"There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
"Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
crypto-Jews... "
In the thread " ADL Charged With Holocaust Denial", Tommy (
posted an article that stated that the town council of Watertown, MA,
a city with a sizable population of persons of Armenian descent, had
"voted unanimously" to "cut ties with the Anti-Defamation League of
B'nai Brith", more commonly known as the ADL.
The reason for this seemingly drastic move? The town council cited
concerns with the ADL's steadfast "DENIAL" of the Armenian Genocide,
wherein over 1.5 million men, women and children were slaughtered
between 1915 and 1923.
The article states that ADL and its national leader, Abraham Foxman,
have also expressed strenuous opposition to proposed US legislation
that would officially recognize and condemn this ugly episode, which
was know by contemporaries as a "holocaust" (long before the so-called
Jewish "Holocaust" occurred), and is considered by many to be the
FIRST genocidal action of the 20th century.
Why would the ADL,, which bills itself as a "humanitarian
organization", claiming to promote tolerance and diversity, and to
combat "hate" racism, bigotry (and above all anti-Semitism), work to
deny, discount and/or otherwise minimize a horrific event such as the
Armenian Genocide?
Could it be because the ADL is a Jewish organization, and doesn't
concern itself with "other" victims of intolerance and human rights
Not likely. The ADL has led the charge pushing for "Hate Crimes"
legislation on both state and federal levels in the US, and has
happily partnered with Black, Hispanic, homosexual groups and other so-
called "victim classes" in their relentless pursuit of their goal of
shoving this draconian legislation down our throats.
Could it be that the ADL (and Jews in general) has profited handsomely
from the high-profile public image of THE HOLOCAUST (the Jewish
Holocaust), and the almost universal sympathy that has been generated
by this super-publicized event? Is it that they don't want to "share
the spotlight" with some other group, who might tend to steal some of
their thunder?
Possibly. But this author doubts whether the ADL would DARE face the
potential onslaught of NEGATIVE publicity generated by their genocide
denial and vocal opposition to the related proposed legislation for
such a trivial reason. The balance sheet just wouldn't support it.
So why *would* the ADL deny the Armenian Genocide? Why wouldn't they
warmly (if reluctantly) embrace the Armenians as "Brothers in
Victimhood", as they have Blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals in their
dogged pursuit of "Hate Crimes" legislation?
There would have to be a good reason. A DAMN good reason - but what
could it be? The ADL's recent "open letter" in response to their
charges of genocide denial, and addressed to "The New England
Community" might give us a clue:
Quoting the ADL's letter:
"The Jewish community in Turkey has clearly expressed to us and other
major American Jewish organizations its concerns about the impact of
Congressional action on them, and we cannot ignore those concerns."
Now why should the JEWS of TURKEY have anything to fear from a US
Congressional resolution that would acknowledge and condemn a genocide
that took place nearly 100 years ago in an empire that no longer
Could the answer be Zionism?
During the time that the Armenian Genocide began, the areas now known
as Palestine and Israel were under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
Powerful and resourceful Jewish Zionists had much earlier set their
sights on these lands as a "homeland" for Jews as part of their
Messianic religious/racist fantasy, and they intended to gain control
of these lands by whatever means necessary.
In 1908, the "Committee of Union and Progress", more widely known as
the "Young Turks" fomented a revolution, and effectively took control
of the Ottoman Empire, rallying the citizenry under the well know
Judaeo/Masonic slogan of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". It was these
"Young Turks" that oversaw and carried out the Armenian Genocide -
wherein over 1.5 million men, women and children were slaughtered.
Following WWI, the Ottoman Empire was dissolved, and Palestine
(including the area now known as Israel) was left under the control of
occupying British forces.
That Britain and her allies had been victorious during that war was
thanks to the United States entering the war to fight on their side -
and that was thanks in turn to a deal cut with highly powerful and
influential Zionist Jews, who promised the Brits that the US would
intervene - on the condition that the British would declare Palestine
a homeland for Jews. The British agreed, and formalized this in the
"Balfour Declaration". The Zionists fulfilled their end of the bargain
by bringing the US into the war, and the British fulfilled theirs when
they handed Palestine over to the Zionists.
But who were the "Young Turks", and why would the Jewish population of
Turkey have anything to fear from a US Congressional resolution
condemning a 100 year-old genocide?
There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
"Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
crypto-Jews (Jews who were masquerading as Muslims) many of these
hailing from the Jewish/Crypto-Jewish community of Salonika, Greece.
It is alleged that these Jews were Zionists all, and their intent was
to weaken and then dissolve the Ottoman Empire so that their Zionist
dream of a Jewish homeland in Palestine might be fulfilled - the
Armenian Genocide being a necessary part of that plan. These further
allege that the entire revolution and subsequent genocide was
bankrolled by Jewish Italian bankers and further by the Rothschilds,
and that Jews/Crypto-Jews have been in defacto control of Turkey ever
This allegation that becomes all the more believable when we read the
ADL's statement from the aforementioned letter, stating: "We are also
keenly aware Turkey is a key strategic ally and friend of the United
States and a staunch friend of Israel, and that in the struggle
between Islamic extremists and moderate Islam, Turkey is the most
critical country in the world".
Whether I believe these allegations or not is irrelevant. The ADL's
Abraham Foxman apparently believes it - why else would a US
congressional resolution be considered a THREAT to Turkish JEWS???
Lets face it: It simply wouldn't do to have Jews - the world's
"ultimate victim class" fingered as the culprits of a mass genocide in
the twentieth century. Imagine the stigma and the possible
repercussions on the Jews of Turkey, on the Zionist movement, and on
Jews in general!
Imagine what might happen to that festering Kosher boil on the face of
the Middle East if the world were to learn not only of the true
culprits of the Armenian Genocide, but that its birth required the
Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars one and Two, and countless more
incidents of betrayal, intrigue, back-stabbing and skulduggery?
This is an extra-large can of worms that Abe Foxman, the ADL, B'nai
Brith Canada, Israel and Jews in general are VERY interested in
keeping tightly sealed.
Suddenly, the seemingly unorthodox and irrational actions of ol' Abe
and the ADL don't seem so irrational after all, do they?
Observer at Large
Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!
yes it is a large can of worms. Many thousands of Jews in Turkey
converted to Islam, but not sincerely, during the Ataturks regime and
before, in order to attain the coveted posts in the Turkish
government. They were called something like "Dumas"I am not sure about
the name. Relative told me about them. These Jews were the leading
leaders in the "Young Turk" organization advocating the extermination
of Armenians. No wonder ADL wants to hide this little known fact. The
reason the Turkish government does not admit to the atrocity is
because the government itself had nothing to do with it. Provincial
leaders of Young Turks, or converted jews did it all by themselves. It
is a horrible atrocity nevert heless, similar to Serbian atrocities of
muslims in Bosnia
Alaska Rocks has made Waldo a "Leading Revisionist Historian" by
asking him for further clarification on a subject that he is deeply
knowledgeable about. Waldo, I'm sure that your certificate and emblem
for your white gown and hood will be in the mail shortly. However, I'm
sure that Waldo will have to send in $100 (and SASE), which is what it
also costs to become ordained as a Christian Identity minister. Could
that be next for Waldo?
Thanks for the information. What goes around comes around...
As usual, you're wrong. Quite a few of ADL's regional representatives
disagreed with Foxman's stance on this issue. The rep for Watertown
did, and Foxman fired him.
Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
about it in public.
There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
work for them.
I'm not surprised you'd attempt to exploit this situation
to further your cockroach variety agenda.
In view of his oft-repeated disdain for Christianity, I doubt Waldo
would let himself be associated with anything
having the name "Christian" in it.
I believe that the case that 1.5 million Armenians were killed is true
but I am not sure that it was a genocide.
I dunno. His hatred of Jews seems to overwhelm his disdain for
Christianity. So I figure it would be a wash.
Maybe the question I should have asked is:Do the Christian
Identity wackos want their name associated with his?
Read and learn:
List of over a hundred scholars (quite a few among them Jewish, as you can
see by their names) "Taking A Stand Against The Turkish Government's Denial
of the Armenian Genocide and Scholarly Corruption in the Academy":
Almost from the first day of its inception in 1909, the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was the premier organization
working for a racially mixed American society. Interestingly enough, the
founding board of directors had only one prominent Black, W. E. B. Dubois
(who was actually a Mulatto). Most of the board consisted of Jewish Marxist
ideologues. The U.S. House of Representatives and many state investigative
bodies thoroughly documented the fact that all of the NAACP's founders were
activists in the Communist cause. Dubois even chose Communist Ghana as his
burial site.
The NAACP's first president was Arthur Spingarn, and only Jews served as
NAACP presidents from its founding until the 1970s. Noel Spingarn succeeded
his brother, Arthur, and following him, Kivie Kaplan reigned over the
organization. The Jewish leadership of the NAACP was little known by the
public at large. When I came of age, the only name I heard associated with
the NAACP was Roy Wilkins, who was its Black national secretary. Because he
was so much in the press and public eye, like most Americans, I thought
Wilkins was the NAACP leader. But Kaplan was the actual NAACP president
during that time. Benjamin Hooks became the first Black president finally in
the 1970s. Once a Black finally made it to the presidency of the
organization, no longer did the public hear much about the NAACP "national
secretary." From then on the public spokesman was the NAACP president.
In the recent Black-Jewish split, liberal Jews are quick to cry foul at
Black resentment against them by reciting the fact that the lion's share of
the financing of the Black cause has come from Jews. They also boast that at
least 90 percent of the civil-rights legal effort has come from Jewish
attorneys and has long been supported by Jewish money.
Practically every step of the civil-rights movement's progress came through
the courts. They decreed forced racial integration of the schools, enabled
illiterate Blacks to vote, and ultimately forced upon America the massive
anti-White discrimination program with the Orwellian name "affirmative
action." Here, too, Jews took the predominant roles.
The organization that fought many of these battles was the NAACP Legal
Defense Fund, an organization separate from the NAACP itself. At this
writing, Jews still lead it. Jake Greenberg has been active in the legal
fund for years and was the chief attorney for Brown in the famous Supreme
Court case Brown v Board of Education. In that nefarious decision, the
Supreme Court - in one devastating stroke of the pen - initiated the
transformation of the American public educational system from one of the
best in the world to one of the worst in the First World.
Even in the areas where Jews were not the actual leaders, they provided much
of the behind-the-scenes influence. Martin Luther King Jr. fell under the
guidance of Stanley Levinson, who wrote many of King's speeches, including,
some say, the "I Have a Dream" speech delivered at the March on Washington.
John and Robert Kennedy warned King to disassociate himself from Levinson
because of Levinson's Communist record. King, however, found Levinson
invaluable and refused. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC) and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) also had key Jewish
involvement in their formative periods, and most of the nominally White
"Freedom Riders" that went South were Jews. The famous case of the three
Freedom Riders killed in Philadelphia, Mississippi, involved Schwerner,
Goodman, and Chaney - two Jews and one Black.
The public image of the man who called himself "Martin Luther King" (his
legal name was Michael King) is a textbook illustration of the power of the
media to influence America. Most people still do not know of the extent of
King's involvement in Communism, in part because the media continues to
ignore King's long record of Communist associations. King privately declared
himself to be a Marxist, and told his inner circle that his efforts were a
part of the "class struggle." His personal secretary, Bayard Rustin, was a
Communist. When King had to replace Rustin in 1961, he chose another
Communist, Jack O'Dell. His main advisor ("handler" would probably be a more
apt term), as I've mentioned, was Jewish Communist Stanley Levinson, who
edited and probably wrote a good deal of King's book Stride Toward Freedom.
Levinson prepared King's income tax returns, controlled King's fundraising
activities, and was also in charge of funneling Soviet money to the
Communist Party, USA.
Only recently has it been revealed that King plagiarized large sections of
his doctoral thesis. Boston University formed a committee to determine the
extent of King's plagiarism. It determined that 45 percent of the first part
and 21 percent of the second part were taken from other authors. Schools
regularly revoke degrees on discovery of far less cheating, but the
importance of King to the civil-rights movement prevented the revocation of
his divinity degree.
The media have always carefully portrayed King as a good Christian family
man - the epitome of a man of God. But King had dozens of liaisons with
prostitutes, White and Black, used church money to pay them and commonly
beat them - all documented by the FBI and admitted by King associates.
King even spent the night before his assassination copulating with and
beating White prostitutes. On the FBI surveillance tapes the "Reverend King"
can be heard during intercourse to say, " I'm f---ing for God!" and "I'm not
a Negro tonight!" The King records are so damning that the tapes and other
FBI documents were sealed for 50 years. Despite these facts, King's Jewish
handlers and their allies in the media were steadfast in their laudatory
portrayal of King.
Jewish and Black relations have become strained in recent years as Black
political sympathies have become more nationalistic in their own right.
Jewish association with Black civil-rights causes originated from the days
when many Communists saw the Blacks as potential revolutionaries for
Communist uprising. The Communists in their creation of the Soviet State
temporarily won the Jewish fraternal struggle between Zionism and Communism
that Winston Churchill described in 1920. Radical American Jews envisioned
the Blacks as an American proletariat, a transatlantic version of the
oppressed serfs of Russia that could be utilized as allies helping to usher
in a Communist revolution. Of course, even non-Communist Jews tended to
support a non-racial definition of "American," since they more than anyone
are aware of their status as outsiders in White society. This led almost all
organized Jewish factions to support the dismantling of the laws and
traditions that supported the continued existence of our race.
Source: http://www.martinlutherking.org/ma-chapter18.html
> Relative told me about them. These Jews were the leading
> leaders in the "Young Turk" organization advocating the extermination
> of Armenians.
Even Ataturk's origin is uncertain, many sources suspecting he was a Domne
from near Thessaloniki-Greece, from a village called Langadas...
As for the rest, I am amazed on how many more anti-Semitic conspiracy
theories we will see in the future...
Don't you people ever get tired?
E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A
Coins, travels and more:
What you believe is irrelevant.....All you have to do some research....
He might be a Jew hater...but the question is...how come what he says
is true. We , Armenians of Turkey, knew long time ago that Young Turks
founders were Donmes ( crypt0-Jews. Every Armenian nknow it, but it is
only recently that people have been studying it..
I suggest to read on the internet an electronic book titled "The
Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians" This is an study mada by a
history professor in the east cost ( the name escapes me) Do a google
search and deniers educate yourselves...
> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <walde...@my-deja.com> wrote:
> > Excerpt from below:
> >
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> > "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> > orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> > crypto-Jews... "
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please elaborate on this.
Yes, some actual proof would be nice.
For a change.
Hmmm, maybe because it's not?
> We , Armenians of Turkey, knew long time ago that Young Turks
> founders were Donmes ( crypt0-Jews. Every Armenian nknow it, but it is
> only recently that people have been studying it..
> I suggest to read on the internet an electronic book
First clue as to it's being a total lie is its inability to get published.
> titled "The
> Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians" This is an study mada by a
> history professor in the east cost ( the name escapes me)
I'm sure.
It would escape me too if I knew just how quick everyone
would be to spot such al ie.
> Do a google
> search and deniers educate yourselves...
Yes, you deniers should do just that.
> Thanks for the information. What goes around comes around...
Yes, and when your lies catch up with you, you'll be
sorrier than you are now.
Oh yes- it's true!! The Jews have killed 45,500,000 US Christians in
the last 3 weeks alone but it never got reported because of the "Jew
owned media".
Christians don't bother me at all. It's the Moslems and atheists I
view with concern.
Yes, his deviation from the ADL's official stance of denial got him
fired, which demonstrates that I am right, and you are... well, you're
just Bluto.
> Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> about it in public.
Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.
> There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
policies, Joe-Liz?
> How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> work for them.
Yes. You've told us that you used to schlep for the ADL, the US arm of
the Mossad, Joe.
And you dare call yourself an "American".
> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <walde...@my-deja.com> wrote:
>> Excerpt from below:
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
>> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
>> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
>> crypto-Jews... "
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please elaborate on this. It sounds very interesting. Thanks!
Don't hold your breath. He invented it from whole cloth.
Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time
Visit the Holocaust History Project
He hates them all, as my recent exchange with him demonstrated. He
considers Christianity to be the bastard offspring of Judaism, which
automatically means he hates it. But you are right that his first
hatred is Jews.
Now Susan, we are talking Waldo here.
Actually Muslims historically were very tolerant of Jews, and treated
them quite well - that is until Jews started with their meddling and
machinations - especially in the Middle East.
Why would you view atheists with concern, Joe? Are you afraid of
people who aren't afraid of what you're afraid of?
PSSST! Foxman fired him.OOPS! I said that already.
> > Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> > the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> > about it in public.
> Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.
> > There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
> And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
> policies, Joe-Liz?
Foxman is at the moment. Since he is the top man at ADL,
nobody can just up and fire him. It will take lots of pressure from
outside sources to discipline or fire him.
He isn't king, Waldo. He has no hereditary right to the post. He can
be brought into line or dismissed, but it will take time and effort.
I've already done my part by writing the ADL a letter condemning
What have you done about it?
> > How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> > work for them.
> And you dare call yourself an "American".
I do. The FBI who did several background checks on me does.
The U.S. Navy does. I've already proved my loyalty and patriotism with
6 years voluntary military service.
They even gave me an officer's commission and a Top Secret
clearance.Fancy that.
(1)What have you done besides talk?
(2)What established American authority has demonstrated their trust in
you and your loyalty to this country?
Don Black, Morghus,Dr. William Pierce and Scott Bradbury don't
Define "hate", Gord.
> He
> considers Christianity to be the bastard offspring of Judaism,
Is Christianity an offspring of Judaism?
Has Judaism ever recognized Christianity as a legitimate offshoot?
There you have it. Christianity is the unwanted bastard child of
Judaism - and while many Christians/Christian sects may consider Jews
to be their "elder brothers in the Faith", Judaism offers no
> which
> automatically means he hates it. But you are right that his first
> hatred is Jews.
You've gone nasty again, Gord. Did you get spanked for the things you
said the other day?
Yep. Gord got spanked. Likely by "The Broom" handle.
"Talkin' nice to Waldo ... That's a paddlin'.
<Snipped for length>
> > > > Imagine what might happen to that festering Kosher boil on the face of
> > > > the Middle East if the world were to learn not only of the true
> > > > culprits of the Armenian Genocide, but that its birth required the
> > > > Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars one and Two, and countless more
> > > > incidents of betrayal, intrigue, back-stabbing and skulduggery?
> > > > This is an extra-large can of worms that Abe Foxman, the ADL, B'nai
> > > > Brith Canada, Israel and Jews in general are VERY interested in
> > > > keeping tightly sealed.
> > > > Suddenly, the seemingly unorthodox and irrational actions of ol' Abe
> > > > and the ADL don't seem so irrational after all, do they?
> > > As usual, you're wrong. Quite a few of ADL's regional representatives
> > > disagreed with Foxman's stance on this issue. The rep for Watertown
> > > did, and Foxman fired him.
> > Yes, his deviation from the ADL's official stance of denial got him
> > fired, which demonstrates that I am right, and you are... well, you're
> > just Bluto.
> PSSST! Foxman fired him.OOPS! I said that already.
We already knew you were wrong, Joe. There was no need to be
> > > Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> > > the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> > > about it in public.
> > Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.
> > > There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
> > And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
> > policies, Joe-Liz?
> Foxman is at the moment. Since he is the top man at ADL,
> nobody can just up and fire him. It will take lots of pressure from
> outside sources to discipline or fire him.
> He isn't king, Waldo. He has no hereditary right to the post. He can
> be brought into line or dismissed, but it will take time and effort.
> I've already done my part by writing the ADL a letter condemning
> Foxman.
> What have you done about it?
Apparently I inspired YOU to write a letter to the ADL, complaining
about Foxman.
What exactly did the letter say, Joe?
> > > How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> > > work for them.
Well, a Joe made a little unmarked snip. Let's restore it:
Yes. You've told us that you used to schlep for the ADL, the US arm of
the Mossad, Joe.
Wassamatter, Joe? Did I touch a raw nerve there?
> > And you dare call yourself an "American".
> I do. The FBI who did several background checks on me does.
> The U.S. Navy does. I've already proved my loyalty and patriotism with
> 6 years voluntary military service.
> They even gave me an officer's commission and a Top Secret
> clearance.Fancy that.
> (1)What have you done besides talk?
Observe. Write.
> (2)What established American authority has demonstrated their trust in
> you and your loyalty to this country?
I wouldn't discuss such matters in a Usenet forum, Joe.
Do you believe that the "Jewish Holocaust" as allegedly perpetrated by
the Germans during the 1940's was "genocide"?
Why wouldn't the Armenian Holocaust qualify as "genocide" as well,
Differentiate the two, won't you?
It is very interesting.
Some Turks deny that there was an Armenian Genocide and it is not OK
with you.
The Jewish ADL denies the Armenian Genocide and it is OK with you.
Do you see any inconsistency in your position or am I missing
Waldo and Venceremos present some compelling evidence of Jewish role,
a very strong Jewish role, in the Armenian Genocide and you speak of
"anti-Semitic conspiracy". It would explain the Jewish ADL denial of
Armenian Genocide.
Would you still speak of "anti-Semitic conspiracy" if more evidence
was presented and it was established that Jews were the primary movers
of the Armenian Genocide?
Why not see where the trail leads and evaluate the information without
pre-conceived notions?
I don't think the Jews were behind the Armenian genocide; that is
patently ridiculous. You blame the
Jews for almost everything Waldo. I do think the ADL and Congress not
going ahead and condemning
the Armenian genocide was/is a mistake. I think the ADL and Congress
won't pursue this because of
the strategic and political importance of the state of Turkey; its
politics. Any educated person
know the Armenian genocide occured; even Hitler used it as a
justification: "Nobody makes a big
deal about the Armenians?" Until the state of Turkey acknowleges the
genocide it will not be
"officially" recognized; wait a long time...perhaps it never will.
Afterall, it has gone this
long without acknowledging it.
Michael Ragland
Perhaps you remember what happened on September 11, 2001?
My concern is not for Jews but for Americans as a whole.
Apparently, President Bush is concerned also, since he invaded
Afghanistan looking for the culprits.
Apparently, Congress, the representatives of the American people are
concerned also, since they gave him the money to do that. The
difference between us is that I care about all Americans, not just the
ones who agree with you. In my opinion, your professed loyalty to the
USA is a gigantic fraud. Every time you post, you violate the spirit
of the Constitution with your pathetic attempts to separate us into
warring factions. You don't want equal rights for Jews
or Christians, and your constant attacks on them and their religions
proves that.
> Why would you view atheists with concern, Joe? Are you afraid of
> people who aren't afraid of what you're afraid of?
Because many atheists are just like you-chronic liars
and bigots with no reverence for the moral concepts
embodied in the Ten Commandments. You don't care about truth
or human rights or anything except your petty hatreds.
You're a self-centered extremist and I detest and distrust extremists.
Apparently, I'm not alone, since the Justice Department has lists of
extremist groups and keeps constant watch on them.
Rest assured that if you ever do or say anything which represents a
threat or potential threat to the USA, I will
let the FBI know immediately. When I was commissioned an officer in
the Navy, I swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the USA,
and I consider myself to be still bound by that oath.
> yes it is a large can of worms. Many thousands of Jews in Turkey
> converted to Islam, but not sincerely, during the Ataturks regime and
> before, in order to attain the coveted posts in the Turkish
> government.
This masquerading is a little game Jews have been known to play for a
long time. They behaved similarly in 15th Century Spain - feigning
conversion to Christianity for the sake of financial and political
gain for themselves and the Tribe. These Spanish crypto-Jews were
known as "Marranos" or "Conversos". These were NOT forced to convert,
but did so of their own volition - to serve their own agenda.
When many of these Marrano Jews were discovered to be practicing
Judaism in secret, they became subject to the Inquisition - not as
Jews, but as heretic *Christians*. The idea that the Inquisition
attacked Jews simply *because* they were Jews is a lie that has been
spun to make the Marranos look innocent. The truth is that the Jews
who made no pretense of being Christian were largely untouched by the
In Spain, the final straw came when Ferdinand and Isabella learned
that the Jews had been *conspiring* against Spain with the Muslim
Moors, a treasonous act that resulted in the Jews being expelled from
the country en masse.
> They were called something like "Dumas"
As gogu pointed out, they were called the "Dônme", meaning "apostate"
- and curiously, they were (are?) considered apostates by both Jews
and Muslims.
> I am not sure about
> the name. Relative told me about them. These Jews were the leading
> leaders in the "Young Turk" organization advocating the extermination
> of Armenians. No wonder ADL wants to hide this little known fact.
Yes. The primary mission of the ADL is to "stop the defamation of the
Jewish people" - and they clearly don't care whether any such
criticism might be justifiable. They simply go on the offensive.
> The
> reason the Turkish government does not admit to the atrocity is
> because the government itself had nothing to do with it. Provincial
> leaders of Young Turks, or converted jews did it all by themselves. It
> is a horrible atrocity nevert heless, similar to Serbian atrocities of
> muslims in Bosnia
Even today, if an eighty or ninety year old Nazi can be dug up by the
ADL and their cohorts, these Jews will demand that "justice" be
served, and if evil deeds can be "proven", they will demand that the x-
Nazi be deported, imprisoned, and if possible, executed.
Hypocritical bastards, aren't they?
> On 8/20/2007 7:03 PM, fla...@verizon.net wrote:
> > On 20-Aug-2007, Alaska Rocks <Turnag...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> On Aug 20, 11:45 am, Waldo <walde...@my-deja.com> wrote:
> >>> Excerpt from below:
> >>>
> >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >>> "There are those who make a compelling case that the leadership of the
> >>> "Young Turks" and the "Committee of Union and Progress", who
> >>> orchestrated the genocide, was in fact composed largely of Jews and
> >>> crypto-Jews... "
> >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >> Please elaborate on this.
> >
> > Yes, some actual proof would be nice.
> > For a change.
> Now Susan, we are talking Waldo here.
Yes, I know - that's why proof would be a change.
(Note, I did not say I expected to ever SEE ANY from him....)
In the mind of Susan "the Shiksa" Cohen, there would and could NEVER
be ANYTHING that would act as "proof".
I have a nasty habit of providing strong evidence to back up my
claims, but because Susan cannot STAND to see such evidence, she's had
me in her killfile for years.
So for the benefit of others, I provide the following from a JEWISH
"As long as the Dônme lived in Salonica, preservation of their Jewish
character was feasible because of their proximity and steady contact
with its large, bustling Jewish population. Many members of the Dônme
community in Salonica were among Turkey's reform leaders - the Young
Turks - and members of an influential reform organization known as the
Committee for Progress and Union. In 1909, the revolution of the Young
Turks overthrew the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II. The first
administration that then came to power, laying the foundation of the
future Turkish republic, included three Dônme ministers - Nuzhet Faik,
Mustafa Arif and Mehmet Javid."
Source: http://www.sefarad.org/publication/lm/009/nassi.html
The above is the JEWISH website of the European Sephardic Institute.
Here's a link to the English version of their main page.
The page that the above quote was taken from is a VERY interesting
read - as it gives the account of the life of Shabbetai Tzvi, "Jewish
Messiah" and his followers, the origins of the Dônme - the crypto-Jews
of Salonika.
(Note to Gord McFee: Pay particular attention to the reference to
So will the above satisfy Susan the Shiksa? Probably not, she'll
probably try to claim that these weren't *really* Jews - but then
again, neither is she. (At least they had Jewish blood, Susan!)
Only because you refuse to read my posts, Shiksa dearest.
<snipped for length>
> I don't think the Jews were behind the Armenian genocide; that is
> patently ridiculous.
Really? Why is it ridiculous, Mr. Ragland?
Who *do* you believe was behind the Armenian Genocide? Do you have an
> You blame the
> Jews for almost everything Waldo.
I don't blame the Jews for EVERYTHING, but one should give credit
where credit is due, don't you think?
> I do think the ADL and Congress not
> going ahead and condemning
> the Armenian genocide was/is a mistake. I think the ADL and Congress
> won't pursue this because of
> the strategic and political importance of the state of Turkey; its
> politics.
Why do you use "ADL and Congress" together, as though the ADL is on
par with Congress as an official governmental body? You don't believe
this, do you?
And why are the Jews of Turkey so damned nervous about the idea of
Congress officially recognizing the Armenian Genocide? Why does Abe
"the Ape" Foxman wish to suppress it?
I know it makes your head hurt, but THINK about it.
> Any educated person
> know the Armenian genocide occured; even Hitler used it as a
> justification: "Nobody makes a big
> deal about the Armenians?" Until the state of Turkey acknowleges the
> genocide it will not be
> "officially" recognized; wait a long time...perhaps it never will.
> Afterall, it has gone this
> long without acknowledging it.
As another poster pointed out, it was not the government of Turkey per
se who carried out the atrocities, but the Young Turks.
Have a look at my response to Susan Cohen in this thread, Mr. Ragland.
So do Jews believe in karma, or are you implying that one day the
Jewish G-d is going to grab him by the ankles and beat him like a red-
headed step-child?
BTW, is your Jewish hubby a mamzer, Schmoozan?
I can't speak to gogu's ethnic background, I can only say that the
Jewish Holocaust has been *very* beneficial to today's Jews in tha,
through the incessant inculcation of guilt instilled in the minds of
the masses through the endless propaganda surrounding the event, they
have created a knee-jerk reaction in a large segment of the populace -
an instinctual revulsion that crops up in many people any time that
Jews are mentioned in a less than flattering light: People
instinctively and inexplicably run to the aid of the Jews.
(Google Pavlov + dogs)
This might explain why gogu seemed to condemn the Turks for their
failure to recognize the Armenian Genocide, but felt compelled to run
to the defense of any Jews that may have been implicated in the
There is no doubt that Jews and Jewish organizations have realized the
power that "The Holocaust" has placed in their hands, and this
explains why they continue to stridently promote Holocaust propaganda,
and viciously attack *anyone* who dares question the slightest jot or
If you have a look at my response to Susan Cohen ("flavia"), you'll
see that I quote and cite a Jewish website that verifies that the
leadership of the "Young Turks" was indeed heavily populated by crypto-
Jews, and that many of these subsequently moved into leadership
positions in the Turkish government.
You can read the entire article here:
Please provide a link.
A Jewish author in an Israeli publication discussed the role of Jews
in the murder of tens of millions of people under Soviet rule:
STALIN'S JEWS - Opinion from Israel, Ynetnews
This post is significant because it comes from a Jewish source. Others
have gone into details about the crimes of Stalin's Jewish Communists
but zionazis dismissed those claiming nazi, antisemitic, denier, and
revisionist propaganda.
One has to wonder how bloody Communist rule would have been if not for
the Jewish Communists. Stalin being a crazy psychopath, it would
probably have been still horrible but probably less horrible.
This revelation about major Jewish role in the Armenian Genocide would
explain why many Jewish organizations oppose recognition of Armenian
Genocide. If Jews betrayed their Turkish allay and condemned the
Armenian Genocide, the Turks could retaliate. They could provide
evidence that the Jewish leadership of Young Turks carried out the
Armenian Genocide.
Is this one of the reasons why Israel and the United States is opposed
to Islamic rule in Turkey? The Islamists are not owned by Israeli and
US interests and would have no problem opening their files and letting
the chips fall where they may. Would the dirty secret of who was
responsible for the Armenian Genocide be one of those chips?
In the United States, it appears that almost every day is a Holocaust
remembrance day. Americans and others may not be as concerned about
what happened to the Jews if they found out that the twentieth
century's first genocide was masterminded and carried out by Jews.
Would people say that what goes around comes around?
THis topic is worth exploring.
Have a nice vegetarian day!
It demonstrates that Foxman is a tyrant as well as a loudmouth.
> > PSSST! Foxman fired him.OOPS! I said that already.
> We already knew you were wrong, Joe. There was no need to be
> redundant.
There is no "we".
> > > > Foxman put the word out that anyone who disagreed with his postion on
> > > > the matter should quietly resign and say nothing
> > > > about it in public.
> > > Thanks for the inside scoop, ADL Joe.
> > > > There is no ADL denial. There is only Foxman doing all this crap.
> > > And who is THE president and official spokesman for the ADL and its
> > > policies, Joe-Liz?
> > Foxman is at the moment. Since he is the top man at ADL,
> > nobody can just up and fire him. It will take lots of pressure from
> > outside sources to discipline or fire him.
> > He isn't king, Waldo. He has no hereditary right to the post. He can
> > be brought into line or dismissed, but it will take time and effort.
> > I've already done my part by writing the ADL a letter condemning
> > Foxman.
> > What have you done about it?
> Apparently I inspired YOU to write a letter to the ADL, complaining
> about Foxman.
You're gonna use that flimsy crap to take credit for what I did? You
couldn't "inspire" me to take a shit.
> What exactly did the letter say, Joe?
To quote you below: "I wouldn't discuss such matters in a USENET
> > > > How do I know? I get ADL's newsletter since I used to do volunteer
> > > > work for them.
> Well, a Joe made a little unmarked snip. Let's restore it:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Yes. You've told us that you used to schlep for the ADL, the US arm of
> the Mossad, Joe.
No, I said I did volunteer work for them. I did it because
people like you must be exposed.
There is no need to use Yiddish, Waldo-I speak fluent English.
I also speak a bit of German and a bit of Russian. Perhaps you would
feel more comfy in one of those languages.
Haben Sie Mich verstehen?
> Wassamatter, Joe? Did I touch a raw nerve there?
You think an awful lot of yourself.
A cockroach who thinks he can motivate people-what next?
> > > And you dare call yourself an "American".
> > I do. The FBI who did several background checks on me does.
> > The U.S. Navy does. I've already proved my loyalty and patriotism with
> > 6 years voluntary military service.
> > They even gave me an officer's commission and a Top Secret
> > clearance.Fancy that.
> > (1)What have you done besides talk?
> Observe. Write.
My cat observes everything around her and her vision and hearing are
much better than ours.
I write nasty letters to my Liberal Senators in Washington, who
disagree with me on most everything. So what?
I suppose the issue should be recouched as follows:
Does your writing have any effect? I mean, does anyone take your crap
seriously? I know I don't.
> > (2)What established American authority has demonstrated their trust in
> > you and your loyalty to this country?
> I wouldn't discuss such matters in a Usenet forum, Joe.
> **
Incorrect. No one ever claimed no Jew had ever done anything bad. It
is your characterisation of Communist terror being Jewish in nature
(when communism was militantly aetheist) that is false. Kind of liek
saying that Nazism was a vegetarian movement, because Hitler was a
> One has to wonder how bloody Communist rule would have been if not for
> the Jewish Communists. Stalin being a crazy psychopath, it would
> probably have been still horrible but probably less horrible.
Why would it have been less horrible? because you feel Jews are more
horrible than non-Jews, presumably?
> This revelation about major Jewish role in the Armenian Genocide would
> explain why many Jewish organizations oppose recognition of Armenian
> Genocide.
What "revelation" woudl that be? Do you have any evidence than a post
on usenet describing what someone's relatives told them?
> If Jews betrayed their Turkish allay and condemned the
> Armenian Genocide, the Turks could retaliate. They could provide
> evidence that the Jewish leadership o