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Prayers to Jehovah God

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Oct 23, 2022, 8:35:09 AM10/23/22
Dear God

Please, In the name of Adamide-Noahide faith and in the name of the Adamide-Noahide community,

Restore: The Christian Church to the land of Israel, as the religion of Christianity emerged from Israel and it is there responsibility to deal with.

Restore: The circumcised Muslim world to Saudi Arabia, as the religion of Islam emerged from Saudi Arabia, and is based on Abraham's covenant, which land is included in Saudi Arabia, and teach them thoroughly the book of Genes.

Bless the rest of the World - the Kingdom of Noah - with faithful keepers of the Rainbow Torah.

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Callodyn Quickwinter

Dear God. By the book of Genes I mean the book of Genesis

- show quoted text -

Callodyn Quickwinter

Dear God

I pray and humbly ask of thee: Bless 'Rothera', which is the Capital of the British Antarctic Territory, with a Township growing into a City, over the next number of years. Bless it with a strong economy, especially one based on Antarctic tours and Hospitaity, but also one based on Intellectual Property matters and IT related industries. Bless the population and grow it to 10 million very quickly I do ask of thee in the holy name of my father Noah and by your abundant mercy and grace. And, in honour of this request, I offer you this reading of Psalm 1:

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.


Callodyn Quickwinter

Dear God

In the next life, please have produced by Simpson LeMesurier Films, and distributed in DVD format by Umbrella Entertainment, 25 More initial series of 'Snowy', 1 season per year from 1950 (Second Season) to 1974 (26th Season). The Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme was built from 1949 to 1974, totally 26 years. So, yes, it was completed in 1974.

Further, if possible, put 'Cyril Daly' into the cast as snowy worker 'Cyril Daly' and have him as a regular at Logan's pub.

Later on, if the demand warrants it, I don't think I would mind if you wanted to do further series with Cyril and the family and other families in the Snowy Region.

I make this request in Adam and Eve and Noah's Name, as a Karaite Adamide-Noahide, as well as in - to a degree - Jesus of Nazareth's name, for many of the cast 'characters' are Christian.


Callodyn Quickwinter

As you suggested, 'Snowy Families' focusing on about 3 families, maybe 4, could be a follow up for about 10 seasons. The Daly family could be one of them.

Callodyn Quickwinter

Dear God

Please process the sanctification of the IBM Aptiva and the HP Computer which I have owned and is now becoming part of my heavenly possessions, so that they may be utilized by my spirit, my family at 29 Merriman Crescent in Heaven, as well as extended family of grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, as well as the Karaite Adamide-Noahide community and the Adamide-Noahide community in general, for use in the 29 Merriman Crescent 7DF General Library of the Kingdom of Noah. Please allow the creation of LANs with my computers and cable equipment and, with my rights to the internet, please gradually allow (In proper and legal due process) the Noahide community to access my rights (as Karaite Adamide-Noahide Number One) for their gaining use and purchase rights for my Noahide possessions.

I humbly ask this of you in the Name of My Ancestors: Adam & Eve, Enoch & Noah.


Callodyn Quickwinter

Dear God

I pray

In the days, weeks, months and years ahead, please bring peace, lawfulness and righteousness to Earth and Heaven. Please rebuke lawlessness and sin, and weed out the wicked, as you do, from generation to generation, keeping faith with mankind.
And in honour of this request, I offer you the following psalm:

How blessed are those
who reject the advice of the wicked,
don’t stand on the way of sinners
or sit where scoffers sit!
Their delight
is in Adonai’s Torah;
on his Torah they meditate
day and night.
They are like trees planted by streams —
they bear their fruit in season,
their leaves never wither,
everything they do succeeds.

Not so the wicked,
who are like chaff driven by the wind.
For this reason the wicked
won’t stand up to the judgment,
nor will sinners
at the gathering of the righteous.
For Adonai watches over
the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked
is doomed.


Daniel Daly

Lord God

May you please bless in accordance with the blessings of these psalms, inclusive of those mentioned within the psalms, the following groups:

The Indigenous of Australia and Canada and USA and New Zealand and Guyana
The SANFL to go on Prime Time National TV
The WAFL to go on Prime Time National TV
The NSWRL to go on Prime Time National TV
The QRL to go on Prime Time National TV
The Sheffield Shield to go on Prime Time National TV
The VFL to go on Prime Time National TV
The NEAFL to go on Prime Time National TV
Afghanistan Cricket
Australian Cricket
NSW Cricket
ACT Cricket
NT Cricket
Kent Cricket
Essex Cricket
Irish Cricket
Scottish Cricket
USA Cricket
Russian Cricket
North Korean Cricket
English Cricket
Mongolian Cricket
South Korean Cricket
Sri Lankan Cricket
Canadian Cricket
Mexican Cricket
Cuban Cricket
Japanese Cricket
Andorran Cricket
Vatican City Cricket
German Cricket
Italian Cricket
Spanish Cricket
Chinese Cricket
Indonesian Cricket
PNG Cricket
Malaysian Cricket
Fijian Cricket
Tahitian Cricket
NZ Cricket
South African Cricket
Kenyan Cricket
Jerusalem Cricket
Hull Cricket
Ramla Cricket
Nazareth Cricket
Israel Cricket
Jordan Cricket
Saudi Arabian Cricket
Iraqi Cricket
Lebanese Cricket
Egyptian Cricket
Alegerian Cricket
Tunisian Cricket
Sudanese Cricket
French Cricket
Icelandic Cricket
Vietnamese Cricket
Laosian Cricket
Cambodian Cricket
Burman Cricket
Angolan Cricket
Dutch Cricket
Swedish Cricket
Finnish Cricket
Romanian Cricket
Moldovan Cricket
Bosnian Cricket
Croatian Cricket
San Merino Cricket
Mozambiquean Cricket
Welsh Cricket
Manxian Cricket
Belgian Cricket
Andorran Cricket
Portuguese Cricket
Venezualen Cricket
Guyanan Cricket
Bolivian Cricket
Ecuadorian Cricket
Ghanan Cricket
Sierra Leone Cricket
Malawi Cricket
Bhutanese Cricket
Indian Cricket
Pakistani Cricket
Iranian Cricket
West Indies Cricket
Bangladesh Cricket
East Timor Cricket
Polish Cricket
Czech Cricket
Slovakian Cricket
Georgian Cricket
Danish Cricket
Norwegian Cricket
Chad Cricket
Rwanda Cricket
Kenyan Cricket
English Cricket


Psalms of Assembly of the Divine Creator

Psalm 1

Dear God of Noah

Dear God of Lamech

Dear God of Methuselah

Hear my prayer

Bless forever the

Assembly of the Divine Creator

Bless forever this

Adamide-Noahide Fellowship

Teach it your wisdom

Teach it your truth

Teach it your kindness

Teach it your love

God of Noah

God of Lamech

God of Methuselah

Hear my prayer


Psalm 2

God of Adam my father

Hear my prayer I pray

Bring Eternal Salvation

Each and every day

Forever and ever

To the members of

Assembly of the Divine Creator

God of Adam

Hear my prayer I pray

Bring Eternal Wealth

Each and every day

Forever and ever

To the members of

Assembly of the Divine Creator

God of Adam my father

Hear my prayer I pray

Bring Eternal Love

Each and every day

Forever and ever

To the members of

Assembly of the Divine Creator

Thank you Divine Creator

For your manifold blessings

Each and every day



Psalm 3

Almighty Divine Creator of the Universe

God of Absolute Glory

Sovereign of Eternal Majesty

King of Radiant Magnificence

Pinnacle of Sublime Perfection

Judge of Unparallelled Wisdom

Lord of Knowledge Unfathomable

Holy Yahweh Most Supreme

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever





Psalm 4

Lord God

We Pray

Bless the Seven Sovereign Nations

Bless the United Kingdom

Bless the Republic of Ireland

Bless the United States of America

Bless Canada

Bless Guyana

Bless New Zealand

Bless Australia

Forever and Ever


Psalm 5

Lord God

Bless the International World

With Deflation on an ongoing and eternal basis

Bless the Economies

Bring health

Bring prosperity

Bring wealth

Bring Spiritual Blessings

Now and Forever


Psalm 6

Lord God

My Heart needs spiritual nourishment.

I Call on your grace and love, God of Noah.

Fill my Heart with your spirit

And draw me into the comfort

Of your Everlasting Presence

And Glory.


Psalm 7

God is glorious

He is the giver of law

And the laws of the Assembly of the Divine Creator,

Part of the Torah of Noah,

Are his Greatest work



And Amen

Psalm 8

God - The Infinite One

More powerful than a billion burning Suns

Creator of the Glory of Man

Creator of the Glory of Woman

Creator of the Sun's, Stars and Moons

Creator of All Creation

The Intelligent

The Wise

The Majestic


The Glory of this Eternal Universe

The Glory of this Eternal Life

The Glory of this Eternal Love



Psalm 9

In Days of Old

When Dragon's Roamed the Earth

And the sons of men were wicked in their hearts

The Most High

Called upon the Son of Lamech

And chose him for eternal salvation

And because

The Fidelity of the Chosen One

Was true, strong - perfect

Mankind was born anew

Redeemed through its father Noah

To love God for All Eternity

To Witness the Rainbow as the Everlasting Covenant

And to Praise Yahweh


And Ever

And Ever


Psalm 10

Gloryel - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Glory

Geri Halliwell - Look at her - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Glory

Sariel - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Wisdom

Hugh Grant - Look at him - Seraphim Angel of Supreme Wisdom

The Angels of Hope

Loving me and you

Follow their God

With hearts forever true

She will be your angel now

Lift you up beyond all measure

The Angel Gloryel

God's greatest little treasure

Psalm 11

In complete honesty

There are times I bloody hate God

Because all men are bastards

And I should know, being one

And as God is the biggest man of all

You do the math

But old Jehovah

Has some minor good points

On a good day




Psalm 12

And that is why

Because we speak our mind

In all honesty

The Rainbow Bibles

Speak the words of honesty and truth




Psalm 13

Of course

The irony

Is that I also really love God

And respect him

And admire him

And value and cherish him

And think he is the Lord of Creation

The Lord of Virtue

And the Lord of Salvation

And in these truths I can praise

And acknowledge

The Lord my God

My Saviour




Psalm 14

The truth

Is in accordance with the facts

And while many people believe in the resurrection

Of 21 December 2012

It may or may not come to pass

So the truth is that it is widely believed in

But this does not necessitate the truth of such a thing happening

Praise God



The truth

Is in accordance with the facts

And Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Teach an end of days

And this is historicaly true

But this does not necessitate the truth of such a thing happening

Praise God



The truth

Is in accordance with the facts

And the Angel Saruviel

Has been in my dreams

And if there is a truth

Then Whatever will be will be



And Amen

Psalm 15

Lord God of Noah

Here my prayer I humbly ask you

Protect the Seven Divine Fellowships

Protect us Spiritually

Protect us Physically

Protect us Financially

Protect us Forever in these ways

Protect our word

Protect the Noahide Torah

Protect our pastors

Protect our flock

Protect our teaching

Protect our works

Protect our offspring

Protect our loved ones

God of Salvation, security and Protection

Hear our prayer for all eternity

We humbly pray

And bless our lives

With your constant protection



And Amen

Psalm 16

Lord God

Teach us to order our lives right

Teach us to prioritise appropriately

Teach us to prioritise wisely

Help us to choose the best occupations for our lives

Help us to choose our best career path

Bless our working lives

Bless our working efforts

Guide us to raise loving children

Guide us to raise a holy family

Be with us in the mornings

Be with us in the evenings

Be with us, now and evermore

Lord God

Be our God

We pray



And Amen

Psalm 17

Dearest Lord Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh

Bless England

Bless Ireland

Bless Scotland

Bless Wales

Bless Australia

Bless New Zealand

Bless Canada

Bless the United States of America

Bless Guyana

Bless Jamaica

Bless Barbados

Bless Antigua and Barbuda

Bless the Bahamas

Bless India

Bless the Glorious Noahide Nations of the World

Now and Evermore

We Ask of You


And Amen

Psalm 18

Dear God

Please bless abundantly

The food production in the Seven Sovereign Nations

Make it possible

For us to feed luxuriously


Perhaps even Quadrillions

Of Citizens, if possible

(And Quintillions would be interesting, if at all)

And bless them also

With Amazing material wealth

And Happiness

And Spirituality

Now and Evermore


Psalm 19

Dear God

Inebriate Us With Your Love

Fill us to the brim with the intoxicating love of your holy spirit

Embellish pure and unadulterated joy into the very fibre of our beings

Place happiness beyond measure into our heart and soul

And bless us with the fantasmagorical ecstacy of your most intimate presence

Be with us

Sovereign Lord of Intimate Heavenly Divine Pleasure

And let your grace, love, purity, holiness, joy, ecstacy and eternal peace

Dwell in us

Now and Forever more



And Amen

Psalm 20

Almighty God

Bless the 7 Rainbow Bibles

I humbly pray and ask of you

Bless it with your wisdom

Bless it with your truth

Bless it with your love

Bless it with your grace

Let people universally amongst the children of Men

Find therein the kind of teaching

Which motivates them to live happy, succesful and meaningful lives

Let it be for your glory

Let it be for the glory of the Children of Noah

Let it be eternal

Let it be love

I humbly pray and ask of you


Psalm 21

To You Almighty God We bring our Prayer

To You Creator of the Universe We bring our Request

Bless the Economies of this World We Pray

Bless the Wealth Earning Systems

Provide work for those who desire it

Provide opportunities of advancement

Give Housing, Clothing, Food and Entertainment to your human family

Give Love, Kindness, Peace and Joy to the children of Adam and Eve

Have your hand upon us all to be lawful

Have your hand upon us all to be holy

Guide us throughout our earthly sojourn

Guide us throughout our eternal lives

Praise to you Lord God Almighty

Praise to you El Shaddai


Psalm 22

Almighty Father

Bless the creative talents of the Noahide community

Bless the creative talents of the Adamide fellowship

Lead us to write books, compose music and invent new things

Lead us to be actors, singers, poets, politicians, managers, administrators and Prime Ministers

Lead us to be plumbers, carpenters, electricians, accountants, lawyers, executives and Presidents

Bring truth in all our works

Bring faith in all our works

Bring joy in all our works

Bring love in all our works

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever

Psalm 23

Lord God

Teach us the truth

Teach us Godly truth

Teach us holy truth to succeed in life

Teach us the truth in wisdom

Teach us righteous truth

Teach us the truth about love

Teach us spiritual truth

Teach us wholesome truth

Teach us scientific truth

Teach us the truth about kindness

Teach us beautiful truth

Teach us amazing truth to be blessed in life

Teach us societal truth

Teach us mathematical truth

Teach us linguistic truth

Teach us the truth about courtesy

Teach us the truth about nature

Teach us legal truth

Teach us medical truth

Teach us mechanical truth

Teach us the truth about hospitality

Teach us the truth in all acceptable areas of knowledge

Teach us the truth

Lord God


Psalm 24

Lord God

Rebuke me not when I sin

But correct me gently

And lead me against my evil inclinations

Have mercy on me

Forgive me for my weaknesses and shortcomings

And make me a better human


Even when my heart feels as if I have tried your patience too many times

Forgive me

And lead me again in the pathways of salvation

Help me to repent of sin

Help me to repent of wrongdoing

Help me to be loving, kind and merciful

Help me to forgive others even as I have been forgiven


Help me to walk with you forever

To call on the name of Yahweh

And to be found in your Kingdom

At the culmination of my lifes work




Psalm 25

Lord God

Teach me to love others

Teach me to have a generous heart, a kind heart, a caring heart

Help me to follow the leading of your holy spirit

Help me to do the right thing toward my fellow man

Develop within me a caring and lawful social conscience

Develop within me a respect for societal law

Guide my heart to obey your rules

Guide my heart to live righteously

I confess I am not perfect, and only human

I confess I have sinned at times, and let down the respect due to your name

Lord God, Help me to keep faith with you

Lord God, Help me to obey you

And trust in your holy name of 'Yahweh' forever and ever


Psalm 26

Lord God

I Pray

Bless Ireland

Bless Dublin

Bless Belfast

Bless Mullingar

Bless Sligo

Bless Tipperary

Bless Limerick

Bless the Counties

Bless the Villages

Bless the Country

Bless the City

Bless the Harvests

Bless the Markets

Bless the Flora

Bless the Fauna

Bless the People

Bless the Community

Lord God

Bless Ireland

Bless Her People

Now and Evermore


Psalm 27

Lord God Almighty

Have your hand upon Scotland

Teach her your rules

Teach her your ways

Teach her to love

Teach her to care

Help her economically

Help her spiritually

Lord God Almighty

Have your hand upon Scotland

Each and every day



Psalm 28

Lord God

Bless your Welsh Villages

Bless your Welsh Cities

Bless your Welsh Country

Bless your Welsh Towns

Bless your Welsh Commerce

Bless your Welsh Industries

Bless Wales

Bless Wales Heart

Bless their marriages

And Bless their families

Bless their Comings

And Bless their goings

Bless their little ones

And Bless their old ones

Bless the high

And Bless the low

Bless Wales

And gather them in your heart and arms

Each and every day

Now and Forever


Psalm 29

Lord God Almighty

Bless England's Competitive Spirit

Bless England's humble pride

Bless England's Sporting Endeavours

Bless England's Economic Agendas

Bless England's Virtue

Bless England's Spirit

Bless England at War

Bless England at Peace

Bless England with Truth

Bless England with Love

Bless England with Strength

Bless England with Sovereignty

Bless England in the Mornings

Bless England in the Evenings

Bless her People with food, clothing and shelter

Bless her People with Entertainment, Spirituality and Prosperity

Bless your English Daughter

Bless your English Son

Bless them each and every day

Bless them in your name



And Amen

Psalm 30

Lord God Almighty

Bless the Isle of Man

Bless the Manxians

Bless Douglas, Each and Every Day

Bless its economy

Bless its spirituality

Bless it with an amazing abundance of people

Bless its population fantasmagorically so

Bless it with Olympic success for the United Kingdom

Bless it with Commonwealth Games success

Bless the city of Douglas with one of the world's greatest populations

Bless the city of Douglas with amazing prosperity and wealth

Bless the Isle of Man and her happiness

Bless the Isle of Man and her love

Bless her each and every day

Now and Evermore


Psalm 31

Lord God Almighty

Bless the Falkland Islands

Bless her People

Grant her economic prosperity

Grant her economic wisdom

Bless her social atmosphere

Bless her camraderie

Take care of her every day

Take care of her every week

Have your hand upon the Falklands

And do your will in this land

Bless her with your spirit

Bless her with your love

And lead her in the everlasting ways

Of God Almighty's Salvation and Truth

Bless her population

Bless it abundantly

And bless her in your name

Now and Evermore



And Amen

Psalm 32

Lord God

Grant us your peace

Grant us wellbeing of soul

Grant us goodness and pleasantness in our feelings and emotions

Grant us kind spiritual experiences and feelings of joy and love

Grant us kindness and charity and happiness

Grant us good days and good nights

Lord God

Be close to us now

Be close to us foreverafter

Be at one with our hearts

Be at one with our minds

Be at one with our souls

Lord God

Show us your love

And make us so very happy

Each and Every Day

We humbly ask of you


Psalm 33

God Almighty

I should be patient, and not judge so quickly

I should be calmer, and not judge so savagely

I should be prudent, and not judge so rashly

I should be faithful, and not judge so impulsively

God, I apologize for my casual words I have said

God, I apologize for my thoughtless words I have said

God, I apologize for my pridefilled words I have said

God, I apologize for my nasty words I have said

God, I am thinking, perhaps selfishly, on my future

Because I don't want to lose opportunities in the faith

By my thoughtless words

By my lack of patience

By my lack of fidelity

God, I don't want to lose the opportunities you offer

So I need to repent of casual words, casual attitudes, casual mannerisms

But this is not easy

For I can be a passionate man, despite my often passive personality

Lord God, I desire wealth, success and prosperity in life

And it is best to be honest about this

I could wish for the nobility of Solomon

And only ask for virtue in judgement

Yet, my virtue, it must be honesty

For I can not deny my heart's desire for material success

And in my desire for success in life

I can use accusing words of your lack of concern for my material state

And this is not right

So perhaps you shouldn't forgive me

As If someone said I was just trying to use God, what could I really say?

How could I deny the charge that I want great success in life?

I couldn't. I can only tell the truth about that. Its just the way I am, I suppose.

Forgive me for my shortcomings.

Yet, if you will bless me, and If I must pray for this success,

Please allow me to focus my prayers of passion on such success

And forgive me for my shortcomings

For I am only Human



Psalm 34

May the Orient come before you Lord God Almighty

May the children of the Far East be in your heart

May you sanctify their soul, heart and spirit

May you teach them kindness, respect for other cultures and love of God

Have your hand upon China and North and South Korea Lord God

Have your hand upon Japan and Taiwan

Have your hand upon Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam

Have your hand upon Mongolia, Tibet, Thailand and Malaysia

Touch all the orient, Lord God, with your gentle heart and gentle ways

And teach them pure and true love, love which will last forever.


In Noah's Name


Daniel Daly

Dearest Almighty God

by your Superlative Grace

May you direct the words of the blessings of these Psalms upon the success of

Yorkshire Cricket
English Cricket
English Rugby League
Hull Rugby League
Canterbury Bankstown Rugby League
Newtown Jets Rugby League
Hawthorn AFL
Glenelg SANFL
Canberra Basketball
Cooma Basketball
Moruya Basketball
English Basketball
Subiaco WAFL
Great Britain Olympics
English Commonwealth Games Team
Hull Rugby Union
Cooma Rugby League
Cooma AFL
English Rugby Union
English Soccer
Hull City Tigers Soccer
Hull Grid Iron
English Golf
English Athletics
English Marathon
English Triathlon
English Sprinters
English Decathletes
English Pole Vaulters
English Discus Throwers
English Hurdlers
English Pentathletes
English Long Jumpers
English High Jumpers
English Hop Skip and Jumpers
English Handballers
English Cyclists
English Swimmers
English Volleyballers
English Tennis Players
And English Equestrians
Now and Forever I pray

Psalms of Haven Noahide Fellowship

A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 1

Yahweh, the Lord, is the Centre of all that is.

He is the Supreme Power, the Omnipotent One,

Full of Glory and Majesty, Eternal in Sovereignty.

Yahweh is gracious to us mere mortals,

Granting us blessings and peace,

Giving prosperity to the works of our hands.

Yahweh watches over those who call on his name.

He watches and blesses those who repent of sin,

And Grants his grace to the humble of heart.

Yahweh is a trustworthy foundation.

Yes, in God himself I place my trust,

Forsaking the strength of my own hands,

Forsaking the strength of men, whose fidelity is fleeting.

A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 2

How the heart of man can choose a crooked path.

How the heart of man can choose a crooked way.

Oh, heavenly father, that your grace would be upon us all,

Leading us in the right way, leading us against our own evil inclinations.

Yahweh, enthroned in heaven, looks down upon the children of men.

He knows their heart, from their youth he has known them,

Caught up in their evil ways, caught up in their malicious intent.

Oh Yahweh, how great your grace is. Oh Yahweh, how superlative your mercy.

You spoke with our father Noah.

You spoke with him and called him out of a perverse generation.

For mankind was wicked in your eyes, evil from the days of their youth.

And through Noah you rebirthed mankind, saved from the deluge of the flood.

Majestic Lord of Glory, redeem me I pray.

Hear my prayer and rescue me from the darkness of my own heart.

For only in thy goodness can the gift of eternal life be realized.

Only in thy goodness can the gift of forever have hope.

A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 3


Can we not be so hypocritical, unfair and double-minded

Can we not be so duplicitous, fork-tongued and unfaithful

Can we not pretend to be paragons of virtue yet find shame in our hearts

Shame at betraying ones we claim to love


Let not my boasts be great, of words I can not live up to

Let me not say of my virtues qualities which I later betray as lacking

Let me be truthful in how much I can truly commit to and foreswear vain oaths

Guide me to be faithful


Show me the way of holiness which will not be questioned as shallow

Help me to grow up maturely, yet not reach for heights I later tumble from

Give me grace and mercy and remind others I am only human, not God himself

Forgive me for my shortcomings


I am only human. I can not be more than what I am. And I am so complex

That I don’t even understand myself half of the time.

But you, Oh Lord, know all the ways of humans and the choices of the heart.

Please, if you will in your mercy answer my prayer, give me the gift of wisdom

To love others in a manner which will last eternally and not be a vain oath of

Allegiance soon forgotten.


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 4

Let my soul rest in the calmness of nature,

the calmness of God’s creation.

Let my soul slumber and be at peace with the

simplicity of the song of the songbird

and the chirping of the sparrow.

Let the buzzing of the bees bring joy to me,

even to the days of my age and let

the sound of the sheep at pasture and the joy of the

newborn babe be always pleasant in my heart.

Let the sight of a spider’s web fill me with mystery,

and let the early morning mist always fill me with

happiness and aliven me to the new day.

Let the rushing geyser be a source of fascination,

and let me fear in the presence of the tornado and

be awestruck by the power of the lightning.

Let the gentle flow of the stream soothe my soul,

and let the thunderous waves entertain my thirst

for adventure.

Lord God Almighty, I thank you for the wonders

of creation, which give joy and happiness to my

life each and every day. This world is a wonderful

and marvellous world, and all the children of Noah

thank you for your great kindness in creating it

For us.

We are your people, Almighty God, and the servants

of your covenant. And let the sign of the Covenant,

the ‘Rainbow’, one of the greatest signs of nature,

always remind us of the beauty and wonder that comes

forth from the heart of the Almighty.


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 5

Lord God - You are the solace of my heart’s anxiety.

You are the peace in the storms of life which remains

Faithful and ever unchanging. You are the strength

In my weaknesses and the power of my right hand

In all that I say and do. Lord, you are God, and even

In my wrongdoing my heart still remembers the graces

And love you have shown me.

Lord God – From generation to generation mankind

Searches out the way of truth. For so many finding

God is not easy, but you have always been there, waiting

To be found. You love us, children of Adam and Eve,

Children of Enoch, children of Noah. You love us and

Teach us the right way through the teachings of our

Fathers. Lord, I pray, remain faithful to the heart which

Wants truth above all else, and remember the struggle

We have all gone through in finding our salvation.

Lord God – Remember our fathers who have gone before

Us, and our mothers who bore and fed us. Remember forever

Those who have struggled to build our wonderful world, and

The many sacrifices they have made. I pray and ask of you,

Eternal God, prepare a home of eternal joy and life as reward

For their struggle, and share with them the fruits of their

Labours and the joy and consolation their hearts truly desire.

Forget not the children of Noah who, even those who have

Not known you or understood your ways, still tried in their hearts

To live good and decent lives. Forget them not in your mercy

I do pray Lord God Almighty, and prepare a home of eternal

Blessing for each and every one of them.

Lord God – The children of Noah praise your name. We lift

Up the name of Yahweh and declare that he is God and that

There is no other. Heavenly Father, we will serve you for

All eternity, building a Haven of Salvation in your name, a

Haven of love, peace and prosperity, in true service to your

Eternal Glory. We will feed the hungry, nurse the sick and

Wounded, give homes to the homeless, and give peace and

Love to the broken of heart. We will care for all as you have

Cared for us, and we pray watch over us eternally for we are

The sheep of your eternal pasture, the children of mankind,

And we need you in all our weaknesses and all our struggles.


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 6

Beyond Azion lie the children of Adam in the Realm of Infinity

For Beyond Azion is Azaphon, the Heart of Infinity

And the Onaphim of God Live in the Heart of Infinity

For Azaphon is the Golden City

And Nadrazon is the Silver City

And Daron is the Bronze City

And in the Realm of Eternity, Zaphon is the Heart of Eternity

For Azion is the Heart of Heaven

Where the Children of Heaven Dwell

And there is much righteousness

And there is much love


Beyond Azion lie the children of Adam in the Realm of Infinity

For Beyond Azion is Azaphon, the Heart of Infinity

And the Onaphim of God Live in the Heart of Infinity

For Azaphon is the Golden City

And Nadrazon is the Silver City

And Daron is the Bronze City

And in the Realm of Eternity, Zaphon is the Heart of Eternity

And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Azaphon

And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Nadrazon

And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Daron

And there is much righteousness

And there is much love

Praise Yahweh Forever

Praise Yahweh Forever

Praise Yahweh Forever


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 7

Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth

In praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Truth

In Praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Truth

Wisdom is Love

Wisdom is Love

The Heart of a Dove

Wisdom is Love

In praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Love

The Truth from Above

The God of Love

A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 8

Praise God

Praise the God of Noah

Praise the Immortal Creator

Praise him now and forever

Lord God

You keep faith with those who keep your covenant

Your holiest covenant given to our father Noah

Each generation who swear by the Lord the Almighty One

Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the rainbow

Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the promises of God

Receive your attention

Receive your blessing

Receive your love

We Praise you, Almighty God

We Praise you, God of Noah

We Praise you, Immortal Creator

We Praise you, now and forever


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 9

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Praise your Name

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Worship your Glory

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Cherish your Spirit

Almighty God

The Children of Noah
Give thanks for your kindness

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Adore your Love

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Need you now

And Forever


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 10

Lord God

Grant us Victory

Grant us Success

Help us to Triumph over our opposition

Help us to be undefeated

Lord God

Make us Champions

Champions of the World

Champions, Victorious

Honour bearers of True Glory

For in the name of Yahweh

Comes our triumph

In the name of Yahweh

We have true success




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 11

Lord God

Embellish our lives with Quality

Embellish our lives with Excellence

Place within our hearts and minds

A spirit of greatness

A spirit which accomplishes and produces things of merit

Make us a living example

Of the goodness and virtue a child of God is capable of

Produce within us an accomplishment

Of outstanding reputation

Of amazing superiority

Bless us lord God

And through us bless others

For the glory of your name

For the glory of Yahweh


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 12

Lord God

Let us burn brightly

Brightly full of Glory

Lut us burn brightly

Brightly as the Sun

Let us burn brightly

Brightly like the Glories of heaven

Let us burn brightly

Brightly to shine for all time

Lord God

Have your hand upon us

Those who call on your name

And let us burn as a flame

A flame of your amazing love

A flame of your amazing glory

Lord God

Have your hand upon us

And produce within us

A work of superlative, amazing, glorious majesty




A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 13

Lord God

Help me to think orderly

Help me to think rationally

Help me to think logically

Help me to think wisely

Help me to think truthfully

Help me to think compassionately

Help me to think lovingly

Help me to think caringly

Help me to think mercifully

Help me to think prudently

Help me to think carefully

Help me to think soberly

Help me to think humbly

Help me to think faithfully

Help me to think righteously

Help me to think spiritually

Help me to think perfectly

Lord God

Help me to order my thoughts

Each and every day

In a way which is pleasing to you

And brings me into good stead with you

My fellow man

And the community of eternal life


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 14

Lord God

Help me to love you

Open my heart and turn it towards the power of love

Open my soul and transfix it by the beauty of your loving kindness

Teach me to love gently

Teach me to love passionately

Teach me to love gracefully

Teach me to love perfectly

Help me to love you

Help me to love others

Let my heart be for the lost

Let my heart be for the found

Let my heart love the young

Let my heart love the old

Let my heart love in the morning

Let my heart love in the evening

Teach my heart to open it up to all who need grace in this life

Teach my heart to give love freely to those who are lonely

Teach my heart to show love to all who need a friendly smile

Teach my heart to be loving to all who just need a hug

Lord God

Let your love, most of all, be the central part of my life

Let your love, most of all, be the genuine part of me

The True part of me

The Real part of me

Let your love guide this lonely heart

To the shores of Eternal Salvation

And guide my ship of love

Each loving day

Each loving night

Eternally in love with you

My Lord

And Saviour


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 15

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 16

Lord God

I thank you for making me happy

I praise you for giving joy to my soul

I adore you for the peace I have found

I worship you for the gladness my heart resounds with

Lord God

You are kind and loving

And I thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me

In all my trials

In all my struggles

In all my weaknesses

You are God

The strength of my right hand

The deliverer of my salvation

I praise you forever

And lift up your name as holy



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 17

Allah Eloah Elohim El Shaddai

God Almighty

Creator of Heaven and Earth

Deity Supreme

Sovereign Adonai of Triumph

Majestic Lord of Strength

Most Beautiful King of Glory

Amazing God of Majesty

We praise you

We lift you up

We shout with our hearts

Praise be to God

Maker of Heaven and Earth

Praise be to his Glory





A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 18

Creator of the Universe

Guide me to have the right knowledge

Guide me to have the correct knowledge

Guide me to have the true knowledge

Help me to make sensible decisions every day

Help me to get along with my fellow man

Embellish my day with sensible things

I pray

Place within my every day routine

A sensible pace of activity

Enshrouded with your wisdom

Enshrouded with your loving concern

Grant me the knowledge

Which makes me choose sensible things to do each day

To do them well

To do them correctly

And to have Godly routines in life

Were everything goes according to plan

In the decisions I make

In the plans I prepare

In the way of life and routines I establish

And through doing my work, each day, appropriately

And in the correct ways and manners

Not shirking

Not being lazy

I bring happiness to my life

Through acknowledging your guiding hand

And the truth of working according to your wisdom

In my everyday ways and routines


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 19

Lord God

Bless us with a repentant Heart

Turn us unto a lawful lifestyle

Remind us to apologize when we should apologize

Remind us to say sorry when we know we have said or done something wrong

Turn us unto the law of reconciliation

Bless us with your forgiveness


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 20

Lord God

Bless our worlds doctors

Bless our worlds nurses

Bless our worlds health workers

Bless our worlds chemists

Bless our worlds surgeons

Bless our worlds psychiatrists

Bless our worlds psychologists

Bless our worlds dentists

Bless our worlds wardens

Bless our worlds medics

Bless our worlds medical researchers

Lord God

Guide all who are dedicated

To the healing arts

To minister their work faithfully

For the health and lifestyle of our human community

Have your hand upon them to do their work professionally

Have your hand upon them to do their work in love

Bless our Carers

We Pray and hum

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Daniel Daly

Dearest Elohim

By your grace I formally make the following Prayer Requests.

Bless the economies of the 7 Sovereign Nations of: UK, USA, Canada, Guyana, NZ, Australia & Ireland as well as the economies of the registered nations in the United Nations

Continue to improve the architectural standards of cities like Dubai and so forth, and implant such desires for improvements in architecture worldwide to all the great cities of earth (and heaven)

Continue to bless our workers in public servant positions, especially garbagemen, recyclists, street cleaners and others responsible for keeping our worlds cities clean and beautiful

Bless those who are underprivileged and lead them to economic success in life

Rebuke the wicked and uplift the righteous

Develop the sports of the Olympic and Commonwealth Games and their communities and bring these competitions to a yearly event.

Bless sporting clubs worldwide and promote these ideas to nations which do not have a strong sporting focus as of yet

Bless chess clubs, sword and sorcery adventure clubs, board games clubs, wargaming clubs, bridge clubs, card games clubs, craft clubs, scrabble clubs, RPG clubs and SF/Fantasy books as well as Comic Clubs worldwide I pray, and promote these clubs on a growing and permanent worldwide basis to every nation. Please help people volunteer their own goods to these clubs and keep these clubs private where necessary, protect their resources and assets and make them a source of comfort, peace and joy and, I pray, please presence yourself amongst these clubs. Amen and Amen.

Bless nightclubs, dance clubs, clubs, poker clubs, gambling clubs, X-Rated clubs, Sex clubs and other 'Nightlife' types of clubs with regulative activity according to the laws of their nations, and also with a lawful spirit where necessary to make sure not too many shenanigans occur.

Bless cafes, restaurants, hospitality places and other dining experience places with solid hospitality, good service, good prices, excellent food, and good customers. Bless the hospitality industry greatly in EVERY world nation I pray.

&, Finally, teach the world the truths of the Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith I earnestly pray.


Daniel Daly

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And in honour of this prayer request I offer these 7 psalms again.
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Daniel Daly

Dear God

Please Bless Amazingly!!!!

Comic clubs worldwide.
Have members pool resources, and have central locations for the activity of the club established in ongoing AFFORDABLE rents, and PURCHASES were possible by richer club members. Have canteens/cantinas, snack machines etc
available for these private clubs and keep all members very strict and private about the ongoing affairs and operations of the club and protect greatly from theft and accidents the physical assets of the club, especially the comics.
Make these places a den of fantasy and excitement in discussion, presence yourself there, and let comics be read and adored in such clubs.

I pray to you HOLY Elohim that you would greatly answer this prayer request and make an economy out of this prayer request.


Daniel Daly

Dear God

Please BLESS and give work to


Public Servants
Clerical Assistants
Admi officers
Database Workers
Data Entry Workers
Supermarket Workers
Fast Food workers (and please continue to improve the health quality of such products)
Mtre 10 Workers
Bunnings Workers
Woolworths Workers
BMW Workers
Mercedes Benz Workers
Aston Martin Workers
Holden Workers
Toyota Workers
Ford Workers
Qantas Workers
TAA Workers
Ansett Workers
Virgin Workers
Warner Brothers Workers
Paramount Workers
New Line Cinema Wokers
CD companies
CD stores
Records stores
Computer stores
Blackberry phones
Nokia phones
Motorola Phones
LG Electronics
Palsonic workers
Panasonic Workers
Sony Workers
Philipps Workers
Bush Workers
Dyson Workers
Hoover Workers (and improve their quality please)
SEGA workers
Nintendo workers
Commodore Computers Workers
Amstrad workers
1980s computers workers (and revive these platforms I earnestly pray)
X Box workers
Neo Geo workers
Sony Playstation Workers
The various 80s, 90s and 00s video game console machines workers and this industry and continue on with older platforms and resucitate them I pray
Bless the economies of Africa and Asia to produce games in large quantities of high quality games in English for the world markets for these platforms, but Especially bless the UK market for games
Unemployed people who just want to work and get a good income
Underemployed people who need better work to further their income and living standards
Disabled people who can work certain types of jobs
Peoples own initiatives that they show in trying to make a career for themselves
Architect firms
BP Industries
Solar power technology industries
Wind farm technology industries
Hydro-electric technology industries
Engineering workers
Primary Teachers
Secondary Teachers
Tertiary Teachers
Soft Drink manufacturing workers
IT workers
ICT workers
graphic design workers

And all the established new industries, new types of work positions, and older ones from the ages past as well, with ONGOING and GOOD and PERMANENT WORK,


Daniel Daly

Dear God

By your grace may you please answer the following prayer requests on behalf of 7DF - the 7 Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith.


Bless 7DF with:

Partners in marriage and children
Prosperity in general
Economic success in life
Good and prosperous homes and families
Good employment contracts with Government Public Service Departments
Good employment contracts with Private Companies
Good employment contracts with Private Firms
Work as Lawyers
Work as Doctors
Work as Nurses
Work as Wardsmen in hospitals
Work as Plumbers
Work as Carpenters
Work as Electricians
Work as CEO's
Work as Chairmen of the Board
Work in NRL Bulldogs Club
Work in AFL Hawthorn Club
Work as Garbagemen
Work as Salesmen
Work as Gigolo's
Work as Prostitutes
Work as Working Girl's
Work as Escorts
Work as Models
Work as Pop Stars
Work as Actors
Work as Actresses
Work as Theologians
Work as Authors
Work as Book Publishers
Work as Administrative Assistants
Work as IT Officers
Work as ICT Officers
Work as Philosophers
Work as Welders
Work as Boilermakers
Work as Sailors
Work as Pilots
Work as Surgeons
Work as Teachers
Work as Primary Teachers
Work as Special Ed Teachers
Work as Child Care Workers
Work as Kindergarten Workers
Work as Infants School Workers and Teachers
Work as Secondary School Workers and Teachers
Work as Tertiary Level workers and Teachers
Work as Cleaners
Work as Businessmen
Work as Businesswomen
Work as McDonalds Workers
Work as KFC workers
Work as Hospitality workers
Work as Mental Health Workers
Work as Psychologists
Work as Psychiatrists
Work as Circus workers
Work as Entertainers
Work as Hungry Jack's workers
Work as Fast Food Industry Workers
Work as Barmen
Work as Bartenders
Work as Movie Moguls
Work as Movie Directors
Work as Movie Producers
Work as Musicians
Work as Composers
Work as Pianists
Work as Flautists
Work as Keyboarders
Work as Guitarists
Work as Mandolin Players
Work as Tuba Players
Work as Violinists
Work as Viola Players
Work as Members of the various instruments of the standard orchestras
Work as Orchestra Conductors
Work as Bus Drivers
Work as Taxi Drivers
Work in the Countries of
New Zealand
West Indies Nations
Sri Lanka
And all the nations of the United Nations

Please Bless 7DF with

Obedient children who study hard in their schooling years
Obedient children who listen to their parents advice
Healthy and fit children with no genetic defects
Attractive children
Happy children
Joyful children
Intelligent Children
Smart Children
Humble Children
Playful Children
Joyful Children
Kind Children
Humble Children
Patient Children
United Families
Happy Families
Wealthy Families
Good parents with wise parenting skills
Good parents with responsibility towards income
Moderate alcohol usage
Minimum to moderate smoking usage
Nil Illegal drug usage
Conservative families on sexual ethics
The acceptable degree of permissiveness by yourself on sexual ethics
A good spirit in our families
Successful sporting families
Community-oriented families
Holidaying families who holiday the right amount without going to extremes on this pleasure
Working families who don't get addicted to work but keep it in sensible moderation and balance
Peaceful families
Kind families
Loving families
Just Families
Fair families

Also please bless 7DF with

Creativity and creation of original designs, published works, artworks, video games, movies, musical compositions, plays, screenplays,
photographs, inventions, electronic inventions, advertisements, comic authors, comic inkers, comic lettererst, comic artists, comic pencillers, comic editors,
comic plotters, comics layout artists, Magazine writers, sporting magazine writers, ladies magazine writers, puzzle book creations, crossword book creations,
logic problems books creations, board games designs, role playing games designs, Sega Megadrive Games designs, Commodore 64 games designs,
architectural designs, carpentry designs, etc

Also please bless 7DF with

A good reputation
A good work ethic
A good and pleasant attitude to yourself
Contribuing to the needs of society when and were we are capable of doing so

A happy life and eternity
Eternal joy and salvation
A huge load of possessions which make each member happy
Good houses and abodes
Good wealth
Good prosperity
Nice Cars
Nice clothes
Nice Jewellery
Nice shoes
The good things in life
The happy things in life
The joyful things in life
Good club memberships
Success in sporting competitions, especially at a world level
Contributions to charities on an ongoing basis
Concern for mankind
Concern for the salvation of those seeking the truth
Concern for our neighbour
Concern for lawfulness
Concern for God and Divine things.




Daniel Daly

Dear God

Please BLESS and give work to 7DF members, being: 1) Haven Noahide Fellowship, 2) Assembly of the Divine Creator; 3) Universal Faith Assembly; 4) Assembly of the Living God; 5) Universal Truth Assembly; 6) Assembly of the Most High and 7) Haven Adamide Fellowship, in the future (in both earth and heaven)


In the following Industries
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Soft Drink manufacturing workers
IT workers
ICT workers
graphic design workers

And all the established new industries, new types of work positions, and older ones from the ages past as well, with ONGOING and GOOD and PERMANENT WORK,


Daniel Daly

Dear God

Please bless 7DF members with

Good health
Good teeth
Good teeth cleanliness habits
Good skin
Good skin cleanliness habits
Good washing habits
Good handwashing habits
Clean hair
Clean bodies
Healthy bodies
Healthy lungs
Healthy food intake
Healthy drink intake
A Good integumentary system
A good circulatory system
A good lymph system
A good nervous system
Good kidney health
Good liver health
Good intestine health
Good genital health
Good rectum health
Good bone system
Good bone health
Good cartilage system and health
Good fingernails and toe nails health
protection from losing body parts through careful analysis of dangers and hazards in life which can lead to problem situations, including the losing of limbs and other body parts
good occupational health and safety knowledge and good concern for such things, especially legal ramifications
good concern for other peoples health in society and mankinds health as a whole
concern for doctors and other health care professionals advice
sensible acquisition of health care books for the home library
good eye health
good hand and arms and fingers health
good leg and foot and toes health
good brain health
good tongue health
good teeth health
good lips health
good body as a whole health
good stomach health
Good weight management
acceptable weight
non anorexic and non obese health weight
good tonsils health
good appendix health
good hair health
good plasma health
good cell health
good growth health
good hormone health
good glands health
good skeletal health
good nose health
good nasal health
good snoring health
good talking health
good throat health
good larynx health
good body health in general throughout life
good psychological and psychiatric health
good mental health
good anatomical health
good, happy and whole bodies
and access to medical health and help, especially in emergencies, when needed.

Amen and Amen

Daniel Daly


On Sunday, December 15, 2013 10:38:57 PM UTC+11, Daniel Daly wrote:
Dear God

Please bless 7DF members with

Good health
good digestive health
good farting health
good defacating health
good sexual health
protection from diseases
protection from accidents
caution in the company we keep around people who could endanger our life
safe lives
safe homes
safety and protection for their homes
safety and protection for their bodies
safety and protection for their genitalia and sexual and reproductive health of their bodies
safety from mental harm
safety from physical harm
safety from emotional harm
safety from psychological harm
safety from fear
safe houses
protected houses
secure houses
secure, safe and protected assets in houses
safety and divine protection from thieves
guardian angels/spirit to protect our bodies and persons
good psychic health
good intuitive health
good health wisdom
good and health bodies
non-tatooed bodies
non-piercings on bodies
responsible health attitudes towards our bodies
good air health and living in good air regions
protection from bombs and radiation poisonings and other adverse dangers which can damage our health
living in safe envirnoments were natural disasters do not occur or only occur in minimum ways to affect our lifestyles
protection from all types of harm
good humility because of the safety and protection we are under and eternal gratitude to God for gracing us with good health
good contributions to charities involved with safety and health issues
protection and good health for all other parts of the bodies not listed in this prayer and the prior ones.

Please by your great grace
Dear God

Daniel Daly

Dear God

Please bless 7DF with excellence in the following fields of education knowledge and qualifications and industry practice and experience etc:

Antarctica Studies

Tolkien Knowledge

SF/Fantasy Knowledge

Comics Knowledge

Trading Cards Knowledge

Christian Music Knowledge

Biblical Knowledge

War Planes Knowledge

Royal Family Knowledge

Celtic Music Knowledge

Twilight Knowledge

Harry Potter Knowledge

Star Wars Knowledge

Movie Knowledge

Star Trek Knowledge

Presenting Service - Presentation in Hospitality industry excellence

Baby care knowledge - raising baby knowledge and healthcare knowledge

Cricketing knowledge

Rugby League Knowledge

Rugby Union Knowledge

Basketball Knowledge

Names Knowledge

Golf knowledge

Marilyn Monroe Knowledge

Mental Health Wellness Knowledge

Diseases Knowledge

Lady Gaga Knowledge

Bon Jovi Knowledge

Queen Knowledge

Heavy Metal Knowledge

Hard Rock Knowledge

Pop Knowledge

Pop Culture Knowledge

Plumbing Knowledge

Photography Knowledge

Please, by your grace, AMEN

Daniel Daly


On Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:30:56 PM UTC+11, Daniel Daly wrote:
Dear God

Please bless 7DF with excellence in the following fields of education knowledge and qualifications and industry practice and experience etc:

Human Development Knowledge

Legal Studies Knowledge

Physics Knowledge

English Literature Knowledge

Please, by your grace, AMEN

Daniel Daly

Dear God

I pray for the David Fellow - the Messianic sort of fellow - I pray the following blessing upon his life, should he indeed dwell on earth:

* A constant spending on the 10 cent books at Vinnies stores around Australia for the rest of his life, to claim a minimum of 40,000 books

* A constant spending on the cheapo CDs at the second hand, charity and revolution type stores, to accumulate $50,000 worth of CDs (in current 2013 indexed realities)

* A constant spending on CEX and Revolution stores and types of stores affordable and decent quality video games, to accumulate $20,000 worth of such things (in currente 2013 indexed realities)

* A puritanical devotion to filing in gaps on his Marvel Comics collection for all relevant issues since January cover date 1999

* Very good health

* A loving family

* Happiness, peace and joy

* An excellent collection of Raiders NRL trading cards going back to the beginning of the Canberra raiders in 1981, as well as an excellent collection of sports and comics trading cards from all eras

* An excellent collection of Cricket, Rugby League and AFL sporting equipment, magazines, books and paraphernalia

By your Grace
In Adam and Noah's name
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