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Names the Church of Scientology is posting under on this newsgroup - 09/09/05

1 ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ
ಮೊದಲು ಓದದ ಸಂದೇಶಕ್ಕೆ ಸ್ಕಿಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ

Truth Seeker

ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂ 9, 2005, 07:27:28 ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ9/9/05
Names the Church of Scientology is posting under on this newsgroup:

This article contains a list of names the church of scientology
posts under on this newsgroup. Some of these names are more actively
used than others. The first thing you must understand is that just
because you see 40 different names on this list does not mean that it
is a list of 40 different people. Each scientologist is posting under
5 or 6 different names in order to give the appearance of being 5 or 6
different people. The church of scientology does this in order to
create an artificial "3rd Dynamic". They do this to get a "group
effect" on the people they are trying to stop or influence. If one
person tells you a lie you might not believe it but if you hear 40
people tell you a lie you might believe it and this is why they employ
this tactic. The church of scientology knows that social pressure is a
very powerful tool. They seek to create an artificial majority on this
newsgroup so they can put social pressure on you to get you to do
something they want you to do or to get you to stop doing something
that they don't want you doing.

The Church of Scientology also posts under different names for
other reasons. Sometimes they post under a certain name wanting the
reader to conclude that the person behind that name is a scientologist
and then turn around and posts under other names wanting the reader to
conclude that the person behind that name is a critic of Scientology.
This is all in an attempt to manipulate the reader and to create
"identity confusion". Identity confusion is one of the main weapons
they use on this newsgroup to great effect. The church of scientology
employed "Identity Confusion" in order to bring down Bob Minton, who
was one of their biggest enemies a few years ago. He fell victim to
their "Identity Confusion" tricks and we haven't heard from him since.

The people posting behind the names on this list will openly
admit that there are scientologists posting on this newsgroup but for
some strange reason they will never themselves post a list of the
names those scientologists are posting under. Why is that? Wouldn't a
true critic or enemy of Scientology want the other readers of this
newsgroup to know the names the church of scientology is posting
under? By contrast, would an undercover scientologist ever post a list
that contained the names his fellow undercover agents were posting
under? Could that be the reason why they will never post a list of
names themselves? If you ever read a response to this article from
someone trying to invalidate this list of names, just ask them this
one simple question: "Where is your list of the names the church of
scientology is posting under?". Just keep asking them that simple
question and watch what happens. You'll get a 1001 excuses, but never
a list of names.

They will also try and tell you that I'm the scientologist on
this newsgroup. If they ever do, ask yourself this question: Would the
church of scientology send just ~one~ single person to "handle" this
entire newsgroup? Would they send just one person to handle a
newsgroup that can be read all over the world? Aren't there articles
being posted on this newsgroup 24 hours a day? Can one person stay up
24 hours a day? If it's just me, then who's going to "handle" this
newsgroup while I'm asleep? This newsgroup has been a tremendous
source of bad publicity for the Church of Scientology in the past. If
you were the head of the church of scientology, would you send just
one single person to handle a major source of bad publicity? Also, if
you read just a few of the articles that I've written in the past you
will know right away that I'm a critic of Scientology. At the bottom
of this article, there is a list of articles that I've posted in the
past on this newsgroup. When you have a chance, take a look at two or
three of them and then decide for yourself.

Here are the names that the church of scientology has been using
for a long time to post under and are actively using to attack

1. "Barbara Schwarz"
2. "Zinj"
3. "roger gonnet"
4. "Larry T."
5. "Mike O'Connor"
6. "Magoo"
7. "Revd. Norle Enturbulata"
8. "Barb"
9. "realpch"
10. "Genesis"
11. "Hal Jordon"
12. "Andrew Robertson"
13. "Susan"
14. "Android Cat"
15. "WCB"
16. "LaserClam"
17. "boxingnut"
18. "Jommy Cross"
19. "Sten-Arne Zerpe"

Here are names that the church of scientology recently made up that
they are using to attack critics:

1. "Simkatu"
2. "SirLagsALot"
3. "MirnaMinkof"
4. "bt"
5. "bodythetan"
6. "Michael Pattinson"
7. "Lisa Ruby"
8. "Mikhail Bilinski"
9. "Infotroll"
10. "bubba gump"
11. "owen"
12. "John Vreeland"
13. "Fear Not"
14. "Muldoon"
15. ""
16. "Stickwork"
17. "Thorazine"
18. "ramona"

Here are names that they are using to post news-like drivel with the
purpose of burying real criticism of their church on this newsgroup:

1. "Praxis"
2. "NewzForYou"
3. "Tigger Tigger"
4. "cultxpt"
6. "Feisty"
7. " ( David Rice Esq. )
8. "Jet-Into-Jet"
9. ""
10. "Kristi Wachter"

This list is not complete, currently I'm in the process of
updating this list to better match the current situation on this
newsgroup. The church of scientology likes to keep changing the names
they post under so I have to keep updating the list to keep pace.

Truth Seeker

Here is a list of the titles of all the articles posted earlier
to this newsgroup that the Church of Scientology does not want you to
read. The articles are all listed in alphabetical order. If you're
having a hard time finding them, just do a search on the title of the
article within this newsgroup with your newsreader or go to, select "groups" and enter the title of the article. Make
sure that if you do a search on a title to leave out the quotation

You can also find the articles buy doing a search on parts of the
title. For example, if you wanted to find the article: "7 good reasons
why you should stay away from Scientology" you could enter the whole
title in the search box or just "7 good reasons why you". Using parts
of the article title can be a faster and easier way of finding the
article you are looking for.

*- "100% PROOF Tory Christman (Magoo) is a liar"

*- "7 good reasons why you should stay away from Scientology"

*- "A red flag that something isn't right with the Church of

*- "Another Inconsistency in Tory's story"

*- "Another trick Scientologists who are pretending to be critics use
on this newsgroup"

*- "Another Trick Scientology uses to discredit critics on this

*- "Another trick the Church of Scientology uses to discredit critics"

*- "Are these identities real or did L. Ron Hubbard just make them

*- "Arnie Lerma answers this important question"

*- "Arnie Lerma, the "Pied Piper" of OSA"

*- "Be careful logging on to Scientology related web sites!"

*- "Be careful of somebody trying to get you to put your name on a

*- "Be careful sending your mail to other posters on ARS"

*- "Beware of these types of articles on this newsgroup!"

*- "Boiling down what Scientology is"

*- "Can you really boil life down to these things?"

*- "Characteristics of the Scientologists who post on this newsgroup"

*- "Church of Scientology's Solution to Stopping Real Critics &
Criticism of their church"

*- "Conclusions the Church of Scientology want you to come to"

*- "Could using a "tone scale" be a good way to make people wrong?"

*- "Could this be the REAL reason L. Ron Hubbard created SP tech?"

*- "David Miscavige contradicts L. Ron Hubbard on Nightline!"

*- "Dear Church of Scientology: It's been 54 years now, are the Psychs
all gone yet?"

*- "Dear Church of Scientology: It's been 54 years now, is the planet

*- "Did you know there are really two Scientologys"

*- "Do you want to know how The Church of Scientology brought down Bob

*- "Giving Scientology a taste of its own medicine"

*- "Examples of the types of boring posts Scientology puts up to drive
readers off this newsgroup"

*- "Here's the real reason the OSA trolls want you to go on those
"xenu" web sites"

*- "How come Scientology never shut down Arnie Lerma like they did Bob

*- "How do you know that what happened to Lisa McPherson won't happen
to you?"

*- "How much weight does a policy in Scientology have?"

*- "How Scientology Creates Identity Confusion"

*- "How Scientology is playing both sides of the coin"

*- "How Scientology is trying to "handle" this newsgroup"

*- "How Scientology wants the reader to Misidentify things on this

*- "How the Church of Scientology tries to discredit it's critics"

*- "How to know if you have been manipulated by OSA on this newsgroup"

*- "How to spot the OSA members on this newsgroup"

*- "How you know you've just read phony criticism created by the
Church of Scientology"

*- "If a person is treated like a SP they will begin to act like one!"

*- "Is Scientology a slave Organization?"

*- "Is spiritual growth a mechanical process?"

*- "Is the Church of Scientology really helping you get somewhere?"

*- "Let me tell you who the REAL spammers are on this newsgroup"

*- "L. Ron Hubbard admits he made a mistake and goofed"

*- "Never reveal your true identity on this newsgroup!"

*- "Of Ridges and Suppressives"

*- "On the subject of destroying the Church of Scientology"

*- "One of the reasons OSA chose Tory for the job of bringing down Bob

*- "One way Scientology is trying to discredit its critics & enemies"

*- "OSA's tactics in a nutshell"

*- "Proof that the justice system in Scientology isn't what they say
it is"

*- "Proof that the reasons L. Ron Hubbard gives for why people attack
him and his church don’t hold water"

*- "The justice system in Scientology, words versus reality"

*- "Scientology is flooding this newsgroup with news-like posts"

*- "Scientology staff members acting like jerks"

*- "Scientology's "discredit the critic" Strategy"

*- "Scientology's "Levels of Enlightenment" Chart"

*- "Scientology's 3 levels of control"

*- "Scientology's trick to keep people from real criticism"

*- "Scientology is a mult-volumed science fiction story that some
take too seriously"

*- "Some ways to "handle" the Church of Scientology"

*- "Something Suspicious about Arnie Lerma's Web Site"

*- "Tactics OSA uses to stop critics on this newsgroup"

*- "The basis of insanity and how Scientology wants to "handle" you"

*- "The Church of Scientology creates their own enemies"

*- "The Church of Scientology discriminates against people based on
their past"

*- "The Church of Scientology is a mind control organization"

*- "The Church of Scientology is like a shadow"

*- "The Church of Scientology's Decoy System"

*- "The church of scientology tries to demonizes certain qualities in
you all the while displaying them themselves"

*- "The Church of Scientology's greatest nightmare"

*- "The Church of Scientology's recruiting and control operation"

*- "The Church of Scientology will try to track you with web links"

*- "The connection between the Church of Scientology and Earthlink"

*- "The discrepancies between what's in Scientology's books and how
things are in reality"

*- "The Dwindling Spiral, is it really true?"

*- "The effect The Church of Scientology is aiming for with those
"Xenu" web sites"

*- "The FAQ for Alt.Religion.Scientology"

*- "The hypocrisy of L. Ron Hubbard's hatred of the US Government"

*- "The injustice that was leveled against me by the Church of

*- "The key to how The Church of Scientology is trying to handle this

*- "The Madness of the Church of Scientology"

*- "The Magical Transformation of Church Member into Critic"

*- "The making the able more able excuse"

*- "The one thing the Church of Scientology won't help you go "free"

*- "The sad truth about Tory ( Magoo )"

*- "The subject of CONTROL and the Church of Scientology"

*- "The truth about the "" web site"

*- "The truth about the book "Introduction to Scientology Ethics""

*- "The truth about the "Xenu" web site"

*- "The two faces of Scientology staff members"

*- "The two types of people that are on this newsgroup"

*- "There are two justice systems in Scientology"

*- "This is what the church of scientology is most terrified of"

*- "This is how to destroy the Church of Scientology"

*- "Tory and what she calls "both sides""

*- "Tory's real mission on this newsgroup"

*- "Understanding how Scientology is going about discrediting their

*- "Want to know a good way to spot the undercover scientologists on
this newsgroup?"

*- "Want to know if you have been manipulated by Scientology?"

*- "Want to know how the church of scientology is trying to discredit
its critics?"

*- "Was the book: "Dianetics" an attempt you make you wrong?"

*- "Was L. Ron Hubbard a "Squirrel" himself?"

*- "What a Scientologist really is and what a SP really is"

*- "What a Scientology Staff member sees when they look at you"

*- "What a undercover OSA agent Will & Will Not do"

*- "What comes off when Scientology tries to impose their intentions
on you and you stop them?"

*- "What does the Church of Scientology have against free speech?"

*- "What I got from the Church of Scientology as opposed to what I
thought I was going to get"

*- "What is the PRICE for getting involved with the Church of

*- "What Scientology is in my opinion"

*- "What Scientology is worried about"

*- "What "theta" and "entheta" really is"

*- "What to do so OSA can't hurt you on this newsgroup"

*- "What would OSA do with their time if there were no big bad SP's to

*- "When does a Scientologist cease to be a Scientologist?"

*- "Why does the church of scientology blame the same groups of people
for their troubles?"

*- "Who's going to put ethics in on who?"

*- "Why did L. Ron Hubbard consider shooting someone a process?"

*- "Why does Scientology want you to believe members of it's church
are critics?"

*- "Why doesn't Tory go on TV?"

*- "Why is Tory dancing?

*- "Why OSA wants you to leave this newsgroup and go to a web site"

*- "Why were these important facts omitted from the book "Dianetics"?"

*- "Wouldn't creating "SP" tech be a good way of never being detected
as one yourself?"

If any of the articles listed in this index cannot be found, it
is probably because the Church of Scientology has illegally canceled
it in order to keep anybody from reading it. Please wait for me to
re-post it in the future.

Thank You.


ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂ 10, 2005, 02:45:18 ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ10/9/05
I'm curious Mr. Total Scientologist that you are, who pray tell IS a
critic on this N.G.?


roger gonnet

ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂ 11, 2005, 03:34:37 ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ11/9/05

"ramona" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> I'm curious Mr. Total Scientologist that you are, who pray tell IS a
> critic on this N.G.?
> Ramona
> Truth Seeker wrote:
>> Names the Church of Scientology is posting under on this newsgroup:

Please don't answer to TS while letting the perhaps 800th spam of that specific
scam cultists libelous message.


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