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Today in Scientology -- November 23rd ***************************************************

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Scientology Today

Nov 24, 2019, 11:56:56 AM11/24/19
Today November 23rd in Scientology history

Judge Bars Scientology Rivals From Using Group's Teachings
November 23, 1985, Associated Press

LOS ANGELES (AP) _ A judge says she will forbid groups that have broken
with the Church of Scientology from using or selling confidential
church teachings that were stolen.

The doctrine at issue is Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's account
of Xemu, a tyrant who supposedly planted the seeds of aberrant behavior
in mankind 75 million years ago.

After a two-day hearing, U.S. District Judge Mariana R. Pfaelzer said
Friday that the sect's teachings can be considered trade secrets.

Tags: 1983, Advanced Ability Center, David Mayo, Denmark, Earle Cooley,
Florida, Judge Mariana Pfaelzer, Los Angeles Times, Quicky, Robin Scott,
Santa Barbara


Trying to bend manager' minds
November 23, 1987, Jeremy Main, Fortune, CNN

The Los Angeles-based church has moved into management consulting
through WISE, a nonprofit organization, and Sterling Management, a
consulting firm. According to Jentzch, Volkswagen is a client of WISE.
Waving to a massive collection of gilt-edged volumes on his office
shelves, Jentzsch says Scientology has developed "brand-new technology"
that provides answers to business and economic problems that no one
else has.

Tags: EST, Heber Jentzsch, Lawrence Wollersheim, Margaret Singer, Richard
Ofshe, Sterling Management, Synanon, Werner Erhard, WISE


Judge Jails Scientology Head For Suspected Fraud, Tax Evasion
November 23, 1988, Associated Press

MADRID, SPAIN MADRID, Spain (AP) _ A judge ordered the head of the
Church of Scientology International jailed on Wednesday pending
possible indictment on charges of fraud, criminal association and tax

Judge Jose Maria Vazquez Honrubia said it would be at least a week
before Heber Jentzsch of Los Angeles sees a second judge about setting

He told reporters Jentzsch was being sent to Carabanchel Prison outside
Madrid and said the legal process could take months or even years
before it reaches trial.

Tags: 1950, Bob Meade, Boston, Church of Scientology International,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Edith Buchele, Europe, France, Fraud, Gerald Finn, Heber
Jentzsch, Hollywood, Internal Revenue Service, Los Angeles, Madrid, Narconon,
Office of Special Affairs, Quicky, Spain, Sweden, Tax


Spanish officials question, free some 30 Scientologists
November 23, 1988, Stephen Koff, St. Petersburg Times

About 30 Scientologists were released from Spanish detention Tuesday
after questioning about alleged criminal acts, but the sect's
highest-ranking leader apparently was still under arrest.

The Rev. Heber Jentzsch, president of the Church of Scientology
International, was rounded up Sunday with dozens of other members
attending a conference in Madrid. Until questioned by Judge Jose Maria
Vasquez Honrubia, he will not be released or formally charged, Spanish
officials said.

Tags: Bob Meade, Bomb threat, Church of Scientology International,
Clearwater, France, Heber Jentzsch, Hill & Knowlton, Lauri Fitz, Los Angeles,
Madrid, Police, Richard Haworth, Spain, US State Department, Washington


November 23, 1996, Anne Swardson, Washington Post

A court convicted the Church of Scientology's former leader in France
today of manslaughter in the suicide of a former adherent and gave him
a stiffer prison sentence than requested by the prosecution.

The verdict, in the southeastern city of Lyon, was praised here as a
major victory in France's fight against Scientology, which the
government labels a sect. Fourteen other defendants were convicted of
fraud-related charges in the same judgment and given suspended
sentences. Eight were acquitted.

It is "extremely significant" that the judge sentenced Jean-Jacques
Mazier to 18 months in prison and 18 months of a suspended sentence
after the prosecution had asked for three years' suspended sentence,
said Marie Geneve, president of the Paris-based Center Against Mental
Manipulation. "It's the proof that the magistrates are beginning to
grasp the importance of the problem." Mazier also was ordered to pay
$100,000 in fines.

Tags: 1988, CIA, Europe, First Amendment, France, Germany, Jean-Jacques
Mazier, Lyon, Marc Bromberg, Marie Geneve, Nelly Vic, Paris, Patrice Vic,


French Scientologist Sentenced After Church Member's Suicide
November 23, 1996, Craig R. Whitney, New York Times

The founder and former head of the Church of Scientology in Lyons was
convicted of fraud and involuntary homicide today in the death of a
church member who committed suicide after going heavily into debt to
pay the sect for counseling sessions.

A French tribunal sentenced the defendant, Jean-Jacques Mazier, to
serve 18 months in prison, with an additional 18 months suspended, and
fined him $100,000.

Tags: Conviction, Daniele Gounord, France, Jean-Jacques Mazier, Jean-Paul
Chapellet, Legal, Louis-Michel Brolles, Patrice Vic, Suicide


State takes middle road against Scientology
November 23, 1998, Thomas C. Tobin, St. Petersburg Times

The Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization Inc. was charged
with abuse and/or neglect of a disabled adult and practicing medicine
without a license.

Though serious, the lawyers said, the charges carry less emotion than
manslaughter and less of a stigma for Scientology than if church
members faced individual charges that could put them in prison. Because
the Scientology entity was charged corporately, no single person faces
prosecution or punishment.

"They probably determined that this is the charge that can be best
proved, most easily proved, as opposed to manslaughter," said Michael
Cheek, a veteran criminal defense lawyer in Clearwater.

"I think Bernie realized that the church, in all probability, was going
to fight vociferously if a church member was charged," said criminal
defense lawyer Denis DeVlaming, a law school classmate of McCabe's.

Tags: 1997, Bernie McCabe, Bob Heyman, Christian, Clearwater, Clearwater
Police Department, Denis deVlaming, Flag Service Organization, Florida,
Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Florida State Attorney's Office, Fort
Harrison, IRS, Lisa McPherson, Lisa McPherson criminal case, Michael Cheek,
Pasco County, Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney, Tampa, Wayne Shelor


Report: Wedding divides Cruise, Travolta
November 23, 2006, UPI

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 23 (UPI) -- The notable absence of actor John
Travolta at Tom Cruise's wedding in Italy was due to a disagreement
over the event's guest list, a report said.

Sources close to the situation claim Travolta was a no-show at his
fellow Scientologist's wedding last weekend to actress Katie Holmes,
because Cruise had left talk show host Oprah Winfrey off the guest
list, reported.

Travolta and Winfrey have enjoyed a long friendship, to the point that
the talk show icon organized the "Pulp Fiction" actor's 50th birthday

Tags: David Miscavige, Italy, Jennifer Lopez, John Travolta, Katie Holmes,
Kirstie Alley, Oprah Winfrey, Quicky, TMZ, Tom Cruise, Wedding, Will Smith


Scientologists' gifts to police provoke rethink
November 23, 2006, Sandra Laville, Special report, The Guardian,,1954673,00.html

An internal review of the hospitality policy of City of London police
was ordered yesterday after revelations that officers had been
accepting invitations, dinners and gifts from the Church of Scientology
worth thousands of pounds.

Details of how the religious movement appeared to be cultivating
officers in the force were revealed in a freedom of information inquiry
made by the Guardian.

Tags: Police, UK


The Church of Scientology: An Apology
November 23, 2007, ShowBiz, Daily Express

On November 11 in the page 12 column headed 'Cruise's fury at Morton'
it was reported that Andrew Morton had run into serious trouble when
writing a biography of Tom Cruise because of threats from Scientologists.

It is now accepted that this is not true and that Mr Morton has not
received threats or that he was forced to sell his flat and move
underground to write the book.

We apologise to the Church of Scientology and its members for the
embarrassment and distress caused by the article.

Tags: Andrew Morton, Tom Cruise


Sword-Wielding Man Fatally Shot at Los Angeles Scientology Building
November 23, 2008, Associated Press, Fox News,2933,456525,00.html

A security guard shot and killed a man wielding two Samurai swords
Sunday on the grounds of a Scientology building in Hollywood, police

The unidentified man approached three guards around noon in the parking
lot of the Scientology Celebrity Centre, Los Angeles Deputy Police
Chief Terry S. Hara said.

Tags: Celebrity Centre, Epic Swords Guy, Terry Hara


Brother wants answers on Scientologist's suicide
November 23, 2009, Emma Rodgers, ABC News (Australia)

Thirty-year-old Edward McBride killed himself in the Brisbane suburb of
Everton Park in February 2007.

Mr McBride had been a member of the Church of Scientology for about two
years and had paid $25,000 for various courses.

A coroner's inquiry into his death heard evidence that members of the
church had contacted him 19 times in the days before his death about
completing an "audit".

Tags: Australia, Bob Brown, Edward McBride, Kevin Rudd, Nick Xenophon, PC
folders, Stephen McBride, Suicide


Scientologist propaganda sent to 'most schools in Australia'
November 23, 2009, Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop, ABC News (Australia)

The Youth For Human Rights group has been distributing DVDs and
brochures that spread its message about rights and name Scientology
founder L Ron Hubbard as a leader on the issue alongside Mahatma Gandhi
and Martin Luther King.

Tags: Australia, Geoff Scott, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, New South
Wales, Nick Xenophon, Sydney, Tara Kuru, Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, Verity Firth, Youth for Human Rights International


Soldier's brother takes call for Scientology probe to Canberra
November 23, 2009, Crystal Ja, Brisbane Times

Mr McBride was adamant the church contributed to his brother's suicide,
with the coroner reporting the telephone messages contained
intimidating statements, such as "this behaviour is unacceptable" and
"you have missed your interview".

He had spent $25,000 on scientology courses in his time with the church.

"The bombardment of 19 telephone messages backed him into a corner with
no room to breathe," Mr McBride said.

Tags: Bob Brown, Canberra, Edward McBride, Kevin Rudd, Nick Xenophon, Stephen
McBride, Suicide


Chill EB and Me: Rappin' About Scientology
November 23, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Chill EB and a fan on set (from Chill's Facebook page) Last night,
rapper Chill EB showed up in the comments to the story we had written
about his interesting career as a 1990s Bay Area up-and-comer who today
is Scientology's in-house hip hop act.

What ensued was several hours of interaction, as the rapper dangled the
possibility of an interview with the Voice while also defending himself
from several of our readers, who seemed to be in an aggressive mood.

Finally, at about 2 am, Chill offered to meet through Twitter in order
to exchange telephone numbers and have a conversation. Instead, a
two-hour Direct Message dialogue ensued. After the jump, some
background for those unsure who Chill EB is, and our exchange...

Tags: 1985, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995, 2009, Anonymous, Applied Scholastics,
Basics, CCHR, Celebrity Centre, Chill EB, Copenhagen, David Miscavige,
Dianetics, E-meter, Facebook, Golden Era, Golden Era Productions, Hollywood,
International Association of Scientologists, Johannesburg, Karin Pouw,
London, Mental Health, Narconon, New York City, Norman Berry, Quicky, South
Africa, Suppressive Person, The Way to Happiness, Tom Cruise, Twitter,
WhyWeProtest, Yellow tent, Youth for Human Rights International, YouTube


The $100,000,000 Book Con - dox
November 23, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Gabriel has come through with some documented particulars as to
magnitude of the rape, pillage, and plunder of Scientology public by
David Miscavige's "Basics" scam. Good timing my friend.

One Hundred Million

by Gabriel

Tags: Albany, Basics, Baton Rouge, Belleair, Beverly Hills, Bridge
Publications, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Halifax, Houston,
International Association of Scientologists, Los Feliz, Milwaukee, Mission,
New Orleans, Nick Christensen, Palo Alto, Portland, Quicky, Seattle, Sherman
Oaks, Silicon Valley, Toronto, UK, Vulture


Scientology Interviews John Travolta: Oddly, Massage Therapy Not Discussed
November 23, 2012, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Boy, could actor John Travolta use some good publicity about now.

Scientology's Celebrity magazine obliges with a particularly friendly
look at the Pulp Fiction star in a new issue our tipsters passed along
to us.

The magazine reviews Travolta's film-making career, calling him an
"icon of the silver screen," and in a six-page piece manages to avoid
anything remotely redolent of rubdowns going terribly awry, or other
revelations that have been the stuff of lawsuits, news stories, and
endless Internet sniggering.

Tags: A New Slant on Life, Celebrity, Celebrity magazine, Dianetics, John
Travolta, L. Ron Hubbard, Mental Health, Quicky, Shanghai, The Way to


Class V GAG Price List ("Donations" When You Want Them Back)
November 23, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is a partial list of the new GAG prices for services in a US Class
V org.

I don't have a recent price list, so don't know how these numbers
compare to pre-GAG prices.

It appears there has been an effort to simplify things. Probably
because Miscavige is convinced there are rip-offs occurring because it
is too confusing and there are too many possible discounts and packages.

Tags: Basics, Chairman of the Board, Class V, Clear, David Miscavige,
Donation, Nepal, Quicky, Student Hat


Jon Atack: Why do Scientologists Find it So Difficult to Apologize?
November 23, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Jon Atack is the author of A Piece of Blue Sky, one of the very best
books on L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. He has a new edition of the
book for sale, and on Saturdays he's helping us sift through the
legends, myths, and contested facts about Scientology that tend to get
hashed and rehashed in books, articles, and especially on the Internet.

Jon, you said you wanted to talk about forgiveness in Scientology,
which sounds like it could be a pretty volatile subject. Give us your
best shot.

JON: I was on the Class II course when the bulletin Proclamation: Power
to Forgive was handed down from on high. This was apt, as the Class II
course deals with "confessionals," and the Class II auditor is granted
this right of forgiveness along with a pretty, gold-blocked certificate.
So, I was one of the first to grant forgiveness to a fellow

Tags: 1960, 1978, 1979, 2012, 2015, A Piece of Blue Sky, Amanda Ambrose,
Basics, Buddhist, Buffalo, Catholic, Catholic Church, Clearwater, Copyright,
Craig Jensen, Dani Lemberger, David Mayo, David Miscavige, Debbie Cook,
Disconnection, Dror Center, E-meter, False Purpose Rundown, Field Staff
Member, Flag Building, Florida, Fort Harrison, Guardian's Office, Haifa,
Hemet, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, Int Base, International
Association of Scientologists, Israel, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Jon Atack, L. Ron
Hubbard, Mark Bunker, Marty Rathbun, Microsoft, Mike Rinder, OT, OT V, OT
VIII, Portland, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force,
Sea Org, South Africa, Stockton, Super Power, Super Power Building,
Suppressive Person, Tami Lemberger, Tel Aviv, Tent, Tory Christman, Truth
About Drugs, Wogs


Las Vegas private eye busted
November 23, 2014, Tony Ortega, YouTube

See this story for an explanation of what's going on in this video...

Tags: Las Vegas, Private investigator, Quicky


The Missions of Scientology -- Where Are They? Sunday Redux
November 23, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This seems a very appropriate post to reprint in light of the recent
article Scientology Shriveling. Media Take Note: They Lie To You.

This was originally published on 27 March 2013.

I would assume that if anyone wants to take the time, they will find
that some of the missions the church is given credit for in this
article from 2013 no longer exist today (though I suspect the website is about as fast to remove closed missions from
their list as they are to remove declared OT VII's from the list of
"10,000 on Solo Nots Sometime Never."

Tags: 1993, 2013, Albany, Belleair, Beverly Hills, Budapest, Buffalo,
California, Clear, Clearwater, Cuba, David Miscavige, Ghana, Hungary, Ideal
Org, Johannesburg, Los Angeles, Madrid, Malaysia, Mission, Mission Network,
New York, Ocala, Orlando, OT, OT VII, Quicky, Rochester, Russia, San
Francisco, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Shermanspeak, Super Power Building,
Taiwan, Tampa, Ukraine


VIDEO: Watch a Scientology spy get busted by Marc Headley in Las Vegas last
November 23, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Last night, more than a hundred former Church of Scientology members
gathered for a birthday party and reunion at the Suncoast Hotel and
Casino in Las Vegas.

And waiting for them, as they began walking into the rented hall for
the event, were a couple of men filming them.

"They were right next door to the banquet hall. Two gentlemen sitting
on a sofa near the door," Marc Headley tells us.

Tags: 2005, 2009, Apollo, ASHO, Birmingham, Blown for Good, Bob Duggan, Brian
Cotter, California, Camilla Andersson, Clear, Commodore's Messenger
Organization, David Miscavige, England, Facebook, Fearless Leader, Gold
Meritorious, Golden Age of Tech, Ideal Org, Int Base, International
Association of Scientologists, Janis Gillham, Jesse Prince, Jim Jackson, Joe
Childs, Karen de la Carriere, Keep Scientology Working, Las Vegas, Los
Angeles, Marc Headley, Mark Fisher, Meghan Fialkoff, Mike Rinder, Miss New
York, Nancy Cartwright, Patron Invictus, Patron Meritorious, Peter Gillham,
Portland, Renovation, Sacramento, Sea Org, Silicon Valley, South Africa, Stan
Gerson, Student Hat, Sunday Funnies, Super Power, Terri Gillham, Texas, Tom
Tobin, Trish Duggan, Valley Ideal Org


Another Scientology rehab death - and why this one is particularly bad for
David Miscavige
November 23, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Just a couple of weeks ago, we were telling you that Scientology leader
David Miscavige was responding to the difficulties faced by the
church's drug rehab network, Narconon, by relaunching it. While
numerous Narconon facilities have been hit with lawsuits over patient
deaths and other claims of harm and dishonest dealing, Miscavige was
opening new centers around the world, and was reshuffling management of
the network so that it was more tightly controlled by Scientology
through one of its subsidiaries, the Association for Better Living and
Education (ABLE).

That plan has already backfired in a tragic way.

The Underground Bunker has learned that on November 6, a woman who
worked for a Scientology drug rehab facility in Texas was found dead in
Los Angeles where she had been undergoing special training with ABLE
for the Narconon relaunch.

Tags: 1984, 1992, 1995, ABLE, Alain Kartuzinski, Arizona, Belgium, Brussels,
California, Christophe Caliman, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Facebook,
Florida, Fort Harrison, Guy Fauteux, Harlingen, Hollywood Boulevard, Janis
Johnson, Jean-Pascal Thoreau, Jonny Jacobsen, Judge Yves R?gimont, Lisa
McPherson, Los Angeles, Maine, Medical, Michigan, Narconon, Narconon
International, Narconon South Texas, Narconon staff, New Hampshire, New
Mexico, Paris, Phoenix, Police, Quicky, Room 174, Sea Org, Success rate,
Tabatha Fauteux, Texas


Church of Scientology Moscow branch 'dissolved' by court
November 23, 2015, BBC News

A Russian court has ruled that the Moscow branch of the Church of
Scientology should be dissolved.

The Moscow city court accepted the arguments of Russia's justice
ministry that as the term "Scientology" is a registered US trademark,
the Church cannot be considered a religious organisation.

The organisation plans to appeal, reports said.

Tags: Moscow, Russia


Moscow orders banning of Scientology in ongoing dispute, church vows to appeal
November 23, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We asked our man in Europe, British journalist Jonny Jacobsen, to make
some sense of the news coming out of Russia today, where the government
has repeatedly tried to ban or dissolve Scientology. But if anything,
Scientology is dying less slowly in Russia than it is arguably anywhere
in the world, and the government's tactics may have something to do
with it. What's the latest, Jonny?

A Moscow city court on Monday banned Scientology's centre in the
capital, granting a request from the justice ministry. A statement at
the ministry's website said officials had acted after "gross and
repeated violation" of federal laws.

Scientology has already announced it will appeal the decision to the
Federal Supreme Court, the Ria Novosti news agency reported later Monday.

Tags: 2014, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Europe, European Court of Human
Rights, Jonny Jacobsen, Judge Mikhail Kazakov, Moscow, Quicky, Religious
Technology Center, Russia


Russian court rules against Church of Scientology
November 23, 2015, Associated Press, CTV News

A Russian court has ordered the Church of Scientology in Moscow to be

The Moscow City Court on Monday accepted arguments from the Justice
Ministry that the term Scientology is trademarked and thus cannot be
considered a religious organization covered by the constitution's
freedom-of-religion clause.

Prosecutors also said the church carried out activities in St.
Petersburg, though it was only authorized to operate in Moscow,
according to the Tass news agency.

Several books by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard are banned in
Russia for "extremist" content.

A church representative said the decision would be appealed, Russian
news agencies reported.

Tags: Moscow, St. Petersburg (Russia)


The Running Around In Circles Program
November 23, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The statements in the email below really tell you everything you need
to know about the delusion inside the bubble.

And what cognitive dissonance people will accept without apparently
feeling the pain.

Remember, this "Cause Resurgence Rundown" literally consists of running
in circles. Ideally it would NOT be done in a body according to L. Ron
Hubbard - the physical exercise forms no part of this "rundown." Thus,
it is why I have mad ea firm decision that if I ever decide to do it
again I will opt for either driving a golf cart around in circles or
take a seat on a carousel.

Tags: Barbara Dews, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Class VIII, Golden Age of Tech,
IRS, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, OT, OT VIII, Purification Rundown, Quicky


Before Leah Remini burns it to the ground, here's Scientology's side of the
November 23, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Yesterday, we posted the demands from Leah Remini's attorney that
Scientology fork over $1.5 million for trying to interfere with her
upcoming A&E series. Scientology's spokeswoman Karin Pouw has been
sending letters trashing Remini's reputation to A&E's network
executives, and Leah wants her to knock it off.

But hey, look at it from Scientology's perspective: Another former
member is going to get a major platform to expose leader David
Miscavige and the church for its many unsavory practices.

Well, we understand where Karin is coming from, so we thought we'd do
what we could to give Scientology equal time.

Tags: 1987, A&E, Bare-Faced Messiah, David Miscavige, Indianapolis, Karin
Pouw, L. Ron Hubbard, Leah Remini, Quicky, Russell Miller


How to Tell if Your Alt-Right Relative Is Trying to Redpill You at
November 23, 2016, Mike Pearl, Vice News

As you're no doubt aware, literal Nazis who call themselves the
"alt-right" (but to be clear: they are Nazis) have carved out a niche
for themselves in the political discussion this year. Richard Spencer,
the white supremacist who essentially founded the alt-right, praised
the election of Donald Trump in a convention speech on Saturday. But he
also said Trump is not the Aryan messiah who will bring about the white
supremacist fantasy he calls the "new normal," but merely "a step
towards this new normal."

So anyone spoiling for a fight with their proverbial racist uncle on
this unusually tense Thanksgiving could be in for some unusually heavy
artillery on the opposing side. American racism just received an
injection of young blood, and your racist uncle might suddenly have an
ally in that cousin of yours who always posts Breitbart articles on

And things will really take a turn if that guy decides he wants to
redpill you after you pass him the gravy.

Tags: 1965, 4chan, Adolf Hitler, Alt-Right, Breitbart, Connecticut, DC,
Donald Trump, Environmental, Facebook, Muslim, Red Pill, Reddit, Richard
Spencer, Southern Poverty Law Center, Twitter, White supremacist, YouTube


Panic as Hurricane Leah Approaches
November 23, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

As the time for the first episode of Leah Remini's new show draws near,
you can see the panic inside the bubble seeping out Out into the real

OSA has put their shills to work, spreading "good news". Unfortunately
they don't have anything better than an old court case in Belgium from
March. They plastered this everywhere at the time as if it was a
massive "victory for religious freedom" - in fact it was a repudiation
of prosecutorial incompetence. Now they are dusting off this old news
and sending it out again. You may wonder what they think this will

It's POLICY. Fill the vacuum with good news. And they don't have much.

Tags: A&E, Amy Scobee, Belgium, Google, L. Ron Hubbard, Leah Remini, Office
of Special Affairs, Quicky, Squirrel


Scientology 101
November 23, 2016, Tiponi Magi, YouTube

New Age with 3L3V3N

Hi All, @Th3T1pofTh3Roc there is Freedom and the way there is Love.

I am just clearing up some things concerning my stance and from a black
point of view. please feel free to comment.

Tags: Quicky, Tiponi Grey


The seeds of the alt-right, America's emergent right-wing populist movement
November 23, 2016, George Michael, The Conversation

Over the past year, far-right activists ? which some have labeled the
"alt-right" ? have gone from being an obscure, largely online
subculture to a player at the very center of American politics.

On August 12, an amalgamation of far-right activist groups, ranging
from Vanguard America to Identity Evropa, convened in Charlottesville,
Virginia for a "Unite the Right" rally. The event took a tragic turn
tragic when a 20-year-old white supremacist from Ohio plowed into a
crowd of counter-demonstrators, killing one and injuring 19.

Long relegated to the cultural and political fringe, alt-right
activists were among the most enthusiastic supporters of Donald Trump.
Former executive Steve Bannon ? who declared the website
"the platform for the alt-right" ? is the President's chief political

Tags: 1990, 1995, 2000, 2007, 2008, 2011, 4chan, 9/11, Alt-Right, Andrew
Breitbart, Barack Obama, Ben Shapiro, Breitbart, California, Charlottesville,
David Duke, Donald Trump, Identity Evropa, Infowars, Israel, Jewish, Kevin
MacDonald, Ku Klux Klan, Larry Solov, Milo Yiannopoulos, National Policy
Institute, Neo-Nazi, New York Times, Ohio, Oklahoma City, Paul Gottfried,
Quicky, Republican, Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon, Timothy McVeigh, Unite the
Right, USA Today, Vanguard America, Virginia, Washington Post, White
nationalism, White supremacist, William Regnery


Cringeworthy Scientology Music
November 23, 2017, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

Over the years, the Church of Scientology has produced many music
videos and songs to inspire, electrify and fleece Scientologists out of
their hard-earned money. This video from 2011 has never been leaked
before and so as a holiday treat, here it is.

Tags: 2011, Music, Quicky


Cringeworthy Scientology Music
November 23, 2017, Chris Shelton, YouTube

Over the years, the Church of Scientology has produced many music
videos and songs to inspire, electrify and fleece Scientologists out of
their hard-earned money. This video from 2011 has never been leaked
before and so as a holiday treat, here it is.



Tags: 2011, Music, Quicky


Danny Masterson's publicist defends him from rape claims
November 23, 2017, Jennifer Smith, Daily Mail

Danny Masterson's long-time publicist appeared to suggest that a woman
cannot be raped by a man she is in a relationship with as she defended
the actor against allegations from his ex-girlfriend.

In October 2016, publicist Jenni Weinman was on the phone with one of
four women who say Masterson, 41, drugged and raped them in the early
2000s - accusations he strongly denies.

They were discussing the allegations of Chrissie Bixler, Masterson's
former girlfriend who had just tweeted that he raped her while they
were dating in 2001.

Tags: 2000, 2001, 2016, Bijou Phillips, Chrissie Bixler, Danny Masterson,
Huffington Post, Jenni Weinman, Knowledge Report, LAPD, Quicky, Sexual assault


Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem
November 23, 2017, PragerU, YouTube

Why should every American stand for the National Anthem? Because the
Anthem and the flag represent America, and America is a free nation.
That alone is worth standing for. Joy Villa, singer, songwriter, and
recording artist, explains.

Tags: 2016, Amazon, Dennis Prager, Facebook, Joy Villa, Martin Luther King,
San Francisco, Twitter


How Did Scientology Get Tax Exempt Status?
November 23, 2017, Peter Nyiri, The Sea Organization

There have been articles on President Trump wanting to revoke
Scientology's tax exempt status. Here is the original article of how
Scientology became tax exempt in the first place.

March 9, 1997

Scientology's Puzzling Journey From Tax Rebel to Tax Exempt

Tags: 1950, 1954, 1967, 1973, 1977, 1980, 1984, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992,
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Ally, Ben Shaw, Boston, California, Caribbean,
Christian, Church of Scientology of California, Church of Spiritual
Technology, Congress, Criminal, Critic, David Miscavige, Donna Moore, E-
meter, Fair Game, Fred Goldberg, Freedom magazine, Freedom of Information
Act, Germany, Holocaust, Internal Revenue Service, International Scientology
News, Jack Anderson, Jewish, Klaus Kinkel, Los Angeles, Marty Rathbun, Mary
Sue Hubbard, Maryland, Mission, Monique Yingling, NBC, New York Times,
Nicholas Burns, Paul Streckfus, Pennsylvania, Private investigator, Quicky,
Richard Behar, Scientology lawyer, Scientology staff, Snow White Program,
Tax, Tax Analysts, Tax exempt, Time magazine, Tom Cruise, US Department of
Justice, US Secretary of State, US State Department, Washington, Waterford,
West Virginia, Williams & Connolly, Xenu


Scientology: L. Ron Hubbard, Marcabian race car driver!
November 23, 2017, Tony Ortega, YouTube

Please the story this video goes with: https://tonyortega.

Tags: L. Ron Hubbard, Marcab, Quicky


Thanksgiving Funnies
November 23, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today, I wish you all a
wonderful time with family and friends.

We all have much to be thankful for. Good friends (whether family or
not) who stand by and support you through thick and thin, friends who
would never let someone else destroy the relationship they have with
you are perhaps the most valuable thing anyone has - apart from good
health. Cherish and be thankful for them today. And also spend a moment
to remember those who have had their families torn apart and rededicate
yourself to doing what you can to help bring such barbarity to an end.

For a little Thanksgiving fun(?) here are this week's "funnies." While
we laugh at their stupidity and lack of awareness of the world outside
their bubble, it is unfortunately no laughing matter that the result of
their foolishness is people being hurt.

Tags: Adam Drake, Bahram Taghavi, Barbara Dews, Bob Marx, Boston, Brian
Doherty, Cindi Doherty, Coachman Park, Dallas Org, Dan Sherman, DC,
Dianetics, Dusty Rhodes, Edinburgh, England, Fearless Leader, Harry Batson,
Humanitarian, International Association of Scientologists, Jaden Lawson,
Jasmin Napier, Kansas, Kendra Copelan, L. Ron Hubbard, Mark Arnold, Michael
Duff, Nancy Cartwright, Orlando, OT, OT VII, OT VIII, Portland Org, Pretoria
Org, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Rafferty Pendery, Scotland, Stevens Creek,
Tampa, Terri Marx, The Way to Happiness


We've cooked up for you a special Scientology Thanksgiving - so pass the
November 23, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Here in the United States, we're celebrating Thanksgiving today, and at
the Underground Bunker we sure have a lot to be thankful for this year.

For example, we're just coming off of Leah Remini's second season of
Scientology and the Aftermath, and its final "special" episode was a
real pre-holiday treat for us. It featured author Russell Miller and
former Scientologist Hana Whitfield debunking the myths of Scientology
founder L. Ron Hubbard.

As usual, Leah's show prompted a lot of questions from the public on
social media. And we managed to stun some of the newcomers by
describing some of Hubbard's most outrageous embellishments about

Tags: 1960, 2011, Chris Shelton, Hana Whitfield, KCRW, Leah Remini, Marcab
Confederacy, Medical, New York, Russell Miller, Scientology and the
Aftermath, Silver, State of Man Congress, Washington, Whole Track


1st Amendment Audit - Scientology Detroit MI w/ Nasty Nathanial
November 23, 2018, Pink Camera Magic, YouTube

Nasty Nathaniel's YouTube channel

?? Nasty Pink Tour ?? On this day we stopped by the brand new
Scientology Org in Detroit Mi to see if they respect our First
Amendment right to record the building.

Tags: Detroit, First Amendment, Quicky


Ford fears disgruntled Tory MPPs might defect to Liberals, source says
November 23, 2018, Robert Benzie, Toronto Star

The Progressive Conservatives fear some disgruntled MPPs are set to
cross the floor to join the Liberals, the Star has learned.

That's a key reason why Premier Doug Ford is increasing the threshold
for official party status in the legislature from eight MPPs to 12, a
senior source says. A single defection would give the seven-member
Liberal caucus official status.

"There are at least two we're concerned about," a senior Conservative
insider said, speaking like others from the Liberals and PCs on
condition of anonymity in order to discuss internal machinations.

Tags: 1990, 2007, Amanda Simard, Caroline Mulroney, Dean French, Doug Ford,
DougWiki, Facebook, Ford government, Francophone cuts, Globe and Mail,
Hamilton, Independent, Jim Wilson, Kathleen Wynne, Kristin Rushowy, Markham,
Mike Schreiner, Mississauga, New Democratic Party, Ontario, Parliament Hill,
Paul Calandra, Prescott, Progressive Conservative, Quebec, Queen's Park, Rob
Ferguson, Ted Arnott, Toronto, Twitter, Vic Fedeli


Ford government backtracks on some cuts affecting Ontario francophones
November 23, 2018, John Rieti, CBC News

After a backlash, Premier Doug Ford's government announced Friday
afternoon it will take a number of steps to bolster the French language
in Ontario, although it's still cutting funding for a planned French
language university.

In its fall economic statement, the Progressive Conservative government
announced plans to eliminate the position of the French language
services commissioner and scrap plans to build a French university as
part of a plan to balance the budget.

The decision prompted immediate backlash from Ontarians, the federal
government and Quebec's new premier, who asked Ford to reverse the cuts
at their first face-to-face meeting this week. One of Ford's MPPs,
Amanda Simard, broke ranks to criticize the move, saying she was
disappointed and frustrated.

Tags: Amanda Simard, Caroline Mulroney, CBC, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Ford
government, Francophone Assembly of Ontario, Francophone cuts, Mitzie Hunter,
Ontario, Progressive Conservative, Quebec, Scarborough, Toronto


Here is what's in the documents that are prompting a new look at Casey
Kasem's death
November 23, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We're very glad to see that the CBS program 48 Hours is taking on the
bizarre story of Casey Kasem's final days, and that they appear to be
taking seriously the work done by a private investigator on behalf of
Jean Kasem - work that has revealed new facts so troubling, a
Washington state police chief announced this week that he has opened a
new look at the legendary radio DJ's 2014 death.

Jean sent us the same documents when her investigator, Hank Foresta,
put them together more than a year ago. Some of the material he had dug
up about the Kasem family drama was simply stunning. But it was a huge
undertaking - Foresta's document package was hundreds of pages long -
and we never got the chance to dig into it the way we had wanted to.

However, we did look into one crucial part of it, and we hope and
expect that CBS will also dig into it in their episode tomorrow night.

Tags: 2014, 2015, California, Casey Kasem, Donald Sharman, Gig Harbor, GQ,
Hank Foresta, Hospital, Jean Kasem, Judge Jennifer Forbes, Julie Kasem, Kerri
Kasem, Kitsap County, Kitsap County Superior Court, Las Vegas, Liberty Kasem,
Mike Kasem, Private investigator, Quicky, Santa Monica, Seattle, Silverdale,
St. Anthony Hospital, Volunteer Ministers, Washington


Ontario PC party to pay for Doug Ford's $25,000 private jet trip through
Northern Ontario
November 23, 2018, Laura Stone, Globe and Mail

Doug Ford's office says the Ontario PC Party is footing the bill for a
$25,000 trip on a private jet used to transport the Premier and his
team during a three-day northern tour.

The Globe and Mail obtained documents that show top staffers in Mr.
Ford's office arranged a charter aircraft, using private e-mails, for
the Premier's recent visit to northern Ontario. Although Mr. Ford made
several public appearances during the tour, and his office issued
government news releases, his spokeswoman said the Ontario Progressive
Conservative Party is paying for the private plane because the Premier
was also scheduled to attend party events.

"There was no cost for the chartered plane charged to taxpayers,"
spokeswoman Laryssa Waler said in an e-mail, adding that a PC Party
element of the trip necessitated chartering a private aircraft.

Tags: Dean French, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Farshid Homayoun, Jan O'Driscoll,
Jeff Yurek, Laryssa Waler, Lieutenant-Governor, Lyndsey Vanstone, Marcus
Mattinson, Northern Ontario, Ontario, Ontario News Now, Ontario Provincial
Police, Progressive Conservative, Resolute Forest Products, Sault Ste. Marie,
Simone Daniels, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Travis Nembhard


Prominent Scientologist buys up $16 million worth of downtown Clearwater
November 23, 2018, Tracey McManus, Tampa Bay Times

CLEARWATER - A company run by Moises Agami, developer of the Skyview
condo tower and part of a family that is one of the Church of
Scientology's largest donors, recently purchased $16.4 million of
property on and around Cleveland Street, putting him in control of a
major swath of downtown.

Agami's company CBW Management bought nearly all the downtown holdings
of longtime owners Terry and Anna Tsfatinos on Nov. 16, according to
Pinellas County property records. Almost all of Agami's purchase
borders the nine-story, all glass Atrium office tower at 601 Cleveland
St., one of a half-dozen downtown properties Scientology leader David
Miscavige bought last year for a retail project he later rescinded.

The portfolio includes a dozen storefronts that make up most of
Cleveland Street's southern 600 block; storefronts at 425 and 519
Cleveland St.; a trio of storefronts at 514 Park St. directly to the
west of the Atrium; and a parking lot and office building behind the
Atrium on Park Street.

Tags: 2012, 2016, 2017, Amanda Thompson, Ben Shaw, Bill Horne, Capitol
Theatre, Clear, Clearwater, Clearwater Main Library, Cleman Agami, Cleveland,
Cleveland Street, Community Redevelopment Agency, David Miscavige, Diego
Jafif, Elias Jafif, Gina Clayton, Mexico, Moises Agami, Pinellas County,
Quicky, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega


Regraded Being
November 23, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


Scientology Singer Stephen Ridley: Music, Cryptocurrency and Grant Cardone
November 23, 2018, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Tony Ortega today did a piece on singer Stephen Ridley coming out
publicly as a Scientologist.

Just exactly who is Stephen Ridley?

A quick check shows he worked as a junior investment banker at USB but
left banking to pursue his passion for music. The Financial Times
reported earlier this year that Ridley has launched his own cryptofund:

Tags: 2017, Bob Duggan, Financial Times, Grant Cardone, International
Association of Scientologists, Music, OT, Panama Papers, Quicky, SEC, Stephen
Ridley, Tony Ortega


Andrew Scheer dismisses two top staff in wake of election loss
November 23, 2019, Michelle McQuigge, Canadian Press, Toronto Star

Federal Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer dismissed two of his
top aides on Saturday as he and his party grapple with the fallout of
what many see as a disappointing performance in last month's election.

Scheer announced the changes in a morning letter to caucus, saying
chief of staff Marc-Andre Leclerc and communications director Brock
Harrison have been relieved of their duties effective immediately.

Martin Belanger and Simon Jefferies will fill the respective posts on
an interim basis until full-time replacements can be found.

Tags: 2020, Alberta, Andrew Scheer, Brock Harrison, Conservative Party of
Canada, DougWiki, Facebook, Justin Trudeau, Marc-Andr? Leclerc, Martin
Belanger, Ontario, Politics, Quebec, Simon Jefferies, SNC Lavalin, Wildrose


Andrew Scheer fires two key staff members in his office-and they thank him
November 23, 2019, Charlie Smith, Georgia Straight

Sometimes when people are dismissed from their jobs, they slide into
depression or they malign their former boss.

But today, Andrew Scheer's former chief of staff and director of
communications are thanking him after receiving pink slips.

"I have never worked with a leader of higher character and greater
integrity," wrote the ousted communications director, Brock Harrison,
on Facebook.

The fired chief of staff, Marc-Andr? Leclerc, declared over Twitter
that he was "retiring from federal politics".

Tags: Andrew Scheer, Brock Harrison, Canada, CBC News, Chandra Herbert,
DougWiki, Facebook, Justin Trudeau, LGBTQ, Marc-Andr? Leclerc, New Democratic
Party, Sara MacIntyre, Simon Jeffries, Stephen Harper, Twitter, Vancouver


In Touch sold out to Enquirer's parent, so now it starts up with the Tom-
November 23, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Last year, German publishing giant Bauer sold In Touch magazine to
American Media Inc., the company that owns the National Enquirer.

The sale of a supermarket tabloid from one company to another probably
didn't mean anything to the vast majority of its consumers, but we can
remember spending a long time on the telephone a few years ago with a
smart and competent In Touch journalist who truly wanted to understand
Scientology's relationship to its celebrities and what that meant for
Tom Cruise and his daughter Suri. When the ensuing story came out, it
showed a respect for the truth.

Sadly, that's no longer the case. The most recent issue of In Touch now
demonstrates the really dishonest trick that its sister publications
love to play on readers (and that we're surprised its readers seem to
put up with).

Tags: 1953, American Media Inc, Beck Hansen, Bob Duggan, Catholic,
Clearwater, Danny Masterson, David Miscavige, East Grinstead, England, Flag
Land Base, Florida, Forbes, Int Base, International Association of
Scientologists, John Travolta, L. Ron Hubbard, Leah Remini, Mace-Kingsley
Ranch, National Enquirer, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Tampa Bay
Times, Tom Cruise, Tracey McManus, Trish Duggan, Valerie Haney


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