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(xenu) Hubbard Jr. on his father.

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Michael 'Mike' Gormez

Jun 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/4/96


(From an interview with L Ron Hubbard Jr.)

Ron Jr. says that he remembers much of his childhood. He claims to
recall, at six years, a vivid scene of his father performing an abortion
ritual on his mother with a coat hanger.

Ron Hubbard Jr. remembers that when he was ten years old, his
father, in an attempt to get his son in tune with his black
magic worship, laced the young Hubbard's bubble gum with
phenobarbital. According to Ron Jr. drugs were an important part
of Ron Jr.'s growing up, as his father believed that they were
the best way to get closer to Satan--the Antichrist of black

"In my father's private circle," Ron Jr explains, "there were
lots of mistresses. When I was younger, I participated in
private orgies with him and three or four other women. His
theory was that one has to open or crack a woman's soul in order
for the satanic power to pour through it and into him. It got
kind of far out, culminating in a variety of sex acts. Dad also
had an incredibly violent temper. He was into S & M and would
beat his mistresses and shoot them full of drugs."

When asked by a interviewer how this "soul-cracking" worked, L
Ron Hubbard Jr said, "The explanation is sort of long and
complicated. The basic rationale is that there are some powers
in this universe that are pretty strong.

"As an example, Hitler was involved in the same black magic and
the same occult practices that my father was. The identical
ones. Which, as I have said, stem clear back to before Egyptian
times. It's a very secret thing. Very powerful and very workable
and very dangerous.

Brainwashing is nothing compared to it. The proper term would be
"soul cracking."

"It's like cracking open the soul, which then opens various
doors to the power that exists, the satanic and demonic powers.
Simply put, it's like a tunnel or an avenue or a doorway.
Pulling that power into yourself through another person--and
using women, especially is incredibly insidious.

"It makes Dr. Fu Manchu look like a kindergarten student. It is
the ultimate vampirism, the ultimate mind f**k. Instead of going
for blood, you're going for their soul. And you take drugs in
order to reach that state where you can, quite literally, like a
psychic hammer, break their soul, and pull the power through.

"He designed his Scientology Operating Thetan techniques (Scietology's
secret initiations) to do the same thing. But, of course, it takes a
couple of hundred
hours of auditing and mega thousands of dollars for the
privilege of having your head turned into a glass Humpty
Dumpty--shattered into a million pieces. It may sound like
incredible gibberish, but it made my father a fortune."

(The materials of the Operating Thetan techniques [the Fishman documents]
are the reason for the raids mentioned earlier.)

"... Also I've got to complete this by saying that he thought of
himself as the Beast 666 Incarnate." Interviewer: "The devil?"
Ron Jr: "Yes. Aleister Crowley thought of himself as such. And
when Crowley died in 1947 my father then decided that he should
wear the cloak of the beast; and become the most powerful being
in the universe.

"Scientology is black magic that is spread out over a long time
period. To perform black magic generally takes a few hours or at
most; a few weeks. But in Scientology it is stretched out over a
lifetime and so you don't see it. Black magic is the inner core
of Scientology - and it is probably the only part of Scientology
that really works.

"Also you've got to realize that my father did not worship
Satan. He thought he was Satan. He was one with Satan. He had a
direct pipeline of communication and power with him. My father
wouldn't have worshipped anything, I mean. When you think you're
the most powerful being in the universe, you have no respect for
anything let alone worship.

"... The one super-secret sentence that Scientology is built on
is: 'Do as thou wilt. That is the whole of the law.' It also
comes from the black magic, from Aleister Crowley. It means that
you are a law unto yourself, that you are above the law, that
you create your own law. You are above any other human

The following is from a piece, written by L. Ron Hubbard Jr.
about his father in 1985 entitled "Philadelphia."

"We were in Philadelphia. It was November 1952. Dianetics was all but
forgotten; Scientology, a new science,' had become the focus of
attention. Every night, in the hotel, in preparation for the
next day's lecture, he'd pace the floor, exhilarated by this or
that passage from Aleister Crowley's writings. Just a month
before, he had been in London, where he had finally been able to
quench his thirst; to fill his cup with the true, raw, naked
power of magic. The lust of centuries at his very fingertips.

"To stroke and taste the environs of the Great Beast, to fondle
Crowley's books, papers, and memorabilia had filled him with
pure ecstasy! In London he had acquired, at last, the final
keys; enabling him to take his place upon the Throne of the
Beast,' to which he firmly believed himself to be the rightful
heir. The tech gushed forth and resulted in the Philadelphia
Doctorate Course lectures."


Dave Bird---St Hippo of Augustine

Jun 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/4/96

In article <>, Michael 'Mike' Gormez
<> writes

>(From an interview with L Ron Hubbard Jr.)

When was this interview carried out? By whom? And where was it
published or how otherwise did it come into your hands?

>The following is from a piece, written by L. Ron Hubbard Jr.
>about his father in 1985 entitled "Philadelphia."

How was THIS published or circulated. <sigh>

--Regards, Woof Woof, Glug Glug--
X E M U * Who Drowned theJUDGe's Dog ?
s p 4 \ |\ answers on (alt.religion.scientology!
/~~~~~~~ @----, and on page (/x/clam/faq/woofglug.html
-;'^';,_,-;^; : : : :
"L.Ron Hubbard is the P.T.Barnum of religious leaders"

Ron Newman

Jun 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/6/96

In article <>,

Michael 'Mike' Gormez <> wrote:
>(From an interview with L Ron Hubbard Jr.)
>Ron Jr. says that he remembers much of his childhood. He claims to
>recall, at six years, a vivid scene of his father performing an abortion
>ritual on his mother with a coat hanger.

Where was this published, and when?
Ron Newman

Michael 'Mike' Gormez

Jun 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/6/96
to wrote:
>In article <>, Michael 'Mike' Gormez
><> writes


>>(From an interview with L Ron Hubbard Jr.)

> When was this interview carried out? By whom? And where was it

> published or how otherwise did it come into your hands?

I cited out of part 3 and 4 of 'The fable' (aka Hollywood, Scientology,
Satanism & Suicide). The thing that was posted on ars on April the 15th.

No reference found in it, however there is a (undated and incomplete -
but took place while Mary Sue was in prison apparently)
Penthouse interview with Hubbard Jr. in which he also elaborates on his
fathers "soul cracking".


>>The following is from a piece, written by L. Ron Hubbard Jr.
>>about his father in 1985 entitled "Philadelphia."

> How was THIS published or circulated. <sigh>

Dunno. Never seen it.


Martin G. V. Hunt

Jun 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/7/96

Ron Newman ( writes:
> In article <>,

> Michael 'Mike' Gormez <> wrote:
>>(From an interview with L Ron Hubbard Jr.)
>>Ron Jr. says that he remembers much of his childhood. He claims to
>>recall, at six years, a vivid scene of his father performing an abortion
>>ritual on his mother with a coat hanger.

> Where was this published, and when?

There's considerable input by Jr. in Corydon's book. Also, there's
mention of coathanger abortions in Dianetics, I think. I'm sure I've
read the above before somewhere; is it in one of the critical books?

Cogito, ergo sum.

Have you ever tried to serve papers on a meme?
It's like trying to nail Jello to the ceiling. -Jeff Bell

Ashraf Ghebranious

Jun 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/7/96

In article <> Dave Bird---St Hippo of Augustine <> writes:
>From: Dave Bird---St Hippo of Augustine <>
>Subject: Re: (xenu) Hubbard Jr. on his father.
>Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 01:12:16 +0100

>In article <>, Michael 'Mike' Gormez

><> writes

>>(From an interview with L Ron Hubbard Jr.)

> When was this interview carried out? By whom? And where was it

> published or how otherwise did it come into your hands?

>>The following is from a piece, written by L. Ron Hubbard Jr.

>>about his father in 1985 entitled "Philadelphia."

> How was THIS published or circulated. <sigh>

Would you believe.....PLAYBOY?

That's right...PLAYBOY.


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Ashraf Ghebranious

"If it takes only one person to suppress your religion, then it cant be
much of a religion then can it?" - me

To find out more about the cult that is Scientology, subscribe to
ALT.RELIGION.SCIENTOLOGY. Dont get me wrong, these people are dangerous!

"Jesus woman! I dont give a fuck!" Rhett Butler, slightly paraphrased


Jun 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/8/96

Actually, all this material about his father was originally written by me.
Back in the '70s, Nibs was asked to write a long forward (and I
interviewed him and ghost wrote it for him) which I believe appeared as an
intro to the second edition of Robert Kaufman's book "Inside Scientology."

We were paid $1,000 by Maurice Girodious for this, which took us a month
to write. (It took a lot of time because Nibs had almost no recollections
of his father since hadn't lived with him after he was 4, and a lot of
material had to be eked out and embellished.).

Maurice Girodous sent Nibs the check, but somehow Nibs never got around to
paying me my $500. There was always some excuse, and then he didn't
bother making any--he just never paid up.

Later, Nibs used the material and a lot of other incredible made up stuff
(claiming, for example, that his father wanted him to steal an atom bomb
or something outrageous like that) for Penthouse, and some of it also
appeared in the Corydon book.

Paulette Cooper

Ron Newman

Jun 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/8/96

In article <4pbkvr$>,
Paulettec <> wrote:

>Actually, all this material about his father was originally written by me.
> Back in the '70s, Nibs was asked to write a long forward (and I
>interviewed him and ghost wrote it for him) which I believe appeared as an
>intro to the second edition of Robert Kaufman's book "Inside Scientology."

There was a *second edition*? Do you know when it was published
and who the publisher was?

[posted / emailed]

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