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What really happened with the L. Ron Hubbard biography by Omar Garrison.

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Sep 30, 2008, 6:00:39 PM9/30/08
As many people know, Omar Garrison was working on a biography of L.
Rom Hubbard back in the early 1980s that was completely sanctioned by
Hubbard and by organized scientology.

In fact Gerry Armstrong was actually assigned to and working with Omar
back then with the approval of both Hubbard and organized scientology.
And, Gerry was part of that Mission Corporate Category Sortout (MCCS)
mission that was run by Miscavige with Gerry’s primary part of it
being to assist Omar with his research so that the biography could be

I remember going to Los Angeles from the Guardian’s Office World Wide
in England and meeting Gerry when he was on that mission. Gerry showed
me around, including showing me the twenty-some sets of file cabinets
that included Hubbard’s own files to be used in writing the biography.
I remember talking with Gerry then and coming away with the knowledge
that he was really into this, was a really good guy, was very
knowledgeable and really wanted to get the biography written.

Well there is a great deal of published information of what happened
next after Gerry found out how false Hubbard’s claims about himself
were and how false statements from organized scientology about
Hubbard’s “accomplishments” were. Needless to say Gerry was abused
when he pointed this out and had to flee for his own safety. Decades
of litigation, harassment and other abuses by organized scientology
against Gerry have still not stopped Gerry from speaking out the truth
and doing the best he can to defend himself and loved ones.

But outside of two postings I have done on XSO and
previously and some small mentions I have included in another post and
in my affidavit, I have never seen anything written covering what
actually happened with the biography Omar was writing on Hubbard. As
XSO is not a public forum and as enturbulation is down for the moment,
I thought I would again put this on the record, this time with some
more details.

Omar actually completed the biography and wanted to have it published
or at least be paid for same. The title was “L. Ron Hubbard – His
Life, His Loves and His Letters”.

In late 82/1983 a meeting was held with Hubbard’s representatives from
“Author Services” and Omar about the finished book and it was a
disaster with Miscavige blowing up and Omar refusing to deal with him.

Suddenly Miscavige and those who did his bidding at Author Services
were confronted with the fact that Miscavige and his people totally
blew the meeting with Omar and it was very possible that Omar would go
elsewhere to get the book published. The main trouble with that for
Miscavige was that the book was truthful and a complete embarrassment
to both Hubbard and organized scientology.

One thing Miscavige knew at that point is that his abusive style of
dealing with others was not going to work here and he suddenly needed
someone without an abusive nature to negotiate with Omar and get the
rights to the book from Omar.

I and Vaughn Young were picked for this task. A meeting was quickly
set up for this negotiation between Omar and his attorney on Omar’s
side and myself, Vaughn and three of Hubbard’s top attorneys on “our”
side. The attorneys were Sherman Lenske his brother Steve Lenske and
Barry Litt. The meeting was held at the Lenskes’ law office.

The entire day was set aside for this negation by all parties.

I remember how seriously Author Services was taking this as it was
about to become a huge flap for them because of Miscavige’s inability
to deal with people in a sane fashion when things were contentious.

The three attorneys, Vaughn and I got together early for the meeting
to go over last minute preparations. I had spent most of the previous
day getting briefed on their failed meeting, what we would be willing
to pay and “drilling” with my junior in Special Unit Heber Jentsch to
prepare for my talking with Omar.

Barry Litt was advising me to stay calm if Omar started insulting us
or Hubbard or organized scientology in general as it did come up in
the meeting with Author Services causing them to blow up and lose any
chance of getting the book rights from Omar. I told Barry not to worry
as things like that did not affect me, that I didn’t “hate” Omar and
that I just wanted this done successfully. I told him in a joking
fashion that he would lose his cool well before I ever would so he
should just watch out for himself and not me. I mentioned this as we
were tested on this very point in the meeting which I thought was
funny and which I will cover later.

Omar and his attorney showed up and we began the meeting in the
morning. It went all morning, through a big lunch and most of the
afternoon. Bottom line is that it got very hostile between the
attorneys from both sides. Omar then started getting very critical of
Hubbard and scientology and said words to the effect that all
scientologists were brainwashed with present company (Vaughn and I)
excepted. I thought that was funny actually. Omar was pretty smooth.

Then Omar dropped “the bomb”. He said that Hubbard and organized
scientology were criminals, they abused the courts and had even paid
off judges. He used as an example the then recent probate case that
Hubbard ended up winning against his son Nibbs. Omar said that
Hubbard’s legal representatives in that case were incompetent and
should have lost the case due to their incompetence. He said that the
only reason that they did not lose the case was that the judge was
paid off.

The whole time Omar was talking about this case I was biting my lip
trying not to laugh. That was because Barry Litt, the attorney on my
right, was the main attorney arguing that case for Hubbard. Sure
enough Barry jumps up and shouts to Omar “Now wait a minute” and
starts to say how wrong Omar was. I had to kick Barry’s leg hard under
the table to get him to sit down and shut up. I found that funny as
Barry had just earlier briefed me how I had to keep my cool and it was
he that blew up just as I had joked he would.

I took this as the right time to call a temporary halt to the meeting
and asked Omar to walk with me out of the room. Omar complained
bitterly about the attorneys. I told him that I was sure we would work
out something fair today and get it all done. We had a very nice and
friendly chat alone.

Then we broke for lunch at a really fancy restaurant and I just kept
it pleasant. I had Omar pick the wine for us as he was a self
proclaimed wine expert (I know Sea Org at lunch with wine – go

Anyway after lunch we resume the meeting at the Lenskes’ office and
finally get a deal worked out. I got from Omar exclusive publishing
rights as well as ownership of the manuscript with what was supposedly
the only copy. We signed a contract with Omar that day and I paid him.
I forget how much it was but I think it was low six digits.

I then drove to Author Services with the contract and the manuscript
and turned it over to Norman Starkey for Miscavige. Again, the title
was “L. Ron Hubbard – His Life, His Loves and His Letters”.

The book was killed right there and then never to be seen again.

I now regret that we were successful here as so much truth could have
been out about Hubbard some 25 years ago that was suppressed, never to
be seen. At the time I actually did not know the great depth of the
lies about Hubbard promoted both by him and organized scientology.

I just thought it would be good if this were now in writing publicly.

Larry Brennan - SME


Sep 30, 2008, 7:14:02 PM9/30/08
In article
<>, SME
<> wrote:

Sounds completely plausible. I liked Omar. He gave me a print from a
book he and Salvador Dali worked on about the Tarot. Good writer, and
just yet another example of how Hubbard lies always caught up with the
redheaded bastard.


Sep 30, 2008, 7:50:59 PM9/30/08
Shameless top post.

Thanks, that was very interesting. I would suspect that Mr. Garrison
might have kept a copy of the manuscript, but if he did, he would never
have admitted it. I don't think authors like to totally surrender their work.


Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Save some dough, save some grief:

Gerry Armstrong

Oct 2, 2008, 1:48:25 AM10/2/08
On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 15:00:39 -0700 (PDT), SME <>

>As many people know, Omar Garrison was working on a biography of L.
>Rom Hubbard back in the early 1980s that was completely sanctioned by
>Hubbard and by organized scientology.
>In fact Gerry Armstrong was actually assigned to and working with Omar
>back then with the approval of both Hubbard and organized scientology.
>And, Gerry was part of that Mission Corporate Category Sortout (MCCS)
>mission that was run by Miscavige with Gerry�s primary part of it
>being to assist Omar with his research so that the biography could be

Actually, I was on MCCS as "MCCS 2nd," plus on the Hubbard biography
and archive projects concurrently. Laurel Sullivan was my senior on
both the mission and my biography and archive projects.

The biography project and MCCS related, because, of course, they both
concerned Hubbard personally and legally, but they were really two
separate entities. Sometime in mid 1980, other Missionaires assigned
to the mission took over my MCCS functions and I started to work full
time on the biography/archive projects. I continued to courier MCCS
materials to and from Hubbard's attorney, and meet with him about the
biography project, and I stayed informed on MCCS because I worked so
closely with Laurel in so many areas and projects. But I wouldn't call
my assistance to Omar or other biography project activities part of

>I remember going to Los Angeles from the Guardian�s Office World Wide
>in England and meeting Gerry when he was on that mission. Gerry showed
>me around, including showing me the twenty-some sets of file cabinets
>that included Hubbard�s own files to be used in writing the biography.

I remember 4 or 5 file cabinets, but there was a lot more Hubbard
stuff on shelves and in boxes, so it might have seemed like 20 file

>I remember talking with Gerry then and coming away with the knowledge
>that he was really into this, was a really good guy, was very
>knowledgeable and really wanted to get the biography written.
>Well there is a great deal of published information of what happened
>next after Gerry found out how false Hubbard�s claims about himself
>were and how false statements from organized scientology about
>Hubbard�s �accomplishments� were. Needless to say Gerry was abused
>when he pointed this out and had to flee for his own safety. Decades
>of litigation, harassment and other abuses by organized scientology
>against Gerry have still not stopped Gerry from speaking out the truth
>and doing the best he can to defend himself and loved ones.
>But outside of two postings I have done on XSO and
>previously and some small mentions I have included in another post and
>in my affidavit, I have never seen anything written covering what
>actually happened with the biography Omar was writing on Hubbard. As
>XSO is not a public forum and as enturbulation is down for the moment,
>I thought I would again put this on the record, this time with some
>more details.

It's very timely Larry. Caroline and I have just put up another bunch
of Armstrong I trial transcripts, which include testimony by Omar and
Laurel about the biography project, and also MCCS. Start here:
May 23 through June 1 are all newly webbed.

Ironically, following Scientology paying Omar not to publish his book,
a tremendous amount of the same body of truth, or documents, was
admitted into evidence, or at least identified and examined, in my
1984 trial. It wasn't the literary presentation of the facts of
Hubbard's life that the documents contradicted, as Omar said or would
have said it, but the legal presentation made that tremendous set of
facts even more useful.

The documents that were exhibits in Scientology v. Armstrong I also
ended up motivating and playing a part in the three Hubbard
biographies that did get published: Bare Faced Messiah, Messiah or
Madman, and A Piece of Blue Sky. Again ironically these same documents
have also undoubtedly played a part in Scientology *not* publishing
the authorized biography Dan Sherman has been working on for 20 some
odd years.

>At the time I actually did not know the great depth of the
>lies about Hubbard promoted both by him and organized scientology.

It's very different, isn't it, reading Hubbard and listening to him
now that you know he's a liar? And to know that a smart jurist,
Breckenridge, had in his judgment found Hubbard to be a pathological
liar, and that the Court of Appeal had affirmed that judgment.
Those things will get you spotting lies like they were spots in space.

>I just thought it would be good if this were now in writing publicly.


>Larry Brennan - SME

� Gerry Armstrong


Oct 2, 2008, 8:36:06 AM10/2/08
On Oct 2, 1:48 am, Gerry Armstrong <> wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 15:00:39 -0700 (PDT), SME <>
> wrote:

> >The book was killed right there and then never to be seen again.
> >I now regret that we were successful here as so much truth could have
> >been out about Hubbard some 25 years ago that was suppressed, never to
> >be seen.
> Ironically, following Scientology paying Omar not to publish his book,
> a tremendous amount of the same body of truth, or documents, was
> admitted into evidence, or at least identified and examined, in my
> 1984 trial. It wasn't the literary presentation of the facts of
> Hubbard's life that the documents contradicted, as Omar said or would
> have said it, but the legal presentation made that tremendous set of
> facts even more useful.
> The documents that were exhibits in Scientology v. Armstrong I also
> ended up motivating and playing a part in the three Hubbard
> biographies that did get published: Bare Faced Messiah, Messiah or
> Madman, and A Piece of Blue Sky. Again ironically these same documents
> have also undoubtedly played a part in Scientology *not* publishing
> the authorized biography Dan Sherman has been working on for 20 some
> odd years.

Hey Gerry. Thanks for clarifying a few things and also pointing out
the above.

The bottom line is that despite all the crap that went on in
connection to this biography, including the litigation that followed
as you pointed out, you DID get the truth out. That's all you ever
wanted to do in connection with the bio from the earliest days when
you were on staff working on it. So even though the rights to the
biography got bought up and then the bio was killed, much of the truth
connected with it still got out. Oh how just is that! Once again
MIscavige's lies and brutality and attempts to cover up the truth
backfires into his face. You did it my friend! And a lot of us owe you
a debt of gratitute for what you went through to do it.

Thanks Gerry!


Oct 3, 2008, 10:27:41 AM10/3/08
"SME" <> a �crit dans le message de

Thanks Gerry!

Great texts from both indeed. The truth? Scientology since 1950 tries to
hide it under new untruths and newly new untruths. But very few of it is
really unknown now.How much murders were ordered remains a possible truth to
find out, though.


Oct 3, 2008, 3:13:22 PM10/3/08
>... snip know that a smart jurist,

> Breckenridge, had in his judgment found Hubbard to be a pathological
> liar, and that the Court of Appeal had affirmed that judgment.

> Those things will get you spotting lies like they were spots in space.

god, this is so good Larry and Gerry!

thankyou both!

This exact thread of info, Omar, book, judge calling Hubbard
correctly, getting the raw info public so the other books could use
it, Russell Miller's book just nails Hubbard, the bare faced lier.

Thanks Larry! Thanks Gerry!


Oct 3, 2008, 7:35:09 PM10/3/08
In article
<>, <"> wrote:

Here's a story that explains arrogance in $cientology executives.

While this "will they publish it" thing was still up in the air, I ran
into Omar Garrison at the Hollywood post office, which was right across
the street from where I worked, running the central files and letter
registrars for Celebrity Centre. I knew him as an author from his book
The Hidden Story of Scientology. He didn't know that Celebrity Centre
berthing was across the street at the Wilcox Hotel.

So I ran across the street, got my book and got him to autograph it.
Then I told him I'd bet Yvonne Jentzsch would like to invite him to
dinner, so he gave me his phone number.

Well, she invited him to dinner with her and Heber and "the execs" but
guess who wasn't invited?

The guy who set it up, me.

That was probably the point where I really began getting the idea that
$cientology had some major fucked-up things wrong with it, and I
stopped ignoring all the bullshit I had previously justified.


Oct 5, 2008, 1:44:55 PM10/5/08
On Oct 4, 1:35 am, Skipper <skipSPAMpr...@yahoo.not> wrote:
> In article
> <>, <

Well Skip, they didn't think they needed you.

They just wanted to bask in the illusion that their OT tractor beams
would take care of everything. I'll bet Heber still believes that,
despite the facts the Yvonne died of cancer, and that he made a total
fool of himself innumerable times in public during media interviews.


Oct 5, 2008, 3:22:06 PM10/5/08
In article
Eldon <> wrote:


> They just wanted to bask in the illusion that their OT tractor beams
> would take care of everything. I'll bet Heber still believes that,
> despite the facts the Yvonne died of cancer, and that he made a total
> fool of himself innumerable times in public during media interviews.

Boy, Heber, what a sad dude. He's the best example of $cientology
driving someone crazy that I've ever personally witnessed.


Oct 5, 2008, 9:16:35 PM10/5/08
On Oct 5, 3:22�pm, Skipper <skipSPAMpr...@yahoo.not> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> driving someone crazy that I've ever personally witnessed.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I'll bet there is some psychological profile that actors have, about
compartmenting thought and emotion, and role playing, that allows a
certain type of actor person to play along with a fantasy operation,
I'll bet it's not limited to just Scientologists who are actor type

What a wierd world, I love this Bill Maher movie just out.

There's a lot of BS to wring out of everyone's minds.

I've now witnessed so many ex Scientology leaders tumble back to
reality, I suspect Heber will follow.

I am inspired to help get ex leaders talking sense about their
Scienotlogy past.

If Heber went straight, mentally, he could do a lot of damage to the
Scientology fascade.

It is really such a desperate operation, they are so low on personnel
who can adapt to Hubbard's mentality and play the PR frontperson role
and withstand Miscavige's criticism for failing (anyone will fail
playing Hubbard's PR frontperson role). I agree Heber has played the
PR frontperson, President of the Church of Scientology International,
role for so long, it's inevitable to drive anyone nuts who tries to
pretend all of Hubbard's movement and ideas are sane and should really
be used to save the world.

I think it best to "put it out there" some sympathy for Heber and all
the other long brainwashed conditioned Hubbardite top leaders, to
defect, and go public, and expose the ridiculous Catch 22s and
predicadments of trying to forward Hubbard's worldview.

I just posted that Heber's non Scientology family suggested for the
anonymous protestors who go to Gold to mention Heber's upcoming
birthday, 31 Oct, Halloween. The family obviously want him out, they
have no clue on the wierd downsides of Scientology and what is going
on with Heber inthe SP room.

I don't think Heber's gonna make it back to PR frontperson again. I
think he's finished, and I hope he routes out and retires, has some
final years to reconcile and reflect on the role he's played.

There's really no one to be Heber's replacement, but I suppose Bob
Adams is the likely candidate to be Heber's replacement as President


Oct 5, 2008, 11:16:37 PM10/5/08
On Oct 5, 9:16 pm, "chuckbeatty77" <>
> COS.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

He's an actor but the acting is not anywhere as good as it once was.
I knew Heber enough over the years when I was in to know that he's
changed mentally.. and dramatically so since the 80's. In the news
videos I've since seen, he appears to me to be showing subtle signs of
mental deterioriation: looking like he understands what is going on
while trying not to show he's confused. I wish his ex-wife (the
painting and prints saleswoman on ebay) would just go in and get the
guy out.

Oct 6, 2008, 11:00:02 AM10/6/08
On Sep 30, 5:00 pm, SME <> wrote:
> As many people know, Omar Garrison was working on a biography of L.
> Rom Hubbard back in the early 1980s that was completely sanctioned by
> Hubbard and by organized scientology.

L. Ron Hubbard was impostored by the Vistaril guy. What makes you
think that the real L. Ron Hubbard sactioned that book, Larry?

Barbara Schwarz


Abusive transsexual BRIAN J, BRUNS aka BURNS aka "Bri", "Brielle" or
"Brielle-Jillian", born on
06/24/81, a "registered sex slave: and owner/webmaster of the abusive
AHBL ("Abusive Host Blocking
List") website and the SOSDG ("Summit open source development group")
is a CONVICTED FELON. (Felon Indictment # I-1577-02,S-2423-02 and
SAPD. Police Report # 05071019). INMATE; BRUNS, BRIAN # 445064.
The AHBL SOSDG is allegedly "non-profit" but stops free speech,
blackmails ISPs and defames people.
Bruns lies that the ABHL is non-profit. He hosted the sex pages of his
master "Lady-Arielle" who offers one hour of her perversion for over
$300,-- profit on the SOSDG server!
Bruns actually HACKED the computers of his former employer Access
Highway (http:// Bruns was many months incarcerated and has a FBI
file. Realists think that Bri (also called "the cheese") never will
change but will go back to prison.


Read also this:

Bruns retaliates and smears my name also in anonymous Blogspot that is
filled with factual lies about me for which he can be sued. It
wouldn't be the first defamation lawsuit brought against him.

Hausherr posted that it is a good idea to hurt American tourism.

Click here for information on Tilman Hausherr:

Here are factual criminal records about Hausherr's friend, the
habitual offender, defamer and forger Korey Jerome Kruse from Olathe,
Kansas. I am very certain that Kruse defames himself in ridiculous
postings saying about himself that he is convicted Nazi spy, etc. to
DISTRACT from his REAL rotten activities and criminal past, which is

He also is suspect no. 1, stalking and defaming me on Wikipedia under
ID Anynobody and other IDs.

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