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Re: Spooky Soul Sleep Refuted by the Bible

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Feb 8, 2024, 3:14:34 PMFeb 8
On Sat, 3 Feb 2024 06:57:28 -0600, NightBulb <>

>NightBulb Blog | | Flip the night switch.
>Soul sleep is the novel idea, originating recently in history, that
>when a man dies his soul ceases to exist.

That is true because humans do not have a soul, but ARE a soul, and
this was the situation right when Adam was created: Gen 2:7,

-- King James
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul. (nephesh)

Notice Adam BECAME a soul, wasn't given one.

Also, do fish have soils? Yep, according to the Bible:

-- Darby's Bible
Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living
souls [nephesh], and let fowl fly above the earth in the expanse of
the heavens.

>The cults twist the meaning
>of a few verses of the Bible to support this novel idea. The Watchtower
>Society or Jehovah's Witnesses and some of the Seventh Day Adventist
>Churches are chief among the modern promoters of soul sleep. Some
>well-known youtube presenters also promote this false doctrine of soul

If by "sleep" you mean DEATH, you are correct.

59 As they were stoning Stephen, he made this appeal: “Lord Jesus,
receive my spirit.” 60 Then, kneeling down, he cried out with a strong
voice: “Jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.” And after
saying this, he fell asleep in death.

So what am I saying here? That there is no conciseness right after

Yes, when you die, you cease to exist. You are in the same place you
were before birth. Non-existence. As Scriptural truth reveals:

The New Catholic Encyclopedia states:

"The notion of the soul surviving after death is not readily
discernible in the Bible. . . . The soul in the O[ld] T[estament]
means not a part of man, but the whole man-man as a living being.
Similarly, in the N[ew] T[estament] it signifies human life: the life
of an individual."

Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia says,

"Early Judaism considered the human personality as a whole, without
making a sharp distinction between body and soul....The Christian
doctrine of the soul has been strongly influenced by the philosophies
of Plato and Aristotle."

Yes, the concept of an immortal soul has been influenced by the pagan
philosophies of Plato and Aristotle." NOT IN THE BIBLE.

>In the ancient, Biblical world of the Near East and Mesopotamia the idea
>of soul sleep did not exist. Every culture in the region believed in an
>afterlife abode for disembodied souls of men. This abode was called
>Hades in Greek and Sheol in Hebrew. It is important to note that the
>concept of soul sleep did not exist in the ancient culture. Every

Hades means "hell", not 'hellfire'.The same is true for sheol. That is
why Job wanted to go to sheol (hell) to get RELIEF from his agony, not
add to it!

And if Ec 9:5 says that " the dead know nothing", then they know
nothing. They have no conscience existence at that time. That is why
Bible writers sometimes refer to the dead as "sleeping", or "asleep":

(Ps 146 3:4)
3. Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom
there is no help.
4. His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his
plans perish.

>culture believed in a conscious existence after the death of the body.
>Nothing like the idea of soul sleep was known to these ancient peoples.

Oh really? Notice again Job 14:13.

If you want more info about JW doctrines, please limit it to one or
two subjects.

In conclusion, Adam became a soul (nephesh) when he received life from
God. And when Adam died, a soul died. Hell in the OT is "sheol", and
in the NT hades.. Hell means the grave. This can be easily shown by
comparing these two Scriptures:

-- King James
Job 14:13 O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave,(sheol) that thou
wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest
appoint me a set time, and remember me.

- American Standard
Job 14:13 Oh that thou wouldest hide me in Sheol, That thou wouldest
keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, That thou wouldest appoint me
a set time, and remember me!

Thus in this case, "sheol" is the "grave" (hell) of dead mankind.

The 1999 World Book Encyclopedia says:

"In Old Testament times, the Israelites believed that all the dead,
both good and evil, went to a dark, unhappy place called Sheol."

"In Old Testament times, the Israelites believed that all the dead,
both good and evil, went to a dark, unhappy place called Sheol." (The
1999 World Book Encyclopedia)

To confirm this, we have Jesus' words. Most people would agree that
Moses and Abraham and the OT writers were considered righteous by God.
But when Jesus walked the earth, those people were NOT in Heaven.

Joh 3:13,

"No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from
heaven--the Son of Man." (NIV)

That means that all the people in the OT never went to Heaven.
Think about it.

In other words, the grave.

Sincerely James
Political decline.
Go to

>The Bible has copious passages referring to conscious life after death.
>There are many verses in both the Old Testament and the New Testament
>showing the people and the Prophets believed in a conscious spiritual
>existence after the death of the body.
>To examine all of these scriptures would require a very lengthy paper
>at least a few dozen pages in size. For brevity herein we will examine
>only a fraction of these passages from the New Testament. This small
>fraction of passages destroys the concept of soul sleep and proves the
>promoters of soul sleep are teaching contrary to the Bible.
>The book of Acts defines "falling asleep" as a man's spirit going to
>heaven to be with God the Father and Jesus Christ. We learn this
>definition in the book of Acts:
>"But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into
>heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand
>of God, And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son
>of man standing on the right hand of God. Then they cried out
>with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one
>accord, And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the
>witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was
>Saul. And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord
>Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a
>loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had
>said this, he fell asleep." (Acts 7:55-60)
>From this passage of the book of Acts we learn several key facts:
>1. As Stephen was about to die, God the Father and Jesus opened the view
>of heaven to Stephen so Stephen could see them. It is very clear that
>God and Jesus considered this man so dearly as he suffered death by
>stoning that they were preparing to personally receive Stephen into
>their realm.
>2. Jesus was STANDING at the throne of the Father, indicating he is
>eager to receive Stephen upon Stephen laying down his body and
>ascending to heaven. This indicates that Jesus is going to personally
>greet Stephen at the very throne of God. This is a grand reception. It
>is virtually a standing ovation by the King of Kings for the faithful
>martyr, Stephen.
>3. Stephen testifies, full of the Holy Ghost, that his spiritual soul
>is going to shortly ascend to meet the Lord Jesus Christ. He will be
>fully conscious and alive after his body dies, and he knows it because
>he sees Jesus watching him at the ready. Stephen clearly states he has a
>spirit that will be shortly separated from his body and that he will go
>to be with Jesus.
>4. The last verse of this quoted selection defines "sleep" when applied
>to death. It is only the body that is falling "asleep". The application
>of "sleep" has nothing to do with the spiritual soul of the redeemed
>saint, who will be immediately taken into heaven, fully alive and
>conscious in a spiritual form of existence.
>This one story from Acts alone completely negates the "soul sleep"
>doctrine of the cults. It is important to note here that the Bible
>clearly defines "sleep" as the death of the body, and not the death of
>the conscious, spiritual element of man. "Sleep" is a metaphor for
>death describing the appearance of the physical body, and has nothing
>to do with the spiritual soul. When Stephen's body died, it is said
>that he, "fell asleep". This is only a reference to his body, not to
>his spirit. By the written testimony of the Holy Ghost, Jesus was ready
>to receive Stephen into heaven in Stephen's spiritual form.
>We also know that man has another body, or a spiritual body, or a
>spiritual soul, beside the physical one. It is of a form that is not
>visible to the normal human senses, but can be made visible by the
>power of the Holy Spirit, as in the transfiguration on the mount. This
>spiritual soul is mentioned several times in both the Old and New
>Testaments. In the transfiguration on the mount the Apostles were given
>the ability to see the spiritual soul of Jesus, which was very bright.
>Jesus is truly, "The light of the world" and in his spirit he
>shines like the sun.
>When the thief prayed to Jesus at the crucifixion, Jesus told the thief:
>"Today you will be with me in paradise."
>Paradise is in the heavenly realm. It is an afterlife abode of those
>who are faithful to God, who have received the love of Jesus. Jesus and
>the thief both went there, conscious, and fully alive. We learn that
>Paradise is in heaven from the Apostle Paul:
>"I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body,
>I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)
>such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man,
>(whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)
>How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words,
>which it is not lawful for a man to utter." (2 Corinthians 12:2-4)
>We learn some key points here:
>1. Paul teaches that a man can be conscious in his body and "out of the
>2. The senses of the invisible spiritual body of man are similar enough
>the the physical body that when overwhelmed in a vision of heaven a man
>can't tell if he is in the physical body or out of it.
>3. Paul was caught up into paradise.
>4. Paradise is in the third heaven.
>5. A physical body can possibly visit heaven but not stay there.
>6. Paul is trying to be modest by differentiating himself in the flesh
>from himself in a transfigured form experiencing visions from God. He
>also says God gave him persecution and struggle (a thorn, or a goad) to
>keep his head from getting too big from his experience, as Paul was
>quite a crusader personality.
>So when Jesus told the thief they would end up together in Paradise on
>that very day, this means the thief was going to heaven, a conscious
>being, and not at all unconscious in a state of "soul sleep." The
>thief was going to the Paradise that Paul later saw.
>Paul the Apostle gives another testimony stating that the souls of dead
>Saints are already in heaven:
>"For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus
>Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named ..."
>This verse proves these key points:
>1. The family of God is already ascended to heaven.
>2. This family is named for Jesus, since they are his brethren.
>All men who repent and believe on Jesus Christ become sons of God and
>members of this, "family in heaven and earth":
>"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons
>of God, even to them that believe on his name ..." (John 1:12)
>In this verse we see the name of the family (Jesus) and who the sons
>are--those who repent and believe on Jesus. Because believers are sons
>of God, they will never die, just as Jesus promised:
>"He that liveth and believeth on me shall never die."
>There is no soul sleep for those who believe on Jesus Christ. The Old
>Testament calls this being, "gathered to my people." Of those of us who
>are saints, those washed and sanctified by the faith of Jesus, all our
>fellow believers are, "our people" or "the family in heaven and on
>earth." When we return our mortal remains to the dust our souls are
>"gathered to our people" in the Paradise of God.
>We have read three witnesses that categorically deny soul sleep: Jesus,
>Stephen, and Paul. All three witnesses give emphatic testimonies of
>immediate conscious existence after death. These testimonies of the
>Bible disprove the modern idea of soul sleep. Jesus and his disciples
>clearly believed and taught a conscious state of existence immediately
>after the flesh body "goes to sleep."
>We have read that those who believe on Jesus never die. They cannot
>die, for they have inherited eternal life by the grace of God through
>faith in Jesus Christ:
>"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life
>through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
>We are warned about false teachings that contradict the promise of
>eternal life, such as soul sleep:
>"And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.
>These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you."
>(1 John 2:25-6)
>The soul sleeper cults are "seducing" men with their false doctrine.
>We have the promise of eternal life from the moment we trust Jesus:
>"And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and
>this life is in his Son." (1 John 5:11)
>This eternal life is the hope of the gospel:
>"In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before
>the world began ..." (Titus 1:2)
>Belief in the true gospel gives eternal life:
>"And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the
>word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life
>believed." (Acts 13:48)
>Cults concoct cockamamie doctrines like "soul sleep" to set themselves
>apart, sow division, and appear "smarter" than others. They do this to
>draw attention so they can make converts and poach victims from other
>cults and churches. This way the cultists can heap up followers for
>themselves and get rich. They twist a few scripture verses to support
>their false doctrine because they don't divide the word with the
>Spirit. Soul sleep is a modern spook. Eternal life is real and it is in
>Jesus Christ.
>Victims of the false soul sleep doctrine need to repent from believing
>their teachers and learn the true gospel of Jesus Christ:
>"He that liveth and believeth on me shall never die."
>Those who trust in Jesus Christ instead of religion will truly never
>die. The moment their flesh body goes to sleep they will go to the
>Paradise of God in heaven to be with their people and await the final
>resurrection. They will be awake forevermore.


Feb 9, 2024, 11:15:22 AMFeb 9

1 Thes.

5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ.


Feb 10, 2024, 1:35:55 PMFeb 10
The words spirit, soul, and body can have multiple meanings, depending
upon how they are used in the sentence. In this case:

--whole spirit= the prevailing mental attitude of all.
Today we might say something like,"the spirit of that tribe is

--soul= life force

--body= the whole physical body.

Sincerely James
Wonderful news!
Go to


Feb 10, 2024, 3:10:31 PMFeb 10

>>1 Thes.
>>5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
>>whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of
>>our Lord Jesus Christ.
Friend james has been busy searching for the jw vatican word dance to fix
the scripture so it conforms to their most recent theory. The below is
pure gobbledygook word salad.

The jw vatican has exactly *zero* scholars of greek/hebrew; that makes this
pretence to analyze the below a lie:.

tesla sTinker ofm minim

Feb 10, 2024, 4:47:54 PMFeb 10

On 2/10/2024 12:10 PM, servant scribbled:
you consider liars as your friends? James on this postboard example.
your always saying friend James, when you know everything he says and
does is of a heretic liar full of apostasy,

Including the ones that say, humans do not have a soul. ?

Nor does he use a true Bible to quote with. When he quotes. The kjv is
not a true legit Bible. It was made by sinful kings of england.
And no, God did not blow in anyone's nostrils.

even the book you took 5,23 from, does not say the word "may be" or
preserved" in it. Another words, unless they are serious, they will not
be blameless sending their own souls to hell.

Besides, even the animals and all the beasts have a soul.

"10 And with every living soul that is with you, as well in all birds as
in cattle and beasts of the earth, that are come forth out of the ark,
and in all the beasts of the earth. 11 I will establish my covenant with
you, and all flesh shall be no more destroyed with the waters of a
flood, neither shall there be from henceforth a flood to waste the earth. "

ie quote it states, "IN" ie in cattle, ie in birds ie in all the
beasts of the earth. So, it not like the soul is the body no. Its
not. It is clearly inside the body.

And He marked it, with a rainbow. Now, no one can put their hands on a
rainbow. And if you do not believe me, just try it. So the soul, is
in fact, not a touchable type of thing, yet ,it is inside the body yes.
Even the true Saints have all spoken about this.

"This is the sign of the covenant which I will give between me and you,
and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations. "
13 I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a
covenant between me, and between the earth.

This was told to Noe.

So when s hole James the heretic liar, says things like "humans do not
have a soul" it is a flat out lie of the devils and of his tongue.
Being the devils helper. And he does it,to obstruct the truth so that
others, will not ever learn it. So that he can teach his own fake
religion. James will never comprehend that of the birds carrying the
sins of the souls down to hell, then flying up to heaven afterwards at
the end of the world. Nor would he ever teach it, cause the truth is
not in him.


Feb 11, 2024, 2:31:23 PMFeb 11
On 10 Feb 2024 20:10:28 GMT, servant wrote:

>>>1 Thes.
>>>5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
>>>whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of
>>>our Lord Jesus Christ.
>Friend james has been busy searching for the jw vatican word dance to fix
>the scripture so it conforms to their most recent theory. The below is
>pure gobbledygook word salad.
>The jw vatican has exactly *zero* scholars of greek/hebrew; that makes this
>pretence to analyze the below a lie:.

If you believe that, do you believe in the Easter Bunny also?

No JW Hebrew and Greek scholars?

Well if I translated the OT or NT for JW's, Bible scholars who would
look at it would say:

"Is this a joke"?
"you must be crazy!"
"This is Kindergarten level!"
"The one who did this should be committed!"

Alright then, what did real Bible scholars say about the JW Bible when
it first came out? Let's see:

How accurate is the NWT? Notice this comment from Jason BeDuhn,
associate professor of religious studies at Northern Arizona
University, who compared eight major Bible translations, including the
NWT. He said it was

"remarkably good" and "better by far" and "consistently better".

He also said, "the greater accuracy of the NW as a literal,
conservative translation of the original expressions of the New
Testament writers."

And he concluded that the NWT (NT):

"is one of the most accurate English translations of the New Testament
currently available" and "the most accurate of the translations
compared". (Truth in Translation:Accuracy and Bias in English
Translations of the New Testament)

[info taken from the Watchtower magazine, 12/1/04, P. 30.]

This is what he FIRST said, even if he changed his mind later.

"Dr. Benjamin Kedar, a Hebrew scholar in Israel, made a similar
comment concerning the New World Translation. In 1989 he said: “This
work reflects an honest endeavor to achieve an understanding of the
text that is as accurate as possible. . . . I have never discovered in
the New World Translation any biased intent to read something into the
text that it does not contain.”" (from

"For example, the Andover Newton Quarterly of January 1963 said: “The
translation of the New Testament [NWT]is evidence of the presence in
the movement of scholars qualified to deal intelligently with the many
problems of Biblical translation.”" (W99,1015,p.29)

“The New Testament translation was made by a committee whose
membership has never been revealed—a committee that possessed an
unusual competence in Greek.”—Andover Newton Quarterly,
September 1966." (g87,3/22, p.14)

So see for yourself the SCHOLARLY work of the New World Translation.
You can find it at

>>The words spirit, soul, and body can have multiple meanings, depending
>>upon how they are used in the sentence. In this case:
>>--whole spirit= the prevailing mental attitude of all. Today we might say
>>something like,"the spirit of that tribe is cannibalism."
>>--soul= life force
>>--body= the whole physical body.

Sincerely James
Wonderful news!
Go to


Feb 11, 2024, 5:35:48 PMFeb 11
On Sat, 10 Feb 2024 13:47:43 -0800, tesla sTinker ofm minim
<> wrote:

>On 2/10/2024 12:10 PM, servant scribbled:
>>>> 1 Thes.
>>>> 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
>>>> whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of
>>>> our Lord Jesus Christ.
>> Friend james has been busy searching for the jw vatican word dance to fix
>> the scripture so it conforms to their most recent theory. The below is
>> pure gobbledygook word salad.
>> The jw vatican has exactly *zero* scholars of greek/hebrew; that makes this
>> pretence to analyze the below a lie:.
>>> The words spirit, soul, and body can have multiple meanings, depending
>>> upon how they are used in the sentence. In this case:
>>> --whole spirit= the prevailing mental attitude of all. Today we might say
>>> something like,"the spirit of that tribe is cannibalism."
>>> --soul= life force
>>> --body= the whole physical body.
>you consider liars as your friends? James on this postboard example.
>your always saying friend James, when you know everything he says and
>does is of a heretic liar full of apostasy,

Thank you. You are helping to fulfill 2 Tim 3:12.

>Including the ones that say, humans do not have a soul. ?

The Hebrew word for "soul" is "nephesh". Gen 2:7 says man IS a soul.
It's like an airports tower asking a plane "How many souls on board?"
If you don't like the KJV, then try these:

-- American Standard
Genesis 2:7 And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living
soul. (nephesh)

-- Living Bible
Genesis 2:7 The time came when the Lord God formed a man's body from
the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And
man became a living person. (nephesh)

-- Revised Standard
Genesis 2:7 then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living
being. (nephesh)

-- New American Standard
Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living
being. (nephesh)

-- New Jerusalem with Apocrypha
Genesis 2:7 Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew
the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being.

-- New American with Apocrypha
Genesis 2:7 the LORD God formed man out of the clay of the ground and
blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living
being. (nephesh)

-- New Revised Standard with Apocrypha
Genesis 2:7 then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground,
{Or [formed a man] (Heb [adam]) [of dust from the ground] (Heb
[adamah])} and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the
man became a living being. (nephesh)

-- Young's Bible
Genesis 2:7 And Jehovah God formeth the man - dust from the ground,
and breatheth into his nostrils breath of life, and the man becometh a
living creature. (nephesh)

-- Darby's Bible
Genesis 2:7 And Jehovah Elohim formed Man, dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and Man became a living
soul. (nephesh)

-- Webster's Bible
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul. (nephesh)

-- New Living Translation
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed a man's body from the dust of the
ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And the man became a
living person. (nephesh)


But there are other definitions of a "soul", depending on the context.


>Nor does he use a true Bible to quote with. When he quotes. The kjv is
>not a true legit Bible. It was made by sinful kings of england.
>And no, God did not blow in anyone's nostrils.

Sorry, but that is what the Bible says. Notice Strong's Concordance
for that Hebrew word used there:

"Strong's Ref. # 639

Romanized 'aph
Pronounced af

from HSN0599; properly, the nose or nostril; hence, the face, and
occasionally a person; also (from the rapid breathing in passion)

>even the book you took 5,23 from, does not say the word "may be" or
>preserved" in it. Another words, unless they are serious, they will not
>be blameless sending their own souls to hell.

You are way off the beaten path. Hell in the Bible is NOT hellfire. It
is the grave. The Hebrew hell is "sheol". The Greek hell is "hades".
They both mean the grave. For example,

Job wanted to go to hell to GET RID OF HIS AGONY.

Job 14:13
Who will grant me this, that thou mayst protect me in hell, [sheol]
and hide me till thy wrath pass, and appoint me a. time when thou wilt
remember me? (DRA)

-- Webster's Bible
Job 14:13 O that thou wouldst hide me in the grave, [sheol] that thou
wouldst keep me secret, until thy wrath is past, that thou wouldst
appoint me a set time, and remember me!

-- New American Standard
Job 14:13 "Oh that You would hide me in Sheol, That You would conceal
me until Your wrath returns {to You,} That You would set a limit for
me and remember me!

>Besides, even the animals and all the beasts have a soul.
>"10 And with every living soul that is with you, as well in all birds as
>in cattle and beasts of the earth, that are come forth out of the ark,
>and in all the beasts of the earth. 11 I will establish my covenant with
>you, and all flesh shall be no more destroyed with the waters of a
>flood, neither shall there be from henceforth a flood to waste the earth. "
>ie quote it states, "IN" ie in cattle, ie in birds ie in all the
>beasts of the earth. So, it not like the soul is the body no. Its
>not. It is clearly inside the body.

So then you must believe when an animal dies its soul either goes to
an animal Heaven, or an animal hellfire.

As you can see, when you misinterpret the Bible, things can become
really crazy.

>And He marked it, with a rainbow. Now, no one can put their hands on a
>rainbow. And if you do not believe me, just try it. So the soul, is
>in fact, not a touchable type of thing, yet ,it is inside the body yes.
>Even the true Saints have all spoken about this.
>"This is the sign of the covenant which I will give between me and you,
>and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations. "
>13 I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a
>covenant between me, and between the earth.

"Living soul"= living animal.
>This was told to Noe.
>So when s hole James the heretic liar, says things like "humans do not
>have a soul" it is a flat out lie of the devils and of his tongue.
>Being the devils helper. And he does it,to obstruct the truth so that
>others, will not ever learn it. So that he can teach his own fake

Your teachings are dangerous, and can lead a person away from God.
Only the REAL truths from the Bible, can set them free.

> James will never comprehend that of the birds carrying the
>sins of the souls down to hell, then flying up to heaven afterwards at
>the end of the world. Nor would he ever teach it, cause the truth is
>not in him.

You are ten miles away from Bible truth. Hopefully any who read your
postings will research the Bible to verify what is said. (and my
postings as well)

Sincerely James
Wonderful news!
Go to



Feb 12, 2024, 1:32:39 PMFeb 12
>No JW Hebrew and Greek scholars?

Yes, you have it correct.>

>Well if I translated the OT or NT for JW's, Bible scholars who would
>look at it would say:

The well known info they have *no* scholars of greek/hebrew is confirmed;
the nwt is a prime example.*None* of the 5 or so men who did the
"translation" of the nwt had greek/hebrew skills/knowledge; as leaked by
one of them. It was a largely copy and paste plagiarism of existing
translations. Scripture bits were "fixed" to support long aftrthefact
newly invented jw vatican doctrine. 99.99 of real greek/hebrew scholares
denounce it outoffhand for the invented "translation". The 99.99 of
scholars includes those whose work was crudely and falsely misused to
support the "fixes" of scripture 2000 years later..


Feb 13, 2024, 9:07:51 AMFeb 13
To servant's readers,

And your proof?

Even if they were a bunch of blithering idiots copying and pasting,
they still would have to have some skills of Hebrew and Greek grammar
to do it right.

And according to those Bible scholars listed above, they did one SUPER
job. Thus as those Bible scholars said, the NWT is a SCHOLARLY work
regardless. The proof is in the pudding!

Sincerely James
Wonderful news!
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