From ???@??? Sat Jun 19 08:12:20 2004
To: Dick Rogovin
From: H Brian Haney <>
Subject: attorney for Africa items
Cc: Kombah Pessima,Sam McArthy
Message-Id: <>
X-Eudora-Signature: <Standard>
The person you need to speak to is Ms. Jamesina King
232-76-602801 which is her cell phone and those are usually much
more reliable.<br><br>
She needs to understand that this <b>is the subject of a pending
divorce</b> and that action must be taken immediately.<br><br>
She must explain to Sam that if he doesn't sign over his 25% of
Homeland Properties, just as I will sign over my 75% of Homeland
Properties, to Matthew 6 Sierra Leone, then Linda will file a
motion in the US to stop all funding of Homeland and have it
liquidated and the business will be completely over.<br><br>
I will call Kombah and tell him a similar story by phone this
Also, pls prepare the document for my pastor to sign confirming
you and myself as the directors of M6 for as many years as is
practicable (I don't know if it's an annual thing or not) and I
will go to his house today to have him sign it FOR SURE.<br><br>
Linda has already contacted Cornerstone trying to get money from
them, so I think this is a Jeff Grossman.<br><br>
b rgds my good friend,<br>
Brian Haney the drug addict
From ???@??? Sat Jun 12 17:46:13 2004
To: Robert S Liichow <>
From: H Brian Haney <>
Subject: Re: Summer Plans: The Liichow's
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-Id: <>
X-Eudora-Signature: <Standard>
Had a bad run in months ago with this lovely substitute heroin
they call oxycontin, having no idea what it really was and not
having even smoked a joint since high school. Felt great
to be Mr. Euphoria all day.<br><br>
Had a small relapse with a little valium but that was hardly
worth mentioning although it scares the stuffing out of the wife
of course.<br><br>
Currently feeling fine but could use any insight and would
welcome it frankly so why don't you call LInda on her cell 740-
972-7250 and see if she'd be open to it. Right now I'm in
the dog house and keeping pretty quiet, I think you get my
drift. <br><br>
The most shocking part to me was how easily she was willing to
give up on our marriage and talk about just leaving, lickety
split, after all we've been through and honestly with me on the
receiving end of 95% of it and always forgiving and making the
marriage the most important thing. That really got me
So, this is one invite I would gladly accept. Pls give her
a call.<br><br>
You know the funny thing about Satanic confusion is it always
comes from where you least expect it. I would have thought
if anything that it would be me lusting after other women or
whatever. But prayer solved that and I haven't had that
issue for years, not even a little. Then here comes a cute
little pill and I'm off and running after not even giving drugs
a second thought. :)<br><br>
Talk to me soon brother, it's Friday night already. :)<br><br>
H. Brian Haney pain killer withdrawal symptoms January 16, 2005
approx. 36 hours since last ingestion
For the last 18 moths or so I have been ingesting first
and then Oxycontin orally on a daily basis. There were times
I stopped, but that was when the daily ingestion amounts were at
300mg or less. For the past year the daily amount of Oxycontin
(when I could get it) was 600-800mg and even some days up to
I have twice tried rehad at the Doctors East and while the
patches and clonodin pills staved off the physical symptoms
that I could work and/or otherwise function if I had been let do
so, I didn’t do the AA program after either stint so after about
one month I was back at it, a little at first and then back up to
the larger amounts.
The head doctor there, a Dr. Pepper, says that persons with "high
bottoms"like me, but who relapse frequently and quickly are
depressed, a diagnosis I have no problem with. My problem is
I haven’t ever been given a depression drug or anti-anxiety drug
whatever that handled my two most pressing needs: 1. I get almost
no sleep, my mind races, I commonly sleep only 2 hours a night
I can’t function well with such a low amount of sleep. This was
the main reason I sought out the pills in the first place. My
Linda can explain how I broke my thigh in 1997 and was given
Perocet and had the first fully resting, refreshing night of
I could ever remember having in my life.
I very much would like some medication help whle I try to detox
from this time. I am in terrible condition now, I have leg
convulsions, cold and hot sweats, migraine headheaches, weird
visual things that make me afraid to drive, I still cannot sleep
and I just would like to have something to get through the
I have already attended one AA program. I plan to attend at
2 per week plus a Christian support group that deals with issues
such as this. Linda is supporting me to do all of the above and
actively participating in all of it.
If I don’t get some relief from the physical symptoms, I am
I just can’t make it. I have no stash, it’s been destroyed, so
this is the time when I really need help... PLEASE.