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Childhood in the Sea Org

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Jan 27, 2006, 4:19:49 AM1/27/06

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:57 am Post subject: My Childhood in the
Sea Org


Some highlights of my childhood in the Sea Org in Los Angeles from

My parents joined the Sea Org in 1972 when I was six years old. I
remember my mom filling out my Sea Org contract, one of the questions
was did I have any hobbies. I said I liked doing housework with my
mom. I was brought to the Cadet Org and went to a public school. After
school, I was supervised with a group of children. I saw my parents
one day a week. I was never given a doctor’s checkup or taken to the
dentist. Our living conditions were not sanitary. Many kids had lice
and I remember a girl who had scabies.

Captain Bill Robertson came to the Cadet Org on a mission around 1973.
At one point, he had all the kids line up for muster, and then had us
yell “Hip, Hip, Hooray!” to L Ron Hubbard forty times, while we were
photographed. The kids at the Cadet Org were always encouraged to
“write letters to Ron.”

When I was seven or eight, I was given manual labor to do, such as
cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors and washing dishes. I remember my
mother being angry that they had children scrub toilets. She thought
we could get a disease. I remember once when I was seven, my mom had
to ask permission to take us from the Cadet Org to visit our dad at
another location. She wasn’t given permission to take us, and as she
sat angrily in the car, she shouted to no one in particular “This is
insane!” I asked her, what does “insane” mean? She took us to visit
our dad even though she didn’t have permission. When we got back we
were assigned lower conditions for “blowing.” Funny, a seven year old
kid, being assigned a condition of Treason and made to do “amends”
which meant I was assigned to scrub the floor for a certain amount of
hours. Someone tried to explain the conditions to me and help me
through the steps of the conditions. I didn’t even know what the words

They didn’t really put high quality people in charge of supervising
the Sea Org children. I remember one man, named Fred, who used to
terrorize us. He would shout “Revele, revele, roll-out!” and walk
through our bedrooms to wake us up. If we didn’t jump out of bed
immediately, he would rip the covers off and tip the mattress over. He
would yell at us, push us, and pull our hair. He was a strong, angry
man. It was rumored that he had sexually abused his daughters. One
time he brought me and other children (about 15 kids) to the backyard
of a Sea Org house on Beacon Street in Los Angeles. We had some
supplies, such as rakes to clean up the yard. He told us to line up
against the wall of the house, in order by height. He then picked up a
brick and said, you are all going to clean up this yard, and if I
catch anyone fooling around, I’m going to make you line up against
this wall just like you are now, and I’m going to throw this brick at
each one of your heads, starting with her (pointing to the smallest

When the Sea Org children were living on Melrose Ave, we used to have
a secret word that was yelled whenever a health inspector was coming
to the building. I believe it was “Code One” it meant we all had to go
in our rooms and shut the door. This was because the Health Inspector
was told there weren’t any children living at the building.

I was taken out of public school while I was in the sixth grade. I got
no further education. I joined the CMO when I was 12. I worked from
8:30 am to 11:00 pm, everyday of the week. I also had to participate
in “all-hands” which meant working all night, then working the next
day as well. I had very little free time. Occasionally I’d get half a
day off on Sunday for “hygiene time” to do laundry and clean my room.
Pay was about $5 to $20 a week. We were told we could have a day off
once every other week if our stats were up. It was called “libs” for
“liberty” (ironic, considering we had no freedom in the Sea Org). We
used to joke around, as if we were quoting Patrick Henry, saying “Give
me Liberty, or give me Hygiene time!” More often than not, something
would come up and libs would be canceled. But, I felt good, I was
“saving the world.” I was treated with respect by other Sea Org adults
who thought I was such a cool kid for being in the Sea Org and working
for the CMO.

I went to CMO Int when I was about 15 in 1980. I wasn’t told where I
was going and had to sign a contract that I agreed to pay $50,000 if I
ever told anyone where Int was. I told my parents I was going, but I
didn’t know where it was or when I’d ever see them again. I was told
that people who worked at Int couldn’t have children. I had to agree
to not have children if I wanted to work there. The night I left for
Int, I was driven there in a van with some other people.

At Int, I saw people being yelled at by David Miscavidge and others. I
saw people woken up in the middle of the night and given “gang bang
sec checks” where two or more people interrogate you while you’re
holding the cans of the e-meter. They would ask embarrassing questions
about sex and whether you were trying to hurt Scientology. They
basically would try to get you to incriminate yourself so they could
punish you. I think they had already decided they were going to bust
someone, and they would just do this sec check to further intimate the
person and get any information they could out of the person. The
people were usually soon assigned to the Running Program, EPF or RPF.

At Int, I was a secretary to an executive, but although I had to be
constantly on call for any request, she didn’t give me a lot to do. So
I would sit in her office, waiting for her to give me an assignment.
After several months, I was removed from my post. I don’t really know
why. My supervisor yelled at me and accused me of being “slow.” I
distinctly remember her saying that she could easily find some 12 year
olds who could run circles around me. I remember thinking, cynically,
“Sure you can, because 12 year olds don’t know anything and are easily

When I was removed from my post, I was given a “gang-bang sec check”
by two people who led me to a small room, had me pick up the cans, and
then angrily interrogated me, asking me if I wanted to have sex with
David Miscavidge, among other embarrassing sexual questions. They also
wanted to know if I had secrets or was trying to hurt Scientology
execs. I replied “No” to all their questions, I was taken off my post
and assigned to do manual labor. I was scared and angry. I knew deep
down that the way they were treating people was wrong, but I still
believed in Scientology.

I helped build the “Clipper ship” at Gold, worked on building
renovations and was assigned to dig ditches for an orchard that was to
be planted. I had calluses on my hand from the shovels, we didn’t have
gloves. Our work schedule was ridiculous. It was literally 6:00am to
midnight. We were given 5 hours to sleep. The lack of sleep was the
hardest part. It was torture after awhile. Day after day with 5 hours
sleep, all summer long. Some people used to sleep in the bathroom
stalls or just lay on the bed in the sick room and sleep.

After several months of doing manual labor at Int, I was sent to the
RPF in Los Angeles. Everyone on the RPF had to dress in dark blue
clothes and run everywhere they went. We were not allowed to use the
elevator, and had to address everyone as “sir.” We had to eat
leftovers after the regular staff had eaten. We were assigned manual
labor all day long. We had no rights and no time off. On the RPF, a
guard would sit outside our bedrooms all night in case anyone on the
RPF tried to run away during the night. I remember having doubts about
Scientology, thinking that if Scientology took over the world, they
would treat everyone this way. There would be no freedom of thought or

You couldn’t even confide in a friend. I made the mistake of telling a
friend on the RPF about my former supervisor, I told my friend my
supervisor had been a real b****, and not long after I was assigned to
the RPF’s RPF. It turns out my friend told someone what I said while
she was getting sec checked or audited. I don’t blame her, we were all
encouraged to report anything that was “harmful to Scientology.” I
should have known better than to say anything critical to anyone.

So, I was assigned to the RPF’s RPF, when I was 16 years old. I was
taken under guard to the boiler room and made to chip paint off the
floor all day, while a guard sat in a chair and watched me. I was
given 15 minutes to eat meals, and 6 hours to sleep. I was guarded day
and night. I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone. This went on for a few
days, and then I was returned to the regular RPF. I felt numb.

While on the RPF I was put on the Running Program, and was on it over
200 days. I spent all day running around a red pole in Griffith Park
while being supervised. The supervisor made sure I was running to
“complete exhaustion” and I didn’t spend too much time resting on the
bench. I could easily have faked a “win” and finished the Running
Program, but at this point I believed in Scientology, and I wasn’t
going to lie about having a win just to get off the Running Program.
Even though it would have made my life easier to lie, I thought, if
Scientology works, then I should have a win from this Running Program,
and I’m not going to lie about one.

What finally helped me leave the Sea Org was my brother visiting me a
couple of times while I was on the RPF and pointing out the many lies
that Sea Org members are told. We are promised a day off, a vacation,
that we would get paid, etc., etc. and then there are always reasons
why we won’t get paid, can’t have our day off or have a vacation. The
vacation promise was hilarious. There was a policy by LRH that every
Sea Org member was entitled to a three week vacation every year. The
catch was, you had to find someone to cover your post before you could
leave. Of course, no one was available to cover for anyone, we were
all too busy doing our own posts and trying to keep our stats up, so
not many people ever took a vacation. Usually if someone was allowed
to leave for a week or two, it was to go “handle” their relatives who
were causing “bad pr.” The person would be drilled on how to talk to
their relatives before they left, and they would be debriefed when
they got back.

When I left the Sea Org, I had to sleep in my parent’s car. My parents
were still in the Sea Org. I had nowhere to go, no possessions and no
money, not even a high school diploma. I had been in the Sea Org for
ten years. I was 16 years old, and I needed a job so I could support

I’m just one of many people who were abused by the Cult of
Scientology. This is what Tom Cruise endorses and donates millions of
dollars to.



Jan 27, 2006, 8:27:37 AM1/27/06
Cerri, thanks for posting this, although it moved me to tears.

-maggie, human being


Jan 27, 2006, 8:57:25 AM1/27/06

banchukita wrote:

> Cerri, thanks for posting this, although it moved me to tears.

Me too. I'm still laughing.


Jan 27, 2006, 9:42:57 AM1/27/06
banchukita wrote:

There are a lot of similar materials around on the net.
Mark Plummer, Warrior had a whole bunch of horrifying materials.
I have read other declarations on the subject and its
been a snake pit since the 70's.

Somebody needs to sit down and start collecting these together.

A good project for somebody "Children in Scientology".
The abuses went on for years and years.


It's all coming down! It's all coming down!
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre II

Cheerful Charlie


Jan 27, 2006, 12:29:45 PM1/27/06
In article <TFIEJ8HS3874...@anonymous.poster>, Cerridwen

>Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:57 am Post subject: My Childhood
>in the Sea Org
>Some highlights of my childhood in the Sea Org in Los Angeles from
>My parents joined the Sea Org in 1972 when I was six years old. I
>remember my mom filling out my Sea Org contract, one of the questions
>was did I have any hobbies. I said I liked doing housework with my
>mom. I was brought to the Cadet Org and went to a public school. After
>school, I was supervised with a group of children. I saw my parents
>one day a week. I was never given a doctor's checkup or taken to the
>dentist. Our living conditions were not sanitary. Many kids had lice
>and I remember a girl who had scabies.
>Captain Bill Robertson came to the Cadet Org on a mission around 1973.
>At one point, he had all the kids line up for muster, and then had us
>yell "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" to L Ron Hubbard forty times, while we were
>photographed. The kids at the Cadet Org were always encouraged to
>"write letters to Ron."
>When I was seven or eight, I was given manual labor to do, such as
>cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors and washing dishes. <snip rest>

Warrior - Sunshine disinfects
"Scientology: it's about deception."

Jan 27, 2006, 2:27:10 PM1/27/06
Thanks Cerri for this post. I have heard similar incidents re the
children being moved to the park or hid when the Health Inspectors
came. The cult apparently had a plant in the Health Dept. who would
give them ample warning.
If an un-wed poor mother treated her children as these were and are
they would be before the courts in a heart-beat. Remarkable what a
"Religious License" can do for a criminal organization.

Ida Camburn

"You must have crossed the river to tell the crocodile he has bad
Chinese Proverb


Jan 27, 2006, 3:01:19 PM1/27/06

wbarwell wrote:
> banchukita wrote:
> There are a lot of similar materials around on the net.
> Mark Plummer, Warrior had a whole bunch of horrifying materials.
> I have read other declarations on the subject and its
> been a snake pit since the 70's.
> Somebody needs to sit down and start collecting these together.
> A good project for somebody "Children in Scientology".
> The abuses went on for years and years.

Someone in the media needs to expose this side of Scientology.
Perhaps Oprah, now that Tom Cruise has jumped on her couch and she's
had a peek at the
dark side of Scientology.

Or that author who is writing the book about Tom Cruise might want to
show what's happened out of sight of the celebrities who appear not to
have a clue what evil they are supporting.



Jan 27, 2006, 3:06:57 PM1/27/06


Jan 27, 2006, 5:58:33 PM1/27/06

What is W.Q.S.B.?



Jan 27, 2006, 7:40:14 PM1/27/06

>> >In article <TFIEJ8HS3874...@anonymous.poster>, Cerridwen
>> >posted:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:57 am Post subject: My Childhood
>> >>in the Sea Org
>> >>
>> >>----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>
>> >>Some highlights of my childhood in the Sea Org in Los Angeles from
>> >>1972-1982:
>> >>
>> >>My parents joined the Sea Org in 1972 when I was six years old. I
>> >>remember my mom filling out my Sea Org contract, one of the questions
>> >>was did I have any hobbies. I said I liked doing housework with my
>> >>mom. I was brought to the Cadet Org and went to a public school. After
>> >>school, I was supervised with a group of children. I saw my parents
>> >>one day a week. I was never given a doctor's checkup or taken to the
>> >>dentist. Our living conditions were not sanitary. Many kids had lice
>> >>and I remember a girl who had scabies.
>> >>
>> >>Captain Bill Robertson came to the Cadet Org on a mission around 1973.
>> >>At one point, he had all the kids line up for muster, and then had us
>> >>yell "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" to L Ron Hubbard forty times, while we were
>> >>photographed. The kids at the Cadet Org were always encouraged to
>> >>"write letters to Ron."
>> >>
>> >>When I was seven or eight, I was given manual labor to do, such as
>> >>cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors and washing dishes.

>> In article <>,
Warrior did write:
>> >
>> >

>Warrior wrote:

In <>,
Povmec asked:
>What is W.Q.S.B.?

See #2 here:
You will find other good information my post (#4) in this thread.

Larry T.

Jan 27, 2006, 10:54:27 PM1/27/06
"Cerridwen" <> wrote in message

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:57 am Post subject: My Childhood in the
Sea Org


Some highlights of my childhood in the Sea Org in Los Angeles from


At Int, I was a secretary to an executive, but although I had to be
constantly on call for any request, she didn't give me a lot to do. So
I would sit in her office, waiting for her to give me an assignment.
After several months, I was removed from my post. I don't really know
why. My supervisor yelled at me and accused me of being "slow." I
distinctly remember her saying that she could easily find some 12 year
olds who could run circles around me. I remember thinking, cynically,
"Sure you can, because 12 year olds don't know anything and are easily

When I was removed from my post, I was given a "gang-bang sec check"
by two people who led me to a small room, had me pick up the cans, and
then angrily interrogated me, asking me if I wanted to have sex with
David Miscavidge, among other embarrassing sexual questions.


This question really stands out.
Why in the world Cerridwen is it unethical to fantasize about having sex
with someone?
I have done it thousands of times.
Does this mean high testosterone levels or estrogen levels will result in
sec checks?
To me it means David Miscavige and his wife are fucking their brains out
behind the
backs of Sea Org members and telling them "Don't you ever try this"! {i.e.
that is if Sea
Org members ever find out what sex really is?}

Holy shit! If so, that church is really getting more loused up every day.




Jan 30, 2006, 11:22:46 AM1/30/06

And the abuses continue - for other Sea Org children - to this day.


Jan 27, 2006, 2:44:58 PM1/27/06
to wrote:

> Thanks Cerri for this post. I have heard similar incidents re the
> children being moved to the park or hid when the Health Inspectors
> came. The cult apparently had a plant in the Health Dept. who would
> give them ample warning.
> If an un-wed poor mother treated her children as these were and are
> treated
> they would be before the courts in a heart-beat. Remarkable what a
> "Religious License" can do for a criminal organization.
> Ida Camburn

Warrior has a few files on these sort
of things at this site.


Feb 5, 2006, 6:47:59 PM2/5/06

An important thread.


Feb 5, 2006, 8:52:28 PM2/5/06
>> Ida Camburn wrote:
>>> Thanks Cerri for this post. I have heard similar incidents re the
>>> children being moved to the park or hid when the Health Inspectors
>>> came. The cult apparently had a plant in the Health Dept. who would
>>> give them ample warning.
>>> If an un-wed poor mother treated her children as these were and are
>>> treated
>>> they would be before the courts in a heart-beat. Remarkable what a
>>> "Religious License" can do for a criminal organization.
>>> Ida Camburn

>wbarwell wrote:
>> Warrior has a few files on these sort
>> of things at this site.

>> Cheerful Charlie

In <>,
Muldoon wrote:
>An important thread.

Here's a link to at least 15 posts I've made on the subject of an
"ally" Scientology had in the LA County Health Inspector's Office: Scientology only managed to avoid
having the Cadet Org shut down because the "ally" tipped off
the cult that they were about to be raided.

Here's an excerpt/repost with references to some of Scientology's
own issues which talk about the chronic, degraded conditions at the
Cadet Org:

From: Warrior
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Re: the First ex Seaorg member I met in l976
Date: 9 Oct 2004 21:07:00 -0700
Organization: Newsguy News Service
Message-ID: <>
References: <>

In article <>,
Ida Camburn wrote:
>I did not relate this event in my story that is here on the net. One of many
>I left for another day. In that the Insider is getting such a rap as to whether
>his post is accountable -this may add one more to his findings today. The
>cult has not changed.
>In August of l976 we went to visit a young man who we were told had left
>the SO. He was at work where a family member had employed him. He was
>a handsome young man approx thirty with the most beautiful blue eyes. I
>felt that I could look through his eyes to the other side -I didn't know then
>that over processing changes ones eyes if only temporarily. We talked for
>an hour his telling us why he left the sea org. He said his wife came to him
>one day and said "We have to get out of this place , come see our baby".
>He went to where the young sea org children were watching over the small
>ones. The baby was lying on a soiled mattress and she was covered with
>sores. They had two other youngsters there also. Within days they left and
>fortunately had a relative who helped them. He told us how there was a plant
>in the Health Department so when someone complained to them the person
>was alerted. This would put everyone in the SO in a big rush to clean out the
>All the filthy mattresses would be shoved into one room along with other things
>showing the room was overcrowded and unclean. The door would be locked. All
>the children would be taken out and to a park leaving one or two there so as to
>look that the place was used. The health inspector would come in and give an
>all OK and leave. The children would be brought back and that was it.
>The young man who had left started to write a book. Was not long til he had
>several 'visitors' from the Org informing him that could not be. A short time
>later we got the message due to the fear of the threats he changed his name
>and the young couple with their children moved to another state. I purposely
>made myself forget his name as I would never have wanted to reveal it to any-
>one. I only wish them after all these years they are safe and sound and their
>children are now out of college, working and enjoying freedom. It is hard to
>believe that happened 28 years ago. It is also hard to believe the abuses and
>the fear still prevails and apparently the Health Dept. ignores complaints.
>Ida Camburn

It is true that Scientology had a plant inside the LA County Health
Inspector's Office. Steve LaMarr, the Assistant Guardian for the Cadet
Org, admitted this in Cadet GO ED #4 of 5 May 1979 titled "PARENT

Here's a post where I mentioned this, amongst other things:

From: Warrior
Subject: More on Illegal Conditions for Sea Org Children
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Date: 2000/05/04

In article <>, says...
>To appease Cornelius Krasel's sense of fairness, I believe this is
>where he says one is obligated to point out that it is only a small
>minority of Scientology parents who are in the Sea Org and so only
>a minority of Scientology parents are ripped apart from their small
>children by these insane policies.

I didn't see [what] Cornelius said. Perhaps only a small minority of Sea
Org members these days are parents, but when I was in (1975-1983),
parents did not comprise a small minority. The year prior to my joining
the Sea Org (1974), parents did comprise a small minority of SO mem-
bers. L Ron Hubbard's Communicator for the United States, Lt. Toby
Young (Robert Vaughn Young's ex-wife, by the way), called all SO par-
ents together to brief them on Hubbard's orders regarding the Cadet
Org. At that time, there were *very* few parents who were SO mem-
bers, as shown by Scientology management's Aides Order 203-71:

"LRH Comm US at the time [1974] Toby Young called all PAC parents
together and briefed them on the [Hubbard] advice [euphemism for
an order]. ... However there was no correct organizational set-up
done for the Cadet Org at the same time and the scene rapidly
deteriorated again. There were also only approx 20 parents at the
time and while the number of parents rapidly increased soon

Between 1975-1983, approximately 30% of the Sea Org members in PAC (the
LA area) were parents. Here are some actual figures on the number of children
in the Cadet Org from the Sea Organization's Aides Order 203-71 "PAC Cadet
Org / Cadet Estates Org Establishment Eval" of August 28, 1981:

"There are 339 children in PAC SO orgs as of Mar 81:

0 - 1 years old - 30
1 - 2 years old - 30
2 - 3 years old - 44
3 - 4 years old - 23
4 - 5 years old - 28
5 - 6 years old - 41
6 - 7 years old - 14
7 - 8 years old - 16
8 - 9 years old - 12
9 - 10 years old - 21
10 - 11 years old - 10
11 - 12 years old - 12
12 - 13 years old - 18
13 - 14 years old - 8
14 - 15 years old - 12
15 - 16 years old - 6
16 - 17 years old - 11
17 - 18 years old - 3
Total = 339"

Prior to 1981, many parents left the Sea Org ("routed out" or "blew" rather
than be separated from their children) or were ordered to leave ("fitness
boarded"). The means by which Scientology accomplished this is by ordering
a "Fitness Board" to be convened upon any member who was suspected of
not producing a sufficient quantity of "VFPs" ("valuable final products") to
warrant the expense to the SO of caring for their children. Not only were
existing SO parents "routed out of" the Sea Org (if their production wasn't
high enough), but *no* new pregnancies were permitted amongst existing
SO parents, and *no* new members with children were allowed to join the
Sea Org unless they could establish their "worth" before joining (see below).

There is an issue that addressed this very situation. It was issued by the
LRH Comm Network International (the network that enforced Hubbard's orders).
The title is Executive Directive Network 26 PAC of June 29th, 1979,
"Pregnancies and Babies in PAC". It was issued broadly to "ALL PAC EXECS
AND CREW" [all caps in original order].

It stated in part:

"It is important that CCO [Child Care Org] be given the chance to
become set up to ensure our children are cared for optimumly and
trained for their future [as Sea Org members]. We have alot of work
to do on the third dynamic [as a group] here in PAC and alot to
handle and the time and work having to be expended to cope with the
expanding baby population at CCO can be better directed toward this.
Therefore the following rule is established:

IN PAC. [all caps in original]

"Any couple violating this rule will be subject to immediate
Fitness Board to determine whether they are sufficiently a facility
differential to their org and the Sea Org to warrant the expense,
manpower and space required to care for their child. If the Fitness
Board finds that they are not, they will be routed out.

"Any person recruited for a PAC Org who has children must be weighed
against his value to the SO versus the expense and work of caring for
the child or children.

"Before any person with children is routed in [allowed to join the SO] a
CSW [Completed Staff Work] showing the person's worth and how the org
is going to accomodate for the children at CCO must be approved through
Sr HCO PAC [the Senior Hubbard Communications Office PAC]."

As I have noted, the above order was issued in 1979. By 1981, the situation
at the Cadet Org was so bad that an extensive "handling" had to be done to
avert a "major legal flap", as revealed by the following excerpts from the
Aides Order 203-71:

"Due to the recent filthy conditions of the CEO and the criminal
behaviour of the children the area has become a PR and Legal
threat to the Church."

The month before Executive Directive Network 26 PAC was issued, Steve LaMarr,
the Assistant Guardian for the Cadet Org issued Cadet GO ED [Cadet Org Guardian
Office Executive Directive] #4 of 5 May 1979 to all PAC parents and Child Care
Org staff and "those concerned". The issue was entitled "PARENT BRIEFING ON
ANNEX AND PT SCENE". It stated, with regards to one potential "legal flap":

(Note that an "ally", i.e., someone on the inside of the LA County Health
Inspector's Office, helped tip Scientology that they were about to be raided.)

"in Feb. the hepatitis scene happened and we were swarmed over by
County and State Health Inspectors. The County Inspector (an ally)
found out about the existence of the Fountain [an illegally operating
child care facility] and said this is not OK and let's quickly work
together and handle it. He continually predicted an attack from another
agency and was not able to say which one. We found the Annex [a vacant
building at 1845 N. Bronson Avenue, next to Celebrity Center] could be
used and was legal with a small amount of renos and started to work.
Sure enough, we were raided by 2 Special Agents of the State. But
because of our taking full responsibility for our scene and well into having
the Annex ready for use, there was nothing they could do to us. I will
not go into detail of what they could have done but will indicate that
we were suited in 1974 for running illegal child care and this would
have been our second offence. First time we got probation and you
could imagine what the second offense would have gotten us."

Lest anyone think that the deplorable and illegal conditions at the Cadet
Org were an isolated occurrance, consider the following excerpts from
Aides Order 203-71. This issue was released following an observation
mission sent to PAC to do a "handling" of the long-term situations which
existed at the Sea Org's child care facilities.

Here is what the Board of Directors found. These findings were presented
by Larry Price, the Sea Org Evaluator, and were approved by Scientology's
Watchdog Committee for the Board:


"Numerous reports of out-ethics and criminal behaviour by PAC
children, i.e. out-2D [illegal sexual conduct], stealing, etc."

"Quite a number of children are behind their grade level on
studies in the public school system (which is absurd since
we have study tech and wogs don't)."

"As shown by the Stat Section the Cadet Org and CEO scene is
wildly off the rails and the scene has become very degraded.
PAC SO children instead of becoming valuable personnel assets
are in many cases becoming criminals."

"the CO Cadet Org put on by the 76 mission, Bob Raffe, was
criminal and sadistic to other Cadets. He was removed mid 77
after he handcuffed another Cadet to an electrical outlet and
nearly electrocuted him."

"Looking into this [Cadet Org] it was found that the CEO also
had a large number of DBs ["degraded beings"], criminals and
perverts posted in it. Some of these would slap the cadets around"

"Parents have dumped their parents hats on SO. SO has consistently
dumped its Cadet hat on parents in PAC (a fact I just recently
added up [Hubbard's words!]) by using them as a via. The result has
been a ruddy old mess of no responsibility on either side - a between
two chairs scene."

"the SO has also continued to neglect their hat [responsibilities]
with respect to Cadets as shown by the fact that they have continually
put their unwanted or reject staff into the CEO and have done nothing
effective to handle the degraded conditions that the Cadet Org and CEO
[Cadet Estates Org] recently fell into. The GO [Guardian Office US]
recently had to bypass to get the place adequately cleaned up to pass
an official inspection [by government health authorities] and avert a
legal flap."

"A recent survey of PAC parents and mgmt terminals showed that they
considered children to be mainly just a 2nd Dynamic activity. And
their actions as covered in this eval[uation, i.e. Aides Order 203-71]
show they do not view children as a PT resource worth investing a lot
of time or effort in."


This last sentence sums up Scientology's position towards the children
of Sea Org members. By my own experience, Scientology's Sea Org continually
neglected the children of its Sea Org members. For years, the Cadet Org
operated under filthy, degraded conditions. The existing child care staff
were in many cases severely unqualified to care for children, and to make
matters worse, the Cadet Org was grossly understaffed with sufficient
personnel. In fact, much of the time I was in the SO, the Cadet Org was
operating its child care facility in violation of California codes which
pertain to the required legal ratio of child care workers to children.

My own son, when he was around 6-7 years old, used to sneak out of the Cadet
Org facility on Fountain Avenue to get away from the degradation. His nanny,
Joanne, seldom noticed that he was absent. One time he was picked up by the
Hollywood Police Department after he was found lost and wandering the streets
alone on Hollywood Blvd. one evening while I was on post.

I grew increasingly disgusted with the lack of care for SO children (not just
my own child). After realizing that Scientology management consistently
failed for years to provide a sufficient number of qualified child care workers,
I left the SO.

After leaving the Sea Org I was to learn of the sexual abuse my son and three
other young boys between 6-7 years of age suffered while in the Cdet Org at the
hands of their male nanny, who used to threaten them into performing illegal,
perverted sex acts.

Again, I quote from Aides Order 203-71:

"Looking into this it was found that the CEO also had a large number
of DBs ["degraded beings"], criminals and perverts posted in it.
Some of these would slap the cadets around"

I wish my son had "only" been slapped around instead...

I attest that the above is true.

Warrior - Scientology fears truth - Sunshine disinfects
Scientology: it's about deception." -

"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means
he uses to frighten you." -- Eric Hoffer

Message has been deleted


Feb 6, 2006, 4:54:07 AM2/6/06



Feb 6, 2006, 12:36:33 PM2/6/06
One of the many fans of the wrote:

> Cerridwen wrote:
>> http://o
> I NEVER read any anti-Scientologist who would be real critical of
> psychiatry abuses. How come? If they would human rights activists how
> come that they let psychiatry come with abuse and murder, murder
> murder, murder.....

Off topic here. Go to the proper newsgroup.

This is about Hubbard's failing and Scientology.

Rant and rave about pain and sex all you want, hubbard was crazy.
An no better.

From: L. Ron Hubbard - Madman or Messiah
- Bent Corydon

"I Let Him Undress Me
Without Resisting"


According to a sworn affidavit the following events occurred during
this period.
Heidi Forrester (not her real name) joined The Church of Scientology
in July of 1974, just after having completed her senior year of
college. She had read a science fiction book by L. Ron Hubbard, and
had become curious about a book called Dianetics, the Modern Science
of Mental Health advertised in the back of the book. She wrote
for the book and received it shortly afterwards.



Fascinated by the claims made by Hubbard about enhancing creative
and perceptive talents, she responded positively to a call by a Sea
Org recruiter who mentioned he had received the card she had sent
in for more information.


I spent some time on the ship and over the next year became fairly
highly trained and audited (at my own expense). Word spread that I
was on a fairly high auditing level. This fact, it appears, resulted
in my being chosen for some very horrible experiences:
I was raped on orders that had "come down lines" a person
who fits the description of Hubbard....
It became apparent to me that as a Sea Org member at ASHO, there
was a very strong law concerning relationships. Sea Org members did
not have any sexual contact with public students or preclears. At
ASHO anyway, this law was observed rigidly among the staff. An
interpretation of the S.O.'s feeling about sex with public persons
was that the S.O. was "above" such activities. We were so "elite,"
that sex with the public would "spoil" our control over the public.
However, there was no law preventing S.O. members from having sexual
contact with other S.O. members. In fact, this was expected if one
had been with the S.O. for an appreciable length of time. Marriages
in the S.O. were common....
I could never understand the amount and frequency of "swapping
partners" in the S.O. This went on constantly.
One week two staff would be married (in a Scientology marriage
ceremony) and then the woman would become pregnant. A few weeks
later she would marry another Sea Org member, have the baby and
then marry another S.O. member and so on. When a couple married
they would obtain a marriage certificate from city hall, but it meant
nothing. It was all done as part of a "shore story" to keep legal
problems relating to marriage from reaching the S.O.
If a couple wanted to divorce, they just broke up. There were never
formal divorces in the S.O., they didn't have to get permission from
anyone to end their relationship. There was never much property to
divide between them anyway.
The offspring of these "marriages" went to Pumpkin School, Apple
School, and the Cadet Org to be indoctrinated with Hubbard's
techniques so they didn't become problems to the Organization.
I observed all this during my first year in the S.O. It bothered me.
Here were all the staff, supposedly ethical people, who were
all-knowing about humanity, busting up relationships all the time.
I independently decided that I would have no sexual contact with
anyone in the S.O. I totally suppressed my own sexuality, and decided
I would not play that game.



In late 1975, I was told to report to the Hubbard Communications
office. The senior officer there at the time, informed me that I was to
report to the Fifield Manor and go to the seventh floor. She gave me
no other information. I did this without knowing why I was going.
At the Manor, I was directed to the elevator and went to the seventh
floor. The entire floor was elaborately furnished to the point of
suffocation. An S.O. member appeared and showed me to a door that was
partly open.
I went into a very large living room with heavy curtains, pile
overstuffed chairs and clean to the point of obsession.
Sitting on one of the chairs, drinking what looked like sherry, was a
heavy-set older man. He had reddish grey hair, slightly long in the
back. He was wearing a white shirt, black pants, black tie, and black
shoes, highly polished.
He didn't say a word and slowly got up, motioned me to follow him
into the next room.
I didn't know if it was Hubbard, and wondered if I was to have
either an auditing session or an interview. I followed him.
I found myself in a lavish bedroom. This still didn't worry me as
sometimes interviews and sessions were held in bedrooms at the
Hollywood Inn for staff.
There was small table set up with an E-meter on it and again I
thought about a session.
Without a word he suddenly began to undress me.
I was repelled by him.
I did not want to sleep with him. Yet, I felt really chilled and
cold to the bone at that moment.
I acutely sensed real fear and danger in the room. In an instant I
realized the calculated power coming from this person. If I resisted
I knew that my punishment would be extreme.
His eyes were so blank, no emotion, no interaction, nothing was
I made the decision to not resist no matter what happened. I
realized it would be a bad mistake for me to do so. He seemed to
be completely divorced from reality. He was so strange that I
realized that if I provoked him he could be extremely dangerous.
I let him undress me without resisting.
I was totally unprepared for what happened next.
He lay on top of me.
As far as I can tell he had no erection. However, using his hand in
some way he managed to get his penis inside me.
Then for the next hour he did absolutely nothing at all. I mean
After the first twenty-five minutes I became about as frightened as I

"*I Let Him Undress Me*" 127

have ever been in my life. I felt as if in some perverse way he was
telling me that he hated me as a female. I then began to feel that
my mind was being ripped away from me by force.
That was the worst of all. I really felt he "coveted" an aspect of my
personality and he wanted it. This was weird, total control on a level
could not fathom at that time. I had no idea what was happening.*
After half an hour I really thought I was going crazy. I couldn't
move my body from underneath him, and I could feel he still had no
He wouldn't look at me, but instead kept his head averted to the
side and just gazed into space.
I had to discipline myself to keep from screaming because I felt I
was having a nervous breakdown.
Then I got the terrible thought that he was dead. He was hardly
breathing. Then I thought he would kill me too. My thoughts became
very morbid.
After an hour he got up and walked out.
I just lay there for ten minutes. Then mechanically I got dressed.
Instantly after that I began crying hysterically. I cried and cried
and cried.
I wasn't afraid of becoming pregnant. I was so afraid of whatever
had been going on in this man's head.
Finally when I couldn't cry anymore, I went downstairs and took a
bus back to ASHO. [American St. Hill Organization]
I didn't say a word to anyone.


Months went by after this. I got my period on schedule which made
me feel a little gratified at least.
One night I was working late. Gerry Larson, who was now the deputy
C.O., came into my area and asked if I wanted a ride back to the
Inn. This seemed a little strange as he was a senior officer, OT7,
Native State, class 7 auditor; but I accepted.
On the way in the car he asked me if I had ever fallen in love
sexually in the S.O. I said "No."
"I think that's true," he said, "because you are much too powerful
theta-wise to be controlled."
When we got to the Inn we went up in the elevator together and as I
was about to get off at my floor he said he needed to talk to me.
I said "O.K." as he was an officer and I thought a friend. Also he
was married....
We went to the eighth floor of the Inn into a little bedroom. He sat

*This sounds like a form of "spiritual vampirism," a kind of "Black


on the bed and started talking about eight being the symbol for
and the highest level of OTness.
I thought that was interesting, but couldn't figure out why he was
telling me this.
"Ron works in eight-year cycles," he said. "You were born in the
eighth month of the year (August). Orders had come down lines that
you are to conceive a child." he said.
This really shocked me.
"I can't tell you who sent the order," he said. "Your abilities are
such that the Sea Org needs you to have a baby."
Without another word he pulled me up, hurriedly undressed me
and threw me on the bed.
Again I felt the same feeling that I mustn't fight him.
He got undressed and for the next hour the exact same performance
that had happened to me at the Manor was repeated....
Afterwards I felt ripped apart mentally. As he was getting undressed
I couldn't stand it anymore. I was in tears again. I said:
"Sir, I can't understand what you are doing to me."'
He looked at me and said:
"Heidi, you haven't seen the OT materials for OT7 yet, but you
know what you are. You are an invisible spirit operating your body.
You and I actually live in a totally different universe, far away
from this one. This Earth, this galaxy, our bodies are just pictures
we are mocking up to play and have a game. Sex for a thetan is nothing.
It's the postulates and control of mind and body that is the prize.
"If I postulate you will have a baby from the viewpoint of my home
universe, then you will. You are under my command coming from far
away. I can make your body do what I want."
Then he left.
I was so mixed up. I had been trained to believe everything he said,
yet I couldn't believe he had just told me what he had.
I felt really defenseless. I cried all night.
A month later I got my period. A month after that my senior called
me into his room.
"Go to ethics!" he said.
The "ethics officer" assigned me a condition of treason because I had
disobeyed command intention and was not pregnant.
I had to do amends for this "crime."
After this I never had any other sexual relations in the Sea Org up
the point where I left. It was made apparent that I was a failure in



The first law of the false prophet has
always and ever been "Don't laugh!"

Cheerful Charlie


Feb 6, 2006, 4:40:15 PM2/6/06



Feb 8, 2006, 5:39:51 AM2/8/06

This is an important area that deserves re-posting after disgusting
Scientology cult span attacks.

Apr 12, 2015, 4:57:17 PM4/12/15
Hi Sara, My name is Talman and I was also in I believe that Beacon Ave. house in 1972 to 73. Your memories are correct, mine were the same. We were schooled in that house by an abusive teacher named Jackie, do you remember her? I watched the doc "Going Clear" and a lot of memories came back to me. I remember Jackie beating me once, and running away to the Hollywood location with a high fever on several LA busses to find my mother. Thank God she left in 73. Thanks for sharing!
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