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Don't insult Scientology

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Nov 13, 2007, 12:31:50 PM11/13/07
Does Scientology engage in brainwashing or mind control?

Not only is this question insulting, it is made even more
offensive to Scientology since the exact opposite is true. Scientology
makes people spiritually free and enables them to think for
themselves. Indeed, one of the maxims used in the Church is that a
parishioner should not just believe, but should observe the veracity
and workability of Scientology for himself and only accept it when it
is true for him.

The people making such accusations hold the opposite view. They
seek to change opinion through "deprogramming," a violent form of
faith breaking which frequently involves kidnaping, forcible
restraint, food and sleep deprivation, assault, battery and rape.
These same people refuse to even allow Church representatives to show
them the true information about Scientology or engage in any form of
meaningful dialogue whatsoever.

Millions of Scientologists from literally all walks of life have
attested to the positive benefits received from their religion. A
common theme to their personal success stories is that they are now
more in control of their lives than they ever have been.

Then, too, L. Ron Hubbard was one of the first to discover and
expose actual mind control and brainwashing experimentation conducted
by United States military and intelligence agencies during and after
World War II. He called these techniques "pain-drug-hypnosis."


Nov 13, 2007, 12:35:32 PM11/13/07


Nov 13, 2007, 2:10:34 PM11/13/07
That's right.........the book by Andrew Morton....the book re Tom Cruise
that he has been writing is ready for pre-order, and you get an excellent
savings (as well as helping raise it on the book lists) by pre-ordering now.

Here's where it is:

Treat yourself and your friends to a Thanksgiving
special. :)

My best, and good job, Andrew!
<> wrote in message

> Does Scientology engage in brainwashing or mind control?

> <Yapping snipped>


Nov 13, 2007, 5:50:26 PM11/13/07
On Nov 13, 12:31?pm, wrote:
> Does Scientology engage in brainwashing or mind control?
> Not only is this question insulting, it is made even more
> offensive to Scientology since the exact opposite is true. Scientology
> makes people spiritually free and enables them to think for
> themselves. Indeed, one of the maxims used in the Church is that a
> parishioner should not just believe, but should observe the veracity
> and workability of Scientology for himself and only accept it when it
> is true for him.

Scientology results in people believing in dualism (body and spirit)
and in past lives and future lives.

I was in for 27 years, and I don't agree with either of these views

Dualism and past lives has not achieved scientific proof.

Dualism and past lives is NOT true to me.

I left Scientology as my beliefs in past lives and dualism was
collapsing, in my final years and months as a Scientology staffer.

I returned to atheism.

I vote for the good things other religions demonstrate person for
person, member for member, compared to Scientologists, who are driven
by Hubbard's extremely retributive rules to attack their "enemies."

When I weighed the behavior of Scientologists acting out Hubbard's
worst policies, I chose the behavior of my Christian and Catholic
friends and family I'd known in my life prior to Scientology OVER the
behavior of the top ranking Scientologists who acted like vicious
bastards (Barbara Ruiz, David Miscavige) in the name of L. Ron

I'm an atheist, but Jesus' writings get my vote over L. Ron Hubbard's
writings, and I am today more a fan of Dawkins and Sam Harris, but
I'll take Jesus' teachings over Hubbard's teachings! Especially
Hubbard's heartless disconnection policies and Hubbard's heartless
suppressive person rules that snag and snare and entrap and elevate
ANY ex Scientologist into "Suppressive Person" status if the ex
Scientologist speaks out about what they consider FOUL about Hubbard's


Hubbard's rules stifle one from criticizing Hubbard's BAD ideas!

Disconnection is FOUL and wrong.

SP declaring people who simply firmly hate some of Hubbard's foul
ideas is WRONG.

Hubbard turned all dissenters into "SPs" and make Scientologists
disconnect and THAT is wrong!

That is systemic intollerance.

Hubbard's rules are so pervasive the rules are so prolific, the
Scientologists are trapped and they don't even see they are trapped in
their intolerance!

> The people making such accusations hold the opposite view. They
> seek to change opinion through "deprogramming," a violent form of
> faith breaking which frequently involves kidnaping, forcible
> restraint, food and sleep deprivation, assault, battery and rape.
> These same people refuse to even allow Church representatives to show
> them the true information about Scientology or engage in any form of
> meaningful dialogue whatsoever.

The only people who hold a low opinion of deprogramming have NOT seen

The great movie called "Ticket to Heaven" should be watched by ex
Scientologists to see what "deprogramming" supposedly is!!!

Deprogramming is simply trying to get cult members to open their minds
again to the outside world's logic that the cult members have shut
themselves off from due to the traps that the cult founder's writings
have set up.

Hubbard's Office of Special Affairs runs the depopularization of the
concept of "deprogramming".

I find the chaos of the freedom of thought in the regular world
outside the Scientology/Hubbard walled off mindset a relief!

Give me the chaos of free thought and discussion and freedom to
CRITICIZE however imperfectly people do in arguing about ideas freely.

Scientology/Hubbard's extensive penalty rules stifle free thought and
stifle ALL criticism of Hubbard's dogmatic conclusions about life!

Depopularizing "deprogramming", well, again, ex Scientologists do
yourselves a favor and see the movie called "Ticket to Heaven" a
Canadian film about "deprogramming" and judge for yourselves!

I'll take the freedom of arguing and criticizing any day over the
orderly stifling freedom to only agree with "source", with L. Ron

> Millions of Scientologists from literally all walks of life have
> attested to the positive benefits received from their religion. A
> common theme to their personal success stories is that they are now
> more in control of their lives than they ever have been.

The truth is that these MILLIONS have all discarded Scientology LONG
after their temporary involvement.

Scientology's inaccurate census figures are exposed by the recent
census figures in Australia, which I posted recently. While
Scientology is increasing in Australia, it is clear that people who
did some degree of Scientology in their years past, those Australian's
DO NOT continue to count themselves as Scientologists!!!!!

Scientology lies about their census figures.

People who do reliable census tallies in Australia prove this point!

There are MILLIONS of EX Scientologists, or more accurately there are
MILLIONS who never properly were Scientologists, but who probably more
normally who simply delved into Scientology for temporary periods and
then moved on to OTHER "religious" affiliations or NO religious
affiliation, like me.

Scientology does NOT see that the world sees Scientology for what it

Hubbard was into pretention about his "subjects" from day one.
"Scien t ology"

> Then, too, L. Ron Hubbard was one of the first to discover and
> expose actual mind control and brainwashing experimentation conducted
> by United States military and intelligence agencies during and after
> World War II. He called these techniques "pain-drug-hypnosis."

Good for ANY exposure that Hubbard did! I have no problem patting
Hubbard on his head for anything good he tried.

Just don't hype Hubbard!

He's unsellable, if you haven't noticed.

Again, Hubbard's "serious" spiritual work, look at what a tough sell
it is?

Hubbard truly believed himself covered with amnesia tranced souls of
dead humanoids from the 75 million year ago massive galactic level
genocide by Lord Xenu.

Hubbard believed that people had to get Clear, then go OT as fast as
possible, to un infest themselves of their burden of these thousands
of clusters of dead souls that are affixed and embedded all through
our bodies.

That is truly what he believed.

When Scientology is laid out in plain English, it is a tough sell.

Hubbard should have seen this.

Instead he left some extremely predicament causing rules for the
faithful Scientology movement followers to struggle with.

Who wants to be cut off from one's parents or kids, when one parent or
kid decides to GET OUT of the Hubbard system, or when one wants to
complain about the Hubbard system!

Chuck Beatty
Ex-Sea Org (lifetime staffer, 1975-2003)
Flag Dec 1975-Jun 1983 (TTC, Sup, Word Clearer, D of T, etc.)
Int Base 1983-1984 (Routing Forms Pjt)
Snr HCO Int in the FB in LA 1984-87 Re-Training (Int and LA) 87-88
Int Training Org, LA 88 (Sec Checker Sup)
LRH Tech Research and Comps, CMO Int, (Sept 88-Feb 89)
Int RPF (Feb-Mar 89)
PAC RPF (Mar-May 89)
Int Training Org (May-Sept 89) (Admin Sup)
INCOMM Sep 89-Sept 90 (Routing Forms Pjt)
INCOMM Sept 90-May92 (Computer Room LA & Int)
ASI May 92-Dec95 (Computer Room, In-Training Esto)
Decks Int (Dec 95-Jun 96)
Int RPF (Jun 96-Nov 2000)
PAC RPF (Nov 2000-Mar2003)
Routed out March 29, 2003.
Join XSO and network to old Sea Org friends:
I live in Pittsburgh, anyone feel free to call
me anytime: 412-260-1170


Nov 13, 2007, 6:43:10 PM11/13/07

It's kind of funny that "Pain-Drug-hypnosis" originally meant "Pain
Drugs" (including barbiturates) and then "hypnosis."

Hubbard - during the late 1930s - would drug himself, and then play
back his "Affirmations" (which were used by Hubbard for years) on a
primitive sound recorder, in an effort to self-hypnotize into a state
of sexual and social superman.

Later, in Dianetics days, "Pain-Drug-Hypnosis" became defined as the
administering of drugs, with the infliction of pain (an "engram"),
plus hypnosis, but that was not the original definition - when Hubbard
was drugging and hypnotizing himself.

As for 'Brainwashing', Hubbard wrote the infamous 'Brainwashing
Manual' in 1955, in an effort to smear psychiatry, by identifying
psychiatry with the Russian Communists. Later he used many of the same
ideas and tactics, not only on outsiders, but on unsuspecting


Nov 14, 2007, 8:29:03 PM11/14/07
Very helpful Posting Chuck.

very nice and clear stated.

Especially after that SUCCESS Story

I guess you were not officially routed out?

best regards.

chuckbeatty77 schrieb:


Nov 14, 2007, 9:23:22 PM11/14/07

So because it's easily recognizable that Scientology causes more
measurable hurt than it creates benefit outside itself, nobody's
supposed to mention it because it might hurt your feeling?

How conveeeeeen-ient!

-maggie, human being


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