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Righteousness vs. Holiness

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Pastor Aaron

Oct 2, 2005, 3:44:10 PM10/2/05
Righteousness vs. Holiness

During my time in ministry I have found that most people do not really have
a clear concept of what the difference is between righteousness and
holiness. It seams most people view both as being related, but they do not
really know how. Also, a lot of people tend to think that righteousness is
for normal people and holiness is for extreme or radical believers.

Holiness, specifically, has been a target for misconception for many years
because of the Holiness Movement. Such extremism as women only warring long
hair, long dresses, and no makeup or jewelry has vastly distorted the view
of Americans to what holiness really is.

Righteousness is no different. As a society we have grown so dreadful of
holiness that righteousness has also been shunned. Our perception of being a
good Christian has become that of living a “good” life and going to church
when we feel like it.

Holiness and righteousness, though, is not really so complicated, and the
changing of one’s lifestyle in a drastic way is not what they are about. In
reality holiness and righteousness are points of relationship not

Let me explain what holiness and righteousness is in a nutshell.
Righteousness is being in right standing with God, and holiness is being set
apart for God.

Here is a good visual explanation of the difference between righteousness
and holiness. Righteousness is standing in a mud puddle, and holiness is not
standing in a mud puddle. The mud is sin, and when we are around sin but in
right standing with God it is like standing in the mud puddle. We are clean,
except for our feet. Holiness is getting out of the mud puddle and being
apart from it. If we are living a holy life we are not only in right
standing with God, but we are also apart from sin.

Righteousness is being in relationship with God and receiving His
forgiveness. Holiness is being in an intimate relationship with God, being
set apart for Him and for His Will.

Here is the key. Righteousness requires forgiveness, and holiness requires
righteousness. You can be righteous without being holy, but you can not be
holy without being righteous. You must first be forgiven and clean of sin
before you can be holy.

Also, remember that holiness is progressive, while righteousness is instant.
We are righteous the instant we ask for forgiveness, but holiness is a
process of being separated from sin. We work on one part of our life at a
time. When we have conquered it and gained the victory then we are able to
start working on another part of our life. One step at a time, one day at a
time, one thought at a time. God has given us the gift of time.

I hope this short article has been illuminating to you. Do not get
frustrated if you can not clean up your life in a day, but remember that
with God anything is possible!

Pastor Aaron
Agape Place Ministries


Nov 13, 2005, 1:42:41 PM11/13/05

> Let me explain what holiness and righteousness is to a nutjob.

> Righteousness is being in right standing with God, and holiness is being
> apart for God.

Oxford dictionary:

HOLINESS - being holy or sacred

RIGHTEOUS - morally right, virtuous, law-abiding

See, there it is, that is what it means... no ifs or buts, there is no
struggle to comprehend or seperate the meaning of the two words, it is quite

in fact none of the stuff you say is true. you are confused by thousands of
years of misinterpreted stories and politico-religious agendas. You cojure
up your own little versions of the same lies everyday and preach it under
the banner of your holy church, referring to it as if it originated from
somewhere other than earth, written by some being other than humans. You
invade peacful people and force your beliefs upon them, telling them they
are wrong to believe what they hold sacred and teaching them of the superior
god you serve. Then you persecute them if they don't believe your lies and
convert, telling them that eternal damnation awaits them when they die... as
if you have some better idea of what happens after death than the next fool.
Suck it up Pastor, suck up all the anger you feel, because in your religion
it's all about deceiving your true feelings and submitting to the lies. You
now have to calm yourself and forgive me for my blasphemy, because this
isn't the dark ages any more, so you cannot burn me at the stake. Ask your
god to have mercy on my soul and to guide me to jesus. If you can't bring
yourself to do this, you are no good as a man of the cloth, although I don't
expect you to, because only those who knows what justice, mercy, and honesty
means can truly forgive, and you sure as shit don't have a clue. Judgement
day is already upon the world, and always has been, and it is your actions
right now that determines where you end up, and how you live your life, not
the silly little riddles you make up to confuse ignorant people. It is what
you do that judges you, and how you do it that delivers the verdict.

> Righteousness is being in relationship with God and receiving His
> forgiveness. Holiness is being in an intimate relationship with God, being

> set apart for Him and for His Will. blablabla

Holiness is achieved by being shot at close range with an AK 47, while
righteousness is achieved by farting at the enemy as you breathe your last


Jan 3, 2013, 9:02:50 PM1/3/13
What an awesome explanation and thank you for writing this! Personally for the longest time, I didn't understand this either, but you right on point, and it is comforting and encouraging to learn the difference. I believe it strengthens our resolve to live our lives for God. While we were still sinners, Christ called us out of the world and led us to right standing before our Heavenly Father through his sacrifice.

Praise God! This is over 7 years old, and it is still ministering for God's children. This was the first result for "righteousness vs holiness".

Feb 24, 2016, 5:18:37 PM2/24/16
Love this article
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