these evildoers to escape unscathed,
> and I recall the farce that was the “invasion of Afghanistan”, the
> lunacy of our troops and missiles attacking a people that had barely
> progressed past the stone-age, and had NO IDEA what the hell was going
> on.

> (But hey, we got rid of those pesky burkhas, right?)
> I recall the beating of the war drums as the Bush administration and
> the media teamed up to demonize Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Try as they
> might, they could never formulate a convincing propaganda campaign
> linking Osama/ 911 to Iraq, so they opted for false and planted
> intelligence- “evidence” of Weapons of Mass Destruction” (that did NOT
> exist) as justification for invading Iraq.
> The NeoCon/Zionist PNAC plan had come into fruition.
> When that facade fell apart, the BA and the media lowered their tune
> by an octave, claiming that we were “bringing democracy” to the poor
> Iraqis- which was (of course) bullshit. All the while, we were told
> over and over again that Iraq had been a “threat” to the US - when in
> fact they had been a threat to no one other than ISRAEL - or rather, a
> thorn in Israel’s side.
> Then I recalled the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty, the German
> Nightclub attack, the false radio transmissions implicating Quadaffi
> from Tripoli - and I remembered the motto of the Israeli Mossad: “By
> way of deception, thou shalt do war”.
> This brought to mind all of the other shit that Zionist Jews had
> pulled in order to get others to fight their battles for them, or
> otherwise achieve their goals: WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, the
> Balfour Declaration, the treaty of Versailles, the Jewish Boycott,
> WWII, the Jewish Holocaust... and on and on and on.
> At some point I had to ask myself the same question that every cop and
> every insurance investigator MUST ask themselves if they wish to get
> to the bottom of things. Que bono? Who benefits?
> Did the Afghanis/Taliban benefit from 9-11? No, their country was
> invaded, their government disbanded, and their traditions trampled.
> Did the Iraqis benefit from 9-11? No, their country was invaded and
> disarmed. Chaos rules the streets under harsh occupation by US led
> forces, and Saddam is dead meat.
> Did the Saudis benefit? No. Did the Iranians, the Syrians, the
> Libyans, the Sudanese, the Jordanians, or the Pakistanis benefit? No.
> Did the Germans, the English, the Irish or the Dutch benefit? Hardly.
> So who *DID* benefit? The answer is Israel and International Zionism.
> I realize that the American public had been duped by a small but
> powerful group pf people that did NOT have America’s best interests at
> heart, but wanted to use American muscle to achieve their racist and
> ethnocentric goals.
>>My concern is not for Jews but for Americans as a whole.
> Your interest is for and your loyalty is to Jews, Bluto. You’ve made
> that very clear.
>>Apparently, President Bush is concerned also, since he invaded
>>Afghanistan looking for the culprits.
> He is serving his Zionist masters. Whether he is treasonous or simply
> stupid is unclear.
>>Apparently, Congress, the representatives of the American people are
>>concerned also, since they gave him the money to do that.
> Bought and paid for.

>>difference between us is that I care about all Americans, not just the
>>ones who agree with you.

> Your interest is in “what is good for the Jews”, Bluto. I charge that
> your loyalty to the US is conditional and tenuous - and that, were the
> winds to shift to disfavor Jews, you’d quickly abandon all pretense of
> being a loyal American.

>>In my opinion, your professed loyalty to the
>>USA is a gigantic fraud.
> Mirror.
>>Every time you post, you violate the spirit
>>of the Constitution with your pathetic attempts to separate us into
>>warring factions.
> Your Jewish pals have been working long and hard to achieve that end,
> Bluto - with their “our diversity is our strength” bullshit, and their
> promoting of illegal immigration, encouraging newcomers and other
> groups to maintain separate ethnic identities, and creating internal
> strife between groups.
> Far be it from me to take the credit.
>>You don't want equal rights for Jews
>>or Christians, and your constant attacks on them and their religions
>>proves that.
> On the contrary, I would like to see equal rights for all,
> proportionate to their numbers, and with the society-destroying
> machinations of groups such as yours held in check.
>>>Why would you view atheists with concern, Joe? Are you afraid of
>>>people who aren't afraid of what you're afraid of?
>>Because many atheists are just like you-chronic liars
>>and bigots with no reverence for the moral concepts
>>embodied in the Ten Commandments.
> Is that that where you get your “morality” from, Joe? From the “Ten
> Commandments”? Well I happen to know that the “Big Ten” were given as
> a code by which Jews were to treat OTHER JEWS. The Bible and history
> shows that Jews do NOT view these applicable when dealing with non-
> Jews, who robbed, killed, enslaved, and committed GENOCIDE against AT
> You’re a simple man, Joe. Don’t try to bullshit me.
>>You don't care about truth
>>or human rights or anything except your petty hatreds.
>>You're a self-centered extremist and I detest and distrust extremists.
> Would you say that you are *extremely* detesting and distrustful of
> extremists, Joe?
>>Apparently, I'm not alone, since the Justice Department has lists of
>>extremist groups and keeps constant watch on them.
> Do they keep an eye on your beloved ADL and B’nai Brith Canada, Joe?
> Because you’re about as extremist as they come.
>>Rest assured that if you ever do or say anything which represents a
>>threat or potential threat to the USA, I will
>>let the FBI know immediately.
> You do that, Joe. I’m sure you’re on their “Notify Ultimate
> Team” (N.U.T.) list by now.
>>When I was commissioned an officer in
>>the Navy, I swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the USA,
>>and I consider myself to be still bound by that oath.
> Yeah. Wait ‘til your superiors decide that the US is not kissing
> Jewish ass with enough tongue. We’ll see where your loyalties lie
> then.
> Good night, Bluto.
> **
> Waldo
> Observer at Large

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 12:21:46 PM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 7:39 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 7:17 pm, Gord McFee <> wrote:
> > He hates them all, as my recent exchange with him demonstrated.
> Define "hate", Gord.
> > He
> > considers Christianity to be the bastard offspring of Judaism,
> Is Christianity an offspring of Judaism?
> Yes.
> Has Judaism ever recognized Christianity as a legitimate offshoot?
> No.

"Legitimate"? You want Jews to take a paternity test?
PSSSST! Christians don't need us to "recognize" them.
They are adults and their own masters and can do what ever they want
to without our approval.

Tell me something, clown: What would happen if we said they
weren't "legitimate"? You think the Vatican would close up shop? Would
the Pope quit?

Waldo, I don't believe you actually exist.

Nobody in possession of a human brain could possibly be that stupid.


Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 2:20:49 PM8/21/07
> >>>>>>---------------------------------------------------------------------­--------------------------

Doc, I just woke up and realized I was having a conversation with a
lunatic. Waldo has flipped.

Before you continue on that same path, you might want to ask yourself
if you might get more intelligent, rational answers by talking to your
dog. If you don't have a dog,
you can always find a stray and talk to him.
Personally, I would prefer hearing "WOOF" to the
continuous unproven claim that "The Jews did it".
You know what I like about dogs? They don't tell lies.

> >>Apparently, President Bush- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -...
> read more »


Aug 21, 2007, 3:02:55 PM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 9:12 am, Doc Tony <> wrote:
> >>>>>>---------------------------------------------------------------------------???--------------------

Correction: "all the marks of a controlled demolition".

> so let's cut to
> the chase: Is it your contention that this was an 'inside job' and in
> fact destruction via a "controlled demolition"

That would certainly appear to be the case, wouldn't it?

> and, if so, what role did
> those airplanes have in this "controlled demolition"

If you think there are a lot of 9-11 "conspiracy nuts" out there now,
just imagine how many there would be if those buildings had simply
"fallen down" *without* the "help" of airliners.

> together with the
> biggie, of course, the matter of the "culprits" that YOU see responsible
> for this "controlled demolition."

I know where you're going with this, Doc Phony, and I too tire of the
fact that nearly every time somebody starts digging into the events of
9-11, they seem to be unable to avoid finding one Zionist/Jewish/
Mossad connection after another, so I've formulated my own *Jew-
Friendly* conspiracy theory for how the towers fell:

The planes themselves were a ruse - the towers had been set up to fall
beforehand, but the people needed to have *some* explanation for the
towers falling - so 19 Arab hijackers with simple box cutters were
commissioned (by Osama, obviously) to commandeer the planes and put on
the "ultimate air show" - meanwhile becoming martyrs for the "cause".

While the above is fairly obvious, the REAL conspiracy unfolds when we
begin to understand that, over the previous weekend, hundreds of OTHER
Arab terrorists had been secreted into Towers 1 and 2, and into
Building Seven, where they were stationed near in key structural
components - (mostly inside ceilings, walls and crawl spaces).

When the order was given, these Arab terrorists, in a true masterpiece
of coordination and choreography, began slicing through the steel
beams and reinforced concrete with THEIR box cutters. Of course, no
building could stand up to box cutters - and the rest is history.

Thus the ugly deed was done, and not a single Zionist/Jewish/Mossad
connection was necessary. Shalom.

> I'm curious ... especially with regard to your 'evidence' as to the
> nature of the Towers destruction ... and the alleged culprits. Ditto the
> Pentagon matter that day too. Feel free to add the 'why' of it as well
> in terms of the culprits. I must assume that if you're talking
> "controlled demolition" then you have a rough idea or even the
> proverbial gut feeling at least of those 'responsible' for same, yes?
> So, who? And why.

Arabs. Because they hate us. I know it sounds irrational, but they
just hate us. They hate our freedom. They hate our Snickers Bars, our
ATV's, our tampons, our deodorant, our washing machines... but above
all they HATE our lawnmowers, oh how they despise our lawnmowers...

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 3:13:58 PM8/21/07

Post it.

If it's true and I doubt it, why would assuming someone else's name be
"stealing"? Show me the law against it.
I see people all over the Internet using nyms.

Scott Bradbury, at various times, calls himself

Eddie Haskell
Beaver Cleaver
Wally Cleaver
Ivan Tavishiki
Doktor Tavishe
Sean Cyril O'Tavish

To my knowledge, he has not been arrested for any of them, even though
he has numerous enemies who would like to catch him doing something
illegal so they could have him arrested.

You really are an idiot.

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 3:29:59 PM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 8:10 am, TurkeyBoy <> wrote:

> White Pages search came up with nine Joe Brunos in California.

You lied again. There are 34 in California:

Since everyone I post to on the Internet knows I live in San Diego
County and none of those 34 also live in SD County, it's obvious that
the guy you're babbling about does not exist and no one could think
any of them were me.

Go plant yourself somewhere else, vegetable.

Joe Bruno

Aug 21, 2007, 3:49:29 PM8/21/07
On Aug 20, 7:39 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 7:17 pm, Gord McFee <> wrote:

> > On 8/20/2007 11:38 AM, wrote:
> > > On Aug 20, 4:20 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> > >> On Aug 20, 5:31 am, "Chris C. Larson" <>
> > >> wrote:
> > >>> On Aug 20, 4:59 am, Alaska Rocks <>

> > >>> wrote:
> > >>>> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > >>>>> Excerpt from below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "There are those who
> > >>>>> make a compelling case that the leadership of the "Young
> > >>>>> Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > >>>>> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of
> > >>>>> Jews and crypto-Jews... " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >>>> Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!
> > >>> Alaska Rocks has made Waldo a "Leading Revisionist Historian" by
> > >>> asking him for further clarification on a subject that he is
> > >>> deeply knowledgeable about. Waldo, I'm sure that your certificate
> > >>> and emblem for your white gown and hood will be in the mail
> > >>> shortly. However, I'm sure that Waldo will have to send in $100
> > >>> (and SASE), which is what it also costs to become ordained as a
> > >>> Christian Identity minister. Could that be next for Waldo?
> > >> In view of his oft-repeated disdain for Christianity, I doubt Waldo
> > >> would let himself be associated with anything having the name
> > >> "Christian" in it.
> > > I dunno. His hatred of Jews seems to overwhelm his disdain for
> > > Christianity. So I figure it would be a wash.
> > He hates them all, as my recent exchange with him demonstrated.
> Define "hate", Gord.
> > He
> > considers Christianity to be the bastard offspring of Judaism,
> Is Christianity an offspring of Judaism?
> Yes.
> Has Judaism ever recognized Christianity as a legitimate offshoot?
> No.
> There you have it. Christianity is the unwanted bastard child of
> Judaism

A bastard is someone who only has one legal parent, ie the parents are
not married.

Tell me about Islam:Who is the Father and who is the Mother?

Ditto for Hinduism:Who is the Father and who is the Mother?

Ditto for Buddhism:Who is the Father and who is the Mother?

Ditto for Confucianism:Who is the Father and who is the Mother?

How about the ancient Roman religion with it's many gods:
Who was the Father and who was the Mother?

I'd ask you about the Viking religion with Odin and Thor, but the
Norsemen fathered children all over Europe whereever they sailed and
didn't much care if they married
the Mother or not.We'll just let them rest in peace.

Sara Salzman

Aug 21, 2007, 5:48:14 PM8/21/07
In article <>,
TurkeyBoy <> wrote:

> On Aug 21, 10:04 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 8:58 pm, Joe Bruno <> wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> b'luto:

> > > The
> > > difference between us is that I care about all Americans, not just the
> > > ones who agree with you.
> >

> Waldo:

> > Your interest is in "what is good for the Jews", Bluto. I charge that
> > your loyalty to the US is conditional and tenuous - and that, were the
> > winds to shift to disfavor Jews, you'd quickly abandon all pretense of
> > being a loyal American.

> There is no question about it, his professed loyalty to America is
> facade and holds only as long as he sees it as a benefit for Israel.

I surely hope you have evidence of the statement above, since you have
just accused a US military veteran of treason.

> We trusted these people and had them in sensitive and trusted
> positions only have them betray America time and time again.

And tell us, Turkey, what was YOUR contribution to defending America?

> They used to brag about their contributions to the Soviets and
> especially to Stalin. They became anti-Communists only after the
> demise of the Soviet Union.
> They stuck it to the Armenians and b'luto's zionazi ADL continues to
> stick it to the Armenians.
> They have no "honour".

And you are a coward.
> Have a nice vegetarian day!

Let us be clear: The real purpose of Holocaust denial is to degrade and
dehumanize the Jewish people.
-- Abdurrahaman Wahid,former president of Indonesia; Israel Lau,
Buchenwald survivor and former Chief Rabbi of Israel

Doc Tony

Aug 21, 2007, 5:51:50 PM8/21/07

Wally-lad®! Was this touted "fairly obvious" [sic] response rendered
'before' or 'after' picking up the crack pipe? Whew! I mean this has you
even beyond the old "Big Bambu" and Cheech & Chong bowl/bong 'homegrown'
level stuff! Double whew!

However, it is, shall we say, quite telling in the sense of where you're
coming from ... while concurrently providing ample reader conjecture for
where you've been! And no doubt ... where you're rapidly going!

Doc Tony

[and then ... ]

Scene: Movement® HQ

Neil "Rewriteman®" Harrington: [reading Wally-lad's 'latest' "findings"
...] : "ALEX!"

Alex "Muleschlep®" Vangel [Topaz]: "Yeah, Uncle Neil?"

Harrington: "Bring me the MF-88 [ ! --- Movement® Form] file on your
Uncle Waldo!"

Vangel: "Ummmm, like, it's already signed out, Uncle Neil !"

Harrington: "TO WHOM!"

Vangel: "Ummmm, to Uncle Ben [Ben "Chameleon®" Cramer] !"

Harrington: "For what reason?"

Vangel: "You want Uncle Ben's 'exact' words when he took the file?"

Harrington: "Yeah!"

Vangel: "Ummmm, he kept mumblin' like, ummmm, what the bleedin' #### is
an "Anti-Semitist" [! -- sic ] and a "Kosher Korkscrew" [! --- sic].
Then Uncle Ben said somethin' in that 'Australian language' [!] about
Uncle Waldo soundin' like a, ummmm, a dradel [!] or somethin' like that
... no-no, hahaha, a "drongo", yeah, a drongo is what it was!" [!]


Keep posing Wally-lad®, you reveal more of yourself with each flatus
blast. Hey! Your boy Crackpot® Freddy Berg could take lessons!


> Waldo
> Observer at Large

Chris C. Larson

Aug 21, 2007, 6:02:34 PM8/21/07
> > >>>>>>---------------------------------------------------------------------­------???--------------------
> Observer at Large- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

If folks don't beleive that people are out there that are incredibly
gullible, all you need to do is look at posts like this one from
Waldo. Thanks Wally

Sara Salzman

Aug 21, 2007, 6:06:38 PM8/21/07
In article <>,
Joe Bruno <> wrote:

and about 1,000 other names as well.

> To my knowledge, he has not been arrested for any of them, even though
> he has numerous enemies who would like to catch him doing something
> illegal so they could have him arrested.
> You really are an idiot.


Doc Tony

Aug 21, 2007, 6:21:25 PM8/21/07
Chris C. Larson wrote:

Well, at least Wally-lad® in his ravings 'did' make with the requisite
'Shalom' and no doubt the old 'Waldstein' genetic link is still present!
Must be Wally-lad® and his "totally Jewish sources" [sic] that have in
fact caused an identity crisis of sorts and it wouldn't surprise me if
Wally-lad® adopted the 'Waldstein' moniker and went searching for a
Mohel so he could claim due expertise in the 'experience' and hence
'futher' enhance his crystal ball conjectures on "how the Chosen think
and do what they do" in his, ehhh, non-biased [cough-cough] role of an
avowed anti-Semitist [sic] !

Doc Tony

But then, enter Wally-lad's® Movement® Kamerad, Kurt 'alte Puppe®'
Knoll, who simultaneously puts it on the line [! -- 'ear' inclusive
apparently!] and 'cuts' to the 'Ukrainian Sausage' [sic], as it were,
while announcing to the AR/DSPM ET AL assembled and all who will hear:
"No, I myself am not an anti-Semite, I just don't like Jews!" [sic --
Kurt Knoll]



Aug 21, 2007, 6:25:36 PM8/21/07

Why 'Tonio, I'm surprised at you! What I wrote above very much
conforms to the Government/Media/Jewish Lobby approved version of

In fact, ask anyone (at least anyone who has *not* been labeled a
"conspiracy nut" by the aforementioned groups) "Who brought down the
World Trade Center?" and they'll quickly tell you that it was done by
"Arabs with box cutters".

Pfffft! And you have the chutzpah to imply that *I'm* the loony one!

Aug 21, 2007, 6:37:10 PM8/21/07

On 21-Aug-2007, wrote:

> On Aug 21, 6:20 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 4:03 pm, wrote:

> >
> > > On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <> wrote:
> >
> > > > On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <> wrote:
> > > > > Excerpt from below:
> >
> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > > > "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of
> > > > >the
> > > > > "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > > > > orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews
> > > > >and
> > > > > crypto-Jews... "
> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >
> > > > Please elaborate on this.
> >

> > > Yes, some actual proof would be nice.
> > > For a change.
> >

> > > Susan
> >
> > In the mind of Susan "the Shiksa" Cohen, there would and could NEVER
> > be ANYTHING that would act as "proof".

Whoever that is.
But since we're suppsed to be discussing me, let's speak factually
insted of using Waldo-speak.
> >
> > I have a nasty habit of providing strong evidence to back up my
> > claims,

Like I said - FACTS, PLEASE!

> > but because Susan cannot STAND to see such evidence, she's had
> > me in her killfile for years.
> >
This is definitely a bit of less stupid-than-usual Waldo-speak.
No, I can't bear to see the type of "evidence" he posts:
stupid lies and ad hominem - hey, just like above!
What a coincidence (not).

> > So for the benefit of others, I provide the following from a JEWISH
> > website:
> > <quote>
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > "As long as the Dônme lived in Salonica, preservation of their Jewish
> > character was feasible because of their proximity and steady contact
> > with its large, bustling Jewish population. Many members of the Dônme
> > community in Salonica were among Turkey's reform leaders - the Young
> > Turks - and members of an influential reform organization known as the
> > Committee for Progress and Union. In 1909, the revolution of the Young
> > Turks overthrew the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II. The first
> > administration that then came to power, laying the foundation of the
> > future Turkish republic, included three Dônme ministers - Nuzhet Faik,
> > Mustafa Arif and Mehmet Javid."
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > </quote>

And what on earth does this have to do with the Armenian Genocide?
> >
> > Source:
> >
> > The above is the JEWISH website of the European Sephardic Institute.
> > Here's a link to the English version of their main page.
> But Waldo, as always, it is not the facts that are at question, but
> the grand conclusions you seem to read into them.
Thanks for the sanity check.

> By this point in time, some 400 years after Shabbatei Zvi, the Donme
> were well established as a distinctly Turkish-Muslim sub-culture, and
> so deeply assimilated that it wouldn't be all that surprising for
> *anybody* in the country to have some Donme descent. But your
> argument goes beyond the banal observation that some of the founders
> of the Young Turks had such descent - you are claiming that they were,
> in fact, working towards a particularly *Jewish* political agenda
> (specifically, the agenda your fetid imagination always attributes to
> the Jews).
> In another post on this thread, you noted that the Donme were
> considered apostates by both Jews and Muslims (in fact, I'm not sure
> that's true - my impression is that they are accepted as a heterodox
> Muslim sect, but perhaps someone with more familiarity with the
> subject could clarify this matter). How does this jibe with your
> claim that they just *had* to be secretly working against the Turkish
> state and toward Jewish interests?
> It's hardly surprising that there were at least a few founding members
> of the Young Turks of Donme descent. Taking aside the basic fact of
> their assimilation into Muslim-Turkish society, members of ethnic
> minority groups tend to gravitate to both leftist and nationalist
> revolutionary movements (when the latter will accept them). Indeed,
> its odd that you don't even mention that one of the prominent founding
> members of the CUP was not just a Donme but a full-blown and
> identifying Jew - Emmanuel Carasso. But what you also don't mention -
> inconvenient as it is to your blame-the-grand-Jewish-conspiracy
> beliefs - is that these people, like the rest of the CUP movement -
> were also stanch (one might say rabid) Turkish nationalists, who,
> while that may have identified with their ethnic (Donme or Jewish)
> communities, believed that the future of these communities lay in
> Turkey and that the members of these communities had to consider
> themselves Turks first and foremost. They were therefore among the
> strongest opponents and indeed obstacles to Zionist activity in
> Ottoman Palestine (contrary to your fact-free ranting earlier, in
> which you claimed that the Armenian genocide was part of a ploy to
> destablizise Turkey in the interests of Zionism).
How fast do you think he's going to run this time?

> Steven Mock

Aug 21, 2007, 6:39:11 PM8/21/07

On 21-Aug-2007, Joe Bruno <> wrote:

> On Aug 20, 10:22 pm, Waldo <> wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 10:02 pm, wrote:
> >
> > > Yes, I know - that's why proof would be a change.
> > > (Note, I did not say I expected to ever SEE ANY from him....)
> >
> > > Susan
> >
> > Only because you refuse to read my posts, Shiksa dearest.
> >
> That's a good policy and most of the time, I ,myself, follow it.

And the insane double lie he posted above is but proof positive
of why no one should ever read his posts.

> You have nothing worthy to contribute to the discussion of the
> Holocaust. You're only here to taunt people who disagree with your
> stupid prejudices and to taunt Jews.

And women - let's not forget women!
As I have always said: bigots never hate just one non-self-slecting group!


Aug 21, 2007, 6:40:33 PM8/21/07

On 21-Aug-2007, Sara Salzman <> wrote:

> > Scott Bradbury, at various times, calls himself
> >
> > Eddie Haskell
> > Beaver Cleaver
> > Wally Cleaver
> > Ivan Tavishiki
> > Doktor Tavishe
> > Sean Cyril O'Tavish
> and about 1,000 other names as well.

He made the stupid mistake of calling himself Gilbert Bates ONCE.


So, whenever he uses one of the "Mayfield" nyms, I fix it for him :->


Doc Tony

Aug 21, 2007, 6:52:10 PM8/21/07
Waldo wrote:

Actually, Wally-lad®, I'm not 'implying' as I am 'stating fact' about
you although, truth be told, 'you' are the one doing 100% of the
readership convincing of same! Hence, I'll add at once, and ironically
for that matter, 'making good' on the Z-man [Zundel] and the revisionist
motto, to wit, "We do not recruit! We convince!" [sic]

Anyway, I see my 'bit' was duly "Berged" [Crackpot® Freddy Berg] with
such 'make it go away' post material disappearing actions you no doubt
inherited from your AR mentor, Crackpot® Freddy Berg, who always did the
same thing for virtually all posters who called him on his dreck and
drool when the opposing posts, including the for-point satiric bits, hit
home and Crackpot® Freddy went on the ropes which was generally his
first post out followed by the canvas and 10 count by his second post.
Or 'outting' one might say.

Gotta' tell ya', Wally-lad®, with the drool you're coming up with, hey,
when Freddy's "world revolution" [sic] gets going, be prepared for the
'tap' from Crackpot® Freddy Berg because you're Freddy's kind of guy!
AND, the bonus here, you de facto bypass Crackpot® Freddy Berg's post
'world revolution' "Wall" ! Ohh yes! Not being on Freddy's duly
proscribed and slated for the Wall "list", to wit, "Jews, Islamic types,
Christians ... " [sic --Berg], hey, it's your shot, Wally-lad®. The only
impediment, as I see it, is Crackpot® Freddy Berg's 'other' mentioned
candidates for his Wall, post revolution era of course, you know, those
"crackpot revisionists who should be ashamed of themselves" [sic] and
'this' could be a big problem for you ... and based on the record thus far!


The Mad Revisionist

Aug 21, 2007, 6:57:14 PM8/21/07
On Aug 21, 5:12 pm, Doc Tony <> wrote:
> Waldo wrote:

Even before the Twin Towers had collapsed, it was a matter of
consensus among the conspiracy community that those accused of the
attack - Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda - could not have been the
culprits. Despite concerted effort, THE MAD REVISIONIST was unable to
come up with a single reasonable, rational explanation as to why
religious fundamentalists would want to crash themselves and plane-
loads full of people into crowded office buildings, and, further to
the principles of revisionist methodology, if it doesn't make sense to
us personally, it didn't happen.

Given the conclusive nature of this evidence, we decided that it was
our responsibility as citizens and historians (along with one
electrical engineer) to find out who was really responsible so that
justice could be done. And considering the seriousness of the crime,
we resolved to devote a full year of concerted pondering towards
revealing who it was that had the means, the motive, and the
opportunity to commit this heinous act.

Naturally, our first suspicion was directed against the most obvious
suspect: Sweden. It has long been known by revisionist researchers
that the people of Sweden define themselves as Swedish, as opposed to
all other people who are non-Swedish and therefore considered, by
implication, inferior with regards to whatever qualities make someone
Swedish. And even though this division of the world between Swedes
and non-Swedes is based to a large extent simply on whether someone
has been born in Sweden or to Swedish parents, the world has been
strangely silent and reticent about this obviously racist criteria for
inclusion. Besides, any people who would produce sweet mustard must
be capable of any depravity.

However, unable to attribute any specific motive to Sweden, our
attention was directed against the only country that did have a clear
and obvious reason to stage an attack on the United States in
precisely this manner: Canada.

Means, motive, and opportunity. Canada was very nearby, and could
easily infiltrate operatives across the border. Their efficient state
apparatus was much better equipped to pull off an operation of this
magnitude than a group of terrorists half a world away. But what's
more, it has long been known that Canada suffers under a debilitating
inferiority complex, one that could easily have led to a virulent
hostility against the very targets that were attacked on September

Take a look at the CN Tower. Why would they build such a big, long,
hard, rigid monstrosity? What purpose does it serve other than to
give New York State the finger from across the lake? Canadians seem
to take great pride in the fact that theirs is the largest tower in
the world. What, then, would they be expected to feel about other
structures in other countries whose sizes are a cause of distinction?
Of course, the World Trade Centre comes to mind, as does the Pentagon,
which, with over 3.7 million square feet of space, is the world's
largest office building.

It has been speculated that the fourth plane, which went down over
Pennsylvania, had been targeted at the White House. Researchers at
THE MAD REVISIONIST are divided as to the plausibility of this
scenario. On one hand, the White House could well have been chosen as
powerful symbolic expression of Canadian superiority, seeing as the
Canadians already burned it down once before during the War of 1812.
However, our air-photo expert, Mr. Jim Sphere, has concluded that the
true trajectory of the fourth plane shows it heading in the direction
of Chicago - most likely aimed at the Sears Tower.*

Several otherwise incomprehensible aspects of this affair suddenly
become clear once Canadian complicity in the attacks is understood.
There was, for example, much concern expressed in Canada when George
Bush, thanking numerous countries for their assistance in the
aftermath of the tragedies, neglected to mention Canada. Was this
merely an oversight, or a subtle hint that the CIA had already
uncovered evidence of Canadian involvement? And what about that
"friendly fire" incident in Afghanistan? An accident? Or did our
boys, contrary to the instructions of their government (always quick
to pander to the interests of "our most reliable ally to the north"),
finally decide to engage the True Enemy?

Furthermore, it is important to note that not a single Canadian was
killed in the September 11 attacks. This is no lie. Indeed, this
highly suspicious fact - obscured by the controlled media - is
undeniable, as someone has posted it on the web and called it
undeniable (see above), but it can also be verified by a simple look
at the lists of the victims of the World Trade Centre and Pentagon
disasters. Not a single one of the names on any of those lists is
identifiably Canadian.

Obviously, then, Canadians working at the World Trade Centre were
warned in advance to call in sick that morning. Naturally, they never
bothered to tell any of their non-Canadian co-workers, indicating the
contempt that Canadians have for non-Canadian life.

What can we conclude from all of this? Well, I do know one thing. If
I were the President of Malaysia (and I hope to be some day), I would
be very concerned about the possibility of Canadian designs on the
Petronas Towers.

(* Though Mr. Sphere acknowledges that this is not, in fact, what the
evidence shows, the evidence in question was doctored by CSIS. In
support of this claim, Jim is offering a cash reward to anyone who can
prove that he is not, in fact, an air-photo expert. Those seeking to
claim this reward can direct their inquiries to a post office box that
we're not going to check anyway, so don't bother.)

Ignore the thought police
Read the evidence
Judge for yourself

Chris C. Larson

Aug 21, 2007, 7:17:40 PM8/21/07
> > >>>>>>>>-------------------------------------------------------------------­--------???--------------------
> Observer at Large- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Funny Waldo, funny. But what's even funnier is the fact that you still
do not have a 'splanation (copyright Ricky Ricardo), on just where
those airplanes disappeared to? Madagascar? Sierra Leone? Kurt Knoll's
backside? And of course, how about the fact that Jews and even some
Israeli citizens died in the blast.

Personally, I think it was the Swiss!!! They only had 2 victims. Or
was it the Aborigines?

Doc Tony

Aug 21, 2007, 7:20:12 PM8/21/07
Doc Tony wrote:

> Doc Tony
> ;-)

To add my moniker! Ohh, a couple of days late but Wally-lad® will
suffice as the ad hoc volunteer, and moving to O/T now, when these
public jousts begin, no matter 'who', if Waldo lived across this valley
and let's say played chess [I love that game] or indeed a musical
instrument [I do classical piano and acoustic guitar although piano is
my favorite] -- anyway -- if the 'invite' was made by Waldo to me , not
a problem whatsoever, and I'll even conjecture a vice versa. Why?
Simple: Message vs messenger. That's how I work unless the formula is
tinkered with or otherwise interfered with. My only request to Kurt
'alte Puppe®' Knoll wayyyyy up north in Kitimat [publicly known by
Kurt's own comments and public website], well, I asked Kurt to wear that
outrageous website pictured Hawaiian/Schwabing shirt so I'll recognize
the guy ... and the old SA kepi or de-marked Feldmutze!

Doc Tony

The Mad Revisionist

Aug 21, 2007, 7:27:28 PM8/21/07
On Aug 22, 12:17 am, "Chris C. Larson" <>

Yes! Like I always say, if you want to know whodunnit, follow the

Time was airport security never used to bug about you bringing a
little pocket knife with you on a key-chain, so long as it was like
the fold-out kind. Suddenly, a bunch of wacked-out supervillians
hijack planes with box-cutters, and now they confiscate the damn
things every time you fly and you have to get another one.

Why, I bet the sales curve for Swiss Army Knives skyrocketed in the
years following 9-11. Neutral, my ass!

Doc Tony

Aug 21, 2007, 7:35:34 PM8/21/07
The Mad Revisionist wrote:
> On Aug 21, 5:12 pm, Doc Tony <> wrote:
>>Waldo wrote:
>>>Yes. I remember what happened on 9-11, Joe. I remember watching in
>>>dismay as the second plane slammed into the WTC on live TV. I remember
>>>being literally dumbstruck as I watched in disbelief as first one
>>>tower, then the second crumbled to the ground in a display that had
>>>all the marks of a controlled demolition. I recall my further dismay
>>>as Building Seven, which had NOT been hit by any plane suffered the
>>>same fate - only its demolition was form the bottom-up, rather from
>>>the top down.
>>Wally-ladŽ! I'm reminded viewing your extended recitation of Henry

Watch now, Wally-ladŽ pulling an ad hoc "Cousin Eddie" Johnson [Randy
Quaid], you know, the "Christmas Vacation" [1989] flick and the Griswold
Christmas get together and Clark was telling the kids the present
location, via radar blips, of Santa's sleigh, to wit, with one minor mod
as to recipient although Wally-ladŽ as clearly in earnest: "Are you
serious, Mad Revisionist?"

Doc Tony

Wally-ladŽ: "Really, 'Tonio', that's a kid's movie! Give me "Dumb and
Dumber" [1994] any day of the week! I mean, hahahaha, that 'crap house'
scene was a literal 'blast', Muuuuu-hahahahahahahahaha! Ehhh, Tic-Tac,
sir? Muuuuuu-hahahahahahahaha!"

[!] It fits!

Aug 21, 2007, 7:43:34 PM8/21/07
On Aug 22, 12:35 am, Doc Tony <> wrote:
> The Mad Revisionist wrote:
> > On Aug 21, 5:12 pm, Doc Tony <> wrote:
> >>Waldo wrote:
> >>>Yes. I remember what happened on 9-11, Joe. I remember watching in
> >>>dismay as the second plane slammed into the WTC on live TV. I remember
> >>>being literally dumbstruck as I watched in disbelief as first one
> >>>tower, then the second crumbled to the ground in a display that had
> >>>all the marks of a controlled demolition. I recall my further dismay
> >>>as Building Seven, which had NOT been hit by any plane suffered the
> >>>same fate - only its demolition was form the bottom-up, rather from
> >>>the top down.
> >>Wally-lad®! I'm reminded viewing your extended recitation of Henry
> Watch now, Wally-lad® pulling an ad hoc "Cousin Eddie" Johnson [Randy

> Quaid], you know, the "Christmas Vacation" [1989] flick and the Griswold
> Christmas get together and Clark was telling the kids the present
> location, via radar blips, of Santa's sleigh, to wit, with one minor mod
> as to recipient although Wally-lad® as clearly in earnest: "Are you
> serious, Mad Revisionist?"

Which would be kind of funny. Because that bit was actually inspired
by a dialogue I had with Waldo about a year after 9-11, when he
insisted that one would have to be insane not to suspect that Mossad
had a hand in the attacks (can't seem to find it offhand... has anyone
else found the google-groups search engine to be shite lately?). At
least half of the madrev "arguments" above are lifted right from
Waldo's side of that discussion.

Means, motive and opportunity...

Steven Mock

Doc Tony

Aug 21, 2007, 7:57:20 PM8/21/07
to wrote:

Interesting, that one! NOW I'll be able to do Clark should Wally-lad®
make with the 'surgical head plate' "danger of shifting" excuse [in the
downhill snow-slide scene] as Cousin Eddie did allowing me to do the
script retort albeit with appropriate moniker mod: "Does it 'really'
make any difference, Wally-lad®?"

Doc Tony

BTW, Steve, what's with the you-know-who mentioned "luxury hotel"
[translation: working vacation] thing this year?

Aug 21, 2007, 8:31:18 PM8/21/07

On 21-Aug-2007, The Mad Revisionist <> wrote:

> Ignore the thought police
> Read the evidence
> Judge for yourself

LOVE your site!


Gord McFee

Aug 21, 2007, 10:13:08 PM8/21/07
On 8/21/2007 4:04 AM, Waldo wrote:

[much drivel deleted]

> Yes. I remember what happened on 9-11, Joe. I remember watching in
> dismay as the second plane slammed into the WTC on live TV. I
> remember being literally dumbstruck as I watched in disbelief as
> first one tower, then the second crumbled to the ground in a display
> that had all the marks of a controlled demolition. I recall my
> further dismay as Building Seven, which had NOT been hit by any plane
> suffered the same fate - only its demolition was form the bottom-up,
> rather from the top down.

And we're off. The old conspiracy theory. "The Jews did it" can't be
far behind.


> I recall the anger and hatred I felt as I saw videos of Palestinian
> men, women and children dancing in the streets at the news of the
> destruction and carnage - and the greater anger that I felt when it
> was later admitted that this was FILE FOOTAGE, broadcast
> intentionally by the media to arouse the very reactions that I had
> felt.

Your proof of which is that you said it? Or that it fits your
anti-Jewish paranoia? And why were those innocent Palestinians
referring to the destruction of the Twin Towers if the footage was shot
*before* the attack? Are you implying they were tipped off in advance?

> I recall that there were other, less publicized “dancers”, Israeli
> Mossad agents, posing as movers and in possession of trucks on which
> the residue of explosives were later found. Israelis who danced with
> glee and gave one another high-fives as the towers fell. I recall
> that these Israelis and their entire company were allowed to quickly
> depart for Tel Aviv, never to be mentioned by the Bush
> Administration.

Right on cue. "The Jews did it" couldn't be very far off in the strange
world that Waldo inhabits.

> I remember that it was only a matter of hours before our government
> inexplicably “knew” that Osama Bin Laden was “behind the attacks”,
> and that within 24-48 hours, most of the “hijackers” had been
> “identified” - Muslims all, and most of them Saudi nationals.

And I suppose the fact that Osama bin Laden admitted that he was behind
the attacks - on a videotape that *he* released - is irrelevant, right
Waldo? Did the Jews torture him, is that it?


> The NeoCon/Zionist PNAC plan had come into fruition.

Right. ZOG was behind the whole thing. How brilliant of you to unravel
this great mystery.


> This brought to mind all of the other shit that Zionist Jews had
> pulled in order to get others to fight their battles for them, or
> otherwise achieve their goals: WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, the
> Balfour Declaration, the treaty of Versailles, the Jewish Boycott,
> WWII, the Jewish Holocaust... and on and on and on.

You forgot the Black Death, Hurricane Katrina (an obvious Jewish cover
name for Kinneret), the Spanish Influenza breakout of 1918 and AIDS.
But I am sure you will get around to them.


> I realize that the American public had been duped by a small but
> powerful group pf people that did NOT have America’s best interests
> at heart, but wanted to use American muscle to achieve their racist
> and ethnocentric goals.

They fooled everyone but you, right Waldo?

>> My concern is not for Jews but for Americans as a whole.
> Your interest is for and your loyalty is to Jews, Bluto. You’ve made
> that very clear.

Your interest, indeed, your obsession, is just as much on Jews. The
only difference is that Joe is one, and you hate them.

[conspiracy drivel deleted]

Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time

Visit the Holocaust History Project

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