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dear Rowan

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Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
I was wondering if you could please snip your posts to at least just the
last 2 comments. People from England, Australia, New Zealand.. etc. have
to pay by the minute very expensive rates. And this ng takes a long time
to download. Thank you.

Lilly Willow

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

Hmmm Hy...

There are a lot of posters that tend to include the last few
posts in their responses, as it can be easier to track a
conversation this way. The remarQ server actually has an "Include
Original Message" option for posters for this very reason. This
would seem to be up to each person's own discretion, as everyone
has their own posting styles.
It also occurs to me that many, many posters here do the same
thing, so it is curious that you chose to single out Rowan for
your thread, Hy. If it is such an issue for you, why not make
your thread open-ended, maybe call it "Let's Clip Our Threads
People," or something equally broad. Again, why single Rowan out?
Especially since you profess to wish to heal things with her.



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Up to 100 minutes free!


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

Hy is wrong NZ and OZ do not by by the min!We have free local calls and
free calls for eletronic media .. we generally pay our ISP by the hour
or in my case $30 per month on a flat rate (about $14 US)
Hy did not single Rowan out rather I DID I simply asked she SNIP off
bits of posts that are NOT pertenatnt to HER discussion!

Lilly Willow

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
I understand. You did not single her out, you asked her a favor
in another thread. You did not single her out in her very own
thread called "Dear Rowan," Hy did. You have not been going
around and around with her for a week now, as Hy has.
(I have no problem with what you asked Rowan, and ultimately it
is between you and she, right? It is her right to post as she
sees fit, and it is your right to read or not to read, as you see


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
I agree with both points. I sometimes leave the entire message in b/c it is
a silly thread full of little tid bits, but I normally try to snip out most
of the message b/c I know I really don't care to scroll down forever to find
the persons reply. I see Hys point and have thought the same thing a time
or two, not towards anyone in particular, just the thought that it is easier
to read when you don't have to scroll down forever.

Blessed Be,

"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
"We"? Do you represent every last sheepfucker on the bloomin island, Slain?
I'll ask my aunt in Lightning Ridge, Oz. if they pay by the min.

"Noinden" <> wrote in message


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
Lilly Willow wrote:

> Hy <> wrote:
> >I was wondering if you could please snip your posts to at least
> just the
> >last 2 comments. People from England, Australia, New Zealand..
> etc. have
> >to pay by the minute very expensive rates. And this ng takes a
> long time
> >to download. Thank you.
> >
> >
> Hmmm Hy...
> There are a lot of posters that tend to include the last few
> posts in their responses, as it can be easier to track a
> conversation this way. The remarQ server actually has an "Include
> Original Message" option for posters for this very reason. This
> would seem to be up to each person's own discretion, as everyone
> has their own posting styles.
> It also occurs to me that many, many posters here do the same
> thing, so it is curious that you chose to single out Rowan for
> your thread, Hy. If it is such an issue for you, why not make
> your thread open-ended, maybe call it "Let's Clip Our Threads
> People," or something equally broad. Again, why single Rowan out?
> Especially since you profess to wish to heal things with her.
> Hmmm...

She has become an awful shade of hepatitis brown yellow lately.. She
apparently has not been taught well enough to not allow herself to
become a vessel for bad energies cast by others..


> Lilly
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Got questions? Get answers over the phone at
> Up to 100 minutes free!

* Change..Ain't nothin' stays the same
Unchained...Hit the ground running *


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
I sometimes forget to trim mine....but I hate it when people reply at the
bottom...if it is a long post I will not read it simply because I have to
scan...they are usually not worth it, especially to scan for so long and
"hehhe that was good"
IMO replying at the top is much more convenient...but as LillyWillow says,
it is up to the poster how they decide to do things...

"The only trouble with Baptists is they
don't hold them under long enough"
Hail EOR!!
"Save a tree, eat a beaver"
icq 42019365
Hy <> wrote in message


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
Makara, thanks for your input. I'll say this, if a person't
style is to respond at the top of a post, I will do the same out
of courtesy. You will notice that even though I do not get
along with Rhyanon, when I answer her posts, I do so at the top
because that is how she does it. Same with you, here. I
thought that would be appreciated by posters.


"For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
Hy <> wrote:
>I was wondering if you could please snip your posts to at least
just the
>last 2 comments. People from England, Australia, New Zealand..
etc. have
>to pay by the minute very expensive rates. And this ng takes a
long time
>to download. Thank you.

Hy, I am curious after all this time reading my posts that you
would ask me such a thing at this point...especially since
Noinden asked the question very recently and I responded. Is
this why you dedicated a whole thread to me alone when there are
plenty of others who do the same? I wonder about your motives
and I'm sure you can understand why. You and I have had our
share of troubles recently, but I have been trying very hard to
listen to you, hear your points and discuss things. It was you
that said people should be allowed to voice their in a way that is appropriate for them. I submit
to you that when there are much greater things going on at the
time, whether a person quotes or not should not be an issue.
As I said, I dealt with Noinden on this, so it is really a non
issue. I will try to clip my posts, however I reserve the right
to post how I wish. Those that do not want to read my posts
certainly have that right. As Makara stated, if it's too long
she won't read it...that is fine with me...everyone here can
make their own decisions because most of us are of adult age.



Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
>Hmmm Hy...
>There are a lot of posters that tend to include the last few
>posts in their responses, as it can be easier to track a
>conversation this way. The remarQ server actually has
an "Include
>Original Message" option for posters for this very reason. This
>would seem to be up to each person's own discretion, as everyone
>has their own posting styles.
>It also occurs to me that many, many posters here do the same
>thing, so it is curious that you chose to single out Rowan for
>your thread, Hy. If it is such an issue for you, why not make
>your thread open-ended, maybe call it "Let's Clip Our Threads
>People," or something equally broad. Again, why single Rowan
>Especially since you profess to wish to heal things with her.

My sentiments...thank you.


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
>Hy did not single Rowan out rather I DID I simply asked she
SNIP off bits of posts that are NOT pertenatnt to HER discussion!

Thank you for that bit of info regarding charges Noinden. In
addition, Hy did single me out...the post was entitled "Dear
Rowan" with a request that mirrored yours. A request that I
thought I already addressed. These are the kinds of posts that
are not logical to me. When something is brought up, then
addressed, why do folks feel the need to re-hash it? Maybe for
the sake of having something to argue and discuss...I don't
know. I hope that you can appreciate that I will continue to
post as I wish, and will try to take others feelings into
account, but not to the point that it cramps my individual



Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
That is very courteous...I never thought of it that way....but as I said,
people will post however they want....
I personally don't think it is important enough to get upset over...either
read it or don't...that is what I say.
: )

"The only trouble with Baptists is they
don't hold them under long enough"
Hail EOR!!
"Save a tree, eat a beaver"
icq 42019365

RowanWynter <> wrote in message

> >> I was wondering if you could please snip your posts to at
> least just the
> >> last 2 comments. People from England, Australia, New
> Zealand.. etc. have
> >> to pay by the minute very expensive rates. And this ng takes
> a long time
> >> to download. Thank you.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >

Lilly Willow

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
"Daisy" <> wrote:
>I agree with both points. I sometimes leave the entire message
in b/c it is
>a silly thread full of little tid bits, but I normally try to
snip out most
>of the message b/c I know I really don't care to scroll down
forever to find
>the persons reply.

I agree. I try to snip them, however if I'm replying to an
involved post, I try to include it, so that I can respond point
by point, or at least so that others readers can see what I'm
responding to. I have had experiences where people have jumped on
me because of my response, when they have not even read what I am
responding to... just a little insurance I guess. :)

I see Hys point

It was not initially Hy's point. It was Noiden's point, and he
and Rowan had ealt with it in another post (I think it may have
been Head on a Pike, but I'm not sure)

and have thought the same
thing a time
>or two, not towards anyone in particular, just the thought that
it is easier
>to read when you don't have to scroll down forever.

I agree! I think it would have been far more beneficial, however,
to put up a post for everyone at this NG, instead of directing at
Rowan specifically. :)


Lilly Willow

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
>> Hmmm Hy...
>> There are a lot of posters that tend to include the last few
>> posts in their responses, as it can be easier to track a
>> conversation this way. The remarQ server actually has an
>> Original Message" option for posters for this very reason.
>> would seem to be up to each person's own discretion, as
>> has their own posting styles.
>> It also occurs to me that many, many posters here do the same
>> thing, so it is curious that you chose to single out Rowan for
>> your thread, Hy. If it is such an issue for you, why not make
>> your thread open-ended, maybe call it "Let's Clip Our Threads
>> People," or something equally broad. Again, why single Rowan
>> Especially since you profess to wish to heal things with her.
>> Hmmm...


>She has become an awful shade of hepatitis brown yellow lately..
>apparently has not been taught well enough to not allow herself
>become a vessel for bad energies cast by others..

I actually made the observation that it appears she is projecting
her personal issues onto the NG, and then seeing it played out in
a quest for what she perceives as freedom of expression,
reconstituting her own "selfness," and the fighting for the
rights of others. I think she is very selective, however, in the
rights of others that she chooses to stand up for. All I can say
is, I know it ain't mine! (Imho, she is opperating under the
illusion that there are some of us trying to keep her down,
squelch her, and/or keep her quiet, but then again, I guess the
original point was lost on a few anyway.)

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message

Isnt the tenor of this post a message that what Hy has recently posted
wasn't worth posting; or at least not worth you and Rowanwynter considering?
Isn't its intent to discourage Hy from posting? Or at least to discourage
her from posting things such as she has been posting. It does seem to me
that squelching her is exactly what you are trying to do.

She could also be said to be trying to squelch aspects of your posting. It
seems to me that what she has tried to discourage in your posts are those
aspects born of hurt and anger which cause us all to expect and assume the
worst from others, and to strike back at preceived insults, intended or not;
and, at the same time, to encourage both calm, reasonable and constructive
posts, and the silly playful ones, as well. Is this an attempt to interfere
with your posting.? Yes it is. Is it an evil thing? Well, let me ask you to
streach your imagination for a moment. If I am right about Hy's intent, and
whether you believe I am or not, isn't it just possible I might be? If I am
right about her intent, is what she wants for you all that different from
what you want for you, an a poster?


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message

I'm not following you around looking for issues to nitpick, honestly I'm
not, and I ignored this thread earlier; but did you ever consider thatt Hy
mighy not have seen Noinden's post before she posted? I've notices strange
things about some of my own posts. I've seen replies to things I've posted
soon after posting them, so I know that they are there for some people, but
I've had a couple of my own posts that _I_ didn't see for many hours after
other people had seen and replied to them. It is quite possible that Hy and
Noinden just had the same thought at about the same time.

Lilly Willow

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
>"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in
Joe, I'll tell you what... I am awfully tired of this Hy
business. I have been keeping my responses to her to a minimum or
non existent, except for this post, which I thought was very
respectful. I have been doing the same with you, however I will
try one more time to make my painfully obvious point to you.

>Isnt the tenor of this post a message that what Hy has recently
>wasn't worth posting; or at least not worth you and Rowanwynter

Not at all. I asked her why she singled out Rowan. Did YOU clip
this post Joe? No, I did it so that it only included my original
statement, which you may refer back to, and your post to me,
which I will be responding to line by line. It is not my job to
decide what is, and is not worthy of Hy to post. I think if you
read my post, I said each person is entitled to post whatever
they wish. In fact, I did read,and consider her post, and did
respond to it as well.

>Isn't its intent to discourage Hy from posting? Or at least to
>her from posting things such as she has been posting.

Again, no. I had a problem with the fact that she asked only
Rowan, instead of everyone on this NG. Why? Why single her out? I
have said repeatedly that Hy can post whatever she wants, as can
we all. But to single someone out is a snotty thing to do,
especially when you are prone to having misunderstandings with

It does seem to me that squelching her is exactly what you are
trying to do.

Again, no. She can say whatever she wishes, as can we all.
Remember though, other people have that right as well. I'm not
sure how many times I have to say this.

>She could also be said to be trying to squelch aspects of your
posting. It
>seems to me that what she has tried to discourage in your posts

Yes. Imho she has been very bossy about how people should post.
To flame or not, to clip or not, etc.. If she wants freedom, then
it must be freedom for all, yes? She specifically targetted me,
along with a few other people to nag about flaming, yet when I
have been flamed repeatedly, where is Hy to defend me and ask the
flamer please not to flame?

are those aspects born of hurt and anger which cause us all to
expect and assume the worst from others,

I do not agree, I believe it is our actions that lead us to
conclusions about people, Hy included. I think Hy has said a lot
of hurtful things to me, why did she not stop herself? Why did
she not pester others not to flame me? Why does she continually
try to control how others post? Yes there has been a lot of
mutual hurt and anger. I am usually the first to apologize if I
am wrong, I am also the first to use rationality and humor to
help calm a situation dwon, etc. I have not acted badly here.

and to strike back at preceived insults, intended or not;and, at
the same time, to encourage both calm, reasonable and
constructive posts, and the silly playful ones, as well. Is this
an attempt to interfere
>with your posting.? Yes it is.

I agree. I believe she has double standards and is a tad
hypocritical. Perhaps we all are... but that is another thread. I
maintain that I was respectful in asking her why she chose to
single out Rowan. It seems unfair.

Is it an evil thing?

I never said, nor hav I even thought that Hy was evil. I
think I have made my feelings clear in the most respectful
rational way I know how, which may not be the best way, but
I KNOW it's not nearly as bad as some.

Well, let me ask you to streach your imagination for a moment. If
I am right about Hy's intent, and whether you believe I am or
not, isn't it just possible I might be? If I am right about her
intent, is what she wants for you all that different from what
you want for you, an a poster?

What she has said, and what she has done, are different things,
uncongruent, so this leads me to believe something is amiss in
her motivations. Am I judging her? No. Do I dislike her? No. Do I
think she has good intentions? Of course. But you know all too
well what they say about intentions, right Joe? It matters what
people do more than what they say.


Lilly Willow

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.

>I'm not following you around looking for issues to nitpick,
honestly I'm

Then quit it! :P

and I ignored this thread earlier;

Who's fault was THAT fancy pants???

but did you ever
consider thatt Hy
>mighy not have seen Noinden's post before she posted?

No, not for one minute. Rowan and Noiden went around a few times,
and perhaps it didn't seem resolved enough for Hy. I can't say,
but, no. I think she saw it and decided to intervene for her own

notices strange
>things about some of my own posts. I've seen replies to things
I've posted
>soon after posting them, so I know that they are there for some
people, but
>I've had a couple of my own posts that _I_ didn't see for many
hours after
>other people had seen and replied to them. It is quite possible
that Hy and
>Noinden just had the same thought at about the same time.

Come on Joe. I'm not going to tell you you are wrong, but I have
a different opinion.


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
In article <>, Lilly Willow
<> wrote:

> Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.

And in what part of the body does that one last nerve remain?
Inquiring minds want to know.


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message

OK. I accept that what I see as the probable nature of Hy's actions, you see
as too improbable to seriously consider. If we all preceived things in the
same way, conversation on the newsgroup would as boring and pointless as
each of us writing letters to ourselves and answering them. I accept and
respect your perception of the situation, though mine still differs. I
admire your ability to accept that I see things differently, without feeling
the need to regard me as an opponent.


Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message

> Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.

> >Sigh,
> >I'm not following you around looking for issues to nitpick,
> honestly I'm
> >not,
> Then quit it! :P

Heh, heh, agreed. Well on this matter at least. It is the nature of an
Old-Fart to be incredibly stubborn.


> and I ignored this thread earlier;
> Who's fault was THAT fancy pants???
> but did you ever
> consider thatt Hy
> >mighy not have seen Noinden's post before she posted?
> No, not for one minute. Rowan and Noiden went around a few times,
> and perhaps it didn't seem resolved enough for Hy. I can't say,
> but, no. I think she saw it and decided to intervene for her own
> reasons.
> I've
> notices strange
> >things about some of my own posts. I've seen replies to things
> I've posted
> >soon after posting them, so I know that they are there for some
> people, but
> >I've had a couple of my own posts that _I_ didn't see for many
> hours after
> >other people had seen and replied to them. It is quite possible
> that Hy and
> >Noinden just had the same thought at about the same time.
> Come on Joe. I'm not going to tell you you are wrong, but I have
> a different opinion.
> Lilly
> >

Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00

"paghat" <> wrote in message

> In article <>, Lilly Willow
> <> wrote:

> > Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.

> And in what part of the body does that one last nerve remain?
> Inquiring minds want to know.
> -paghat

No! Wait!...Salacious minds would rather it be left up to our imaginations!



Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
>> Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.
>And in what part of the body does that one last nerve remain?
>Inquiring minds want to know.

So ratgirl, this pretty much sums up everything I've said about
you. You NEVER came here to came to flame. No
matter what Lilly or I say, no matter how balanced or rational
you will still jump in and try to stir things up! Hy...are you
going to come to Lilly's defense now that you see she is acting
rational and discussing...not flaming? Are you gonna now ask
ratgirl to stop? If it is true that you stand for no flames and
will try to get people to should be jumping in right
about now...and what about you Joe? If Hy doesn't defend
someone being balanced and not flaming, are you still going to
hold fast to your perceptions of this whole situation?

"For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."



Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
>OK. I accept that what I see as the probable nature of Hy's
actions, you see
>as too improbable to seriously consider. If we all preceived
things in the
>same way, conversation on the newsgroup would as boring and
pointless as
>each of us writing letters to ourselves and answering them. I
accept and
>respect your perception of the situation, though mine still
differs. I
>admire your ability to accept that I see things differently,
without feeling
>the need to regard me as an opponent.

...just wondering if you plan on clipping your posts and if Hy
will say something to you if you don't....


"For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."



Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
You and I and a few others read this NG because it is a
diversion, Ro. Others take this place far too seriously. I say
ignore those who do the later and go back to having fun. If the
local trolls absolutely must post garbage to threads where good
dialogues have been started, we would do best to ignore them.
Troll stuff is boring anyway, don't you think? Same spew over
and over again and all. You'd think they would get tired of
reading their own stuff.




Jul 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/29/00
Good advice as usual Oldone! I agree, and thanks... :)
Come up with any new T-shirt ideas lately? LOL!

"For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."



Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
RowanWynter <> wrote:
>Good advice as usual Oldone! I agree, and thanks... :)
>Come up with any new T-shirt ideas lately? LOL!

Yep! Just bought one as a matter of fact. "AT Women Sleep With
Mice and Men" There are often mice in the shelters off the
Appalachian Trail provided to hikers and sometimes there are as
many as 20 people crowded into a shelter for the night,
especially during heavy snow or rain when ya can't sleep in your




Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Wikkacrite slut.

"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message

> Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.

> >Sigh,
> >I'm not following you around looking for issues to nitpick,
> honestly I'm
> >not,
> Then quit it! :P

> and I ignored this thread earlier;
> Who's fault was THAT fancy pants???
> but did you ever
> consider thatt Hy
> >mighy not have seen Noinden's post before she posted?
> No, not for one minute. Rowan and Noiden went around a few times,
> and perhaps it didn't seem resolved enough for Hy. I can't say,
> but, no. I think she saw it and decided to intervene for her own
> reasons.
> I've
> notices strange
> >things about some of my own posts. I've seen replies to things
> I've posted
> >soon after posting them, so I know that they are there for some
> people, but
> >I've had a couple of my own posts that _I_ didn't see for many
> hours after
> >other people had seen and replied to them. It is quite possible
> that Hy and
> >Noinden just had the same thought at about the same time.
> Come on Joe. I'm not going to tell you you are wrong, but I have
> a different opinion.
> Lilly
> >


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
So, you weren't taking it seriously when you threatened to post private
emails to force people to behave as you wanted them to, oldLIAR? Yeah right.

"oldcrone" <> wrote in message

> You and I and a few others read this NG because it is a
> diversion, Ro. Others take this place far too seriously. I say
> ignore those who do the later and go back to having fun. If the
> local trolls absolutely must post garbage to threads where good
> dialogues have been started, we would do best to ignore them.
> Troll stuff is boring anyway, don't you think? Same spew over
> and over again and all. You'd think they would get tired of
> reading their own stuff.
> Oldone
> Oldone


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
In article <>, RowanWynter
<> wrote:

> >> Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.
> >

> >And in what part of the body does that one last nerve remain?
> >Inquiring minds want to know.
> >
> >-paghat
> So ratgirl, this pretty much sums up everything I've said about
> you. You NEVER came here to came to flame.

a) YOU personally have nothing to teach anyone except maybe if you ever
get a dog you can teach him to shit on your bed.

b) Since you can't tell a mild jest from a flame, you must live a pretty
miserably unhappy life with scowls & mistaken impressions ALL the time.

c) Doubtful you have even the one functioning nerve left.



Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00

"RowanWynter" <> wrote in message

> >Hy did not single Rowan out rather I DID I simply asked she
> SNIP off bits of posts that are NOT pertenatnt to HER discussion!
> Thank you for that bit of info regarding charges Noinden. In
> addition, Hy did single me out...the post was entitled "Dear
> Rowan" with a request that mirrored yours. A request that I
> thought I already addressed. These are the kinds of posts that
> are not logical to me. When something is brought up, then
> addressed, why do folks feel the need to re-hash it?

The one thing that comes to my mind when you ask that question is that
sometimes a post or thread can be missed--esp. if you are doing it in
Outlook Express where you can mark all read and then apply the view of
ignore all read messages. In this particular instance I have been so busy
that I haven't yet seen the previous post that you speak of up here. I have
only seen the thread started by Hy, but I don't know if Hy saw the thread
you are referring to or not.

Maybe for
> the sake of having something to argue and discuss...I don't
> know. I hope that you can appreciate that I will continue to
> post as I wish, and will try to take others feelings into
> account, but not to the point that it cramps my individual
> style.

Thats all anyone can ask for. Thats all anyone can do. You have your own
style and that is what makes you unique. I try not to ever ask anyone to
change themselves to suit me. I know what Hy speaks of and I usually find
it a bit of a pain, but never enough to ask for the person to stop. I post
all different ways depending on the post. Many have told me to stop
*giggling* and have accused me of being a child, or a whore b/c of my
giddieness, but I refuse to change for them as I refuse to change for
anyone, but myself. You are wise to say that you will try to consider
others feelings, but not to the piont of changeing yourself.

Blessed Be,


> Rowan~
> "For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00

"Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message
> "Daisy" <> wrote:
> >I agree with both points. I sometimes leave the entire message
> in b/c it is
> >a silly thread full of little tid bits, but I normally try to
> snip out most
> >of the message b/c I know I really don't care to scroll down
> forever to find
> >the persons reply.
> I agree. I try to snip them, however if I'm replying to an
> involved post, I try to include it, so that I can respond point
> by point, or at least so that others readers can see what I'm
> responding to. I have had experiences where people have jumped on
> me because of my response, when they have not even read what I am
> responding to... just a little insurance I guess. :)

Yes I believe in keeping all the valid info in my reply so that ppl know
what I am replying to. I hate those posts where the person is replying to
something and there is no text there, but their reply--so I have no idea
what they are talking about. Those posts are the worst, but I just ignore
them and move on.

> I see Hys point
> It was not initially Hy's point. It was Noiden's point, and he
> and Rowan had ealt with it in another post (I think it may have
> been Head on a Pike, but I'm not sure)

Well I missed that one so maybe Hy missed it too.

> and have thought the same
> thing a time
> >or two, not towards anyone in particular, just the thought that
> it is easier
> >to read when you don't have to scroll down forever.
> >--
> I agree! I think it would have been far more beneficial, however,
> to put up a post for everyone at this NG, instead of directing at
> Rowan specifically. :)

Yes to not single out a person is better because then everyone looks at it
and tries to be more conscous of it, instead of one person getting it and
then they are put on the defensive. That doesn't get much accomplished.

Blessed Be,

> Lilly


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
> but did you ever
> consider thatt Hy
> >mighy not have seen Noinden's post before she posted?
> No, not for one minute. Rowan and Noiden went around a few times,
> and perhaps it didn't seem resolved enough for Hy. I can't say,
> but, no. I think she saw it and decided to intervene for her own
> reasons.

You say you think she saw it....Did she reply to it???? If she didn't then
how would anyone know if she saw it or not????

Blessed Be,


> I've
> notices strange
> >things about some of my own posts. I've seen replies to things
> I've posted
> >soon after posting them, so I know that they are there for some
> people, but
> >I've had a couple of my own posts that _I_ didn't see for many
> hours after
> >other people had seen and replied to them. It is quite possible
> that Hy and
> >Noinden just had the same thought at about the same time.
> Come on Joe. I'm not going to tell you you are wrong, but I have
> a different opinion.


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Hy wont be responding until tomorrow probably. She is like me very busy
working all weekend *smile* I just try to squeeze a few minutes in here and
there to geek out on the computer.

Blessed Be,


"RowanWynter" <> wrote in message

> >In article <>, Lilly
> >> Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.
> >
> >And in what part of the body does that one last nerve remain?
> >Inquiring minds want to know.
> >
> >-paghat
> So ratgirl, this pretty much sums up everything I've said about

> you. You NEVER came here to came to flame. No
> matter what Lilly or I say, no matter how balanced or rational
> you will still jump in and try to stir things up! Hy...are you
> going to come to Lilly's defense now that you see she is acting
> rational and discussing...not flaming? Are you gonna now ask
> ratgirl to stop? If it is true that you stand for no flames and
> will try to get people to should be jumping in right
> about now...and what about you Joe? If Hy doesn't defend
> someone being balanced and not flaming, are you still going to
> hold fast to your perceptions of this whole situation?

> Rowan~
> "For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Catamite. hehehehehe

"ren" <> wrote in message
> We don't want this.
> *
> On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, Rhyanon wrote:
> > Wikkacrite slut.

> >
> > "Lilly Willow" <> wrote in message

> >

> > > Joe... dood... this is getting on my last nerve.
> > >

> > > >Sigh,
> > > >I'm not following you around looking for issues to nitpick,
> > > honestly I'm
> > > >not,
> > >
> > > Then quit it! :P
> > >
> > >
> > > and I ignored this thread earlier;
> > >
> > >
> > > Who's fault was THAT fancy pants???
> > >
> > >

> > > but did you ever
> > > consider thatt Hy
> > > >mighy not have seen Noinden's post before she posted?
> > >
> > >
> > > No, not for one minute. Rowan and Noiden went around a few times,
> > > and perhaps it didn't seem resolved enough for Hy. I can't say,
> > > but, no. I think she saw it and decided to intervene for her own
> > > reasons.
> > >
> > >

> > > I've
> > > notices strange
> > > >things about some of my own posts. I've seen replies to things
> > > I've posted
> > > >soon after posting them, so I know that they are there for some
> > > people, but
> > > >I've had a couple of my own posts that _I_ didn't see for many
> > > hours after
> > > >other people had seen and replied to them. It is quite possible
> > > that Hy and
> > > >Noinden just had the same thought at about the same time.
> > >
> > >
> > > Come on Joe. I'm not going to tell you you are wrong, but I have
> > > a different opinion.
> > >
> > > Lilly
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Why would anyone take anything seriously in this ng? Except of
course, your victim friends.




Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
>Yep! Just bought one as a matter of fact. "AT Women Sleep With
>Mice and Men" There are often mice in the shelters off the
>Appalachian Trail provided to hikers and sometimes there are as
>many as 20 people crowded into a shelter for the night,
>especially during heavy snow or rain when ya can't sleep in your

LOL! That's a good one! Now just answer me this....why is it
that YOU go hiking during heavy snow and rain? I am an outdoor
girl by nature, but some things I just don't of them is
camp during heavy snow so that I will be diverted to a shelter
filled with folks I probably do not want to know, let alone
sleep near! ha ha ha

"For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."



Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Rhyno, what is this love affair you have with Oldone? Is there
no one that you are not obsessed or jealous over? ....and no,
you can't come camping with're stinky....

"Rhyanon" <> wrote:
>So, you weren't taking it seriously when you threatened to post
>emails to force people to behave as you wanted them to,
oldLIAR? Yeah right.

"For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
>> So ratgirl, this pretty much sums up everything I've said
>> you. You NEVER came here to came to flame.
>a) YOU personally have nothing to teach anyone except maybe if
you ever
>get a dog you can teach him to shit on your bed.
>b) Since you can't tell a mild jest from a flame, you must live
a pretty
>miserably unhappy life with scowls & mistaken impressions ALL
the time.
>c) Doubtful you have even the one functioning nerve left.

ratgirl, you know nothing of my personal life because I have
taken care not to share it with you...therefore, you do not know
what knowledge I have, how I spend my time or how many "nerves"
I am functioning know what they say about assumption?
You make an ass out of you ...and umption...LOL...


Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
>Thats all anyone can ask for. Thats all anyone can do. You
have your own
>style and that is what makes you unique. I try not to ever ask
anyone to
>change themselves to suit me. I know what Hy speaks of and I
usually find
>it a bit of a pain, but never enough to ask for the person to
stop. I post
>all different ways depending on the post. Many have told me to
>*giggling* and have accused me of being a child, or a whore b/c
of my
>giddieness, but I refuse to change for them as I refuse to
change for
>anyone, but myself. You are wise to say that you will try to
>others feelings, but not to the piont of changeing yourself.

Thank you Daisy, I appreciate your comments and your balanced
demeanor in speaking to me. I have never asked you to change,
nor would I. I don't particularly care for Rhyno and I have
never asked her to change either...and out of courtesy to her, I
post at the top as she does...go figure...but enough said about
all of this. Thank you again...well wishes for you and yours...


Jul 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/31/00
RowanWynter <> wrote:
>>Yep! Just bought one as a matter of fact. "AT Women Sleep
>>Mice and Men" There are often mice in the shelters off the
>>Appalachian Trail provided to hikers and sometimes there are as
>>many as 20 people crowded into a shelter for the night,
>>especially during heavy snow or rain when ya can't sleep in
>LOL! That's a good one! Now just answer me this....why is it
>that YOU go hiking during heavy snow and rain?

LOL! Well, we never set out to do this but in the mountains,
the weather changes at the drop of a hat. If we get to do the
straight-thru on the AT next year, we leave by March 15 and do
not get to Maine until October. We hiked some in snow last
winter to get used to it because we knew that we would have some
snow in March and April and by the time we climb Katahdyn in
October, it will be snowing.

I am an outdoor
>girl by nature, but some things I just don't of them is
>camp during heavy snow so that I will be diverted to a shelter
>filled with folks I probably do not want to know, let alone
>sleep near!

Yea, but some of the best folks I have ever met are those who
hike straight-thru on the AT. The stories they can tell around
the fire!!!!! We met an 80 years old woman on the trail who has
hiked it twice. Would you believe a blind man hiked it alone,
just with his dog? He had to crawl the last three miles up
Katahdyn but when he got to the top, he stood up and chanted!
Rumor has it that his chants could be heard all over the State
of Maine.


ha ha ha

>"For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."
>Got questions? Get answers over the phone at
>Up to 100 minutes free!



Jul 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/31/00
Damnit Oldone, you made me cry! Stop choking me up with these
inspirational posts! You are truly amazing!!! I feel blessed
to know you! :)


"All I wanted was a Pepsi & she wouldn't give it to me...just one Pepsi..."


Jul 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/31/00
Oh, you take it plenty seriously when it's me or my friends making you and
yours play the victim act.

"oldcrone" <> wrote in message

> Why would anyone take anything seriously in this ng? Except of
> course, your victim friends.
> Oldone
> Oldone


Jul 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/31/00
What the fuck are you talking about, lardass?

"RowanWynter" <> wrote in message

> Rhyno, what is this love affair you have with Oldone? Is there
> no one that you are not obsessed or jealous over? ....and no,
> you can't come camping with're stinky....
> "Rhyanon" <> wrote:
> >So, you weren't taking it seriously when you threatened to post
> private
> >emails to force people to behave as you wanted them to,
> oldLIAR? Yeah right.
> >

> "For a long time she flew when no one else was watching..."


Jul 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/31/00
Well, tonnocunt, what gives you the right to judge others based on _your_

"RowanWynter" <> wrote in message

> >> So ratgirl, this pretty much sums up everything I've said
> about
> >> you. You NEVER came here to came to flame.
> >
> >a) YOU personally have nothing to teach anyone except maybe if
> you ever
> >get a dog you can teach him to shit on your bed.
> >
> >b) Since you can't tell a mild jest from a flame, you must live
> a pretty
> >miserably unhappy life with scowls & mistaken impressions ALL
> the time.
> >
> >c) Doubtful you have even the one functioning nerve left.
> ratgirl, you know nothing of my personal life because I have
> taken care not to share it with you...therefore, you do not know
> what knowledge I have, how I spend my time or how many "nerves"
> I am functioning know what they say about assumption?
> You make an ass out of you ...and umption...LOL...
> Rowan~

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