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Martin Luther King: Communist - Adulterer - Plagiarist - Zionist Martyr

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Ronny Koch

Jan 24, 2022, 12:40:03 AM1/24/22
Martin Luther had some wonderful things to say but his actions
never lived up to his words. He was used (by TPTB) as a Martyr
figure to rally behind and push their communist (I mean
democratic) agenda. What a wonderful tool to fool so many.

I could think of 100's of other black men worthy of having a day
named after them. Yet none of them will ever be promoted by the
Zionist agenda.



This is an absolute must read link for his communist connections:
Martin Luther King's Communist Connections

Martin Luther King was a Communist!

Some people claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a
Communist, even though he did everything possible to promote the
Communist's agenda. That's like saying that Hitler was not a
murderer because he didn't actually do the killing. Martin
Luther King Jr. was a Communist! Martin Luther King was
affiliated with 60 Communist Fronts. He openly incited violence
under the banner of "nonviolence." King led a bizarre sex life
which included acts of shocking perversion. On Jan. 31, 1977
Coretta Scott King obtained a federal court order sealing for 50
years 845 pages of FBI records about her husband,

African American, Bayard Rustin is a former organizer for the
Young Communist League. He spent 60 days in a California jail on
a 1953 conviction for performing lewd homosexual acts in public.
He also served 28 months in prison for draft evasion. Today
Rustin is paid by Jewish organizations for use of his name as a
"signer" of ads urging "Black-Jewish Unity." He was King's
secretary and advisor from 1956 to 1960. During this period
Rustin attended the National Convention of the Communist Party
in 1957 as an "honored observer." King called him a "a
brilliant, efficient, and dedicated organizer." It was Rustin
who introduced King to a Soviet spy named Stanley D. Levison. He
was a New York Lawyer and vice-president of the N.Y. Council of
the American Jewish Congress. Levison's job was to launder the
$1million subsidy Soviet Russia gave to finance the U.S.
Communist Party. Levison proved important financial,
organizational and public relations services for King. After
King's death his wife, Coretta Scott King described Levison's
role as, "always working in the background, his contribution has
been indispensable." Levison wrote an obituary for King and
described America as a "nation tenaciously racist... sick with
violence...and corrosive with alienation. The civil rights
liberation struggle is the most positive and rewarding area of
work anyone could experience."

The money which the Soviet Union funneled to Levison came from a
Jew named Isidore G. Needleman. He was a KGB secret police agent
who fronted as an officer of AMTORG, the trading company in New
York City which buys U.S. goods for shipment to Russia. There
are so many Jews in the Communist Party the FBI hired two Jewish
brothers, Morris Childs and Jack Childs as spies planned inside
the Communist Party. For 30 years, Morris Childs was formerly a
member of the National Committee of the Communist party and once
served as editor of the Daily Worker. Childs reported that after
the death of the Jew William Weiner, who was treasurer of the
Communist Party, it was Stanley Levison who took over this vital

Martin Luther King was another public figure that was
assassinated for the martyr effect. As the evidence below shows,
the evidence of King's corruption, womanizing and Communist
sympathies, we was becoming more a liability to the Civil Rights
agenda than an asset. It was only a matter of time before King's
reputation would self-destruct. By engineering his death and
blaming it on a supposed racist, the Powers That Be could turn
MLK into a hero. With the assistance of controlled judges, they
could have his records sealed and make sure the public would not
have access to the real Martin Luther King.


Every year America endures the same propaganda media-blitz on
Martin Luther King day--the false portrayal of the “Reverend”
King as an American hero; a saintly, self-sacrificing religious
martyr for the cause of civil rights. He was everything but that
and certainly no hero that any American should look up to. I
have written extensively about the defense of true civil rights,
no one can accuse me of hating the cause. I say this be way of
introduction in anticipation of the fury my remarks will
generate among the media attempting to perpetrate this growing
myth upon American culture. Everything about Martin Luther King
is a fraud. Here are the real facts.

1) NAME CHANGE: MLK is really Michael King, Jr. His father was a
minister and arbitrarily decided to rename himself and his son,
Martin Luther King Sr. and Jr.

2) PLAGIARISM IN HIS DOCTORAL THESIS: The most complete analysis
of King’s chronic plagiarism in his academic career was done by
Gerry Harbison, professor of Chemistry at University of
Nebraska: “In 1988, the Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project
made a discovery that shocked it to its core. The Project, a
group of academics and students, had been entrusted by Coretta
Scott King with the task of editing King's papers for
publication. As they examined King's student essays and his
dissertation, they gradually became aware that King was guilty
of massive plagiarism - that is, he had copied the words of
other authors word-for-word, without making it clear that what
he was writing was not his own. The Project spent years
uncovering the full extent of King's plagiarism. In November
1990, word leaked to the press, and they had to go public. The
revelations caused a minor scandal and then were promptly
forgotten.” Suppressed would be a more accurate description. The
National Endowment for the Humanities actively suppressed the
story in preparation for celebrating King. Its then director was
Lynne Cheney, wife of the current Vice President. For the full
story see Prof. Harbison’s website: http://chem-

established an early liaison with the American Communist Party
and sought to create civil unrest in support of the revolution.
His own biographer, David J. Garrow admitted that king once
privately “described himself as a Marxist.” King constantly
surrounded himself with Communists, hired them, and even went to
great lengths to keep them on through secret relationships.
King’s personal secretary in the 1950s was communist and
homosexual Bayard Rustin. According to Sen. Jesse Helms, “King
was repeatedly warned about his associations with known
Communists by friendly elements in the Kennedy Administration
and the Department of Justice [DOJ] (including strong and
explicit warning from President Kennedy himself). King took
perfunctory and deceptive measures to separate himself from the
Communists [Stanley David Levison and Hunter Pitts O’Dell ]
against whom he was warned. He continued to have close and
secret contacts with at least some of them after being informed
and warned of their background, and he violated a commitment to
sever his relationships with identified Communists.”

4) IMMORAL AND ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR: Dr. King had an ample
reputation as a philanderer and abuser of women of ill repute.
The FBI under J. Edgar Hoover had run surveillance on King and
his entourage for years attempting to gather data on his
Communist connections. While the Bureau did surveill King’s
attendance at Communist meetings, but most of the surveillance
records show an extreme preoccupation after hours with illicit
sex. In deference to King’s usefulness in promoting a national
holiday for civil rights, US Federal judge John Lewis Smith, Jr.
ordered all the FBI records sealed up in the National Archives
for 50 years (till 2027). When I was Executive Editor of
Conservative Digest, I called retired Acting FBI Director L.
Patrick Gray and asked him what was in the evidence locked away.
His answer surprised me. He said there were approximately 15
file cabinets of evidence on King--14 of them were full of
recordings and transcripts of his illicit relationships with
prostitutes. Only one file cabinet contained evidence of his
Communist relationships.

Even former co-workers have blown the whistle on King’s
scurrilous conduct. The Rev. Ralph Abernathy, in his book, And
the Wall Came Tumbling Down, King spent his last night in the
motel having an immoral liason with three women and then beat
one of the woman in the morning before he was shot. Assistant
Director of the FBI Charles D. Brennan wrote a letter to Sen.
John P. East (R-NC) in which he stated that King's conduct
consisted of "orgiastic and adulterous escapades, some of which
indicated that King could be bestial in his sexual abuse of
women." The FBI surveillance records covering his first night in
Stockholm, Sweden, where he was to receive the Noble Peace
Prize, document that his only interest was how to secure
prostitutes for he and his entourage. An orgy followed. King’s
surveillance and wiretaps were personally authorized by then
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. If these allegations are
true, this man should never have been put forward as a national
hero. Yes, I am aware that other national heroes have had there
weaknesses, but King’s conduct borders on a Clinton-like sexual


Let's take them one at a time:
bullet His name wasn't Martin Luther King-Confusing!
According to all accounts, the name on Martin Luther King's
birth certificate is Michael and there is no evidence that he
changed it.

He didn't pick the name Martin Luther out of the air, however.
It was the name his father used and claimed to have given to his

According to, Martin Luther King, Sr. said that his
son's given name was Martin Luther but that the doctor who
delivered him put "Michael" on the birth certificate, something
he didn't know until much later.

Until adulthood, Martin Luther King, Jr. was known as "M.L." or

bullet Martin Luther King plagiarized in college-Truth!
The staff at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project
discovered a lot of plagiarism in Martin Luther King's writings
and in a 1991 article in THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY said
that "plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of
his academic writings" including his doctoral dissertation.
bullet Martin Luther King plagiarized his famous "I Have a
Dream" speech-Disputed!

Critics have charged that King plagiarized that too by borrowing
from a speech given to the Republican convention in 1952 by an
African-American preacher named Archibald Carey, Jr.
Some of them say he gave Cary's speech word-for-word.
It can probably be said that King borrowed from the idea of the
speech by Carey (who was a friend of King's), but only the last
couple of paragraph's resembled Carey's speech and little of it
is word-for-word.

Both men spun their remarks off the words of the song "My
Country 'Tis of Thee."

King's speech ended with:
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to
sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land
of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of
the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New
Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New
York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of
Pennsylvania! Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of
Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of
California! But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone
Mountain of Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of
Tennessee! Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill
of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village
and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be
able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men
and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics,
will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old
Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God
Almighty, we are free at last!"

Carey's speech ended with:
We, Negro Americans, sing with all loyal Americans: My country
'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where
my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims' pride From every
mountainside Let freedom ring!

That's exactly what we mean--from every mountain side, let
freedom ring. Not only from the Green Mountains and White
Mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire; not only from the
Catskills of New York; but from the Ozarks in Arkansas, from the
Stone Mountain

in Georgia, from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia--let it
ring not only for the minorities of the United States, but for
the disinherited of all the earth--may the Republican Party,
under God, from every mountainside,

bullet King was under surveillance because of his ties to
communist organizations-Truth!

David Garrow, the author of "Bearing the Cross," a book about
Martin Luther King, says that King's criticism of the Kennedy
administration drew administration scrutiny.

There was suspicion that two of his associates, including
Stanley Levinson, had disassociated from the Communist party as
a cover to work with and influence King.

Despite extensive surveillance, the FBI was never able to find
any direct funding or other links between King and the Communist

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