On Monday, September 30, 1996 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-7, Scott McClare wrote:
> Hey folks! It's October, and that means it's time for the Second
> Annual ARSCC Charity Challenge.
> Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce this year's challenge: I, as
> a director of the ARS Central Committee, hereby singlehandedly
> challenge the Church of Scientology <tm> to a Trivial Pursuit match.
> In addition to raising cash for worthy causes, the purpose of this
> challenge is to prove that one Suppressive Brain is better than any
> ten Scientologist <tm> brains.
> Here are the ground rules:
> 1. The teams shall consist of the following:
> a) For the visiting team, David Miscavige as captain and any ten
> Scientologists <tm> of his choosing: FSMs, Clears, Operating Thetans,
> lawyers, whoever. His choice.
> b) For the home team, me and my Body Thetans.
> 2. The board shall be the original 1984 version with the 19 cherubim,
> and the cards shall be from the Genus II edition (to be fair, because
> I've never played that version).
> 3. Master of ceremonies will be Koos. This isn't because he's an
> especially neutral party. But if he's busy reading the questions and
> checking the answers, that means that one team won't be able to bribe
> him into getting the answers from the other guys with his Magic
> Ohmmeter <tm>. Also, the Lawn Ornament will have enough trouble on his
> hands without Koos distracting him by trying to find out why he blew
> up the universe.
> 4. No external sources of information. This includes dictionaries,
> E-meters, and exteriorizing to go to the library.
> 5. Both teams must answer the question as stated and may not object
> to its content, even if it's an Entertainment question dealing with
> _2001_.
> 6. In case of a disputed answer, the card shall be the final
> authority, even if it contradicts what Ron wrote in _All About
> Radiation_.
> 7. No smoking. Especially not menthol Kools.
> 8. The loser of the game agrees to pay $1 million dollars to the
> winner's preferred charitable organization. This year the ARSCC will
> be playing for the Grady Ward defense fund, the Society for the
> Prevention of Cruelty to Body Thetans and the Cult Awareness Network.
> The challenge will take place at a mutually agreeable date, in ARSCC's
> secret underground bunker. Proceeds from ticket sales will be
> distributed to the winner's charities with the prize money.
> Game on,
> Scott
> ARSCC Director/E. Canada
> --
> Scott A. McClare : I see you now and then in dreams
samc...@calum.uwaterloo.ca : Your voice sounds just like it used to
> PGP 1024/E7950B29 : I believe I will hear it again
> on keyservers or by request : God how I love you - M. Heard
your fudi challenge