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Wikipedia site questionable as research source

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Steve Dufour

Jul 29, 2006, 11:22:57 AM7/29/06

Wikipedia site questionable as research source

User-edited Web site does not get the approval of many OU professors
by Jarrel Wade
July 29, 2006
Students are increasing the usage of Wikipedia in research for essays
as well as citations for information.

However, as the user-edited Web site gets more popular, professors and
students are questioning the accuracy of the information and its use as
a source.

Katherine Tredwell, history of science professor, said she charged 16
students early last summer with plagiarism after she suspected that
many of the students used Wikipedia to aid their essays as part of a
final exam.

"I think a lot of it is just to do with the attractiveness of online
sources," Tredwell said. "Students are used to searching the
Internet first."

Students use Wikipedia as a source rather than using the Web site as a
starting point for the rest of the research, Tredwell said.

"I think people just don't understand doing research," Tredwell
said. "Even the encyclopedia is a place to get a student started."

Some professors allow students to use Wikipedia as a source if they
cite it correctly. However, some model their essays after Wikipedia's
submissions, Tredwell said.

After assigning an essay on a novel, Tredwell searched Wikipedia to
read its information on the book, she said.

"I thought they would read Wikipedia, so I read it in advance,"
Tredwell said.

Reading the Web site's article highlighted similarities between
Wikipedia's information and several of her students, Tredwell said.

Like millions of other people, Tredwell said she has also edited
articles on Wikipedia.

"It can be very current, and that's the biggest advantage,"
Tredwell said. "However, sometimes an error will be in there and no
one could catch it for years."

Assistant Provost Greg Heiser said OU recently warned professors in
foreign language departments about Wikipedia because of the several
languages the Web site offers.

Some students were able to get papers from Wikipedia in foreign
languages past the professors because the professors did not suspect
the Web site, Heiser said.

Heiser said Wikipedia is a good place for students to begin research on
a topic.

"We all need to find a quick and easy source

for a topic that is new to us," Heiser said. "There is nothing
wrong with it unless it is plagiarized."

Many professors believe that students are over-relying on the
information that Wikipedia offers, Heiser said.

"The material in Wikipedia may not be original," Heiser said. "It
could be plagiarized."

Chris Allen, engineering physics junior, said he has edited many
articles, from correcting information about his home town to simple
grammar mistakes.

"Its greatest strength is that anyone can edit it, but it is also its
greatest weakness," Allen said.

Allen said he found how a microwave works just by searching
Wikipedia's database instead of researching several different Web

Allen's research is mostly out of curiosity, he said.

"While the majority of articles are correct, you have no guarantee
that the particular article you are reading is correct," Allen said.

Another problem for students with Wikipedia is contention between edits
on Wikipedia articles, Allen said.

"There will be a lot of opinionated people that edit that one
article," Allen said. "It's not tried and true like an

Allen said he uses Wikipedia when he has no idea about a topic for a

Heiser said he would be more concerned if students used Wikipedia out
of ignorance of the Web site's weak points than from laziness in
researching articles.

Over the Hill

Jul 29, 2006, 4:42:37 PM7/29/06

I agree. If you want to learn about Scientology check wikipedia then do
some more research.

Also look at or to get a better

Follow links these sites provide.

Steve Dufour

Jul 29, 2006, 5:46:28 PM7/29/06

Good idea.

Barbara Schwarz

Jul 29, 2006, 9:29:58 PM7/29/06

Steve Dufour wrote:
> Over the Hill wrote:

Interesting article, Steve. Wikipedia is written by many jail birds and
other lawless creatures. Many also try to manipulate the thinking or
readers in a special way. (Congress also came to this conclusion).
Using Wikipedia as their base of knowledge could mean that the future
wave of scientists and leaders could be even more mislead and dumb than
the current one.

The information on L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists are
written by hate mongers. They are as "objective" as Nazis were/are to

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark (Marty) Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)

(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities.)

Remember, Dave Touretzky has also bomb instructions on the net, just
waiting to be found by crazy juveniles or terrorists.

Read the pages on terrorist-friendly Andreas Heldal-Lund (arrested for

Steve Dufour

Jul 30, 2006, 2:15:51 AM7/30/06

> Interesting article, Steve. Wikipedia is written by many jail birds and
> other lawless creatures. Many also try to manipulate the thinking or
> readers in a special way. (Congress also came to this conclusion).
> Using Wikipedia as their base of knowledge could mean that the future
> wave of scientists and leaders could be even more mislead and dumb than
> the current one.
> The information on L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists are
> written by hate mongers. They are as "objective" as Nazis were/are to
> Jews.

Thanks Barbara. I wonder what kind of people find the time to spend
working in Wikipedia. Don't they have jobs?

derka derka

Jul 30, 2006, 5:14:36 AM7/30/06
On 2006-07-29 18:29:58 -0700, "Barbara Schwarz"
<> said:

> Steve Dufour wrote:
>> Over the Hill wrote:
> Interesting article, Steve. Wikipedia is written by many jail birds and
> other lawless creatures. Many also try to manipulate the thinking or
> readers in a special way. (Congress also came to this conclusion).
> Using Wikipedia as their base of knowledge could mean that the future
> wave of scientists and leaders could be even more mislead and dumb than
> the current one.
> The information on L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists are
> written by hate mongers. They are as "objective" as Nazis were/are to
> Jews.
> --
> Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark (Marty) Rathbun. No
> impostor, please!)

Name one thing on the Wikipedia about "Mankind's Greatest Friend" that
is not true. Everything on that Wikipedia page about Ron is true.
Whether you want to believe it or attribute all of the bad things about
Ron to some impostor named Jack is up to you.

Barbara Schwarz

Jul 31, 2006, 12:35:26 AM7/31/06

Facts about me where constantly deleted. The same hate mongers that lie
and forge me on Usenet or elsewhere on the net scribbled that Wikipedia
garbage on me, but also L. Ron Hubbard or Marty Rathbun). We are not
like that. People are being misinformed as to how we really are.
Anything, that could reveal facts, is immediately deleted far far in
the back. Wikipedia is a defamation machine. I read recently about what
kind of people write there (besides porn engine man Jimmy Wales) and it
is pretty much jail/prison and perverted population.

Even Congress came to the conclusion that Wikipedia is not professional
but a propaganda machine.

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)
Barbzzzzz "Babbles" Graham, is the selfproclaimed "chaplain" of an
allegedly non-existing organization named ARSCC that doesn't pay taxes.

But if they don't exist, how come they have a Chief Financial Officer
(jail bird, drug loving and habitual offender Korey Jerome Kruse aka
"Simkatu" and "Lord Xenu") who works and travels on behalf of ARSCC?

Barbara Graham in her own words: "Anything's legal if you don't get
caught." And: "You asshole. I was *never* a good person, you sad piece
of crap. --
Spidergraham, Chaplain, ARSCC"

Eru Ilúvatar

Jul 31, 2006, 12:44:51 AM7/31/06
Barbara Schwarz <> wrote:

>Facts about me where constantly deleted.

Those "facts" just weren't factual.

Jul 31, 2006, 3:11:25 AM7/31/06

Below are facts about you, liar.

Psychiatric patient Milton Stapleton, aka Eru Avatar, aka Peat, aka
Pete, aka Bob Officer, and hundreds of other harassing and libeling
identities is an Usenet abuser. He is an mad ASSTROLLOGIST and a
stalker. Somebody who thinks that older people become better is WRONG.
Stapleton is almost 80 years old and gets more evil by the minute.

Peat Stupidtwat sued Micheal Zois in 1985. Maybe I'll call up Mr. Zois
and find out what happened. It's amazing when you have a science called

"Internet Information Search" that works every time.

Peat's legal action is all dirty hands"

Here's one reason why Mr. Milton Stapleton (alias Pete Stapleton,
alias Peat) can't win any defamation action because he libels and
defames people.

Pete might be well advised to lay off, given the existence of that
defamation and many others that people still have on record.

He is 79 year old ASSHOLE who at the age of 49 ABANDONED his children
and wife, to the point where the state of Hawaii had to SUE HIM for

We may want to consider the disagreeable fact that Peat may have done
the right thing by abandoning his children. Think of how badly they
would have turned out if he'd been around when they were growing up!
But fear not, he's still a scumbag for refusing to support them.

The following is taken from the public records of the State of Hawaii's
Family Court of the Third Circuit, March 12, 1987:

'Defendant [Stapleton] on or about August 1977 and subsequent thereto
has failed or neglected to provide reasonable support for said
child(ren) according to his means and earning capacity."

I post about court cases that ran their course.

Steve Dufour

Aug 1, 2006, 1:29:23 PM8/1/06

> Facts about me where constantly deleted. The same hate mongers that lie
> and forge me on Usenet or elsewhere on the net scribbled that Wikipedia
> garbage on me, but also L. Ron Hubbard or Marty Rathbun). We are not
> like that. People are being misinformed as to how we really are.
> Anything, that could reveal facts, is immediately deleted far far in
> the back. Wikipedia is a defamation machine. I read recently about what
> kind of people write there (besides porn engine man Jimmy Wales) and it
> is pretty much jail/prison and perverted population.
> Even Congress came to the conclusion that Wikipedia is not professional
> but a propaganda machine.

Wikipedia shouldn't have an article on you. If it does that would be
against their policies and you should complain. Maybe they will block
the people who did it.


Aug 1, 2006, 1:43:33 PM8/1/06
So we are blameing Wikipedie for students being to lazy to look for
other sources? Or that teachers are not telling them what it is? I
use Wikipedia all the time, but I also check more than one source for
my facts.
If I get it wrong its my fault for not making sure the facts I have are
right and sourced from more than one place.


Steve Dufour

Aug 1, 2006, 4:32:14 PM8/1/06

jerald wrote:
> So we are blaming Wikipedia for students being to lazy to look for

> other sources? Or that teachers are not telling them what it is? I
> use Wikipedia all the time, but I also check more than one source for
> my facts.
> If I get it wrong its my fault for not making sure the facts I have are
> right and sourced from more than one place.
> jerald

I use it too. It's fun but you have to be careful to check things out.
Like you said.

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 1, 2006, 4:46:15 PM8/1/06

Steve Dufour schrieb:

As far as L. Ron Hubbard, Marty Rathbun, Scientology, and I are
concerned, the Wikipedia scribbled deliberately false light articles to
mislead readers and they constantly and conspiratively delete facts. I
read that they do this also with truthful information about Nazis.

I don't even go to Wikipedia for a grammar check. I go anywhere but
Wikipedia if I need information.

Michael Pattinson

Aug 1, 2006, 4:49:41 PM8/1/06
Barbara Schwarz, née Bretschneider, is a German expatriate now living
in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was the president of the German branch of
the Church of Scientology from August 3, 1983 until July 10, 1984. [1]
Schwarz is no longer active in the Church of Scientology (she states
that she was "kicked out" in 1984 [2]), but she still considers herself
a Scientologist, if no longer officially a member of the Church, and
despite having filed frivolous lawsuits against the church.

Schwarz is principally known as the current holder of the record for
most requests filed by a single individual under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Schwarz has
submitted thousands of FOIA requests to the United States government
and its various federal agencies. There are extensive records at each
agency documenting these requests, which list thousands of hours and
thousands of dollars spent processing these requests. The U.S.
Department of Defense has finally made a ruling barring Schwarz from
filing any further FOIA requests until she pays for her prior requests.
(Schwarz often claims indigency to get fee waivers.)

Many of these FOIA requests attempt to substantiate her claims that she
is the granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the daughter
of Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, that she lived in a
secret submarine base under the Great Salt Lake (until age four), that
she was kidnapped as a child by Nazis and taken to Germany, and that
her alleged husband Mark "Marty" Rathbun, who she alleges is the secret
heir to the Rothschild fortune, was wrongfully arrested in Madrid,
Spain in 1988 and taken to the United States, where she believes he is
secretly being held. (Mark Rathbun was a high official with the Church
of Scientology's Religious Technology Center for many years until
September, 2005. A church official has stated that Mr. Rathbun has no
knowledge of Schwarz and cannot explain her behaviour.)


* 1 Litigation history
* 2 Usenet history
* 3 Legal actions, court decisions, and FOIA appeals
* 4 References
* 5 External links


Litigation history

Ms. Schwarz's thousands of FOIA requests have not proved fruitful in
finding the evidence she has been seeking. She has appealed, internally
with the various agencies, numerous times to keep looking for secret
documents and she has been informed numerous times that due diligence
has not revealed any documents related to her search. After exhausting
all her internal appeals with the various agencies, she has resorted to
filing suits against each of them.

She has filed over 80 lawsuits in federal court, Utah state courts, and
in California state courts, against a variety of public and private
agencies. She has filed suits against the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the
IRS, the President of the United States Bill Clinton, the National
Institute of Corrections, the U.S. Parole Commission, the National
Archives and Records Administration, the California Department of
Corrections, and the Salt Lake Tribune, who profiled her abusive FOIA
requests and litigious past.

The United States Supreme Court stated in SCHWARZ v. NSA (March 8,
1999), "Schwarz has repeatedly abused this Court's certiorari
process. ...Schwarz had filed 29 petitions for certiorari, all of which
were both patently frivolous and had been denied without recorded
dissent. The instant petitions for certiorari thus constitute
Schwarz's 34th and 35th frivolous filings with this Court." The court
also made a ruling in this case which permanently bars Schwarz from
utilizing the certiorari process of the U.S. Supreme Court in civil

In every instance where Schwarz has filed a case, the ruling at the end
has been a dismissal of her lawsuit. Not once has she proven the merits
of her case to a court of law.

Usenet history

Besides her frequent FOIA requests, Schwarz posts regularly to the
Usenet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology. Her posts are sometimes in
defense of the Church of Scientology, but other times she insists that
while the church's "technology" (Hubbard's teachings) is effective, the
current hierarchy of the church is corrupt, due to "infiltration" by
non-Scientologists. Other posts have recounted her travels during the
1980s and how she was arrested on various occasions, including for
illegally entering the White House, and twice confined to a mental
health hospital in the U.S. and once in Germany. [3] [4] [5] [6]
According to Schwarz, these events were the result of a conspiracy by a
group called the "Still Existing German Nazi Psychiatrists'
Mindcontroller Secret Service" (SEGNPMSS)." [7]

Barbara Schwarz frequently posted to Usenet from the Salt Lake City
Public Library. On October 21, 2005, Salt Lake City Library Director
Nancy Tessman permanently terminated her privileges to use their
computers due to her repeated spamming of Usenet.

Aug 1, 2006, 4:56:07 PM8/1/06
> I don't even go to Wikipedia for a grammar check.

Well I guess you can't blame Wikipedia for your poor grammar then.

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 1, 2006, 5:12:04 PM8/1/06

Michael Pattinson schrieb:

> Barbara Schwarz,

Abuser Michael Pattinson, if you don't stop spamming defamation about
me, I'll put facts about you in my signature line. I just tell you this

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities. He also has bomb
instructions on the net.)

Brian J. Bruns aka Burns plays a "cop" on the net but he is a felon
(computer crimes), a spammer, an anti-free speech activist, and the
abusive AHBL website is his. He lies about me on his website. He is the
abuser and is supported by Korey Jerome Kruse ("Lord Xenu", "Simkatu"
or "Vivaldi") who just came out of jail and is, according to the
courts, an habitual offender.

The Chief Instigator

Aug 1, 2006, 6:59:04 PM8/1/06
"Barbara Schwarz" <> writes:

>Michael Pattinson schrieb:

>> Barbara Schwarz,

>Abuser Michael Pattinson, if you don't stop spamming defamation about
>me, I'll put facts about you in my signature line. I just tell you this

Of course, your "facts" are reliably fact-free, Babbles. Thanks for admitting
you're powerless to shut him up.

Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Houston, Texas (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros)
LAST GAME: Milwaukee 4, Houston 2 (May 9)
NEXT GAME: Saturday, October 7 vs. TBA, 7:35

Eru Ilúvatar

Aug 1, 2006, 4:12:04 PM8/1/06
Barbara Schwarz <> threatend:

>Abuser Michael Pattinson,

Why do you call other people abusers, Babbles? Shouldn't you
deal with your own spam problem instead?

>if you don't stop spamming defamation about me, I'll put facts
>about you in my signature line.

Wow, he must be trembling with fear...ooops! That's mirth.

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 2, 2006, 2:37:49 AM8/2/06

"Steve Dufour" <> wrote in message

I heard that Jumbo Wales should have said that Wikipedia should have no
articles on people, who are still alive but he does nothing to implement
this. I complained about it, but the people, who wrote that false light
article about me, are the same anti-religious hate mongers who post here.
So, of course, they conspired to keep the article. Wikipedia is
unprofessional and hostile, and their writers, administrators and the board,
one day have to carry the consequences. However, till then, who gets his/her
education from Wikipedia is a fool.

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark (Marty) Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)

I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities:
He also has bomb instructions on the net:

Victoria (Tory) Christman was on drugs and also experimented with heroin. If
not for Scientology, she might have died. She now defames L. Ron Hubbard,
Scientology and Scientologists who salvaged her from her destructive

"I made my typical, totally evaluative decision without ANY real facts."
Tory Christman, 27 Jun 2001, Message-ID:

Aug 2, 2006, 10:12:16 PM8/2/06

Well with *moonies* like yerself in there contesting, and creating
thier own
entries into wikipedia, what is one tio expect? If Wikipedia is biased
you should maybe blame the editors such as *moonie* Ed Poor, and not
wikipedia. I had entered several definitions only to later find them
or edited out because of biased opinionated journalists such as

As an example read the Wikipedia entry for Sun Myung Moon

to the discussion about it..

Where you yourself tried to influence the propaganda concerning Moon
with the following post:

You all really need to archive this page, as it is way too long.
Thetruthbelow(talk) 15:57, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

IMHO, it ain't even close to being too long, and I question yer motive
for suggesting such. Compare it to the length of Moon's biography, now
tell me it's too long.

I would expect his biography to be long since he is over 80 years old.
:-) Steve Dufour 16:36, 17 June 2006 (UTC)

Please note, that "Thetruthbelow" and Steve Dufour are probably one and
same person.


Steve Dufour

Aug 3, 2006, 10:41:45 AM8/3/06

Thanks Barbara. I've learned a lot here about how anti-Scientologists
treat people who are inconvenient to their agenda from how you are
treated and talked about. I don't agree with all your opinions but I
admire your fortitude. Wishing you all the best. -Steve

Aug 3, 2006, 10:45:47 AM8/3/06

posted in alt.religion.unification:

Steve Dufour wrote:
> wrote:
> > I Approve This Messiah comes back to life

> >

> I notice that John is not important enough to have his own Wikipedia
> article. :-)

I personally wouldn't want one. The place is crawling with *moonies*
for Moon, Pimping for him, like you do! Changing stuff, and editing
it to suit *moonie* whacked out concepts of life. I can just imagine
the destruction they would attempt to do to John, without John around.
Just like the destruction they pulled in unification-alternate to shut
down, or the Webpage created in Gorenfelds name by *moonie*
Ed Poor to make John look like a clown.

Aug 3, 2006, 3:19:48 PM8/3/06

Hehh. for those of you with Google. Five stars for THIS?
A post by scientology Barb? You know something is funky
if that happens.

Go figure..


Michael Pattinson

Aug 3, 2006, 4:19:12 PM8/3/06


I am being defamed and forged here

Aug 3, 2006, 10:20:42 PM8/3/06

Steve Dufour schrieb:

Thanks, Steve.

Michael Pattinson

Aug 3, 2006, 10:22:52 PM8/3/06
Thanks to the people who did the Wikipedia article on Barbara Schwarz.
(see below)

I am being defamed and forged here

Aug 3, 2006, 10:25:43 PM8/3/06

Michael Pattinson schrieb:

> Than.


Michael Pattinson is a former member of the Church of Scientology, now
an apostate. In collusion with his former attorney, Graham Berry (who
chose to have his state bar license suspended for nine months in
settlement of charges against him by the California State Bar)
Pattinson entered into civil litigation against the Church in an
apparent attempt to force the Church to pay him money. His capacity for
dishonesty and harassing conduct is demonstrated by his filing and
pursuing a frivolous claim.

Pattinson left the Church in 1996 after being interviewed regarding an
unchanging pattern of unethical behavior. His conduct during this
interview was so rancorous that he later offered a written apology.
Regardless, a year later, after having made the acquaintance of
anti-religious extremist, Graham Berry, declared a "vexatious litigant"
by a California court for repeatedly pursuing harassing litigation
against the Church, Pattinson filed a criminal complaint against the
Church which was dismissed by the State Attorney with the following

"The State Attorney's office cannot prove the charges beyond a
reasonable doubt due to several reasons. First, the victim faxed an
apology to both defendants for his irrational behavior during the
meeting. The apology did not reference the false imprisonment or any
restraint whatsoever. Secondly, there are no independent eye witnesses,
physical evidence or admissions by the defendants to support the
victim's testimony. Thirdly, the victim reported this crime nearly one
year after the event. The victim is clearly biased in his current
efforts to sue the Church of Scientology for $150,000. Finally, the
facts presented by the victim regarding the amount of restraint used by
the defendants is insufficient to secure a conviction for false

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Michael Pattinson

Aug 3, 2006, 10:30:48 PM8/3/06

Michael Pattinson wrote:
> Thanks to the people who did the Wikipedia article on Barbara Schwarz.
> MP
> (see below)
Tangerine Babbles is a spammer.

Steve Dufour

Aug 3, 2006, 10:45:09 PM8/3/06
Hi Barbara, Here is what Wikipedia says:


There is a problem with an article about me or about someone I

Contact us via e-mail.
Send an e-mail to
Correspondence will be answered by a small group of volunteers. We can
respond more rapidly if you identify the exact title of the article
that poses a problem.
If you have a spam filter, please be sure it is set so that you can
receive our reply.

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 4, 2006, 1:29:53 AM8/4/06

Michael Pattinson schrieb:

> Michael

And never lend him money, apparently, he doesn't pay his loan back.
Barbara Schwarz
Eugenics promoter Tilman Hausherr and habitual, sexual harasser and
forger Korey Jerome Kruse (Lord Xenu and other sockpuppets) scribbled a
defamatory misleading Wikipedia article about me. Kruse just came out
of jail.

Michael Pattinson spams this defamation over Usenet. Read facts about
him here:

Another abuser who stalks me from thread to thread is Peat Stapleton
(Eru Avatar), a dead beat with several social security numbers, self
confessed pimp and child rapist.

Michael Pattinson

Aug 4, 2006, 1:43:04 AM8/4/06

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 4, 2006, 1:59:01 AM8/4/06

Michael Pattinson schrieb:

> bump

You just spam, that is all you do. But Andreas Heldal-Lund's sock
puppet "Gary Duncan" doesn't report you to the admin groups, don't he.
You are nothing but conspirative acting spammers and defamers.

Tilman Hausherr

Aug 4, 2006, 2:52:29 AM8/4/06
On 3 Aug 2006 19:30:48 -0700, "Michael Pattinson" <>

>Tangerine Babbles is a spammer.

It's "Nectarine Babbles". Or call her "Nektarinen-Bärbel". (Copy and
paste it if you don't have "ä" on your keyboard, which is likely).


Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP5.55] Entheta * Enturbulation * Entertainment

Resistance is futile. You will be enturbulated. Xenu always prevails.

Find broken links on your web site:
The Xenu bookstore:

Aug 4, 2006, 4:41:11 PM8/4/06

Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> Michael Pattinson schrieb:
> is a scientology front group.
Thanks for pointing it out, scientology barb.


Aug 4, 2006, 4:43:05 PM8/4/06

Ole Diamond Lil

Aug 4, 2006, 5:04:13 PM8/4/06
On 2006-07-29 10:22:57 -0500, "Steve Dufour" <> said:

> Wikipedia site questionable as research source
> User-edited Web site does not get the approval of many OU professors
> by Jarrel Wade
> Students use Wikipedia as a source rather than using the Web site as a
> starting point for the rest of the research, Tredwell said.
> "I think people just don't understand doing research," Tredwell
> said. "Even the encyclopedia is a place to get a student started."
> Some professors allow students to use Wikipedia as a source if they
> cite it correctly. However, some model their essays after Wikipedia's
> submissions, Tredwell said.
> After assigning an essay on a novel, Tredwell searched Wikipedia to
> read its information on the book, she said.
> "I thought they would read Wikipedia, so I read it in advance,"
> Tredwell said.
> Reading the Web site's article highlighted similarities between
> Wikipedia's information and several of her students, Tredwell said.
> Like millions of other people, Tredwell said she has also edited
> articles on Wikipedia.
> "It can be very current, and that's the biggest advantage,"
> Tredwell said. "However, sometimes an error will be in there and no
> one could catch it for years."

Your article's headline is misleading. Please note the the professors
are speaking on the topic of using Wikipedia as the ultimate source
rather than as a guideline. Obviously they have no problem with students
actually consulting Wikipedia.

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 4, 2006, 11:37:03 PM8/4/06

Steve Dufour wrote:
> > Interesting article, Steve. Wikipedia is written by many jail birds and
> > other lawless creatures. Many also try to manipulate the thinking or
> > readers in a special way. (Congress also came to this conclusion).
> > Using Wikipedia as their base of knowledge could mean that the future
> > wave of scientists and leaders could be even more mislead and dumb than
> > the current one.
> >
> > The information on L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists are
> > written by hate mongers. They are as "objective" as Nazis were/are to
> > Jews.
> Thanks Barbara. I wonder what kind of people find the time to spend
> working in Wikipedia. Don't they have jobs?

I don't think so, Steven. I think these writers are mainly bums or
inmates. You find a lot about these Wikipedia contributors on these

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 4, 2006, 11:39:49 PM8/4/06

Tilman Hausherr wrote:
> On 3 Aug 2006 19:30:48 -0700, "Michael Pattinson" <>
> wrote:
> >Ta

I call Tilman Hausherr "Eugenics Tilman", and this is a fact. He is pro
Eugenics. Wonder what he thinks is so special about his hateful DNA.

Sunni the Pirate

Aug 5, 2006, 12:31:22 AM8/5/06

...Eugenics should be used on some people.

I hate saying it, but it's true.

Eru Ilúvatar

Aug 5, 2006, 12:50:11 AM8/5/06
Sunni the Pirate <> wrote:

>...Eugenics should be used on some people.
>I hate saying it, but it's true.

Barbara is certainly a good argument for it.


Aug 5, 2006, 12:49:51 AM8/5/06

Can I ask you which facts that are there now are untrue?


Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> derka derka wrote:
> > On 2006-07-29 18:29:58 -0700, "Barbara Schwarz"
> > <> said:
> >
> > >
> > > Steve Dufour wrote:

> > >> Over the Hill wrote:
> > >
> > > Interesting article, Steve. Wikipedia is written by many jail birds and
> > > other lawless creatures. Many also try to manipulate the thinking or
> > > readers in a special way. (Congress also came to this conclusion).
> > > Using Wikipedia as their base of knowledge could mean that the future
> > > wave of scientists and leaders could be even more mislead and dumb than
> > > the current one.
> > >
> > > The information on L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists are
> > > written by hate mongers. They are as "objective" as Nazis were/are to
> > > Jews.
> > >

> > > --
> > > Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark (Marty) Rathbun. No
> > > impostor, please!)
> >

> > Name one thing on the Wikipedia about "Mankind's Greatest Friend" that
> > is not true. Everything on that Wikipedia page about Ron is true.
> > Whether you want to believe it or attribute all of the bad things about
> > Ron to some impostor named Jack is up to you.

> Facts about me where constantly deleted. The same hate mongers that lie
> and forge me on Usenet or elsewhere on the net scribbled that Wikipedia
> garbage on me, but also L. Ron Hubbard or Marty Rathbun). We are not
> like that. People are being misinformed as to how we really are.
> Anything, that could reveal facts, is immediately deleted far far in
> the back. Wikipedia is a defamation machine. I read recently about what
> kind of people write there (besides porn engine man Jimmy Wales) and it
> is pretty much jail/prison and perverted population.
> Even Congress came to the conclusion that Wikipedia is not professional
> but a propaganda machine.

I am being defamed and forged here

Aug 5, 2006, 12:53:09 AM8/5/06

Sunni the Pirate wrote:
> ...Eugenics should be used on some people.
> I hate saying it, but it's true.

This is so disgusting! What makes you think that you are better than
others? What makes you think that you have a right to live and others
should be murdered?

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities. He also has bomb
instructions on the net.)

Brian J. Bruns aka Burns plays a "cop" on the net but he is a felon
(computer crimes), a spammer, an anti-free speech activist, and the
abusive AHBL website is his. He lies about me on his website, and his
former employer told me that he needs psychiatric treatment. Bruns is
the abuser and is supported by Korey Jerome Kruse ("Lord Xenu",
"Simkatu" or "Vivaldi") who just came out of jail and is, according to
the courts, an habitual offender.

Sunni the Pirate

Aug 5, 2006, 1:07:08 AM8/5/06

I do not. I was being sarcastic. I say things like that just to bait
you guys in. Can you not see it?

Honey, if Eugenic was still around I will be in so much trouble. I
would be one of the ones it was used on.

Sunni the Pirate

Aug 5, 2006, 1:07:43 AM8/5/06


Eru Ilúvatar

Aug 5, 2006, 1:21:01 AM8/5/06
I am being defamed and forged here <> wrote:

>This is so disgusting!

This is more disgusting:

"If you want to be babbled, you have to address them for some
loads of babbles. I don't pass out any babbles or schwarzed, not
for free and not against payment."

Eru Ilúvatar

Aug 5, 2006, 2:22:36 AM8/5/06
jerald <> wrote:

>Can I ask you which facts that are there now are untrue?

I've asked her just that many times. When she responds at all
it's evasive. I've come to the conclusion that she just don't
like the facts. I wouldn't either if I were in her shoes.

Steve Dufour

Aug 6, 2006, 3:04:34 PM8/6/06

Sorry, I tried this e-mail and it didn't work. Maybe the mail box is
full with too many complaints. :-)

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 6, 2006, 3:30:56 PM8/6/06

Lol. Yes, that might be the case, Steve.

Tilman Hausherr and Korey Kruse control that defamatory and misleading
Wikipedia article. The rush to vote on your request was also very
suspicious, wasn't it? Why that hurry? Is there a deadline to meet to
avoid another war or what?

Anyway, the article also conceals what my cases were about. They were
just two cases. The state case never took off as I was told that the
state court has no jurisidiction. So, I filed a federal case, and
appealed. Tilman tries to make it look as if I sued seven times about
something else. This is typically his misinformation style.

The case was not for money. It was not to attack Scientology. It was
only to obtain information about Marty Rathbun's whereabouts, because
according to the IAS, Scientologists should be reunited.

It was not, and is still not alright by the C of S not to inform me
about Marty's whereabouts, and one reason, why I don't join the orgs
again is of course that unscientological secrecy.

As it seems there is no success with taking the smear article down, can
you write in the article that I had no other demands from the C of S
that information about Marty Rathbun's whereabouts? Tilman can't argue
with that, as it is the truth.

He is also withholding all the kidnap activities (deprogramming that I
had to undergo) by fanatics in his beloved Germany.

Barbara Schwarz

Steve Dufour

Aug 6, 2006, 4:48:13 PM8/6/06

> As it seems there is no success with taking the smear article down, can
> you write in the article that I had no other demands from the C of S
> that information about Marty Rathbun's whereabouts? Tilman can't argue
> with that, as it is the truth.

I'll go ahead and do that.


Aug 6, 2006, 4:53:20 PM8/6/06
In article <1154897293.510660.68930>, says...

It seems to me that the only way you can do that is to refer to
Barbara's lawsuit against the 'Church' of Scientology.

Suing the 'Church' is what's called a 'High Crime' in Hubbard's

So, the mere mention of the lawsuit convicts Barbara of being a
Scientology Criminal.

You Can Lead a Clam to Reason; but You Can't Make Him Think

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 6, 2006, 5:43:21 PM8/6/06

Steve Dufour schrieb:

Thanks, Steve.

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)
(I am concerned about Dave Touretzky's activities. He also has bomb
instructions on the net.)

Brian J. Bruns aka Burns plays a "cop" on the net but he is a felon
(computer crimes), a spammer, an anti-free speech activist, and the
abusive AHBL website is his. He lies about me on his website, and his

former employer told me that he needs psychiatric treatment. Inmate #
445064, FBI: 843935WB8
Bruns is the abuser, and he is supported by Korey Jerome Kruse ("Lord
Xenu", "Simkatu" or "Vivaldi") who also just came out of jail and is,

Steve Dufour

Aug 6, 2006, 5:54:22 PM8/6/06

> > > As it seems there is no success with taking the smear article down, can
> > > you write in the article that I had no other demands from the C of S
> > > that information about Marty Rathbun's whereabouts? Tilman can't argue
> > > with that, as it is the truth.
> >
> > I'll go ahead and do that.
> It seems to me that the only way you can do that is to refer to
> Barbara's lawsuit against the 'Church' of Scientology.
> Suing the 'Church' is what's called a 'High Crime' in Hubbard's
> Scientology.
> So, the mere mention of the lawsuit convicts Barbara of being a
> Scientology Criminal.

Except that, from Barbara's point of view if I understand it correctly,
the Church of Scientology is no longer practicing Hubbard's original

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 6, 2006, 7:36:52 PM8/6/06

Steve Dufour schrieb:

>From my viewpoint, Steve, I practice original L. Ron Hubbard's
Scientology but infiltrators in the orgs don't.

Come on, one Scientologist, me, tries to help Marty Rathbun, another
Scientologist. What is all the secrecy? They just should tell me where
he is. If Marty would want me to go seperate ways, he know I would not
be in his way. I simply would go away and wish him the best for his

But Marty was not involved in that secrecy. I just filed the lawsuit
because nobody to who I wrote in the orgs answered me about my question
of his whereabouts, despite it is L. Ron Hubbard's policy to
acknowledge communication with communication. Despite that I am an IAS
member and IAS says it purpose is to unite Scientologists.

They knew that I immediately would have withdrawn my law suit if they
would have told me what happened to Marty or where he is. But no, they
hired expensive lawyers against me, a Scientologist! You just can
scratch you head in disbelief. It was a total waste of SCN reserves!
Infiltrators waste SCN money. They provoke such situations.

Basically, one big reason why I didn't join an org anymore is because
of this secrecy. I don't like being lied to by Scientology attackers
and also not by people who claim they would be Scientologists in the

Honesty is what I want. Keeping Scientologists apart, this is not L.
Ron Hubbard's Scientology.

Eru Ilúvatar

Aug 6, 2006, 7:45:24 PM8/6/06
Barbara Schwarz <> wrote:

>Come on, one Scientologist, me, tries to help Marty Rathbun

Then Marty is doomed.

Aug 7, 2006, 7:41:05 AM8/7/06

Steve Dufour wrote:
> > > >

" Wikipedia article on Barbara questionable"

So is the Article on Sun Myung Moon. Again blame the editors
don't blame the site, *moonie* dude.


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