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Why the "Theory of Superior Beings" by the Polish genius named Adam Wisniewski reveals to us that an "allegoric food" for God is "knowledge"

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Nov 19, 2011, 7:57:17 PM11/19/11
The philosophy of totalizm adheres to the principle, that whatever
this philosophy states, it always provides the body of evidence and
logical deductions in support of this statement. Such an evidence is
to reveal in what manner and on what basis totalizm arrived to a given
conclusion. Only by revealing the logic of deductions and evidence in
support of the claims, totalizm is able to give to its followers the
ability to verify truth behind its statements. So in order to provide
here the reader with an idea of a kind and quality of the evidence
which confirms the findings of totalizm described in item #B1 of the
web page named "antichrist.htm", which stated that "God created people
in order to pursue knowledge", this post discusses one example from a
vast body of evidence for which totalizm determined that it supports
the truth of this particular finding. This example is the totaliztic
extension and extrapolation of the "Theory of Superior Beings" by the
Polish genius named Adam Wisniewski (born on 1/1/1937, died on
23/8/1995). His findings supplement formal scientific proofs for the
existence of God, published in the web page named "god_proof.htm".
Here is the brief description of his theory:

Almost everything that is slightly more complex, God arranged into
kinds of pyramidal structures and organisations. Examples of these
include the so-called "periodic table of the elements" (also named the
"Mendeleyev Table") - and the composition of subsequent chemical
elements illustrated by it, or the so-called "Cyclic Table" described
in chapter B from volume 2 of my newest monograph [1/5] while briefly
discussed in items #B1 to #B4 of the web page named "propulsion.htm" -
and regularities in the development of propulsion systems that are
illustrated by the Cyclic Table. Various regularities which are
embedded into such pyramidal structures already were noticed, and
utilised, by numerous researchers - including into this number also a
genius researcher of the Polish origin, named Adam Wisniewski (which
in his writings used the pseudo-name "Snerg"). Mr Adam Wisniewski
(1/1/1937 - 23/8/1995) noticed that there is a high regularity into
which are arranged subsequent levels of God's creatures. This
regularity which he discovered is now called the "Theory of Superior
Beings" (the Polish name "Teoria Nadistot"). Statements of this theory
are already published in a number of Polish publications - although
(similarly as almost everything that because of the Polish origin is
NOT appreciated by Poles themselves and thus is NOT promoted by them
in the rest of the world - for details see also items #I1 to #I5 of
the separate web page named "mozajski_uk.htm"), in the western
countries this extremely vital theory still remains largely unknown or
ignored. This is pity - because the genius of this theory and its
significance to the "totaliztic science" require that it is vigorously
promoted throughout the entire world - which task of promoting I
already joined enthusiastically (e.g. see this post, totaliztic
publications to which this post refers, and also see item #I6 on the
abovementioned web page named "mozajski_uk.htm"). This genius theory
reveals e.g. that every higher level of existence "nourishes itself"
with products earned by a lower than itself level of existence. For
example, us people have the opportunity to watch in action on everyday
basis as many as several different levels of existence that surrounds
us. These include: (1) minerals and chemical elements from which our
planet is composed, (2) vegetation, (3) animals, and (4) intelligent
being - means people. As we also know, each lower of these levels of
existence is unable to notice with its senses the existence of the
level that is higher than itself. Therefore, for example, minerals and
chemical elements from level (1) are unaware of the existence of
vegetation from level (2), in turn vegetation from level (2) is
unaware of the existence of animals from level (3), etc. But chemical
elements from level (1) form various compounds and substances which
later are "eaten" by vegetation from level (2). In turn this
vegetation from level (2) forms various complex organic compounds
which subsequently are "eaten" by animals from level (3). Etc., etc.
So if the above regularity discovered by the Polish genius Adam
Wisniewski is to be extrapolated further - as this was done by the
totaliztic science, then it stems from it that also people from level
(4) earn something as well - and that this something is later "eaten"
by some even higher level of existence (which people also are unable
to notice with their senses). Of course, this higher level of
existence is God. In turn the only product which God is able to
allegorically "eat", is the "knowledge" which people generate during
their lives. Everything else, apart from the "knowledge", God is able
to generate by Himself - so in order to acquire it He has NOT needed
to create neither people nor the physical world. In other words, the
totaliztic extension of the "Theory of Superior Beings" by the Polish
genius named Adam Wisniewski, in the understanding of logics
represents the so-called "theorem" which states that "if God does
exist, then allegorically He nourishes Himself with the knowledge
generated by people". Thus, in combination with the formal proofs that
"God does exist", which already were developed and published by the
totaliztic science, the genius "Theory of Superior Beings" by Adam
Wisniewski transforms itself into a formal proving procedure, that
"God created people in order to pursue knowledge more effectively".
Although this procedure was explained here with the use of rather
simplistic terminology and logical deductions, still it unambiguously
proves the findings of the philosophy of totalizm and the totaliztic
science discussed here, that the "pursue of knowledge" was just this
major goal for the accomplishing of which God originally created
people, while currently he continually teaches and protects them, and
also supports, supervises and controls their fates - for more details
see also the web page named "antichrist.htm".

These descriptions I would like to complement with my personal
reflection. Namely, how it happens, that the entire world is admiring
the highly primitive, naive, meaningless, deprived of solid scientific
foundations, and still improvable for even the highest-paid
scientists, the so-called "theory of relativity" - which "contribution
to the humanity" limits itself mainly to blocking the progress of
sciences since almost a century. Simultaneously so genius and
indescribably-vital "Theory of Superior Beings" - which opens for us
the immensely important knowledge and the certainty on the subject of
God, and the correctness of which can be checked by practically every
inhabitant of the Earth, for tens of years remains almost unknown and
in fact almost no-one disseminates it throughout the world.

* * *

The above post summarises a brief explanation of the immensely
important for people so-called "Theory of Superior Beings" by the
Polish genius named Adam Wisniewski. Originally this explanation is
published, amongst others, in item #B4 from the totaliztic web page
named "will.htm" (update of 7 November 2011, or later). But the web
page "will.htm" is just one amongst several different totaliztic
publications which direct our attention on the fact that allegorically
"God nourishes Himself on knowledge" - and thus e.g. that the goal for
which God created people was the "pursue of knowledge" and that these
people which obstruct the fulfilment of this goal by others are
gradually, although discretely, eliminated e.g. with cataclysms or
with accidents (references to these different descriptions of that
fact are provided, amongst others, on the web page "will.htm"). The
reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from
these other web pages and publications, than from this post - after
all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to
other related web pages with additional explanations, texts are
printed in colours, the content is supported with illustrations, the
content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web
page "will.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, at addresses: (or alias: - which
always links to the most recently updated amongst totaliztic web

Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including the
above web sites, should contain all totaliztic web pages - including
web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic
web page that interests us, it suffices that in one amongst the above
addresses the web page name "will.htm" is changed into the name of
page which the reader wishes to see. For example, in order to see the
web page named "antichrist.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with
the address , it is enough that instead
of this address in the window of an internet explorer the reader
writes e.g. the address .

It is also worth to know, that almost each new topic that I am
researching with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science",
including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still
in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number
#210E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two blogs
of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new
"totaliztic science" and the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can
be viewed at following internet addresses: (or alias: )
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #164E i #109E - which also discuss topics of imperfection.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Nov 20, 2011, 11:20:15 AM11/20/11
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:57:17 -0800, JP3 wrote:

> Almost everything that is slightly more complex, God arranged into kinds
> of pyramidal structures and organisations.

by same logic I see in totalizm:

"Almost everything that is slightly more complex, My Cat has arranged

Bob Casanova

Nov 20, 2011, 11:55:42 AM11/20/11
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:57:17 -0800 (PST), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by JP3 <>:

>The philosophy of totalizm adheres to the principle, that whatever
>this philosophy states, it always provides the body of evidence and
>logical deductions in support of this statement.


>Almost everything that is slightly more complex, God arranged into
>kinds of pyramidal structures and organisations.

Not well-versed in logical thought, are you? The primary
initial evidence for support of your claim would be evidence
that God, or for that matter, *any* deity, exists. No such
evidence has been presented, so your claim is not verified.


Bob C.

"Evidence confirming an observation is
evidence that the observation is wrong."
- McNameless


Nov 20, 2011, 1:38:08 PM11/20/11
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:57:17 -0800 (PST), JP3 <>

Thousand Island or oil and vinegar, monsieur?
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