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Brian Beaumont -- CCHR heavy hitter

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Gerry Armstrong

Mar 8, 2005, 3:32:14 PM3/8/05
As I reported, in August last year I carried out a one-man protest of
the Scientology cult's CCHR anti-mental health hate exhibition at the
Vancouver, B.C. Public Library.

During my peaceful protest I was assaulted by a couple of the
Scientologists manning their hate exhibit, most violently by a man I'd
known to be a CCHR official but whose name I didn't then know.

This guy struck me twice, tore a strip of skin off my arm, and tried
to rip from me a bunch of friendly Xenu flyers I'd brought for the

I recently found a 1991 Vancouver Sun article that identified him as
Brian Beaumont.

Beaumont has a cookie-cutter Scientology web site:

It is possible that Jeff Beaumont, who also has a Scientology web
site, is his son.

During a picket of the Vancouver Scientology organization with Martin
Hunt in 1999, a woman staff member ordered a young man, who could have
been in his teens at the time, to shoot me if I stepped onto cult

Later during our picket, the same guy made other threatening comments
about getting his gun and taking care of me. Also later I saw Brian
Beaumont talking to this young guy in a way that led me to conclude
that they were probably father and son.

Brian Beaumont clearly makes an ideal official in the Scientology
cult's vicious and dangerous CCHR attack arm. If the young
Scientologist who threatened to murder me is indeed Beaumont's son,
the Vancouver org has one hell of a family of hoodlums of whom cult
boss David Miscavige must be very proud.

© Gerry Armstrong

Mar 8, 2005, 5:47:16 PM3/8/05
Gerry Armstrong wrote:

- Anonymous



Gerald Armstrong is a former clerk in a Scientology church.

In former days, Armstrong hatched a plot to seize the Church's
assets in collaboration with the Los Angeles IRS Criminal
Investigation Division.

When the Church discovered this, its attorneys obtained
permission from a Los Angeles police officer to conduct an
investigation into Armstrong's plans. The investigation caught
Armstrong on videotape stating that he intended to forge and
then plant incriminating documents on Church premises, to be
discovered in a subsequent raid. When challenged on how he
would obtain proof of the allegations he intended to make, he
responded that: "We don't have to prove a goddam thing. We
don't have to prove shit. We just have to allege it."

As part of the same scheme, Armstrong planned to subvert a
senior Scientology executive using sexual enticement in a scheme
he titled "Operation Long Prong." This is documented both in
his own handwriting and on video.

Since fleeing California, Armstrong, a native Canadian, has
lived in British Columbia, Canada, and appears to have no
gainful employment. Yet he has somehow managed to travel all
over the world in pursuit of his hate agenda.

In 2000, Armstrong traveled to Europe to attend an anti-
religious conference in Leipzig, Germany.

In 2001, Armstrong traveled extensively in Europe, joining in a
hate march in France with extremist Roger Gonnet and visiting
anti-religious groups in Russia and Denmark. At a meeting of
hate groups in Russia, Armstrong met with deprogramming
proponent Alexander Dvorkin.

In addition to his unlawful activities, Armstrong's mental
stability is questionable. Armstrong once posted a message on
the Internet concerning a letter he sent to Saddam Hussein
during the Gulf War. In the letter, he offered himself to
Hussein as a hostage in the Iraqi war. "If either side failed
to perform any part of the agreement, the other side could
execute me," he concluded. Armstrong makes clear in his posting
that he did not think the letter to Hussein was a joke, but was
deadly serious. He quite proudly republishes it and other
similar writings from time to time. To further demonstrate how
out of touch he is with reality, Armstrong had himself
photographed by a newspaper naked while holding a globe to
promote his theories of destroying all money.

The following is what Gerry Armstrong's "friends" think of him:

Rob Clark: "Gerry Armstrong flat-out walked off [the Church of
Scientology] with a bunch of stuff when he left. ... what
Armstrong did would otherwise have been theft. ... I'm disgusted
with warrior [Mark Plummer]. I was not particularly pleased
when he signed off on that c---sucker Armstrong smearing me with
his dumbass ... Armstrong is totally kooking out"

Rob Clark: "... you want to see the new nuttiest Gerry Armstrong
hate page ever? The animated kicking is supposed to signify
Armstrong jerking as the electroshock hits. Any time anyone
else suggests that maybe this is kooky, they get a new wing
added to the Armstrong hate gallery just for them. I didn't
realize Armstrong was more than mildly kooky until recently."

Paul Rubin: "I used to hang out with Armstrong a fair amount.
He had a zealot and maybe paranoid streak but wasn't whacko like

Rob Clark: "Where anyone who disagrees with Armstrong's
continuing lunatic rampage gets added. If they really disagree
with his lunacy, they get their own whole section as an "op"
with wacky animated gifs."


Rob Clark: "Gerry Armstrong accused her [Katherine Harris] of
being Aldrich Ames."

Stephen Sheehan: "He said this, in seriousness."

[Name Deleted]: "He [Gerry Armstrong] is a complete idiot."

Rob Clark: "He's a vicious psycho is what he is."

[Name Deleted]: "He doesn't actually believe that, does he?"

Rob Clark: "If he does believe it, he's insane and if he
doesn't, he is deliberately libeling someone just because they
disagree with his loony bullshit."

Stephen Sheehan: "Stupid Gerry Armstrong."


Scott Pilutik: "Martin Ottmann got his own wing in the Gerry

Deana Holmes: "God Gerry's a nutball."

Scott Pilutik: "It's ok, it's for legal reasons the expected
insanity defense."

Elizabeth Fisher: "Gerry nuts =3D prominent critic, ergo, all
critics are nuts. This is kinda serious, albeit a tad

Ed Hammerstrom: "Hiya ef [Elizabeth Fisher]"

Elizabeth Fisher: "Are you too a fan of Gerry's osa pages?"

Ed Hammerstrom: "Not really."

Elizabeth Fisher: "It gets worse and worse he now added Martin

Scott Pilutik: "Martin gets his own dedicated page. It's not
quite as telling as Arnie's subdirectories. He makes a new one
each time it seems, each less descriptive and more useless as
the last. He [Gerry Armstrong] never used to be this kooky. He
always had a sort of Jebus complex but it never quite germinated
into the messiahdom it is now."

Elizabeth Fisher: "No. he always had the messiahdom but now, it
seems, it is being encouraged. I mean, someone makes those
pages for him I presume, Caroline [Letkeman]."

Scott Pilutik: "No idea how the dynamics of that relationship
work, but I think it's safe to say she's [Caroline Letkeman]
encouraging some seriously kooky behavior or pushing for it."

Elizabeth Fisher: "Yes, that is what I see too. ... She
[Letkeman] really is so foolish as to believe all his
[Armstrong] delusions?"

Kady O'Malley: "She's [Letkeman] obsessed with occult links."

Elizabeth Fisher: " ... she [Letkeman] appeared in Chilliwack,
where he [Armstrong] was residing."

Kady O'Malley: "The one interesting tidbit I note about Caroline
is that until late 2001 possibly 2002 she had a listed online
webpage. After she had become a visible critic under her own

Elizabeth Fisher: "His [Armstrong] insanity is getting worse and
she [Letkeman] must be encouraging it."

Kady O'Malley: "...but the thing is, you read Gerry from 1997,
1998 it's like a different person."

Ed Hammerstrom: "He [Armstrong] definitely is going crazy, seems
to me. I think he has had alcohol problems in the past."

Kady O'Malley: "Ed, if you were his girlfriend, wouldn't you be
doing something other that (sic) encourage him in this? I mean,
I find it bizarre that she'd not only not be trying to wind him
down but actively instigating."

Elizabeth Disher: "He's [Armstrong] always been totally

Ed Hammerstrom: "I have to conclude they are both in a crazy
self-destructive path."

Rob Clark: "Loonboy [Armstrong] has declared Martin Ottmann an
osa op??

"What a f---ing NUTCASE that is just unf---ingbelievable. ...
I think she [Lekteman] is just yet another wigout who was only
marginally sane because of the relative discipline of the cult
and now, released of this, is totally batshit along with her
totally batshit Gerry. Sorry, anyone who thinks Martin Ottmann
is an osa op has fried their f---ing brain and needs to be under
observation in a locked ward."

Kady O'Malley: "We're all agreed on Gerry being insane. Don't
tell warrior [Mark Plummer]."

Elizabeth Fisher: "Gerry really really wanted someone to web
stuff for him but at the time, it was his hokey no money
'philosophy' pages."

Kady O'Malley: "... they're [Armstrong and Letkeman] both just
going mutually crazy, symbiotic psychosis."

Rob Clark: "... marginally nutty critics would sure explain a
couple things, like Arnie. Heather drove Bunker insane, their
relationship was completely platonic."

Elizabeth Fisher: "He [Armstrong] is getting worse."

Rob Clark: "I don't think he [Armstrong] went crazy that fast
I think it is just only recently that he has been called on his
bullshit by a lot of people."

Kady O'Malley: "Well, the first time I noticed it was in 2001ish
that's relatively quick he probably would have kooked out
insanely in 1998 if he had been called on the carpet on some
thing. You might be right."

Rob Clark: "He [Armstrong] was crazy a couple years ago re CL.
.=2E. In fact, the MOMENT CL started questioning his versions of
event, he just went nuts. ... When you're accusing Martin
Ottmann of being OSA you're completely in cloud cuckoo land.
Martin Ottmann could very easily sue him for libel and win in
Germany these are very nearly summary proceedings. Martin could
file a libel action claiming these accusations are libelous and
false and Gerry would either have to prove them or get fined.
You know when he [Gerry Armstrong] went crazy with me? When I
posted the transcript section detailing his money laundering.
Seems he viciously attacks anyone who has anything that might
tend to discredit his bullshit image as some saint instead of
the shiftless, sponging kook he actually is."

Ed Hammerstrom: "Gerry has a heavy alcohol problem. ... He was
building an artwork of his empty booze bottles in a field in

Rob Clark: "Although this freakish paranoia is like speed or
coke paranoia that or he smokes way too much dope. ... It's also
possible Gerry has never had a huge website before in which his
lunacy could sprawl out without limit and that Caroline is
merely an amanuensis to Gerry's insanity."

[Name Deleted]: "Is Gandow supporting him [Armstrong]?"

Kady O'Malley: "Morally or financially?"

[Name Deleted]: "Financially."

Kady O'Malley: "Gandow has been mighty silent of late."

[Name Deleted]: "Well if Gandow is getting money ... or anybody,
it may be an issue because he gets government money I believe he
or his church."

Elizabeth Fisher: "Gandow may just be realizing that Gerry is
nuts, is all he's a bit naive, Gandow."

[Name Deleted]: "Gandow is pretty vile himself."

Robert Clark: "He's despicable, god, talk about an insane
asylum: Truth Seeker, Magoo, Warrior, Zinj, Fredric Rice."

Ed Hammerstrom: " off and quiet."

Rob Clark: "yah, if you don't, you end up like Gerry is lately.
He has now just declared Martin Ottmann an OSA op for no sane
reason. He's totally gone off the deep end."

Stephen Sheehan: "He's [Armstrong] saying everyone and their
grandparents are OSA."

Rob Clark: "I ended up having warrior [Mark Plummer] repost old
... shit on me because I pointed out that Gerry got fooled by a
blatantly forged email. Anyway, this is the sort of stuff that
can't appear sane to a casual onlooker which is why, IMO, ars
[hate newsgroup] is bad for mental health. I am more and more
seeing it [ars] as a data dump than as a place where there are
actual human beings who can be communicated with in a sane

roger gonnet

Mar 9, 2005, 4:14:02 AM3/9/05

"Gerry Armstrong" <> a écrit dans le message de

> As I reported, in August last year I carried out a one-man protest of
> the Scientology cult's CCHR anti-mental health hate exhibition at the
> Vancouver, B.C. Public Library.
> During my peaceful protest I was assaulted by a couple of the
> Scientologists manning their hate exhibit, most violently by a man I'd
> known to be a CCHR official but whose name I didn't then know.
> This guy struck me twice, tore a strip of skin off my arm, and tried
> to rip from me a bunch of friendly Xenu flyers I'd brought for the
> protest.

How scientological! How much obeying to Hubbardian incitations to murder,
destruction, and any possible lie and scam to destroy enemies and gain

Thanks for these facts about the great "defender of Human Rights"
scientologist Jeff Beaumont :-<<



Mar 9, 2005, 1:38:03 PM3/9/05
<snip "Gerry Armstrong" <> posting>

Also posting as
posted as: Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header (Spacetraveler)

The "Spacetraveler impersonator" Gerry Armstrong is still at it...!

Analyze the style of the imposter postings, then compare with authentic
Gerry Armstrong postings.

Also here gives Gerry Armstrong himself away:
Read his post and my response, judge for yourself...!

And here Gerry is adding a copyright when he forges me:
As far as I have seen only Gery armstrong is in the habit of doing this.

So, don't trust the Gerry Armstrong postings posted as:
Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header (Spacetraveler)
and through:


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