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Katy Perry's Egyptian-influenced Dark Horse

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David Dalton

Mar 27, 2014, 12:53:29 AM3/27/14
After listening to the new Katy Perry song Dark Horse
I gave her the shakti association of Horse. But
since then I have watched the official video and
I didn't see a horse in the video. What is the Dark Horse
in Egyptian pagan tradition, is it Set?

(Also I would like to send her some
Newfoundland-brewed Black Horse beer, or buy
her some if she ever tours to here in Newfoundland.)

There is a long Wikipedia article on the song at

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"Moon in the window; a bird on the pole
Can always find a millionaire to shovel all the coal" (Tom Waits)

David Dalton

Mar 27, 2014, 1:36:44 AM3/27/14
In article <>,
David Dalton <> wrote:

> After listening to the new Katy Perry song Dark Horse
> I gave her the shakti association of Horse. But
> since then I have watched the official video and
> I didn't see a horse in the video. What is the Dark Horse
> in Egyptian pagan tradition, is it Set?
> (Also I would like to send her some
> Newfoundland-brewed Black Horse beer, or buy
> her some if she ever tours to here in Newfoundland.)
> There is a long Wikipedia article on the song at

It says `Perry, in interviews, said she wanted the song to
have a "witchy, spell-y kind of black magic-y idea", so she
wrote it from the perspective of a witch warning a man not
to fall in love with her because if he does, she will be his last.'

So the original song concept might not have been Egyptian
but the video certainly is.

David Dalton

Mar 27, 2014, 11:35:30 PM3/27/14
In article <>,
David Dalton <> wrote:

> In article <>,
> David Dalton <> wrote:
> > After listening to the new Katy Perry song Dark Horse
> > I gave her the shakti association of Horse. But
> > since then I have watched the official video and
> > I didn't see a horse in the video. What is the Dark Horse
> > in Egyptian pagan tradition, is it Set?
> >
> > (Also I would like to send her some
> > Newfoundland-brewed Black Horse beer, or buy
> > her some if she ever tours to here in Newfoundland.)
> >
> > There is a long Wikipedia article on the song at
> >
> It says `Perry, in interviews, said she wanted the song to
> have a "witchy, spell-y kind of black magic-y idea", so she
> wrote it from the perspective of a witch warning a man not
> to fall in love with her because if he does, she will be his last.'
> So the original song concept might not have been Egyptian
> but the video certainly is.

In his SF novel Creatures of Light and Darkness, which
was heavily influenced by Egyptian mythology, Roger
Zelazny has a character named Typhon who in the novel
is the brother of Set. From :

"Typhon appears as a black horse-shadow, without a horse to
cast it. He contains within himself something called Skagganauk
Abyss, which resembles a black hole, not a term in common use
at the time."

But this character Typhon does not appear to have been
based on the mythological Greek monster Typhon, who from
"was traditionally identified with the Egyptian Set"
and was not in horse form.

In both cases Typhon is male, and Katy Perry is
certainly female.

Also, as Zayton noted on alt.religion.wicca ,
the term dark horse means:

Z> Not the main favored candidate. Someone somewhat unkown
Z> who exceeds expectations of all others in an event.
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