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Latest I heard on Marty Rathbun.

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Jan 24, 2006, 3:19:04 AM1/24/06
Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
And now he is laying very low.

Chuck Beatty

Message has been deleted


Jan 24, 2006, 4:08:49 AM1/24/06
to wrote:
> Rumors are saying that you are a p$ych troll who suffers from insomnia,
> CB.

Auto, your boss just left, what will you do, what will you do, you Co$
troll you.

Be sure to save some of that $50/week allowance for a bus ride home.



Jan 24, 2006, 4:11:38 AM1/24/06

They don't get that much, do they? If they do, it is five times more
than they are worth.


Jan 24, 2006, 4:13:31 AM1/24/06

Isn't Auto 2 self activated? An unpaid "volunteer."


Jan 24, 2006, 4:37:01 AM1/24/06

Nah, let me call his slave master, ...

Lynn Franey: to the white courtesy phone please.
Lynn Farney: to the white courtesy phone please.

Sorry M, have not heard from him in a while.



Jan 24, 2006, 5:15:20 AM1/24/06
chuckbeatty77 wrote:

One can stand only so much abuse and the realization that
as long as DM lives, life at the top in Scientology will
always be miserable, fruitless, dead end, numbing.
Another escape from Happyland.

Good luck on your new life, Marty.


It's all coming down! It's all coming down!
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre II

Cheerful Charlie


Jan 24, 2006, 5:16:17 AM1/24/06
to wrote:


Copyright (C) 1980 Tonja Burden
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

My name is Tonja Burden of Las Vegas, Nevada. I am 20 years old.
On or about March 3, 1973, when I was 13 years old, my father and mother
were recruited to join Scientology. I joined Scientology after being
recruited by Billy Kohn, and signed my Sea Organization contract for one
billion years on or about March 3, 1973.

Kohn stated that we would be placed on the staff in Las Vegas, live
in well furnished, private quarters, eat well and earn a substantial
amount of money with two days off per week. My father sold his Cadillac
and sports car, and we drove to Los Angeles with our recruiter.

Scientology placed me in the Cadet Organization, and my parents in
the American Saint Hill Organization (ASHO). The Cadet Organization,
headed by Dorothy Jefferson, at 811 Beacon Street, Los Angeles,
California, consisted of two three-story buildings that housed
approximately 400 children. The Cadet Organization was designed to
teach children about Scientology. My duties were to care, clean and
feed the children. Myself and another girl my age were the two oldest
children at the Cadet Organization. The living conditions were squalid.
Glass from broken windows lay strewn over the floors. Live electrical
wires were exposed in areas where young children played. We received
little food. On several occasions spoiled milk with maggots was served
to children. The maggots were removed by hand before the milk was
served. In addition to caring for the children, I cleaned toilets
daily. I wrote to L. Ron Hubbard explaining the conditions, but nothing

Children were not allowed to live with their parents. Scientology
permitted one visit every other week, and only for 45 minutes during
mealtime. My parents were placed at American Saint Hill Organization
and left Scientology in September 1973, when I was aboard the ship, the

One day a man arrived at the Cadet Organization from Flag. Flag
headquarters was on the Apollo. This man spoke of 'The Source,' L Ron
Hubbard. Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, needed 'messengers' and
others to work aboard his ship.

I left the Cadet Organization after approximately three months. I
was then sent to Folo, another Scientology base located at the Manor on
Franklin Street in Los Angeles, California. At Folo I was placed in the
Flag Readiness Unit (FRU). Chuck Pierce ran this unit. The program was
designed to conduct 'security checks' of individuals to ensure they were
appropriate subjects to work for L. Ron Hubbard aboard the Apollo.

During questioning they attempted to determine if I was connected
to any 'Suppressive Persons.' (A Suppressive Person is one hostile to
the Scientology cult.) I was given a personality test and an IQ test
and other tests. I participated in indoctrination (brainwashing) for
three months. Finally, I was approved and sent into Briefing.

The Briefing process occurred on or about August 1973. In
briefing, Peter Cook instructed me to give specific answers to certain
questions that may be asked me by non-Scientologists. Basically,
briefing involved how to answer questions that I might encounter while
en route to the Apollo. Many of the things I was instructed to say were
not true. The location and operations aboard the Apollo remained
secret. I was told if a customs agent or other non-Scientologist asked
about my destination, I should respond I was 'in transit'.

Peter cook briefed me on my cover story. I was to tell people I
was 'in transit' to the Operation Transport Corporation (OTC), a
business management school on board ship. In briefing, Cook
demonstrated my 'in transit conduct' by using modeling clay. He would
construct a clay ship and clay people and simulate my interactions with
other people while 'in transit;' using this method, he ingrained the
standard responses.

I flew to New York after briefing and was met by Kevin Campbell.
Campbell worked in a building in New York and assisted in operating
RONY. RONY, I later learned, was a liaison point that received coded
Telex messages from the Apollo and relayed those coded messages via
Telex machines to other organizations ('orgs') in the United States and
other parts of the world. Aboard the ship I would see Mike Henderson
take Telex messages from the ship and go ashore to send those messages
to RONY in New York. On other occasions, Henderson would go ashore to
receive Telex messages from RONY, New York. I was privy to these
practices as L. Ron Hubbard's personal messenger.

Campbell placed me on a plane and instructed me to meet Chuck Adams
at my destination, Lisbon, Portugal. Adams met me at the airport in
Lisbon and informed me that the Apollo had set sail. Several hours
later, Adams discovered the ship's destination was the island of
Madeira. I was placed on a plane to Madrid, Spain and at Madrid
switched over to a flight that arrived on the island of Madeira.

Questioned by customs agents, I told them I was 'in transit.' I
located a taxi drive who drove me to the Apollo.

I saw the Apollo for the first time and was greatly disappointed by
its dilapidated condition. Once aboard, I was assigned a 'buddy' and
given two days to learn about the ship. The Apollo was one of five
ships operated by Scientology which Hubbard used to direct the worldwide
organizations. There were approximately 300 - 500 'Sea Org'
Scientologist aboard the Apollo. I was given a berth in the women's
dorm and placed in the Estates Project Force (EPF).

The EPF was designed to work on the individual to gauge how much
strain one could tolerate. I was told the EPF would transform me to an
'able-bodied seaman.'

In FPF, my day began at 6:00 am. I scrubbed clothes from 6:00 am
until 12:00 noon without breakfast or any breaks. The clothes were
scrubbed by hand in a bucket, and I was directed to rinse each article
in 13 separate buckets. Then I hung the clothes on the deck to dry.

After one-half hour lunch I was assigned to clean six cabins.
Cabins had to meet white glove inspection. This meant a white glove or
Q-tip was used to check corners and shelves of each cabin for dust. If
the cabins were not cleaned to white-glove perfection, I had to run a
lap around the boat before recleaning the room. A lap was equivalent to
about one-fifth of a mile. My day would end about 12:00 midnight.

On rainy days I ironed the clothes dry. This required ironing
during the evening hours and into the morning hours. On many occasions
I ironed through the night, finishing at 6:00 am. I then started
washing the next morning's clothing. On occasion I worked three or four
days without sleep. I fell asleep at the ironing board with a hot iron
in my hand. My senior, 'Doreen' Gilliam, 'caught' me sleeping and
yanked my head off the board. She ordered me to run laps and assigned
me a condition of 'Doubt.' A condition of 'Doubt' required 15 hours of
'amends work'. This additional work had to be performed during my sleep
and meal time. Until I completed my amends work, I was ordered not to
communicate with anyone. I ate lunch alone. Finally, I spoke up,
telling them I had enough. I was sent to the Commanding messenger, and
she assigned me one month in the galley, washing pots and pans. I
washed pots and pans for one month and went back into the EPF.

EPF was like prison. I had to say 'sir' to everyone and was
generally allowed 15 minutes for meals. They would not let me out of
the EPF until I proved myself. I was totally brainwashed to receive and
take orders. I was paid $2.90 per week for this work.

While in EPF I never heard from my parents, no phone calls or
letters. Aboard the ship, I received a Telex from Peter Albert, who was
the Continental Justice Chief, FOLO. The Telex informed me my father
had been declared an SP (Suppressive Person). They said he was a
'plant,' a spy within Scientology. I began crying and asked to leave,
telling them I could convince my father to return to Scientology.

Dede Riesdorf, the 'Super Cargo' of our 'org', would not permit me
to leave. I explained I wanted to leave and reunite with my mom and
dad, but she would not permit this. She told me to 'disconnect' from my
parents because my parents were SP's. Disconnection meant no more
communication with my parents. They told me my parents would not make
it in the world, but that I would make it in the world.

Tony Armstrong, the commanding officer, assigned me a 'condition of
Doubt' and ordered me back on the EPF. She said since I wished to leave
I had to return to the EPF. I was automatically assigned 15 'hours of
amends' due to the 'condition of Doubt.' I returned to the 6:00 am -
midnight schedule, again, occasionally working twenty-four hours a day.
Approximately one month after, I was reassigned to 'Training Routines'

During the Training Routines, myself and two other practiced
carrying messages to LRH. We had to listen to a message, repeat it in
the same tone, and practice salutes.

'Ghosting' was on-the-job training where I learned how to serve
LRH. I followed another messenger around and observed her carry his
hat, light his cigarettes, carry his ashtray, and prepare his
toiletries. Eventually, I performed those duties.

As his servant I would sit outside his room and help him out of bed
when he called 'messenger.' I responded by assisting him out of bed,
lighting his cigarette, running his shower, preparing his toiletries and
helping him dress. After that I ran to his office to check it, hoping
it passed white glove inspection. He frequently exploded if he found
dust or dirt or smelled soap in his clothes. That is why we used 13
buckets to rinse.

I then would set up LRH's auditing room; he audited himself. Then
I prepared a snack for him. LRH would go into auditing for several
hours. Later, I delivered messages to LRH. I carried messages between
Hubbard and the Telex machines on the Apollo, which were connected to
Scientology Organizations on land. The messages were also sent via
Telex to RONY when someone went ashore.

While on the Apollo, I observed numerous punishments meted out for
many minor infractions or mistakes made in connection with Hubbard's
very strict and bizarre policies. On a number of occasions, I saw
people placed in the 'chain lockers' of the boat on direct orders of
Hubbard. These lockers were small, smelly holes, covered by grates
where the chain for the anchor was stored. I saw one boy held in there
for 30 nights, crying and begging to be released. He was only allowed
out to clean the bilges where the sewer and refuse of the ship
collected. I believe his 'crimes' were taking or using a musical
instrument, I believe a flute, of someone else without permission. I
also saw a young boy and a young girl thrown in the chain lockers at
separate times because of romantic involvements they had with other
people. Hubbard fanatically prohibited involvement between the sexes,
or out-2D, as it is called in Scientoloy. Married persons were allowed
to see each other but it was strictly controlled.

LRH told me he was selling the ship and moving to a land base. The
boat was sold sometime during October 1975. Approximately 500 people
moved to Daytona Beach. We rented several hotels in Daytona. After
several months we moved to the Fort Harrison in Clearwater. At first,
LRH called it the United Churches. I heard LRH scheme this cover. He
said we would be called United Churches, although no other real churches
were involved. Finally, Mayor Cazares discovered that United Churches
was a cover name for Scientology.

I discovered this scheme by reading public relations office papers.
These papers were prepared by the public relations office, and the
papers explained the United Church front. A public relations officer
was a person who dealt with the public.

At Fort Harrison, security guards were stationed outside to prevent
people from 'blowing'. To 'blow' meant to leave Scientology. People
were not allowed to just leave Scientology. Approximately 30 to 40
people tried to escape. These people were caught and placed in the RPF
(Rehabilitation Project Force). The RPF was a Scientology
'concentration camp', where people who were 'security threats' were kept
under guard. The RPF at Fort Harrison was in a storage area.

Some people were allowed to 'leave' after being 'security checked',
searched, and after having their Scientology-related books and materials
confiscated, even if they had paid for them. These people also had to
sign documents pertaining to their 'crimes' and sign various documents
prepared by the Guardian's Office, the 'GO'. The GO was the secret
police arm of Scientology.

At Fort Harrison I remained LRH's personal messenger. I observed
LRH control the operation of Scientology in the various 'orgs' worldwide
from Fort Harrison. I coded and decoded messages to and directly from
Hubbard. Hubbard used approximately 15 codes at this time to conceal
his operations, programs and policies, which he disseminated worldwide.
I personally delivered messages concerning Operation Snowhite, Operation
Freakout, Operation Goldmine, and other Scientology secret and illegal
operations. I also filed these operations in Hubbard's personal filing
cabinet, and later in filing cabinets of the GO.

All Telex communications were processed through his messengers.
These Telexes were coded and sent to: Los Angeles, United States
Guardian's Office, Folo, RONY, Africa, Henning Heldt, Arthur Maren, Jane
Kember and other individuals and locations. Telexes were sent to all
Guardian Offices worldwide. One Telex from LRH questioned Mayor
Cazares' educational background. He discovered this information through
a private investigator.

LRH declared people Suppressive Persons if they escaped from
Scientology. He sent Telexes to the Guardian's Office listing the SP's.
I have seen names of people declared SP's by LRH.

In February, 1976 Hubbard left for New York. I performed the same
)duties of coding and decoding messages for the Guardian's Office. I
received many messages from Hubbard. When Hubbard was in La Qunita,
California, I continued to code and decode messages from Hubbard to the
Guardian's Office seven days a week until August 1977.

In August 1977 I refused to perform a certain order and was sent to
the galley, where I performed menial labor until I emotionally broke
apart and was sent to the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) on the
direct orders of Hubbard.

In the RPF you were labeled 'treasonous' and force to work 18 hours
a day, 7 days a week, and oftentimes received only 'rice and beans' and
water. During this time I personally observed a person chained to pipes
in the boiler room in the Fort Harrison building for a period of weeks.
In the RPF I saw people screaming and crying during the constant
'auditing' on the E-meter. The E-meter is a lie detector used during
auditing. RPF prisoners were forced to undergo 'auditing' in order to
'audit out' their evil purposes against Hubbard and Scientology. I
cried virtually the whole time I was in the RPF.

Finally, in November 1977 I decided I had to escape. At
approximately 4:30 a.m. I stole the keys from a guard who was sleeping
at the door to the storage area where we slept. I crawled through an
air duct on my stomach, where I observed the telephone in the lobby. I
saw no one, ran to the telephone, and called my father and told him of
the situation. He told me he would send my uncle to come and get me and
take me to Fort Lauderdale. I convinced the officers in the RPF that my
uncle was a VIP for the Miami Dolphins (which was not true), and that if
they refused his request to visit, that might cause bad public
relations. Finally, with my uncle's assistance, I escaped and flew back
to Las Vegas.

Approximately two weeks after I returned to Las Vegas, two of
Hubbards's agents came to my house and told me that Hubbard wanted to
see me. I told them I would never return. They then asked if I would
go for a cup of coffee with them. After a short while I agreed to have
coffee. I got in the car, in the front seat, and sat between the two
agents. After driving a few minutes, I noticed we were driving to the
highway, and I asked where we were going. They told me I was being
taken to Los Angeles to see Hubbard.

In Los Angeles I was locked in a room and forced to undergo a
'security check' on the E-meter. I was very scared and crying, and told
them I had a family reunion to go to during the Holidays. I told them I
had relatives on the police department in Las Vegas, and that I would
come back after the Holidays. I convinced them to release me, and I
returned home by bus. For weeks after I arrived home, they constantly
called me to find out when I would return. I said Never!

I was in Scientology from the age of 13 to the age of 18. I
received at some times approximately $2.50 a week pay, and at other
times approximately $17.50 a week. I received no education, and in fact
phony classrooms were set up in Florida to demonstrate to educational
officials of Clearwater from knowing we were living and sleeping on the
floor in hallways and storage areas, sometimes without mattresses.

The Organization currently has approximately $800.00 of my personal
property. When I demanded it be returned to me, they sent me a bill for
the amount of $58,000, which I returned to them, and they thereafter
sent me a 'corrected' bill for $36,005.70, which I have attached to this

In December 1979, after a class action suit was brought by former
members of Scientology, I received an 'Amnesty Proclamation', which I
have also attached. It is possible that some former members of
Scientology may be deceived by this Amnesty and return to Scientology.
I feel frightened for them because I know what it is like inside
Scientology. I just hope the public learns what Hubbard is really

The facts, of which I have personal knowledge, set forth in the
foregoing affidavit are true. Facts of which I do not have personal
knowledge, I believe to be true based on my best information and belief.
The dates stated herein cover many years and represent my best memory,
but I am not precisely certain of their accuracy.

Signed under the pain and penalties of perjury this day of January
25, 1980.

Tonja C. Burden of Las Vegas, Nevada


Jan 24, 2006, 5:35:27 AM1/24/06
wbarwell wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> One can stand only so much abuse and the realization that
> as long as DM lives, life at the top in Scientology will
> always be miserable, fruitless, dead end, numbing.
> Another escape from Happyland.
> Good luck on your new life, Marty.

Indeed, Marty. And one of these days, after you've licked your wounds,
if it dawns on you how badly you were used and abused -- not to mention
required to transmit DM's sadistic BS down the pecking order -- call
Chuck, or get in touch with Arnie Lerma or Tory. There are many who
sympathize and will lend a discreet ear.


Jan 24, 2006, 6:00:09 AM1/24/06

Thanks for posting this, Chuck.

I am concerned for this guy's health, as we all should be. His
inner-circle status made him privy to intimate personal knowledge of DM
and the overall fraud, and I'm sure his disappearance would be
considered a threat.

Do you think they maybe pulled some PIs off other posts and are
desperately looking for Mr. Rathbun?

(Did he go to Bugravia with his pockets full of artillery and bribe the

Or maybe they found him. And that's why no one has said they've heard
from him?

Now, where's Warren?

-maggie, human being


Jan 24, 2006, 7:54:11 AM1/24/06

chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.

He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
reason a staff member blows.

> And now he is laying very low.

To avoid the "experienced assassins", perhaps.

"When you move off a point of power, pay all your obligations on the
nail, empower all your friends completely and move off with your
pockets full of artillery, potential blackmail on every erstwhile
rival, unlimited funds in your private account and the addresses of
experienced assassins and go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police." -
L. Ron Hubbard, The Responsibility of Leaders, HCO PL 12 Feb 1967.

Larry T.

Jan 24, 2006, 8:46:09 AM1/24/06
"chuckbeatty77" <> wrote in message
Thanks Chuck for this report. It would be nice to have more information
about Marty Rathbun too. That is surprising that a high up executive like
that it seems almost overnight departs the church. Some hefty things must be
aloft in the C of S these days.

I may give you a call one day just to say hello if nothing else and "Good
Roads Fair Weather". But for now, thanks for reporting about Marty Rathbun.



Jan 24, 2006, 9:21:15 AM1/24/06
On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
<> wrote:

>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>And now he is laying very low.

He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
perversion of justice in a few court cases.

Heffer, OSA Lackey, H-Group
#315905 on the Dorian List
Regurgitating Propagandist


Jan 24, 2006, 9:28:04 AM1/24/06

Heffer wrote:
> On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> <> wrote:
> >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >And now he is laying very low.
> He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> perversion of justice in a few court cases.

That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him first, as per
Church policy.

Dave Touretzky

Jan 24, 2006, 10:22:50 AM1/24/06
In article <>,

chuckbeatty77 <> wrote:
>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>And now he is laying very low.

Well, as we know, there are several Marty Rathbuns. I believe Henson
still has two or three in vats out at Alcor. So it won't be a problem
to defrost one and fill the vacancy.

But as for the one who's gone missing... I don't think DM has the
balls to assassinate anybody. He's no LRH; not by a long shot. So
he'll probably try to bribe the guy to lay low, or at least agree to
leave him alone if he keeps away from the press and promises not to
write his memoirs.

But for all we know, he could already be living in Chuck's basement,
pounding out his life story on an old IBM PC.

-- Dave Touretzky: "Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, naturally."


Jan 24, 2006, 10:26:09 AM1/24/06
In article <43d6464a$>, says...


> But for all we know, he could already be living in Chuck's basement,
> pounding out his life story on an old IBM PC.
> -- Dave Touretzky: "Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, naturally."

Or in the Freezone hammering it out on a Kaypro :)

Katie came for the Tom; not for the Ron
It's always bait and switch.

Rev. David Rice, Esq.

Jan 24, 2006, 10:26:57 AM1/24/06
On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
<> wrote:

> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> And now he is laying very low.

Hiding in fear of his life I suspect.

> Chuck Beatty
> 412-260-1170

--- / I support privatization of religion.
Free random & sequential signature changer
"Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby."


Jan 24, 2006, 11:28:02 AM1/24/06
chuckbeatty77 wrote:

Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?

--Bar Baba 'limbOT'

"Imagine a church so dangerous, you must sign a release
form before you can receive its "spiritual assistance."
This assistance might involve holding you against your
will for an indefinite period, isolating you from
friends and family, and denying you access to
appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed
for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not,
the release form absolves your caretakers of all
responsibility for your suffering and death.

Welcome to the Church of Scientology."

--Dr. Dave Touretzky
Peter Alexander

Rev. David Rice, Esq.

Jan 24, 2006, 11:36:46 AM1/24/06
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:28:02 -0800, barb <>

> chuckbeatty77 wrote:

> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170

> Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?

But DM will insist Rathbun was only the janitor.

> --
> --Bar Baba 'limbOT'
> Chaplain,ARSCC
> "Imagine a church so dangerous, you must sign a release
> form before you can receive its "spiritual assistance."
> This assistance might involve holding you against your
> will for an indefinite period, isolating you from
> friends and family, and denying you access to
> appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed
> for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not,
> the release form absolves your caretakers of all
> responsibility for your suffering and death.
> Welcome to the Church of Scientology."
> --Dr. Dave Touretzky
> Peter Alexander


Rev. Norle Enturbulata

Jan 24, 2006, 11:48:13 AM1/24/06

"barb" <> wrote in message

> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
>> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
>> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>> about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>> And now he is laying very low.
>> Chuck Beatty
>> 412-260-1170
> Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?

Hi folks, and welcome to this week's Scieno Limbo!

Today, in his effort to walk under the 'known' limbo bar level of the great
L. Ron Hubbard (hip, hip, hooray! says the audience), here comes... Davey
Mixcabbage! (audience cheers)

Oh, crap. The bar's only low enough now for Tom Cruise to pass under, and a
few disowned children of Sea Org members!


Jan 24, 2006, 12:37:24 PM1/24/06
In article <>,

> On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:28:02 -0800, barb <>
> wrote:
> > chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > And now he is laying very low.
> > >
> > > Chuck Beatty
> > > 412-260-1170
> > Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?
> But DM will insist Rathbun was only the janitor.

Considering the proportion of Scientology that is pure trash, the post
of 'janitor' is ultimately powerful.

Message has been deleted


Jan 24, 2006, 2:04:55 PM1/24/06
In article <>, root@127.1
> In <>,

> (Heffer) wrote:
> >On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> >>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> >>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >>And now he is laying very low.
> >
> >He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> >perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> But only if granted immunity, seeing how he was a participant and all.

Sure. Give him immunity, provided he provides full and accurate
information. Probably even more important for him will be protection
from Barbara Schwarz.

Scientology: Come for the placebo; stay for the mind fuck.

Rev. Norle Enturbulata

Jan 24, 2006, 2:44:31 PM1/24/06

<root@127.1> wrote in message
>>On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
>><> wrote:
>>>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
>>>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>>>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>>>And now he is laying very low.
>>He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
>>perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> But only if granted immunity, seeing how he was a participant and all.

Marty's got a choice between continuing to be a hiding weasel living in
fear, or a brave man.

-- - -

Rev. Norle Enturbulata
"Church" of Cartoonism
* " You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way
you can control anybody is to lie to them."
* -- L. Ron Hubbard, "Technique 88"
* "...Never discuss Scientology with the critic. Just discuss his or her
crimes, known and unknown. And act completely confident that those crimes
* L. Ron Hubbard, "Critics of Scientology", November 5, 1967
* "All men shall be my slaves! All women shall succumb to my charms! All
mankind shall grovel at my feet and not know why!"
- L. Ron Hubbard, "Personal Affirmations"

I Heart Lron

Jan 24, 2006, 4:33:17 PM1/24/06
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 00:30:08 -0800, auto2629 wrote:

> Rumors are saying that you are a p$ych troll who suffers from insomnia,
> CB.

Rumors are also saying that I am a sexually repressed homosexual still
living in my mothers basement. But lets stick to the facts here.

> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
> "I made a web site to inform others about my concerns. It is not
> unbiased or objective, and it never claimed it was." --
> Andreas Heldal-Lund (arrested Andreas Heldal-Lund, associate to
> convicted terrorist Lars Gule and owner of hate website Clambake)
> -- Heldal-Lund is a member of the Heathen Society of Norway, a hate
> group dedicated to the destruction of all organized religion,
> particularly Christianity.
> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
> "My money comes mostly from the US government, not corporations. So if
> we raise taxes and hike the NSF and NIH and DARPA budgets, that would
> be to my benefit...I am already overpaid." --David Stuart Touretzky
> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:19:30 PM1/24/06

Chuck, that can't be the original Marty Rathbun. He never would blow.
Just like I never would blow. Marty is the man who changes conditions
to make them better. He doesn't run off. He stays till whatever needs
handling is handled. There is no instablity in him. He makes a decision
and sticks to it. Period.

It it is true that a Marty blew, than it is not the Marty who I know.
Moreover, the original Marty is highly intelligent, educated and
trained. Why would be work in a mill? Nothing against working in a mill
but it would be a waste of his abilities.

Either your info is not true, Chuck, or it is about another Marty.
Please post who provided you with the information, because I would love
more information on Mark or Marty Rathbun.

It is also completely unclear why the other Marty has to "lay low". The
orgs already discovered that he blew, if he blew. What is the "laying
low" about?

Barbara Schwarz
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's actitivies.)

Other interesting websites:
(About Valerie Emanuel, "Eru Avatar"-suspect, who says she is insane.
Eru stalks, defames and abuses me.)

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:22:50 PM1/24/06

chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> And now he is laying very low.
> Chuck Beatty
> 412-260-1170

chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> And now he is laying very low.
> Chuck Beatty
> 412-260-1170

Here is a P.S. The 1991 affidavit that Mark C. Rathbun wrote was
recently posted.
Why would a man with his intelligence, education, knowledge and skills
work in a mill?

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:23:36 PM1/24/06
Barbara, just out of curiosity, are you a member of the Church of
Scientology in good standing? I mean, is there an org that you belong
to, where you attend services, continue in your studies? I heard that
the the "church" kicked you out; but you say that isn't true. All I
want to do is understand you when you say that you, "would never blow."

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:26:58 PM1/24/06

wbarwell wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> One can stand only so much abuse and the realization that
> as long as DM lives, life at the top in Scientology will
> always be miserable, fruitless, dead end, numbing.
> Another escape from Happyland.
> Good luck on your new life, Marty.

You can bad your entheta soul on it, Willy, that the real Marty Rathbun
NEVER will join you fanatical anti-religious extremists and p$ych
trolls, NEVER!

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:27:41 PM1/24/06
wbarwell wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> One can stand only so much abuse and the realization that
> as long as DM lives, life at the top in Scientology will
> always be miserable, fruitless, dead end, numbing.
> Another escape from Happyland.
> Good luck on your new life, Marty.

You can bet your own entheta thetan on it, Willy, that the real Marty

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:31:35 PM1/24/06

Eldonbraun wrote:
> wbarwell wrote:
> > chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> >
> > > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > And now he is laying very low.
> > >
> > > Chuck Beatty
> > > 412-260-1170
> >
> > One can stand only so much abuse and the realization that
> > as long as DM lives, life at the top in Scientology will
> > always be miserable, fruitless, dead end, numbing.
> > Another escape from Happyland.
> >
> > Good luck on your new life, Marty.
> Indeed, Marty. And one of these days, after you've licked your wounds,

He is no animal. You are one.

> if it dawns on you how badly you were used and abused --

Marty doesn't allow anybody to abuse and use him. It is not his

> not to mention
> required to transmit DM's sadistic BS down the pecking order -- call
> Chuck, or get in touch with Arnie Lerma or Tory.

Marty is remarkably intelligent and Chuck, Arnie and Tory are not. Why
would he call stupid and suppressive people?

>There are many who
> sympathize and will lend a discreet ear.

The real Marty despises people who are friends with Nazis. (Google
Arnie Lerma and Willis Carto.)

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:38:14 PM1/24/06

banchukita wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> Thanks for posting this, Chuck.
> I am concerned for this guy's health, as we all should be.

Nobody is as concerned about him as I am. Being in Scientology or even
having blown does not endanger anybody's health but what if the real
Marty was indeed framed and is wrongfully incarcerated with wardens,
inmate and p$ychs torturing him?

> inner-circle status made him privy to intimate personal knowledge of DM
> and the overall fraud, and I'm sure his disappearance would be
> considered a threat.
> Do you think they maybe pulled some PIs off other posts and are
> desperately looking for Mr. Rathbun?

Didn't Chuck post that one of the Marty's is in Colorado taking care of
family business?
A IRS guy once wrote me that there is indeed a Marty C. Rathbun in
Colorado, as if the C of S would not know that, if that person was one
of the Marty's that were/are in Scientology.

> (Did he go to Bugravia with his pockets full of artillery and bribe the
> police?)

I think that is what you have in your pockets and what you do when you
see police, Maggie.

> Or maybe they found him. And that's why no one has said they've heard
> from him?

You are not helping, Maggie. For a human being, you are pretty
> Now, where's Warren?

I have the feeling he doesn't want you to know.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:42:32 PM1/24/06

RolandRB wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
> reason a staff member blows.

The original Marty Rathbun is very ethical. Scientology is his
religion. He did and does not commit any overts against SCN. Didn't you
blow from C of S staff, Roland?

> > And now he is laying very low.
> To avoid the "experienced assassins", perhaps.

I don't trust Chuck's information nor sources. He provides no evidence.

banchukita wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.

> > And now he is laying very low.
> >

Posting out of context is not professional, Roland.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:48:11 PM1/24/06

Larry T. wrote:
> "chuckbeatty77" <> wrote in message
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> >
> Thanks Chuck for this report. It would be nice to have more information
> about Marty Rathbun too. That is surprising that a high up executive like
> that it seems almost overnight departs the church. Some hefty things must be
> aloft in the C of S these days.

What makes you think that the info that Chuck and his sources provided
are true?

> I may give you a call one day just to say hello if nothing else and "Good
> Roads Fair Weather". But for now, thanks for reporting about Marty Rathbun.

I still think there is a high probablity that there are/were two Marty
Rathbun's in Scientology. The real one is wrongfully incarcerated and
his impersonator heard that the original Marty could be back soon, so
he blew.

Jack Marshall/Mitchull wasn't L. Ron Hubbard either, and if Ron can be
impostored, it could have happened also to the real Marty Rathbun, who
is an extraordinary man.

I love you, Marty, eternally, don't forget it. (But I mean the
original, no impostor.)

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:52:08 PM1/24/06

Heffer wrote:
> On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> <> wrote:
> >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >And now he is laying very low.
> He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> perversion of justice in a few court cases.

The real and original Marty Rathbun knows a lot about infiltrators in
Scientology. He handled many of the law suits, and he is not corrupt
but very ethically and truthful.
Why would he lie about Scientology justice to the authorities?

It is very simple. Justice works and is fair when a real Scientologists
conducts it, and it s not when an infiltrator conducts it. The original
Marty is a real Scientologist not an infiltrator.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:54:07 PM1/24/06

There is no policy of L. Ron Hubbard sending "experienced assassins" to
Seems that you speak of SEGNPMSS policy. That has nothing to do with

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:55:49 PM1/24/06

root@127.1 wrote:
> In <>,
> (Heffer) wrote:
> >On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> >>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> >>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >>And now he is laying very low.
> >
> >He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> >perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> But only if granted immunity, seeing how he was a participant and all.

As the original Marty Rathbun is very ethical, he doesn't need any
immunity. He doesn't have your kind of problems, Root.


Jan 24, 2006, 5:56:15 PM1/24/06
Barbara Schwarz wrote:


> Chuck, that can't be the original Marty Rathbun. He never would blow.
> Just like I never would blow. Marty is the man who changes conditions
> to make them better. He doesn't run off. He stays till whatever needs
> handling is handled. There is no instablity in him. He makes a decision
> and sticks to it. Period.

He apparently blew. Lots of people blow the insanity of CoS.
He wasn't going to be stupid all his life.

> It it is true that a Marty blew, than it is not the Marty who I know.
> Moreover, the original Marty is highly intelligent, educated and
> trained. Why would be work in a mill? Nothing against working in a mill
> but it would be a waste of his abilities.

CoS wastes people's talents purposefully.
That is what RPF does.

So DM can sit there and curl his lip in an
arrogant sneer.

What?! You weren't smart enough to figure it out?

> Either your info is not true, Chuck, or it is about another Marty.
> Please post who provided you with the information, because I would love
> more information on Mark or Marty Rathbun.
> It is also completely unclear why the other Marty has to "lay low". The
> orgs already discovered that he blew, if he blew. What is the "laying
> low" about?

He'd have to lay low to avoid being fair gamed.
Ask Armstrong.

> Barbara Schwarz
> --
> (I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's actitivies.)
> Other interesting websites:
> (About Valerie Emanuel, "Eru Avatar"-suspect, who says she is insane.
> Eru stalks, defames and abuses me.)


It's all coming down! It's all coming down!
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre II

Cheerful Charlie

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 5:58:53 PM1/24/06

As the original Marty Rathbun is very ethical, he doesn't need any
immunity. He doesn't have your kind of problems, Joe Lynn. When do you
come clean.
I am not interested in any Marty impersonator, just in the original
Marty. And he is tall and strong and can deal with the kisses that I
will give him when I see him.


Jan 24, 2006, 6:01:56 PM1/24/06
Barbara Schwarz wrote:

> wbarwell wrote:
>> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
>> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
>> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>> > And now he is laying very low.
>> >
>> > Chuck Beatty
>> > 412-260-1170
>> One can stand only so much abuse and the realization that
>> as long as DM lives, life at the top in Scientology will
>> always be miserable, fruitless, dead end, numbing.
>> Another escape from Happyland.
>> Good luck on your new life, Marty.
> You can bad your entheta soul on it, Willy, that the real Marty Rathbun
> NEVER will join you fanatical anti-religious extremists and p$ych
> trolls, NEVER!

Lots of ex-high ranking CoS members have, Jesse Prince,
Dennis Erlich and more.
Some day, Marty will have to have his say.


Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 6:02:40 PM1/24/06

Rev. Norle Enturbulata wrote:
> <root@127.1> wrote in message
> > In <>,
> > (Heffer) wrote:
> >
> >>On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> >><> wrote:
> >>
> >>>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> >>>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> >>>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >>>And now he is laying very low.
> >>
> >>He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> >>perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> >
> > But only if granted immunity, seeing how he was a participant and all.
> Marty's got a choice between continuing to be a hiding weasel living in
> fear, or a brave man.

You are no man, Norle Enturbulata. You are a sorry excuse of a man. You
are Type III, constantly suspected innocent people of doing harm. You
have the tin foil personality.
My guess: you are full with p$ych drugs.
The original Marty Rathbun is very much a man. Compared with him (a
God), you are a remote controlled little nasty bug.

Barbara Schwarz


Jan 24, 2006, 6:09:27 PM1/24/06
Barbara Schwarz wrote:

> RolandRB wrote:
>> Heffer wrote:
>> > On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
>> > <> wrote:
>> >
>> > >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
>> > >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>> > >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>> > >And now he is laying very low.
>> >
>> > He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
>> > perversion of justice in a few court cases.
>> That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him first, as per
>> Church policy.


52. This is the Hubbardian mindset which directed
the criminal acts of the now-defunct GO, and which
continues to direct the acts of all Hubbard's
corporations today, both profit and non-profit.

53. I experienced this in 1968, when both the
"Avon River," the ship I captained at the time,
and the "Royal Scotman," Hubbard's Flag ship, were
in Bizerte, Tunis, in North Africa. Two Sea Org
Officers and I spoke on the dock one evening. They
were both flying out the next day to Los Angeles,
on a Hubbard assignment. They told me that Hubbard
ordered them to shoot up Jack Horner, who lived in
Los Angeles, a suppressive person whom Hubbard had
personally declared some years earlier. Both men
had hand guns and would travel with them. They
left ... and then returned some weeks later. After
their debrief they told me that Horner had indeed
been shot at multiple times, while he and his
family were in their home one evening.
Fortunately, no one had been hurt.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 6:10:56 PM1/24/06

Dave Touretzky wrote:
> In article <>,

> chuckbeatty77 <> wrote:
> >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >And now he is laying very low.
> Well, as we know, there are several Marty Rathbuns. I believe Henson
> still has two or three in vats out at Alcor. So it won't be a problem
> to defrost one and fill the vacancy.

Lol. You are a lot stiffer than the original Marty is. He doesn't need
porn to losen up, Dave. And as far as the guys from Alcor are
concerned, I always suspected that one is Henson himself and the other
could be YOU.

> But as for the one who's gone missing...

One of the Marty's is not really missing, as Chuck says (lies?) he has
sources who knows where he is.

>I don't think DM has the
> balls to assassinate anybody. He's no LRH; not by a long shot.

L. Ron Hubbard never would assassinate anybody. You really have no clue
about L. Ron Hubbard's personality.

> he'll probably try to bribe the guy to lay low, or at least agree to
> leave him alone if he keeps away from the press and promises not to
> write his memoirs.

Dave, the speculator, what else is not new? No facts, just rumours and
> But for all we know, he could already be living in Chuck's basement,
> pounding out his life story on an old IBM PC.

Smells like forgeries about Marty's life are in preparation. I say it
again, the original Marty Rathbun would NEVER join you anti-religious
extremists, NEVER, under no circumstances would he ever join p$ych
trolls, as little as I ever would.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 24, 2006, 6:12:43 PM1/24/06

Zinj wrote:
> In article <43d6464a$>, says...

> Or in the Freezone hammering it out on a Kaypro :)

The original Marty Rathbun doesn't join some theethy wheetie Freezone.

I am being defamed and forged here

Jan 24, 2006, 6:16:23 PM1/24/06

Rev. David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"

> <> wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> Hiding in fear of his life I suspect.

The original Marty Rathbun doesn't fear anything. Coward is YOUR middle
name, fake attorney Dave Rice.

I am being defamed and forged here

Jan 24, 2006, 6:18:07 PM1/24/06

barb wrote:

> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> >
> Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?

IF TRUE!! As usually, Chuck does not provide ANY evidence for his

I am being defamed and forged here

Jan 24, 2006, 6:20:15 PM1/24/06

Rev. David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:28:02 -0800, barb <>

> wrote:
> > chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > And now he is laying very low.
> > >
> > > Chuck Beatty
> > > 412-260-1170
> > Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?
> But DM will insist Rathbun was only the janitor.

Too bad, Dave, that you have not even a janitor job. I learned that you
are not even a farm hand on a little run down goat farm but nothing but
an unemployed bum.

Jan 24, 2006, 6:21:26 PM1/24/06
Barb, it's confusing for me. Are you talking about the Marty Rathbun
who also went by the name of "Mark?" If so, this guy seems more shadow
than reality. Is your Marty the one who was President and Inspector
General for Ethics at RTC? Is your Marty the same one who spent part
of '94 aboard the "Freewinds?" I understand that, if this is your
Marty, he was either in RPF or being "handled" after an attempt to
leave the COS towards the end of '93.

Is this when you, Barbara, went to court against the Church of
Scientology International and claimed that he was your husband, and
sued the COS for failing to provide you with information on his
location? It was never clear you were ever, in fact, his wife. Were
you and Marty, Barbary, man and wife? If so, prove it.

I am being defamed and forged here

Jan 24, 2006, 6:27:09 PM1/24/06
to wrote:
> Barbara, just out of curiosity,

You are my forger and abuser, I don't have to answer to you. Behave
better and I perhaps change my mind.

Just as I said, if non-Scientological infiltrators wouldn't have kicked
me illegally out of the orgs, I would be still on staff. I never blew
or would blow. It is not in my personality to run from something I
agreed before, I tough things out and make things go right.
My guess, I then would be in charge for handling the lies of the SPs on
ARS. But now, everything came different, didn't it? ;)

Too bad, Dave, that you have not even a janitor job. I learned that you
are not even a farm hand on a little run down goat farm but nothing but
an unemployed bum.

Barbara Schwarz

Rev. David Rice, Esq.

Jan 24, 2006, 6:52:52 PM1/24/06
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 19:44:31 -0000, "Rev. Norle Enturbulata"
<> wrote:

> Marty's got a choice between continuing to be a hiding
> weasel living in fear, or a brave man.

And everyone knows which he will choose.

--- / I support privatization of religion.
Free random & sequential signature changer
"Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

Jan 24, 2006, 7:36:32 PM1/24/06

Rev. David Rice, Esq. wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 19:44:31 -0000, "Rev. Norle Enturbulata"
> <> wrote:
> > Marty's got a choice between continuing to be a hiding
> > weasel living in fear, or a brave man.
> And everyone knows which he will choose.

As you drug your human abilities with Thorazine and Prozac, Dave Rice,
you are too drugged to figure out what Marty will do.

Barbara Schwarz
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's actitivies.)

(About Valerie Emanuel, "Eru Avatar"-suspect, who says she is mentally
ill. Eru stalks, defames and abuses me.)


Jan 24, 2006, 8:09:15 PM1/24/06
barb wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> >
> Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?
> --
> --Bar Baba 'limbOT'
> Chaplain,ARSCC
> ...

[ how low can he go?]

Considering Flo's (DMs mother in law) involvement with Scientology,
Marty has 4 "self-inflicted" rifle shots and 6 feet of dirt to go.

Maybe, since he is SO, 6 fathoms of salt water on a vistaril high.

Marty's only chance is to make a deal with the FBI, join the witness
protection program in exchange for infomation on the IRS.


P.S. JT's "Quantas" (N707JT) jet is still parked at LAX, someone keep
an eye on the travel plans for that plane.

Ted Mayett

Jan 24, 2006, 8:39:15 PM1/24/06
On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>

>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
>reason a staff member blows.

Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???

Ted Mayett

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Phil Scott

Jan 25, 2006, 1:37:20 AM1/25/06

"banchukita" <> wrote in message

> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
>> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me
>> they
>> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag
>> mill for
>> about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>> And now he is laying very low.
>> Chuck Beatty
>> 412-260-1170
> Thanks for posting this, Chuck.
> I am concerned for this guy's health, as we all should be.
> His
> inner-circle status made him privy to intimate personal
> knowledge of DM
> and the overall fraud, and I'm sure his disappearance would
> be
> considered a threat.
> Do you think they maybe pulled some PIs off other posts and
> are
> desperately looking for Mr. Rathbun?
> (Did he go to Bugravia with his pockets full of artillery
> and bribe the
> police?)
> Or maybe they found him. And that's why no one has said
> they've heard
> from him?
> Now, where's Warren?

Marty and Warren would each know enough to put a lot of the
RTC folk into the federal pen. ...with a bunch of public
scn's and various bank and govt officials. Tens if not
hundreds of billions of dollars in bank and stock fraud would
be the primary issues, along with military, political and
corporate espionage world wide.

the odds of them living very long are slim and they know that
no doubt. Hiding is very difficult. My guess they went to
Arnaldo and he set them up with his contacts in the
FBI...thats why Arnaldo's needle was floating a while back I

This is not a good thing for the crime syndicate...

Phil Scott

> -maggie, human being

Phil Scott

Jan 25, 2006, 1:57:20 AM1/25/06

"Ted Mayett" <> wrote in

> On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB"
> <>
> wrote:
>>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That
>>is the only
>>reason a staff member blows.
> Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???

I think the cause for his sudden departure was too many leaks
about the real estate bank fraud .... with Warren and
sweetum's on the paper work as it tanks.... due to the recent
dirth in commercial real estate action...

.... and lack of funds to keep the bogus loans
the boyz have split for higher ground before the whole mess
goes ballistic...

.... the financial crimes mess was apparently a worse
proposition than blowing and having killers sent after you....
hard time in the slammer could easily be 20 or 30 years given
what Reedie boy got. 14 years, for a paultry 600 million
dollar ponzi scheme.

I was mentioning the potential for this outcome to my friend
Jimbo Kalergis in 1986.. as I was being reverse processed
into a quivering chunk of meat by the criminal cult..... and
as Jimbo was lying to me about it... Lying is apparently a
Jimbo Kalergis specialty .. He looked this pore ol flat
tracker right in the eye and said that I was the 'only person
he ever saw have trouble at fort homicide'/

I knew he was lying.

I told jimbo....I said 'Jimbo.. this mess is going down real
close to 2002, 2003' . I had OT powerz at the time.

Subsequently for 10 years I used to call jimbo on the
phone.... until the Slatkin mess.. at that time he was a
little testy at the mention of fraud, lying and the slammer
and told me to please phuck off and not to call him again...
Jimbo was no longer his sweet lying self.

that was unfortunate for Jimbo however.... since I had good
advice for him... he missed that...

but I told my friend Jeffrey Kalergis OSA at the SF pooooof. since my last picket 29 nov,

I told Jeffery to take documents when he blows so he will have
some way to bargain with the law and stay out of the slammer
and away from bubba and the boyz/

Oh well. Jeffrey has been real scarce now for a long time
the staff at the SF org hasnt even heard of him.

Id say on that it is getting serious on the mothah ships.

Phil Scott

Phil Scott

Jan 25, 2006, 2:02:26 AM1/25/06

"RolandRB" <> wrote in message

> Heffer wrote:
>> On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
>> <> wrote:
>> >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me
>> >they
>> >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag
>> >mill for
>> >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>> >And now he is laying very low.
>> He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about
>> Scientology's
>> perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him
> first, as per
> Church policy.

I dont think they could safely go to the FBI unless they did
it through Arnaldo who could arrange the right contacts...if
they went directly, the beans would get spilt to the CIA and
pore ol Marti and Warren would be full of bullet holes in no
time...Id bet they know that too.

If those two talked a lot of folks, in and out of scn will end
up pushing up daisys or in prison.. I told Jeffery Quiros
that too... and to see a Arnie or Andreas.

Phil Scott


Message has been deleted

Uncle Tom

Jan 25, 2006, 2:48:37 AM1/25/06

Phil Scott wrote:
> "banchukita" <> wrote in message
> > chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> >> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me
> >> they
> >> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag
> > and bribe the
> > police?)
> >
> > Or maybe they found him. And that's why no one has said
> > they've heard
> > from him?
> >
> > Now, where's Warren?
> Marty and Warren would each know enough to put a lot of the
> RTC folk into the federal pen.

Scientology defamers are headed for the federal pen.

"I thought I was an alien myself. So I am in fact a space alien invader
disguised as psychiatrist plotting and conspiring all day long." --
Senior psychiatrist Ulf Brettstam

"I tried LSD anyway..." "Perhaps you should take the stick out of your
ass, and shut the fuck up." "No, they're right. It's psychiatrists
paying me to write that post."
-- Kevin G. Brady

Victoria ("Tory" "Magoo") Christman: "F*ck you!"
(She was found in contempt of court for refusing to give up her
harassment.) She disconnected from husband and son. Just ran out of



Jan 25, 2006, 2:52:57 AM1/25/06

Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> RolandRB wrote:
> > Heffer wrote:
> > > On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> > > <> wrote:
> > >
> > > >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > >And now he is laying very low.
> > >
> > > He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> > > perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> >
> > That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him first, as per
> > Church policy.
> There is no policy of L. Ron Hubbard sending "experienced assassins" to
> somebody.
> Seems that you speak of SEGNPMSS policy. That has nothing to do with
> SCN.

"When you move off a point of power, pay all your obligations on the
nail, empower all your friends completely and move off with your
pockets full of artillery, potential blackmail on every erstwhile
rival, unlimited funds in your private account and the addresses of
experienced assassins and go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police." -
L. Ron Hubbard, The Responsibility of Leaders, HCO PL 12 Feb 1967.

Uncle Tom

Jan 25, 2006, 4:01:31 AM1/25/06

RolandRB wrote:
> Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> > RolandRB wrote:
> > > Heffer wrote:
> > > > On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> > > > <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > > >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > > >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > > >And now he is laying very low.
> > > >
> > > > He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> > > > perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> > >
> > > That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him first, as per
> > > Church policy.
> >
> > There is no policy of L. Ron Hubbard sending "experienced assassins" to
> > somebody.
> > Seems that you speak of SEGNPMSS policy. That has nothing to do with
> > SCN.
> "When

Post policies in context next time, R.


Jan 25, 2006, 4:28:27 AM1/25/06

Uncle Tom wrote:
> RolandRB wrote:
> > Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> > > RolandRB wrote:
> > > > Heffer wrote:
> > > > > On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> > > > > <> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > > > >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > > > >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > > > >And now he is laying very low.
> > > > >
> > > > > He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> > > > > perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> > > >
> > > > That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him first, as per
> > > > Church policy.
> > >
> > > There is no policy of L. Ron Hubbard sending "experienced assassins" to
> > > somebody.
> > > Seems that you speak of SEGNPMSS policy. That has nothing to do with
> > > SCN.
> >
> > "When
> Post policies in context next time, R.

I did. Here is the policy that mentions assassins:

"When you move off a point of power, pay all your obligations on the
nail, empower all your friends completely and move off with your
pockets full of artillery, potential blackmail on every erstwhile
rival, unlimited funds in your private account and the addresses of
experienced assassins and go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police." -

L. Ron Hubbard, The Responsibility of Leaders, HCO PL 12 Feb 1967.

And here is the policy being put into effect, by sending out assassins
to do the work of the Church:

Barbara Schizo Schwarz

Jan 25, 2006, 4:55:54 AM1/25/06
> As you drug your human abilities with Thorazine and Prozac, Dave Rice,
> you are too drugged to figure out what Marty will do.

LOL. This coming from a mentally disturbed schizo who has spent much of
her life in and out of mental institutions in the U.S. and Europe.

> Bonkers Barbara Schwarz

But we still love the old sourpuss. :-)

Rev. Norle Enturbulata

Jan 25, 2006, 5:41:38 AM1/25/06

"Uncle Tom" <> wrote in message

> Phil Scott wrote:
>> "banchukita" <> wrote in message
>> > chuckbeatty77 wrote:
>> >> Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me
>> >> they
>> >> had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag
>> > and bribe the
>> > police?)
>> >
>> > Or maybe they found him. And that's why no one has said
>> > they've heard
>> > from him?
>> >
>> > Now, where's Warren?
>> Marty and Warren would each know enough to put a lot of the
>> RTC folk into the federal pen.
> Scientology defamers are headed for the federal pen.

Have you ever known anyone else who was "headed for the pen"? RPF doesn't
count, as it's run by a bunch of petty wannabe dictators.

-- - -

Rev. Norle Enturbulata
"Church" of Cartoonism
* " You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way
you can control anybody is to lie to them."
* -- L. Ron Hubbard, "Technique 88"
* "...Never discuss Scientology with the critic. Just discuss his or her
crimes, known and unknown. And act completely confident that those crimes
* L. Ron Hubbard, "Critics of Scientology", November 5, 1967
* "All men shall be my slaves! All women shall succumb to my charms! All
mankind shall grovel at my feet and not know why!"
- L. Ron Hubbard, "Personal Affirmations"


Jan 25, 2006, 6:01:40 AM1/25/06
to wrote:
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > And now he is laying very low.
> >
> > Chuck Beatty
> > 412-260-1170
> Maybe Marty wants to read that about Chuck.
> Check what we found on Chucky, the Beatty, one of the
> find-anything-good-about-bomb-instruction-Dave Touretzky-cultists.
> From: K.S
> To: M.W
> Subject: Message
> Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006
> Dear M.,
> I use the net for my work and one day I ran my name in Google and it
> was with shock that I found that my name was posted in a group that
> natters about scientologists and scientology.
> I suspect Chuck Beatty, former sea org member who I knew in the RPF, is
> the one who wrote about me for no apparent reason. I have read
> statements made by Chuck on the net and Chuck is complaining about his
> time in the sea org and is attacking his own former friends. He is
> trying to get in contact with other ex-sea org members to encourage us
> to commit suppressive acts covered in the ethics and justice codes.

Auto, you moron, the average scientologists does not google for and
then read what can be found about it on the inetrnet ... the rest of
you post does not pass the Black PR smell test.

If you google scientology you get:


Barbara Schwarz

Jan 25, 2006, 5:35:20 PM1/25/06

zeeorger wrote:
> barb wrote:
> > chuckbeatty77 wrote:
> >
> > > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > And now he is laying very low.
> > >
> > > Chuck Beatty
> > > 412-260-1170
> > >
> > Whoa...that's huge, if true! How low can he go?
> >
> > --
> > --Bar Baba 'limbOT'
> > Chaplain,ARSCC
> >
> >
> > ...
> [ how low can he go?]
> Considering Flo's (DMs mother in law) involvement with Scientology,
> Marty has 4 "self-inflicted" rifle shots and 6 feet of dirt to go.

What crap is that?

> Maybe, since he is SO, 6 fathoms of salt water on a vistaril high.

Impostors take Vistaril. Marty Rathbun (the orginal) isn't an impostor.

> Marty's only chance is to make a deal with the FBI, join the witness
> protection program in exchange for infomation on the IRS.

Marty Rathbun (the original) has no criminal history. He committed no
crimes. You and your friends should report to the FBI.

You heard me.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 25, 2006, 5:37:34 PM1/25/06

Ted Mayett wrote:
> On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>
> wrote:
> >He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
> >reason a staff member blows.
> >
> Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???

MU's that lead to OW's. But the original Marty doesn't have any of
that. You do.
Are you still gambling, Ted Maynett?

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 25, 2006, 5:39:54 PM1/25/06

If Marty (the original) would have seen any crime within the orgs, he
would have reported to the appropriate places and stopped it. He is not
like the anti-religious extremists who know about crimes and don't
report and stop it.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 25, 2006, 5:45:54 PM1/25/06

Phil Scott wrote:
> "RolandRB" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Heffer wrote:
> >> On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me
> >> >they
> >> >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag
> >> >mill for
> >> >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >> >And now he is laying very low.
> >>
> >> He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about
> >> Scientology's
> >> perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> >
> > That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him
> > first, as per
> > Church policy.

> pore ol Marti and Warren would be full of bullet holes in no
> time...Id bet they know that too.

Marty Rathbun (the original) is not old and not poor.

Barbara Schwarz

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 25, 2006, 6:03:00 PM1/25/06

RolandRB wrote:
> Uncle Tom wrote:
> > RolandRB wrote:
> > > Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> > > > RolandRB wrote:
> > > > > Heffer wrote:
> > > > > > On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> > > > > > <> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > >Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> > > > > > >had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> > > > > > >about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> > > > > > >And now he is laying very low.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> > > > > > perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> > > > >
> > > > > That's if the "experienced assassins" don't get to him first, as per
> > > > > Church policy.
> > > >
> > > > There is no policy of L. Ron Hubbard sending "experienced assassins" to
> > > > somebody.
> > > > Seems that you speak of SEGNPMSS policy. That has nothing to do with
> > > > SCN.
> > >
> > > "When
> >
> > Post policies in context next time, R.
> I did. Here is the policy that mentions

What do you think I am, Roland, a dummy? You posted again just a
sentence anyboy could have written. Post the entire policy letter which
shows in what context the statement was made.

And leave me alone with the Whitfield woman. She is a deprogrammer. I
was a victim of deprogramming, and money hungry and abuse deprogrammer
people are not what I trust in. Read the RFW pages, they mention that
she was even involved in conspiracy to commit murder.

Barbara Schwarz
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's actitivies.)

my forger and abuser grt250 @ is one of these extremists

Kevin Brady

Jan 25, 2006, 10:30:58 PM1/25/06
Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> Ted Mayett wrote:
>>On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>
>>>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
>>>reason a staff member blows.
>>Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???

All I have to do is give girls MUs, and they'll blow? I'll have to try

> MU's that lead to OW's. But the original Marty doesn't have any of
> that. You do.
> Are you still gambling, Ted Maynett?

Are you betting that I can explode in your face, Barbara?

> Nutzy Schwarz

"Our war has been forced to become 'To take over absolutely the field of
mental healing on this planet in all forms.'

That was not the original purpose. The original purpose was to clear
Earth. The battles suffered developed the data that we had an enemy who
would have to be gotten out of the way and this meant that we were at war …

By showing him to be brutal, venal and plotting we get him discarded.

Our direct assault will come when they start to arrest his principals
and troops for crimes (already begun).

Our total victory will come when we run his organisations, perform his
functions and obtain his financing and appropriations."

-- L. Ron Hubbard
"The WAR", 2 Dec 69

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 12:14:27 AM1/26/06

Kevin Brady schrieb:

> Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> > Ted Mayett wrote:
> >
> >>On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
> >>>reason a staff member blows.
> >>>
> >>
> >>Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???
> All I have to do is give girls MUs, and they'll blow? I'll have to try
> that.
> > MU's that lead to OW's. But the original Marty doesn't have any of
> > that. You do.
> > Are you still gambling, Ted Maynett?
> Are you betting that I can explode in your face, Barbara?

Haven't abused enough today, KGB?

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 12:24:00 AM1/26/06

root@127.1 schrieb:

> In <43d683a3$>, "Rev. Norle Enturbulata"
> <> wrote:
> >
> ><root@127.1> wrote in message
> >
> >> In <>,

> >> (Heffer) wrote:
> >>
> >>>On 24 Jan 2006 00:19:04 -0800, "chuckbeatty77"
> >>><> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
> >>>>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
> >>>>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
> >>>>And now he is laying very low.
> >>>
> >>>He's got a lot he could say to the authorities about Scientology's
> >>>perversion of justice in a few court cases.
> >>

> >> But only if granted immunity, seeing how he was a participant and all.

> >
> >Marty's got a choice between continuing to be a hiding weasel living in
> >fear, or a brave man.

> If crazy Schwartz wanted my wiener, I'd hide out, too.

No wonder that you don't want your postings not archived with libelous
and sexual harassing language like that. You don't get what love is,
don't you? Wiener's are not love, and you insane abuser are jealous
that nobody loves you. You are cheep.

By altering my name you think I don't find your libel per se?

> At least until
> Schwartz was locked up for permanent psychiatric evaluation.

P$ych trolls are unable to love and respect human rights.

> That'd leave only a jealous Davie to worry about.

Dave Touretzky is jealous? About who?

I have nothing to do with Dave Touretzky except that I don't like to be
sexually harassed with porn mail belonging to him, and I am concerned
about his anti-religious fanatism and his bomb instructions.

He is lying on his website that I am obsessed with him. I don't want to
have ANYTHING to do with him or you abusive freak.

Ball of Fluff

Jan 26, 2006, 1:10:50 AM1/26/06

"zeeorger" <> wrote in message
> wrote:

>> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
>> > Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown). Someone told me they
>> > had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>> > about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>> > And now he is laying very low.
>> >
>> > Chuck Beatty
>> > 412-260-1170
>> Rumors are saying that you are a p$ych troll who suffers from insomnia,
>> CB.
> Auto, your boss just left, what will you do, what will you do, you Co$
> troll you.
> Be sure to save some of that $50/week allowance for a bus ride home.

Lotta OSA operatives out there who aren't on staff at all...

(I always did think the 50.00/ a week and rice and beans comments were
inane. Good to see I'm still correct.)

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 1:19:50 AM1/26/06
Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> Kevin Brady schrieb:
>>Barbara Schwarz wrote:
>>>Ted Mayett wrote:
>>>>On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>
>>>>>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
>>>>>reason a staff member blows.
>>>>Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???
>>All I have to do is give girls MUs, and they'll blow? I'll have to try
>>>MU's that lead to OW's. But the original Marty doesn't have any of
>>>that. You do.
>>>Are you still gambling, Ted Maynett?
>>Are you betting that I can explode in your face, Barbara?
> Haven't abused enough today, KGB?
> Nutzy Schwarz

Abused? Lots of girls would pay good money to have me explode in their
face. You just have hangups.

Ball of Fluff

Jan 26, 2006, 1:26:16 AM1/26/06

"Kevin Brady" <> wrote in message

> Barbara Schwarz wrote:
>> Kevin Brady schrieb:
>>>Barbara Schwarz wrote:
>>>>Ted Mayett wrote:
>>>>>On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>
>>>>>>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the
>>>>>>reason a staff member blows.
>>>>>Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???
>>>All I have to do is give girls MUs, and they'll blow? I'll have to try
>>>>MU's that lead to OW's. But the original Marty doesn't have any of
>>>>that. You do.
>>>>Are you still gambling, Ted Maynett?
>>>Are you betting that I can explode in your face, Barbara?
>> Haven't abused enough today, KGB?
>> Nutzy Schwarz
> Abused? Lots of girls would pay good money to have me explode in their
> face. You just have hangups.


C'mere, you!


Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 1:28:57 AM1/26/06
Sorry, I just feel such a sense of relief whenever Barbara allows me to
explode in her face. I don't know what it is.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 1:33:24 AM1/26/06

Kevin Brady wrote:
> Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> > Kevin Brady schrieb:
> >
> >
> >>Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> >>
> >>>Ted Mayett wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>
> >>>>wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
> >>>>>reason a staff member blows.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???
> >>
> >>All I have to do is give girls MUs, and they'll blow? I'll have to try
> >>that.
> >>
> >>
> >>>MU's that lead to OW's. But the original Marty doesn't have any of
> >>>that. You do.
> >>>Are you still gambling, Ted Maynett?
> >>
> >>Are you betting that I can explode in your face, Barbara?
> >
> >
> > Haven't abused enough today, KGB?
> >
> > Nutzy Schwarz
> Abused? Lots of girls would pay good money to have me explode in their
> face. You just have hangups.

Yuck! Gross! Men who constantly have to talk about their sex life like
you usually can't perform, KGB. But if you are thinking about Viagra,
like Dave Touretzky, you might get blind from using it and then can't
watch porn anymore. Ha!

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 3:14:51 AM1/26/06
Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> Kevin Brady wrote:
>>Barbara Schwarz wrote:
>>>Kevin Brady schrieb:
>>>>Barbara Schwarz wrote:
>>>>>Ted Mayett wrote:
>>>>>>On 24 Jan 2006 04:54:11 -0800, "RolandRB" <>
>>>>>>>He must have overts against the Church of Scientology. That is the only
>>>>>>>reason a staff member blows.
>>>>>>Wasn't it MU's that make a person blow???
>>>>All I have to do is give girls MUs, and they'll blow? I'll have to try
>>>>>MU's that lead to OW's. But the original Marty doesn't have any of
>>>>>that. You do.
>>>>>Are you still gambling, Ted Maynett?
>>>>Are you betting that I can explode in your face, Barbara?
>>>Haven't abused enough today, KGB?
>>>Nutzy Schwarz
>>Abused? Lots of girls would pay good money to have me explode in their
>>face. You just have hangups.
> Yuck! Gross! Men who constantly have to talk about their sex life like
> you usually can't perform, KGB.

Whelp, no difficulties in that department for me.

> But if you are thinking about Viagra,
> like Dave Touretzky, you might get blind from using it and then can't
> watch porn anymore. Ha!

I'll save the viagra for a time in my life when I need it (may that day
never come). To my knowledge, viagra doesn't cause blindness. Perhaps
you're putting your finger in your eye? Wrong hole, Barbara.

> Nutzy Schwarz

Ball of Fluff

Jan 26, 2006, 3:03:10 PM1/26/06

BS posts far more about the sex lives of others than those particular
people do.

It's a pot kettle black situation.


Michael Pattinson

Jan 26, 2006, 3:23:46 PM1/26/06
BS= "your mind on Scientology"

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 3:25:50 PM1/26/06
It's a pressing common buttons for reaction issue. She works in those
buttons not because of any other reason than she thinks they will cause
degeneration of rationality from the person she's trying to attack.
She's a reverse processor. She has it well justified, and this will
cause her to continually degenerate (although she can't have much
further down to go until she gets picked up by the men in white coats

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 3:38:54 PM1/26/06
Michael Pattinson wrote:
> BS= "your mind on Scientology"
BS="your mind as expressed through OSA's filters"

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 5:50:43 PM1/26/06

As usually, you are wrong, sexual harasser, Kevin Brady.,GGLG:2005-50,GGLG:de&q=viagra%2Bblindness
> > Nutzy Schwarz

Stop forging and defaming me. It is a felony, you idiot. Instead of
p$ych nonsense you should study some law basics.

Barbara Schwarz

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 5:54:02 PM1/26/06

Ball of Fluff schrieb:

Stop lying about me, rockslammer bitch.

When so you post your SP declare, Claire? (Even rhymes!) No courage, as


I remember the time when I came to ARS. Former Scientology infiltrator
Claire Swazey (Ball of Fluff or Fluffygirl) attacked me like a lunatic
just for posting my story and opinions, and she followed and stalked me

from thread
to thread defaming me. One day she became exhausted (she is no match
for me) and she offered me a sort of peace treaty, said what she posted

about me was not nice, but broke it by lying and bad mouthing me again
that I would suffer on mental problems. What a nasty nut she is.

Of course Claire tries to conceal the fact that Scientology is subject
to infiltration since a long time, because she was an infiltrator in
the orgs before she decided to become the "master" of the Freezone,
stupidly thinking that all Scientologists would follow her while she
also maintain friendships with those who want to destroy Scientology.
There is likely no real Scientologist who is scratching his or her head

about her double game.
It is save to say that Claire Swazey is on 1.1 on the tonescale.

I noticed in the newsgroup ACT that Claire has not so many friends as
she claims to have and that posters there are critical of her too.
There is also Spacetraveler who rather leans to the Freezone than the
orgs and should have things in common with her, but I also noticed that

she attacked him and then run from the discussion and dead-filed him.

She claims to know and be friends with hundred of Scientologists and
would knows all about what they are thinking. She apparently wants to
be a mind reader, but when it comes down, she mainly is friends with a
few anti-religious extremists and not with Scientologists. She seems
unable to keep friendships with Scientologists.

Claire plays a ridiculous double role in the newsgroups, a
"Scientologist" (with lot of misunderstandings) and friend to the
people who wants to destroy her alleged religion. Not just
Scientologists find her contradictory but also critics.

Here are some excerpts of what Peregine wrote about her:

"She constantly criticises others who do not agree with her
fluffy-bunny-view of scientology and then tries to avoid any criticism
of her own position.

She's intellectually dishonest if not downright deceitful.
She's like a kid who enjoys tripping up pedestrians, and then looking
all wide-eyed and innocent and saying "but what did I do?" when they
quite rightly turn around and lambast her for it.

Her favourite red herring seems to be "tell us which type of
scientologist you are talking about". She, however, is perfectly at
liberty to use the words "scientology" and "scientologist" in whichever
manner she chooses, without going to the trouble of definition of type.

We're supposed to just "know" what she's talking about. It's one rule
for Claire, and another for everyone else.

She is narcissistic. If one should be foolish enough to engage in any
lengthy debate with her about one subject only. Claire.

She doesn't have the guts or the balls to challenge her own safe little

world view.

She is a hypocrite. She *constantly* accuses others of writing things
(mostly unjustified, btw) that *she herself* has done, sometimes in
that very thread. Or she'll make the accusation in another thread, in a

total non-sequitur, which makes it all the harder to pin her down.

She is a coward in debate. She'll bring up an issue, and then promptly
change the subject when the water gets too hot for her. Or she'll just
ignore the bits she knows she's not capable of challenging. Or she'll
bring in some total non-sequitur to deflect attention from the
argument. And then, should *that* point get too hot to handle, off we
go again, on another wild Fluffy chase, as she introduces *yet another*


Most infuriating are her subtle jibes at people, in which the negative
implication is *quite clear*, and then trying to get out of it by
saying that oh, she never meant *that* when she wrote *this*. She's
no-one. But challenging her on it will just lead to more endless
non-sequiturs. And it's a neat tactic, much beloved of politicians and
first-year undergraduates everywhere: when you don't have the balls to
face up to the reaction you know you're going to get when you come out
with something that's not going to go down well with the audience, just

dress it up in an ambiguous comment (making sure, though, that what you

*mean* is clear enough) and then you've got a ready-made escape hatch
when you're challenged. You can always claim that you didn't really
*mean* such-and-such.

For someone who is so "upbeat" and "positive" she's sure got a lot of
nasty, negative things to say about those who are not taken in by Her

I could go on. But I won't. Like I said, I've had it up to here with

I have to hand it to him, Claire, he figured you pretty much out. And I

noticed often that the people with mental problem as you are those who
lie about that others have these problems.

Barbara Schwarz

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 6:03:50 PM1/26/06

Michael Pattinson wrote:
> BS= "your mind on Scientology"

Michael Pattinson's mind is explained in his very own section of the

Which of the two Marty Rathbun's did you wrongfully sue, Michael

(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities.)

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 6:06:05 PM1/26/06

Just because you have a psychiatric case officer who controls your
thoughts and actions, KGB, doesn't mean that I have one too. Nobody
filters me.

(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities.)

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 6:22:08 PM1/26/06

How would you know Claire's needle characteristics, Barbara?

Did you know that Hubbard R/Sed when receiving auditing from Otto Roos?

> When so you post your SP declare, Claire? (Even rhymes!) No courage, as
> usually?

Why should she post a document at your request? You're a psycho!

> I remember the time when I came to ARS. Former Scientology infiltrator
> Claire Swazey (Ball of Fluff or Fluffygirl) attacked me like a lunatic
> just for posting my story and opinions, and she followed and stalked me
> from thread
> to thread defaming me.

You're usual bullshit that everyone is stalking and defaming you. Why
should anyone believe you about anything you say? You accuse everyone
of the same stupid crimes, and no one is actually guilty of any of them:
you're completely nuts.

> One day she became exhausted (she is no match
> for me) and she offered me a sort of peace treaty, said what she posted
> about me was not nice, but broke it by lying and bad mouthing me again
> that I would suffer on mental problems. What a nasty nut she is.


> Of course Claire tries to conceal the fact that Scientology is subject
> to infiltration since a long time, because she was an infiltrator in
> the orgs before she decided to become the "master" of the Freezone,
> stupidly thinking that all Scientologists would follow her while she
> also maintain friendships with those who want to destroy Scientology.

When did Claire ever conceal that scientology had been infiltrated? I
think you are probably lying again.

> There is likely no real Scientologist who is scratching his or her head
> about her double game.

There are no real scientologists who are confused about your insanity,

> It is save to say that Claire Swazey is on 1.1 on the tonescale.

No, it's not safe to say that. It's completely inaccurate, like
everything else you say.

> I noticed in the newsgroup ACT that Claire has not so many friends as
> she claims to have and that posters there are critical of her too.

Yes, in the freezone, people disagree. Evidence of free thinking, you
rondroid psycho.

> There is also Spacetraveler who rather leans to the Freezone than the
> orgs and should have things in common with her, but I also noticed that
> she attacked him and then run from the discussion and dead-filed him.

Well, I know nothing of that, but I'm pretty sure you're full of shit again.

> She claims to know and be friends with hundred of Scientologists and
> would knows all about what they are thinking. She apparently wants to
> be a mind reader, but when it comes down, she mainly is friends with a
> few anti-religious extremists and not with Scientologists. She seems
> unable to keep friendships with Scientologists.

Another incorrect characterization. You are really hot on this.
Somebody must have triggered one of your body thetans.

> Claire plays a ridiculous double role in the newsgroups, a
> "Scientologist" (with lot of misunderstandings)

Which misunderstandings, generality spewer?

> and friend to the
> people who wants to destroy her alleged religion.

No, you've got it wrong. She has no interest in destroying the
religion. She has an interest in criticizing the Church of Scientology,
which is NOT at all true to scientology.

> Not just
> Scientologists find her contradictory but also critics.

Yes, the misinformed of all stripes can't understand what a
scientologist is: they think it's a person who is a member of a Church.
That's just group membership, doesn't have anything to do with one's

> Here are some excerpts of what Peregine wrote about her:

<snip hearsay>

> I have to hand it to him, Claire, he figured you pretty much out.

Claire is a good person, and you are a psycho. Thus, if you agree with
Peregrine, he's probably also a psycho.

> And I
> noticed often that the people with mental problem as you are those who
> lie about that others have these problems.

And a nice little wrong indication to finish off. You are a reverse
processor, and very bad at it, to boot. Get a life, Nutsy.

> Nutzy Schwarz

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 6:30:13 PM1/26/06

Actually, I'm not a sexual harasser. It is you that continually is
bringing up sexual innuendo, and I wish you'd stop.

<snip stupid blindness link>

> Stop forging and defaming me.

I'm not, you stupid fucking kook.

> It is a felony, you idiot.

If I were forging or defaming, it would be, you moron.

> Instead of
> p$ych nonsense you should study some law basics.

I'll leave the law to lawyers and paralegals and psychos like you, you
dumb bitch.

> Nutzy Schwarz

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 6:34:57 PM1/26/06
Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> Kevin Brady wrote:
>>Michael Pattinson wrote:
>>>BS= "your mind on Scientology"
>>BS="your mind as expressed through OSA's filters"
> Just because you have a psychiatric case officer who controls your
> thoughts and actions, KGB, doesn't mean that I have one too.

Wow, I wish you'd tell me who it is: I've never met him! You kook!

> Nobody
> filters me.

You've been on an "auto"-filter all your life, I'll bet, but ever since
you adopted the CCHR bullshit about psychs, you certainly cannot think
about the area well. I suggest you do some false data stripping on

> Nutzy Schwarz

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 26, 2006, 6:39:54 PM1/26/06

Kevin Brady schrieb:

"Nice" lanuage for a future p$ych. It confirms that the lowest people
reach for this profession.

Of course you do, you constantly alter my posting with your "nutzy"
indoctrination. Then ask your attorney if you are too dumb to
understand laws.

> > It is a felony, you idiot.
> If I were forging or defaming, it would be, you moron.

Which you do. You are in denial of your own crimes.

> > Instead of
> > p$ych nonsense you should study some law basics.
> I'll leave the law to lawyers and paralegals and psychos like you, you
> dumb bitch.
> > Nutzy Schwarz

(Here is a forgery and defamation of you. You make it look as if I
would have signed with that name. And you commit this crime notoriously
in all your unintelligent hate postings against me.)

It could be too late. Wise people ask their attorneys before they
commit the crimes, KGB, if their IQ doesn't last to study the laws

(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities.)

(About Valerie Emanuel, number-one-"Eru Avatar"-suspect, who says she

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 8:16:09 PM1/26/06

Being a counselor doesn't mean you have to be nice to people who are
causing trouble and stirring up ignorance. It does mean that you have
to be able to help those seeking help.

Are you seeking my help?

> It confirms that the lowest people
> reach for this profession.


> Of course you do, you constantly alter my posting with your "nutzy"
> indoctrination. Then ask your attorney if you are too dumb to
> understand laws.

I don't need an attorney to tell me that altering your name in my
replies is not forgery, moron.

>>>It is a felony, you idiot.
>>If I were forging or defaming, it would be, you moron.
> Which you do.

Which I don't.

> You are in denial of your own crimes.


>>>Instead of
>>>p$ych nonsense you should study some law basics.
>>I'll leave the law to lawyers and paralegals and psychos like you, you
>>dumb bitch.
>>>Nutzy Schwarz
> (Here is a forgery and defamation of you. You make it look as if I
> would have signed with that name. And you commit this crime notoriously
> in all your unintelligent hate postings against me.)
> It could be too late. Wise people ask their attorneys before they
> commit the crimes, KGB, if their IQ doesn't last to study the laws
> themselves.

Mob bosses consult their attorneys about how to get away with their
crimes. Me, I don't commit any crimes, so I don't sweat the attorneys.

> Nutzy Schwarz

Message has been deleted

Kevin Brady

Jan 26, 2006, 11:50:42 PM1/26/06
I am the Indian and first auto2628, the imposter posts from Austin Texas
and dirty old man Scientology hater Mark Plummer lives in Austin Texas
> chuckbeatty77 wrote:
>>Rumor line is that Marty is gone (blown).
> Rumors is all you can do.

Invalidation is all you can do. You are reduced to anonymous
invalidation of someone who is your moral superior.

> No facts from you Chucky Cheese.

Button-pushing: reverse processing. You are scum.

>>Someone told me they
>>had gotten a first hand report that Marty was at the Flag mill for
>>about a year up to end 2004. Then, it seems, he blew.
>>And now he is laying very low.
>>Chuck Beatty

> Who is the someone? Your other personality, Chuck? The one who likes to
> dress as a female?

Button-pushing: reverse processing. This is what you got into
scientology for? You are scum. Your time will come.

Ball of Fluff

Jan 27, 2006, 9:39:51 AM1/27/06

"Kevin Brady" <> wrote in message

Oh, it's idiotic. My expell/declare is on the 'web. I've posted the URL in
the past, and anyone can do a net search.

Also, I don't read Barbara Schwarz' posts, so I've no idea what she would
and wouldn't want unless someone else replies to her.

>> I remember the time when I came to ARS. Former Scientology infiltrator
>> Claire Swazey (Ball of Fluff or Fluffygirl) attacked me like a lunatic
>> just for posting my story and opinions, and she followed and stalked me
>> from thread
>> to thread defaming me.
> You're usual bullshit that everyone is stalking and defaming you. Why
> should anyone believe you about anything you say? You accuse everyone of
> the same stupid crimes, and no one is actually guilty of any of them:
> you're completely nuts.
>> One day she became exhausted (she is no match
>> for me) and she offered me a sort of peace treaty, said what she posted
>> about me was not nice, but broke it by lying and bad mouthing me again
>> that I would suffer on mental problems. What a nasty nut she is.
> Pot-kettle-black.
>> Of course Claire tries to conceal the fact that Scientology is subject
>> to infiltration since a long time, because she was an infiltrator in
>> the orgs before she decided to become the "master" of the Freezone,
>> stupidly thinking that all Scientologists would follow her while she
>> also maintain friendships with those who want to destroy Scientology.
> When did Claire ever conceal that scientology had been infiltrated? I
> think you are probably lying again.

I've never said it wasn't infiltrated.

>> There is likely no real Scientologist who is scratching his or her head
>> about her double game.
> There are no real scientologists who are confused about your insanity,
> either.
>> It is save to say that Claire Swazey is on 1.1 on the tonescale.
> No, it's not safe to say that. It's completely inaccurate, like
> everything else you say.

I'm up front about what I think.

>> I noticed in the newsgroup ACT that Claire has not so many friends as
>> she claims to have and that posters there are critical of her too.
> Yes, in the freezone, people disagree. Evidence of free thinking, you
> rondroid psycho.

I've never claimed to have a certain number of friends on a.c.t. or on any

When Freezoners or critics don't like me, that's fine. I then know I'm
dealing with idiots.

>> There is also Spacetraveler who rather leans to the Freezone than the
>> orgs and should have things in common with her, but I also noticed that
>> she attacked him and then run from the discussion and dead-filed him.
> Well, I know nothing of that, but I'm pretty sure you're full of shit
> again.

Actually, in that exchange he and I exchanged over a dozen replies in which
I answered every single one of his questions, then I killfiled him for
rudeness, which is my main criterion for killfiling anyone.

>> She claims to know and be friends with hundred of Scientologists and
>> would knows all about what they are thinking. She apparently wants to
>> be a mind reader, but when it comes down, she mainly is friends with a
>> few anti-religious extremists and not with Scientologists. She seems
>> unable to keep friendships with Scientologists.
> Another incorrect characterization. You are really hot on this. Somebody
> must have triggered one of your body thetans.

I've never claimed "hundreds" but what does this woman know, she thinks I
think I'm Jesus just because of a joking anecdote I posted.

>> Claire plays a ridiculous double role in the newsgroups, a
>> "Scientologist" (with lot of misunderstandings)
> Which misunderstandings, generality spewer?
>> and friend to the
>> people who wants to destroy her alleged religion.
> No, you've got it wrong. She has no interest in destroying the religion.
> She has an interest in criticizing the Church of Scientology, which is NOT
> at all true to scientology.
>> Not just
>> Scientologists find her contradictory but also critics.
> Yes, the misinformed of all stripes can't understand what a scientologist
> is: they think it's a person who is a member of a Church. That's just
> group membership, doesn't have anything to do with one's religion.

In fact, on a few years ago, some rocket scientist posted that
neither myself or another contributor (someone later told me the person was
likely alluding to Cerridwen) had to be either OSA or a professional writer
because nobody could possibly have the stance that we've claimed. Duh. He
was an idiot and evidently isn't the only one.

>> Here are some excerpts of what Peregine wrote about her:
> <snip hearsay>

Oh, is she still cutting and pasting that?


>> I have to hand it to him, Claire, he figured you pretty much out.
> Claire is a good person, and you are a psycho. Thus, if you agree with
> Peregrine, he's probably also a psycho.

Mike O'Connor thought Peregrine was a troll. I didn't think so, at first, as
we do get plenty of people who just choose to post anonymously, but I've
since come around to Mike's way of thinking. Possibly an ~OSA~ troll.

>> And I
>> noticed often that the people with mental problem as you are those who
>> lie about that others have these problems.
> And a nice little wrong indication to finish off. You are a reverse
> processor, and very bad at it, to boot. Get a life, Nutsy.

I've not posted any lies.

I have posted that Barbara was posting under this or that name, and she
evidently doesn't like it.

In fact, a few weeks or so ago, when I did that, she said she wasn't that
person, so someone dug up the same exact post posted under her name, prior.

She does post under other names. She does attack people. She does take the
RFW website very seriously. She does get information from CofS in the guise
of a net buddy type thing, and she does evidently think she's on some sort
of cause or crusade.

It's all quite true.

Bonkers Schwarz

Jan 27, 2006, 2:22:26 PM1/27/06
Schizophrenic liar.

Barbara Schwarz

Jan 27, 2006, 5:11:41 PM1/27/06

You are just defaming me. You don't know me, Claire but you lie about
me. You are a declared SP and too cowardous to post the declare on ars.

(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities.)

(About Valerie Emanuel, number one "Eru Avatar"-suspect, who says she

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