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Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth - {HRI 20100812-V1.2.2}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 4, 2010, 1:13:04 AM12/4/10
Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth

12 August 2010
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.2}

(Version 1.2.2
on 4 Dec 2010)

(view Summary
by skipping

(suitable for foreign
language students)


'Everyone has the right, audibly or visually
to communicate constructively - and in an
educated, or informed, or observing way - to
others and to the society, about any matter
and about any person; and doing so, will by
its very nature offend some individuals and
some, possibly even large, groups.'

( quoted from {HRD-02 20100102-V1.5} )



The Right quoted above, will become enforced by civilized people, ALSO
on Muslims and within Muslim communities,

which will in turn lead them - by themselves also - to



Civilized people have 'Zero Tolerance'* for Evil* Impulses, and THEY
- civilized people - do enforce Peace

by the Definition of Peace. *


The only ones, who do ENFORCE Islam, are Criminal Minds,

and they do so out of a lust for dominating and for being

out of the malicious 'Joy of being Evil to others,'

out of the malicious 'Joy of allowing or demanding
others to be Evil,'

even by demanding to be a victim of it,

enforcing it with the Blasphemy, that

"God wants it" or "Allah is great."


And they ENFORCE Islam, because any Muslim community or
tribe HIDES its Criminal Minds, *

by the process of denying and destroying basic
Human Rights

to decent, caring and responsible (to actually
the most valuable) members of their community,

OF COURSE, because caring people do OPPOSE
Criminal Minds. *



'Never DO, what a Criminal Mind intends'

IS the First Law Of Human Rights. (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.5}

'Never THINK, what a Criminal Mind intends you to think'

is the Second Law Of Human Rights. (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}


I quote:

"Why Mohammed was not a prophet:" *

"One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to
live a saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must
not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a
highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an
assassin. One who claims to be a messenger of God must
have a superior character. He must stand above the vices
of the people of his time." *


Mohammed, "the last prophet," is


(he is) one of the most deceptive and most severe Criminal Minds on
Earth - and

he founded "Islam," by means of lies, deception, theft, rape,
torture, and genocide - and by continuously threatening these.

I quote:

"Far from being a religion of truth, Islam is a hoax, it is the
hallucination of a sick mind, and nothing but lies and deceit."

Its prophet, Mohammed or Mahommad, is a very severely Criminal


'Never DO, what a Criminal Mind intends'

is the First Law Of Human Rights. (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.5}

'Never THINK, what a Criminal Mind intends you to think'

is the Second Law Of Human Rights. (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}



ALL of the Koran (Qur'an), in each of its lines, is BLASPHEMY ONLY:

Blasphemy is defined as 'using the concept of God*
towards its opposite - in order to dominate others
and to make them believe destructive lies and (to
make them) ruin their own or each other's lives
partly or wholly.

Islam is RIDICULING, it is OFFENDING, and it is

OPPOSING Allah or God. {HRI 20100718-V1.4} {HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}



The Definition of God or Allah: {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}



The Source Energy of The Creation, which is DEFINED as God,

as you know very well because you have experienced it

- even if, for some, in an unremembered, maybe
distant past,

you still know, that when you feel, experience or
contact the Source Energy of The Creation - it

is filling with immense, genuine Love, and

is giving intense, true Beauty, and

is showing Truth by persistently and uncompromisingly providing
(the connecting and then also unhindered) Awareness of it:

Awareness of truth, which is awareness

of 'that, what really happened and who caused it
out of which actual intentions,'
[Truth] {definition}

of Truth that is kept visible (felt, observable)

- freely and uncompromisingly and persistently
visible -

by and because of the Source Energy of The Creation;


and thus, indeed, the Source Energy of The Creation, that
IS God,

is entirely free of Hate, entirely without Revenge, and contains
no Jealousy or Envy,

has no desire nor use for creating Ugliness, and

is entirely without inflicting Harm;


and you know very well, that

it stops Harm from being inflicted, and repairs Harm done,

has indeed no demand or thought whatsoever of inflicting

also not as Punishment, and not to "demand of others
to inflict harm onto themselves or onto each other,
or to thus repent,"

never Harming, also not "to improve or purify a
person's soul," or "to make a soul develop further;"
but it

the Source Energy of The Creation, which is called God if
defined correctly,

is entirely free of Suffering,

is free of Unconsciousness,

is free of Pain, and

is free of any other Vandalism in any sense (such as diseases,
for instance);


and (thus, and indeed, the Source Energy of The Creation,
God defined correctly) has

no morals other than being itself:

inviting genuine (a person's own) Love, indeed without
any need or desire for Hate, or necessity for Blindness,

without any need or desire for Blindness to be
inflicted nor for it to be allowed or agreed upon;
but with

no other morals than being itself:

recognizing and appreciating true (own) Beauty, which does
indeed invite and results in tremendous Aliveness,

without any desire or need or necessity to hide
Beauty; and with

no other morals than being itself:

showing (making available for anyone to feel and sense)

anything that happened and what of it was done by
whom with what intentions

(and not just showing a small part of it, but)

thus showing Truth about anyone and about anything,

which you know as Justice defined correctly,
{HRI 20070817-V2.1.1}

very obviously a basic ingredient of all Life.

And indeed, the moment anything happens or is done or
intended by anyone, it then becomes forever part of
The Creation,

the occurrence or even just the intention for it,
is so recorded, indeed, and is

recorded without that it ever can be erased, which

all in the quality of the Source Energy of The Creation.


Then 're-ligion,'

stemming from the Latin words for "back-connection,"

is meant to be connecting back - connecting again to the Source
Energies of The Creation, to the original and basic qualities -

to God if defined correctly.


You get it now?


That's the definition of God - defined to get it back to your
awareness, digging it again up from the bottom of your soul,

where it has been lying dormant for so many thousands of years,
and now woken again by me, for you to stay awake this time.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet


'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


* see below under 'References,' and further down under 'External'
for 'Some quotes from the Koran'


'Proof: The Holy Quran (Koran) in all its lines, is Blasphemy
only - Islam KNOWS NOTHING about life, and ALL its claims are
FALSE - (incl. Definition of Blasphemy)'
{HRI 20100718-V1.4}
(18 July 2010 - Version 1.4 on 11 Aug 2010)

' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
{HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}
(21 January 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 27 Jan 2010)

'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

'First International Law on Islamic countries -
Fatwa (Islamic Decision) on some known Islamic demons:
Saddam Hussein, Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, Khamenei,
Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad, Muqtada al-Sadr,
Manouchehr Mottaki, Nasrallah, Haniyeh, Meshaal, Kadafi
(Qadaffi), Omar al-Bashir, Mahathir Mohamad, Erdogan' (Fatwa)
{HRI 20070223-V3.2.3}
(23 February 2007 - Version 3.2.3 on 2 Jun 2010)

'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
{HRI 20080402-V3.3.1}
(2 April 2008 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Nov 2009)

'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.5}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

'True Love ...Loves - Sex In Any Religion and Definition of Sex'
{HRI 20060521-V2.0.2}
(21 May 2006 - Version V2.0.2 on 26 March 2007)
'True Love Loves - 'Sacks' In Any Religion, and Definition
of 'Sacks' '
{HRI 20060521-V2.1-UAA}
(21 May 2006 - Version 2.1-UAA on 26 March 2007)

'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes - Intending others to be decent
to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
{HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.5 on 8 Dec 2008)

'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.3}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.3 on 8 Dec 2009)

'Definition Of Religion - (for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-2-V1.0}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 2)

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8.1.1-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version on 20 May 2010)

'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

'Definition of Justice' (DOJ)
{HRI 20070817-V2.1.1}
(17 August 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 9 July 2008)


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at



"Why Mohammed was not a prophet:"

"One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a
saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must not be a
sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a
war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin. One who claims to
be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must
stand above the vices of the people of his time. Yet Muhammad's
life is that of a gangster godfather. He raided merchant
caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male
populations and enslaved the women and children. He raped the
women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his
followers that it is okay to have sex with their captives and
their "right hand possessions" (Quran 33:50) He assassinated
those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power
and became de facto despot of Arabia. Muhammad was bereft of
human compassion. He was an obsessed man with his dreams of
grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way.
Muhammad was a narcissist like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin. He was
astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional
intelligence was less evolved than that of a 6-year-old child. He
simply could not feel the pain of others. He brutally massacred
thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. His
ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is
entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sorts of crimes and
his evil deeds are justified."

"Why Quran is not from God:"

"Muhammad produced no miracles and when pressed he claimed that
his miracle is the Quran. Yet a cursory look at the Quran reveals
that this book is full of errors. Quran is replete with
scientific heresies, historic blunders, mathematical mistakes,
logical absurdities, grammatical errors and ethical fallacies. It
is badly compiled and it contradicts itself. There is nothing
intelligent in this book let alone miraculous. Muhammad
challenged people to produce a "Surah like it" or find an error
therein, yet Muslims would kill anyone who dares to criticize it.
In such a climate of hypocrisy and violence truth is the first
Source: Apostates of Islam - We left Islam.html



"There is a good side of the Muslim, but there is no good side
of Islam. If you believe in Islam, you have to believe in the
writing of the Quran. There is a moderation in the Muslim people,
but there is no moderation in the Islamic ideology. It's

""It's not just the mosque," she said. "It's a political way of
life that they're trying to force on us. It's not religion; it's
a political movement."'"

Source: Dueling Protests over Temecula, California mosque |
Former Muslims United.html



"A Florida church, Dove World Outreach Centre, is planning a
"burn the Qur'an" day on September 11 and has already outraged
Muslims by planting a sign on its front lawn that reads: Islam is
the Devil.

The church's senior pastor, Terry Jones, has said he is "exposing
Islam for what it is".

"It is a violent and oppressive religion that is trying to
masquerade itself as a religion of peace, seeking to deceive our
society," the church said. "Islam is a lie based upon lies and
deceptions and fear. In Muslim countries, if you preach the
gospel or convert to Christianity - you will be killed. That is
the type of religion it is." "

Source: Ground Zero mosque plans 'fuelling anti-Muslim protests
across US' | World news | The Guardian.html


'Some quotes from the Koran'

Prophet Mohammed (Mahommad) (may he now FINALLY be put 'to rest
in peace') in his Holy Koran (Qur'an) says:


"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them." Koran 2:191

"Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood."
Koran 9:123

"When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch
them." Koran 9:5

"Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Koran 3:85

"The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them."
Koran 9:30

"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Koran 5:33

"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods,
boiling water; melt their skin and bellies." Koran 22:19

"Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you
catch them." Koran 47:4

"The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them."
Koran 8:65

"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Koran 3:28

"Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than
the Qur'an." Koran 8:12 "



Dec 4, 2010, 2:49:55 AM12/4/10
Really? Considering the billions of petropounds and petrodollars
states have to pump into supporting islamonazism, the many politicians,
of the judiciary and law enforcement on the take to them, that lieberals and
support islamonazism and the fact big business seems to have an affinity for
fascism of all types,
I'd have to say there's not much hope of your theory coming to fruition in
your lifetime or
mine, if ever.

Leonardo Been

Dec 4, 2010, 6:39:57 AM12/4/10
(About sociopaths "responding," with their typical, intense
and revulsive, spiritually blinding Ugliness, their REVERSE
conscience, and their morbid, malevolent reversal of every-
thing true, to describe nothing BUT themselves)



Criminal Minds, sociopaths, Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION
to talk to me (rev 2.0.3)

7 December 2007
{Note 20071207-V2.0.3}

(Version 2.0.3
on 26 Nov 2009)


Criminal Minds, sociopaths, Demonic creatures, etc. have NO permission
to talk to or speak with me,

unless specifically asked by me, and then only on the question
asked of them by me or by someone for me.

This has always been so, wherever and whenever I could recognize them.

This is how it is in the street, and it is not at all different
in the Usenet newsgroups.



You can think of these Demonic creatures as street bums,

as to how their soul is, and

as to how the Energies they emanate, are.

Some even claim, that (their and) any soul, and
(those and) any Energies, (also those THEY emanate)

so that they are not recognized as the source
of Evil Energies,

nor recognized as Evil souls (that are obvious
from their past-lives).


Their only purpose is to destroy life,

and the only reason for their shouting to get a connect-
ion, is, to try and get (to steal) Energy from others,

as they are Energy-vampires too,

and it is not hard to imagine, what THEY would use that
Energy for.



Do these Hate Beauty, Love and Truth?

Certainly, they so do hate very intensely, very forcefully, with
tremendous rancor. (rancor: 'The deepest malignity or spite;
deep-seated enmity or malice; deep-rooted hatred.')


They abhor and are disgusted by genuine Beauty, Love and Truth,

which they may try to approach and "admire" IN ORDER TO
DESTROY IT and to obtain and pervert and subvert the
Energy of.



Me being fully and wholly their opposite, my communications are so
Strong in Beauty, so All-embracing in Love, and so Rich in Truth,

that these my communications (my Energies) do literally 'burn the
soul' of any Demonic creature, sociopath or mental street bum and
the like:

To such individuals, any communication of mine acts as
'Holy Water,' it burns their soul

- and they react accordingly... some sort of 'explode,'

others, feeling forced to have to feel and to face the
actuality of how people really are,

including feeling the existence and thus the
Energies of demons like l. ron hubbard, and of
his evil soul mates,

will go onto a 'killing spree,' a 'knife-stabbing' "fest"
for them,

AND TO 'DICTATORIALIZE' their lies and false
feelings onto others,

to eradicate and exterminate decent people, and

to kill those who emanate the Energy of pure, penetrating
Truth, of pure, penetrating Beauty, and of pure, and
equally penetrating Love.


Therefore - being KIND to them - they are ordered to filter out
of their perception, any communications

not meant for them, not written for them and not posted
or published for them,

that are written by me.



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far the
most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known, and on
top of that the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known on
Earth and beyond.

KNT hrp&p


'l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' pretending to be "good" '
(21 April 2008)

Copyright 2008, 2009 by KNT hrp&p
Copyright Conditions as usual ('learnware')



Independent, Objective Definition of Evil

10 August 2009
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}

(Version 1.1.2
on 11 Aug 2009)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Objective, independent definition of Evil:

Taking away, hindering, preventing or destroying the possibility
or ability of people actively to enjoy Life.

The (hidden) Joy of taking away, hindering, preventing or
destroying the possibility or ability of people actively to
enjoy Life.



Actual or true Definitions, are based on life itself, and that action
of defining, does include the ability and desire, to observe and
experience and to connect to life.

So we observe, that Good and Evil are values that are native to
(the soul of) people:

People strongly wish others to enjoy life, and desire to
enjoy life, especially with each other.

From the feelings connected to this,

people experience what we call a conscience,

and from that, natural law ensues, which intends (law-
makers intend) to protect those natural wishes of people
towards each other and towards themselves:

to be able actively to enjoy life with each other.


We observe further, that it is exactly THE OPPOSITE in a small, but
very forcefully hidden, often loud and demanding, and sometimes
charismatic part of the population - on Earth certainly -

who are Criminal Minds:

Statistically, in every hundred people, one is most
intensely, totally and irreparably bent on ENJOYING
to take away, to destroy or hinder people's ability to
enjoy life. (see HRI 'The Nature of War')

That IS the nature of their immortal soul, whether you
like it or not, and it dictates - to themselves and to
others of the same nature - to seek and follow that JOY,

(and they keep each other reminded of their JOYS,
should you manage to show one of them, that there
are other joys than those that have been burnt
indelibly into their soul):

These ENJOY, in one way or other, to take away, hinder, prevent or
destroy the possibility or ability, actively and fully to enjoy Life.


It is the existence and presence of THAT part of the population, that
necessitates a Definition of Evil in the first place,

much like there was NO necessity to define 'disease,' in a
society where naturally disease never existed.

(And, by the way, all disease stems directly or indirectly
from, and has been created by, or is being inflicted by,
Criminal Minds.)


These ENJOY hindering, preventing or destroying the possibility or
ability - in particular of others - actively to enjoy Life.

In order to bring that about, in order to get support and
cooperation, and to develop their being trusted by you or
by others, they will have to claim the opposite, of course,

as in various belief systems, and including their "sciences,"

where the current, crippling medical "sciences" and the
not less crippling "science" of theoretical physics, are

at present more effective than religion or politics
or art are,

to bring that about: *(2)

Whatever is the most effective and most convincing tool or method,
to force, or by their teachings to "guide," people into hindering,
preventing or destroying the possibility or ability to enjoy Life;

people "must restrict themselves, and let their own life be

and in particular they "must allow, or help to bring about, more
and more 'restriction and domination' in the life of others,




So only due to the presence - and in particular due to the very
forcefully and very intelligently HIDDEN presence - of Criminal

which I am constantly exposing for you, and teach you about in
the Human Rights Issues (HRI's),

does it become necessary, and indeed vital, to Define objectively,
what is Evil.


This definition then also results in all kind of practical
things (which are now the titles of Human Rights Issues)
such as *(1)

The Rights of Criminal Minds,

The First International Law,

The First Law of Human Rights

The Second Law of Human Rights

The Definition of Sanity,

The Definition of Insane,

The Definition of Peace,

Defining God Correctly,

Penetrating Buddhism and Hinduism

Religious Freedom

Introduction to Journalism Course,


Introduction to Fine Particle Physics,

to name some basic issues that stem from the very strong, basic,
innate, natural desire, to defend and increase values that are
native to (the soul of) people

enjoy life themselves, especially with each other.

From the feelings connected to this, people experience
what we call a CONSCIENCE, and from that, then,

NATURAL LAW ensues, which intends to protect those
natural wishes of people towards each other and
towards themselves.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(1) These are Titles of Human Rights Issues, or of HRI subjects.

(2) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

(further footnotes to be added, as indicated)


'Info on 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries'' (on {FPP 20070331-V2.2} {HRI 20070331-V2.2})
(8 April 2007)

'Iran has become a Nazi State' - (includes
'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know
They Intentionally Lie' {HRI 20050527-V3.5.2})
(1 April 2007)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(further references to be added, as applicable)

Issue note:

An 'Independent, objective Definition of Evil,' was requested
by Tom Davidson of Richmond, VA, "tadchem" <


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher

and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at


On Dec 4, 7:13 am, Koos Nolst Trenite
<> wrote:

> (18 July 2010 - Version 1.4 on 11 Aug 2010)

> ' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
> {HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}

> (21 January 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 27 Jan 2010)

> 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
> Monotheism' (DGC)
> {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}

> (6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

> 'First International Law on Islamic countries -
> Fatwa (Islamic Decision) on some known Islamic demons:
> Saddam Hussein, Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, Khamenei,
> Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad, Muqtada al-Sadr,
> Manouchehr Mottaki, Nasrallah, Haniyeh, Meshaal, Kadafi
> (Qadaffi), Omar al-Bashir, Mahathir Mohamad, Erdogan' (Fatwa)
> {HRI 20070223-V3.2.3}

> (23 February 2007 - Version 3.2.3 on 2 Jun 2010)

> 'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
> 'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
> in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
> {HRI 20080402-V3.3.1}

> (2 April 2008 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Nov 2009)

> 'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
> {HRI 20060601-V3.5}

> (1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

> 'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
> {HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}

> (24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

> 'True Love ...Loves - Sex In Any Religion and Definition of Sex'
> {HRI 20060521-V2.0.2}

> (21 May 2006 - Version V2.0.2 on 26 March 2007)

> 'True Love Loves - 'Sacks' In Any Religion, and Definition
> of 'Sacks' '
> {HRI 20060521-V2.1-UAA}

> (21 May 2006 - Version 2.1-UAA on 26 March 2007)

> 'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes - Intending others to be decent
> to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
> {HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)

> (5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.5 on 8 Dec 2008)

> 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
> {HRI 20030407-3-V1.3}

> (7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.3 on 8 Dec 2009)

> 'Definition Of Religion - (for Human Rights enforcement)'
> {HRI 20030407-2-V1.0}

> (7 April 2003 - Issue 2)

> 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
> (First workable Definition of Peace)
> {HRI 20070520-V3.8.1.1-t}

> (20 May 2007 - Version on 20 May 2010)

> 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
> {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}

> (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

> 'Definition of Justice' (DOJ)
> {HRI 20070817-V2.1.1}

> (17 August 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 9 July 2008)


Dec 4, 2010, 11:27:45 AM12/4/10

Judeo Christians think it is the "end times" even though it has been
the "end times" for over two thousand years so far. They think the one
and only hope is for Jesus to return and straighten everything out.
And a big part of the plan is the destroy the world. They think wars
and everything being blown up is a great thing because it means Jesus
will return soon.

Marxists were murderous lowlifes but they said religion is the opium
of the masses. There obviously is some truth to that. Enemies often
have some truth in their arguments. On top of the opium there is the
Jewish propaganda started by Scofield.

Christians are great for telling what some of the problems are, such
as homosexual perversion, feminism etc. But to actually solve these
problems one should look elsewhere. Who do Christians hate the most,
first Hitler and then the Muslims. These are the two who actually
solved the problems that Christians are famous for speaking against.
Maybe the Muslims go a little overboard but they are the opposite of
liberalism. There is no way that "Brokeback Mountain" would be shown
in a Muslim country.

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