Affidavit of J. Whitfield
Testifying re: Narconon
Registered Charity # 107760142RR0001
February 27, 1998.
My name is Jerry Whitfield. I live at 119 SE 43rd Lane in Cape Coral,
Florida. I am over eighteen years of age and if called to testify in a
court of law, I could do so in a competent manner.
From 1974 until 1977, I worked at Narconon, a front group for
Scientology. At that time, we took our orders from the Guardian's
Office United States (GO US) which in turn took its orders from the Guardian's
Office Worldwide (GO WW) which answered solely to Mary Sue Hubbard, wife
of the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. Mary Sue answered only
to L. Ron Hubbard according to the information we received at Narconon.
(Mary Sue Hubbard and ten other high ranking Scientology officials were
put in prison for conspiracy against the US Government. They were
involved the biggest conspiracy against the US Government in the history of the
We were required to write weekly reports each Thursday by 2:00 PM and
sent in our weekly statistics by that same time each and every week of the
year. I was in charge of collecting statistics from each staff member at
Narconon, El Paso, Texas. One of the statistics I had to collect each
week was number of new Scientologists made this week.
Additionally, a percentage of our gross income was sent to the Church of
Scientology each week. I did not work in the accounting department, but
I was told on numerous occasions that 10% went to the GO US and 10% went
to GO WW. I did, however, participate in the weekly financial planning of
the money taken in for the week, and how it was to be spent. So I feel
that the 20% figure sent to Scientology each week was accurate. I heard
from the Treasury Secretary that checks were made out each week and sent
uplines to Scientology. I doubt that I would have been lied to about
that for over three years. Especially since there was often a change in
Treasury Secretaries and the story stayed the same. Moreover, I worked
at Narconon El Paso and Narconon United States, and the percentages were
the same in both organizations as told to me by various Treasury Secretaries
in both organizations. I served on the Finance Committees for both
organizations so I was privy to this information.
We used L Ron Hubbard's techniques for getting people off drug
dependency and turning them into Scientologists if we could. We were told by
Talbert, a Guardian Office staff member, to tell people that Narconon
and Scientology were different corporations and not affiliated.
Dick held the post of Narconon Director, GO US. I held a lower position
simultaneously which was Executive Director Narconon US. In that
position, he was my direct senior, or my boss. I, as a Narconon staff
member at Narconon US, was taking direct orders from a Church of
Scientology staff member daily. This was no secret to me or anyone else
who worked there. (In fact, to work there required the attitude of a
dedicated Scientologist. Non Scientologists would not remain under the
intolerable work conditions.) Every day I worked less than twenty feet
from Dick Talbert's desk. I had no time to do the things I wanted to do
to create my job; I had to follow the orders of Dick who had to follow the
orders of Laurie Zurn, another Church of Scientology staff member who
worked for the GO US. She was head of Bureau 4, the Social Coordination
Bureau of the GO US. Her orders came from the head of Bureau 4 in GO WW
at East Grinstead, England, where Scientology was managed.
The Guardian's Office (Dept.20) is now known as Office of Special
Affairs (Dept.20). Bureau 4 was later known as SoCo for Social Coordination. It
has now been renamed A. B. L. E., Association for Better Living and
The purpose of Narconon was to make the works of L Ron Hubbard and his
name acceptable to the public. That was part of Narconon's written
Admin Scale, an overview of what the goals, purposes, policies, and plans of
the organization were.
ABLE is now overseen by a Scientology entity known as International
Management. ABLE oversees Narconon, Crimanon, Applied Scholastics, and
The Way to Happiness Campaign. WISE, World Institute of Scientology
Enterprises is on the same level as ABLE. Both are licensed by
Religious Technology Center, RTC, holder of the copyrights and trademarks of
Scientology. Both are managed by International Management.
One can easily verify the order of command channels by inspecting the
Command Channels of Scientology as issued and copyrighted by the Church
of Scientology in the late 80's or early 90's.
I swear to the best of my knowledge that the above is true.
Jerry Whitfield
Cape Coral, Florida