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Narconon Exposed tonight on Canadian TV

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Patty Pieniadz

Apr 2, 2008, 4:24:58 AM4/2/08
Tonight at 22:30 EST, Téléjournal de radio-canada will be airing
a show on Narconon in Quebec.

The film crew came to my home and interviewed me for the
show a few weeks ago. The show is about Narconon, the bogus
and harmful "drug rehab tech" of Hubbard, and Narconon's Scn


R. Hill

Apr 2, 2008, 6:35:36 PM4/2/08

R. Hill

Apr 3, 2008, 12:16:53 AM4/3/08

It was blah, but at least parents have been made aware.

Of course, the Narconon spokesperson said that Narconon was in no way
connected to the Church of Scientology. The reporter should have at
least provided an insight of why this is a questionable statement. A
good point was the reporter mentioning that in 1999, the Commissions
Scolaire du Grand Montreal forbid Narconon to present its materials in
schools, so the other region should take note.

I will see to find the time to web the Narconon representative
statement, and provide what I consider was missing from the news, that
Narconon *uses* Scientology doctrine/practices, so that French-
speaking people can be made aware with convincing evidences.

Narconon Trois-Rivières is a good earner (largest center in Canada by
far AFAIK), but from their financial statements here, I can't tell how
much goes for royalties -- although I have been wondering if this is
itemized as "advertising."


R. Hill

Apr 3, 2008, 10:21:45 AM4/3/08

Argh... just heard from the news channel that there was a short and a
long version of the report. What I watched was the short version, I
wasn't aware there were two versions. The long version seems much
better from an excerpt I just saw.

I will see if I can obtain the video for all this. I didn't know there
would be a longer version....


R. Hill

Apr 3, 2008, 10:57:21 AM4/3/08

Well, the long version was a great piece of news.

Thanks Patty!

Quick and dirty chronological topics covered:


* Xenu
* Patty Pieniadz
* France Damour (Québec singer)
* Tom Cruise leaked video excerpt
* Stephen Kent (Scientology is more than just a religion)
* Criminon, Narconon, CCHR (Scientology fronts)
* Patty Pieniadz
* Narconon
* Stephen Kent, on politicians supporting Narconon
* Narconon in schools
* Hidden camera footage of Narconon representative in school
* Pretext phone call to Narconon
* Hidden camera footage of Narconon representative talking about Tone
Scale to school students
* Tone Scale explained, L. Ron Hubbard says that low tone should be
disposed off (homosexuals, communists)
* Drug-in-fat is pseudoscience
* Narconon was kicked of Montreal schools in 1999
* Patty Pieniadz

2nd part:

* Googling Narconon shows Scientology is always nearby
* Narconon representative on hidden camera footage saying there is no
* Narconon refused to be interviewed
* But during the protest of February 10, they met Jean Larivière,
Narconon big guy in Québec
* Narconon Trois-Rivières land/building belong to Thetasoft, Inc.
* Patty Pieniadz, Theta is spirit in scientologese
* The president of Thetasoft, Inc., is a reknown scientologist
* Marc Bernard, the president of Narconon, is also a scientologist
* Narconon is one of the largest donator to the Church of Scientology
in Montréal
* Scientology footage of 2007 New Year event, bragging about Narconon
* Damon Alverson, Narconon Watsonville client, talk about the oil
* Madeleine Genesse underwent the same program as a scientologist:
Purification Rundown
* Overdose of niacin
* Doctor comments on the program: dehydration, etc. dangerous
* Madeleine Genesse, bad memories about the program: sick, vomitting,
diarrhea, people using the same toilet, etc.
* Narconon has some success, in 2006, Narconon Trois-Rivières report
over $4 million in revenue
* Narconon program is not
* Patty Pieniadz, ex-addicts, just two months off-drugs become
* Damon Alverson, was offered work, as a computer programmer
* Narconon representatives claims 85% on phone call
* Damon Alverson was thrown out because is started to question the
lying about the efficacy, they dropped him to a homeless shelter, with
* Patty Pieniadz walking to work, Narconon recruiting people into
* Hidden camera footage of Narconon representative in school
* Patty Pieniadz was recruited through Narconon
* Few former scientologists will speak about their experience in
* Madeleine Genesse, I was lacking judgment, insights, it was a period
of my life where I went offtrack
* Patty Pieniadz speaking out about personal life

You looked great Patty :-)

There was a snippet today about a minister commenting that she felt
used by Narconon, I will see if I can find more about this.


Android Cat

Apr 3, 2008, 11:35:12 AM4/3/08

R. Hill

Apr 3, 2008, 11:43:12 AM4/3/08
On Apr 3, 11:35 am, "Android Cat" <> wrote:
> R. Hill wrote:
> > Well, the long version was a great piece of news.
> > Thanks Patty!
> > Quick and dirty chronological topics covered:
> > =====
> >

> > * Xenu
> > * Patty Pieniadz
> > * France Damour (Québec singer)
> > * Tom Cruise leaked video excerpt
> > * Stephen Kent (Scientology is more than just a religion)
> > * Criminon, Narconon, CCHR (Scientology fronts)
> > * Patty Pieniadz
> > * Narconon
> > * Stephen Kent, on politicians supporting Narconon
> > * Narconon in schools
> > * Hidden camera footage of Narconon representative in school
> > * Pretext phone call to Narconon
> > * Hidden camera footage of Narconon representative talking about Tone
> > Scale to school students
> > * Tone Scale explained, L. Ron Hubbard says that low tone should be
> > disposed off (homosexuals, communists)
> > * Drug-in-fat is pseudoscience
> > * Narconon was kicked of Montreal schools in 1999
> > * Patty Pieniadz
> > 2nd part:
> >
> For archiving copies of the program:

> --
> Ron of that ilk.

I tried, looked into the ASX file too, but the "Save As" menu item is
disabled. Looks like even if this is a WMV, there is another redirect.


Android Cat

Apr 3, 2008, 11:49:39 AM4/3/08

Yes, they're doing something interesting to try to stop direct access.
Still, in the end, if I can watch it, I can save it.

Patty Pieniadz

Apr 3, 2008, 2:05:48 PM4/3/08

Thanks Ray! I had no idea how to find it.

Thanks to Android Cat as well.

Maybe some nice french speaking anon person will
translate this report for us.


Part I

Part II


Apr 3, 2008, 3:43:38 PM4/3/08

Thanks so much Ray. I miss so many of these because I'm on dial up. It's
great to have the outline here.

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Save some dough, save some grief:


Apr 3, 2008, 3:46:22 PM4/3/08

Don't those formats wind up in the browser cache?

Apr 3, 2008, 4:25:52 PM4/3/08
This is from the able web site which owns narc anon.
Check out the end.

R. Hill

Apr 4, 2008, 12:09:57 PM4/4/08
On Apr 2, 4:24 am, "Patty Pieniadz" <> wrote:

There was a follow-up in the news today. Outcome of yesterday's
special report:

* A law project will be proposed next fall to ensure proper
accreditation for drug rehab entities;

* The school from which the hidden footage was taken refused to
comment, but...

* The Federation of Parents Committees (my translation) will look into
how this could happen, how Narconon could end up spreading their crap
in schools, and how can this be avoided next time;

* Michelle Courchesne, minister of Education, will send a letter to
schools to ask them to be careful and to inform themselves more
thoroughly when groups want to present their materials in schools;

* The president of la "Maison des Jeunes" (an organization present
across the province to help/inform/link teenagers) felt Narconon was
deceitful, she says Narconon won't be invited anymore.


R. Hill

Apr 4, 2008, 1:41:55 PM4/4/08

Duh! I worked hours upon hours to try and make a subtitled version of
the report (I have a hard time with translating stuff), and someone
was way faster than me... Oh well :-)


I will still work on the version I have, as I want to integrate the
latest follow-up piece of news.


Apr 4, 2008, 8:34:24 PM4/4/08
Thanks for posting the the subtitled version I did Ray. I got around
to doing the other parts.

Narconon Exposed Part 1 -
Narconon Exposed Part 2 -
Narconon Exposed FollowUp -

Enjoy :)

Fear Not

Apr 4, 2008, 11:13:00 PM4/4/08

That was great Patty!!
Many thanks for speaking out against COS Detox scam.
I think your Dad would be proud of you. You look so happy being out
the Cult and living free.
Fear Not


Apr 5, 2008, 7:27:52 AM4/5/08

You did a nice job there Patty... you came off as intelligent, well-
spoken, and concerned about the well being of the victims, in stark
contrast to the self-serving, uncaring, unconcerned attitude of the
Narconon spokeswoman.

100 internets for you!

Patty Pieniadz

Apr 5, 2008, 8:09:05 AM4/5/08

"Fear Not" <> wrote in message

Thanks Fear Not, I watched the video with my mom and we both cried at
end. She agreed that my Dad would be very happy to see me out and
out against the cult. She told me he hated Scn but was afraid of their
policies so kept his opinions to himself. My mom kept telling him that
I would figure
it out someday. The sad part is I figured it out after he passed away.

I'm not done, exposing Narconon. I don't have any stats to back me up,
but I
think that Narconon is probably one of their biggest recruitment tools
right now.

They need to be investigated and shut down as they are using bogus
to recruit people into the cult.



Apr 5, 2008, 8:22:20 AM4/5/08

Patty does very well, and for people in the US I think that crisp New
England accent is kind of authoritative -- at least it is for a boy
from Kansas like me.
> 100 internets for you!

R. Hill

Apr 5, 2008, 1:01:33 PM4/5/08
On Apr 2, 4:24 am, "Patty Pieniadz" <> wrote:

I know there are already versions out there with English subtitles, I
will still throw mine in, as it was almost complete when I found out
others, and it's in all in a single clip, follow-up included:

Higher res version (100MB):

There are a few typos in it I saw afterward but the process of
correcting and rendering the movie is so long, I didn't bother to go
through another round of corrections. Next time I will start with the
transcript first, than the subtitles, so that my spell checker can
catch errors. I'm not perfect bilingual either, that's noticeable. One
funny thing too, I had to translate back into English the already
translated portion from English into French from the reporter. Hope
the end result isn't too far away from what the English interviewees
told the reporter originally.

I found funny that the Narconon representative told the reporter they
don't want to conform to government norms, or else they would have to
change their drug rehab program... I wish she asked exactly what would
have to change? It was great that the reporter showed that Narconon
was using exactly Scientology's "Purification Rundown." I wish the
interviewed doctor brought that these high dosage of niacin can cause
liver damage.

The reporting team did a great job, and thanks to Patty and Damon with
their accounts to have contributed to bring about changes in here,
Narconon is now out of Maison des Jeunes, and it will be much harder
for them to get in schools (I am sure they will still try again and
again), and a new law project will be submitted this coming fall, to
monitor and/or regulate drug rehab centers.

Here is the transcript

Société Radio-Canada
Le Téléjournal, special report: Narconon
April 2, 2008
Subtitles: Unofficial translation

Émilie Dubreuil (reporter), voice over:
75 million years ago, a tyrant named Xenu was ruling the Galactic
Federation. To solve an overpopulation problem in his corner of the
Universe, the dictator decides to execute 13,500 billions aliens. He
send them to Earth in spaceships, and throw them in volcanoes, which
he explodes with hydrogen bombs. The remnants of these aliens pollute
to this day the soul of humans. That's what Scientologists believe:
they have to rid themselves of these ancient souls.

Patty Pieniadz: "Through a process in your mind, you make them go

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Patty Pieniadz spent an important amount of money to learn the secret
teachings of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. To access
this information, one must reach highest levels of the Church of

Patty Pieniadz: "It sounds funny today, but back then I believed this

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Patty Pieniadz spent 27 years in Scientology. She doesn't believe
anymore Scientology teachings.
But for Scientologists around the world, including France D'Amour,
John Travolta, and Tom Cruise, the writings of L. Ron Hubbard are
sacred. Scientology is more than just a religious organization.

Dr. Stephen Kent, professor of Sociology, University of Alberta:
"Scientology is involved in so many secular activities, that I
consider it a multi-faceted transnational organization, of which only
one part of it is religious."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Criminon to rehabilitate criminals, Narconon to rehabilitate drug
addicts, Citizens Commission on Human Rights to campaign against
psychiatry. These organizations are closely linked to the Church of

Patty Pieniadz: "Mainstream is what Scientology wants."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Last February, Christine Saint-Pierre, Quebec minister for Culture and
Communications unwittingly gave her support to one of the most
important Scientology front: Narconon. She isn't the only one: Mario
Dumont, head of ADQ, Bernard Patry, deputy for Pierrefonds-Dollars,
physician, also gave support to Narconon's campaign. a "Quebec without

Dr. Stephen Kent: "Politicians are probably acting in good faith, but
clearly are not doing their homework. The controversy surrounding
Narconon is no secret."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Narconon doesn't only look for support from politicians. The
organization is also present in schools, where it presents its
materials, "Truth about drugs." In a school on the South Shore of
Montreal, where we went using a hidden camera, a Narconon employee
gives conference on drug addiction. This man who describes himself as
counselor, was trained by Narconon.

Hidden camera footage: "He will meet all students from 10th grade
today ... Does he have a diploma? ... I don't know, I didn't see his

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Narconon brags, in a Trois-Rivières local newspaper, to have reached
10,000 young Quebecers in 2007. We called Narconon, pretending we were
organizing a summer camp for teenagers.

Narconon employee, on the phone: "I go to pretty much all schools,
youth organizations, from 6th grade to... also adults."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
The main materials presented by Narconon in its seminars, are taken
from the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.

Narconon speaker, hidden camera footage: "The Tone Scale... Wow!"

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
The speaker explains to children one of the most basic doctrines of
Scientology: The "Emotional Tone Scale." In his book, "Science of
Survival," L. Ron Hubbard introduces a scale of emotions, each being
assigned a specific value. Hubbard explains that people who are low on
the scale should be removed from society. He places homosexuals, and
communists, in this category.

The Narconon speaker explains to youngsters Hubbard's views on how
drugs affect the body. Hubbard claimed that, in the long run, drugs
are stored in the fatty tissues of the body.

Narconon representative, on the phone: "It starts with toxins that
will stick to your fat. These toxins will co me out in your sweat and
your fat, when you are hot. But some will return in your blood."

Dr. Jean-Pierre Chiasson: "These are twisted truths. It's a very
reductionist view of how drugs are metabolized and eliminated by the

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Hubbard's theories are part of the materials distributed to children
by Narconon in schools. In 2001, Radio Canada reported on Narconon's
activities in Montreal's schools, where it is no longer present.
Narconon is today present in Mauricie, Montreal's South Shore and in
the Quebec City area .

Patty Pieniadz: "Narconon was banned from schools in California and in
Massachusetts, because they spread false information."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Narconon doesn't hide its sources, the organization mentions Hubbard
on its pamphlets.

Patty Pieniadz: "Scientologists think this is the right thing to do.
They want to do good, they want to communicate their message."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
When one search for Narconon on the internet, the link to Scientology
is ubiquitous.

Narconon speaker, hidden camera footage: "There is no link to

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Narconon refused to be interviewed, but during an anti-Scientology
protest last February, we talked to the Church of Scientology
spokesperson, Jean Larivière. He denied any link between Narconon and
the Church of Scientology.

Jean Larivière: "Narconon is not the Church of Scientology. Narconon
uses precepts developed by founder L. Ron Hubbard, but for a secular

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
In Trois-Rivières, the land and building used by Narconon belong to a
business named "Thetasoft, Inc."

Patty Pieniadz: "Theta? That's the name of the entity? Interesting. To
scientologists, 'theta' means 'soul'. This shows another link to
Scientology, 'theta' is a very important word in Scientology."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
In the Quebec business registry, we find out that the president and
manager of Thetasoft, Inc. is a known Scientologist. Narconon's
president of the board, Marc Bernard, is also an active member of the
Church of Scientology. Narconon is also one of the largest donor to
the Church of Scientology of Montreal.

We obtained video footage of the Church of Scientology's 2007 New
Year's event. During this event, Scientologists celebrated the 40th
anniversary of... Narconon.

What exactly happens when a drug addict enrolls in the Narconon
program? Damon Alverson enrolled in the Narconon program in
Watsonville, California, in December 2007.

Damon Alverson: "You must drink three cups of this oil before entering
the sauna. You must take lots of vitamins, and it's very hot, up to
160 degrees. Oil comes out of your skin pores. [correction: oil
doesn't come out of the pores]"

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Madeleine Genesse underwent exactly the same program when she joined
the Church of Scientology. Members call it the "Purification Rundown."

Madeleine Genesse, former Scientologist: "It's five hours of sauna,
interspersed with cold showers, to help sweating. In the morning when
you arrive, you take your vitamins, which dosage increases every day."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Niacin is the vitamin of choice to Scientologists, Hubbard suggested
to take up to 5,000 mg per day. This is the dosage Madeleine Genesse
consumed during her "Purification Rundown." Recommended daily intake
by Health Canada is 16 mg.

Dr. Jean-Pierre Chiasson: "They give people vasodilators for the so-
called toxins to be sweated by the body. Some people might get
dehydrated, others will lose minerals, might suffer hyponatremia,
others with health conditions might suffer complications, others with
psychiatric conditions might worsen. Personally, I have nothing
against sauna, but is it a cure to drug addiction? I strongly doubt

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Madeleine Genesse has bad memories from her "Purification Rundown."

Madeleine Genesse: "We were sick, we were vomiting, we had diarrhea,
and we were all sharing one toilet. As I look back today, I can't
believe this happened."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Still, the program is having some success. In 2006, Narconon Trois-
Rivières, a charity, reported over CAD $4.35 million to the Canadian
government. The Narconon drug rehab program is not recognized by
Quebec Ministry of Health. Our director called for help for a
fictitious son.

Narconon agent, on the phone: "We don't want to conform to government
norms, because we would have to change our program. It's CAD $7,000
per month."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Who works for Narconon?

Patty Pieniadz: "Previous drug addicts, off drugs for just two months
become addiction counselors. Three months off drugs is far from being
cured of addiction. The road is long before starting over with a
healthy lifestyle. Many are recruited into Scientology, this is what
happened to me and my husband."

Damon Alverson: "They convinced my family that it would be good for me
to go. They offered me a job in computing, they were opening a new
center, they needed a specialist to set up their system. That's why I
Director, speaking to Narconon agent on the phone: "Your success rate
is more than 5% to 10%?"

Narconon agent, on the phone: "It's 85%."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Damon Alverson says he was thrown out of the Narconon program because
he questioned the methods used by Narconon. Narconon employees dropped
him in a shelter for homeless people, hundreds of miles away from his
home, with only $40 in his pockets.

Damon Alverson: "I saw more people being thrown out of the program
than people completing the program. How can they claim an 82% success
rate, when they don't take into account all the people they throw

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Today, Patty Pieniadz works at Dunkin Donuts. To her, it is obvious
that enrolling in Narconon, it's a first step into the Church of
Scientology universe.

Patty Pieniadz: "They tell the recruit, 'You know, Hubbard did not
just create the Narconon program, he also wrote books about the
meaning of life, and the benefits of Scientology. At the end of the
program, you can see for yourself.' Of course, Narconon leads them
into Scientology."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
At the end of his conference, the Narconon employee invites the
youngsters to call him if they have problems.
Narconon speaker, hidden camera footage: "In the back of the pamphlet,
you will find a phone number. If ever you have questions that are more
or less personal, remember this phone number, don't hesitate to call

Patty Pieniadz: "It all started with Narconon. They got me. I went
from hard drugs, to the drug of Scientology."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Few former members of Scientology accept to speak publicly about their

Madeleine Genesse: "I lacked judgment, insight. Before Scientology, I
used to be organized, in control. [My involvement in Scientology,] I
had no control on that, it was a time of my life where I lost control,
I got lost."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
After spending mo re than half of her life in Scientology, Patty
Pieniadz wants the public to be aware of the link between Scientology
and Narconon.

Patty Pieniadz: "My father died before I left Scientology, he never
learned I left Scientology. I miss him as much as he must have missed


The outcome of the first report
Société Radio-Canada
Le Téléjournal, special report: Narconon
April 3, 2008
Subtitles: Unofficial translation

Bernard Derome: "Numerous people reacted to our report on Narconon, an
organization linked to the Church of Scientology, offering drug rehab
services, and that gives conferences on drugs to youngsters in
schools. Quebec government will ensure that drug rehab centers have to
obtain proper accreditation. Follow-up on the previous report, with
Émilie Dubreuil."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Many hours in the sauna each day, massive intake of vitamins, and a
therapy based on Scientology precepts, this is the cure promoted by
Narconon. These detoxification methods raise questions about the
regulation of drug rehab centers.

Health minister Philippe Couillard is concerned by the links between
Narconon and Scientology. He promised to regulate drug rehab centers.

Philippe Couillard: "Your report, and other incidents, show that we
must monitor the services, if only to inform the public. We intend to
submit a law project this fall, to put in place a process for
accreditation, similar to what was put in place for retirement

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
We also showed that Narconon goes in schools to present its materials
to youngsters, materials based on the precepts of L. Ron Hubbard, the
founder of the Church of Scientology. The school board responsible for
the school in which we went with a hidden camera, to film the Narconon
presentation, refused to explain the presence of the organization in
the school. However, the Federation of Parents Committee is worried.

Claude Bouchard: "We must find out why they were granted access, and
what wasn't done properly so that they gained access. We must fix the
flaws that allowed that."

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
Minister of Education Michelle Courchesne will send a letter asking
schools to be more careful, and to be better informed before granting
an organization access to youngsters. The president of the youth
support organization thinks Narconon should have been more

Céline Morin: "We do drug prevention for youngsters in good faith, we
feel tricked that false information, or tainted information was

Émilie Dubreuil, voice over:
She asked members to not welcome Narconon anymore to talk to

Émilie Dubreuil, Radio-Canada, Montreal.

Fredric L. Rice

Apr 5, 2008, 2:06:43 AM4/5/08
"R. Hill" <> wrote:

>* The Federation of Parents Committees (my translation) will look into
>how this could happen, how Narconon could end up spreading their crap
>in schools, and how can this be avoided next time;

This is really insane shit. How could a supposedly technological,
industrial, Democratic (mostly) society allow something like this to
sneak in to their public schools? It's outrageous.

This is like having insane Christian extremists take over a school
and supplant the science education classes with Creationism occultism
only in this case this was allowed to happen for a long, long time
before anyone noticed. Amazing!

George W. Bush is a Christian. Time to get over it.

Fredric L. Rice

Apr 5, 2008, 2:06:44 AM4/5/08

>I will still work on the version I have, as I want to integrate the
>latest follow-up piece of news.

Your efforts get it google searchable. }:-} I'm just amazed that
these insane crooks were able to get away with this for so long
without anyone raising any alarms. It means that people are asleep
and aren't watching out for their own kids like they used to.

Scientology is a cult

Apr 5, 2008, 12:55:22 PM4/5/08
FR...@SkepticTank.Org (Fredric L. Rice) wrote in

>>* The Federation of Parents Committees (my translation) will look into
>>how this could happen, how Narconon could end up spreading their crap
>>in schools, and how can this be avoided next time;
> This is really insane shit. How could a supposedly technological,
> industrial, Democratic (mostly) society allow something like this to
> sneak in to their public schools? It's outrageous.
> This is like having insane Christian extremists take over a school
> and supplant the science education classes with Creationism occultism
> only in this case this was allowed to happen for a long, long time
> before anyone noticed. Amazing!

Everyone assumes everything is fine until the shit hits the fan. The
Kansas school board who insisted Creationism be taught alongside of
evolution were subsequently tossed out by voters thanks to the media uproar
it caused.

People who whine about the media tend to be people who want to do dirty
dealings away from prying eyes.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Kim P

Apr 5, 2008, 1:49:35 PM4/5/08

I will tell you how - it is dead easy for any cult to sneak into a
school under the guise of any front group - and it is harder for parents
(even informed parents such as myself) to catch it all the time.

Schools are vastly underfunded for their mandate (for the most part) and
are vastly underappreciated (for the most part).

Many schools do a great job at providing a decent education for children
within the constricts of the curriculum,budgets,warring factions within
the community (athletics vs arts education is only one that comes to mind).

Many families are juggling 2,3 or more jobs to keep ends within spitting
distance of each other,children,aging parents,and lack of time for
simple rest. Schools do try and keep in touch with families regarding
what is happening at school and which groups are meeting and presenting
to the students. Not everything gets through - and finding the
newsletter in the bottom of the book bag three weeks later does not help

Cult groups,as you are well aware, know all the buzz words and are able
to offer something for nothing (what is a budget conscious principal to
say?) Using the very words and context that are in any minsitry handbook
and using well trained liars to present to the principal this chance to
DO SOMETHING it is hardly surprising that they fall for it.

Kids are pretty much sheperded from class to class and brought to the
gymn for some presentation or another - just do it because that it is
what they are told to do.

Parents hear "anti-drug" education and think one thing and imagine a
well informed Community Police Officer talking to the kids and showing
them what happens - kids hear "say no to drugs" and laugh (middle school
and onwards anyway).

Both are wrong and the principal is snowed under by the glossy
presentation and the scientific sounding words and the teachers see the
kids listening so think OK this is working.,..

Not too many principals are enlightened as to how cults operate or how
cults use front groups to recruit and spew forth their message.

I spent a great deal of time and energy educating one principal about a
different cult group attempting to gain access to our schools via a
dance troupe presentation after my son came home and told me about this
troupe and how the minders of the troupe walked around the gymn watching
the kids reactions paying particular attention to those who seem most
interested in the "message". My son's reaction after watching the show
and the minders was "holy shit it's a cult". Then this cult brought in
some weird touchy feely crap about so-called "virtues" - which when I
researched it found more than enough information to convince me that
this was inappropriate for our public school.

I went armed with information and confronted the principal on this
matter.He was shocked - and was told by the cult that they would not be
teaching their religion blah blah - what I said made him stop and
realize how wrong he was to listen to the cultist: I asked him "Can you
teach a program on the 10 Commandments without using the bible,jewish or
christian theology?" He realized that I was right and the program was

The only reason I was able to do this at the time is because I was not
working and had time to actually do the research and study and present
the information to the principal.

Do not get me wrong, I do not condone any cultic group coming into a
public school and preying upon children and their teachers. I do,
however,understand how it can happen.

We need to,as a community, stand up for our schools and speak out
against this sort of practice. We need to educate school boards and
principals into how this stuff happens. We need to speak out against
the infiltration of our schools and teach our children to recognize crap
when they see it.

BTW - my son said the message of the troupe was kind of stupid and had
no bearing on anything based in reality. (he was all of 8 at the time).

Just an idea for future protests and information dissemination.

Kim P


Apr 5, 2008, 2:32:05 PM4/5/08
On Apr 2, 4:24 am, "Patty Pieniadz" <> wrote:

Good job Patty :)

Patty Pieniadz

Apr 5, 2008, 2:02:57 PM4/5/08

Thanks again Ray.



Apr 5, 2008, 11:42:53 PM4/5/08

Kudos to Madeleine Genesse, too.

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