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Your Dream

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Stan Sigstad

Apr 10, 2016, 6:30:03 AM4/10/16
Have you ever had a dread you thought would never come true? Since childhood after walking into an occult store with a lady and experiencing the joy in this mysterious place I knew I never wanted to leave. The first thing brought to my attention was the wonderful smell of incense in the air. Looking around there were all kinds of strange things on the shelves, dangling from the ceiling, soft music playing and the people were so incredibly friendly, I never wanted to leave! I grew up in a christian home with a very mean spirited mother who was very abusive to me in many ways and I was seeking psychological help, the lady I was with was a child psychologist. Years went by but I always remembered that magical time when we went into this paradise. I didn't know what it was or what they were about but I just knew I had to become a part of it. It wasn't until after I turned 19 years old did I finally discover what this neat place was and it became my dream to open up a shop like it one day. Here I am at the ancient
age of 57 and my dream has come true. Right now my store is only online with a grand opening sale designated for Beltane 2016 (May 1st) and I'm even giving away free gifts. I expect there to be a huge turn out that day. What better time than Beltane to start an occult store anyway. I sell over 6000 items but that simply is not enough for me. I plan to add over 600 ebooks to my inventory, astrological packages over 50 pages each, special sound/light meditation equipment which is the most powerful on the planet. Eventually I want to open this store in a physical building which will open up even more doors for me. Why on earth does it take so long for this dream to reach fruition? If you have a dream now is the time to pursue it, do not wait one minute longer otherwise you'll have many regrets.

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