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The Feeling "When God Has Left You..." - Introduction to 'What is Hell' {HRI 20031124-V3.2} - (Version 3.2 on 16 May 2005)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 16, 2005, 7:31:10 AM5/16/05
The Feeling "When God Has Left You..."
- Introduction to 'What is Hell'

24 November 2003
{HRI 20031124-V3.2}

(Version 3.2
on 16 May 2005)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)

When it seems or feels to you, that "God has left you," then it is
useful, to understand the situation,

which is brought about by (people who are) Criminal Minds, and

a situation that they are continuously trying to bring about, and

that you experience or feel as if it is "your own situation or
condition," as if "it is about you," which it is not.

The main and first thing they *(1) do to you, is to hinder or
block your feeling for or sensing of how things and people are,

your ability of feeling, your particular Energy for feeling

and for thus knowing who and what you yourself are,

and for being able to tell who are actual friends and who
are not-friends.

Feeling is done with what is called Life Energy - and all
perception, feeling, sensing, remembering, etc.,

(including of course your perceiving everything that
comes from your body and from its senses - your eyes
seeing and your ears hearing, etc. your perception of
that, by you)

is done with Life Energy.

If you have not had the time to study that and to
find that out for yourself, and you do not know this,
then you have for the moment to take my word for it,
of course. *(a)

Now, people who are Criminal Minds, prevent or hinder you from
properly sensing,

being aware correctly, and feeling

(and thus - BECAUSE you have feeling - properly and
rationally thinking about)

things in life, about life, about other people and about

as you were aware CORRECTLY and sensed NORMALLY and felt PROPERLY

when you were in full and undistorted connection with life,
when you were fully and without distortion feeling and
sensing life. *(8)(9)(2)(3)


Criminal Minds 'cloud' sensing and feeling people and things,
your sensing and your feeling about people and things, and

as any feeling and sensing is done with Life Energy,

they have to and they do indeed project distorting, veiling or
completely masking, 'blanking,' (Altered, Poisoned) Life Energy

- which, as any Life Energy, to most people is as invisible
as is the air itself,

but which can be felt, of course, and without which you
would see nothing with your eyes wide open and hear
nothing from your ears,

even when these and your brain are in perfect order.


Criminal Minds put distorting, filtering, blanking Energy around
you, around your soul:

You perceive anything and everything by means of Life
Energy, it makes the connections to what is around you.

And this is also how you feel your body, by means of Life
Energy to connect to and make yourself aware of what your
eyes or ears receive and pass on to your soul, and thus you
perceive it.

In very short: There is you, which is your
soul. Around your soul, emanating from your
soul, there is Life Energy, which makes the
connection between you and the environment,

which makes you see and feel the environment or
whatever you connect your Life Energy to,

including (between birth and death) your body
of course, and connecting to what your body's
sense organs receive from the environment.

Criminal Minds want that you feel and
sense as little as possible

- they ARE Criminal (Minds), you
know -

and they want and try to make it so, that
you only believe what comes from your
eyes and your ears,

and even that not, when also that
implicates them,

when also what comes in via your
body's eyes and ears, proves to you
their crimes or their plans to harm
and deceive you or others.


And Criminal Minds want that you do not
trust or even use your actual, normal and
rather valuable ability to feel and sense
or recognize them and what they are and
what they do,

your directly feeling intentions
and your directly feeling their
projections as being Energy
projections coming from them.

That is certainly nothing new to you.

And they want others to "prove," that
actual perception - as you and anybody
does it all the time, feeling and sensing
and perceiving, which is done by anyone,
with Life Energy - is a "disorder."

This you might have figured out
already, should you have turned to
the medical profession for
"advice" about such things. *(12)


Criminal Minds do not want to be detected
by your feeling or sensing their nature,
and by your actually perceiving their
intentions towards you or towards others
- their thoughts, in other words...

Feeling the nature and intentions
of others, and feeling their
thoughts so that you can easily
understand them, is, however, the
basic quality of any high-ranking
and capable manager,

something that was completely
denied even the existence of,

in a University that claimed
to make their students
(including me) into managers
for big national or multi-
national firms.

Back to the subject. (This is also a good point to take
a break or make a pause, in your reading.)


Criminal Minds project distorting, filtering, blanking, Poisoned
Life Energy around you, *(c) around your soul. And

inside such a 'bubble' of narrowed perception and of distorted
feeling and of missing awareness,

(I put it in quotation marks for your convenience of
thinking, to make it easier for you to understand
what they do 'inside that bubble of Energy' with
which they try to and do manage to surround and even
to imbue, soak or permeate your soul, and also their
own soul *(c))

INSIDE the surrounding 'bubble'

- imagine yourself (your soul, that is) sitting
inside a 'goldfish bowl' which is black at various
places and colored and dirty at other places, and
glued onto the top and onto the bottom of the glass
bowl, there are photos that suggest to you "what is
there above and below you," but that isn't actually
there -

INSIDE that 'bubble' surrounding and infusing your soul, there

are THEIR Energies which you think are "your own," but that
contain the false ideas and false feelings and incorrect
perceptions that they want you to have, and

that can then and do affect you - even so intensely, that

these false feelings and ideas are then sensed by you

as "the only thing that is real,"

like you know it so well, from times it
happened to you in dreams while you were

And that seems so much "what is happening," because you are
cut off from feeling the actuality of who and what is
around you, because the surface of the 'bubble' intervenes.

It cuts you off from feeling, from properly sensing, from
being correctly aware

of all that, what you

- even though you basically still know it as
the truth, and memories always can be
recovered - of what you, however,

NOW DO NOT ANYMORE FEEL, sense, perceive, connect to

as BEING the truth.


That condition - of being cut of from
sensing, with your Life Energy, what is
the actual condition of who and what is
around you - you might call the first
stage of 'Hell.'


Criminal Minds can then - and they do indeed - project all
that they want you to experience as "what life is,"

(like the Criminal Minds Darwin and Freud and Einstein
projected to others to "convince" them, "what life

and they can project any other lies - to be experienced or
felt inside such a 'bubble' - as "truth," *(13)

lies, like 'How Ugly and Suffering "Life" is,'

so that you want to run away from it and be
dead forever,

and leave people in THEIR hands, the hands of
Criminal Minds;

lies, like 'How mean and lying and cruel "all people"
are,' and 'How "nobody" loves you,' and 'Whatever you
do or say, "improves nothing," or "is appreciated by

so that you will not go to people anymore and
not inform them of what you see and know,

and leave people blind to THEM;

lies, like 'You are "alone",' 'You "have failed",'
and 'You can now "never do anything good" anymore,'
and '"All" is lost anyway,'

so that you withdraw and do not even want to
care for others anymore and

so that you can not enjoy their company and
will not feel their love for you anymore,

and leave people to be guided by THEM.

And so on and so on.


Enough lies - experienced as "truth" inside a
'bubble' -

to really make someone consider suicide or want
to believe

the most vicious lie of all,

that "the goal of life is 'eternal' extinction
of your feelings and of your desires, and not
enough with that, but also the extinction of
your awareness of who you are and who others
are, and even no awareness of THAT you exist,
nor that others exist." Really...


That - being in that Energy with those
lies and the feelings and emotions to
make these seem totally real and true -
you might call the second stage of

There, people have stopped wholly to even
WANT to find out who causes malice and
ugliness and deception,

and who, and what Energy causes
their euphoria by which they do not
care what is done to others, or to
you, or to themselves, Poisoned
Life Energies

produced by the Criminal Minds who not
only produce those feelings, but

who do so ON TOP OF causing (behind
your back till it is too late to

also the physical conditions of horror
and of death and poverty and sickness,
that then

again serve to "prove"

their lies and the feelings they
projected to and into your soul, to

their "truth about life." *(14)


People who are Criminal Minds want you - inside a 'bubble'
- to feel and to experience their lies as "true," you must
not only think but also FEEL that their lies "are true,"

their lies about "who you are," their lies about "who
others are," and in particular of course, their lies
about "who they are" (who are the Criminal Minds),

so they project the Energies that contain various emotions
and feelings to experience with those lies, as if "these
(projected Energies) are your own true emotions and

- they are all contained in the Life Energy that
causes perception and feeling and emotion -

and that aids considerably in feeling the lies, the ideas
they state or project, as being "indeed true."

That's how they make you feel, what they say or project, as
"the actual reality,"

because with the projected emotions and feelings

(all emotions and feelings are contained in and
conveyed by Life Energy, which is PROJECTED, as
Energy Particles by which)

they bring about the result, that

you now have the EXPERIENCE, you have FELT, that
their lies "actually are true." *(37)(3)


That, you might call the third stage of


You thus experience mainly - when caught in such a 'bubble' -
THAT particular

awareness, that feeling, that sensation that is conveyed or
transmitted to you by THEM, by their projection of

Poisoned Life Energy *(a) that contains all their lies - but

made to seem "true" and "real" to you. *(15)

And then you act upon these lies too, because "they are
true for you," and

then you do create your own feelings not anymore connected
to the truth, but

as determined by your being connected to their lies,

and then you are also contributing (your Life Force, your
Energy, your Support, your Enthusiasm) to their lies: *(17)

You then have become and are actively an enemy of


That, you might call the fourth stage of
'Hell.' *(18)(19)


(And of course it can get worse and
worse for you and for others, from
there on, adding more and more
layers of lies with more Harmful
Energies, *(5) more 'bubbles,'

stronger and stronger
'bubbles,' and then 'bubbles'
within very strong 'bubbles,'

stages of 'Hell' which I will
not go into describing here.)

So you might want to learn to better be
able to detect Criminal Minds, *(5)(20)

and to be more able to stand up to the
Harmful or Poisoned, Altered Life
Energies that they project, *(5)

and to more easily detect their lies that
keep these Poisoned Energies glued onto
you and onto others. *(21)

And when you are a child, you might
want that your parents have learned
about these things too, so that
your parents or a guardian are able
somewhat to detect Criminal Minds,

you do not want your parents
to send you to a Criminal
Mind "to help you," do you,

you DO want your parents and teachers to
assist you to grow responsible for your
life and maybe for that of others too.


Inside the 'bubble,' or 'Hell,'

inside the projected collection or cloud
of 'disconnected' feelings and ideas and

because those are the only things
that can be strongly felt there,

(like you would be inside a sound
proof room without windows, you
would not notice much, or nothing,
of what's going on outside, and)

you do not stay connected to what is happening
'outside the bubble,'

because the Energies and lies that form the
'bubble,' are projected around you,

around the point of awareness and of
feeling, that is your soul

- most people place themselves
firmly inside their head, from
their birth till death,

and your soul itself looks like a
small globe of Life Energy,
should you be able to, or should
you regain the ability to see
Life Energy that well again -

(which won't happen if you
want to believe in Einstein
or Freud or Darwin, etc., and
also not with all the very
intelligent lies from India

and that Energy by which you have been (by
which your soul has been) surrounded and been
penetrated and permeated (that acts as if it is
inside your soul, as if it is a "part of you,")

that 'bubble,' might have been made that strong
and might have been or is continuously being
projected that strongly at and around you, that

the only thing you do feel and CAN feel,
as "existing for you," is what is inside
that Energy 'bubble.' *(3)

The condition is most real to you
in some dreams that you have


That what you may still sense and feel from
outside the 'bubble,'

and also what you still feel about yourself,

(the 'bubble' being filled with various
types of Poisoned Life Energy and lies
contained in that Energy, to blend with
what comes from the outside and with any
feeling still about yourself)

is then arriving at your awareness only
'filtered' by and stained or mixed with
Energies of the 'bubble,'

in other words, your feeling is then
severely distorted and lacking much
clarity and your awareness is very badly
informed of what exists in actuality.

That is not because I say so, but
because that is how it works *(2)

- which also you can study
and find out, if you like
to do so (and which I hope
you will) study, while
following the 'Trinity of
Science' *(22) as I did,

if you desire to help
people, because of your
desire to help people.

You want - of course - to be connected to the
outside, to The Creation,

(which is outside the 'bubble,' or outside
the 'cave' as I did call it in my life
time as Plato)

and that connection is - of course - necessary,

in order to sense and judge
correctly who someone is *(23)

and to find out what is truly
happening, *(24)

and to study what is the nature
of the Cosmos. *(25)


Exactly THAT connection, the sensing, the
feeling and the awareness and the memory

of what ACTUALLY happened and who
ACTUALLY caused it,

(which by definition
reveals how things are
now and who is doing
what things now, too)

gives you a proper feeling-connection to
the nature of life.

And this connection to Truth

(which by the way is fully
lacking in Albert Einstein
and Stephen Hawking and their
respective "scientific"

and of course their - fully
'bubbled up' - admirers are
also lacking that connection
to Truth,

and so are the others who
pretend to know all about the
soul and about Life Energy,
the ones who some from India,

also they are lacking the
sensing ability and the
feeling ability *(22) - they
are wholly lacking, what)


you might call the first stage of
'Heaven,' of being connected to
and feeling The Creation, life as
it was and can be or would be, and


as you normally are connected and feel -
though greatly varying in intensity and
in scope or range, from day to day or
even from hour to hour - which is

depending on how much Harmful
Energy is being projected at you
and how much of it does stick with
its lies, or not stick and is
repelled again by you or by your
body, and on the other hand, it is

of course depending on how much
pure (normal, clean) Life Energy

- which contains no lies, but
true-connection data and
contains true-connection
feeling and emotion -

at any given moment, is at your
disposal, is contacted by you or is
created by you.


Once again, you will notice,
or you will find out, that

truth is absolute, and

truth is defined as

'what happened and who
caused it'

(and 'where and when and
how' are of course part
of that,

and the greater are the
details revealed and
the more connections
are made, the more
truth, of course).

You will by consequence
deduce, or see as inevitable,
that 'what happened and who
caused it,' can not be erased
and is an indelible part of
The Creation.

And you will find that out
to be indeed the case.

Once again, Criminal Minds do not like
that at all, of course - and so they
create the 'bubbles' of diminished or
distorted or filtered awareness,

or 'pretended Awareness' - they
are pretending to be aware of
something and some write big books
and teach lengthy courses -

in order to enforce on you and others,
to "teach you" a diminished or distorted
or filtered connection to The Creation,
or even a complete denial of your
connection to The Creation. *(d)


A connection to, and awareness and feeling or sensing
of what ACTUALLY happened, would have the effect on
you, and on others, obviously - it would have the
immediate effect -

that YOU REJECT the ideas and perceptions that
are projected by Criminal Minds,

which they make you experience (feel and
sense and be aware of, connect to)
inside the 'bubble' that they create
(have created) around you,

by which they affect some or many of
your perceptions and feelings and

which would by consequence lead to
your doing or not doing things

according to how they desire
you to act or to behave or
not to act,

what they desire you to
perceive and what you should
not (and indeed will not
sense or feel and) perceive,

or what they desire you to
find important, and what they
want you to think interesting

and what you must overlook
and completely forget about.


By being connected to 'outside the bubble,' by
sensing and by keeping to the certain knowledge of
what really happened, you recognize their Energies of
deceptions and lies, you classify those as illusions
that they produce and that they try to have
accepted by others, *(a)

much like someone who was hypnotized

into, let's say, "buying a bag of sugar,"

suddenly sees,

that it was actually a bag of air he was
given, and who

recognizes, that his senses, his perceptions and
his emotions and decisions where controlled,

to NOT be connected to all of the actual
environment but partly to a 'bubble' of
perception, that controls SOME perceptions

distorted, contaminated, dominated his
Energy for connecting to and thus being
aware of the visual and hearing and
touching senses of his body,

dominating and superimposing the Energy
of the hypnotist in such a way, and that
strongly, that he was made to buy an
empty bag as if it was "a bag of sugar."


More serious it became, when a Russian
State Bank employee was successfully
hypnotized into paying out one million
rubles in cash the master hypnotist
Wolfgang Messing,

in a test of the abilities of that
hypnotist, who was requested to show that
proof of his ability, of

projecting illusions that the victims can not
detect nor resist,

a proof of Wolfgang Messing's abilities
in this example, which he used on the
request of the then dictator of Russia,
Joseph Stalin.

(Wolfgang Messing was not a Criminal
Mind at all, but he could and did
demonstrate the actuality of these

However, that very able hypnotist,
Wolfgang Messing himself,

who had no knowledge about Criminal

and as most psychics, he also
had himself no understanding
at all about the mechanisms
of perception, so that these
also could be and were used
against him, as much as these
are used against anyone else,
by Criminal Minds, that
brought about, that also he

was living so much inside the 'bubble'
created around and in his soul - much of
it also by the (indeed exceedingly)
Criminal Mind Joseph Stalin, whom

Wolfgang Messing (one of the
greatest psychics alive, then)

- and many Russians still can not
sense either -

that Stalin himself was a most
vicious, very secretive 'bubble'
projector, a mental destroyer, as
are all Criminal Minds.

So you see, it's "a Criminal Mind's
Paradise" on Earth, still. And they
make very sure, that you do not
know these things, that "what I
write is 'not important,' 'not
relevant,' 'nothing to do with
real life,' 'only a hobby,' 'not
on your wave-length,' 'just an
opinion', and so on."

Some of them claim, that "the
only thing that does exist,
ARE (their) 'bubbles'."

They have set up various
philosophies or what they
claim "sciences" to preach
'their bubble,' their model
of "The Creation" - even
"parallel Universes" and
"Everyone his own Universe,"
and "whatever is true for you
is true for you," and so on:

So they believe and want to make
real, in this way, that they - and
that all Criminal Minds then - can
'get away with' (can escape
undetected or un-opposed) with
anything they do or have done,

whatever they do to you and
that they make you, inside a
'bubble,' unaware of, or
which they have you see
as "your own truth only,"
"your opinion," "your reality
only," "your wavelength,"
"your dimension," "your
universe," really...

because according to them - and
seemingly indeed - it FEELS so,
they make it FEEL so,

inside their 'bubble' which they
also force around you or others,
the actual, the absolute Truth
"does not exist."



after having studied them
much more thoroughly and in
far more depth than anyone
else, and, all of that with
first hand experience,

I am

indeed understanding them
sufficiently (to be the first
one *(21) to be)

able to tell you how to handle
them. *(6)(21)

Back to the subject. (This is again a good point to take
a break or make a pause, in your reading.)


Their putting Harmful Energy 'clouds' or 'bubbles' around all people,
around you too, and their hitting you and your body with Harmful,
Poisoned Life Energies, is for Criminal Minds the greatest joy and
happiness that they can imagine.

It makes them feel "senior" to others, it is how they "define" power,
the power

- to break others, to destroy others, to manipulate others, to
deceive others completely, to enslave others, to make others
sick, to kill others, to drive others insane;

Again: It's "Paradise" for Criminal Minds on Earth, still.

They are largely aided by the Hippocratic or 'Aesculapian'
(meaning, the highly arrogant medical) profession, as well
as by the (not less arrogant) philosophies of India, both
promoting since thousands of years, that

"Criminal Minds do not exist or must be hidden and not
looked at" or "things just happen to you or to your
body;" or in the other case, of the most "beautiful"
lies written in Sanskrit or Pali:

"You do it really all to yourself;" *(31)

- to block your natural perception or feeling of what is there,
of who is who, and of who does what, and of when someone does
or did something (like projecting or smashing some Poisoned
Life Energy into your soul or into your body);

which is entirely a spiritual process, of course, because life
itself, all life, is a spiritual process entirely. *(28)(25)(4)

Don't take my word for it - study it yourself,

And it is the easiest thing in the world to study
from your own viewpoint:

The Harmful Energies of Criminal Minds are
constantly hitting at and into your body and
into your soul.

It is not difficult to feel and examine these things,
at all. You do feel them day and night already.


Their 'bubbles'

- no matter how extremely debilitating, or euphoria-inducing, or
hate-producing, or deadening, these can be

because of the full reality of experience contained in the
Energies that make up the 'bubble' - nevertheless their

are merely Poisonous Energy PARTICLES (Altered Life Energy

called Energy Particles because they can do something, they
have some potential or 'Energy,'

that Criminal Minds do produce and do project and throw around you
and into your soul,

as well as around your body, and at and into your body;

and on top of that, they make the Harmful Energies stick, with
their lies and various combinations of Harmful Energy Particles.


You can move out of these Particle clouds again or push these away,

and that goes easier and faster, the better you recognize their
lies or know (if you have studied) their typical lies, and then
you can much more easily shake off the Harmful Energies,

because it is the lies that stick the Harmful
Energies, their lies act as glue. *(5)

So they live by an ENORMOUS amount of
lies, by which they have permeated or
soaked the society, and that they enforce
in various ways.

Some "philosopher" - one of the
most vicious Criminal Minds that
ever walked the Earth - even claims
that "Without lies, nothing can
persist, but vanishes immediately."

Sure, his Harmful, deadly Poisonous
Energies vanish immediately, they
become un-stuck and drop away, when
his lies are felt to be lies.


Truth will indeed set you free from it, bit by
bit, piece by piece, ...if you could find out
what is true, that is.

(And the people of India and of Tibet are
NOT going to tell you, because that's
not what they want - they want a state of
mind, not truth. *(39))

And you will find out, then, that truth IS absolute, and
that it IS defined as 'that what happened and who caused

Surely there is depth of truth, surely there are many
facets and aspects to anything, and there are always
many details or aspects of the truth hidden, but that
does not change the fact that truth is absolute.

Like 'there IS sand on the beach,'

and you can still find out an endless
amount of things about that sand there,

such as 'everyone who has sat or
walked on that beach,'

but those details do not change the
simple truth, that 'there is sand on the

So don't let yourself be talked out of
that by some Criminal Minds who claim
to be "The Most Intelligent," or "The
Wisest Of All" or a "World Teacher," or

by someone who does let himself be called
guru 'So-so-Ananda-so-and-so,' or swami
'Baba Maha Yoga,' or any other names,

no matter how well these sound, in
an ancient language of very
cleverly and intentionally hidden
lies about life,

highly intelligent lies that
are designed to make you NOT
Criminal Minds.


You will find out, that Beauty IS Beauty, that Ugliness IS
Ugliness, that Hate IS Hate, that Love IS Love, and that
Truth IS Truth, *(22) and

is not "whatever you are made to think or feel it is
by them because they are Enlightened Avatars and
Tulkus or Buddhas, and 'so very much above you'"

- that is, inside their 'bubbles' they are...


Yes, they might have, at some moment in time,
some more ability than you have now, to change
and to project Life Energy Particles

- but that is entirely different from
being connected to The Creation, to
Truth -

in fact all Criminal Minds can only survive
successfully BY changing and by projecting Life
Energies, which they have taken from you and
from others.

And sure, they could do something with
it, even heal a sick part of your body,
if they wished to use the acquired
Energy for that,

as the very unholy and very ugly
monk Rasputin did

to impress and be forever
adored by the last Czarina
of Russia, and to create a
circle of devotees, and then

to be able to proceed to
destroy his "beloved" Russia,
and to let his "beloved" Czar
family be destroyed as well.


The strong command over some Energies does not
say anything at all about a person being
truthful or not, or connected to The Creation.

This you could already tell from the
famous and very well-documented medium
Mrs Guppy, in England, around 1900.


I think you are willing to learn now, that you should NOT give
Criminal Minds your Life Energy, (your devotion, your admiration,
etc.,) not in any form,

and certainly NEVER in any form of 'Unconditional Love'

- with which THEY mean, that YOU MUST give them your
supportive Energy, and

- with which THEY mean, that you must make yourself blind
to, or allow yourself to be deceived about, what they do
with your Energy.

Criminal Minds have at times most successfully convinced
others, also you, to support them

- after all it is YOUR nature to help anybody, and
so it was not difficult for them to tell you their
lie, a vicious and a total truth-reversal - that

"you would be an evil person, or you would not act as you
yourself would - unless you give all your support to them,"

especially because you see from 'their troubles,'
(their crimes on people), you see the truth that they
are obviously in very bad shape, spiritually, and
"are much in need of your Loving help,"

and "your Love to them will prevent their wanting or
needing to commit Crimes on people." *(14)


Any and all Life Energy that Criminal Minds get from you, however,

is misused ALWAYS by them, into deceiving you and others, into
betraying you and others behind your back - regrettably enough
*(30); and any Energy you give to them,

is converted by Criminal Minds into MORE clouds of Harmful Energy to
make and to strengthen their 'bubbles'

that they throw at and around you and at others, in order to
FURTHER narrow and distort your feeling and your sensing;

MORE EFFICIENTLY blocking your awareness and your memory of what
they have done in the past to you and to others,

and that what they will certainly do again to you and to

to BETTER enforce on you and others their lies about you and
about those you love, and to MORE EASILY enforce their lies about
themselves of course too;

to create MORE of their polluted, foggy atmosphere around your soul,
a STRONGER 'bubble,'

and in front of their own soul a better, often a seemingly "Loving"
or "responsible" mask,

in order BETTER to lie to you and to others,

in order to more PERMANENTLY deceive and manipulate and destroy
you and people in general, as many as they can.



What are their lies?

They lie about everything, either silently, in their
thoughts - they either silently project the Energies that
make you (or others behind your back) feel their lies to be
"true," or

they lie openly - they state, write or use lies to make
these appear or to make these accepted as "rational," as
"obligatory," even as "divine," or as "being the purpose of

solely in order to inflict (their) evil onto you and
others (destruction of the Joy and Beauty of life and
of awareness of and desire for it).

They do so with lies that are the complete opposite of
truth that you know and have always known to be true.

For instance - just to name some very common lies
that you find all over their literature, and all over
their activities too,

lies which they also very forcefully
project the Energy of at you, which is
intended to destroy your aliveness:


"Showing your Beauty and Love to people, is
very Ugly of you and Destructive to people."

Obviously a completely idiotic lie, that
they nevertheless do throw at you and
others, because THEY see it and want it
seen as "Ugly and Destructive" if you
expose THEM

by the mere fact of your being
yourself and showing yourself.


"You become only Truly Alive, by being Eternally

Also a totally idiotic lie, most obvious
to all and everyone. So it has to be
cloaked as a "Religious or Cultural
Belief," as "ancient religious belief
(in Egypt)," or as "Cosmic Wisdom," as
"The Goal of Life," or or as the "Noble
Truth" (or even as four of these...
"Noble Truths").


"You can only be Happy when you Suffered."

Only a Psychopath will inflict suffering
on himself or on others "in order to be
The lie is too obvious, but also so much
debilitating, so that no awareness
(Energy) is left to you, to figure out
that it IS a lie

- you try instead to 'rationalize'
it, "how it might be true" -

but it is only "true" in a 'bubble.'


"If you protect life, you hinder Life from
growing and developing itself."

The idea is, that you should not hinder
Criminal Minds if they kill and torture
or steal or obliterate others.

The lie is only too clear,

clear to those who are not (yet)
spiritually obliterated by Criminal

clear to those who have not (yet)
become Destructive Cowards, aides of
Criminal Minds,

telling people "their life
and their sanity will be
protected" - "if they do and
think and feel and remember
as a Criminal Mind demands it
of them to do..."


"Evil things are (not done to you by Criminal
Minds, but are) brought upon you by God, as 'a
blessing to you,' or as 'inevitable'."

Again, the idea is, that you regard
Criminal Minds as "God," and that you do
not ever oppose, or even investigate, who
did what to you or to others. *(1)(26)


Most vicious and atrocious lies - and then I only
mentioned some very well known ones, above,

that you certainly have read or heard at times,

and that you quite likely have felt the Energy
of (thrown at your soul) with "You must not
oppose it, because it is a 'Divine' or 'Cosmic'
Truth." *(31)


A Criminal Mind is a destroyed soul - and that to such an extent,
that he or she does not want to actually be helped:

He or she only wants your Life Energy, to work with and to
use it as if it is his or her own,

thus impersonating you (for which he needs and takes
YOUR Energy, to be like you) to others, thus claiming
your qualities (your Energies) to be his or her own,

thus denying to others - and even to yourself - to
feel who you are yourself and to feel what you did
achieve yourself.

Much like someone would steal your car, and
then - "out of the 'goodness of his heart' and
because of his 'love and responsibility' for

he is willing to give you a ride, to help you
"because 'someone else' has stolen your car."

And "it makes him feel so good to help
others and do something for the

Yet exactly THAT might be a TYPICAL relation
that you might be engaged in, of "friendship"
with an unsuspected Criminal Mind,

or it might be a devotional relationship
that someone is maintaining towards a guru
or swami (who is a Criminal Mind),

who works with your stolen Energy
that - because it is your own
Energy - easily hypnotizes you.

And he hides from you that it is not his
self-created Energy at all, that he
'dangles in front of your nose or other
organs,' but that it is stolen Life Energy
from you or others,

that gives him "his" charisma, and his power
over your soul.

You walk like a goat behind a carrot, not
knowing that the reason

why the carrot is so fascinating
and feels so extremely valuable to
you, and is o beautiful, and why it
makes you so happy to be near it
and why you always want to be near

is, because it is a piece of Energy that
has been smashed away from your very own

You can figure out the rest by yourself,

should you have the desire to be,
to yourself, and to others,

who you actually are,

rather than how some Criminal
Mind tells you "you are" or
"you were in your past life,"

rather than what a Criminal
Mind tells you "your goal"
for your life is, or even
what "the goal of your Life
on Earth" is.


You can then see further, that all cults,

whether religious or divine or
spiritual - or rather presenting
themselves as political or cultural
or scientific or charitable cults,

are 'bubbles,' and sometimes fiercely
defended 'bubbles.' *(b)

You can - and definitely should, I
would think - resolve these,

by detecting and by determining and
by exposing the hidden (and the
secretly or openly executed)
INTENTIONS of those holding the

I described that remedy
already in 'Nature Of The
Cosmos' *(25), and

in many other Human Rights
Issues since, in which I gave
you some precise tools for
detecting and understanding
the intentions of Criminal
Minds, *(21)

tools which actually make
very pleasant and uplifting
reading, as in 'A Short
Course in Human Rights
Philosophy.' *(20)

So we continue:


They WANT to be Criminal, they WANT to gain 'power' over

And they do not care at all if you or others die or suffer from,
or because of, what they do to you or take from you or from

But they may sit at your hospital bed, of course - to
pretend as most perfect actors - and "prove to you, that
THEY really are your true and faithful friend in times of

and when you have swallowed the "proof" and seen the "real"
tears, they find it then more easy to pull the remainder of
your Life Energy also out of you,

the Energy that you and your body are now too weak to
hold on to - and

you never even would suspect them. *(7)(21)

Again, don't take my word for it, but go and look by
yourself, and save your own life,

for making not only yourself happy, but most of all
for making others happy, *(32)(14)

as much as Nat King Cole did value life for
making others happy

(but who could not imagine and did not
recognize the Criminal Mind, the Mafia
type Criminal Mind and "closest friend"
who sat at his hospital bed).


Now you know already enough

- not only to look for and to recognize Criminally Minded
individuals - *(6) but also

to be able to defend yourself and others.

The knowledge of this is of more importance to you,

- and whether you use it yourself or whether others use it for
your well-being without that you even know it, it is still of
more importance to you -

than everything else that has been said or written by anyone
(including by me) in the last twenty thousand years or so.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(a) Anyone who continues to deny the existence of Life Energy
Particles, is a Criminal Mind. And this is basically WHY they
deny the existence of Life Energy:

It is much like they are denying the existence of air,

so, that they can at any time and without being
detected, "without evidence," Poison you, or Poison
anyone else whose 'breathing-air' they can affect.

By means of the Poisoned, Altered Life Energy Particles
that Criminal Minds project, that contain (and thus
produce) various feelings, emotions, sensations,

they make their lies felt to such an extent that these are
then acted upon, because and to the extent that these
Poisoned Life Energies produce in you or another

the sensation of Pain, the emotion of Fear, the
emotion of Grief, the emotion of Hopelessness,

the feeling of Ugliness, the feeling of Hate, the
feeling of Euphoria - and of course

the Blackness or Oblivion called Unconsciousness

which is caused by the non-conductive, the
Poisoned Life Energy that is Altered to bring
about Disconnection, an active interruption of
normal perception or awareness or memory,

a type of 'broken' Energy *(2) that is
indeed 'Blacking things out'

by means of the Black Clouds of Poisoned, Altered
Life Energy that Criminal Minds create, and

with which they disconnect or block or nullify your

that normally keeps you connected with The Creation
(the reference point of framework of truth), or

in other words, that normally keeps you feeling Life,
which IS The Creation.

As I explain to you in 'Basic Physics - Photons and
Perception' {FPP 20050130} [to be issued] and elsewhere,
photons are only a very small aspect of perception.

But Criminal Minds have tried to and are trying to
make you believe, that "you only perceive photons,"
and so on. They are VASTLY insane, but regarded still
by many as "the most intelligent"

- sure, they are highly intelligent in lying
and in deception, and in blinding and
blocking and denying your perceptions of
people, of individuals, of the souls of
Criminal Minds, that are hidden from your
sensing them, as they are hiding behind their
established masks. *(10)(33)

You see, photons don't reveal souls. You don't sense
or feel others by means of photons.

So, "Only photons exist" according to Criminal Minds
- and you have been made that utterly insane, that
you have believed their lies, so insane that you even
have taught their lies to others and maybe you wrote
these in books as well, or you have presented these
lies in 'educational programs' or in school.

Shame on you indeed... *(25)

(b) And then you see these cults - the people, the followers, the
devotees in their opposing 'bubbles' - fighting each other,

neither of them connecting to enough truth to get out of their
respective 'bubble,'

because they are in that 'bubble' by NOT FACING CRIMINAL MINDS,

and they are in a 'cult bubble' because they desire or have been


or they are in a cult in order to hide that they themselves are a
Criminal Mind,

and they feel, that they are protected and supported and believed
only, when they are actively hiding Criminal Minds, and when they
are deceiving people about Criminal Minds. *(34)(4)

As I said, Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, and they
want others to have everything in reverse:

The 'Ultimate Bubble,' or 'Hell'

- to create the total experience of "Having Destroyed The
Creation," or

- creating the Delusion of "Having Destroyed God," or

- creating the Delusion of "Having Created a Universe 'Where God
Does Not Exist'," if you would define God correctly. *(14)

But all it is, is just a 'bubble' - an extremely horrible
and ugly or totally drugged 'bubble' maybe - that they
created, but nevertheless a 'bubble' inside The Creation.

And you can - and should of course - get people out who are
caught in a 'bubble,'

as much as you would like to be helped to get out of
a 'bubble' yourself if you are caught in one.

But you will find, that some people very much desire to
stay inside a 'bubble' - they find it much too horrible to
face the Criminal Mind(s) who created and maintain it and
who keep(s) them inside it,

and they rather experience what is inside, including
the euphoria and lies about it that are provided as
part of a 'bubble.'

And these 'insiders' actively help to maintain the
'bubble,' and when helped or accidentally coming out
of one, they easily slip back into it, or into
some other 'bubble,' rather than having to face
the 'wrath' of Criminal Minds, rather than having to
stand up to (to oppose) the lies and euphoria and
terror feelings that Criminal Minds project. *(16)

And you will find, that those who actually create such
'bubbles' - the Criminal Minds - are wholly beyond repair
or reform, no matter how much Love and Care for them and
Understanding of them you have, and also lavish upon them.

They only use what you give them, to thereby create more
and more clever and deceptive, more and more forceful

that catch more and more people;

and they use any support they acquire, to therewith 'prove'
to themselves, or to give themselves the feeling and

that "They are bigger than God," or that "They are
more powerful than God," or that "They are (equal to
what is) God."

Some call their 'bubbles' even "Love," others call
the 'bubble' that they created, "The Science of God,"
or they call it "The Science to be like God,"

that is, they do so in fancy words that mean
the above.

And some like to see and feel themselves as "Being
Divine" or as "Being Enlightened," an 'Avatar,' but
they are Criminal Minds, nevertheless. *(29)(35)

These individuals are true Psychopaths, *(7) and you see
now, described above, that what is their INTENTION,

and their motivation for becoming dictators and
philosophers and physicists and scientists and artists
and musicians and writers and so on:

"To be bigger than God," or "To be God," in some
respect, or many respects,

or in all respects; "to find the formula for
the creation of the universe," as one of the
bigger and more "successful" Psychopaths
(Albert Einstein) expressed it on or near his
death bed.

And they also teach people that "People are Gods" and
they teach even - which then logically follows, of
course - that one of the worst Criminal Minds, "is
(a) God."

(c) Your soul is usually, between birth and death, inside your head,
so that medical doctors can poke around in your brain, and tell
you that the brain (something they can see and touch and cut in)
is "doing the thinking and perception, etc.."

That is a very moronic and for a licensed medical doctor a highly
Criminal view of people, *(28)

which you can expect from medical doctors who refuse even
to look at and define insane correctly, or to define it at
all, *(7)

in order to protect their peers who may write in 'The Lancet' or
even in 'The Scientific American,' and who may be 'Professors of
Medicine' *(7)

but who are utterly, and very destructively insane

- only "NOT insane" according to their highly
malicious, and thus hidden, and unspoken but
practiced "definition" of 'insane'

as Criminal Minds use the definition and promote
it *(10)

- which I uncovered for your convenience and for your
well-being, and to protect myself too from such
vicious Criminals. *(7)(28)(36)

(d) Often they fabricated various concepts or even whole stories with
the purpose to deny or "replace" the existence of The Creation,
stories as the 'Urantian' or various other geo-centric or rather
some 'Moon-centric' denials of the existence of The Creation,

and sometimes - less religiously oriented - they replaced it with
a Big Bang, to dwarf the actual, the Big and Atomic Bangs that
they initiated and suggested the building of on Earth itself...

See further:

'What IS Hell - Definition of Hell' {HRI 20050103}
(3 January 2005) (to be issued)


(1) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The Question'
(10 June 2003)

(2) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
{HRI 20030227-V2.2} (27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)

(3) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' (25 Nov 2002)

(4) 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' {HRI 20021018-V2.0}
(18 October 2002 - V2.0 on 10 October 2003)

(5) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies - As They Are Created
And Projected By Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030611} (11 June 2003)

(6) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

(7) See section 'Books,' below.

(8) 'The Purpose Of Life (Quote from KNT hrp&p {HRI 20040927-V2.7})'
(7 October 2004)

(9) 'Quote from 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life''
(quoted on 14 February 2005)

(10) ''Insane' "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them'' (22 April 2004) {HRI 20040422}

(11) 'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie'
(14 Oct 2002, posted 25 Oct 2002)

(12) 'Current Understanding of Mental Illness - Consequences'
(9 Dec 2002)

(13) 'Drug Use Confuses Perception With Reality' (11 April 2004)

(14) 'Understanding The Origin Of Evil' {HRI 20031025-V1.1}
(25 October 2003 - V1.1 on 3 Nov 2003)

(15) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' (16 July 2003)

(16) 'On People Wanting Delusions
- And Those Who Provide Delusions For Them'
(21 Sept 2002 - Version 2.0)

(17) 'The Afterlife Of American Indian Chief Joseph'
(29 October 2004 - Version 2.0 on 31 Oct 2004)

(18) 'Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them'
{HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p1}
(Preview 1 of Version 3.0 PART ONE, on 26 Oct 2004)

(19) 'Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them'
{HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p2}
(Preview 1 of Version 3.0 PART TWO, on 30 Oct 2004)

(20) 'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil - A Short
Course In Human Rights Philosophy' {HRI 20041225-V1.02}
(25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)

(21) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(22) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(23) 'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.1}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.1 on 26 Nov 2004)

(24) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030509-V3.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 3.1 on 2 Dec 2004)

(25) 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001 - Issued 4 Oct 2002)

(26) 'The First International Law (Version 2.0) - {HRI 20021124-V2.0}'
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)

(27) 'The Bush Effect' (5 March 2003)

(28) 'What IS Depression or Lethargy' {HRI 20041107-V2.2}
(7 November 2004 - Version 2.2 on 14 Dec 2004)

(29) 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' {HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004) (Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)

(30) 'Criminal Mind Tom Cruise is "friends" publicly now with
'Scientology'-owner David Miscavige'
(20 September 2004 - Version 1.9 on 16 Feb 2005)

(31) 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)

(32) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20031110-V2.2}
(10 November 2003 - Version 2.2 on 27 Jan 2005)

(33) 'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science''
{HRI 20041214-V1.3} (14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)

(34) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

(35) 'Criminal Minds Know Themselves Very Well They Are Lying'
{HRI 20040520-V1.3} (20 May 2004) (Version 1.3 at 21 May 2004)

(36) 'Normal Life Disaster From Not Understanding A Criminal Mind
(A True Story)' {HRI 20040927-V2.7}
(27 Sept 2004 - Version 2.7 on 17 Oct 2004)

(37) 'Definition Of Sanity' {HRI 20040410-V1.2}
(10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 at 16 Apr 2004)

(38) 'Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei had
an excellent command of reading and writing' {HRI 20040811}
(11 August 2004)

(39) 'The "Perfection" Mind Control' (14 May 2005 - Short Draft Note)


(Robert D. Hare)

'Without Conscience - the disturbing world of
the psychopaths among us,' in particular its Chapter 7.,
about 'white-collar Psychopaths.'
By Robert D. Hare, University of British Columbia, 1993.
(New York: Pocket Books, 1995)
(New York: Guilford Press, 1999 - ISBN 1-5730-451-0)

From the back cover of the book:

'Robert Hare makes a strong case for the view that
psychopaths are born, not made. A chilling, eye-opening
report - and a call to action.'

'Of exceptional value to anyone wishing to look behind and
guard against these baffling predators [or parasite- or
virus-personalities] who live amongst us in fearful [in
large] numbers [sixty million of them on Earth].'

(Hervey Cleckley)

'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
psychopathic personality'
By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA.
(St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982)
(New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1)

From the back cover of the book:

'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial,
superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous,
remorseless, charming, irresponsible:'

'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the
psychopathic personality. [...]'

'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as
directors of companies or institutions,] or function
as scientists or physicians [medical doctors,] or in
any number of respectable capacities [holding
respected jobs or positions].'

'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense,
they are not insane, because they can talk and
think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their

'None of them "hears voices" or displays any
psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily
recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not
and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].'

'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed
for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long
string of [causing] disasters [for others], that
could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]:

From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.'

'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of
this disorder [and they can not and do not want to
define 'disorder' either, and they have been working
and will continue to work very hard to hide the
cause of any 'disorder,'] which evades [their]
established definitions of either sanity or insanity;

[So, I have defined all these terms, for you,
in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none
indeed existed. So it is for the first time in
history, that correct definitions exist and
have been published.]'

'indeed, psychiatrists themselves

[and any persons who try to help and to
understand Criminal Minds - any people who
try to help them]

are at times as helplessly manipulated by the
psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.'

Issue Note:
Original version posted on 24 Nov 2003 with the title
'Understanding Eternal Criminally Minded Individuals.'

In subsequent versions before Version 3.0, the title was
'When God has left you.'

Copyright 2003-2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and
to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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